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The 2006 outburst of GK Persei differed significantly at optical and ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths from typical outbursts of this object. We present multiwavelength (X-ray, UV and optical) Swift and AAVSO data, giving unprecedented broad-band coverage of the outburst, allowing us to follow the evolution of the longer-than-normal 2006 outburst across these wavelengths. In the optical and UV we see a triple-peaked morphology with maximum brightness ∼1.5 mag lower than in previous years. In contrast, the peak hard X-ray flux is the same as in previous outbursts. We resolve this dichotomy by demonstrating that the hard X-ray flux only accounts for a small fraction of the total energy liberated during accretion, and interpret the optical/UV outburst profile as arising from a series of heating and cooling waves traversing the disc, caused by its variable density profile.  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of a 25.5-min superhump period for the suspected helium dwarf nova system KL Draconis in a high state. The presence of superhumps combined with the previously observed helium spectrum and large-amplitude photometric variations confirm that KL Dra is an AM CVn system similar to CR Bootis, V803 Cen and CP Eridani. We also find a low-state photometric period at 25.0 min that we suggest may be the orbital period. With this assumption, we estimate   q =0.075  ,   M 1=0.76 M  and   M 2=0.057 M  .  相似文献   

We present an analysis of X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) data of the dwarf nova VW Hyi that were obtained with XMM–Newton during the quiescent state. The X-ray spectrum indicates the presence of an optically thin plasma in the boundary layer that cools as it settles on to the white dwarf. The plasma has a continuous temperature distribution that is well described by a power law or a cooling flow model with a maximum temperature of 6–8 keV. We estimate from the X-ray spectrum a boundary layer luminosity of  8 × 1030 erg s-1  , which is only 20 per cent of the disc luminosity. The rate of accretion on to the white dwarf is  5 × 10−12 M yr−1  , about half of the rate in the disc. From the high-resolution X-ray spectra, we estimate that the X-ray emitting part of the boundary layer is rotating with a velocity of 540 km s−1, which is close to the rotation velocity of the white dwarf but is significantly smaller than the Keplerian velocity. We detect a 60-s quasi-periodic oscillation of the X-ray flux, which is likely to be due to the rotation of the boundary layer. The X-ray and the UV flux show strong variability on a time-scale of ∼1500 s. We find that the variability in the two bands is correlated and that the X-ray fluctuations are delayed by ∼100 s. The correlation indicates that the variable UV flux is emitted near the transition region between the disc and the boundary layer and that accretion rate fluctuations in this region are propagated to the X-ray emitting part of the boundary layer within ∼100 s. An orbital modulation of the X-ray flux suggests that the inner accretion disc is tilted with respect to the orbital plane. The elemental abundances in the boundary layer are close to their solar values.  相似文献   

We present a phase-resolved ROSAT HRI X-ray light curve of the dwarf nova OY Car in quiescence. The X-ray flux is eclipsed at the same time as the optical eclipse of the primary, and the region of X-ray emission is comparable in size to the white dwarf. We use subsequent optical observations to update the orbital ephemeris of the system.  相似文献   

We consider the effects of accretion stream overflow on the viscous dynamics of accretion discs in dwarf novae. If the stream from the secondary star is geometrically thick enough, some fraction of its material can flow over and under the disc. The mass and specific angular momentum of the stream are then deposited not only at the point of collision with the outer disc, but also at those radii in the inner disc with geometric heights that are large enough to intercept the residual stream, or near the radius where the disc has the same specific angular momentum as the stream. The overflowing stream can alter the behaviour of heating fronts and cooling fronts in the disc. If the mass fraction of the overflowing stream is of order tens of per cent, the deposition of mass in the inner parts of the disc is sufficient to change the character of the eruption light curves significantly.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy of the eclipsing recurrent nova U Sco. The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star was found to be     from the motion of the wings of the He  ii λ 4686-Å emission line. By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be     . From these parameters, we obtain a mass of     for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of     for the secondary star. The radius of the secondary is calculated to be     , confirming that it is evolved. The inclination of the system is calculated to be     , consistent with the deep eclipse seen in the light-curves. The helium emission lines are double-peaked, with the blueshifted regions of the disc being eclipsed prior to the redshifted regions, clearly indicating the presence of an accretion disc. The high mass of the white dwarf is consistent with the thermonuclear runaway model of recurrent nova outbursts, and confirms that U Sco is the best Type Ia supernova progenitor currently known. We predict that U Sco is likely to explode within ∼700 000 yr.  相似文献   

Dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs) have been observed in a number of cataclysmic variables. I propose that these oscillations could be produced by a non-axisymmetric bulge at the transition between the optically thick disc and the optically thin boundary layer region. This would naturally explain the observed oscillation periods and the dependence of the oscillation amplitude on photon energy. The transition radius moves inward and outward with changing mass accretion rate, which explains the correlation between period and flux, and the time-scale for period variations. The underlying cause of the non-axisymmetry that produces the oscillations is not known, so it is not possible to predict the oscillation amplitude from first principles.  相似文献   

