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The Liaohe Group is an important Paleoproterozoic stratigraphic unit in the northeastern part of the North China Craton and is traditionally subdivided into the North and South Liaohe Groups. Associated with both the North and South Liaohe Groups are voluminous Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks, named the Liaoji granitoids. Different tectonic models, including terrane amalgamation, continent–arc collision and rift closure, have been proposed to interpret the tectonic setting and evolution of the North and South Liaohe Groups and associated Liaoji granitoids. At the centre of the controversy between these models is whether or not the North and South Liaohe Groups developed on the same Archean basement. Nd isotopic geochemistry of the Liaoji granitoids provides important constraints on this controversial issue. The Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups display similar εNd values, restricted to a narrow range from 0 to 2, implying that these granitoid rocks were derived from the same or a similar magma source. Moreover, the Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups have similar Nd model ages (TDM), ranging from 2.4 to 2.6 Ga, suggesting that the protoliths of the Liaoji granitoids associated with both groups may have formed simultaneously, and that the basement rocks underneath the Liaoji granitoids and associated North and South Liaohe Groups belong to the same continental block rather than two different blocks. Combining lithological, structural and geochronological considerations, we interpret the North and South Liaohe Groups as having developed on a single late Archean basement that underwent Paleoproterozoic rifting associated with the intrusion of the Liaoji granitoids and the formation of the Liaohe Group, and closed upon itself in the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Evidence for post‐Archaean crustal growth via magma underplating is largely based on U–Pb dating of zircons from granulite‐facies xenoliths. However, whether the young zircons from such xenoliths are genetically related to magma underplating or to anatexis remains controversial. The lower‐crustal xenoliths carried by igneous rocks in the Chifeng and Ningcheng (North China Craton) have low SiO2 and high MgO, indicating that parental melts of their protoliths were of unambiguous mantle origin. The xenoliths contain abundant magmatic zircons with late‐Palaeozoic ages, and have more radiogenic zircon Hf‐isotope compositions and hence younger model ages than ancient crustal magmas and the “reworking array” of the basement rocks. Our data suggest that the granulites represent episodic magmatic underplating to the lower crust of this craton in Phanerozoic time. Considering the observation that regional lowermost crust (~5 km) is mafic and characterized by Phanerozoic zircons, this work reports an example of post‐Archaean crustal growth via magma underplating.  相似文献   

华北克拉通南缘鲁山太古宙基底的形成和演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
鲁山地区保存和出露很好的太古宙基底岩石。文章报道了2件魏庄片麻岩的原岩年龄分别为(2867±5)Ma和(2768±5)Ma,变质作用时代分别为(2775±6)Ma和(2775±56)Ma。结合已发表数据,魏庄片麻岩原岩形成时代可大致分为2867~2928 Ma和2765~2768 Ma两个阶段;榆树庄片麻岩原岩形成于2829~2897 Ma、2752~2778 Ma和2723 Ma;斜长角闪岩原岩形成于2838~2845 Ma、2747~2794 Ma和2730 Ma。尽管三者岩性上存在差异,但原岩形成的期次和时代相当,指示它们在成因上可能存在联系。鲁山多地陆续发现2.8~2.9 Ga的岩石,表明该地区存在一定规模的中太古代基底。通过与胶东、霍邱等地对比,笔者认为华北克拉通南缘可能存在中太古代的古老陆块,其重要的初生地壳生长事件发生在2.9~3.0 Ga。  相似文献   

