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利用1980—2016年第二松花江流域(SSR)夏季(6—8月)平均降水量资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均环流场资料、NOAA的月平均海温场资料,采用年际增量预测方法,通过分析与SSR夏季降水年际增量相关的环流及海温,确定了超前12个月内的6个预测因子,包括:11月东亚200 hPa纬向风、12月西藏高原-2指数、12月赤道中东太平洋200 hPa纬向风、2月印度洋海温、10月西太平洋暖池海温、4月东亚100 hPa经向风。在此基础上利用这6个预测因子,利用1980—2010资料建立SSR夏季降水年际增量的统计预测模型,最后根据年际增量给出SSR夏季降水的预测结果。经检验,1981—2010年SSR夏季降水年际增量的预测拟合系数是0.83,SSR夏季降水预测结果拟合系数为0.67,SSR夏季降水预测结果相对均方根误差为15%,均通过了显著性检验;对2011—2016年进行试报实验,该模型也很好地预测出降水的年际增量变化趋势,除2014年以外,SSR夏季降水预测结果相对均方根误差绝对值都控制在23%以内,2016年仅为-9.9%。因此,通过预测降水的年际增量,进而再预测降水的方法,具...  相似文献   
利用1951-2012年NCEP/NCAR全球月平均500 hPa高度场、气温场等再分析资料,北极涛动(AO)指数,北半球及其4个分区的极涡指数等资料,分析极涡和AO对北半球特别是欧亚大陆冬季气温异常分布的影响。北半球极涡面积指数与北半球气温相关场呈由北向南的“+、-”分布,显著正相关中心位于极区,显著负相关中心位于欧亚大陆中高纬度地区;AO指数与气温的相关场分布与此反位相。极涡各分区面积指数体现与各大洲气温显著相关的地域特征,尤其是亚洲极涡面积指数比AO的相关区域更偏向亚洲和中国东部及沿海地区,能表征亚洲大陆冬季风向中低纬度爆发的某些特征。2006年以来AO指数呈较明显的下降趋势,北半球、亚洲区极涡面积指数呈显著的上升趋势,这是有利于欧亚大陆近几年连续冬季气温异常偏低的年代际背景;2009-2011年北半球欧亚大陆冬季大范围低温事件,不仅与冬季AO负位相明显变强有关(2011年除外),与北半球以及亚洲区极涡面积指数偏大联系更为密切,亦表明该区域冬季变冷的自然变率明显增强。  相似文献   
2009年中国东北夏季低温及其与前期海气系统变化的联系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
依据中国东北地区拥有百年地面观测记录的长春和哈尔滨测站气温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和英国哈得来中心海表温度资料,揭示2009年东北地区发生的迄今已有15年没有出现的夏季低温事件成因.结果表明:发生东北夏季低温时的水平和垂直环流结构均为低值系统,东北冷涡异常活动是其最直接的影响因子;有利的年代际变化背景是,哈尔滨和长春6-8月平均气温年代际尺度(≥9 a)的振荡值1999-2008年约-O.8℃/10 a,显著低于全球变暖东北区域响应的线性增暖值0.2℃/10 a(1961-2000年),与长春和哈尔滨夏季气温呈正相关的前一年冬季太平洋极涡面积指数年代际振荡亦呈显著下降趋势.与1994-2008年东北夏季高温的500 hPa平均环流距平场显著不同,北极涛动呈强的负位相分布,东北亚、阿留申和北大西洋上空为显著负距平区;2009年前一年冬季与明显低温的1972年的前一年冬季北太平洋涛动均呈显著的负位相,春季仍持续,且2009年前一年冬季赤道中东太平洋SSTA为拉尼娜位相,2009年春季明显减弱;2009年6-7月夏季东北冷涡活动异常强与4-5月500 hPa北太平洋地区超长波扰动转为定常波扰动槽有关;SVD和谐波分析表明,北太平洋涛动的异常位相不仅是东北夏季气温变化的重要前期信号,还是大气中除了天气尺度的混沌分量外可提取的一种行星尺度稳定分量.  相似文献   
Vertical tilt structure of the East Asian trough (EAT) and its interannual variation mechanism in boreal winter are studied using NCEP/NCAR, ERA40, and NCEP/DOE reanalyses. A vertical tilt index (VTI) is defined as the mean slope of vertical trough line on the longitude-height cross section to describe the tilting extent of the EAT, with high index indicating a more west-tilted trough and vice versa. The VTI series derived from the three reanalysis datasets are highly correlated with each other during the corresponding periods. A significant positive correlation is found between the VTI and the zonal range of the vertical trough line. Based on the close relation, a possible physical mechanism is proposed to explain the interannual variation of VTI. It demonstrates that positive (negative) temperature anomalies within the mean zonal range of the EAT result in expansion (contraction) of the zonal range and lead to high (low) VTI years. The composite analyses based on the three reanalysis datasets well support the proposed mechanism. Furthermore, the general relationship between the VTI and the zonal temperature gradient is discussed based on the proposed mechanism. It is revealed that the asymmetric change of temperature gradient on the western and eastern sides of the EAT plays an important role in the variation of VTI, which suggests that the tilting extent of the EAT is strongly affected by the two-order zonal change of temperature instead of the zonal temperature gradient (i.e., one-order change). Climate variability not only in the simultaneous winter but also in the following spring and summer over East Asia is closely related to the variation of the VTI. This study on the vertical tilting of the EAT may enrich knowledge of the East Asian winter monsoon and the climate variability over East Asia and may be helpful in improving the regional climate prediction in East Asia.  相似文献   
Piao  Jinling  Chen  Wen  Chen  Shangfeng  Gong  Hainan  Chen  Xiaolong  Liu  Bo 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(11):4793-4809
Climate Dynamics - This study reveals a pronounced enhancement of the relationship between the winter El Niño and the following late-summer precipitation over East Asia since the early 1990s....  相似文献   
