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The occurrence of pronounced climate reversals during the last glacial termination has long been recognised in palaeoclimate records from both hemispheres and from high to low latitudes. Accurate constraint of both the timing and magnitude of events, such as the Younger Dryas and Antarctic Cold Reversal, is vital in order to test different hypotheses for the causes and propagation of abrupt climate change. However, in contrast to higher‐latitude regions, well‐dated records from the Tropics are rare and the structure of late‐glacial tropical climate remains uncertain. As a step toward addressing this problem, we present an in situ cosmogenic 3He surface exposure chronology from Nevado Coropuna, southern Peru, documenting a significant fluctuation of the ice margin during the late‐glacial period. Ten tightly clustered ages from a pair of moraines located halfway between the modern glacier and the Last Glacial Maximum terminus range from 11.9 to 13.9 ka and give an arithmetic mean age of 12.8 ± 0.7 ka (1σ). These data constitute direct evidence for a readvance, or prolonged stillstand, of glaciers in the arid Andes of southwestern Peru. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of the Charquini glaciers (Cordillera Real, Bolivia) have been reconstructed for the Little Ice Age (LIA) from a set of 10 moraines extending below the present glacier termini. A lichenometric method using the Rhizocarpon geographicum was used to date the moraines and reconstruct the main glacier fluctuations over the period. The maximum glacier extent occurred in the second half of the 17th century, followed by nearly continuous retreat with three interruptions during the 18th and the 19th centuries, marked by stabilisation or minor advances. Results obtained in the Charquini area are first compared with other dating performed in the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca and then with the fluctuations of documented glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere. Glacier fluctuations along the tropical Andes (Bolivia and Peru) were in phase during the LIA and the solar forcing appears to be important during the period of glacier advance. Compared with the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, the major advance observed on these glaciers during the first half of the 19th century is not present in the tropical Andes. This discrepancy may be due to regional scale climate variations. To cite this article: A. Rabatel et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Holocene glacier variations pre‐dating the Little Ice Age are poorly known in the western Alps. Studied for two centuries, the Miage morainic amphitheatre (MMA) is composed of three subconcentric sets of c. 25 moraines. Because of its location and of a dominant mode of morainic accretion, the MMA is a well‐preserved marker of the glacier dynamics during the Neoglacial. Radiocarbon dates were obtained by digging and coring in inter‐ morainic depressions of the MMA and through a deep core drilling in a dammed‐lake infill (Combal); complementary data for the inner MMA were obtained by lichenometry and dendrochronology. Radiocarbon chronology shows that (i) the MMA not only pre‐dates the Little Ice Age (LIA), but was built at least since 5029–4648 cal. yr BP (beginning of the Neoglacial); (ii) outer sets of moraines pre‐date 2748–2362 cal. yr BP; (iii) the MMA dammed the Lake Combal from 4.8 to 1.5 cal. kyr BP, while lakes/ponds formed inside the moraines (e.g. from 2147–1928 to 1506–1295 cal. yr BP). The ‘Neoglacial model’ proposed here considers that the MMA formed during the whole Neoglacial by a succession of glacier advances at 4.8–4.6 cal. ky BP (early Neoglacial), around 2.5 cal. ky BP (end of Göschener I), at AD 600–900 (end of Göschener II) and during the LIA, separated by raising phases of the right‐lateral moraine by active dumping because of the Miage debris cover.  相似文献   

