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To better understand volcanism on planetary bodies other than the Earth, the quantification of physical processes is needed. Here, the petrogenesis of the achondrite Martian Yamato (Y) nakhlites (Y 000593, Y 000749, and Y 000802) is reinvestigated via quantitative analysis of augite (high-Ca clinopyroxene) phenocrysts: crystal size distribution (CSD), spatial distribution patterns (SDP), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Results from CSD and EBSD quantitative data sets show augite to have continuous uninterrupted growth resulting in calculated minimum magma chamber residence times of either 88–117 ± 6 yr or 9–12 yr. All samples exhibit low-intensity S-LS type crystallographic preferred orientation. Directional strain is observed across all samples with intracrystalline misorientation patterns indicative of (100)[001]:(001)[100] (Y 000593 and Y 000802) and {110}<001>or {110}1/2<110> (Y 000749) slip systems. SDP results indicate phenocryst-bearing crystal-clustered rock signatures. Combined findings from this work show that the Yamato nakhlites formed on Mars as individual low-viscosity lava flows or sills. This study shows that through combining these different quantitative techniques over multiple samples, one can more effectively compare and interpret resulting data to gain a more robust, geologically contextualized petrogenetic understanding of the rock suite being studied. The techniques used in this study should be equally applicable to igneous achondrites from other parent bodies.  相似文献   
This paper present the results of a preliminary study to assess the potential of the visible, NIR and SWIR energy of the EMR in differentiating iron ores of different grades in a rapid manner using hyperspectral radiometry. Using different iron ore samples from Noamundi and Joda mines, Jharkhand and Orissa, states of India, certain spectro-radiometric measurements and geochemical analysis were carried out and the results have been presented. It was observed that the primary spectral characteristics of these iron ores lie in the 850 to 900 nm and 650–750 nm regions. The spectral parameters for each curve used for studying the iron ores are: (i) the slopes of the spectral curve in 685–725 nm region; (ii) position of the peak with respect to wavelength in 730–750 nm region and (iii) radius of curvature of the absorption trough in the 850–900 nm region. Comparison of these spectral parameters and the geochemistry of the samples indicates that the position of the peak of the curve in 730–750 nm region shifts towards longer wavelength with increasing iron oxide content, while the slope of the curvature in the 685–725 nm region has a strong negative correlation with the iron oxide content of the samples. Similarly, a strong negative correlation is observed between the radius of curvature of the 850–900 nm absorption trough and the iron oxide content. Such strong correlations indicate that hyperspectral radiometry in the visible and NIR regions can give a better estimate and quantification of the grades of iron ores. This study has demonstrated that generation of empirical models using hyperspectral radiometric techniques is helpful to quantify the grade of iron ores with limited geochemical analysis.  相似文献   
The fall and recovery of the Tissint meteorite in 2011 created a rare opportunity to examine a Martian sample with a known, short residence time on Earth. Tissint is an olivine‐phyric shergottite that accumulated olivine antecrysts within a single magmatic system. Coarse olivine grains with nearly homogeneous cores of Mg# >80 suggest slow re‐equilibration. Many macroscopic features of this sample resemble those of LAR 06319, including the olivine crystal size distribution and the presence of evolved oxide and olivine compositions. Unlike LAR 06319, however, no magmatic hydrous phases were found in the analyzed samples of Tissint. Minor and trace element compositions indicate that the meteorite is the product of closed‐system crystallization from a parent melt derived from a depleted source, with no obvious addition of a LREE‐rich (crustal?) component prior to or during crystallization. The whole‐rock REE pattern is similar to that of intermediate olivine‐phyric shergottite EETA 79001 lithology A, and could also be approximated by a more olivine‐rich version of depleted basaltic shergottite QUE 94201. Magmatic oxygen fugacities are at the low end of the shergottite range, with log fO2 of QFM‐3.5 to ‐4.0 estimated based on early‐crystallized minerals and QFM‐2.4 estimated based on the Eu in pyroxene oxybarometer. These values are similarly comparable to other depleted shergottites, including SaU 005 and QUE 94201. Tissint occupies a previously unsampled niche in shergottite chemistry: containing olivines with Mg# >80, resembling the enriched olivine‐phyric shergottite LAR 06319 in its crystallization path, and comparable to intermediate olivine‐phyric shergottite EETA 79001A, depleted olivine‐phyric shergottite DaG 476, and depleted basaltic shergottite QUE 94201 in its trace element abundances and oxygen fugacity. The apparent absence of evidence for terrestrial alteration in Tissint (particularly in trace element abundances in the whole‐rock and individual minerals) confirms that exposure to the arid desert environment results in only minimal weathering of samples, provided the exposure times are brief.  相似文献   

Following the 2010 VEI 4 eruption of Merapi volcano, more than 250 lahars were triggered during two rainy seasons from October 2010 to March 2012. This high number of post-eruption lahars mainly occurred in the Kali (valley) Putih watershed and was mostly associated with high-magnitude rainstorms. A lahar occurring on January 8, 2011, caused significant damage to homes in several communities, bridges, sabo dams, and agricultural crops. The aims of this contribution are to document the impacts of lahars on the Kali Putih watershed and specifically (1) to analyze the lahar frequency during the period of 1969–2012 on an inter-annual and intra-annual basis and to determine the link between the volume of tephra and the frequency of lahars; (2) to detail the lahar trajectory and channel evolution following the January 8th lahar; (3) to map the spatial distribution of the thickness and geomorphic effects of the lahar deposit; and (4) to determine the impacts of the lahar on the infrastructure (sabo dams and roads) and settlements in the distal area of the volcano. The Kali Putih watershed has experienced 62 lahars, which represent 22% of all lahars triggered on 17 rivers at Merapi between 2010 and 2012. The main geomorphic impacts are: (1) excessive sedimentation in valleys, settlements and agricultural areas; (2) undercutting of the river banks by as much as 50 m, accompanied by channel widening; and (3) abrupt changes in the river channel direction in the distal area (15–20 km downstream of the volcano). About 19 sabo dams were damaged, and 3 were totally destroyed. Over 307 houses were damaged, and the National Road Yogyakarta–Semarang was regularly cut (18 times during approximately 25 days). Although the sabo dams on Kali Putih were originally constructed to protect distal areas from lahar damage, they had little effect on the 2010–2012 rain-triggered lahars. The underlying design of those dams along this river is one of the main reasons for the major destruction in this sector of the volcano’s lower slope. The catch basin capacity of the sabo dam was only 1.75?×?106 m3, whereas the total volume of the 2010–2011 lahars exceeded 5?×?106 m3. In order to prepare for future lahars, the government has invested in significant mitigation measures, ranging from structural approaches (e.g., building new sabo dams and developing an early warning system) to non-structural approaches (e.g., contingency and preparedness planning and hazard education).

