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该研究利用学术论文数据库筛选出中国鲤科鱼类游泳能力相关论文115篇,并用Origin软件进行了数据统计分析,旨在归纳和分析中国鲤科鱼类游泳能力并建立估算方法,可为正处于规划阶段和可行性研究阶段的过鱼设施流速设计提供依据.结果表明:(1)鱼类游泳速度与鱼体长度具有显著的非线性相关关系,据此建立了一系列幂函数经验公式,可为游泳能力和过鱼设施研究及设计提供依据.(2)依据所得到的经验公式和协方差分析可知,喜流水型鲤科鱼类的游泳能力>广适型>喜静水型.根据该研究得到的经验公式并结合行业规范和文献资料,对正处于规划阶段和可行性研究阶段过鱼设施流速设计的建议如下:西南地区以裂腹鱼成鱼为主要过鱼对象的过鱼设施进鱼口吸引流速范围为0.61~0.76m/s,通道内最高流速阈值为1.28 m/s;长江中下游以四大家鱼成鱼为主要过鱼对象的进鱼口吸引流速范围为0.76~0.93m/s,通道内最高流速阈值为1.49 m/s,以四大家鱼幼鱼为主要过鱼对象的进鱼口吸引流速范围为0.42~0.62 m/s,通道内最高流速阈值可为0.82 m/s. 相似文献
红河(元江)流域的典型鱼类游泳能力探究及在过鱼设施流速设计中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探讨红河(元江)流域的典型洄游鱼类游泳能力,给过鱼设施修建设计和鱼类行为学研究提供基础参数,本研究以该流域的野生暗色唇鲮(Semilabeo obscurus)、华南鲤(Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus)和红魾(Bagarius rutilus)3种鱼类(体长范围0.05~0.45 m)为研究对象,在野外现场布置游泳能力测试水槽分别测试了感应流速、临界游泳速度和突进游泳速度.研究结果表明:(1)对比绝对游泳能力与体长相关性,3种鱼的相对游泳能力与体长的相关性更高,均呈显著负相关;(2)3种鱼之间的游泳能力存在差异,红魾的感应流速最大,为(0.10±0.01)m/s,华南鲤的临界游泳速度最大,为(0.66±0.01)m/s,华南鲤的突进游泳速度最大,为(1.48±0.18)m/s;(3)拟合趋流率与水流速度的相关曲线,所有测试鱼的趋流率与流速的函数关系为Pre=19.80V-1.13(R2=0.96,P<0.05),得出95%目标鱼的趋流速度为0.11 m/s;利用生存分析方法,得出95%目标鱼累积疲劳的临界和突进游泳速度分别为0.58、1.01 m/s.(4)当以暗色唇鲮、华南鲤和红魾为主要过鱼对象时,建议过鱼设施的内部流速不应小于0.1 m/s,入口的设计流速范围为0.6~1.0 m/s,休息区域的流速范围为0.1~0.6 m/s,孔口或竖缝等高流速区的设计流速不宜超过0.8 m/s,若过鱼设施孔口边壁或底部加糙,可适当增至0.8~1.0 m/s.本研究中红河(元江)流域鱼类游泳能力等资料为过鱼设施修建及珍稀鱼类保护提供了数据支撑. 相似文献
The fish swimming trail fossils are rare and, therefore, precious. The specimen described abroad are generally smaller or more poorly preserved. The specimens used in the present study and derived from the Mesozoic strata in Hengshan County, Shaanxi Province, China, are rare because of their completeness (with the length of the specimen reaching 4 m), exquisiteness and largeness in trace body. These specimens, classified as four ichnospecies, including two new ones, show the morphological pattern of the fish swimming trails. The trace fish bodies are calculated to be 32-92 cm long. 相似文献
Genetic interpretation of fish swimming trails and calculation of fish-body length in Late Triassic Hengshan, Shaanxi Province, China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
LU Zongsheng HOU Jianxiang CHEN Bin HAO Chaokun & LI Xiaoyan Faculty of Earth Sciences China University of Geosciences Wuhan China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,(3)
《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):235-245
The major aim of this study was to investigate heavy metal content of edible fish in the PRD. Eleven species of fish (consisting of 711 individuals) [catfish (Clarias fuscus), tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis), mandarin fish (Siniperca kneri), snakehead (Channa asiatiea), black bass (Micropterus salmoides), mangrove snapper (Lutjanus griseus), star snapper (Lutjanu stellatus), snubnose pompano (Trachinotus blochii) and orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)] were collected for the analyses of heavy metals. Overall concentrations (mg/kg, ww) in the fish muscles were: As (0.03–1.53), Pb (0.03–8.62), Cd (0.02–0.06), Ni (0.44–9.75), Zn (15.7–29.5), Cr (0.22–0.65), Cu (0.79–2.26), Mn (0.82–6.91). Significant level of Pb were found in tilapia at all locations. It is recommended that heavy metal concentrations in different fish species must be determined on a regular basis in the future so as to reduce human health risks from acute and chronic food intoxication. 相似文献
To study the correlation between nutrient enrichment derived from fish farming activities and changes in macrobenthic assemblages, a one-year field study was conducted in Kau Sai Bay marine fish culture zone of Hong Kong. Bimonthly sediment samples were collected at six stations: two at the fish cages, two near the boundary of the fish culture area, and two reference sites further away from the culture area. Sediment physico-chemical characteristics in terms of silt/clay fraction, moisture content, total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP) were analyzed. The macrobenthos (>0.5 mm) present in the sediment were sorted, identified and enumerated. On average, TOC, TKN and TP levels at the fish cage stations were 82.8%, 128.5% and 1315.7% higher than those at the reference stations, respectively. As a result, the