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Highly radiogenic Pb isotope compositions determined for volcanic glass beads from the Apollo 14 soil sample 14163 are similar to those commonly determined for mare basalts and are correlated with chemical variations observed in the beads. This indicates that Pb unsupported by in-situ U decay has a similar origin in both glass beads and mare basalt samples and is likely to reflect variations of 238U/204Pb (μ) in the lunar mantle. An alternative explanation that this Pb is a result of late equilibration with the radiogenic Pb present in soil is less likely as it would imply that all other characteristics of glass beads such as their chemistry must also be a consequence of equilibration near the lunar surface. Regardless of the origin of unsupported Pb, observed variations of Pb isotope compositions in the glass beads and mare basalts appear to be a result of two component mixing between a primitive reservoir with a μ-value similar to the Earth’s mantle and KREEP with a μ-value in excess of several thousand. This range cannot be explained by the fractionation of major rock forming minerals from the crystallising Lunar Magma Ocean and instead requires substantial extraction of sulphide late in the crystallisation sequence. The proportion of sulphide required to produce the inferred range places limits on the starting μ of the Moon prior to differentiation, demanding a relatively high value of about 100-200. Low μ indicated by several basalt samples and previously analysed volcanic glass beads can be explained by the preservation of an early (but post Ferroan Anorthosite) sulphide rich reservoir in the lunar mantle, while a complete range of Pb isotope compositions observed in the glass beads and mare basalts can be interpreted as mixing between this sulphide rich reservoir and KREEP.  相似文献   

内蒙古盂恩陶勒盖矿床产于由黑云母斜长花岗岩和白云母斜长花岗岩组成的海西期盂恩花岗岩基的中心部位,矿体受东西向断裂控制。呈脉状。矿床主要有用组分为Pb,Zn,Cu,Ag,含Sn富In,Ga,Cd等分散元素,为一典型的多元素共生的多金属矿床。矿石铅同位素组成与赋矿的海西期花岗岩和矿区外围燕山期花岗岩的长石及全岩铅同位素组成明显不同,显示出矿石铅既不是由这两期岩浆活动提供的,也不是来自这两期花岗岩的改造,矿石铅与不同期次岩浆岩铅的对比显示,矿石铅来源于地幔岩浆分异,矿区深部可能存在地幔来源的岩浆岩。  相似文献   

从地壳上地幔构造看大陆碰撞带岩石圈的克拉通化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨文采  于常青 《地质论评》2014,60(4):721-740
本篇讨论超级大陆汇聚后逐渐变为克拉通或扩大克拉通的作用过程,即指经及大陆碰撞地体汇聚后新形成的大陆块逐渐转变为刚性克拉通的作用过程。增生大陆岩石圈的克拉通化的作用后果,包括大陆地壳密度的增加,岩石圈地幔的增厚和大地热流值的下降,使大陆岩石圈逐渐刚性强化。大陆碰撞后形成的大陆块必须经过克拉通化的过程,才能逐渐成为刚性克拉通。作用过程主要包括:①上地壳沉积碎屑岩石结晶岩化和中地壳岩石角闪岩化;②下地壳岩石基性化;③大陆碰撞带下凹莫霍面的磨平;④岩石圈地幔底侵加厚形成陆根。从大陆碰撞带转变为克拉通的过程也是岩石圈地幔不断增厚而地壳缓慢变硬变冷的过程。这个过程包含以下作用:区域变质作用,交代作用和岩石圈幔源岩浆的底侵。这个过程时间尺度比碰撞造山作用大一个级次。长期的底侵作用使地壳岩石密度和强度不断加大,改变岩层的矿物成分和局部结构。当大陆岩石圈克拉通化到一定程度之后,由于下方软流圈的热能供应逐渐减缓,使岩石圈地温梯度缓慢下降,最终结果会形成大陆根。由于显生宙大陆碰撞带岩石圈强度弱,大陆碰撞时更容易造成岩石圈变形,因此大陆碰撞的板内效应主要发生在大陆内的显生宙碰撞带。显生宙大陆碰撞带如果再次受到大陆碰撞板内效应的作用,其克拉通化的过程必然会推迟。  相似文献   

