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南海西沙西南海域表层沉积物特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
西沙西南海域表层沉积物样品矿物成分,地球化学,微体古生物分析测试结果表明:沉积物可分为7种类型,沉积环境主要是陆坡,部分为深海平原,海洋生物,海洋化学以及火山物质的沉积起到了积极的作用,陆源物质的影响较小,它们主要来源于北部大陆和南部岛礁等物源区。  相似文献   
The maximum volume of the closed Friedmann universe is further investigated and is shown to be 22 R 3 (t), instead of 2 R 3 (t) as found previously. This discrepancy comes from the incomplete use of the volume formula of 3-dimensional spherical space in the astronomical literature. Mathematically, there exists the maximum volume at any cosmic timet in a 3-dimensional spherical case. However, the Friedmann closed universe in expansion reaches its maximum volume only at the timet m of the maximum scale factorR(t m ). The particle horizon has no limitation for the farthest objects in the closed Friedmann universe if the proper distance of objects is compared with the particle horizon as it should be. It will lead to absurdity if the luminosity distance of objects is compared with the proper distance of the particle horizon.  相似文献   
MODIS数据在乌鲁木齐地区植被景观动态监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据EOS/MODIS卫星时次高覆盖面广的特征,选取从4.10月的MODIS晴空资料,对整个乌鲁木齐地区植被景观进行动态监测,利用植被指数最大合成法制作了每月植被指数专题图。为了能够结合物候更好地分析乌鲁木齐地区植被随季节变化趋势以及不同时期植被生长状况,我们还制作了植被景观专题图及其变化评价图。评价图的优势在于能直观地反映植被变化的趋势,并能将变化的程度数字化,还可以根据不同的评价图叠加DEM做相应的分析。为乌鲁木齐地区植被变化研究提供有效的依据。  相似文献   
湿地旅游可持续发展研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
湿地以其独具特色的自然和文化景观为湿地旅游提供了有利条件。本文在可持续发展思想的基础上提出了湿地旅游这一概念,分析了湿地旅游发展与湿地环境保护之间的关系;针对湿地生物多样性、景观多样性、文化多样性等特点对湿地的旅游价值作了进一步的探讨,提出了湿地旅游可持续发展的几点对策。  相似文献   
Soil degradation: a global problem endangering sustainable development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 Introduction Soil is not only the major natural resource on which human being depends for the production of food, feed, fiber, renewable energy and raw materials, but also plays a key role in maintaining the complex terrestrial ecosystems and climate systems of this planet. Recent rapid increase in the human population is placing a great strain on the worlds soil resources. Only about 11% of the global land surface covered by the soils are being used to raise crops and livestock, in other …  相似文献   
寒武纪高滩组广泛分布于赣南武功山-雩山地区,主体为一套浅变质砂岩夹板岩的复理石建造。为分析其物源,并对源区地壳生长和构造演化提供约束,本文对采自高滩组的变长石石英杂砂岩进行了LA-ICP-MS碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素研究。锆石U-Pb年龄数据显示2 500 Ma、1 100~900 Ma和900~700 Ma 3个主要年龄峰值。2 500 Ma的年龄峰值代表了新太古代末期—古元古代的古陆核生长事件。1 100~900 Ma和900~700 Ma两个峰最显著,表明Rodinia超大陆聚合裂解在华南地区的响应,为该区寒武纪地层提供了主要物源。此外,3 003 Ma锆石年龄的捕获说明,华夏地块可能存在太古宙地壳基底。Hf同位素数据表明,源区锆石结晶多为古老地壳组分部分熔融产生的岩浆。结合锆石年龄数据分析认为,华南地区存在强烈的新元古代岩浆活动,该时期岩浆活动主要是古老地壳物质的再循环。  相似文献   
集对分析及其在城市地面沉降研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
集对分析是处理本确定性问题的理论,认为在一系统中不确定性与确定性互相联系、影响、制约,并在一定条件下互相转化,用联系度及其数学表达式统一描述系统的各种不确定性,由此实现系统调控的辅助决策。本文应用集对分析理论与方法剖析了上海地面沉降问题,探讨了社会需求、资源状况、地质环境三者间的制约关系,并以此提出城市地面沉降系统调控的对策与途径。  相似文献   
藏东南部泥石流堵河试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过模型试验对泥石流入汇主河后堵塞坝形成过程以及堵塞坝体溃决后主河河床形态特征进行了研究。实验历时3个月,共13组试验。在支主沟交汇角为90°的情况下,通过改变支沟泥石流容重、支主沟的流量比和动量比,建立了泥石流堵河的判别公式,当r>1 001.16时容易发生堵河现象,并对培龙沟两次泥石流堵河事件进行了判定;定义了主河的束窄率S与主河流速变异系数Fv,并发现了主河的束窄率与支主沟动量比之间存在线性关系;主河稳定后的平均宽度与流速变异系数之间存在幂的关系。该实验能够较好地模拟泥石流堵塞坝形成的过程,结果比较合理,并为泥石流灾害的防治提供了相应的理论基础。  相似文献   
In the present study the links between spring Arctic Oscillation (AO) and East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) was investigated with focus on the importance of the North Pacific atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). To reduce the statistical uncertainty, we analyzed high-pass filtered data with the inter-annual time scales, and excluded the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation signals in the climate fields using a linear fitting method. The significant relationship between spring AO and EASM are supported by the changes of multi-monsoon components, including monsoon indices, precipitation, and three-dimensional atmospheric circulations. Following a stronger positive spring AO, an anomalous cyclonic circulation at 850?hPa appears in southeastern Asia and the western North Pacific in summer, with the easterly anomalies spanning from the Pacific to Asian continent along 25°N?C30°N and the westerly anomalies south of 15°N. At the same time, the summer western North Pacific subtropical high becomes weaker. Consistently, the positive precipitation anomalies are developed over a broad region south of 30°N stretching from southern China to the western Pacific and the negative precipitation anomalies appear in the lower valley of the Yangtze River and southern Japan. The anomalous cyclone in the western North Pacific persisting from spring to summer plays a key role in modulating EASM and monsoon precipitation by a positive air-sea feedback mechanism. During spring the AO-associated atmospheric circulation change produces warmer SSTs between 150°E?C180° near the equator. The anomalous sensible and latent heating, in turn, intensifies the cyclone through a Gill-type response of the atmosphere. Through this positive feedback, the tropical atmosphere and SST patterns sustain their strength from spring to summer, that consequently modifies the monsoon trough and the western North Pacific subtropical high and eventually the EASM precipitation. Moreover, the SST response to AO-circulation is supported by the numerical simulations of an ocean model, and the anomalous atmospheric circulation over the western North Pacific is also reproduced by the dedicated numerical simulations using the coupled atmosphere?Cocean model. The observation evidence and numerical simulations suggest the spring AO can impact the EASM via triggering tropical air-sea feedback over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   
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