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This study was aimed to investigate three inversion models (currently in use with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor data processing), namely constrained Linear Matrix (LM), Quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA) and GSM semi-analytical models (GSM). These models were applied to large bio-optical data sets (collected from coastal and open sea waters around Korea) to retrieve inherent optical properties (IOPs) such as absorption coefficients of phytoplankton (a ph ), colored dissolved and detrital organic matters (a cdm ), and particulate backscattering coefficient (b bp ) at five wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, and 555 nm). The derived IOP products were compared with in situ a ph , a cdm and b bp coefficients measured for the same remote sensing reflectance (R rs (λ)) data sets used in the models and the uncertainties of the three models were assessed based on the standard statistical procedures (mean relative error MRE, root mean square error RMSE, slope, and coefficient of determination R 2). It was found that all the three models tended to yield significant errors with varying magnitude at different wavelengths. Overall performance of the models assessed based on the above statistical means was found in the following order: LM > GSM > QAA for retrieving the a ph , LM > GSM > QAA for retrieving the a cdm , and QAA > GSM > LM for retrieving the b bp . Our analyses suggest that these models will require additional refinements with a full parameterization by a fully suited data set in order to produce accurate retrievals of IOPs in coastal and open sea waters around Korea.  相似文献   

An extensive study collected in situ data along the Yellow Sea(YS) and East China Sea(ECS) to assess the radiometric properties and the concentration of the water constituents derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS). Thirteen high quality match-ups were obtained for evaluating the MODIS estimates of Rrs(λ), chlorophyll a(Chl a) and concentrations of suspended particulate sediment matter(SPM). For MODIS Rrs(λ), the mean absolute percentage difference(APD) was in the range of 20%–36%, and the highest uncertainty appeared at 412 nm, whereas the band ratio of Rrs(λ) at 488 nm compared with that at 547 nm was highly consistent, with an APD of 7%. A combination of near-infrared bands and shortwave infrared wavelengths atmosphere correction algorithm(NIR-SWIR algorithm) was applied to the MODIS data, and the estimation accuracy of Rrs were improved at most of the visible spectral bands except 645 nm, 667 nm and 678 nm. Two ocean-colour empirical algorithms for Chl a estimation were applied to the processed data, the results indicated that the accuracy of the derived Chl a values was obviously improved, the four-band algorithms outperformed the other algorithm for measured and simulated datasets, and the minimum APD was 35%. The SPM was also quantified. Two regional and two coastal SPM algorithms were modified according to the in situ data. By comparison, the modified Tassan model had a higher accuracy for the application along the YS and ECS with an APD of 21%. However, given the limited match-up dataset and the potential influence of the aerosol properties on atmosphere correction, further research is required to develop additional algorithms especially for the low Chl a coastal water.  相似文献   

The aerosol products derived from the ocean colour missions SeaWiFS and MODIS (Aqua and Terra) were assessed with AERONET field measurements collected at sites in Mozambique (Inhaca) and Kenya (Malindi). The median of absolute relative differences between satellite and AERONET aerosol optical thickness τa at 443 nm varied between 12% and 22% for the different missions and sites. These differences tended to be higher at Malindi and for longer wavelengths. This analysis was supplemented by data collected offshore in the framework of the Maritime Aerosol Network. Results showed a general consistency between satellite missions and with global validation statistics. This suggests that the uncertainties associated with the atmospheric correction scheme and consequently with the distributions of ocean colour reflectance in the study area may be compared with those found in other regions. This result lends some confidence to the use of ocean colour data in the coastal waters of south-eastern Africa.  相似文献   