The transitional pressure of quartz-coesite under the differential stress and highly-strained conditions is far from the pressure of the stable field under the static pressure. Therefore, the effect of the differential stress should be considered when the depth of petrogenesis is estimated about ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks. The rheological strength of typical ultrahigh pressure rocks in continental subduction zone was derived from the results of the laboratory experiments. The results indicate the following three points. (1) The rheological strength of gabbro, similar to that of eclogite, is smaller than that of clinopyroxenite on the same condition. (2) The calculated strength of rocks (gabbro, eclogite and clinopyroxenite) related to UHPM decreases by nearly one order of magnitude with the temperature rising by 100 ℃ in the range between 600 and 900 ℃. The calculated strength is far greater than the faulting strength of rocks at 600 ℃, and is in several hundred to more than one thousand mega-pascals at 700-800 ℃, which suggests that those rocks are located in the brittle deformation region at 600 ℃, but are in the semi-brittle to plastic deformation region at 700-800 ℃. Obviously, the 700 ℃ is a brittle-plastic transition boundary. (3) The calculated rheological strength in the localized deformation zone on a higher strain rate condition (1.6×10-12 s-l) is 2-5 times more than that in the distributed deformation zone on a lower strain rate condition (1.6×10-14 s-1). The average rheological stress (1 600 MPa) at the strain rate of 10-12 s-1 stands for the ultimate differential stress of UHPM rocks in the semi-brittle flow field, and the average rheological stress (550-950 MPa) at the strain rate of l0-14 -10-13 s-l stands for the ultimate differential stress of UHPM rocks in the plastic flow field, suggesting that the depth for the formation of UHPM rocks is more than 20-60 km below the depth estimated under static pressure condition due to the effect of the differential stress.  相似文献   

Xenoliths from Engeln–Kempenich in the East Eifel volcanicfield (Germany) comprise gabbroic to ultramafic cumulates, andmeta-igneous and meta-sedimentary granulite- to amphibolite-facieslithologies. They provide evidence for Pleistocene heating andmetasomatism of the lower continental crust by mafic magmas.The metamorphic xenoliths were divided into three types: (1)primitive type P, which are little affected by metasomatic replacementstructures; (2) enriched type E1 defined by metasomatic replacementof primary pyroxene and garnet by pargasitic amphibole and biotite;(3) enriched type E2 defined by breakdown of hydrous phases.Type E rocks are geochemically related to type P and cumulatexenoliths by compositional trends. During modal metasomatism,type E rocks were oxidized. Type E1 rocks were typically enrichedin Rb, Th, U, Nb, K, light rare earth elements (LREE) and Zr,and E2 enriched in Rb, Th, U, Nb, K, REE, Zr, Ti and Y, relativeto type P rocks. Formation of the hydrous, chlorine-bearingphases amphibole and scapolite containing glass and fluid inclusionsin the E1 rocks provides evidence for a water and Cl-bearingfluid phase coexisting with silicate melt. Accordingly, we calculated10 mol % H2O back into the CO2-dominated fluid inclusions, inagreement with experimental data on the composition of a fluidphase coexisting with mafic alkaline melts at elevated pressure.Primary CO2-dominated fluid inclusions coexisting with glassinclusions in metamorphic corona phases and neoblasts, and incumulate xenoliths, have overlapping densities. Fluid inclusionbarometry using the corrected densities indicates that bothcumulates and metamorphic xenoliths originated from the samedepth at 22–25 km (650 ± 50 MPa). This is interpretedas being a main magma reservoir level within the upper partof the lower crust close to the Conrad discontinuity, wherethe xenoliths represent wall-rocks. The Conrad discontinuityseparates an upper-crustal layer, consisting of preferentiallyductile granodioritic and tonalitic gneisses, and more brittlelower-crustal mafic granulites. The brittle–ductile transitionappears to be a preferred level of magma stagnation. KEY WORDS: continental lower crust; fluids; magma chamber; metasomatism; xenoliths  相似文献   

