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Narrow bipolar events (NBEs) are a distinct class of intra-cloud lightning discharge. In this paper we present observations of 10 negative and 67 positive such events in East China. Positive NBEs occurred at 7–12 km altitude above mean sea level (MSL) with a mean altitude of 9.5 km, and negative NBEs occurred at 14–16 km altitude. Electrical/channel characteristics of these events were derived from NBE pulse waveforms based on the transmission-line model. On average, the peak current moment and the charge moment change of a NBE event is 15 kA km, and 0.12 C km, respectively. The mean time for the propagation of current front along the channel is 2.2 μs. The upper limit on channel length for NBEs in this study is 510–1060 m, the lower limit on discharge current amplitude is 12.5–43.2 kA, and the minimum charge transfer is 0.1–0.3 C.  相似文献   

Two sprite-producing mesoscale convective systems above the South-Western part of France are studied. Three sprite events during the first night and seven during the second night were captured. Except for two events, the sprites could be associated with causative positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) discharges in the stratiform region of the storm. The analysis of lightning activity reveals that in both nights sprites occurred when lightning activity decreased rapidly and the ratio of +CGs to the total number of CGs decreased slightly. The average peak current of sprite-producing lightning was lower than 60 kA, in agreement with other observations. The delay times of sprites to their SPCGs varied from 57 to 140 m s and no correlation between events’ delay and shape was established.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2005, transient luminous events were optically imaged from the French Pyrénées as part of the EuroSprite campaign. Simultaneously, extremely low frequency (ELF: 3–3000 Hz) and broadband very low frequency (VLF: 3–30 kHz) data were recorded continuously at two separate receivers in Israel, located about 3300 km from the area of the parent lightning discharges responsible for the generation of sprites. Additionally, narrowband VLF data were collected in Crete, at about 2300 km away from the region of sprites.The motivation for the present study was to identify the signature of the sprite-producing lightning discharges in the ELF and VLF electromagnetic frequency bands, to qualify and compare their parameters, and to study the influence of the thunderstorm-activated region on its overlaying ionosphere. For the 15 sprites analyzed, their causative positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) discharges had peak current intensities between +8 and +130 kA whereas their charge moment changes (CMC) ranged from 500 to 3500 C km. Furthermore, the peak current reported by the Météorage lightning network are well correlated with the amplitudes of the VLF bursts, while showing poor correlation with the CMCs which were estimated using ELF methods.Additionally, more than one +CG was associated with six of the sprites, implying that lightning discharges that produce sprites can sometimes have multiple ground connections separated in time and space. Finally, for a significant number of events (33%) an ELF transient was not associated with sprite occurrence, suggesting that long continuing current of tens of ms may not always be a necessary condition for sprite production, a finding which influences the estimation of the global sprite rate based on Schumann resonance (SR) measurements.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that narrowband measurements can be used for rudimentary ranging of cloud-to-ground lightning flashes. The system at present responds to both intra-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning; ranging is demonstrated for a subset of flashes known to be cloud-to-ground lightning. The system uses a ferrite-core antenna with a length of about 4 cm and diameter 4 mm, and operates on a narrow band at about 1 MHz, close to the HF band (3–30 MHz). It downmixes the signal to audio frequencies and operates in a manner which is very similar to an AM radio. The system triggers on all impulses which exceed a given adjustable threshold above the ambient noise level, and records 1 s of data. Such a system was used to collect lightning-caused electromagnetic disturbances during summer 2006 in Finland. The output is compared to two scientifically verified references: a flat-plate broadband antenna measuring the vertical electric field and a commercial lightning location network giving flash location. A key aim of the system is to reduce the information to as few parameters as possible. Peak intensity and full-flash energy were used as simple parameters. It is shown that accurate flash-by-flash ranging is not possible with this method; however, it is shown that the method can be used to track clusters of ground flashes within a range of about 50–100 km with an accuracy of about 10 km.  相似文献   