基于两种半分析算法的水体吸收系数反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于42组不同年份不同季节获得的遥感反射率、水体各组分吸收系数的实测数据,对QAA(Quasi-Analytical Algorithm)和GSM(Garver-Siegel-Maritorena)算法在寡营养的南海和富营养的福建沿岸两种不同类型水体的吸收系数反演进行了检验。以水样测量值为参考,两种算法在本研究水体中的反演成效与他人在其它水域的研究结果相当。QAA算法在南海的反演成效高于福建沿岸水体。对于443 nm的总吸收系数(a443 ),南海的对数均方根误差(RMSE )为0.046,平均相对误差为7.9%,对数平均偏差为0;福建沿岸水体的对数均方根误差(RMSE )为0.194,平均相对误差为30.6%,对数平均偏差为-0.167 。GSM算法在两类水体的反演成效类似,A443 之RMSE和平均相对误差,南海分别为0.161和27.7%,福建沿岸分别为0.149和32.1%,但从A443的对数平均偏差值看,其在南海反演值低于实测值(对数平均偏差为-0.142 ),在福建沿岸则略呈高于实测值(对数平均偏差为0.016)。两种算法中的部分经验参数与实测值之间的差异是产生反演误差的主要原因,为了提高反演精度,对算法中经验参数的更进一步区域化调整可能是必要的。  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight survey cruises in different seasons have been conducted in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) during the period from 2000 to 2008. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and hydrological data were collected during each cruise. Data analysis showed that total suspended sediment mass was approximately 0.18 × 109 tons in the surveyed area during spring and autumn seasons. Highly turbid waters were found in the shallow waters between the Subei coast, the Changjiang estuary and the Zhejiang coast with seasonal variations.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of geoacoustic inversions carried out using data from the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment East China Sea. Broadband data from small explosive sources were used for the inversions. Compressional wave speeds in the sediment and basement layers were estimated using a nonlinear, long-range, tomographic inversion technique based on group speed dispersion. This tomographic technique is a hybrid approach that combines a genetic algorithm for global parameter search with a Levenberg-Marquardt method for fine-scale parameter tuning. The results were compared with data from gravity and piston cores and a geophysical survey conducted at the experimental location using a watergun and towed hydrophone array.  相似文献   

首先依据拉格朗日环流理论与黄、东海的环流物理和几何特征建立一个黄、东海环流的动力学统一模型 ,并按其无因次方程的量阶分析获得其零阶和一阶模型方程。最后依此模型方程的数学、物理特征确立了流速分解方案 ,从而形成完整的黄、东海拉格朗日环流数值模型。该课题组已完成较系统地对黄、东海环流的数值研究。该篇论文为系列报道之首篇。  相似文献   

Ocean storms on seismic records reveal coupling mechanisms between Earth’s spheres. We analyzed temporal and spatial signatures of ocean storms on seismic records in the South China and East China Seas. The main points are: (1) the landing of ocean storms directly influences spectrum amplitudes of microseisms, showing an “increase-peak-decrease” pattern, whereas they exert no direct influence on Earth’s hum and the high-frequency noise; (2) for microseisms, spectrum amplitudes of short-period double-frequency microseisms are increased greatly during ocean storms’ landing, implying that storms preferably excite short-period ocean swells; (3) while the “increase-peak-decrease” pattern of spectrum amplitudes is observed for both short-period double-frequency microseisms and long-period double-frequency microseisms in South China Sea, the peak arrived and disappeared much earlier for long-period double-frequency microseisms, which can be explained by their causal mechanisms; (4) in East China Sea, only the spectrum amplitudes of short-period double-frequency microseisms show an “increase-peak-decrease” pattern and extraordinary spectrum pulses are observed reflecting thick sediments there; (5) spatial features of microseisms revealed from predominant polarization directions indicate that local coastlines play very important roles in deciding where ocean waves impact; (6) high-frequency noise is caused by local offshore wind-generated ocean waves instead of ocean storms; (7) the influence of ocean storm landing processes on microseisms can propagate through continents and is observed at inland stations; (8) seismic motions are excited more efficiently in horizontal directions when ocean waves impact seafloors. Our work clearly exhibits how effectively local ocean events are coupled with the Earth’s lithosphere in Chinese seas.  相似文献   

高磊  胡鹏  朱金山 《海洋科学》2021,45(3):14-23
针对目前反演遥感透明度的方法多是经验方法,而半分析方法运用在二类水体时,由于分析参数较难获取导致应用较少等问题,本文在缺少相关光学参数实测数据的情况下,基于GOCI卫星影像数据及实测透明度数据开展两种半分析透明度反演模型的对比与分析。首先选用555 nm和660 nm两种参考波段的QAA-v6算法分别反演水体固有光学参数,代入到Lee15和Jiang19两种半分析模型中定量反演胶州湾水域透明度。结果表明,660nm作为参考波段的Lee15模型反演精度更高,误差更小(R2=0.771, MAPE=0.137, RMSE=0.331)。为进一步探究各模型在不同透明度范围内的反演精度,将透明度范围分成3段(0.5~1.5, 1.5~2.5, 2.5~3.5 m)分别进行误差分析后发现, 660 nm Lee15模型在各分段均达到最佳精度。所以该模型能够为胶州湾这种二类水体的透明度反演提供一条有效途径。  相似文献   