The Tagish Lake meteorite is a primitive C2 chondrite that has undergone aqueous alteration shortly after formation of its parent body. Previous work indicates that if this type of material was part of a late veneer during terrestrial planetary accretion, it could provide a link between atmophile elements such as H, C, N and noble gases, and highly siderophile element replenishment in the bulk silicate portions of terrestrial planets following core formation. The systematic Re-Os isotope and highly siderophile element measurements performed here on five separate fractions indicate that while Tagish Lake has amongst the highest Ru/Ir (1.63 ± 0.08), Pd/Ir (1.19 ± 0.06) and 187Os/188Os (0.12564-0.12802) of all carbonaceous chondrites, these characteristics still fall short of those necessary to explain the observed siderophile element systematics of the primitive upper mantles of Earth and Mars. Hence, a direct link between atmophile and highly siderophile elements remains elusive, and other sources for replenishment are required, unless an as yet poorly constrained process fractionated Re/Os, Ru/Ir, and Pd/Ir following late accretion on both the Earth and Mars mantles.The unique elevated Ru/Ir combined with elevated 187Os/188Os of Tagish Lake may be attributed to Ru and Re mobility during aqueous alteration very early in its parent body history. The Os, Ir, Pt, and Pd abundances of Tagish Lake are similar to CI chondrites. The elevated Ru/Ir and the higher Re/Os and consequent 187Os/188Os in Tagish Lake, are balanced by a lower Ru/Ir and lower Re/Os and 187Os/188Os in CM-chondrites, relative to CI chondrites. A model that links Tagish Lake with CI and CM chondrites in the same parent body may explain the observed systematics. In this scenario, CM chondrite material comprises the exterior, grading downward to Tagish Lake material, which grades to CI material in the interior of the parent body. Aqueous alteration intensifies towards the interior with increasing temperature. Ruthenium and Re are mobilized from the CM layer into the Tagish Lake layer. This model may thus provide a potential direct parent body relationship between three separate groups of carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

杭州西湖与运河沉积物铅同位素组成及其示踪意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
西湖底部表层沉积淤泥与沉积柱中沉积物的铅同位素组成存在明显的差异。沉积柱中206Pb/207Pb=1.1906±0.0029(2σ),208Pb/206Pb=2.0858±0.0074(2σ),而表层沉积淤泥的206Pb/207Pb=1.1705~1.1726,208Pb/206Pb=2.1052~2.1069,存在明显的异常。沉积柱中铅同位素组成演变特征表明,西湖沉积柱的上部受到了现代人为的铅污染,污染物厚度35cm左右,其中顶部10cm污染较为严重。与杭州市有关环境样品的铅同位素背景对比表明,西湖的铅污染主要来源于汽车尾气排放铅。运河(杭州段)0~30cm的沉积柱中除个别样品外,206Pb/207Pb=1.1543~1.1705,208Pb/206Pb=2.1011~2.1540,与西湖沉积柱下部沉积物中的铅同位素组成明显不同,而与西湖表层沉积淤泥的铅同位素组成一致,这表明运河沉积物存在显著的铅污染。对比表明,运河铅污染也主要来自汽车尾气,同时煤铅可能也有一定的贡献。根据西湖沉积柱中铅污染的深度与平均沉积速率估计,杭州地区的铅污染开始于1910年代,但到1970年代铅污染明显加剧。  相似文献   

Lead-lead mineral isochrons consisting of K-feldspar + plagioclase + total rock have been determined for eight intrusive bodies in the Kalgoorlie-Norseman area of Western Australia. The ages found range from 2630 to 2760 m.y. Variation of initial lead isotopic composition within plutons has been identified in two cases. For the remaining plutons, whole rock lead-lead isochrons give the same age as the mineral isochrons. Attempts to determine uranium-lead ages reveal large-scale loss of uranium from surface rocks in recent times.The initial lead isotopic composition of the intrusions, as estimated from age corrected K-feldspar data, shows that the source regions for the plutonic magmas must have experienced multistage histories prior to magma generation. The time integrated μ value for the source region in all cases exceeds the mean μ value for the Earth. Multistage model calculations show that continental type rocks must have been present in the Norseman area as early as 3300 m.y. ago. Original formation of continental crust near Kalgoorlie either occurred much later than at Norseman, or consisted of more basic rock types.  相似文献   