During the northern hemisphere winter of 2005–2006, transient luminous events (TLEs) known as ‘sprites’ and ‘elves’ were imaged over thunderstorm cells in the eastern Mediterranean. Simultaneously, extremely low frequency (ELF) data (ELF: 3–3000 Hz) were recorded at two observation stations in Israel and Hungary in order to qualify and quantify parameters of the parent lightning discharge associated with the transient optical emissions in the upper atmosphere. In this study, we found that for 87% (Israel) and 77% (Hungary) of optically observed TLEs an intense ELF transient event was recorded. These stations are located some 500 and 2100 km, respectively, from the region of the TLEs. All ELF transients that were associated with TLEs were caused by lightning discharges with positive polarity. Calculation of the charge moment change showed values between 600 and 2800 C km with a peak around 1000 C km. Additionally, the time delay between the +CG and ensuing sprite was 76±34 ms and it was displaced up to 50 km from its parent CG.One of our objectives in the present study was to characterize, based on the ELF radiation from lightning, the electromagnetic (EM) waveforms of the lightning discharges which generate TLEs in the time and frequency domains, and to compare them with other lightning discharges occurring in the same thunderstorm cell at approximately the same time, but which did not produce TLEs. The survey for a typical EM waveform showed no unique ELF signature for lightning discharges associated with either sprites or elves.  相似文献   

Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) was used to examine ionospheric drift velocities measured by a digital ionosonde located at the mid-latitude station Bundoora (145.1°E, 37.7°S geographic), near Melbourne. The control times for the SEA were the times of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strokes measured from August 2003 to August 2004 by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Statistically, regions of concentrated lightning activity migrated from west to east across Bundoora, and the stroke frequency was higher the day prior the activity reached the station, and lower on the day after it passed to the east. For the SEA, CG strokes were separated into four directional quadrants centred on north, south, east and west. No SEA results are shown for the south quadrant due to the relatively low detection frequency of strokes across the Southern Ocean (6% of all events). The strongest downward vertical perturbations in F-region drifts, ?4.5 m s?1, were found for lightning located towards the west during ?30 to ?16 h (i.e., the afternoon prior the activity passed near the station at t=0 h). The downward perturbation decreased in amplitude to ?1.5 m s?1 for lightning located towards the north during ?6–+6 h, and was weakest (?0.7 m s?1) for lightning located towards the east during +16–+28 h (i.e., the next afternoon). There were directionally consistent perturbations in the drift azimuths associated with the lightning located in their respective quadrants; lightning located to the west of the station caused eastward azimuth enhancements, northward lightning caused southward enhancements, and eastward lightning caused westward enhancements. Velocity magnitudes and fluctuations tended to increase during the passage of lightning. The observed responses were stronger when the SEA was performed with data selected using time windows of <2 min on either side of each lightning stroke. However, they persisted at longer time scales and were strong when thunderstorm onsets (instead of lightning times) were used as controls. Our results can be explained by thunderstorm-generated atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) which subsequently gave rise to medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), with the lightning strokes acting merely as a proxy for this coupling. The prevailing thermospheric winds were flowing from east to west across the study region, and may have acted as a directional ‘filter’ for the MSTIDs, allowing waves generated in the west quadrant to reach the station and preventing those generated in other quadrants. Displacement of the MSTIDs in the direction anti-parallel to mean neutral wind flow has been observed by (Waldock, J.A., Jones, T.B., 1986. HF Doppler observations of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes. Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 48(3), 245–260).  相似文献   

Parallel factor analysis of fluorescence excitation emission matrices of surface water samples of a globally large river (Yangtze River, China) watershed identified three classes of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) that had ex/em = 280/330 nm, 305/385 nm and 350/450 nm respectively, resembling “peak T”, “peak M” and “peak C” commonly identified in natural water, respectively. Peak T (a tyrosine/tryptophan-like FDOM) did not show correlations to peak M or C which were humic-like substances, while a positive correlation (r = 0.935, p < 0.001) was present between the natural log-transformed maximum fluorescence intensity (Fmax) of peaks T and M indicating a tight link during their production and processing. Fmax values (in Raman unit nm?1) normalized to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration were low, varying in ranges 15.93–85.95, 29.83–83.54 and 19.73–51.05 × 10?5 nm?1 (μmol/L)?1 for peaks T, M and C, respectively, in line with the history of strong photobleaching of the water samples as indicated by fairly high absorption spectral slope ratios (0.75–1.53 with a mean 1.03). Intermediate fluorescence index (FI) (1.46–1.83 with a mean 1.61) and small specific absorption at 254 nm (0.64–1.93 with a mean 1.15 m?1 mg?1 L) of the water samples, indicated the presence of both aquatic microbial DOM (e.g. peak T) and soil DOM (e.g. peak C). Peak C could be substantially removed by UV-A (320–400 nm) irradiation, while peak M was slightly increased when a microbe-containing water was exposed to the same UV-A irradiation. Taken together, peak C was attributed to diffuse soil source while peak M was likely attributed to joint effects of microbial activities and solar irradiation on the chromophores in the sample.  相似文献   

