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A laboratory weathering study using a humidity cell procedure was conducted on two sulfide-bearing tailing samples from a metallurgical site in Ontario (Canada). The test was accompanied by microbiological studies to enumerate the major groups of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and determine their potential role at different stages during the oxidation process. To evaluate the utility of this method, results were compared with those of previous laboratory and field studies on the same materials. The mineralogy of the laboratory samples differs only by the addition of a small amount of hydronium-bearing natrojarosite [(Na,H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6] to one sample. The progress of sulfide oxidation and the rates of solute release were determined to evaluate the extent of mineral dissolution. These processes were influenced strongly by the capacity of the material to generate acidity, which was enhanced by the presence of hydronium-bearing natrojarosite. Acid-neutralization processes occurring during the laboratory tests were affected by reaction kinetics, consistent with field observations. In particular, the extent of carbonate-mineral dissolution appears to be different in the laboratory than in the field, where more prolonged rock–water interaction allowed more complete chemical equilibration. As a consequence, the capacity of this test procedure to predict weathering reactions in mine tailings is limited by its inability to reproduce the weathering sequence observed in the field. The results of the microbiological study showed that distinct groups of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria operate at different stages of the oxidative process, as was observed in field studies where tailings oxidation occurred under natural conditions, suggesting that microbiological tests performed for laboratory studies are reflective of field conditions.  相似文献   
Reactive barriers are passive and in situ ground water treatment systems. Heterogeneities in hydraulic conductivity (K) within the aquifer-reactive barrier system will result in higher flux rates, and reduced residence times, through portions of the barrier. These spatial variations in residence time will affect the treatment capacity of the barrier. A numerical flow model was used to evaluate the effects of spatial variations in K on preferential flow through barriers. The simulations indicate that the impact of heterogeneities in K will be a function of their location and distribution; the more localized the high K zone, the greater the preferential flow. The geometry of the reactive barrier will also strongly influence flow distribution. Aquifer heterogeneities will produce greater preferential flow in thinner barriers compared to thicker barriers. If the barrier K is heterogeneous, greater preferential flow will occur in thicker barriers. The K of the barrier will affect the flow distribution; decreasing the K of the barrier can result in more even distribution of flow. Results indicate that less variable flow will be attained utilizing thicker, homogeneous barriers. The addition of homogeneous zones to thinner barriers will be effective at redistributing flow only if installed immediately adjacent to both the up- and downgradient faces of the barrier.  相似文献   
Nearly half a century after mine closure, release of As from the Ylöjärvi Cu–W–As mine tailings in groundwater and surface water run-off was observed. Investigations by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), synchrotron-based micro-X-ray diffraction (μ-XRD), micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure (μ-XANES) and micro-extended X-ray absorption fine structure (μ-EXAFS) spectroscopy, and a sequential extraction procedure were performed to assess As attenuation mechanisms in the vadose zone of this tailings deposit. Results of SEM, EMPA, and sequential extractions indicated that the precipitation of As bearing Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides (up to 18.4 wt.% As2O5) and Fe(III) arsenates were important secondary controls on As mobility. The μ-XRD, μ-XANES and μ-EXAFS analyses suggested that these phases correspond to poorly crystalline and disordered As-bearing precipitates, including arsenical ferrihydrite, scorodite, kaňkite, and hydrous ferric arsenate (HFA). The pH within 200 cm of the tailings surface averaged 5.7, conditions which favor the precipitation of ferrihydrite. Poorly crystalline Fe(III) arsenates are potentially unstable over time, and their transformation to ferrihydrite, which contributes to As uptake, has potential to increase the As adsorption capacity of the tailings. Arsenic mobility in tailings pore water at the Ylöjärvi mine will depend on continued arsenopyrite oxidation, dissolution or transformation of secondary Fe(III) arsenates, and the As adsorption capacity of Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides within this tailings deposit.  相似文献   
