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将一个三维湍能封闭模型应用于开阔海区的风暴潮,通过数值计算探讨了Taylor底摩擦二次率的拖曳系数随空间的分布及拖曳系数与水深、海底粗糙度、风向和风速等因素的关系。本文对底摩擦二次率的可靠性做了评价。  相似文献   
在国家重点研发计划支持下,项目提出了陆表不均一性检测和订正的新方法,解决了渐变型不均一性检测和订正的难题,构建了中国地表太阳辐射、气温、地温、风速和降水等参数均一化站点和格点数据集,修订了关于中国地表风速变化趋势、增温格局及其形成机制的结论。融合多源数据,构建并验证了千米级、流域级或县域级的电厂、人口、生物质能、取水量、氮排放、二氧化碳排放等影响自然系统的关键人文要素历史和未来预估数据集。构建了未来关键人文要素情景,研制了碳中和目标下甲烷和氧化亚氮排放情景和用于驱动全球模式的未来情景,预估了中国碳中和战略的实施对全球变暖的减缓作用,发现中国碳中和对远期和中期全球变暖的减缓作用显著。给出了中国各省份水体氮排放安全阈值及超越时间,阐明了中国粮食产量与氮施肥的关系,提出了在保障粮食安全的前提下减少水体氮排放的有效途径,指出重构城乡养分循环体系是同时保障粮食安全和恢复水质的必要途径。发现全球饱和水汽压差的年际变化与大气二氧化碳浓度上升速率的年际变化显著相关,阐明了饱和水汽压差变化在调控生态系统生产力中的重要角色以及多因素耦合作用在生态系统生产力变化中的复杂影响。建议更全面细致地评估中国各种碳中...  相似文献   
渤海湾环流的一次观测和分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了对渤海湾的环流形态有一个准确的认识,对渤海湾进行了一次较为全面的海流调查。这次调查以Lagrange观点为指导,采用3种方法:海流计在固定站位连续测流;漂流板轨迹观测和“人工水母”测底层流。本文分别介绍这三种方法及观测过程,并分析得出了渤海湾Lagrange余环流型大致是顺时针的结论  相似文献   
本文讨论了在风暴潮和潮汐作用下海底摩擦力与平均流速的关系公式,即;利用湍流能量损耗理论得到了一个新的求拖曳系数C_b的公式;并且通过一个三维模式,在理想的矩形海区中计算了各种条件下的C_b分布。  相似文献   
我国西南地区干湿季降水的主模态分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用我国西南地区26个台站降水资料,通过经验正交函数(EOF)分解的方法,分析了1980~2009年该地区干季(10~4月)和湿季(5~9月)降水的主模态。我国西南地区干季降水的时空变化存在两种主模态,它们分别可以解释总方差的22.4%和15.6%。第1主模态为全区一致型,具有准两年周期振荡的年际变化特征;第2主模态为东南—西北反向型,从20世纪90年代中期至21世纪初呈现2~3年的变化周期。我国西南地区湿季降水的时空变化存在三种主模态,它们分别可以解释总方差的17.1%,13.8%和11.1%。第1主模态为全区一致型,20世纪90年代初期具有较强的2~4年周期;第2主模态为经向偶极子型分布,并具有显著的4年周期;第3主模态为纬向偶极子型分布,具有2~4年的年际变化信号。进一步利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的海表面温度(SST)资料,通过合成分析和回归分析的方法探讨了与干湿季降水各主模态对应的大尺度大气环流和海温状况。我国西南地区干季降水第1主模态与北极涛动(AO)有明显的正相关关系,对应的大气环流和海温状况表现为高纬北冰洋与中纬度地区上空高度场的反向异常分布,北大西洋和北太平洋海温低纬与中高纬的偶极子型异常分布;第2主模态与中高纬欧亚大陆上空高度场经向偶极子型异常分布有关,中纬度北太平洋的海温异常与该模态具有紧密的联系。我国西南地区湿季降水第1主模态与北大西洋涛动(NAO)显著负相关,对应的大气环流和海温状况表现为北大西洋上,高纬度与中纬度地区上空高度场的偶极子型异常分布,海温从低纬到中高纬的三极子型异常分布;第2主模态受欧亚大陆上空高度场经向三极子型异常分布影响,并与北太平洋海温异常的一致型分布有关;第3主模态可能与El Ni?o Modoki有关,同时受到南亚高压的影响,赤道太平洋海温的纬向三极子型异常分布对该模态具有一定的潜在预报意义。  相似文献   
There are obvious periodic oscillations in the observations of storm surges in the East China Sea. The storm surges are not only controlled by the wind stresses and isolated long wave caused by typhoons but also affected by the interaction between astronomical tides and storm surges. In the present paper we simulate the interaction between tides and storm surges by using a two dimensional numerical model. In our numerical experiments we use the data of the storm surge induced by Typhoon 8114. The calculations tally with the measured data well. The results indicate that the periodic oscillations occurring in the elevations of the surge are mainly caused by the interaction between the tide and the storm surge. The numerical experiments also indicate that the forecasting precision may be notably improved if the nonlinear interaction between tides and storm surges is taken into account.  相似文献   
Impact of land use changes on surface warming in China   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
Land use changes such as urbanization, agriculture, pasturing, deforestation, desertification and irrigation can change the land surface heat flux directly, and also change the atmospheric circulation indirectly, and therefore affect the local temperature. But it is difficult to separate their effects from climate trends such as greenhouse-gas effects. Comparing the decadal trends of the observation station data with those of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (NNR) data provides a good method to separate the effects because the NNR is insensitive to land surface changes. The effects of urbanization and other land use changes over China are estimated by using the difference between the station and the NNR surface temperature trends. Our results show that urbanization and other land use changes may contribute to the observed 0.12℃ (10 yr)- 1 increase for daily mean surface temperature, and the 0.20℃ (10 yr)- 1 and 0.03℃ (10 yr)-1 increases for the daily minimum and maximum surface temperatures, respectively. The urban heat island effect and the