The results of comparison of a number of main parameters of the chondrite-normalized REE distribution spectra in modern bottom, mainly pelitic, sediments of various sedimentary subsystems of the Caspian Sea and marginal filters of the Volga and Ural rivers with those characteristic of the pelitic fraction of modern bottom sediments of different river deltas worldwide are discussed. According to the features of the REE distribution spectra, as well as the εNd(0) values, it has been established that most samples of the Caspian bottom sediments are similar to those of large rivers and rivers, draining watersheds composed of sedimentary formations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of measurements of the Mo isotopic composition in the bottom sediments (BS) of freshwater basins. Mo isotopic ratios were measured using a multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC ICP MS). Efficient methods were used in this study for Mo separation from the elements of the sample matrix and correction for instrumental mass discrimination. This allowed us to achieve a high accuracy of 0.06, 0.08, and 0.14‰ (2 σ) for the measurement of 97Mo/95Mo, 98Mo/95Mo, and 100Mo/95Mo, respectively. The range of variations in Mo isotope ratios observed in the collected BS columns was ~2.2‰ in terms of δ97Mo/95Mo. The results obtained here suggest that geochemical processes occurring during Mo migration with land water can change the isotopic composition of Mo. It is pointed out that the potential use of Mo isotopic systematics for reconstructions of redox conditions in seawater over the geologic past requires the quantification of isotopic effects of Mo accompanying its migration on land and the extent of possible variations in the isotopic composition of Mo entering the ocean.  相似文献   

Newly obtained data on Pb isotopic ratios in feldspars from Early Proterozoic granitoids of the Sangilen block of the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent and Caledonian structures surrounding it, considered together with earlier data on the O and Nd isotopic systems, indicate that ancient (approximately 2 Ga) crustal material mixed in the sources of granites of the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent with younger juvenile material. Positive ɛNd values of granitoids from the Bashkimugor and Chgargalant massifs are accounted for by processes of crustal contamination during the interaction of the melt with crustal material. Similar Nd isotopic characteristics of granitoids in the Khoromnug pluton were caused by the melting of the Late Riphean crust. In granitoids of the massifs in the Kaakhem and Eastern Tannuola zones of the surrounding Caledonian structures, the involvement of juvenile material from oceanic crust increases away from the Sangilen block. Granites in the junction zone between the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent and surrounding structures display evidence of the presence (up to 10–20%) of an ancient crustal component, and the melting history of granitoids in the Eastern Tannuola zone is dominated by an Early Paleozoic juvenile component in combination with material similar to the Vendian ophiolites of the Agardag-Erzin zone. An increase in the δ18O value, the 206Pb/204Pb ratio, and the TNd(DM) values within a single complex (from older to younger granitoid phases) is explained by the systematic involvement of crustal material in the melting processes.  相似文献   

Previous studies in Silurian carbonates from Gotland (Sweden) have led to a model for the development of limestone-marl alternations. This model postulates that early diagenesis of precursor sediments without strong primary differences can result in a differentiation by selective dissolution of aragonite in marl beds and reprecipitation of calcite cement in limestone beds. This model is described as a set of mathematical equations that quantify the diagenetic processes (aragonite dissolution and calcite reprecipitation) that occur during the formation of limestone-marl interbeds from a hypothetical homogeneous precursor sediment. The calculations demonstrate that resulting hypothetical limestone-marl alternations show characteristic mathematical relationships between the ratios of the bed thicknesses of limestones and marls on one side, and the carbonate contents, on the other. By reversing this model, the original mineralogical composition of the precursor sediment of real-world rhythmic successions can be determined. In this study, alternations from the Silurian of Gotland, the Cambrian, Devonian, and Mississippian of North America, the Jurassic of France and Germany, and the Cretaceous of France are shown to exhibit mathematical relationships similar to those calculated for hypothetical precursor sediments without primary differences. Therefore, the mineralogical composition of their precursor sediments can be estimated. In contrast, the clear mismatch shown by the Lower Jurassic Belemnite Marls from Dorset indicates that these rhythms did not suffer an early diagenetic overprint. Our model helps to differentiate between rhythmites with strong depositional variations and those without; however, it cannot indicate whether a given alternation is the product of rhythmic diagenesis of a homogeneous precursor sediment or the result of diagenetic enhancement of subtle underlying sedimentary rhythms. For horizontally correlated patterns, such as laterally extensive beds and layers of nodules, an a priori unknown external signal has to be assumed.  相似文献   