 The oxidation and the subsequent dissolution of sulfide minerals within the Copper Cliff tailings area have led to the release of heavy metals such as Fe, Ni, and Co to the tailings pore water. Dissolved concentrations in excess of 10 g/l Fe and 2.2 g/l Ni have been detected within the shallow pore water of the tailings, with increasing depth these concentrations decrease to or near analytical detection limits. Geochemical modelling of the pore-water chemistry suggests that pH-buffering reactions are occurring within the shallow oxidized zones, and that secondary phases are precipitating at or near the underlying hardpan and transition zones. Mineralogical study of the tailings confirmed the presence of goethite, jarosite, gypsum, native sulfur, and a vermiculite-type clay mineral. Goethite, jarosite, and native sulfur form alteration rims and pseudo-morphs of the sulfide minerals. Interstitial cements, composed of goethite, jarosite, and gypsum, locally bind the tailings particles, forming hardpan layers. Microprobe analyses of the goethite indicate that it contains up to 0.6 weight % Ni, suggesting that the goethite is a repository for Ni. Other sinks detected for heavy metals include jarosite and a vemiculite-type clay mineral which locally contains up to 1.6 weight % Ni. To estimate the mass and distribution of heavy metals associated with the secondary phases within the shallow tailings, a series of chemical extractions was completed. The experimental design permitted four fractions of the tailings to be evaluated independently. These four fractions consisted of a water-soluble, an acid-leachable, and a reducible fraction, as well as the whole-rock total. Twenty-five percent of the total mass of heavy metals was removed in the acid-leaching experiments, and 100% of the same components were removed in the reduction experiments. The data suggest that precipitation/coprecipitation reactions are providing an effective sink for most of the heavy metals released by sulfide mineral oxidation. In light of these results, potential decommissioning strategies should be evaluated with the recognition that changing the geochemical conditions may alter the stability of the secondary phases within the shallow tailings. Received: 9 April 1997 · Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   
Four years of detailed ground-water monitoring at a newly installed, seasonal-use, domestic septic system located on poorly buffered (CaCO3 equivalent content ≤ 1.6 wt.%) lacustrine silt, has revealed the development of an acidic ground-water plume. Acid, generated by the partial oxidation of effluent NH4+ dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and possibly sulfide minerals present in the sediment, has resulted in a distal plume core zone with pH values in the range of 4.4 to 5.0. The acidic zone, where NH4+ does, however, persist (> 2 mg/1, as N) and where DOC remains elevated (6–13 mg/1), is associated with high average concentrations of the trace metals Fe (4.7 mg/1), Al (1.9 mg/1), and Mn (3.6 mg/1). Attenuation of nitrogen along the plume core flowpath is indicated by a decrease in the N/ Cl ratio from an effluent value of 1.7, to a plume value of only 0.5 after 4 m of subsurface flow. Increased SO42− levels observed in the zone of N depletion suggest that attenuation can be at least partly attributed to reduction of plume NO3 by oxidation of reduced S present in the sediment. PO43− has not migrated significantly beyond the infiltration bed gravel layer, demonstrating that PO43− mobility is limited in these sediments (retardation factor > 10).  相似文献   
The Kidd Creek Cu---Zn sulphide mine is located near Timmins, Ontario. Mill tailings are thickened and deposited as a thickened slurry in a circular, conical-shaped pile with an area of approximately 1200 ha. Deposition of tailings as a thickened slurry results in a relatively uniform grain-size distribution and hydraulic conductivity, and a thick tension-saturated zone above the water table. The tailings are drained by numerous small, ephemeral stream channels, which have developed in a radial pattern. During storms, water from these streams collects in catchment ponds where it is held before treatment. The contribution of tailings pore water to the run off is of interest because of the potential for discharge of pore water containing high concentrations of Fe(II)-acidity, metals and SO4 to the stream. Hydraulic head measurements, measurements of water-table elevation and groundwater