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The Tertiary deformation in east Oscar II Land, Spitsbergen, is compressional and thin-skinned, and includes thrusts with ramp-flat geometry and associated fault-bend and fault-propagation folds. The thrust front in the Mediumfjellct-Lappdalen area consists of intensely deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks thrust on top of subhorizontal Mesozoic rocks to the east. The thrust front represents a complex frontal ramp duplex in which most of the eastward displacement is transferred from sole thrusts in the Permian and probably Carboniferous strata to roof thrusts in the Triassic sequence. The internal geometries in the thrust front suggest a complex kinematic development involving not only simple 'piggy-back', in-sequencc thrusting, but also overstep as well as out-of-sequence thrusting. The position of the thrust front and across-strike variation in structural character in east Oscar II Land is interpreted to be controlled by lithological (facies) variations and/or pre-existing structures, at depth, possibly cxtensional faults associated with the Carboniferous graben system.  相似文献   
利用重力恢复和气候实验(GRACE)数据获得高亚洲及其邻近地区的质量变化,可分析区域气候因素如印度季风、西风带和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)对结果的影响。然而,最近的研究发现,西风带的贡献小于厄尔尼诺,与传统研究结论不同。因此,利用2003-01~2017-06期间GRACE RL06的Mascon数据进行复经验正交函数(CEOF)分析。研究发现,前3个主要成分对研究区质量变化的贡献率分别为53%、27%和6%,与印度季风、西风带和ENSO指数的相关系数分别是0.92±0.16、0.70±0.15和0.42±0.15,说明在长达14 a的观测时间跨度内,印度季风、西风带和ENSO对研究区质量变化的贡献分别为53%、27%和6%,西风带是研究区质量变化的第2个影响因素,这支持了传统的研究结论;ENSO通过印度季风对某些区域(如帕米尔高原、喜马拉雅山脉和印度西北部)的质量变化产生影响;在印度西北部、喜马拉雅山脉和藏东南地区,由于印度季风的减弱及其相关的ENSO作用和西风带的加强,质量变化呈现下降趋势;在兴都库什、西昆仑和东昆仑地区,由于西风带的增强,质量变化呈上升的趋势;在帕米尔和天山地区,虽然受到较强西风带的影响,但由于同时受到印度季风和ENSO减弱以及气温上升趋势的影响,质量变化呈下降的趋势。  相似文献   
Form, function and feedbacks in a tidally dominated ooid shoal, Bahamas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although the general aspects of oolitic depositional systems are well documented, seascape‐scale (≈103–106 m2) patterns of oolitic shoals and the details of processes acting on them are not well understood or quantified. To begin to fill this basic gap in understanding, this paper describes the morphology and hydrodynamics of Lily Bank, a Modern tidally dominated Bahamian ooid shoal. In this study, integrating remote sensing imagery with quantitative, geo‐located bathymetrical, hydrological and granulometric data in a Geographic Information System documents geomorphic and sedimentological patterns and facilitates interpreting these patterns in the context of the processes operating in this system. The results of these analyses reveal that parabolic bars up to several kilometres in wavelength and several metres in height form a common morphologic motif, although there is considerable variation on that general theme. The seascape‐scale configuration of bars and superimposed sedimentary structures is closely linked to spatial patterns of tidal movements, and includes the presence of mutually evasive flood and ebb channels. Sedimentologically, bars are neither homogenous nor random bodies; instead, granulometric parameters such as sorting and percentage mud vary systematically, as shaped by hydro‐geomorphic controls. The best sorted, coarsest ooids are on bar crests, whereas the finest grains are found in the lower energy, deeper interior and flanking regions. In short, results clearly document hydrodynamic‐bathymetrical influences on these ooid shoals and their granulometry, linkages akin to siliciclastic analogues. Sedimentological, hydrodynamic and geomorphic observations are consistent with a conceptual model for the formation of parabolic bars in which initial irregularities in non‐parabolic bars are enhanced through their effect of focusing flow. Constricted flow leads to higher flow velocities, tidal flow velocity asymmetries, differential net