The Gschnitz stadial was a period of regionally extensive glacier advance in the European Alps that lies temporally between the breakdown of the Last Glacial Maximum piedmont lobes and the beginning of the Bølling warm interval. Moraines of the Gschnitz stadial are found in medium to small catchments, are steep‐walled and blocky, and reflect a snowline lowering of 650–700 m in comparison to the Little Ice Age reference snowline. 10Be surface exposure dating of boulders from the moraine at the type locality at Trins (Gschnitz valley, Tyrol, Austria) shows that it stabilised no later than 15 400 ± 1400 yr ago. The overall morphological situation and the long reaction time of the glacier suggest that the climatic downturn lasted about 500 ± 300 yr, indicating that the Gschnitz cold period began approximately 15 900 ± 1400 yr ago, if not somewhat earlier. This is consistent with published radiocarbon dates that imply that the stadial occurred sometime between 15 400 14C yr BP (18 020–19 100 cal. yr) and 13 250 14C yr BP (15 360–16 015 cal. yr). A palaeoclimatic interpretation of the Gschnitz glacier based on a simple glacier flow model and statistical glacier‐climate models shows that precipitation was about one‐third of modern‐day precipitation and summer temperatures were about 10 K lower than today. In comparison, during the Younger Dryas, precipitation in this area was only about 10% less and Ts (summer temperature) was only 3.5–4 K lower than modern values. Based on the age of the moraine and the cold and dry climate at that time, we suggest that the Gschnitz stadial was the response of Alpine glaciers to cooling of the North Atlantic Ocean associated with Heinrich Event 1. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Whether or not tropical climate fluctuated in synchrony with global events during the Late Pleistocene is a key problem in climate research. However, the timing of past climate changes in the tropics remains controversial, with a number of recent studies reporting that tropical ice age climate is out of phase with global events. Here, we present geomorphic evidence and an in-situ cosmogenic 3He surface-exposure chronology from Nevado Coropuna, southern Peru, showing that glaciers underwent at least two significant advances during the Late Pleistocene prior to Holocene warming. Comparison of our glacial-geomorphic map at Nevado Coropuna to mid-latitude reconstructions yields a striking similarity between Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Late-Glacial sequences in tropical and temperate regions.Exposure ages constraining the maximum and end of the older advance at Nevado Coropuna range between 24.5 and 25.3 ka, and between 16.7 and 21.1 ka, respectively, depending on the cosmogenic production rate scaling model used. Similarly, the mean age of the younger event ranges from 10 to 13 ka. This implies that (1) the LGM and the onset of deglaciation in southern Peru occurred no earlier than at higher latitudes and (2) that a significant Late-Glacial event occurred, most likely prior to the Holocene, coherent with the glacial record from mid and high latitudes. The time elapsed between the end of the LGM and the Late-Glacial event at Nevado Coropuna is independent of scaling model and matches the period between the LGM termination and Late-Glacial reversal in classic mid-latitude records, suggesting that these events in both tropical and temperate regions were in phase.  相似文献   

Tropical mountain regions are prone to landslide hazards. Given the current land pressure with increasing occupation of steep uplands, landslide hazards are expected to increase in the near future. Understanding the factors that control landslide hazards is therefore essential. Rare event logistic regression allows us to perform a robust detection of landslide controlling factors. This technique is here applied to the tropical Andes to evaluate the impact of dynamic land cover changes on landslide occurrences. Land cover change trajectories (i.e. dynamic evolution of land cover through time) were specifically included in the probabilistic landslide analysis. While natural physical processes such as slope undercutting by rivers and failure of oversteepened slopes are important in this tropical mountainous site, landslides are increasingly associated with human activities. The data show that land cover trajectories are associated with landslide patterns. In this humid mountainous site, forest degradation does not lead to a measurable increase in landslide occurrence. However, few years after forests are converted to pastures, a rapid decline of slope stability is observed. Land cover conversion from forest to pasture permanently reduces slope stability. It is assumed that major changes in soil properties and hydrology induced by the vegetation conversion play a role in accelerating landslide hazards.  相似文献   

During the hot summer of 2003, reduction of an ice field in the Swiss Alps (Schnidejoch) uncovered spectacular archaeological hunting gear, fur, leather and woollen clothing and tools from four distinct windows of time: Neolithic Age (4900 to 4450 cal. yr BP), early Bronze Age (4100–3650 cal. yr BP), Roman Age (1st–3rd century AD), and Medieval times (8–9th century AD and 14–15th century AD). Transalpine routes connecting northern Italy with the northern Alps during these slots is consistent with late Holocene maximum glacier retreat. The age cohorts of the artefacts are separated which is indicative of glacier advances when the route was difficult and not used for transit. The preservation of Neolithic leather indicates permanent ice cover at that site from ca. 4900 cal. yr BP until AD 2003, implying that the ice cover was smaller in 2003 than at any time during the last 5000 years. Current glacier retreat is unprecedented since at least that time. This is highly significant regarding the interpretation of the recent warming and the rapid loss of ice in the Alps. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geothermometry and geobarometry of 10 garnet–oligoclase zone schists in the Franz Josef–Fox Glacier area, Southern Alps, New Zealand, give temperatures ranging from 415 to 625°C and pressures from 5.2 to 9.2 kbar, indicating a T–P array of about 50°C/kbar and inferred peak temperature conditions over a c. 15-km-thick section at depths between c. 20 and 34 km. The present-day distribution of the schist samples implies that only about one-third of the original crustal section is now exposed.
The garnet–oligoclase zone schists represent the deeper part of a metamorphosed and deformed accretionary complex that was associated with late Palaeozoic–early Mesozoic subduction along the Gondwana continental margin. Partial uplift ( c. 0.2 m/Ma) and erosion of the complex during Jurassic–Cretaceous times (Rangitata uplift) was synchronous with D2 deformation and recrystallization, as recorded by the P–T array. Cenozoic (Kaikoura) uplift and exhumation of the schist since c. 30 Ma to form the Southern Alps was associated with oblique-slip movement on the Alpine Fault. The present-day position and steep eastward dip of isograds and D2 structures suggest considerable clockwise rotation during uplift associated with ductile attenuation and tectonic thinning by over two-thirds of the original schist sequence, largely due to simple shear along schistosity planes. As the schist generally shows only incipient greenschist facies retrograde recrystallization, an apparently complete (although contracted) prograde mineral sequence has been preserved by rapid uplift (>5 km/Ma) of hot rock and the effects of limited shear heating near the Alpine Fault.  相似文献   

