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试验研究表明 ,不规则波对斜坡堤护脚棱体稳定性的威胁大于波高对应于Hs 的规则波 ,斜坡堤护面形式对护脚块石的稳定也有影响。Gerding公式虽然准确地描述了棱体在波浪作用下的稳定性规律 ,但由于护面糙率、透水率等因素的影响在工程上应用仍需进一步修正。文章指出在中低水位 ,Gerding公式计算的护脚棱体稳定重量有可能偏小 ,并给出了不同类型护面下护脚棱体稳定计算的修正系数  相似文献   

李彦卿  别社安 《海洋通报》2020,39(6):740-749
宽肩台堆石堤是海岸工程中的一种海堤形式,其以结构简单、施工快捷、布局灵活和造价经济的特点在工程中得到了广泛应用。宽肩台防波堤以堆积块石为主体,在海区波浪作用下达到稳定的堆积结构。进行宽肩台式防波堤稳定性的研究 是设计宽肩台防波堤的重要基础。介绍了波浪水槽的光滑粒子动力学 (SPH) 理论和建立方法,验证了造波结果。提出了一种块石单元法 (GEM) 模式,以块石单元为独立刚体来模拟宽肩台防波堤上的块石在波浪作用下的受力状态和运动过程。建立了一种垂向二维光滑粒子动力学方法 SPH 与 GEM 耦合的波浪和块石模型,采用 SPH 与 GEM 相结合,对防波堤堆石孔隙外部的波浪运动和内部的孔隙环流进行模拟计算,并根据 Forchheimer 公式确定孔隙内部的压力。用 SPH 方法模拟堆石堤外部流场的波浪破碎压力,用孔隙环流模拟堆石堤内部的孔隙压力。使用耦合模式模拟了宽肩台防波堤孔隙流场,验证了孔隙压力分布。模拟了波浪作用于块石和块石对波浪动力响应过程,给出了静态平衡到动态平衡的流固场变化,模拟结果与物理模型试验结果基本一致。耦合模型的建立为宽肩台堆石堤的稳定性研究提供了理论依据,同时也为同类型工程研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

This study presents a probabilistic neural network (PNN) technique for predicting the stability number of armor blocks of breakwaters. The PNN is prepared using the experimental data of Van der Meer. The predicted stability numbers of the PNN are compared with those of previous studies, i.e. by an empirical formula and a previous neural network model. The agreement index between the measured and predicted stability numbers by PNN are better than those by the previous studies. The PNN offers a way to interpret the network's structure in the form of a probability density function and it is easy to implement. Therefore, it can be an effective tool for designers of rubble mound breakwaters.  相似文献   

扭王字块体护面斜坡堤越浪量试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对现行规范中缺少扭王字块体护面斜坡堤越浪量的计算方法,考虑波陡、相对水深、相对堤顶超高、相对坡肩宽度、相对胸墙高度和相对块体尺寸等影响因素,通过波浪水槽物模试验,运用多元回归方法,给出了扭王字块体斜坡堤越浪量中护面结构影响系数和平均越浪量的计算公式。与试验值和其它计算公式进行了验证对比,结果基本吻合,具有一致性的规律。研究成果丰富了规范内容,对斜坡堤工程设计具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

李绍武  王家汉  柳叶 《海洋工程》2022,40(2):1-14,66
利用基于光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)数值方法的开源软件DualSPHysics进行数值试验,模拟斜坡式防波堤上扭王字护面块体的安放过程,研究护面块体的稳定性。首先以DualSPHysics为平台开发了护面块体的安放功能模块,并对护面块体的安放效果进行评价,实现了按指定安放密度进行块体安放。块体安放完成后,在数值波浪水槽中研究护面块体在规则波作用下的运动及受力响应,并分析护面块体失稳的典型形式和失稳标准,通过系统化的参数分析,探讨波浪要素及块体安放等因素对块体稳定性的影响。结果表明,扭王字块体稳定性系数的取值范围为21.64~26.20,是规范推荐值的1.5倍左右。块体鼻轴方向的相对位置主要影响单个块体的上举脱出失稳,鼻轴方向在坡面上赤平投影图越分散,护面块体层整体上越稳定。坡面坡度变缓时,护面块体层整体下滑趋势减弱,但更易发生上举脱出失稳;单个块体缺失会加大周围块体的上举失稳概率。  相似文献   

现行规范中未就扭王字块体护面斜波堤胸墙水平波浪力的计算方法做出具体规定,造成工程设计时使用不便。为解决上述问题,通过物模试验分析在波陡等六种因素的影响下,扭王字块体护面斜波堤胸墙水平波浪力的变化趋势。同时运用非线性拟合方法,遵循π定理,给出斜坡堤在扭王字块体条件下胸墙水平波浪力的计算公式。并对计算公式进行有效验证,该公式具有较好的精确性与适用性。研究成果丰富了规范内容,并为斜坡堤工程设计中胸墙水平波浪力折减系数的合理取值提供了参考依据。此研究成果对于斜坡堤科学研究领域和工程设计领域,都具有很大的参考价值。  相似文献   

