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A zonal domain primitive equation modeling system(ZDMS)is used to study the effects of theinitial heating anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau and the western Pacific on the East Asian and theChinese summer climate,the relative importance and the mechanisms are discussed.Results showthat in spite of the different locations of the heating anomalies the influences of the two anomalyareas are much similar to each other when the scaling of the two areas is the same.The two areasof heating anomalies have their own affecting domains in which one is more important than the oth-er.In the western Pacific the heating anomaly over the western Pacific is more evident and in theTibetan Plateau area the heating anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau is more obvious.For the eastpart of China the effects of the two heating anomalies both exist and almost have the equal impor-tance.The initial anomaly of the sea surface temperature(SST)over the western Pacific can bekept during the entire time integration while in the Tibetan Plateau it can not be maintained.  相似文献   

The pressure variations over the North Indian Ocean during the summer monsoon season have been examined using the monthly data from June to September for the period 1961 to 1968. It is found that these variations can be described by two significant eigenvectors (EV1 and EV2) which together account for 53% of the total variance.The first eigenvector (EV1) represents in phase variation over both, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal with higher variations over the northern side of the area. The second eigenvector (EV2) depicts the out-of-phase variation between the pressure anomalies over the north and the south of 15°N latitude with two areas of pronounced variation, viz., the head Bay of Bengal and the equatorial region near 65°E longitude.The coefficients of EV1 show significant association with rainfall of West Coast and Central India for the concurrent months. These coefficients also show significant association with the pressure and temperature indices of the Southern Oscillation. The coefficient  相似文献   

The atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation(ISO)and its interannual variability are simulatedby the atmospheric general circulation model,which was developed at the Institute of AtmosphericPhysics.Two numerical experiments were performed,corresponding to the AMIP-Ⅰ and AMIP-Ⅱsimulations,respectively.The model reasonably reproduces the major aspects of the intraseasonaloscillation,including the propagating property and the seasonal differences in the tropics,thewavenumber structure of ISO in the globe,and the global coincidence in the interannual variationof ISO.Comparison of the results between the two experiments suggests that improvement of theboundary forcing or considering the air-sea interaction may help to improve the simulation on theISO and its interannual variability.  相似文献   

Using a barotropic, steady and linearised vorticity equation and using 250 hPa observed basic flow and global divergence fifeld ffrom the active summer monsoon phase (00 GMT 26 June-12 GMT 29 June) 1979, the dynamical effects of linear absolute vorticity advection, vorticity generation due to divergence and vorticity dissipation due to frictional damping have been tested to understand their influence on Southern Asiatic High (SAH). The key experimental results art: (1) The SAH, one of the maior planetary-scale disturbances, is generated from the upper basic flow by the forcing of the upper tropospheric divergence over southeast Asia during the active summer monsoon phase, (2) Linear absolute vorticity advection and frictional damping of vorticity play an important role in the determination of the location of the SAH. (3) The destruction and recovery of planetary-scale geostrophic balance is an important mechanism for the west-east oscillation of the SAH.  相似文献   

ASTUDYOFANTARCTICSYNOPTIC-CLIMATICVARIATIONANDGLOBALCHANGE¥LuLonghua(陆龙骅),BianLingen(卞林根),JiuPengqun(贾朋群)andZhangZhengqiu(张正秋...  相似文献   

In this paper the correlation analysis, factor analysis, fuzzy classification, and principal component analysis (PCA) are performed for the southern oscillation index (SOI) from the Climate Analysis Center (CAC) at the NOAA. It is shown that the 12-month SOI can be classified into two groups: one from January through April and the other from May through December. They differ in persistency and correlation. It is also found that the year of strong or weak SO can be defined by the first principal component of the SOI. The 11 years of weak SO thus defined contain 9 El Nino events.In addition, the relations between the SOI and 500 hPa geopotential height, mean monthly zonal height, mean monthly interzonal height differences, centers of atmospheric activities, characteristics of the atmospheric circulation (the intensity index of the north polar vortex, the area index of the subtropical West Pacific high, mean monthly zonal and meridional circulation indexes in Asia and Eurasia) in the period of 24 months fr  相似文献   

In this paper,the effects of first and second meridional derivative(i.e.h_s~(?),d~2f/dy~2,(?)″)of the Coriolisparameter,Westerly profile and topography structure on ray routes are qualitatively analysed by use of a sim-plified mathematical model.The analysis indicates that the second derivatives of the above relevant factors playan important role in the formation of great circle route.A profile of west wind similar to the real atmospheremay result in a“sine wave pattern”of ray.The effects of west wind shear,β factor and the slope of topographyon the scale of radius of great circle,critical latitude of rays ard the amplitude of wave train of teleconnection aroalso discussed.Additionally,the characters of critical velocity profile for meridionally trapped wave are men-tioned.  相似文献   