Combined 147Sm---143Nd and the now extinct [τ(1/2)146=103×106 yr] 146Sm---142Nd isotopic systematics are reported for early Archean gneisses from Greenland (Amîtsoq and Akilia associations), and Canada (Acasta gneiss). Using both field relationships and high resolution U---Pb SHRIMP ion-probe ages, it has been possible to identify the most ancient rocks in these terrains for isotopic analyses. Preliminary 142Nd analyses of a still limited number of samples have failed to identify terrestrial 142Nd anomalies. Effects, if present, are limited to < 10 ppm and we have thus been unable to confirm the +33±4 ppm ε142 value claimed by Harper and Jacobsen (1992a, b) for a single sample. From the lack of 146Sm---142Nd effects we infer that large-scale fractionation events that may have occurred in the first 200 Ma of Earth history did not leave a significant nor widespread imprint on the early Archean mantle or crust. If a terrestrial magma ocean, with associated LREE fractionation, formed as a result of planetary accretion, then it had a lifetime of at most 250 m.y. before being remixed into the Earth's mantle.

The samples analysed in this study have a range of ε143 values including highly positive values of up to +4.2. This requires that the earliest known Archean crust was differentiated from a reservoir that was strongly depleted in the LREE as compared with chondritic compositions. In the early Archean it is proposed that the depletions in LREE are a consequence of extraction of a limited fraction of the Earth's continental crust ( < 10%) from the upper 200 km of the mantle. A three reservoir model, consisting of the continental crust, depleted mantle and a more primitive mantle reservoir can be extended to account for both the present-day, as well as the evolving Nd isotopic composition of the Earth's crust and mantle. In contrast to previous models, the rate of growth of the continental crust is used as an input parameter to constrain the concomitant growth and evolution of the depleted mantle reservoir. Recycling of large volumes of bulk continental crust into the mantle is not considered to be an important process, nor is the existence of an additional major enriched component in the early Archean mantle.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope analysis of fossil leaves from the Bhuj Formation, western India was carried out to infer the prevailing environmental conditions. Compression fossil leaves such as Pachypteris indica, Otozamite kachchhensis, Brachyphyllum royii and Dictyozamites sp. were recovered from three sedimentary successions of the Bhuj Formation, Early Cretaceous in age. A chronology was established based on faunal assemblage and palyno-stratigraphy and further constrained by carbon isotope stratigraphy. The three sampling sites were the Karawadi river bank near Dharesi; the Chawad river bank near Mathal; and the Pur river section near Trambau village in Gujarat. The Dharesi sample was also analyzed to investigate intra-leaf δ 13C variability. The mean δ 13C of the leaf was − 24.6 ± 0.4‰ which implied negligible systematic change along the leaf axis. The Mathal sample was fragmented in nature and showed considerable variation in carbon isotopic composition. The Trambau sample considered to be the oldest, dating to the middle of Aptian (ca. 116 Ma), shows the most depleted value in δ 13C among all of them. The overall δ 13C trend ranging from mid Aptian (ca. 116 Ma) to early Albian (ca. 110 Ma) shows a progressive increase in δ 13C from −26.8 to −20.5‰. Based on these measurements the carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide of the Aptian–Albian period is estimated to be between −7.4 and −1.7‰. The ratio of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in leaf to that of the ambient atmosphere calculated based on a model is estimated to be similar to that of the modern plants. This indicates that the Early-Cretaceous plants adapted to the prevailing high carbon dioxide regime by increasing their photosynthetic uptake.  相似文献   

The results of Rb-Sr and K-Ar isotope studies of the Famennian upper salt and suprasalt complexes sampled from the core material of exploratory boreholes drilled at the northwestern margin of the Pripyat Trough (Belarus) are presented. The suprasalt and saliferous portions of the sequence define an age of approximately 470 Ma. Despite multiple reworking of the material, we interpret this value as preservation of the provenance “memory.” Regardless of the Sr content in sample, the strontium isotope ratios obtained for low-Rb minerals (celestine, carbonate, and halite) varies throughout the section within 0.7083–0.7095, indicating the preservation of some primary features of the matter. The lowest isotope values obtained are slightly higher than those inferred for the upper Famennian. This fact confirms the concept that the studied complex was formed in a shallow-water setting. Data on sylvites show that the present-day isotopic characteristics of potassium salts were formed significantly later.  相似文献   