Channel bifurcations can be found in river network systems from high gradient gravel-bed rivers to fine-grained low gradient deltas. In these systems, bifurcations often evolve asymmetrically such that one downstream channel silts up and the other deepens and, in most cases, they eventually avulse. Past analytical and numerical studies showed that symmetric bifurcations are unstable in high and low Shields stress conditions resulting in asymmetric bifurcations and avulsion, while they can be stable in the mid-Shields range, but this range is smaller for larger width-to-depth ratio. Here, using a one-dimensional (1D) numerical model, we show that effects of sediment grain size and of channel slope are much larger than expected for low-gradient systems when a sediment transport relation is used that separates between bedload and suspended load transport. We found that the range of Shields stress conditions with unstable symmetric bifurcations expanded for lower channel slopes and for finer sediment. In high sediment mobility, suspended load increasingly dominates the sediment transport, which increases the sediment transport nonlinearity and lowers the relative influence of the stabilizing transverse bedslope-driven flux. Contrary to previous works, we found another stable symmetric solution in high Shields stress, but this only occurs in the systems with small width-to-depth ratio. This indicates that suspended load-dominated bifurcations of lowland rivers are more likely to develop into highly asymmetric channels than previously thought. This explains the tendency of channel avulsion observed in many systems.  相似文献   
Micromorphology has important application in earth surface process and landform studies particularly in alluvial settings such as the Indo‐Gangetic Plains (IGP) with different geomorphic surfaces to identify climatic changes and neotectonic events and their influence on pedogenesis. The soils of the IGP extending from arid upland in the west to per humid deltaic plains in the east developed on five geomorphic surfaces namely QIG1 to QIG5 originating during the last 13.5 ka. Four soil‐geomorphic systems across the entire IGP are identified as: (i) the western Yamuna Plains/Uplands, (ii) the Yamuna‐Ganga Interfluve, (iii) the Ganga‐Ghaghara Interfluve, and (iv) the Deltaic Plains. Thin section analysis of the soils across the four soil‐geomorphic systems provides a record of provenance, mineral weathering, pedogenic processes and polygenesis in IGP. The soils over major parts of the IGP dominantly contain muscovite and quartz and small fraction of highly altered feldspar derived from the Himalayas. However, soils in the western and eastern parts of the IGP contain large volumes of fresh to weakly altered plagioclase and smectitic clay derived from the Indian craton. The soils in western Yamuna Plains/Uplands dominated by QIG2–QIG3 geomorphic surfaces and pedogenic carbonate developed in semi‐arid climate prior to 5 ka. However, soils of the central part of the IGP in the Yamuna‐Ganga Interfluve and Ganga‐Ghaghara Interfluve regions with dominance of QIG4–QIG5 surfaces are polygenetic due to climate change over the last 13.5 ka. The clay pedofeatures formed during earlier wet phase (13.5–11 ka) show degradation, loss of preferred orientation, speckled appearance in contrast with the later phase of wet climate (6.5–4 ka). The soils over the deltaic plains with dominance of vertic features along with clay pedofeatures suggest that illuviation of fine clay is an important pedogenic process even in soils with shrink‐swell characteristics. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses of the atmospheric boundary layer are generally based on the assumptions of stationarity and horizontal homogeneity, which permit one to neglect the inertial terms in equations of motion. The importance of these terms is examined for the case where slight inhomogeneities may cause small but monotonic changes of surface shear in the direction of flow. Considering several models of the neutral barotropic Ekman layer, it is shown that horizontal gradient in the friction velocity of as small as one cm/sec per ten kilometers could make the wind hodograph deviate significantly from that for the homogeneous case. Significant deviations from the logarithmic profile in the surface layer, on the other hand, would occur for horizontal gradients of at least an order of magnitude greater. Thus, the practical criteria for assuming homogeneity may be far more strict and difficult to satisfy for the outer layer than these are for the surface layer.  相似文献   
This study applied the time series analysis approach to model and predict univariate dissolved oxygen and temperature time series for four water quality assessment stations at Stillaguamish River located in the state of Washington. The order series method was applied to fulfill the normality assumption for modeling the univariate time series. Then, the AR(I)MA models were applied to study the stationary and nonstationary time series, the Auto-Regressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average model was applied to study the time series with long memory. The results showed there existed three different structures for the univariate water quality time series at Stillaguamish River watershed. The identified time series model for each univariate water quality time series was found to be capable of predicting future values with reasonable accuracy. Overall, the time series modeling approach may be an efficient tool in assessment of the water quality in the river system.  相似文献   
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