The impacts of stratospheric initial conditions and vertical resolution on the stratosphere by raising the model top, refining the vertical resolution, and the assimilation of operationally available observations, including conventional and satellite observations, on continental U.S. winter short-range weather forecasting, were investigated in this study. The initial and predicted wind and temperature profiles were analyzed against conventional observations. Generally, the initial wind and temperature bias profiles were better adjusted when a higher model top and refined vertical resolution were used. Negative impacts were also observed in both the initial wind and temperature profiles, over the lower troposphere. Different from the results by only raising the model top, the assimilation of operationally available observations led to significant improvements in both the troposphere and stratosphere initial conditions when a higher top was used.Predictions made with the adjusted stratospheric initial conditions and refined vertical resolutions showed generally better forecasting skill. The major improvements caused by raising the model top with refined vertical resolution, as well as those caused by data assimilation, were in both cases located in the tropopause and lower stratosphere. Negative impacts were also observed, in the predicted near surface wind and lower-tropospheric temperature. These negative impacts were related to the uncertainties caused by more stratospheric information, as well as to some physical processes. A case study shows that when we raise the model top, put more vertical layers in stratosphere and apply data assimilation, the precipitation scores can be slightly improved. However, more analysis are needed due to uncertainties brought by data assimilation.  相似文献   

The cluster analysis method has been used to divide the Antarctic sea ice variation field into 5 sectors.Then,foreach of these sectors,the corresponding indexes of vortex area and vortex intensity on the 500 hPa level have been calcu-lated.These data were used to analyse the temporal and spatial characteristics of both Antarctic sea ice and the vortexindex variations and their relationship.Our results show that substantial differences are presented in the climatic patternand interannual variations of the sea ice data and vortex index in different sectors.The maximum sea ice extent varia-tions appear in sector 1 and sector 4.Oscillation periods of 2—2.5 and 5—7 years exist in the variations of sea ice extentand vortex index in most sectors.A positive trend is only found in sector 1 sea ice extent while the other sectors shownegative trends.The average extent of the Antarctic sea ice as a whole has retreated at a rate of 1.6 latitudes per 100years.The vortex areas for all sectors have decreased.Nevertheless,the vortex intensities in 3 sectors have increased.Therelationship between sea ice and vortex characters in each sector is obvious,but a little complex.Sectors 1 and 5,whichare located in the Southeast Pacific and South Atlantic,are the most sensitive areas in terms of sea ice/atmosphereinteraction.  相似文献   

A new three-dimensional dynamics and electrification coupled model has been developed forinvestigating the characteristics of microphysics,dynamics and electrification insidethunderstorms.This model is basically modified from a three-dimensional,time-dependent,anddual-parameter cloud model originally established in IAP(Institute of Atmospheric Physics)and atwo-dimensional axisymmetric cloud dynamics and electrification coupled model.Primarymodifications to the model include not only the coupling of electrification with dynamical andmicrophysical processes,but also the lightning discharge process and screening layer effect at thecloud top as well.Apart from including a full treatment of small ions with attachment to sixclasses of hydrometeors,the inductive and non-inductive charging mechanisms are more specificallyconsidered.A case simulation of July 19.1981 CCOPE is performed aiming to validate thepotential capability of the model.Comparison between model results and observations reveals thatthe model has the capacity to reproduce many of the observed characteristics of thunderstorms indynamical,microphysical,and electrical aspects.  相似文献   

In this paper,the impact of the Taiwan Island topography on the structure change and motion ofTyphoon Dot(9017)during its crossing the Taiwan Island is studied with a modified version of aJMA operational regional model(Japan spectral model,JSM).A series of sensitivity experiments areconducted to detect the forming and developing mechanism of an island-induced cyclone.Results showthat lee side low pressure center plays a very important role in the formation of the induced-cyclonewhile a typhoon is approaching a large island with high mountains.The position and intensity of theinduced cyclone is sensitive to the height and location of island mountain,intensity of TC and under-lying surface topography distribution as well.A preliminary formation criterion of the island-inducedcyclone is obtained.  相似文献   

Primarily based on the 1979 FGGE data an analysis is made of the circuktion differences between the East-Asian and Indian summer monsoons together with their oscillation features and also the interplay between various monsoon systems originating from the fact that the Asian monsoon area is divided into the East-Asian and Indian regions, of which the former is demarcated into the Nanhai (the South China Sea) and the Mainland subregions.  相似文献   