N:P molar ratio was greatly reduced from 8.75 at the reference stations to 1.83 at the fish cage stations. Univariate and multivariate analyses revealed that diversity of macrofauna was significantly reduced and community structure differed at the fish cage stations relative to the reference sites. The intermediary stations near the fish culture area showed a transitional state of disturbance. Faunal diversity was negatively correlated with nutrient level, reflecting the adverse impacts of nutrient enrichment derived from fish farming activities on the benthic assemblages. Whilst in subtropical Asia-Pacific trash fish is the major feed for fish culture resulting in a higher nutrient loading and nutrient ratio accumulated in the sediment beneath the fish rafts, the effects of nutrient enrichment on macrobenthic assemblages are comparable to that in temperate waters owing to relatively high sediment metabolism rate and smaller fish culture scale in Hong Kong. 相似文献
Bioaccumulation and biomarker responses of trace metals and micro-organic pollutants in mussels and fish from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The aims of this study were to evaluate levels and effects of trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn), PAHs and PCBs in mussels and fish native to the Lagoon of Venice. To this end, bioaccumulation and various biomarkers of generic stress and exposure (malondialdehyde, MDA and metallothioneins, MT; ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity, EROD; fluorescent bile metabolites and somatic indices in fish; lysosomal membrane stability, LMS; lipofuscins, LF; neutral lipids, NL and survival-in-air, SOS in mussels) were measured in organisms seasonally collected from two differently influenced areas. In mussels, metal bioaccumulation levels at the two sites were low and fluctuated similarly, exhibiting decreasing levels in summer, like MDA and MT. Micro-organic pollutants and the probably related biological response of LMS did not show either significant site differences or seasonal trends. LF and NL revealed inconclusive patterns. The results of the survival-in-air test were quite erratic, showing that they were associated with the high variability of both natural and physiological parameters temperature, food, reproduction, and body reserve cycle. In fish, both inorganic and organic micropollutant levels were low, and differences were detected between sites only for PCBs. The pattern exhibited by micro-organic contaminants was clearly related to the reproductive cycle at both sites; a relationship with PCBs, EROD and MDA was established at the site where their levels were generally higher. Bile metabolites (3-OH benzo(a)pyrene, 1-OH pyrene) were associated with PAH contents. 相似文献
Velocity structure of uppermost mantle beneath North China from Pn tomography and its implications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
20301 Pn arrival time data are collected from the seismological bulletins of both national and regional seismic networks. Pn travel time residuals are tomographically inverted for the Pn velocity structure of uppermost mantle beneath North China. The result indicates that the average Pn velocity in North China is 7.92 km/s, and the velocity varies laterally from ?0.21 to +0.29 km/s around the average. The approximately NNE trending high and low velocity regions arrange alternatively west-eastward. From west to east we can see high velocity in the middle Ordos region, the Shanxi graben low, the Jizhong depression high, the west Shandong uplift and Bohai Sea low, and the high velocity region to the east of the Tanlu fault. In the southern boundary zone of the North China block, except for the high velocity in the Qingling Mountains region, the velocity is generally lower than the average. Obvious velocity anisotropy is seen in the Datong Cenozoic volcanic region, with the fast velocity direction in NNE-SSW. Notable velocity anisotropy is also seen around the Bay of Bohai Sea, and the fast velocity directions seem to show a rotation pattern, possibly indicating a flow-like deformation in the uppermost mantle there. The Pn velocity variations show a reversed correlation