Narrow bipolar pulses (NBPs) are considered as isolated intracloud events with higher peak amplitude and strong high frequency emission compared to the first return strokes and other intracloud discharges. From 182 NBPs recorded in Malaysia in the tropic, 75 were narrow negative bipolar pulses (NNBPs) while 107 were narrow positive bipolar pulses (NPBPs). The mean duration of NNBPs was 24.6±17.1 μs, while 30.2±12.3 μs was observed for NPBPs. The mean full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) was 2.2±0.7 and 2.4±1.4 μs for NNBPs and NPBPs, respectively. The mean peak amplitude of NPBPs normalized to 100 km was 22.7 V/m, a factor of 1.3 higher than that of NNBPs which is 17.6 V/m. In contrast to the previous studies, it was observed that the electric field change was characterized by a bipolar pulse with a significant amount of fine structures separated by a few tens of nanoseconds intervals, embedded on it.  相似文献   

We report observations of seasonal and local time variation of the averaged electron and iron concentrations, as well as simultaneous measurements of the two species, above the Arecibo Observatory (18.35°N, 66.75°N), Puerto Rico. The average Fe profile between 21:00 and 24:00 LT has a single peak at about 85 km with the exception of the summer when an additional peak exists at about 95 km. The higher Fe peak in the summer is correlated with higher electron concentrations in this season. The three nights of simultaneous measurements of electron and iron concentrations show that narrow layers of Fe and electrons are well correlated. Comparison of the climatological and simultaneous Fe and electron data suggests that recombination of Fe+ plays an important role in determining the Fe profile in the upper part of the Fe layer. Above 93 km, the Fe concentration appears to increase after sunset if the electron concentration exceeds about 4000 electrons cm−3. The average rate of Fe production is about 0.1 atom cm−3 s−1 for all seasons at 100 km in the early evening hours. A chemical model reveals that the concentration of Fe+ must be 50–80% of the total ionization over Arecibo for typical equinox conditions to explain the observed rate of Fe production. These high relative Fe+ concentrations are consistent with in situ observations that Fe+ is usually the dominant ion in sporadic E layers in the nighttime lower E region. This suggests that the source of Fe+ is provided by sporadic E layers descending over Arecibo after sunset. The Fe density between 80 and 85 km decreases during the night, for all seasons. This is attributed to the formation of stable molecular Fe species, such as FeOH, due to the increase in O3 and decrease in atomic O and H during the night at these altitudes.  相似文献   

Mid-latitude Digisonde Doppler velocities, auroral electrojet (AE) indices and cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strokes during August 2003–2004 were used to study the perturbations in the F-region vertical drift associated with terrestrial thunderstorms. A superposed epoch analysis (SEA) showed that the F-region vertical drifts Vz had a net descent of ~0.6 m s?1 peaking ~3 h after lightning. Stronger downward perturbations of up to ~0.9 m s?1 were observed in the afternoon on the day prior to lightning days. The perturbations were less significant on the day after and insignificant during the remaining intervals up to 144 h on either side of the lightning. The stronger responses on the day before are consistent with causality because the lightning times were merely proxies for the physical mechanisms involved. The actual causes are unclear, but we discuss the possible roles of lightning-induced ionisation enhancements, intense electric fields penetrating upward from electrified clouds, and atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) radiated from thunderstorms or from the accompanying tropospheric fronts. There is no doubt that the behaviour of the mid-latitude F-region is controlled by the thermospheric winds and the solar wind-magnetosphere electrical generators, but our results suggest that electrified clouds also account for a significant, albeit relatively small component of the ionospheric variability.  相似文献   