Based on height and wind data of NCEP/NCAR and OLR data,patterns of upper aircirculation from April to October have been analyzed,and the South China Sea (SCS) SummerMonsoon Onset (SMO) and retreat have been defined.The empirical formula fitting to the onsetindex of the SCS SMO has been established,and the onset and ending time of monsoon,togetherwith the intensity index sequence during 1953—1999 are given by the analysis of characteristics ofthermodynamic and dynamic factors during the process of SMO.The emergence and developmentof symmetric vortex pair at both sides of the equator in tropical East Indian Ocean,which mayexcite the SCS SMO,can be taken as a short-term prediction indicator of SMO.  相似文献   

The normal mode method is adopted to decompose the differences between simulations with SST(seasurface temperature)anomahes over centra-eastern Pacific and normal SST by use of a nine-layer global spec-tral model in order to investigate short-range climatic oscillation with various time scales forced by ElNino during the northern summer.Investigation shows that El Nino may have the following influence onatmosphere on various space-time scales.Extra-long wave components of Rossby mode forced by convectiveanomaly over equatorial western Pacific resulting from El Nino produce climatic oscillation on monthly(sea-sonal)time scale in middle-high latitudes of Southern and Northern Hemispheres;extra-long wave componentsof Kelvin mode forced by SST anomalies propagate along the equator,resulting in 30—60 day oscillation oftropical and subtropical atmosphere;and its long waves move eastward with westerly,resulting in quasi-biweekoscillation.  相似文献   

A simulated study of mechanism for variations and distributions of ozone and its precursors was made by using thethree-dimensional regional Eulerian model.The results showed that the ozone production was controlled by NO,butthere is a complicated nonlinear relation between them.The photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation arethe determinative factors affecting the variations of the surface ozone and its precursors.The relations of ozone and CO,PAN were studied.We compared the simulated and observed results during the PEM-WEST A in order to better under-stand the photochemical processes of ozone and its precursors.  相似文献   

The absorption properties of NO in 5.2 μm band and NO2 in 6.2 μm band are measured for some definite wavelengths by using line-tunable CO laser and long-path absorption cell. The absorption coefficients for 49 CO laser wavelengths are given and variations of absorption withpartial and total pressures are analysed. Furthermore, the experimental errors and the interference of water vapour with the absorption at definite laser lines are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many studies show that, within a certain distance (ca. 700-800 n mi), two typhoons forming a binary typhoon (BT) system would rotate as a whole and attract each other, which is known as “Fuji-whara Effect” (FE). This paper indicates that only 30.3% of BTs has experienced remarkable cyclonic rotation with a 12-hr angle ≥+10° when two components are less than 20° lat apart, and that the probability is much higher with the eastern, component in the NE than in the SE quadrant for the western one, implying the steering effect of the environmental flow field (EFF) on them.47 observations from 13 BTs are separately used for calculating the angular velocity due to FE and EFF and the results are compared. The conclusion can be stated as follows: FE is dominant with the centers of two elements below 7° lat apart; the EFF steering current plays a major role when they are in the range of 7-15° and for a distance above 15° the principle of FE holds no longer.  相似文献   

A new three-dimensional dynamics and electrification coupled model has been developed for investigating the characteristics of microphysics,dynamics and electrification inside thunderstorms.This model is basically modified from a three-dimensional,time-dependent,and dual-parameter cloud model originally established in IAP (Institute of Atmospheric Physics) and a two-dimensional axisymmetric cloud dynamics and electrification coupled model.Primary modifications to the model include not only the coupling of electrification with dynamical and microphysical processes,but also the lightning discharge process and screening layer effect at the cloud top as well.Apart from including a full treatment of small ions with attachment to six classes of hydrometeors,the inductive and non-inductive charging mechanisms are more specifically considered.A case simulation of July 19.1981 CCOPE is performed aiming to validate the potential capability of the model.Comparison between model results and observations reveals that the model has the capacity to reproduce many of the observed characteristics of thunderstorms in dynamical,microphysical,and electrical aspects.  相似文献   

In order to improve the accuracy of the rainfall measurement, a radar-radiometer system has been devel-oped. It could be used to measure the distribution of the rainfall intensity aLld the variation of area rainfall.In field experiment, the accuracy of the rainfall measurement was imporved. In this paper, the error of rainfallmeasurement by radar will be evaluated and the methods to improve the accuracy of the rainfall measurementwill be discussed.  相似文献   

The data of two cases of the winter stratocumulus cloud over U|¨ru|¨mqi,obtained by aircraft,radio-sonde,radiowind,tethered bolloon and surface observations,are analysed.On the hasis of these,a concep-tual model of the formation,evolution and dissipation of this type of cloud is proposed.  相似文献   

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