王景丽  张宏福 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3819-3834



《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1389-1400
Post-orogenic mafic dikes are widespread across eastern Shandong Province, North China Craton, eastern China. We here report new U–Pb zircon ages and bulk-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for representative samples of these rocks. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analysis of two mafic dike samples yields consistent ages of 118.7 ± 0.25 million years and 122.4 ± 0.21 million years. These Mesozoic mafic dikes are characterized by high (87Sr/86Sr) i ranging from 0.7082 to 0.7087, low ?Nd(t) values from??17.0 to??17.5, 206Pb/204Pb from 17.14 to 17.18, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.44 to 15.55, and 208Pb/204Pb from 37.47 to 38.20. Our results suggest that the parental magmas of these dikes were derived from an ancient, enriched lithospheric mantle source that was metasomatized by foundered lower crustal eclogitic materials prior to magma generation. The mafic dikes underwent minor fractionation during ascent and negligible crustal contamination. Combined with previous studies, these findings provide additional evidence that intense lithospheric thinning beneath eastern Shandong occurred at ~120 Ma, and that this condition was caused by the removal/foundering of the lithospheric mantle and lower crust.  相似文献   


The adakitic dikes with zircon ages of ~120–118 Ma are identified in the Xiejiagou gold deposit, Jiaobei terrain. The Early Cretaceous intermediate-acidic dikes include monzonite, quartz monzonite, and monzogranite, which have SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Na2O contents ranging from 61.01 to 74.72 wt. %, 14.42 to 17.28 wt.%, 2.55 to 4.45 wt.%, and 3.09 to 4.64 wt.%, respectively. The dikes are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) (e.g., Rb, Sr, and Ba) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), but are depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs) (e.g., Nb, Ta) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). They are also characterized by continental crust-like isotopic compositions: whole-rock δ18O = 7.6–9.9‰, (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70893–0.71036, and εNd(t) = ?13.16 to ?17.06. Assimilation and fractional crystallization are limited, and partial melting of source rock is the main mechanism in controlling the compositional variation. The high Sr/Y (41.51–93.25) and (La/Yb)N (22.9–44.7) ratios imply that the dikes have affinities similar to adakitic rocks. The regional geological setting, coupled with the geochemical and isotopic data, indicate that the adakitic dikes were unlikely produced by partial melting of a subducted oceanic slab or a thickened/delaminated lower crust, or AFC processes of mantle-derived magmas. We conclude that the adakitic dikes are generated by partial melting of lower crust which was triggered and modified by underplating of the lithospheric mantle. We also propose that the eastern part of the North China Craton experienced severe thinning in the Early Cretaceous (~135–120 Ma), and the lithospheric thinning is related to delamination of the lower crust.  相似文献   

The Luojiahe Cu deposit in the Zhongtiaoshan region is located in the southern margin of the North China Craton. The orebodies are hosted in the mafic volcanic-sedimentary sequences of the metamorphosed (greenschist-facies) Neoarchean Songjiashan Group. The Luojiahe Cu mineralization can be divided into the primary volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) mineralization stage (Stage I, banded or stockwork ores) and the subsequent metamorphic remobilization stage (Stage II, coarse-vein ores).Three types of quartz selected for fluid inclusion (FI) studies were collected from the Stage I banded (Q1) and stockwork (Q2) ores and Stage II coarse-vein (Q3) ores. Four types of FIs were identified: (1) liquid-rich FIs (L-type), (2) pure vapor and vapor-rich FIs (V-type), (3) daughter mineral-bearing FIs (S-type), and (4) CH4-H2O FIs (C-type). Systematical microthermometric and H-O isotopic studies show that the Stage I ore-forming fluids consist predominantly of high salinity evolved seawater (125–220 °C; 23.9–27.9 wt.% NaCl equiv.) and some magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (249–339 °C; 34.5–42.2 wt.% NaCl equiv.). The two fluid end-members are represented by the L-type FIs in Q1 and the S- and V-type FIs in Q2. The temperature- and salinity variation trends of the L-type FIs in Q1 indicate a mixing process between the hot evolved seawater and cold seawater at Stage I. Furthermore, the V- and S-type FI coexistence in Q2 and their microthermometric data suggest that fluid unmixing has occurred in original magmatic fluids at Stage I. In contrast, the Stage II ore-forming fluids consist of CH4-rich metamorphic fluids (192–350 °C; 10.6–43.2 wt.% NaCl equiv.). Carbon isotopic analysis of the Stage II calcite (− 4.58 to − 10.83‰) and graphite (− 32.01 to − 39.16‰) in the ore-hosting chlorite schist indicates that the metamorphic ore-forming fluids had exchanged carbon isotope with graphite. The generation of CH4 may have resulted from the interaction between H2O (released by metamorphic devolatilization) and graphite. The continuous consumption of H2O in the hydrothermal fluid system may have increased the fluid salinity and triggered fluid unmixing in the CH4-NaCl-H2O system. In addition, the VMS metallogenic environment is generally favorable for microbial communities. It is considered that the graphite at Luojiahe may have been derived from sedimentary organic matter formed in seafloor hydrothermal vent systems, as also supported by carbon isotopic data.We propose that at Stage I, the main mineralization may have been resulted from 1) fluid mixing of hot evolved seawater and cold seawater in the near-surface environment; and 2) fluid unmixing caused by the percolation of magmatic fluids into syn-volcanic faults, forming the stockwork ores. At Stage II, the interaction between H2O and graphite may have resulted in the reduction of ore-forming fluids and Cu precipitation, and fluid unmixing in the CH4-NaCl-H2O system may have further promoted the Cu mineralization.  相似文献   

