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几种激光探测大气消光系数方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文根据香河综合观测资料,讨论了几种计算大气消光系数的方法。结果表明,以激光地面水平探测的k_0作为整个探测路径上的消光系数与后向散射系数之比,在低层层结稳定的情况下将造成较大误差,而结合太阳光谱观测资料的分析计算方法以及根据激光扫角探测在消光量分层均匀假定下的计算方法结果较好。  相似文献   
1 引言为了帮助参谋部天气官员,美国陆军大气科学实验室(ASL)对最先由空军气象局开发的PC型探测分析程序进行了改进。此程序包括雷暴智能预报系统(TIPS),即用于预报与对流风暴有关的雷暴和强天气事件的ASL专家系统。Colquhoun(1987年)  相似文献   
王明星  朱文琴 《大气科学》1981,5(4):450-455
本文介绍了一种处理太阳光谱的新方法,并用1978年10月在香河取得的观测资料进行了验证,得到了较好的结果。这种方法利用半天中多次光谱观测资料和当时的无线电探空资料把水汽连续吸收的两个吸收系数(强线远翼吸收与双水分子吸收)和气溶胶衰减系数一起计算出来。  相似文献   
中国近45年来气候变化的研究   总被引:337,自引:7,他引:337  
利用1951~1995年约400站的月平均气温、降水和1961~1995年200余站的最高和最低气温、相对湿度、总云量和低云量、日照时数、蒸发、风速和积雪日数和深度以及0~3.2m共8层土壤温度等资料,对近45a来中国气候变化特征作了一个较全面的分析研究。本文作为第一部分,分析了平均气温、最高最低气温、降水、相对湿度和日照的气候变化规律。其余要素的变化规律以及中国气候变化的可能机制将在第二部分中加以讨论。  相似文献   
A case of mesoscale convective complex(MCC)which evolved into a vortex is documented in this paper.As theMCC entered into the dissipating phase,a well-defined spirally banded structure became visible in the satellite image.The blackbody temperature(TBB)of the residual cold-cloud-shield indicates the vortex existed in the layer from 400 to250 hPa.According to the upper air analysis,the upper level vortex was an anticyclone.The MCC-generated vortex wasvisualized in the satellite images because it was located in the subtropical high where the wind field was very weak.  相似文献   
气溶胶粒子谱的观测分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
朱文琴 《大气科学》1982,6(2):217-223
本文对我国北京附近三个地方的气溶胶粒子浓度的观测资料进行了分析研究,并分别用Junge分布和Deirmendjian分布分段进行拟合,这样拟合精度较高且能反映不同半径范围内气溶胶粒子的分布特征。  相似文献   
In this paper,the data chosen from measurements by supersonic anemometers in Tongxian County of Beijing in1990 are used to study characteristics of turbulence spectra in precipitation weather.Some turbulence parameters such asturbulence intensity,heat and momentum fluxes,friction velocity,M-O length and stability parameter are calculatedand their dependence on turbulence spectra in different stability conditions are analyzed.Some encouraging results areobtained and compared with others' results.  相似文献   
Characteristics of climate change in the Changjiang Delta were analyzed based on the annualmean meteorological data since 1961,including air temperature,maximum and minimum airtemperature,precipitation,sunshine duration and visibility at 48 stations in that area(southernJiangsu and northern Zhejiang),and its adjacent areas(northern Jiangsu,eastern Anhui andsouthern Zhejiang),together with the environmental data.The results indicate that it is gettingwarmer in the Changjiang Delta and cooler in adjacent areas,thus the Changjiang Delta becomes a bigheat island,containing many little heat islands consisting of central cities,in which Shanghai City isthe strongest heat island.The intensity of heat islands enhances as economic development goes up.From the year 1978.the beginning year of reform and opening policy,to the year 1997,the intensityof big heat island of Changjiang Delta has increased 0.5℃ and Shanghai heat island increased 0.8℃.However.since 1978 the constituents of SO_2,NO_x and TSP(total suspended particles)in theatmosphere,no matter whether in the Changjiang Delta or in the adjacent areas,have all increased,but pH values of precipitation decreased.In the meantime,both sunshine duration and visibility arealso decreased,indicating that there exists a mechanism for climate cooling in these areas.Ouranalyses show that the mechanism for climate warming in the Changjiang Delta may be associatedwith heating increase caused by,economic development and increasing energy consumption.It isestimated that up to 1997 the intensity of warming caused by this mechanism in the Changjiang Deltahas reached 0.8—0.9℃,about 4—4.5 times as large as the mean values before 1978.Since then,the increase rate has become 0. 035℃/a for the Changjiang Delta.It has reached 1.3℃ for Shanghaiin 1997,about 12—13 times as large as the mean values before 1978.This is a rough estimation ofincreasing energy consumption rate caused by economic development.  相似文献   
中国近80年来气候变化特征及其形成机制   总被引:157,自引:10,他引:157  
自 2 0世纪 2 0年代以来 ,中国地区 4 0和 90年代出现了 2个暖期及 5 0~ 6 0年代相对冷期。最近的 90年代的最暖年 (1998年 )或 5a滑动平均气温几乎已达或略高于 4 0年代的最暖年 (194 6年 )或 5a滑动平均气温。变暖最明显是北方地区 (黑龙江和新疆北部 ) ,而 35°N以南和 10 0°E以东地区自 5 0年代以来存在一个以四川盆地为中心的变冷带 ,虽然 90年代有变暖趋势 ,但基本达到 4 0年代暖期气温。中国降水则以 2 0年代为最少 (192 9年最少 ) ,5 0年代为多水年代 ,以后缓慢减少 ,70年代以后变化不大 ,但多雨带在 80年代及以后由华北南移到长江中下游。195 1~ 1990年 ,大部分地区气温和降水呈负相关 ,在东北和长江—黄河间存在 2个负相关中心 ,表明北方是变暖变旱 ,江淮间是变冷变湿。这些气候变化特征和全球气候变化相比较 ,除北方外 ,变暖期明显的滞后于全球变暖 ,并且出现变冷带等明显差异。文中还综述了用诊断和数值模拟方法对影响中国变化的气候自然变化和人类活动影响 (热岛效应和气溶胶影响 )的研究结果。我们认为 ,以上提出的 3种人类活动对中国气候变化有明显影响 ,特别是工农业发展造成的气溶胶增加是四川盆地气温变冷的主要原因。  相似文献   
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