The stability of a uniformly sloped conventional rubble mound breakwater defenced by a seaward submerged reef is investigated using physical model studies. Regular waves of wide ranging heights and periods are used. Tests are carried out for different spacings between two rubble mound structures (X/d=2.5–13.33) and for different relative heights (h/d=0.625–0.833) and relative widths (B/d=0.25–1.33) of the reef. It is observed that a reef of width (B/d) of 0.6–0.75 constructed at a seaward distance (X/d) of 6.25–8.33 breaks all the incoming waves and dissipates energy and protects the breakwater optimally.  相似文献   

多向不规则波作用下斜坡式建筑物护面块体的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究了扭工字块体、钩连块体、四脚空心方块和块石等四种护面块体在五种波向角(0°,15°,30°,45°和60°)的斜向波和多向不规则波作用下的稳定性,给出了四种护面块体稳定重量的实用计算方法.  相似文献   

Breakwaters with a berm can significantly reduce overtopping and reduce the required rock size compared to straight slopes without a berm. Here, the stability of rock slopes with a horizontal berm has been studied by means of physical model tests to provide information on the required rock size. The tests and analysis are focussed on the slope above the berm as well as the slope below the berm. Also the stability of the rock at the berm is addressed. The influence of the slope angle (1:2 and 1:4), the width of the berm, the level of the berm, and the wave steepness has been investigated. Based on the test results prediction formulae have been derived to quantify the required rock size for rubble mound breakwaters with a berm. Especially for the slope above the berm, the rock size can be reduced significantly compared to straight slopes.  相似文献   

The short communication presents application of the conventional Van der Meer stability formula for low-crested breakwaters for the prediction of front slope erosion of statically stable berm breakwaters with relatively high berms. The method is verified (Burcharth, 2008) by comparison with the reshaping of a large Norwegian breakwater exposed to the North Sea waves. As a motivation for applying the Van der Meer formula a discussion of design parameters related to berm breakwater stability formulae is given. Comparisons of front erosion predicted by the use of the Van der Meer formula with model test results including tests presented in Sigurdarson and Van der Meer (2011) are discussed. A proposal is presented for performance of new model tests with the purpose of developing more accurate formulae for the prediction of front slope erosion as a function of front slope, relative berm height, relative berm width, method of armour stone placement, and hydraulic parameters. The formulae should cover the structure range from statically stable berm breakwaters to conventional double layer armoured breakwaters.  相似文献   

In this study, waves with the heights higher than H1/3 in an irregular wave train are called as extreme waves and defined with the help of extreme wave parameter, αextreme. In order to see the effect of extreme waves on the design weight of armour stone, stability analysis is carried out based on the hydraulic model test results. The test results of high αextreme cases (HE) and low αextreme cases (LE) are compared with currently used van der Meer's formulae with permeability factor P=0.4 and 0.45 and Hudson formula by using H1/3 and H1/10 in terms of the design weight of armour stone. As a result of the comparison, it is found that Hudson formula by using H1/3 underestimates the necessary armour weight. Usage of H1/10 instead of H1/3 in Hudson formula doubles the weight which seems overestimated when Irribaren number is away from the transition zone in which both wave run-up and run-down forces become effective. However, it seems underestimated near the transition zone where experiment case HE gives higher armour weights. When the design weight of armour stone is calculated by van der Meer's formulae with P=0.4, it may be necessary to increase the weight up to 30% in the case of high extreme waves. On the other hand, van der Meer's formulae may overestimate the weight 14% when the extreme waves are low.  相似文献   

The prediction of rubble mound breakwaters' stability is one of the most important issues in coastal and maritime engineering. The stability of breakwaters strongly depends on the wave height. Therefore, selection of an appropriate wave height parameter is very vital in the prediction of stability number. In this study, H50, the average of the 50 highest waves that reach the breakwater in its useful life, was used to predict the stability of the armor layer. First, H50 was used instead of the significant wave height in the most recent stability formulas. It was found that this modification yields more accurate results. Then, for further improvement of the results, two formulas were developed using model tree.To develop the new formulas, two experimental data sets of irregular waves were used. Results indicated that the proposed formulas are more accurate than the previous ones for the prediction of the stability parameter. Finally, the proposed formulas were applied to regular waves and a wide range of damage levels and it was seen that the developed formulas are applicable in these cases as well.  相似文献   

Breakwaters are often built in coastal waters to facilitate navigation and recreation, both inside and outside regions of the breakwater. This requires that the reflection and transmission characteristics of the structure be both minimized at the same time. This is achieved by a design that will allow dissipation of wave energy by multiple reflection. Such structures will need the knowledge of these characteristics in their design. Model tests were performed on a shallow water breakwater concept of this type to determine the reflection and transmission coefficients. The concept of the breakwater was to reduce both the reflection and transmission of waves. It was found that the breakwater design was effective at certain wave characteristics. Nondimensional loads and local pressures on the breakwater panels are also reported which will facilitate the structural design of such breakwaters.  相似文献   