Three vertical profiles of seawater concentration and isotopic composition of Nd were determined for the western to central North Pacific Ocean.In the subarctic oceanic region, at depths greater than 500 m, one vertical profile of Nd isotopic composition was indistinguishable from most previously reported profiles from here. The data indicate a rather homogeneous Nd isotopic composition in the subarctic oceanic region at middle to deep depths (>500 m). Two stations in the subtropical oceanic region exhibited similar Nd isotopic composition profiles to those previously reported. The maxima εNd values at depths of 800-1000 m (εNd = −3.4 to −2.7), which correspond to the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), are found at both subtropical stations. This implies a ubiquitous distribution of NPIW showing a radiogenic εNd value in the North Pacific. The subsurface minimum at a depth of ∼200 m, which indicates the penetration of the North Pacific Tropical Water (NPTW) with an unradiogenic Nd isotopic signal, was observed at one station in the western Pacific. This station had much lower εNd than the central station at depths around 5000 m, suggesting the greater prominence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the western subtropical Pacific than in the central to eastern subtropical Pacific.Results of a model calculation assuming boundary exchange indicate that the Hawaiian Islands play an important role in supplying radiogenic Nd to the central Pacific, similar to some continental margins.We show that Nd isotopic composition is a versatile tracer for ocean circulation and the geochemical cycle of Nd in the North Pacific. Further studies on the distribution of Nd isotopic composition in the Pacific Ocean, including the Southern Pacific, will better elucidate the circulation and geochemical cycle of Nd in the Pacific.  相似文献   

