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The interior motions in steady, layered, geostrophic models of large scale wind-driven phenomena are severely constrained if there is no stress transfer across the interfaces. In particular, there will be no motion in the subsurface layers except in regions where the layers rise to the surface and are exposed to the wind-stress or unless the layers are in contact with lateral boundary layers with which they exchange fluid. These results follow directly from quite general considerations that are outlined in this paper.  相似文献   
CONICA is an acronym for COudé Near Infrared Camera. It is one of the four currently planned Infrared instruments for ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. This multimode instrument is to be installed at the Coudé-focus (of Unit Telescope no. 1), where adaptive optics and speckle interferometry will also be available. High angular resolution imaging (to the diffraction limit) will be possible in the 1–5 m range, as well as spectroscopy with low- and medium resolution and polarimetry by means of Wollaston prism and wiregrid analysers. Various softwares are developed for this instrument. One of them: the Simulation Software has a threefold aim: 1. provide the user with feedback information on his/her choices of observational parameters. This is be achieved by displaying the calculated performance and throughput of the combined Source-Atmosphere-Telescope-Camera-Detector system in various formats, such as images, tables, isophotical images ... for point as well as for extended sources (also annular, double, etc.); 2. verify if his expectations are realistic, before actually using CONICA itself. 3. give feedback on the design to the developers of the instrument.On leave from his original institute, now at ESTEC in the ISO-project  相似文献   
Power spectrum analysis of the oxygen isotopic records of deep-sea cores cannot be directly used for correlation studies with the astronomical forcing functions because of the rapidity of the major deglaciations. The ensuing step change in the isotopic curves, repeated at somewhat irregular intervals, produces, in fact, substantial spectral energy in a wide frequency band that includes the frequencies of the precessional parameters.The isotopic fluctuations within the ramp sections of a composite core curve have been found to be highly correlated with the precessional parameters, indicating a linear response of climate to these parameters and verifying, at the same time, the essential correctness of the time scale adopted.A direct correlation of eccentricity with the major glacial/interglacial cycle is doubtful because some of the eccentricity minima have absolute values of the same order as some of the maxima, while the isotopic amplitude remains essentially constant. In order to test if the major cycle could be related to a terrestrial parameter exhibiting an asymmetric relaxation fluctuation, we have added an asymmetric saw-tooth function to an artificial curve constructed from the precessional parameters on the basis of optimal response amplitude. The curve thus generated reproduces the original isotopic curve with a similarity sufficient to warrant a close search and analysis of the relaxation process.  相似文献   
Negative connotations of invasive plants worldwide have implicated them as the bearers of unfavorable ecosystem change. We contrasted 5-yr-old and 20-yr-oldPhragmites populations with pre-invasion areas occupied byTypha spp. andPanicum virgatum in an oligohaline tidal marsh of Chesapeake Bay. Peak live biomass was 3 times greater, while standing dead and litter was twice as great in the 20-yr-oldPhragmites. It is this abundance of concentrated litter on the marsh surface of maturePhragmites populations that we implicate as encouraging the trapping of organic and mineral matter. The rate of vertical accretion in 20-yr-oldPhragmites populations is 3–4 mm yr−1 above the adjacent populations. By integrating the constant initial concentration and constant rate of supply models on individual210Pb cores, we estimate thatPhragmites populations require a minimum of 7-yr post-colonization to enhance rates of accretion in this system. In ligh of the considerable loss of marsh habitat from relative sea-level rise, this finding contests the view that invasion creates strictly undesirable change at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   
Atmospheric peroxides and formaldehyde were measured at two sites in Sweden; inside a Scots pine stand (Jädraås) and on top of Mt. Åreskutan (1250 msl). Peroxide levels at Jädraås were highest during the day and lowest during the night. Mid-day concentrations of H2O2 varied between 0.05 and 2 ppbv. Isentropic trajectories together with local O3 measurements indicated the importance of long range transport on surface H2O2 lévels. Large diurnal variations and vertical profiles showed the importance of turbulent mixing processes and dry deposition. A comparison of H2O2 and O3 diurnal variations indicated a more rapid dry deposition of H2O2 to the forest. It would appear that terpenes emitted from the forest play a minor role in controlling the H2O2 levels. Formaldehyde at Jädraås had a different diurnal variation than peroxides; highest levels were observed in the early evening indicating chemical production of CH2O. Diurnal variations of peroxides on Mt Åreskutan were opposite to those at Jädraås, highest concentrations were observed during the night. This result is to be expected if during the day air from inside the valley, with lower peroxide levels relative to the free troposphere, rises to the mountain top. In the evening, subsidence brings free tropospheric air with higher peroxides levels to the mountain.  相似文献   
