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The geometry and petrogenesis of hydrothermal dolomites at Navan, Ireland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The dolomites at Navan, Ireland, formed in Courceyan peritidal and shallow-shelf limestones. The dolomite body has a plume-like geometry, cross-cutting both lithological boundaries and diagenetic barriers generated by sea-floor cementation and emergence. The dolomitizing fluids rose parallel to major faults to diffuse laterally through the succession, controlled by variations in permeability that reflect both facies variation on deposition and pre-dolomitization diagenesis. Cathodoluminescent zones reveal three principal stages of dolomite emplacement, separated by dissolution surfaces, with each stage reflecting several changes in the character of dolomitizing solutions. The predominance of dull zones indicates burial rather than surface conditions. The dolomites formed some time after burial in response to an areally limited hydrothermally-driven flow. Isotope values (σ18O of — 6σ6 to — 10.4%δ and σ13C of — 0σ2 to +2σ5%δ PDB), and fluid inclusion data, suggest that these fluids had compositions similar to those of Carboniferous seawater. However, these became hotter with time, with temperature increasing from 60 to 160δC. The Navan dolomites are closely associated with Europe's largest zinc-lead deposit. The distribution of the ores follows the same trend as that of the dolomites and paragenetic relationships indicate that dolomitization and mineralization were temporally and genetically related.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地寒武系—奥陶系白云岩具有时代老、埋藏深、成岩作用复杂的特点。白云岩储层储集空间主要为孔隙和裂缝两大类,其中孔隙类型可进一步划分为晶间孔、晶间溶孔、晶内溶孔、铸模孔、溶蚀孔洞等;裂缝类型可进一步划分为缝合线、风化裂缝和构造裂缝。根据储集空间类型特征,白云岩储层可以划分为孔隙型、孔洞型、缝洞型和裂缝型4种。孔隙型储层和缝洞型储层物性较好。根据成因白云岩储层可以划分为准同生白云岩储层、埋藏型白云岩储层、构造-热液型白云岩储层和风化壳岩溶型白云岩储层,其中后两者及其复合类型常形成优质储层。  相似文献   

柴西地区始新统湖相白云岩储层地球化学特征及形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来柴西地区始新统致密碳酸盐岩中的油气勘探获得重大突破,其中白云岩为最优质的储集岩。通过岩石学、结构学和地球化学等多方面的综合研究,详细描述和论证了柴西地区两种湖相白云岩的成因及特征:一种是数量较少的原生生物成因的藻云岩,电子探针能谱面扫描分析结果显示其Mg元素富集区与藻纹层分布高度吻合,充分显示了其微生物成因特征,因微生物活动能够克服动力学障碍,为白云石形成营造出有利的微环境;另一种为研究区广泛分布的准同生交代成因的泥晶白云岩,偏光显微镜观察和X射线衍射分析结果显示,其中均含有碎屑颗粒和泥质组分,由周缘辫状三角洲带来的碎屑物质与其混积而成,电子探针岩石组分分析结果显示,其FeO的平均质量分数为0.942%,MnO的平均质量分数为0.052%,明显低于热液白云岩,且富含SiO2和Al2O3,充分显示其准同生交代成因特征。岩石地球化学数据显示:泥晶白云岩微量元素蜘蛛网图较为离散,表明了混积的湖相白云岩的物质来源的多样性,其∑REE平均值小于平均上地壳∑REE值(146.37×10-6),但远大于球粒陨石∑REE值(2.56×10-6),且不具有Eu负异常。碳同位素负偏移主要受其自储的有机质氧化解体产生的CO2和周缘辫状三角洲供给的地表水影响,增加了其轻碳组分;氧同位素发生正偏移主要受咸化湖盆沉积环境影响,蒸发作用使得湖水δ18O增加,虽然周缘河流水系能带来部分轻氧组分,但收效甚微。这揭示了准同生交代成因的白云岩与热液造成氧同位素偏负截然相反。泥晶白云岩在形成过程中产生大量弥散性晶间孔,孔隙半径小而数量众多是形成“中孔特低渗”型储层的主要原因,这类孔隙抗压实能力强,为研究区最好的油气储集体。这一研究成果对柴达木盆地深层致密碳酸盐岩的油气勘探具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Most modern theories axiomatically assume that hydrocarbons (HCs), which migrate in different ways from the generation zones and sources with high gradients of reduced pressures, concentrate in autochthonous natural reservoirs possessing smaller levels of reservoir energy. Hydraulic drainage of reservoirs is possible in principle through only three mechanisms: (i) horizontally oriented regional elisional water flow upwards, along the plunge of general folding from central parts of basins towards their peripheral frames; (ii) owing to the effect of lateral pressure of groundwater immediately in traps, with subsequent pushing out by high-pressure fluids supplied to the sunken parts of folds; (iii) vertically directed, from bottom to top, overflow injection mechanism. The study of their possible implementations and relative ratios in the outcome comprise the content of the proposed fluid-dynamic concept of HC accumulation.  相似文献   