The variation of crustal thickness is a critical index to reveal how the continental crust evolved over its four billion years. Generally, ratios of whole-rock trace elements, such as Sr/Y,(La/Yb)nand Ce/Y, are used to characterize crustal thicknesses. However, sometimes confusing results are obtained since there is no enough filtered data. Here, a state-of-the-art approach, based on a machine-learning algorithm, is proposed to predict crustal thickness using global major-and trace-element geochemical data of intermediate arc rocks and intraplate basalts, and their corresponding crustal thicknesses. After the validation processes, the root-mean-square error(RMSE) and the coefficient of determination(R~2) score were used to evaluate the performance of the machine learning algorithm based on the learning dataset which has never been used during the training phase. The results demonstrate that the machine learning algorithm is more reliable in predicting crustal thickness than the conventional methods. The trained model predicts that the crustal thickness of the eastern North China Craton(ENCC) was ~45 km from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous, but ~35 km from the Early Cretaceous, which corresponds to the paleo-elevation of 3.0 ± 1.5 km at Early Mesozoic, and decease to the present-day elevation in the ENCC. The estimates are generally consistent with the previous studies on xenoliths from the lower crust and on the paleoenvironment of the coastal mountain of the ENCC, which indicates that the lower crust of the ENCC was delaminated abruptly at the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The late Archean (~3.0–2.5 Ga) was a key period of continental growth globally, which is widely considered to reflect the onset of vigorous plate tectonic activity, although related continental growth modes remain contentious. Here we investigate a suite of late Neoarchean metavolcanic rocks from the southwest Qixia area of the Jiaobei terrane in the North China Craton. The rocks in this suite include amphibolites, clinopyroxene amphibolites, and hornblende plagioclase gneisses. We present zircon U-Pb isotopic data which indicate that the protoliths of these rocks formed during ~2549–2511 Ma.The (clinopyroxene) amphibolites correspond to meta-basaltic rocks, with some containing high modal content of titanite. These rocks show moderate to high FeOT (8.96–13.62 wt.%) and TiO2 (0.59–1.59 wt.%), flat to less fractionated REE patterns, and mildly negative Th, Nb, and Ta anomalies, resembling those of Fe-tholeiites. In addition, they display positive zircon ?Hf(t) values (+2.6 to +8.7), and are devoid of crustal contamination or fractional crystallization. Combined with the low Nb/Yb (mostly < 1.60) and (Hf/Sm)N (mostly < 0.95), low to moderate Th/Yb (0.08–0.54), and low V/Sc (5.53–9.19) ratios, these basaltic rocks are interpreted to have been derived from a relatively reduced and depleted mantle source that was mildly metasomatized by hydrous fluids. The hornblende plagioclase gneisses are meta-andesitic rocks, and occur interlayered with the basaltic rocks. They are transitional between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rock series, and show fractionated REE patterns with evidently negative Th, Nb, and Ta anomalies. The depleted zircon ?Hf(t) values (+2.4 to +8.4) and quantitative chemical modeling suggest that the andesitic rocks were most likely generated by injection and mixing of juvenile felsic magmas with the tholeiitic basaltic magmas.In general, the chemical features and genesis of late Neoarchean meta-basaltic rocks in our study area resemble those of Mariana back-arc basin basalts. Combined with regional geological data, it is proposed that the Jiaobei terrane witnessed late Neoarchean crustal growth under a paired continental arc-back arc setting. On a regional context, we propose two distinct geodynamic mode of late Neoarchean continental growth across North China Craton (particularly the Eastern Block), i.e., (1) arc-continent accretion along northwestern part of the Eastern Block; and (2) paired continental arc-back arc system surrounding the ~3.8–2.7 Ga continental nuclei to the southeast.  相似文献   

A vast supracrustal belt of khondalites (granulite facies metapelites) occur along the northern margin of the North China Craton. We report here for the first time spinel + quartz equilibrium assemblage from these rocks in two textural settings: (1) high ZnO (up to 14.47 wt.%) spinel with quartz as inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts defining pressure above 12 kbar and temperature of 900 °C; and (2) low ZnO (down to 1.2 wt.%) spinel in association with quartz in the matrix assemblage formed during peak ultrahigh-temperature conditions (ca. 975 °C and 9 kbar). We present a unique case of decompression where the metamorphic conditions of the rocks traversed mostly through the spinel + quartz (extended) stability field. Monazite grains in textural association with both types of spinel + quartz textures were analysed for age determination, and the data define two age peaks at 1927 ± 11 Ma and 1819 ± 11 Ma. Since the peak thermal regime of the khondalites was close to or exceeded the theoretical closure temperature of Pb in monazite, we infer the 1819 ± 11 Ma age as the timing of ultrahigh-temperature event in this craton. Our data lend support to the idea of ca. 1.9–1.8 Ga E–W collisional orogen at the northern margin of the North China Craton. We correlate the extreme crustal metamorphism with tectonics associated with the assembly of the North China Craton within the Columbia supercontinent.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(2):210-224
The analysis of available Nd isotope data from the Tanzania Craton places important constraints on the crust-mantle separation ages, and events marking juvenile crustal addition and crustal recycling. Nd model ages date the oldest crust extraction to 3.16 Ga in the Tanzania Craton, although a rock record of such antiquity is yet to be found there. The most significant period of juvenile crustal addition as well as crustal recycling is 2.7–2.6 Ga. The Nd isotopes of mafic samples show that chemical heterogeneity existed in the mantle beneath the Tanzania Craton, with some samples originating from significantly depleted mantle, and most samples originating from the mixture of primitive mantle and depleted mantle. The Nd isotope section reveals significant differences in Nd isotopes between the north craton and central craton; compared to the north craton, the central craton yields a Nd model age that is approximately 100 Ma older, and its εNd(t) values are more negative, indicating that the two parts of the craton have different mantle source regions. Different types of granitoids are distributed in the Tanzania Craton, such as high-K and low-Al granite, calc-alkaline granite, peraluminous granite and transitional types of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs). Most of the granitoids formed later than the mafic rocks in syn-collision and post-collision events.  相似文献   