effects of other land-use changes mayalso play an important role in the diurnal temperature range change. The spatial pattern of the differences in trends shows a marked heterogeneity.The land surface degradation such as deforestation and desertification due to human activities over northern China, and rapidly-developed urbanization over southern China, may have mostly contributed to the increases at stations north of about 38°N and in Southeast China, respectively. Furthermore, the vegetation cover increase due to irrigation and fertilization may have contributed to the decreasing trend of surface temperature over the lower Yellow River Basin. The study illustrates the possible impacts of land use changes on surface temperature over China.  相似文献   
This study provides new evidence for the feedback effects of vegetation cover on summer precipitation in different regions of China by calculating immediate (same season), and one-and two-season lagged correlations between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and summer precipitation. The results show that the correlation coefficients between NDVI in spring and the previous winter and precipitation in summer are positive in most regions of China, and they show significant difference between regions. The stronger one-and two-season lagged correlations occur in the eastern arid/semi-arid region, Central China,and Southwest China out of the eight climatic regions of China, and this implies that vegetation cover change has more sensitive feedback effects on summer precipitation in the three regions. The three regions are defined as sensitive regions. Spatial analyses of correlations between spring NDVI averaged over each sensitive region and summer precipitation of 160 stations suggest that the vegetation cover strongly affects summer precipitation not only over the sensitive region itself but also over other regions, especially the downstream region.  相似文献   
This paper examines the sensitivity of CAM3.1 simulations of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) to the choice of dynamic cores using three long-term simulations, one with each of the following cores: the Eulerian spectral transform method (EUL), semi-Lagrangian scheme (SLD) and finite volume approach (FV). Our results indicate that the dynamic cores significantly influence the simulated fields not only through dynamics, such as wind, but also through physical processes, such as precipitation. Generally speaking, SLD is superior to EUL and FV in simulating the climatological features of EASM and its interannual variability. The SLD version of the CAM model partially reduces its known deficiency in simulating the climatological features of East Asian summer precipitation. The strength and position of simulated western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and its ridge line compare more favourably with observations in SLD and FV than in EUL. They contribute to the intensification of the south-easterly along the south of WPSH and the vertical motion through the troposphere around 30° N, where the subtropical rain belt exists. Additionally, SLD simulates the scope of the westerly jet core over East Asia more realistically than the other two dynamic cores do. Considerable systematic errors of the seasonal migration of monsoon rain belt and water vapour flux exist in all of the three versions of CAM3.1 model, although it captures the broad northward shift of convection, and the simulated results share similarities. The interannual variation of EASM is found to be more accurate in SLD simulation, which reasonably reproduces the leading combined patterns of precipitation and 850-hPa winds in East Asia, as well as the 2.5- and 10-year periods of Li?CZeng EASM index. These results emphasise the importance of dynamic cores for the EASM simulation as distinct from the simulation??s sensitivity to the physical parameterisations.  相似文献   
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