Flood irrigation is globally one of the most used irrigation methods. Typically, not all water that is applied during flood irrigation is consumed by plants or lost to evaporation. Return flow, the portion of applied water from flood irrigation that returns back to streams either via surface or subsurface flow, can constitute a large part of the water balance. Few studies have addressed the connection between vertical and lateral subsurface flows and its potential role in determining return flow pathways due to the difficulty in observing and quantifying these processes at plot or field scale. We employed a novel approach, combining induced polarization, time‐lapse electrical resistivity tomography, and time‐lapse borehole nuclear magnetic resonance, to identify flow paths and quantify changes in soil hydrological conditions under nonuniform application of flood irrigation water. We developed and tested a new method to track the wetting front in the subsurface using the full range of inverted resistivity values. Antecedent soil moisture conditions did not play an important role in preferential flow path activation. More importantly, boundaries between lithological zones in the soil profile were observed to control preferential flow pathways with subsurface run‐off occurring at these boundaries when saturation occurred. Using the new method to analyse time‐lapse resistivity measurements, we were able to track the wetting front and identify subsurface flow paths. Both uniform infiltration and preferential lateral flows were observed. Combining three geophysical methods, we documented the influence of lithology on subsurface flow processes. This study highlights the importance of characterizing the subsurface when the objective is to identify and quantify subsurface return flow pathways under flood irrigation.  相似文献   
The problem of A.T.E.A.S. is treated, for the zonal perturbations, in its Hamiltonian form. The method consists in eliminating angular variables from the Hamiltonian function. Nearly identity canonical transformations are used, first to remove short periodic terms, second to remove long periodic terms. The general solution, up toJ 2 3 , is represented by the generators of the transformations and by the mean motions of averaged variables, known up toJ 2 4 . Open expressions in the eccentricity are avoided as far as possible. It permits to obtain a closed second order theory with closed third order mean motions.Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics held at Oberwolfach (West Germany) from 14 to 19 August, 1978.  相似文献   
The Denizli Basin is a fault‐bounded Neogene–Quaternary depression located in the Western Anatolian Extensional Province, Western Turkey. The basin is a unique geological site with abundant active and fossil (Quaternary) travertine and tufa deposits. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and isotopic analysis were applied to study the genesis of the Ball?k fossil travertine deposits, located in the south‐eastern part of the basin. Microthermometry on fluid inclusions indicates that the main travertine precipitating and cementing fluids are characterized by low salinity (<0·7 wt% NaCl equivalent) and variable temperatures that cluster at <50°C and ca 100°C. Fluids of meteoric origin have been heated by migration to the deeper subsurface, possibly in a local high geothermal gradient setting. A later uncommon cementation phase is related to a fluid with a significantly higher salinity (25·5 to 26·0 wt% bulk). The fluid obtained its salinity by interaction with Late Triassic evaporite layers. Strontium isotopes indicate that the parent carbonate source rock of the different travertine precipitates is very likely to be the Triassic limestone of the Lycian Nappes. Carbon isotopes suggest that the parent CO2 gas originated from thermal decarbonation of the Lycian limestones with minor contributions of magmatic degassing and organic soil CO2. Oxygen isotopes confirm the meteoric origin of the fluids and indicate disequilibrium precipitation because of evaporation and degassing. Results were integrated within the available geological data of the Denizli Basin in a generalized travertine precipitation model, which enhanced the understanding of fossil travertine systems. The study highlights the novel application of fluid inclusion research in unravelling the genesis of continental carbonates and provides several recommendations for hydrocarbon exploration in travertine‐bearing sedimentary basins. The findings suggest that travertine bodies and their parent carbonate source rocks have the potential to constitute interesting subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   
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