对华北克拉通古元古代辽河群、中条群和湾子群的碳酸盐岩进行了C、O同位素研究。辽河群王家沟组条带状大理岩的δ13CPDB变化于-1.02‰~3.14‰之间,大部分在0.16‰~1.79‰之间,平均值为1.07‰,稍高于海相碳酸盐岩的δ13C平均值0.5‰,δ18OPDB变化于-17.2‰~-10.1‰之间,大部分在-13.4‰~-10.1‰之间,20组数据的均值为-11.9‰。中条群余家山组大理岩的δ13CPDB变化于-0.2‰~0.8‰之间,大部分在0~0.3‰之间,前14个样品的δ13C平均值为0.34‰,稍低于海相碳酸盐岩的δ13C平均值,后16个样品的δ13C平均值为0.54‰,与海相碳酸盐岩的δ13C平均值基本一致,其δ18OPDB变化于-7.9‰~-6.1‰之间,大部分在-7.3‰~-6.1‰之间,前14个样品的δ18O平均值为-6.80‰,后16个样品的δ18O平均值为-6.68‰,两个剖面上的δ18O值没有明显差别。阜平宋家口南湾子群大理岩δ13CPDB变化于1.0‰~3.8‰之间,平均值为2.65‰,明显高于海相碳酸盐岩的δ13C平均值0.5‰,其δ18OPDB变化于-8.8‰~-5.7‰之间,平均值为-6.97‰。研究结果表明所研究的大理岩均形成于一个比较稳定而又相对波动的气候环境,大理岩沉积期间存在海平面和气温旋回变化但没有突变事件。湾子群宋家口剖面大理岩对Jatulian事件有响应,中条群余家山组大理岩对Jatulian事件没有响应,辽河群王家沟组是否存在对Jatulian事件响应还不确切。  相似文献   