flow modelling were conducted to determine the mechanisms responsible for tailings pore water entering the surface streams. Chemical hydrograph separation of storm run off in one of these streams, during three rainfall events, using Na and Cl as conservative tracers, indicates that the integrated tailings pore water fraction makes up between less than 1 % and 20% of the total hydrograph. This range is less than the maximum fraction of tailings pore water of 22–65% reported for run off from a conventional tailings deposit. At this site, preferential flow through permeable fractures may be the dominant mechanism causing discharge of tailings pore water to storm run off. Estimates of the mass of Fe(II) that discharges to the surface run off from the pore water range up to 2800 mg s−1 during a moderate intensity, long duration rainfall event. The greatest potential for discharge of significant masses of solutes derived from the pore water exists during long duration rainfall events, when the water table rises to the surface over large areas of the tailings impoundment.  相似文献   
A Full-Scale Porous Reactive Wall for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The generation and release of acidic drainage containing high concentrations of dissolved metals from decommissioned mine wastes is an environmental problem of international scale. A potential solution to many acid drainage problems is the installation of permeable reactive walls into aquifers affected by drainage water derived from mine waste materials. A permeable reactive wall installed into an aquifer impacted by low-quality mine drainage waters was installed in August 1995 at the Nickel Rim mine site near Sudbury, Ontario. The reactive mixture, containing organic matter, was designed to promote bacterially mediated sulfate reduction and subsequent metal sulfide precipitation. The reactive wall is installed to an average depth of 12 feet (3.6 m) and is 49 feet (15 m) long perpendicular to ground water flow. The wall thickness (flow path length) is 13 feet (4 m). Initial results, collected nine months after installation, indicate that sulfate reduction and metal sulfide precipitation is occurring. Comparing water entering the wall to treated water exiting the wall, sulfate concentrations decrease from 2400 to 4600 mg/L to 200 to 3600 mg/L; Fe concentrations decrease from 250 to 1300 mg/L to 1.0 to 40 mg/L; pH increases from 5.8 to 7.0; and alkalinity (as CaCO3) increases from 0 to 50 mg/L to 600 to 2000 mg/L. The reactive wall has effectively removed the capacity of the ground water to generate acidity on discharge to the surface. Calculations based on comparison to previously run laboratory column experiments indicate that the reactive wall has potential to remain effective for at least 15 years.  相似文献   
Compound‐specific standardized sampling and storage methods are not available for artificial sweeteners found in groundwater. This study aimed to understand: (1) the appropriate length of storage time for samples containing acesulfame (ACE), sucralose (SUC), saccharin (SAC), and cyclamate (CYC) in simulated groundwater (SGW); (2) conditions of their stability; and (3) which sampling materials are appropriate for sample collection. The evaluated storage conditions included acidification, headspace, exposure to light, and refrigeration; the evaluated sampling materials included steel, stainless steel, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride, polyamide (nylon), polypropylene (PharMed BPT?) tubing, styrene‐ethylene‐butylene co‐polymer (MasterFlex?) tubing, and polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon?) tubing. All compounds evaluated were stable in storage at 4 °C for 241 d (8 months). Concentrations of artificial sweeteners were consistently within 60% to 120% of original concentrations, except ACE and SAC that were substantially lower under acidified conditions at 25 °C after 241 d. Artificial sweetener concentrations remained nearly constant while in contact with all sampling materials except steel. SEM and TEM images showed oxidation of steel occurred; moreover, removal of all artificial sweetener compounds from aqueous solution had occurred after 289 d. These results suggest artificial sweetener analyses conducted within 14 d of sample collection produce optimal results; however, longer storage times may be acceptable under certain conditions. The results also suggest concentrations of artificial sweeteners in SGW are not affected by contact with typical well casing, sampling, and storage materials, with the exception of steel. The findings from this study will improve the use of artificial sweeteners as tracers in environmental studies.  相似文献   
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