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The flow of laser radiation in a plane-parallel cylindrical slab of active amplifying medium with axial symmetry is treated as a problem in radiative transfer. The appropriate one-dimensional transfer equation describing the transfer of laser radiation has been derived by an appeal to Einstein'sA, B coefficients (describing the processes of stimulated line absorption, spontaneous line emission, and stimulated line emission sustained by population inversion in the medium) and considering the rate equations to completely establish the rational of the transfer equation obtained. The equation is then exactly solved and the angular distribution of the emergent laser beam intensity is obtained; its numerically computed values are given in tables and plotted in graphs showing the nature of peaks of the emerging laser beam intensity about the axis of the laser cylinder.  相似文献   
A static spherically-symmetric model, based on an exact solution of Einstein's equation, gives the permissible matter density 2×1014 g cm–3. If we use the change in the ratio of central density to the radiusr=a (i.e., central density per unit radius (0/a), we call it radius density) minimum, we have estimated the upper limit of the density variation parameter () and minimum mass limit of a superdense star like a neutron star. This limit gives an idea of the domain where the neutron abundance with negligible number of electrons and protons (may be treated as pure neutrons) and equilibrium in neutrons begins.  相似文献   
We present a relatively completeV-band light curve of SZ Psc for 1978 and a partial light curve for 1977. From the 1978 light curve we derive a new time of primary minimum, JD2443823.674±0.001, and a Russell-model solution,i=75°.8±0°.1,r h =0.096±0.003,r c =0.351±0.001, andL h =0.253±0.002. The hotter component of this system is a F5-8 main-sequence star, the cooler component a K3-4 star well above the main sequence. The system is detached with the larger component filling only 82% of its Roche lobe. The distortion wave in this RS CVn-type binary seems not to migrate regularly as do those in many other such systems, but rather seems to change phase and amplitude more erratically. Between 1977 and 1978 its phase stayed practically constant while its amplitude decreased by a factor of three. We discuss the implications of this behavior for the spot model of RS CVn-type activity. We find that the traditional comparison star for SZ Psc, HD 219018, is very likely a constant star contrary to a recent suggestion that it is variable. Its brightness and colors,V=7.705, (B-V)=0.628, and (V-I) c =0.688, are those of a G2V star.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation, and Visiting Astronomer, Prarie Observatory, University of Illinois.  相似文献   
A suite of rocks from Borra Carbonate Granulite Complex (BCGC) in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt displays superposed structures and overprinted mineral assemblages that reveal multiple episodes of tectonothermal reworking of the complex under granulite facies condition. Five distinct episodes of deformation (D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5) and four phases of metamorphism (M1, M2, M3 and M4) are recorded. The signature of the earliest tectonothermal event, D1 is a gneissic foliation (S1) denned by segregation of peak granulite facies mineral assemblages corresponding to prograde M1 metamorphism. M2 metamorphic overprint represents an episode of near-isobaric cooling of the complex under a static condition. D2 represents an episode of ductile deformation manifested by isoclinal folding (F2) and associated extensional structures, within a broad framework of coaxial bulk deformation. The present study reveals that D2 took place subsequent to M2 - Subsequent deformation, D3, produced F3 folds and also deformations of boudins formed during D2. M3, which is synchronous with F3, represents a near isothermal decompression of the BCGC. This was followed by a weak structural readjustment (D4), producing E-W cross folds. The latter was not, however, associated with any recognizable petrological reworking. In the terminal events, deformation (D5) and mineral reactions (M4) were localized along narrow intersecting shear zones. The latter acted as channelways for carbonic and still later hydrous fluid infiltration. The available thermobarometric data from BCGC and other areas of the Eastern Ghats belt reveal that reworking during M2 and M3 ensued in a thermally perturbed regime. The high thermal regime might also have persisted during carbonic fluid infiltration related to terminal reworking (M4).  相似文献   
This paper investigates the provenance of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments in the Kutch Basin, western India, on the basis of mineralogical investigations of sandstones composition(Quartz-Feldspar-Lithic(QFL)fragment), Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile(ZTR) index, and mineral chemistry of heavy detrital minerals of the framework.The study also examines the compositional variation of the sandstone in relation to the evolution of the Kutch Basin, which originated as a rift basin during the Late Triassic and evolved into a passive margin basin by the end Cretaceous. This study analyzes sandstone samples of Jhumara, Jhuran and Bhuj Formations of Middle Jurassic,Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, respectively, in the Kutch Mainland. Sandstones record a compositional evolution from arkosic to subarkosic as the feldspar content decreases from 68% in the Jhumara Formation to 27%in the Bhuj Formation with intermediate values in the Jhuran Formation. The QFL modal composition indicates basement uplifted and transitional continental settings at source. Heavy mineral content of these sandstones reveals the occurrence of zircon, tourmaline, rutile, garnet, apatite, monazite and opaque minerals. Sub-rounded to well-rounded zircon grains indicate a polycyclic origin. ZTR indices for samples in Jhumara, Jhuran and Bhuj Formations are 25%, 30% and 50% respectively. Chemistry of opaque minerals reveals the occurrence of detrital varieties such as ilmenite, rutile, hematite/magnetite and pyrite, in a decreasing order of abundances. Chemistry of ilmenites in the Jhumara Formation reveals its derivation from dual felsic igneous and metabasic source, while those in Jhuran and Bhuj Formations indicate a metabasic derivation. Chemistry of garnet reveals predominantly Fe-rich(almandine) variety of metabasic origin. X-ray microscopic study provides the percentage of heavy minerals ranging from 3% to 5.26%. QFL detrital modes reflect the evolution of the basin from an active rift to a passive margin basin during the Mesozoic. Integration of results from QFL modal composition of the sandstones, heavy mineral analysis and mineral chemistry, suggests sediment supply from both northern and eastern highlands during the Middle Jurassic. The uplift along the Kutch Mainland Fault in the Early Cretaceous results in curtailment of sediment input from north.  相似文献   