The diffraction coefficient in some areas of the geometric shadow behind a detached breakwater or a breakwater gap proves to be markedly greater for random wind-generated waves than for periodic waves. The cause becomes clear in the light of the general theory of three-dimensional wave groups, which shows how some exceptionally large wave heights can occur in the geometric shadow.  相似文献   

王键  孙大鹏  吴浩 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):138-146
采用黏性流体的连续性方程、雷诺时均N-S方程作为基本控制方程,RNG k-ε模型模拟湍流效应,VOF方法捕捉流体自由表面,结合主动吸收式造波理论,借助FLUENT软件建立二维不规则波数值水槽。在验证数值水槽造波性能的基础上,数值模拟带胸墙斜坡堤的越浪,并将数值计算的平均越浪量与已有物模试验值进行对比,两者趋势一致,吻合良好;表明该数值水槽模拟不规则波作用带胸墙斜坡堤越浪的准确性。针对带胸墙斜坡堤,藉此分析了堤顶超高、斜坡坡比、坡肩宽度及坡肩高度对其平均越浪量影响的规律性,研究成果对斜坡堤工程设计具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Armor is a pavement made of erosion-resistant materials like a stone or concrete that is constructed to protect breakwater, coasts, and other coastal line features against erosion. These armors are a kind of protective layer made of stone or concrete, used in breakwater constructions or coastal lines, arrayed with specific regular or irregular pattern on the breakwater or the coast. The antifer concrete blocks have almost cubic form, often changed into frustum by adding inclined plates to their sides. One of the most important advantages of these armors is their diversified regular and irregular placement patterns. In this study, using the physical modeling and different tests, the stability level of antifer concrete blocks was evaluated considering the decrease of the armor weight. Results of this study show that by a 10% decrease in the block weight, the failure graph slope is increased and the damage is intensified.  相似文献   

This paper presents numerical solutions for the wave reflection from submerged porous structures in front of the impermeable vertical breakwater. A new time-dependent mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium including the porosity, the friction factor and the inertia coefficient, etc. is derived for solving the boundary value problem. A comprehensive comparison between the present model and the existing analytical solution for the case of simple rectangular geometries of the submerged structure is performed first. Then, more complicated cases such as the inclined and trapezoidal submerged porous structures in front of the vertical breakwater with sloping bottom are considered. This study also examines the effects of the permeable properties and the geometric configurations of the porous structure to the wave reflection. It is found that the submerged porous structure with trapezoidal shape has more efficiency to reduce the wave reflection than that of triangular shape. The numerical results show that the minimum wave reflection is occurred when the breakwater is located at the intermediate water depth.  相似文献   

The front slope stability of breakwaters with a homogeneous berm was studied in a large number of two dimensional model tests at Aalborg University, Denmark. The results are presented together with a new formula for prediction of the berm recession which is the most important parameter for describing the reshaping. The formula has also been calibrated and validated against model test data from other researchers. The significance of the new design formula is that it predicts berm recession much better than the existing methods, especially in case of more stable structures.  相似文献   

针对海工作业平台、海洋养殖网箱等海洋装备的安全防护问题,提出了一种带空气透平的后弯管浮式防波堤,该空气透平既可将作用在防波堤上的波浪能转化成机械能并用于发电,还可显著减小防波堤的锚链力。在介绍了防波堤原理和结构特点的基础上,设计了物理实验模型,并在实验室造波池内进行了模型试验,研究了波浪周期、波高、吃水深度与弯管数量等因素对后弯管浮式防波堤透射系数和锚链力的影响规律。研究结果表明,波浪周期越短,波高越低,防波堤的透射系数越小,锚 链力越小,其消波性能优于传统的浮式防波堤.  相似文献   

Wave interaction with a wave absorbing double curtain-wall breakwater   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yong Liu  Yu-cheng Li 《Ocean Engineering》2011,38(10):1237-1245
This study examines the hydrodynamic performance of a wave absorbing double curtain-wall breakwater. The breakwater consists of a seaward perforated wall and a shoreward impermeable wall. Both walls extend from above the seawater to some distance above the seabed. Then the below gap allows the seawater exchange, the sediment transport and the fish passage. By means of the eigenfunction expansion method and a least square approach, a linear analytical solution is developed for the interaction of water waves with the breakwater. Then the reflection coefficient, the transmission coefficient and the wave forces acting on the walls are calculated. The numerical results obtained for limiting cases agree very well with previous predictions for a single partially immersed impermeable wall, the double partially immersed impermeable walls and the bottom-standing Jarlan-type breakwater. The predicted reflection coefficients for the present breakwater also agree reasonable with previous experimental results. Numerical results show that with appropriate structure parameters, the reflection and transmission coefficients of the breakwater may be both below 0.5 at a wide range of the relative water depth. At the same time, the magnitude of wave force acting on each wall is small. This is significant for practical engineering.  相似文献   

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