The propagation features of nighttime whistlers to low-latitude station, Suva (−18.2°, 178.3°, geomag. lat. −22.1°, geomag. long. 253.5°, L=1.15), Fiji, from preliminary observations made during the period from September 2003–2005, are reported. The observations of ELF–VLF signals commenced in September 2003 using the VLF set-up of World Wide Lightning Location Network at our station. The whistlers were observed during the severe magnetic storm of 20–22 November 2003 and moderate magnetic storm of 17–19 July 2005. A whistler with dispersion D=12.7 s1/2 occurred on 22 November at 00:11 h LT. On 20 July at 01:00 h LT, a short whistler with dispersion D=20.9 s1/2 and two whistler events having two-component whistlers with D=15.8, 16.7 s1/2 and 16.7, 17.3 s1/2 were observed. Non-ducted pro-longitudinal mode of the whistler propagation supported by negative latitudinal electron density gradients in the ionosphere that are enhanced by magnetic storms, seems most likely mode of propagation for the whistlers with dispersion of 12.7–17.3 s1/2 to this low-latitude station.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,76(1-2):133-139
Effective control of outbreaks of Acanthaster planci represents the most immediate and practical intervention to reverse sustained declines in coral cover on reefs in the Indo-Pacific. This study explored the minimum doses of oxbile, oxgall, and thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose agar (TCBS) that result in reliable and comprehensive mortality when injected into adult A. planci. The minimum doses required to induce 100% mortality among starfish (n = 10) were 4 g l−1 of oxbile, 8 g l−1 of oxgall and 22 g l−1 of TCBS. Moreover, there was no evidence of unintended side effects for other coral reef organisms (e.g., scleractinian corals, echinoderms and fishes) when using oxbile, oxgall, or TCBS at minimum doses. The effectiveness of peptones in killing crown-of-thorns starfish was also tested, but inconsistency in the results revealed that these proteins are unreliable.  相似文献   

The measurement of unusual winter sprites in the Hokuriku area (Japan Sea side) was performed as a primary target of the 2006/2007 winter campaign by means of coordinated optical and extremely low frequency (ELF)/very high-frequency (VHF) electromagnetic observations. We have also added the same observations for the sprites in the Pacific Ocean, to be compared with the characteristics of Hokuriku sprites. The following results have emerged from this campaign: (i) the predominance of column sprites in winter has been confirmed not only for the Hokuriku area but also in the Pacific Ocean (with the probability just above 60%), (ii) carrots are much more frequently observed in the Pacific Ocean (with a probability of ~28%) than in the Hokuriku area (~16%), (iii) a very unique property of Hokuriku sprites is the surprisingly long delay (average ~90 ms) of sprites from their parent lightning flashes and the delays for carrots and columns exhibit some significant difference (80 ms for columns and 100 ms for carrots) and (iv) the time delay of Pacific Ocean sprites is much shorter (~43 ms average) than that at Hokuriku, but there is no remarkable difference in delay between carrots and columns. Finally we discussed the importance of time delay studies to understand sprite generations and their parent lightning discharges, because the difference of time delays on the Japan Sea side and in the Pacific Ocean are thought to be causally related to the parameters of parent thunderstorms.  相似文献   

The preliminary results of observation of the lightning electrical characteristics during tropical summer thunderstorms locally known as “Nor-Wester”, at a hilly place in North-East India (23.50°N, 91.25°E) are reported here. Some distinct peaks are observed in the VLF range between 1.5 to 6 kHz. Average cloud conductivity is found to be 8.12×10?10 S m?1. Specific characteristics of integrated field intensity of sferics (IFIS) at 14 and 17 kHz are also studied. Average enhancement of electrical activity during thunderstorms is found to be 170 dB kHz?1 compared to the normal weather sferics intensity.  相似文献   

A study on variability of the equatorial ionosphere was carried out at fixed heights below the F2 peak for two different levels of solar activity. The study covered height range of 100 km up to the peak of F2 layer using a real height step increase of 10 km. The variability index used is the percentage ratio of standard deviation over the average value for the month. Daytime minimum variability of between 3% and 10% was observed at height range of about 150–210 km during low solar activity and between 2% and 7% at height range of 160–220 km during high solar activity. The nighttime maximum of between 70% and 187% was observed at height range of about 210–250 km during low solar activity and between 42% and 127% at height range of 210–250 km during high solar activity. The height range at which daytime minimum was observed falls within the F1 height of the ionosphere. The result obtained is consistent with previous works carried out in the low latitude locations for American sector.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the TEC data during 1998–2007, observed by the AREQ (16.5°S, 71.5°W) GPS station to investigate the equatorial ionospheric variations under geomagnetic quiet-conditions. The diurnal TEC values generally have a maximum value between 1330 and 1500 LT and a minimum around 0500 LT. For the seasonal variation, the semi-annual variation apparently exists in the daytime TEC with two peaks in equinoctial months. In contrast, this semi-annual variation is not found in the nighttime. Furthermore, the results of the annual variation show that the correlation between the daytime TEC value and the solar activity factor is highly positive.  相似文献   