Glauconitic minerals are considered as one of the valuable input parameters in sequence stratigraphic analysis of a basin. In the present study glauconitic minerals are reported from subtidal green shale facies in the lower part of the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Naredi Formation of western Kutch. On the basis of the foraminiferal assemblage the glauconite bearing beds are interpreted to have formed in a mid shelf depositional settings of an unstable marine conditions. XRD studies confirm the glauconite mineralogy of the green pellets and provide an estimation of glauconite maturity. Textural attributes of the glauconites confirm their derivation by different degrees of alteration of precursor feldspar grains. Because of the authigenic origin and autochthonous nature, these glauconites hold promise for understanding sequence stratigraphy of the Palaeogene succession of the western Kutch.  相似文献   
Classification of hyperspectral remote sensing data is more challenging than multispectral remote sensing data because of the enormous amount of information available in the many spectral bands. During the last few decades, significant efforts have been made to investigate the effectiveness of the traditional multispectral classification approaches on hyperspectral data. Formerly extensively established conventional classification methods have been dominated by the advanced classification approaches and many pre‐processing techniques have been developed and incorporated in hyperspectral classification. A perspective survey of hyperspectral remote sensing classification approaches is presented here. It comprehensively highlights the taxonomy of major classification approaches reported during the last two decades and describes an experimental evaluation of a few major classification algorithms. Recent advancements in the development of classification approaches are also emphasized with a set of guidelines for achieving better classification performances.  相似文献   
The Paleogene sections of Kutch are the reference for the regional chronostratigraphic units of India. The ages of these dominantly shallow marine carbonates are mainly based on larger benthic foraminifera (LBF). The taxonomic revisions of the LBF and the progressively refined shallow benthic zonations (SBZ) have necessitated the present study on updating the stratigraphy of the area. The sedimentation in Kutch commenced with the deposition of volcaniclastics in terrestrial environments in the Paleocene. The marine transgression in SBZ 5/6 deposited finer clastics and carbonates, designated as Naredi Formation, in early Eocene. There is no evidence of marine Paleocene in Kutch. A major hiatus spanning SBZ 12 to SBZ 16 was followed by the development of a carbonate platform and deposition of Harudi Formation – Fulra Limestone during the Bartonian, SBZ 17. The hiatus corresponds to a widespread stratigraphic break in Pakistan and India to Australia, referred as the ‘Lutetian Gap.’ The Maniyara Fort Formation is assigned to SBZ 22 B and SBZ 23, and its age is revised to Chattian. Climate played a major role in building up of the Paleogene stratigraphic succession of Kutch, the carbonates formed during the warming intervals and the stratigraphic gaps were in the intervening cooling periods.  相似文献   
It is seen that the apparent chargeability (Ma)L anomaly over a 2D graphite body splits into two distinct (Vs)L anomalies which closely follow the apparent resistivity profile. This suggests that the electric field amplitude is distorted due to a superficial inhomogeneity creating a (Vs)L anomaly, which bears no relation to the polarized body. The target depth obtained by continuation of such a profile is therefore, not acceptable.  相似文献   
The Burhi Dining river flows in a meandering course for about 220 km through alluvial plains of Assam including a short rocky and hilly tract in between. Sequential changes in the position of banklines of the river due to consistent bank erosion have been studied from Survey of India topographic maps of 1934 and 1972, and digital satellite data of 2001 and 2004 using GIS. Two broad kinds of changes have been observed, e.g. alteration of direction of flow due to neck cut-off and progressive gradual change of the meander bends that accounts for translational, lateral, rotational, extensional and other types of movement of the meander bends. Study of bankline shift due to the bank erosion has been carried out for the periods 1934–1972, 1972–2001, 2001–2004 and 1934–2004 at 13 segments spaced at 5′ longitude interval (average 15 km) as the river course trends nearly east to west. The amounts of the bank area lost due to erosion and gained due to sediment deposition are estimated separately. The total area eroded in both banks during 1934–1972 was more (26.796 km2) as compared to sediment deposition (19.273 km2), whereas total sediment deposition was more (34.61 km2) during 1972-2001 as compared to erosion (23.152 km2). Erosion was again more in 2001–2004 (7.568 km2) as compared to sediment deposition (2.493 km2). During the entire period (1934–2004) of study the overall erosion on the both banks was 31.169 km2 and overall sediment deposition was 30.101 km2. The highest annual rates of bank erosion as well as bank building of the river are 21055.47 m2/km in 2001–2004 and 9665.81 m2/km in 1972-2001, respectively. Similarly the highest average annual rates of erosion as well as sediment deposition in both banks are observed during 2001–2004 and 1972–2001, respectively. The hard rocks of the hilly tract situated in between result in development of entrenched meandering and this tract has suffered minimum bank erosion.  相似文献   
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