刘芳  黄海军  郜昂 《海洋科学》2006,30(1):68-72
利用2003年春季(4月)和秋季(9月)两次对南黄海及东海北部海域II类水体悬浮体质量浓度的调查资料,得到了本海域近期悬浮体的平面分布特征,并分析了海流对本海域悬浮体分布的影响。结果表明,本海域春季悬浮体质量浓度明显高于秋季;受黄海沿岸流、黄海暖流及台湾暖流的影响,春季苏北浅滩悬浮体呈西北-东南舌状向深海运移,秋季悬浮体以苏北浅滩高值区为中心向外海扩散;长江及杭州湾入海泥沙基本都沉降在123o30′E以西的海域内。  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide in coastal zone of the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) in seawater were observed four times from February 1993 to August 1994 along a fixed section (PN line) in the East China Sea. The DMS concentrations showed remarkable temporal and spatial variations. The DMS concentrations were generally higher in the upper euphotic layer of the continental shelf zone in summer. The spatial variation, however, was more pronounced even in well mixed winter water, where the concentration of DMS varied widely from 3 to 106 ng-S/l in the continental shelf zone while the salinity was vertically almost uniform. This means that DMS in seawater is rapidly produced and decomposed with a time scale less than one month in the water column. The largest value of 376 ng-S/l was obtained at 5 m depth near the mouth of Changjiang River in August 1994. The mean concentrations in the surface 30 m layer in the continental shelf zone were 21, 54, 126 and 57 ng-S/l in February, October, June and August, respectively, which were about twice as large as those in the Kuroshio region. The mean fluxes of DMS from the East China Sea to the atmosphere are estimated to be 49 g-S/m2/day in winter and 194 g-S/m2/day in summer in the continental shelf zone, and to be 32 and 107 g-S/m2/day in the Kuroshio region.  相似文献   

黄海、东海和南海北部海底沉积物声学物理性质存在着差异,这与海区海底地质和沉积环境有关。取样所及的海底沉积物样品分析表明:黄海实验海区海底有6种沉积类型,东海实验海区海底有3种沉积类型,南海北部大陆架海区海底有6种沉积类型。三个海区的沉积物密度为1.48~2.03g·cm-3;沉积物含水量为10%~90%;沉积物孔隙度为65%~80%;沉积物纵波声速为1460~1916m·s-1;沉积物横波声速为115~611m·s-1。  相似文献   

The East China Sea (ECS),one of the largest continental seas,has dynamic hydrology and complex optical characteristics that make ocean color remote-sensing retrieval difficult.The distributions and proportions of the light absorption coefficients of major ocean color components based on two large-scale investigations in the ECS are presented,showing these features in typical summer and winter seasons.The absorption coefficient a CDOM,a NAP and a phy of colored dissolved organic matter,non-algal particle,and pigment of phytoplankton show a decreasing trend from the coast to the outer shelf.According to the a CDOM distribution at 440 nm,the Changjiang River plume shows an abnormal southeastward transport.An extremely high a NAP value patch at 440 nm is present in the middle coast.The chlorophyll-a-specific phytoplankton pigment absorption (a phy) is much higher in winter than in summer,which may cause serious underestimated results when applying the averaged a phy into remote-sensing algorithms for chlorophyll concentration retrieval.The importance of phytoplankton size was evident in outer shelf waters.The absorption of a CDOM (440) is a dominant component accounting for over half of the total seawater absorption in summer.The a NAP (440) accounts for 64% of the absorption of the ECS coastal area in winter.  相似文献   

Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was carried out on living coccolithophores(LCs) distribution in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea from October 17 to November 24, 2011. A total of 223 samples from different depths were collected at 48 stations. Totally 18 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified using a polarized microscope at the 1 000× magnification. The maximum species abundance was found at the outside of Transect P. The dominated species were Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Emiliania huxleyi, Helicosphaera carteri, and Algirosphaera robusta. The abundance of coccoliths and cells ranged 0–2 965.73 coccoliths/mL, and 0–119.16 cells/mL, with the average values of 471.00 coccoliths/mL and 23.42 cells/mL, respectively. The LCs in surface layer were mainly observed on the coastal belt and middle part of the survey area. The comparison among Transects A, F, P and E indicated lower species diversity and less abundance in the Yellow Sea than those of the East China Sea. The highest abundance of LCs was found in transect F and P. The coccolith abundance increased slightly from surface to bottom in the water column, but the highest value of the cell abundance was observed in the depth of 10–30 m. Temperature, depth and nutrient concentration were suggested as the major environmental factors controlling the distribution and species composition of LCs in the studying area based on canonical correspondence analysis(CCA).  相似文献   

