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安全是顺利开展人工影响天气工作的基本保证,但随着人影事业的不断发展,工作中出现的安全问题也日益增多,本文就阿克苏地区关于人影安全管理的一些经验进行了介绍,对其他地州促进人影事业的健康、协调发展具有一定参考价值. 相似文献
以45年生酥梨树为试材,分析测定塑料薄膜覆盖、树盘覆草、自然生草、定期灌水、清耕等不同土壤水分管理措施对土壤水分和酥梨品质的影响,结果表明:不同处理间以塑料薄膜覆盖处理效果最好,不但果个较大,果实的固酸比值和产量也较高;树盘覆草次之,且具有土壤水分变化幅度较小和省工、省时等优点。 相似文献
以45年生酥梨树为试材,分析测定塑料薄膜覆盖、树盘覆草、自然生草、定期灌水、清耕等不同土壤水分管理措施对土壤水分和酥梨品质的影响,结果表明不同处理间以塑料薄膜覆盖处理效果最好,不但果个较大,果实的固酸比值和产量也较高;树盘覆草次之,且具有土壤水分变化幅度较小和省工、省时等优点. 相似文献
分析了人工影响天气与地面气象观测资料之间的矛盾,人工影响天气后,地面观测所取得的气象资料是偏离自然条件下的,提出了两种解决的办法。 相似文献
针对炼油厂延迟焦化装置排放的冷焦水,采用不同处理方法,并进行环境空气质量影响的预测。结果表明:近年新研制的冷焦水密闭脱臭处理方法是目前最佳的处理手段,可以基本解决焦化装置恶臭污染环境问题。 相似文献
Climatic Change - The assessment of ecological impacts of pumped-storage (PS) hydropower plants on the two connected water bodies is usually based on present climatic conditions. However,... 相似文献
A case study was conducted on the potential impacts of climate change on fish habitat in a southeastern reservoir. A reservoir water quality model and one year of baseline meteorologic, hydrologic, and inflow water quality input were used to simulate current reservoir water quality. Total adult striped bass habitat, defined by specific quantitative temperature and dissolved oxygen criteria, was simulated. Daily reservoir volumes with optimal, suboptimal, and unsuitable temperature and DO were predicted for the year. Output from recent runs of atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs), in which atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have been doubled, was then used to adjust the baseline inputs to the water quality model. New sets of input data were created for two grid cells for each of three GCMs. All six climate scenarios are predicted to cause overall declines in the available summer striped bass habitat, mostly due to lake water temperatures exceeding striped bass tolerance levels. These predictions are believed to result from the consensus among GCM scenarios that air temperatures and humidity will rise, and the sensitivity of the reservoir model to these parameters. The reservoir model was found to be a promising tool for examining potential climate-change impacts. Some of the assumptions required to apply GCM output to the reservoir model, however, illustrate the problems in using large-scale gridcell output to assess small-scale impacts. 相似文献
青海湖环湖地区秋季人工增雨的综合效果分析 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
据2001年秋季人工增雨资料,结合历年秋季降水资料,从秋雨春用、影响地下水位涵养、青海湖水量盈亏等方面分析了秋季人工增雨的综合效益;并着重分析了秋季降水与环湖地区土壤水分贮量以及第二年春季环湖天然草场土壤墒情、牧草返青时间、生长状况及产量的关系。分析表明:秋季降水越多,环湖区土壤水分贮存量越多,翌年土壤墒情越好、牧草返青越早且牧草产量越高。 相似文献
The changes in the quality of Nansi Lake water due to the building of the new channel of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal are studied. The relationship between algae growth and environmental factors is analyzed. This relationship has practical significance and guiding value for Nansi Lake, it helps to prevent the outbreaks of water bloom effectively and ensure the stable development of economy, society and environment in the regions covered with the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. It is established that the use of the new channel of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal causes the following variations in the lake water: water temperature increases, while the values of pH, TP, and TN decrease. Besides, the content of Fe2+ in water depends on regional and seasonal peculiarities; the trend towards the stabilization of SiO3 2 is observed. The new channel construction led to variations in chlorophyll-a content mainly due to changed water temperature and pH. Besides, riverbed digging and intense ship traffic also affect water characteristics. 相似文献