奥陶系盐下白云岩储层是鄂尔多斯盆地中东部天然气勘探的重要接替领域.基于钻井岩心、微观薄片、物性分析及地球化学特征等资料,应用微区多参数实验分析方法,对奥陶系盐下白云岩储层特征、成因与分布开展了系统研究.结果表明:①奥陶系盐下主要发育颗粒滩白云岩和微生物白云岩储层,其中颗粒滩白云岩储层岩性为砂屑白云岩、鲕粒白云岩和粉—细...  相似文献   

Formation of reservoirs in crystalline rocks is associated with the development of rifts, with the periodic axial plunge of the rift floor during the extension of the Earth's crust, and with the elevation of consolidated basement masses during a compression phase.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion (FI) data provide insights into the origin of hot fluids in Cretaceous and Jurassic reservoirs in south Kuwait. FI data for Cretaceous reservoirs show anomalously high temperatures exceeding 200 °C compared to samples from the Jurassic. In addition, formation water chemical geothermometry data also show anomalous water-rock equilibration temperatures. The preservation of high temperatures indicates rapid migration from depth through deep-seated fault systems. This implies that very hot fluids probably migrated up-fault from near basement to the Cretaceous section. This approach helps to understand the role of hydrothermal activity associated with basement faults in south Kuwait.  相似文献   

油气注入史研究对于指导油气勘探具有非常重要的意义.油气储层自生伊利石K-Ar同位素测年可以为油气注入时间研究提供科学依据.文中对油气储层自生伊利石分离提纯及其K-Ar同位素测年技术进行了系统介绍.碎屑含钾矿物杂质对自生伊利石K-Ar同位素年龄具有非常大的影响,文中对此进行了深入研究,建立了一套完整的数据处理技术并提出了"校正年龄"概念.  相似文献   

The incongruent solution of dolomite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two-mineral solubility diagrams are presented for the system calcite: calcium-rich dolomite which show the effect of calcite on the solubility of calcium-rich dolomite and conversely. These diagrams illustrate the incongruent solution of calcium-rich dolomite at low temperatures and the evolution of solutions of calcite and dolomite in a convenient way. They also show how calcium-rich dolomite may appear to be more soluble than calcite under some conditions.  相似文献   

中国海相碳酸盐岩油气储层基本特征   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
中国在碳酸盐岩油气勘探中相继发现了陕中气田、轮南—塔河油田、塔中油气田、川东北大气区等大型油气田。这些发现揭示了非均质性强的碳酸盐岩储层,主要有4种类型:台缘生物礁(滩)、岩溶风化壳、白云岩和台内颗粒滩四大类储层。中国的台缘礁滩储层主要有两类,一类是面积小的孤立状的塔礁(川东和川东北),另一类是连片分布似层状的台缘礁滩复合体。岩溶风化壳储层依岩溶成熟度和构造型式有三种,即克拉通内岩溶老年期的低幅度地貌层状白云岩储层,岩溶壮年期的高幅度地貌非均质裂缝-洞穴单元储层,以及断块掀斜翘倾的岩溶青年期独立岩溶储层。有油气前景的白云岩储层主要为三类:与蒸发台地相关的准同生白云岩,埋藏成岩作用白云岩和生物成因白云岩。台内颗粒滩主要有两类:即白云石化颗粒滩和裂缝性颗粒滩储层。中国的碳酸盐岩分布广,达300km2,四大类储层发育良好,除已发现油气的四大盆地外,相信不久的将来在中国南方和羌塘地区古特提斯域碳酸盐岩沉积区将取得大的突破。  相似文献   