Compared with the oceanic crust, knowledge about the formation of the continental crust (CC) is relatively poor. Although melting of subducted slabs in the early history of the Earth has been considered as the major way that shaped the chemical characteristics of the CC by most geologists, as the CC shares many characteristics with modern adakites, some geologists argued that Archean TTG was formed in the same way as modern arcs rather than slab melting, whereas others proposed that melting at the bottom of the thickened oceanic crust was more important. Recently,the debate is mainly focused on the unique subchondritic Nb/Ta value of the CC, and particularly, how Nb and Ta fractionated from each other and consequently how, in detail, the CC was built.  相似文献   

Xenoliths of subducted crustal origin hosted by Miocene ultrapotassicigneous rocks in the southern Pamir provide important new informationregarding the geological processes accompanying tectonism duringthe Indo-Eurasian collision. Four types have been studied: sanidineeclogites (omphacite, garnet, sanidine, quartz, biotite, kyanite),felsic granulites (garnet, quartz, sanidine and kyanite), basalticeclogites (omphacite and garnet), and a glimmerite (biotite,clinopyroxene and sanidine). Apatite, rutile and carbonate arethe most abundant minor phases. Hydrous phases (biotite andphengite in felsic granulites and basaltic eclogites, amphibolesin mafic and sanidine eclogites) and plagioclase form minorinclusions in garnet or kyanite. Solid-phase thermobarometryreveals recrystallization at mainly ultrahigh temperatures of1000–1100°C and near-ultrahigh pressures of 2·5–2·8GPa. Textures, parageneses and mineral compositions suggestderivation of the xenoliths from subducted basaltic, tonaliticand pelitic crust that experienced high-pressure dehydrationmelting, K-rich metasomatism, and solid-state re-equilibration.The timing of these processes is constrained by zircon agesfrom the xenoliths and 40Ar/39Ar ages of the host volcanic rocksto 57–11 Ma. These xenoliths reveal that deeply subductedcrust may undergo extensive dehydration-driven partial melting,density-driven differentiation and disaggregation, and sequestrationwithin the mantle. These processes may also contribute to thealkaline volcanism observed in continent-collision zones. KEY WORDS: xenolith; high-pressure; subduction; Pamir; Tibet  相似文献   

湘江入湖河段沉积物重金属污染及其Pb同位素地球化学示踪   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
湘江是我国重金属污染最严重的河流之一.本次工作利用等离子质谱(ICP-MS)和多接收同位素质谱(MC-ICP-MS)等技术,对湘江入湖河段沉积物进行了系统的重金属微量元素和Pb同位素分析.结果表明,湘江河床沉积物明显富集Bi、Sc、V、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Sn、Sb等多种重金属微量元素,而湖盆沉积物重金...  相似文献   

A moderate- to high-grade regionally metamorphosed paragneiss from Antarctica contains monazites of several different colours — brown, yellow and grey. Each colour type has a distinctive U-Pb isotopic composition which appears to result from different proportions of radiogenic Pb loss. Isotopic differences are neither related to La, Nd, Ce, P, Ca, Ti (and/or Ba), nor to U or Th content. All colour types have similar structures at the submicron scale, as determined by both conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These show that the grains are essenttially non-metamict but are composed of 100 Å crystalline domains misoriented from each other by no more than 2× 10–3 radians, and separated by narrow confused boundary regions where misorientation is probably accommodated by imperfect atomic arrangements. These regions of mismatch form potential zones of high permeability/diffusivity which are believed to be fundamental to the isotopic and colour differences between grains. Colour type is apparently related to the capacity of different minerals to shield included monazite grains from fluids circulating in the rock system.The well aligned monazite U — Pb analyses produce concordia intercepts of 2429 –16 +17 Ma and 1087±29 Ma. Both ages are comparable to those of major geological events in this part of Antarctica. They are interpreted in terms of isotopic resetting through Pb loss, and original monazite crystallisation is thought to have occurred somewhat earlier, possibly at the time this terrain first underwent granulite-facies metamorphism, about 3070 Ma ago.  相似文献   

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