sediment transport and growth of bathymetrical highs. This bathymetrical divergence creates separate paths for flood‐ and ebb‐tides, facilitating emergence of better‐developed parabolic forms. The resultant parabolic geometries and component bedforms appear to be either in dynamic equilibrium with both ebb‐ and flood‐tide flows, or evolving toward that state. In exploring patterns and processes within carbonate shoals, this study illustrates some of the first documented insights on quantitative details of morphology and dynamics and in the links between geomorphic framework and grain‐size and sorting in an oolitic carbonate system. Assuming a continuity of processes between ancient and modern, the insights from this shoal provide information on possible facies geometries and on the characteristics of grains and depositional porosity of analogous facies within ancient ooid shoals.  相似文献   
Carbon leakage is an important concern because it can reduce the environmental effectiveness of the Kyoto Protocol. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), one of the flexibility mechanisms allowed under the protocol, has the potential to reduce carbon leakage significantly because it reduces the relative competitive disadvantage to Annex-B countries of restricting greenhouse gas emissions. The economic rationale behind this mechanism is explored in a theoretical analysis. It is then analysed numerically using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results indicate that, assuming appropriate accounting for leakage and under realistic assumptions on CDM activity, the CDM has the potential to reduce the magnitude of carbon leakage by more than one-half.  相似文献   
本文通过对在新疆南部塔里木盆地北缘博斯腾湖采集的一根953cm的岩心进行了早全新世以来的古气候重建。对BSTC2000岩心进行了碳酸盐矿物组成、Ca/1000Sr,有机质TOC,C/N和C/S分析,并结合BSTC2000岩心附近的一个沉积物剖面的孢粉资料,利用多指标重建了8500aBP以来的古气候变化特征。在2个平行岩心中对保存的植物叶片、草籽,以及全有机质进行了9个AMS14C年代测定。8500~8100aBP气候冷湿,钻孔位置为河流-滨湖相环境,沉积物中有3层泥炭层。从8100~6400aBP,气温升高,湖泊扩张,气候暖湿,湖泊可能为最高湖面时期。而从6400~5100aBP湖泊稍微下降,气候变冷。在中全新世晚期从5100~3100aBP气候变得高温干旱,但其间的4400~3800aBP有短暂的气候变冷,早期大量的冰雪融水补给博斯腾湖,使得湖泊水位上升。湖泊的第二个高湖面期是5200~3800aBP。在3100~2200aBP气候冷湿,由于蒸发减弱而湖泊有所扩张,湖泊在3100至2800aBP期间是最后一次短暂的高湖面期。这次短期高湖面后,湖泊由于较长时期的低温而引起的供水减少,湖泊收缩。从2200~1200aBP,气候变得干热,湖泊收缩。尽管从1200aBP以来,温度有所下降,气候变得暖干,湖泊又开始有所上升,但是没有达到博斯腾湖出水口孔雀河的海拔高度。  相似文献   
Long sediment cores were collected in spring 2006 from Lake Petén Itzá, northern Guatemala, in water depths ranging from 30 to 150 m, as part of an International Continental Scientific Drilling Program project. The sediment records from deep water consist mainly of alternating clay, gypsum and carbonate units and, in at least two drill sites, extend back >200 kyr. Most of the lithostratigraphic units are traceable throughout the basin along seismic reflections that serve as seismic stratigraphic boundaries and suggest that the lithostratigraphy can be used to infer regional palaeoenvironmental changes. A revised seismic stratigraphy was established on the basis of integrated lithological and seismic reflection data from the basin. From ca 200 to ca 85 ka, sediments are dominated by carbonate‐clay silt, often interbedded with sandy turbidites, indicating a sediment regime dominated by detrital sedimentation in a relatively humid climate. At ca 85 ka, an exposure horizon consisting of gravels, coarse sand and terrestrial gastropods marks a lake lowstand or partial basin desiccation, indicating dry climate conditions. From ca 85 to ca 48 ka, transgressive carbonate‐clay sediments, overlain by deep‐water clays, suggest a lake level rise and subsequent stabilization at high stage. From ca 48 ka to present, the lithology is characterized by alternating clay and gypsum units. Gypsum deposition correlates with Heinrich Events (i.e. dry climate), whereas clay units coincide with more humid interstadials.  相似文献   
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