华北克拉通是显生宙以来全球古老克拉通破坏最为剧烈的地区。华北克拉通破坏及其相关的科学问题引起了国内外地质学家的广泛关注。有关华北克拉通破坏的研究已取得了许多重要进展,使我们认识到其破坏不仅表现为岩石圈厚度的剧烈减薄,更重要的是岩石圈地幔的物质组成与性质发生了巨大转变,即从古生代克拉通型转变为新生代大洋型。本文在综述华北地幔捕虏体锂同位素地球化学特征的基础上,进一步揭示了华北岩石圈地幔高度不均一的组成特征,以及不同来源的熔体对岩石圈地幔的改造作用,为深入认识华北岩石圈地幔的转变过程提供进一步的制约。  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):301-322
Spinel and garnet pyroxenite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from Hannuoba, North China show extremely heterogeneous chemical and isotopic compositions (εNd=−27 to +34). Most of these pyroxenites are relatively young, probably late Mesozoic in age, although a few Al-pyroxenites could be very old (∼2 Ga). While their texture and major element compositions suggest an origin of high pressure cumulates, the trace element and isotopic compositions of the Hannuoba pyroxenites require multiple segregation processes from different parental magmas. Strong LREE enrichment, ubiquitous HFSE depletion and some Eu anomalies of the Al- and Cr-pyroxenites indicate the involvement of crust components in their source. Their Sr–Nd isotopic ratios are negatively correlated and plot below the MORB–OIB–IAB–sediment trend, suggesting that the parental melts of the Cr- and Al-pyroxenites may have been derived from a mixture of asthenospheric melts and a long-term evolved continental crust. The garnet pyroxenites significantly deviate from the isotopic array defined by the Al-pyroxenites, due to their relatively high 87Sr/86Sr at given εNd. They thus more likely represent segregates from melts derived from partial melting of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust (basalts+marine sediment). If the crustal component involved in the Al-pyroxenites is subducted terrigenous sediments or other continental materials from the Archean Sino-Korean Craton, the Al-pyroxenites and garnet pyroxenites may have formed contemporaneously at a palaeo-convergent plate margin. This may be related to the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk plate beneath North China during the late Jurassic. Alternatively, if the delaminated lower crust was involved, it implies that most of the Al-pyroxenites are younger than the garnet pyroxenites, and their formation may be temporally correlated with lithospheric thinning during the Cretaceous. This model is attractive because the inferred tectonic evolution from a convergent setting to an extensional environment is consistent with the geologic record in the area.  相似文献   

In the southeastern margin of the North China Craton, high-pressure (HP) granulite facies meta-basic rocks exposed as bands or lenses in the Precambrian metamorphic basement (e.g. Bengbu) and as xenoliths in Mesozoic intrusions (e.g. Jiagou) are characterized by the assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz + rutile ± Ti-rich hornblende. Cathodoluminescence imaging and mineral inclusions reveal that most zircon from the three dated samples displays distinct core-mantle-rim structures. The cores show typical igneous zircon characteristics and give ages of 2.5–2.4 Ga, thus dating the protolith of the metabasites. The mantles formed at granulite facies conditions as evidenced by inclusions of the HP granulite mineral assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene + rutile + plagioclase + quartz ± hornblende and Ti-rich biotite and yield ages of 1839 ± 31, 1811 ± 19 and 1800 ± 15 Ma. An inclusion-free rim yields an age of 176 ± 2 Ma with the lower Th/U ratio of 0.02. The geochronological and preliminary petrological data of this study suggest that the lower crust beneath the southeastern margin of the North China Craton formed at 2.5–2.4 Ga and underwent HP granulite facies metamorphism at c. 1.8 Ga. This HT-HP metamorphic event may be ascribed to large-scale crustal heating and thickening related to mantle-derived magma underplating at the base of the lower crust, as evidenced by widespread extension, rifting and related mafic magma emplacement in the North China Craton during this period. The age of 176 ± 2 Ma most likely records the late amphibolite facies retrogression occurring during exhumation.  相似文献   

作为岩石圈伸展拉张背景侵位的特征岩石,基性岩墙群(煌斑岩、辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩等)地质和地球化学研究日益受到地质研究者的关注。研究显示,基性岩墙在全球范围主要分布在美国、加拿大、巴西、澳大利亚和中国等地区,且年代格架主要集中在前寒武纪时期(2.4Ga、2.1Ga、1.8Ga、1.4Ga、1.0Ga)。目前,国内中生代以来基性岩墙群主要出露于华北克拉通、华南、西藏和塔里木盆地。本研究基性岩墙来自山西省大同附近,对于该套岩墙,本文给出了锆石U-Pb定年、地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素证据。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为293Ma,岩石具有变化较小的主元素变化特征(SiO2=50.78%~51.35%,TiO2=2.16%~2.32%,Al2O3=14.53%~15.08%,Fe2O3=12.42%~12.66%,MnO=0.13%~0.16%,MgO=5.14%~5.35%,CaO=7.93%~8.25%,Na2O=3.52%~3.78%,K2O=1.01%~1.14%和P2O5=0.24%~0.36%)。另外,基性岩墙富集轻稀土元素、大离子侵石元素(Ba,K和Sr)和高场强元素(Nb,Ta和Zr),亏损Th、Pb和Ti。同时,基性岩墙具有相对一致的(87Sr/86Sr)i比值(0.70422~0.70423),正的εNdt)值(5.8~6.1)和变化较小的Nd模式年龄(tDM1=0.67~0.72Ga,tDM2=0.57~0.59Ga)。以上特征表明,基性岩墙来自亏损软流圈地幔的分布熔融作用,岩浆侵位过程中发生了橄榄石、辉石和含Ti相矿物的分离结晶作用,但没有受到地壳物质的混染作用影响。基性岩墙的成因上与华北克拉通和西伯利亚板块碰撞后的拉伸作用有密切联系。  相似文献   