with the Earth's heat flow. The low Pn velocity regions generally show high heat flow, e.g., the Shanxi graben and Bohai Sea region. While the high Pn velocity regions usually manifest low heat flow, e.g., the region of Jizhong depression. This indicates that the Pn velocity variation in the study region is mainly aroused by the regional temperature difference in the uppermost mantle. Strong earthquakes in the crust tend to occur in the region with the abnormal low Pn velocity, or in the transition zone between high and low Pn velocity regions. The earthquakes in the low velocity region are shallower, while that in the transition zone are deeper. 相似文献
Environment conservation of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) requires reliable assessment of fish resources and variation of their distribution. The goal of this study was to determine the best season and the diurnal period to estimate fish density in the TGR using acoustic surveys as a monitoring tool. To find out diurnal migration pattern of fishes in the TGR, we conducted reduplicated 24-h hydroacoustical surveys in the forequarter of the TGR, which covered different habitats (mainstream, tributary bay), seasons (summer, winter) and years (2012–2015). Measurements were performed using SIMRAD EY60 split beam echosounder with frequency 120 kHz. Additionally, zooplankton and environmental parameters were measured. The results showed more than ten times differences between the day and night fish density estimates, probably resulting either from the horizontal migrations between the littoral and open water or vertical migrations. Differences were higher during winter than during summer, and higher in the tributary bay than in the mainstream. Clear vertical migrations were observed both in the tributary bay (amplitude 15 m) and in the mainstream (amplitude 35 m), but only during winter time. Inter-annual estimates of fish density showed generally decreasing trend with years. especially well pronounced in the tributary bay. We also observed high seasonal and diurnal variability in fish distributions, which can significantly affect the accuracy and precision of biomass estimate, indicating importance of choosing appropriate timing for fish monitoring. According to our results, in order to receive the most reliable estimates of fish density in the TGR, hydroacoustic surveys should be performed during summer at night time. 相似文献
Little information is available concerning the performance of grass strips for erosion control from steep cropland. An experiment was conducted on 5‐m‐long grass strips with slopes of 3°~15° that were subjected to silt laden runoff and simulated rainfall, to investigate the sediment trapping processes. The grass strips had three treatments including intact grass control (C), no litter (dead grass material covering the soil surface was removed) (NL), and no litter or leaves (only 2~3 cm grass stems and roots were reserved) (NLL). Generally the grass strips had a high effectiveness in trapping sediment from steep cropland runoff. Sediment trapping efficiency (STE) decreased with increasing slope gradient, and even for a 15° slope, STE was still more than 40%. Most sediment deposited in the backwater region before each grass strips. The removal of grass litter or/and leaves had no significant influence on STE. The sediment median size (D50) in inflow was greater than that in outflow, and the difference (ΔD50) decreased with increasing slope. A positive power relationship between STE and ΔD50 can be obtained. Grass strips were more effective in trapping sediments coarser than 10 or 25 µm, but sediments finer than 1 µm were more readily removed from runoff than particles in the range of 2 to approximately 10 µm. Grass litter had less influence on flow velocity than leaves because the deposited sediment partially covered the litter layer. Mean flow velocity and its standard deviation were negatively correlated with STE, and they can help make good estimation of STE. Results from this study should be useful in planting and managing forage grass to effectively conserve soil loss by runoff from steep slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献