The discovery and large-scale exploration of unconventional oil/gas resources since 1980s have been considered as the most important advancement in the history of petroleum geology;that has not only changed the balance of supply and demand in the global energy market,but also improved our understanding of the formation mechanisms and distribution characteristics of oil/gas reservoirs.However,what is the difference of conventional and unconventional resources and why they always related to each other in petroliferous basins is not clear.As the differences and correlations between unconventional and conventional resources are complex challenging issues and very critical for resources assessment and hydrocarbon exploration,this paper focused on studying the relationship of formations and distributions among different oil/gas reservoirs.Drilling results of 12,237 exploratory wells in 6 representative petroliferous basins of China and distribution characteristics for 52,926 oil/gas accumulations over the world were applied to clarify the formation conditions and genetic relations of different oil/gas reservoirs in a petroliferous basin,and then to establish a unified model to address the differences and correlations of conventional and unconventional reservoirs.In this model,conventional reservoirs formed in free hydrocarbon dynamic field with high porosity and permeability located above the boundary of hydrocarbon buoyancy-driven accumulation depth limit.Unconventional tight reservoirs formed in confined hydrocarbon dynamic field with low porosity and permeability located between hydrocarbon buoyancy-driven accumulation depth limit and hydrocarbon accumulation depth limit.Shale oil/gas reservoirs formed in the bound hydrocarbon dynamic field with low porosity and ultra-low permeability within the source rock layers.More than 75%of proved reserves around the world are discovered in the free hydrocarbon dynamic field,which is estimated to contain only 10%of originally generated hydrocarbons.Most of undiscovered resources distributed in the confined hydrocarbon dynamic field and the bound hydrocarbon dynamic field,which contains 90%of original generated hydrocarbons,implying a reasonable and promising area for future hydrocarbon explorations.The buried depths of hydrocarbon dynamic fields become shallow with the increase of heat flow,and the remaining oil/gas resources mainly exist in the deep area of“cold basin”with low geothermal gradient.Lithology changing in the hydrocarbon dynamic field causes local anomalies in the oil/gas dynamic mechanism,leading to the local formation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the free hydrocarbon dynamic field or the occurrence of oil/gas enrichment sweet points with high porosity and permeability in the confined hydrocarbon dynamic field.The tectonic movements destroy the medium conditions and oil/gas components,which leads to the transformation of conventional oil/gas reservoirs formed in free hydrocarbon dynamic field to unconventional ones or unconventional ones formed in confined and bound hydrocarbon dynamic fields to conventional ones.  相似文献   

We present two examples of describing low permeability Neogene clastic lithofacies to outline unconventional hydrocarbon lithofacies. Both examples were selected from the Drava Depression, the largest macrostructure of the Pannonian Basin System located in Croatia. The first example is the Beni?anci Field, the largest Croatian hydrocarbon reservoir discovered in Badenian coarse-grained clastics that consists mostly of breccia. The definition of low permeability lithofacies is related to the margins of the existing reservoir, where the reservoir lithology changed into a transitional one, which is mainly depicted by the marlitic sandstones. However, calculation of the POS (probability of success of new hydrocarbons) shows critical geological categories where probabilities are lower than those in the viable reservoir with proven reserves. Potential new hydrocarbon volumes are located in the structural margins, along the oil-water contact, with a POS of 9.375%. These potential reserves in those areas can be classified as probable. A second example was the Cremu?ina Structure, where a hydrocarbon reservoir was not proven, but where the entire structure has been transferred onto regional migration pathways. The Lower Pontian lithology is described from well logs as fine-grained sandstones with large sections of silty or marly clastics. As a result, the average porosity is low for conventional reservoir classification (10.57%). However, it is still an interesting case for consideration as a potentially unconventional reservoir, such as the ”tight” sandstones.  相似文献   