Little Ice Age (LIA) fluctuations of Glaciar Río Manso, north Patagonian Andes, Argentina are studied using information from previous work and dendrogeomorphological analyses of living and subfossil wood. The most extensive LIA expansion occurred between the late 1700s and the 1830-1840s. Except for a massive older frontal moraine system apparently predating ca. 2240 14C yr BP and a small section of a south lateral moraine ridge that is at least 300 yr old, the early nineteenth century advance overrode surficial evidence of any earlier LIA glacier events. Over the past 150 yr the gently sloping, heavily debris-covered lower glacier tongue has thinned significantly, but several short periods of readvance or stasis have been identified and tree-ring dated to the mid-1870s, 1890s, 1900s, 1920s, 1950s, and the mid-1970s. Ice mass loss has increased in recent years due to calving into a rapidly growing proglacial lake. The neighboring debris-free and land-based Glaciar Frías has also retreated markedly in recent years but shows substantial differences in the timing of the peak LIA advance (early 1600s). This indicates that site-specific factors can have a significant impact on the resulting glacier records and should thus be considered carefully in the development and assessment of regional glacier chronologies.  相似文献   

Changes in the sedimentologic and stratigraphic characteristics of the coal-bearing middle Oligocene–late Miocene siliciclastic Amagá Formation, northwestern Colombia, reflect major fluctuations in the stratigraphic base level within the Amagá Basin, which paralleled three major stages of evolution of the middle Cenozoic Andean Orogeny. These stages, which are also traceable by the changes in the compositional modes of sandstones, controlled the occurrence of important coal deposits. The initial stage of evolution of the Amagá Basin was related to the initial uplift of the Central Cordillera of Colombia around 25 Ma, which promoted moderate subsidence rates and high rates of sediment supply into the basin. This allowed the development of aggradational braided rivers and widespread channel amalgamation resulting in poor preservation of both, low energy facies and geomorphic elements. The presence of poorly preserved Alfisols within the scarce flood plains and the absence of swamp deposits suggest arid climate during this stage. The compositional modes of sandstones suggest sediment supply from uplifted basement-cored blocks. The second stage of evolution was related to the late Oligocene eastward migration of the Pre-Andean tholeitic magmatic arc from the Western Cordillera towards the Cauca depression. This generated extensional movements along the Amagá Basin, enhancing the subsidence and increasing the accommodation space along the basin. As a result of the enhanced subsidence rates, meandering rivers developed, allowing the formation of extensive swamps deposits (currently coal beds). The excellent preservation of Entisols and Alfisols within the flood plain deposits suggests rapid channels migration and a humid climate during deposition. Moderate to highly mature channel sandstones support this contention, and point out the Central Cordillera of Colombia as the main source of sediment. Enhanced subsidence during this stage also prevented channels amalgamation and promoted both, high preservation of geomorphic elements and high diversity of sedimentary facies. This resulted in the most symmetric stratigraphic cycles of the entire Amagá Formation. The final stage of evolution of the Amagá Basin was related to the early stage of development of the late Miocene northwestern Andes tholeitic volcanism (from ∼10 to ∼8 Ma). The extensive thrusting and folding associated to this volcanism reduced the subsidence rates along the basin and thus the accommodation space. This permitted the development of highly aggradational braided rivers and promoted channels amalgamation. Little preservation of low energy facies, poor preservation of the geomorphic elements and a complete obliteration of important swamp deposits (coal beds) within the basin are reflected by the most asymmetric stratigraphic cycles of the whole formation. The presence of greenish/reddish flood plain deposits and Alfisols suggests a dry climate during this depositional stage. The presence of channel sandstones with high contents of volcanic rock fragments supports a dry climate, and suggests an incipient phase of the Combia tholeiitic magmatism present during deposition of the Amagá Formation. The subsequent eastward migration of the NW Andes magmatic arc (after ∼8 Ma) may have produced basin inversion and suppressed deposition along the Amagá Basin.  相似文献   