We describe attempts to create ball lightning by directing lightning, triggered from natural thunderclouds using the rocket-and-wire technique, through a variety of materials. Some of the observed phenomena have features in common with natural ball lightning or with laboratory attempts to create it: flame-like luminosity for up to 0.5 s above salt water; constant-luminosity silicon fragments falling for about 1 s under the influence of gravity; a 0.7 m region of stationary luminosity whose bottom was 0.3 m above a stainless steel surface to which arcing had occurred; and a glow for about 0.5 s above pine tree sections.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on theoretical estimation of the achievable electric fields during the physical development process of a long spark under different conditions, we show that the encounter of negative and positive streamer fronts just before the final breakdown is one scenario, under which the observed X-ray bursts in long sparks is highly possible. Our calculations show that for example in an 80 cm long rod–sphere air gap at atmospheric pressure with negative lightning impulse breakdown voltage of about 925 kV, electrons are accelerated to values in the range of 100–300 keV during the encounter. Subsequently, these electrons gain more energy moving through the potential gradient of the positive streamer region. The total gain of energy by electrons may reach 300–500 keV. The results also show that negative discharges can produce more energetic electrons than positive. If the suggested mechanism of X-ray production in long sparks is correct, then the X-ray burst may consist of several pulses closely spaced in time. Time resolved photography in simultaneous measurement of X-rays would be able to confirm this prediction.  相似文献   

Magnetic sector mass spectrometers dominate the field of 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Recent advances in quadrupole mass spectrometer technology, especially improvements in resolution, have increased the performance of these instruments to the extent that they can be used for isotopic determinations. We describe a triple filter quadrupole mass spectrometer (Hiden HAL 3F Series Pulse Ion Counting Triple Filter QMS) linked to an automated furnace extraction and cleaning system dedicated to 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments.The instrument produces peaks with broad flat tops and a width of 0.9 amu at 10 cps height and 0.84 amu at 500,000 cps height on a 1 million cps high peak (peak width at 0.01‰ and 50% peak height respectively). This allows measurement of ratios of the main Ar peaks in the 1‰ range. Measurements of 1.6 × 10?12 mole of air reference gas over two years yields 40Ar/36Ar = 257.9 ± 1.3 (1σ, n = 34). The ability of the instrument to produce 40Ar/39Ar ages from rocks/minerals of a wide age range, reaching into the late Quaternary, are demonstrated by a series of tests and comparison with geochronological data from other studies and an in-house MAP 215-50 magnetic sector mass spectrometer. We demonstrate that high-end quadrupole systems can be used for routine 40Ar/39Ar dating purposes.  相似文献   

《Geofísica Internacional》2014,53(4):411-423
An investigation of the effect of some human activities on the magnetic susceptibility and frequency dependent susceptibility was conducted on top soil samples from, a commercial area, a motor park and a school environment in Jalingo, Taraba State, N-E Nigeria. The purpose was to assess the variation of magnetic susceptibility with different land use, detect pollution hotspots using magnetic proxy parameters and evaluate the contribution of superparamagnetic (SP) grain size contribution to the magnetic susceptibility from calculation of the frequency dependence of magnetic susceptibility (MS). The results of the mass specific low frequency magnetic susceptibility measurements showed significant enhancement with values ranging from 67.8  495.3 × 10−8 m3kg−1 with a mean value of 191.61 × 10−8 × m3kg−1 for the Jalingo College of Education (JCOE) data; 520.1  1612.8 × 10−8 m3kg−1 with a mean value of 901.34 × 10−8 m3kg−1 for the Jalingo main Market (JMM) and 188.5  1203.6 × 10−8m3kg−1 with an average value of 574 92 × 10−6 m3kg−1 for the Jalingo Motor Park (JMP). The significant magnetic enhancement indicates high concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals in the soil and hence increased pollution. The magnetic susceptibility of the different land use studied decreased in the order commercial area (market) > motor park > school premises. The results of the percentage frequency dependence susceptibility showed that most of the samples had a mixture of SP and coarse multi domain grains or SP grains < 0.05 µm. The value of χfd% range from 2.68 to 13.80% with an average value of 8.67% in the JCOE samples, 0.49 to 10.04% with an a-verage of 5.05% in the JMM samples and 0.56 to 13.04% with an average value of 5.86% in the JMP samples.  相似文献   

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