埃达克岩的原义、特征与成因   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
董申保  田伟 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):585-594
论述了埃达克岩的原义与综合特征 ,并针对其与太古宙TTG之间的区别和联系及今后研究埃达克岩的建议提出了自己的见解。埃达克岩 (adakite)的原义是指一类具有镁铁质斑晶的隐晶质火山岩 ,属于岛弧型岩浆钙碱性岩系 ,一般形成于年轻的 (<2 5Ma)、地热高的岛弧环境 ,是俯冲板块和上覆地幔相互作用产生的杂化熔液通过结晶分异形成的。综合总结埃达克岩 (原义 )的地球化学特征如下 :(1)原生标志 ,高Mg# 、低FeO /MgO、高Cr及Ni;(2 )微量元素标志 ,高LILE、高LREE、低HREE、低HFSE以及高分异的REE型式等。对实验岩石学研究资料的总结可知杂化 (hybridized)熔液是由小数量的板块熔液与地幔楔反应经交代作用、同化作用形成的 ,可分异直至出现酸性岩浆 ,这一过程称为“地幔同化及分离结晶作用 (mantle AFC)”。在橄榄岩的同化作用中 ,原有熔液Mg# 迅速上升 ,并在熔液成分加多后 ,向高Mg# 区迅速发展。在近代一些埃达克岩及相关岩石研究中 ,部分学者认为太古宙TTG与新生代板块 (榴辉岩 )重熔的TTD岩系类似。同时 ,亦有学者认为太古宙“绿岩带”中与TTG有关的深成岩系是一类Mg质花岗闪长岩Mg质二长闪长岩 ,成因与Sanukite相似 (太古宙sanuk itoid岩系 ) ,相当于富集橄榄岩重熔形成的岩系。这些研究重新引发了太古宙  相似文献   

High gas production from the Dashtak formation of Tabnak hydrocarbon field in Fars province, Iran, indicates the presence of natural fractured reservoir whose production potential is dominated by the structural fracture. The connectivity of fractured media depends upon the power?Claw exponent and the fracture density. Fracture pattern traces obtained from the outcrops of producing formations of six different stations in Tabnak hydrocarbon field. 2D fracture network maps of Tabnak hydrocarbon field have been analyzed from their scaling properties. The fractal analysis of fracture intensity showed heterogeneous multi-fractal structure characterized by generalized dimensions. Distribution of fracture lengths exhibits power?Claw behavior with specific exponent. Scaling laws serve to make extrapolations and to study the fracture connectivity related to scale. Fracture distribution model and reservoir productivity can be estimated, which are of great interest in decision making to optimize gas production.  相似文献   

The apparent lack of transformation-induced domains and stacking disorder defects in natural dolomites is considered in light of the different types of order in the dolomite structure. Experimentally produced twin domain boundaries and basal stacking defects are documented in a dolomite using high-resolution electron microscopy and electron diffraction techniques. Results reveal that upon cation ordering to form the dolomite structure, a twin domain is favored over an antiphase domain. The twin domain boundaries closely resemble antiphase boundaries (APB's) and are in contrast for superlattice reflections. However, background contrast within domains is shown to be different when imaged using certain fundamental reflections. The results allow speculation about the nature of ordering at low temperatures. Observations of twin domain boundaries in samples annealed at different temperatures allow estimation of the critical ordering temperature at 1,100°–1,150° C in stoichiometric dolomite.  相似文献   