Changes in the sedimentologic and stratigraphic characteristics of the coal-bearing middle Oligocene–late Miocene siliciclastic Amagá Formation, northwestern Colombia, reflect major fluctuations in the stratigraphic base level within the Amagá Basin, which paralleled three major stages of evolution of the middle Cenozoic Andean Orogeny. These stages, which are also traceable by the changes in the compositional modes of sandstones, controlled the occurrence of important coal deposits. The initial stage of evolution of the Amagá Basin was related to the initial uplift of the Central Cordillera of Colombia around 25 Ma, which promoted moderate subsidence rates and high rates of sediment supply into the basin. This allowed the development of aggradational braided rivers and widespread channel amalgamation resulting in poor preservation of both, low energy facies and geomorphic elements. The presence of poorly preserved Alfisols within the scarce flood plains and the absence of swamp deposits suggest arid climate during this stage. The compositional modes of sandstones suggest sediment supply from uplifted basement-cored blocks. The second stage of evolution was related to the late Oligocene eastward migration of the Pre-Andean tholeitic magmatic arc from the Western Cordillera towards the Cauca depression. This generated extensional movements along the Amagá Basin, enhancing the subsidence and increasing the accommodation space along the basin. As a result of the enhanced subsidence rates, meandering rivers developed, allowing the formation of extensive swamps deposits (currently coal beds). The excellent preservation of Entisols and Alfisols within the flood plain deposits suggests rapid channels migration and a humid climate during deposition. Moderate to highly mature channel sandstones support this contention, and point out the Central Cordillera of Colombia as the main source of sediment. Enhanced subsidence during this stage also prevented channels amalgamation and promoted both, high preservation of geomorphic elements and high diversity of sedimentary facies. This resulted in the most symmetric stratigraphic cycles of the entire Amagá Formation. The final stage of evolution of the Amagá Basin was related to the early stage of development of the late Miocene northwestern Andes tholeitic volcanism (from 10 to 8 Ma). The extensive thrusting and folding associated to this volcanism reduced the subsidence rates along the basin and thus the accommodation space. This permitted the development of highly aggradational braided rivers and promoted channels amalgamation. Little preservation of low energy facies, poor preservation of the geomorphic elements and a complete obliteration of important swamp deposits (coal beds) within the basin are reflected by the most asymmetric stratigraphic cycles of the whole formation. The presence of greenish/reddish flood plain deposits and Alfisols suggests a dry climate during this depositional stage. The presence of channel sandstones with high contents of volcanic rock fragments supports a dry climate, and suggests an incipient phase of the Combia tholeiitic magmatism present during deposition of the Amagá Formation. The subsequent eastward migration of the NW Andes magmatic arc (after 8 Ma) may have produced basin inversion and suppressed deposition along the Amagá Basin.  相似文献   

A Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) tree-growth series from near the tree-line in upper Gud- brandsdalen, southern Norway (Slistad 1957) is analysed, and possible relationships to glacier and climatic fluctuations are explored. The series is smoothed by harmonic analysis, and calibrated using a variety of independently derived glaciological, geomorphological, and climatological data from Storbreen (Jotunheimen), the Storbreen gktschervorfeld, and Dombås meteorological station. The curves are then used to make inferences about the number, date, magnitude, and duration of glacier fluctuations and summer temperature fluctuations from 1700 A.D. to 1950 A.D. At least 10 major oscillations in the tree-growth data, reflecting fluctuations in summer temperatures of amplitude 1.0°C to 3.0°C, are believed to be indicative of glacier fluctuations. Periods of reduced tree-growth are a response to cool phases and indicate glacier advances after a lag of about 4 years. These short-term oscillations are superimposed on a general trend of glacier retreat and a long-term warming of 1.0°C indicated by a glacier equilibrium-line displacement of 140 m to 145 m since 1750 A.D. Problems and prospects for development of dendroglaciological and dendro-climatological techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the Gotthard Base Tunnel Project in the Central Alps, Switzerland, geodetic monitoring networks were installed above the tunnel trajectory in alpine valleys. Natural ground-surface deformation recorded in the years prior to the tunneling excavation was seen to contain an unexpectedly large cyclical component of horizontal strain across the valleys, which was seasonal and appeared to be due to elastic processes. The strain is strongly correlated with snow melt and rainstorm precipitation, suggesting the implied rock-mass deformation is driven by changes in water-table elevation within adjacent mountain slopes. The horizontal strains are of the order of 1?C2?·?10?C5, which is close to the design limits that can be accommodated by hydropower arch dams in the study area. This study investigates these processes in detail and describes a new mathematical model (REROD), which is able to accurately reproduce and predict such natural rock-slope displacements. The model implements a transfer-function approach to predict the valley-crossing strains from rainfall and winter snow height data recorded at nearby meteorological stations. It has been used to estimate and remove the natural strain signal from the net recorded deformation so as to resolve the component due to tunneling.  相似文献   

Surface exposure dating of boulders on an exceptionally well‐preserved sequence of moraines in the Peruvian Andes reveals the most detailed record of glaciation heretofore recognised in the region. The high degree of moraine preservation resulted from dramatic changes in the flow path of piedmont palaeoglaciers at the southern end of the Cordillera Blanca (10° 00′ S, 77° 16′ W), which, in turn, generated a series of cross‐cutting moraines. Sixty 10Be surface exposure ages indicate at least four episodes of palaeoglacier stabilisation (>65, ca. 65, ca. 32 and ca. 18–15 ka) and several minor advances or stillstands on the western side of the Nevado Jeulla Rajo massif. The absence of ages close to the global Last Glacial Maximum (ca. 21 ka) suggests that if an advance culminated at that time any resulting moraines were subsequently overridden. The timing of expanded ice cover in the central Peruvian Andes correlates broadly with the timing of massive iceberg discharge (Heinrich) events in the North Atlantic Ocean, suggesting a possible causal connection between southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during Heinrich events and a resultant increase in precipitation in the tropical Andes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper relates recent proglacial fluvial channel change at Skaftafellsjökull, southeast Iceland, to glacier margin fluctuations. Observations of the western portion of the proglacial braided sandur were made annually between 1996 and 2000. Between 1996 and 1998, during a period of glacier advance, the proximal proglacial outwash surface at the western end of the glacier margin was characterized by a complex braided channel pattern active over the entire sandur surface. Retreat of the glacier margin since 1998 led to rapid incision, so that by 1999 abandonment of the proximal terrace surface and reorganization of the proglacial fluvial system into a single, entrenched channel had occurred. Further retreat and incision occurred during 1999–2000. These observations demonstrate that glacier retreat at Skaftafellsjökull is accompanied by short-lived rapid incision events and terrace formation, separated by long intervals of relatively minor change rather than progressive incision over long time periods. The margin of Skaftafellsjökull is thought to be particularly sensitive to retreat, as the glacier occupies an overdeepening behind the snout and results in lowering of the river's point of exit from the glacier, necessitating adjustment of the river's long profile.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Assessment of susceptibility to torrential flows at the catchment scale is a necessary step for prioritising zones that can be identified by hazard and risk maps. In the Andean...  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates from two sites in the Andes (Ecuador and Peru) confirm that glaciers culminated a readvance after 11 000 yr BP. A moraine stage, equivalent in altitude and position relative to existing glaciers, is present in most glacierized ranges, but its age is equivocal. Broadly limiting dates from Colombia and Peru suggest that the stage may be Late-glacial, as it is younger than 12100 yr BP, but formed before the early Holocene; in southern Chile a comparable moraine stage is older than ca. 9100 yr BP. Andean glaciers appear to have advanced at least twice during the Late-glacial interval. Glacier reconstruction from these moraine limits suggests depression of the equilibrium line altitude by at least 300–400 m in the northern and north-central Andes, and possibly less than this farther south. Late-glacial climatic change occurred globally and possibly reflects North Atlantic temperature and circulation changes forced by deglaciation of the northern ice sheets, migrations north and south of the Atlantic Polar Front, and the switching off and on of a ‘dust pump’ in low midlatitudes.  相似文献   

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