出露于辽东地区盖州-庄河一带的榆树砬子岩组,作为该区不整合覆盖于古元古代辽河群之上最早的稳定沉积盖层,其沉积时代、物源区及沉积环境的研究对了解华北克拉通的构造演化具有重要科学意义。目前该地区依然缺乏关于榆树砬子岩组形成时代和区域地层对比的数据。本文在详细野外地质调查基础上,通过碎屑锆石U-Pb定年、Hf同位素示踪等手段,对该岩组的沉积环境及时限、物源区及与燕辽裂谷带内中元古代地层的时空关系等问题进行了讨论。通过对榆树砬子岩组与燕辽裂谷带内常州沟组对比,发现尽管锆石U-Pb定年结果表明榆树砬子岩组沉积时代晚于1803Ma,但二者在锆石年龄谱、物源成分、岩石组合及沉积旋回序列等方面具有一定相似性。龙岗地块及辽南陆块太古宙基底、古元古代辽吉花岗岩以及古元古代同碰撞或碰撞后岩浆岩可能为榆树砬子岩组提供了物源。同时,锆石Hf同位素特征表明华北克拉通东北缘记录了自~4. 1Ga以来的一系列地壳生长事件,其峰期主要发生于31~27亿年,与华北克拉通其他地区的数据一致,为华北克拉通太古代的陆壳演化提供了新的佐证。  相似文献   

华北克拉通古元古代构造事件   总被引:45,自引:55,他引:45  
翟明国  彭澎 《岩石学报》2007,23(11):2665-2682
本文讨论了华北克拉通的古元古代表壳岩系、高压麻粒岩和孔兹岩系的若干问题,提出了(1)华北克拉通在约2500Ma太古宙结束时已基本形成.在2300Ma之前处于相对稳定的构造环境;(2)2300~1950Ma期间,华北克拉通经历了一次基底陆块的拉伸-破裂事件,在克拉通内部发育了晋豫、胶辽裂陷盆地和丰镇陆内凹陷盆地;(3)约1900Ma期间,有地幔上涌并伴随辉长岩浆的底侵作用,引起大青山-丰镇地区的超高温变质作用.底侵的辉长岩浆作为岩体和岩墙在下地壳就位,并发生高压麻粒岩相变质作用;(4)约1850Ma期间,华北克拉通经历了一次挤压构造事件,导致了裂陷盆地的闭合和焊接,形成晋豫和胶辽两个类似于现代陆.陆碰撞型的造山带;(5)在华北克拉通的北缘,华北克拉通可能与其北部的另一古老陆块或岛弧拼合,其拼合带应位于白云鄂博以北.现在已残缺不全.孔兹岩系可能代表了平行于北缘造山带的一条构造带.与北部造山带的俯冲碰撞相关的陆内深部逆掩造成了麻粒岩相岩石的形成和抬升;(6)白云鄂博群、化德群和渣尔泰(-狼山)群是与长城系相同时期发育的被动大陆边缘裂谷盆地;(7)1850~1700Ma期间,华北克拉通进入伸展构造体制,导致基底抬升,产生裂陷槽、基性岩墙群和非造山岩浆活动.  相似文献   

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