This study investigates the use of dynamic a priori error information according to atmospheric moistness and the use of quality controls in temperature and water vapor profile retrievals from hyperspectral infrared (IR) sounders. Temperature and water vapor profiles are retrieved from Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) radiance measurements by applying a physical iterative method using regression retrieval as the first guess. Based on the dependency of first-guess errors on the degree of atmospheric moistness, the a priori first-guess errors classified by total precipitable water (TPW) are applied in the AIRS physical retrieval procedure. Compared to the retrieval results from a fixed a priori error, boundary layer moisture retrievals appear to be improved via TPW classification of a priori first-guess errors. Six quality control (QC) tests, which check non-converged or bad retrievals, large residuals, high terrain and desert areas, and large temperature and moisture deviations from the first guess regression retrieval, are also applied in the AIRS physical retrievals. Significantly large errors are found for the retrievals rejected by these six QCs, and the retrieval errors are substantially reduced via QC over land, which suggest the usefulness and high impact of the QCs, especially over land. In conclusion, the use of dynamic a priori error information according to atmospheric moistness, and the use of appropriate QCs dealing with the geographical information and the deviation from the first-guess as well as the conventional inverse performance are suggested to improve temperature and moisture retrievals and their applications. 相似文献
基于雷达变分同化系统(Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System,VDRAS)中雷达速度退模糊方案的思想,建立了一个雷达径向速度退模糊的方案,用于我国多普勒雷达径向速度资料的质量控制,并对方案的质量控制效果进行了检验.该方案的优点是使用模式分析场得到的参考风在每个格点独立地进行退模糊,避免了径向速度大片区域被错误地退模糊,提高了准确度.方案主要包括三步:水平梯度检验、全局退模糊和局部退模糊.利用国家气象中心全球与区域一体化的同化与数值预报系统(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System,GRAPES)快速更新循环(Rapid Update Cycle,RUC)系统提供的3h间隔的分析场资料对多个时次的雷达资料进行退模糊试验.结果表明,该方案能够有效地对模糊速度进行订正,剔除异常资料点,提高可直接用于变分同化的雷达径向风资料的质量,适合业务应用,为我国多普勒雷达资料的质量控制提供了一种新的有效方案. 相似文献
There is unequivocal evidence of increased air temperatures in Spain as a result of climate change. Using organic matter, nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations, we reconstructed changes in water quality in 15 montane, pristine streams between 1973 and 2005 in Spain. We also measured how loading rates of these variables change as a function of shifting temperatures. Almost half of tested variables were related with hypothesized trends of climatic change for air temperature. Concerning extreme events, the hypothesis of climatic change matched in 33% of all relationships, which mostly occurred in Northern Spain. Regional gradients of population change and soil degradation, however, did not explain the geographical distribution of climatic change effects. The main reason that effects on water quality are not ubiquitous and that constraining factors are hardly detected may be that long-term signals are the outcome of several interacting processes. These are still poorly known and may act at different spatial and temporal scales. Hence, a case-by-case approach might prove more fruitful than a regional one when studying water quality responses to climatic change. Consideration of the balance between extreme and normal events (storm- vs baseflow), catchment effects (land use and its effects on evapotranspiration and runoff) and in-stream processes (outgassing, mineralization, burial) could help increase our understanding of the responses of water quality to climatic change. 相似文献
大型浅水湖泊的水体势能异常和层化对水生生态环境演变、局地天气及气候系统有着重要的影响。基于2009年8月11—22日和3月17—28日的气象数据及水温廓线,探讨了太湖水体势能异常和表层混合层深度的变化规律及其机制。结果表明:太湖水体势能异常呈现明显的日变化特征,晚间水体势能异常消失,而白天逐步凸现出来;水—气之间的热量交换是影响水体势能异常和水体层化程度的关键性因子;夏季水体势能异常和层化程度远强于春季,其主要原因是夏季风场引起的混合作用比春季弱,而夏季水—气热量交换对水体势能异常的增强作用比春季强;水体势能异常程度与表层混合层深度存在显著的指数关系。 相似文献