占庆  郑庆伟  潘保芝 《世界地质》2015,34(2):524-530
准噶尔盆地车排子地区侏罗系与白垩系地层水矿化度整体较低,以Na HCO3水型为主。根据地层水化学成分特征,计算出多种离子比例系数,分析其与油气聚集的关系。研究表明:离子比例系数有明显的南北分区特征,南部凸起边缘封闭性不好,北部古隆起位于构造高部位,封闭条件较好,南部邻区四棵树凹陷的油气经南部断裂等输导体系运移到北部成藏。侏罗系地层水曾经遭受过比较强烈的大气降水的入渗,使早期油发生水洗氧化作用,形成现今大量的稠油油藏。侏罗系地层水封闭性好于白垩系,更有利于油气聚集和保存。  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous platform‐slope to basinal carbonate strata cropping out in Gargano Promontory (southern Italy) are partly dolomitized. Fieldwork and laboratory analyses (petrographic, petrophysical and geochemical) allowed the characterization of the dolomite bodies with respect to their distribution within the carbonate succession, their dimensions, geometries, textural variability, chemical stability, age, porosity, genetic mechanisms and relation with tectonics. The dolomite bodies range from metres to kilometres in size, are fault‐related and fracture‐related, and probably formed during the Early Cretaceous at <500 m burial depths and temperatures <50°C. The proposed dolomitization model relies on mobilization of Early Cretaceous seawater that flowed, downward and then upward, along faults and fractures and was modified in its isotopic composition moving through Triassic and Jurassic strata that underlie the studied dolomitized succession. Despite the numerous cases reported in literature, this study demonstrates that hydrothermal and/or high‐temperature fluids are not necessarily required for fault‐controlled dolomitization. Distribution and geometries of dolomite bodies can be used for palaeotectonic reconstructions, as they partly record the characteristics (size, attitude and kinematics) of the palaeo‐faults, even if not preserved, that controlled dolomitization. In Gargano Promontory, dolomites record Early Cretaceous palaeo‐faults from metres to kilometres long, striking north‐west/south‐east to east/west and characterized by normal to strike‐slip kinematics. Dolomitization increases the matrix porosity by up to 7% and, therefore, can improve the geofluid storage capacity of tight, platform‐slope to basinal limestones. The results have a great significance for characterization of geofluid (for example, hydrocarbons) reservoirs hosted in similar dolomitized carbonate successions. Distribution, size and shapes of reservoir rocks (i.e. dolomite bodies) could be broadly predictable if the characteristics of the palaeo‐fault system present at the time of dolomitization are known.  相似文献   

大洼地区毗邻大型生油洼陷—清水洼陷,多级断裂及多期不整合面构成复合油气输导体系,成藏条件优越.但本区火山岩储层岩性岩相复杂、喷发环境多变.为进一步明确储层发育特征及油气成藏主控因素,本次研究利用15口井107.73 m的岩心、270块薄片及测井资料综合分析,认为大洼地区Mz-I段形成于水下喷发环境,发育溢流相玻质碎屑岩...  相似文献   

通过流体包裹体的透射光和荧光镜下观察、包裹体均一温度测定,对南堡凹陷下古生界碳酸盐岩流体包裹体特征及油气成藏期进行了研究。结果表明:南堡凹陷下古生界碳酸盐岩储层流体包裹体较为发育,主要在碳酸盐岩脉中沿愈合裂缝呈带状分布,烃类包裹体在荧光下呈黄白色--蓝白色,说明研究区油气成熟度相对较高;由包裹体均一温度实测结果可知,该区包裹体均一温度具有明显的双峰特征,峰值分别为70℃~80℃和130℃~140℃;结合埋藏史和热演化史进行综合研究,认为研究区下古生界碳酸盐岩储层主要经历了两期油气充注,第一期为25~22 Ma(东营末期—馆陶早期),第二期为8~5 Ma(明化镇中期)。  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are applied to simulate propagation of broadband pulses which are transmitted by an electric dipole and travel in a uniform oil-bearing formation or in a layered reservoir with an oil-water interface. We calculate the frequency responses of the oil- and water-saturated layers as low-frequency filters for the propagating waves and find the respective cutoff frequencies. Attenuation rates are analyzed in the cases of incident nanosecond and picosecond pulses in uniform oil-bearing formations and those reflected from the oil-water interface. The low frequency filtering of pulses is investigated in terms of its effect on wave energy attenuation during propagation in oil-bearing rocks.  相似文献   

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