The presence of light-absorbing aerosols(LAA) in snow profoundly influence the surface energy balance and water budget.However,most snow-process schemes in land-surface and climate models currently do not take this into consideration.To better represent the snow process and to evaluate the impacts of LAA on snow,this study presents an improved snow albedo parameterization in the Snow–Atmosphere–Soil Transfer(SAST) model,which includes the impacts of LAA on snow.Specifically,the Snow,Ice and Aerosol Radiation(SNICAR) model is incorporated into the SAST model with an LAA mass stratigraphy scheme.The new coupled model is validated against in-situ measurements at the Swamp Angel Study Plot(SASP),Colorado,USA.Results show that the snow albedo and snow depth are better reproduced than those in the original SAST,particularly during the period of snow ablation.Furthermore,the impacts of LAA on snow are estimated in the coupled model through case comparisons of the snowpack,with or without LAA.The LAA particles directly absorb extra solar radiation,which accelerates the growth rate of the snow grain size.Meanwhile,these larger snow particles favor more radiative absorption.The average total radiative forcing of the LAA at the SASP is 47.5Wm~(-2).This extra radiative absorption enhances the snowmelt rate.As a result,the peak runoff time and "snow all gone" day have shifted 18 and 19.5 days earlier,respectively,which could further impose substantial impacts on the hydrologic cycle and atmospheric processes.  相似文献   
Based on the daily mean temperature data of CN05.2 from 1961 to 2012, cold events (CEs) are first divided into two categories according to their duration: strong cold events (SCEs) and weak cold events (WCEs). Then, the characteristics of CEs, SCEs, and WCEs during springtime are investigated. The results indicate that in the pre-1990s epoch, ENSO and Arctic Oscillation events in the previous winter are closely related to SCEs in the following spring. The multidecadal variations of CEs, SCEs, and WCEs are obvious. The intensity trend for SCEs is significantly negative, but it seems less apparent for WCEs. Further analysis reveals that when both SCEs and WCEs occur, a typical East Asian trough in the 850- hPa wind field, whose northwesterly wind component invades Northeast China (NEC) and causes freezing days, can be found in every decade. For the SCEs, a cold vortex, with its center located over Okhotsk and northeasterly current affecting NEC, is found as an additional feature. For the WCEs, the cold vortex is located in Karafuto and its northwesterly airflow intrudes into NEC. As for the difference between SCEs and WCEs, the northwestern flow is weaker while the northeastern counterpart is stronger during the SCEs, in all decades. In the Takaya–Nakamura flux and divergence fields, for the SCEs, a divergence center exists over NEC; and over its downstream regions, a stronger divergence center appears, not like a wave train. However, the opposite is the case for the WCEs; moreover, the wave train appears clearly during the WCEs, which means that the wave energy can propagate and dissipate more easily during WCEs.  相似文献   
珠江口盆地为新生代典型的海相盆地,也是我国重要的海上油气生产基地。前期已有很多学者对珠江口盆地的地层划分与对比开展了研究,但研究的精度不够。为了提高珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷韩江组地层划分与对比的精度,选择珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷A、B井韩江组的自然伽马数据序列作为古气候替代性指标,使用频谱分析、滤波等方法进行旋回地层学分析。通过深度域频谱分析和小波分析认为,该套地层中保存了米兰科维奇旋回信号,且主要受405 ka长偏心率周期的影响。利用稳定的405 ka长偏心率周期进行天文调谐,结合古生物地层年代框架,建立起陆丰凹陷“绝对”天文年代标尺;结合碳氧同位素变化曲线,估算出2次碳同位素负漂移和1次碳同位素正向偏移事件的持续时间;利用天文旋回周期计算出陆丰凹陷韩江组的沉积速率,发现沉积速率的变化与海平面变化具有相关性。  相似文献   
Interdecadal and interannual variations of saline-alkali land area in Qian’an County, Jilin Province, China were comprehensively analyzed in this paper by means of satellite remote sensing interpretation, field flux observations and regional climate diagnosis. The results show that on the interannual scale, the impact of climate factors accounts for 71.6% of the total variation of the saline-alkali land area, and that of human activities accounts for 28.4%. Therefore the impact of climate factors is obviously greater than that of human activities. On the interdecadal scale, the impact of climate factors on the increase of the saline-alkali land area accounts for 43.2%, and that of human activities accounts for 56.8%. The impact of human activities on the variation of saline-alkali land area is very clear on the interdecadal scale, and the negative impact of human activities on the environment should not be negligible. Besides, changes in the area of heavy saline-alkali land have some indication for development of saline-alkali land in Qian’an County.  相似文献   
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