东、黄海沉积物-水界面营养盐交换速率的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2000年10月和2001年5月随“东方红2号”考察船在东、黄海进行考察,在A2、E2、E4、E5、E65个站位作了培养实验,研究沉积物-水界面在氧化和还原条件下的交换通量。在东海海域,NO3-、PO43-、总磷(TDP)由水向沉积物中扩散,NH4 、SiO32-由沉积物向水中扩散,NO3-、TDP、NH4 在还原条件下的交换通量大于氧化条件下的交换通量,PO43-、SiO32-在氧化还原条件下的交换通量基本一致。在黄海海域,两站位各溶解态营养盐的迁移方向有较大差异。在距离陆地较近的海域,各溶解态营养盐多由水中向沉积物中扩散,且距离陆地越近,交换通量越大。在东、黄海海域,沉积物释放的SiO32-对初级生产力的贡献分别为13%、10%~18%,与河流输送和大气沉降相比,沉积物对黄海、东海SiO32-的贡献分别占90%、86%,说明沉积物是SiO32-的源。而在整个东、黄海海域,对于溶解无机氮(DIN)和PO43-来说,它们的交换通量为负值,即沉积物从水体中吸附溶解无机氮和磷,说明沉积物是DIN和PO43-的汇。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of circulations in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seasonal variation of the water circulations in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea is investigated with use of a robust diagnostic numerical model. Water circulations in four season are calculated diagnostically from the observed water temperature and salinity data from JODC (Japan Oceanographic Data Center) and wind data from COADS (Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set). Counter-clockwise circulations are developed at the upper and middle layers and a clockwise one at the lower layer in the central part of he Yellow Sea in summer. On the other hand, a clockwise circualtion is developed from the surface to the bottom in the Yellow Sea and a counter-clockwise one in, the northern part of the East China Sea in winter.  相似文献   

中国东部边缘海冬季硅酸盐的分布特征及主要来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2007年1~2月的调查资料,分析讨论了中国东部陆架边缘海(南黄海、东海)冬季硅酸盐的分布特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明:近岸海域硅酸盐的高值区位于受长江冲淡水影响的区域;东海的硅酸盐浓度高于南黄海。长江冲淡水和黑潮水是影响东海和南黄海硅酸盐分布的主要因素。黑潮中层水是东海陆架区硅酸盐的主要来源。  相似文献   

黄东海春季水体后向散射系数的经验模型研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
水体后向散射系数的反演模型研究是 II类水体生物 -光学算法开发的重要组成部分。通过对 2 0 0 3年 4月黄东海试验获得的水面之下遥感反射率 rrs (λ)和后向散射系数 bb (λ)的分析 ,以 bb (4 1 2 )为中间变量 ,根据水体后向散射系数的光谱特点 ,统计获得了 rrs (λ)反演的统计模型。从整体反演的效果可见 ,该模型在试验水域可使 73%的样品反演相对偏差控制在± 30 %之内 ,且多集中于± 1 0 %之内  相似文献   

研究了 2 0 0 0年 1 0月和 2 0 0 1年 5月东、黄海航次所采集的沉积物中叶绿素 a及其降解产物脱镁叶绿酸的含量与分布 ,比较了沉积物样品在不同氧化还原条件下培养后的叶绿素 a含量的变化。结果表明 ,整个东、黄海表层沉积物中叶绿素 a的含量是以长江口附近的 E4站含量最高 ,1 0月份为 2 .4 8μg/ g,5月份为 3.0 1μg/ g;对各站位 ,随深度增加叶绿素 a和脱镁叶绿酸的含量呈递减趋势 ,到一定深度含量不再变化 ;个别站位叶绿素 a和脱镁叶绿酸的含量在随深度增加而降低的过程中产生了小的突跃 ,可能是由于生物扰动和环境变化引起的 ;脱镁叶绿酸作为叶绿素 a的主要降解产物随深度增加成为叶绿素存在的主要形式 ;充空气和氮气培养均能增加表层沉积物中叶绿素 a的含量 ;比较了 2 0 0 0年 1 0月份沉积物中叶绿素 a与上层水柱中叶绿素 a的相对含量 ,就 5个站位的平均值而言 ,沉积物中的叶绿素占上层水柱中叶绿素的 36 .9% ,而长江口附近的 E4站沉积物中叶绿素的相对含量为 1 1 1 .1 % ,说明这部分含量是不容忽略的  相似文献   

A group of statistical algorithms are proposed for the inversion of the three major components of Case-Ⅱ waters in the coastal area of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea. The algorithms are based on the in situ data collected in the spring of 2003 with strict quality assurance according to NASA ocean bio-optic protocols. These algorithms are the first ones with quantitative confidence that can be applied for the area. The average relative error of the inversed and in situ measured components‘ concentrations are: Chl-a about 37%, total suspended matter (TSM) about 25%, respectively. This preliminary result is quite satisfactory for Case-Ⅱ waters, although some aspects in the model need further study. The sensitivity of the input error of 5% to remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) is also analyzed and it shows the algorithms are quite stable. The algorithms show a large difference with Tassan‘s local SeaWiFS algorithms for different waters, except for the Chl-a algorithm.  相似文献   

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