High time resolution spectroscopic observations of the ultracompact helium dwarf nova 'SN 2003aw' in its quiescent state at   V ∼ 20.5  reveal its orbital period at  2027.8 ± 0.5 s  or 33.80 min. Together with the photometric 'superhump' period of  2041.5 ± 0.5 s  , this implies a mass ratio   q ≈ 0.036  . We compare both the average and time-resolved spectra of 'SN 2003aw' and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) J124058.03−015919.2. Both show a DB white dwarf spectrum plus an optically thin, helium-dominated accretion disc. 'SN 2003aw' distinguishes itself from the SDSS source by its strong calcium H & K emission lines, suggesting higher abundances of heavy metals than the SDSS source. The silicon and iron emission lines observed in the SDSS source are about twice as strong in 'SN 2003aw'. The peculiar 'double bright spot' accretion disc feature seen in the SDSS source is also present in time-resolved spectra of 'SN 2003aw', albeit much weaker.  相似文献   

We have detected coherent oscillations, at multiple frequencies, in the line and continuum emission of the eclipsing dwarf nova V2051 Ophiuchi using the 10-m Keck II telescope. Our own novel data acquisition system allowed us to obtain very fast spectroscopy using a continuous readout of the CCD on the LRIS spectrograph. This is the first time that dwarf nova oscillations have been detected and resolved in the emission lines. The accretion disc is highly asymmetric with a stronger contribution from the blueshifted side of the disc during our observations. The disc extends from close to the white dwarf out to the outer regions of the primary Roche lobe.
Continuum oscillations at 56.12 s and its first harmonic at 28.06 s are most likely to originate on the surface of a spinning white dwarf with the fundamental period corresponding to the spin period. Balmer and helium emission lines oscillate with a period of 29.77 s at a mean amplitude of 1.9 per cent. The line kinematics and the eclipse constraints indicate an origin in the accretion disc at a radius of 12±2 R wd. The amplitude of the emission-line oscillation modulates (0–4 per cent) at a period of 488 s, corresponding to the Kepler period at R =12 R wd. This modulation is caused by the beating between the white dwarf spin and the orbital motion in the disc.
The observed emission-line oscillations cannot be explained by a truncated disc as in the intermediate polars. The observations suggest a non-axisymmetric bulge in the disc, orbiting at 12 R wd, is required. The close correspondence between the location of the oscillations and the circularization radius of the system suggests that stream overflow effects may be of relevance.  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometry of the eclipsing old nova BT Mon (Nova Mon 1939). By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be K R = 205 ± 5 km s−1 and its rotational velocity to be v  sin  i  = 138 ± 5 km s−1. We also measure the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star to be K R = 170 ± 10 km s−1. From these parameters we obtain a mass of 1.04 ± 0.06 M⊙ for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of 0.87 ⊙ 0.06 M⊙ for the G8 V secondary star. The inclination of the system is found to be 82°.2 ± 32°.2 and we estimate that the system lies at a distance of 1700 ± 300 pc. The high mass of the white dwarf and our finding that BT Mon was probably a fast nova together constitute a new piece of evidence in favour of the thermonuclear runaway model of classical nova outbursts. The emission lines are single-peaked throughout the orbital cycle, showing absorption around phase 0.5, high-velocity S-wave components and large phase offsets in their radial velocity curves. In each of these respects, BT Mon is similar to the SW Sex stars. We also find quasi-periodic flaring in the trailed spectra, which makes BT Mon a candidate intermediate polar.  相似文献   

Up to now, only a very small number of dwarf novae have been studied during their outburst state (∼30 per cent in the Northern hemisphere). In this paper we present the first comprehensive atlas of outburst spectra of dwarf novae. We study possible correlations between the emission and absorption lines seen in the spectra and some fundamental parameters of the binaries. We find that out of the 48 spectra presented, 12 systems apart from IP Peg show strong He  ii in emission: SS Aur, HL CMa, TU Crt, EM Cyg, SS Cyg, EX Dra, U Gem, HX Peg, GK Per, KT Per, V893 Sco, IY UMa, and seven others less prominently: FO And, V542 Cyg, B  i Ori, TY Psc, VZ Pyx, ER UMa and SS UMi. We conclude that these systems are good targets for finding spiral structure in their accretion discs during outburst if the models of Smak and Ogilvie are correct. This is confirmed by the fact that hints of spiral asymmetries have already been found in the discs of SS Cyg, EX Dra and U Gem.  相似文献   

We present high-time-resolution spectroscopy of the non-eclipsing old nova V533 Herculis (N Her 1963). It is the second nova remnant affected by the 'SW Sex syndrome'. A modulation of the equivalent width of the emission lines with a period of 23.33 min has been detected. This, together with the strong He ii λ4686 emission characteristic of magnetic systems, leads us to link this period to the spin of a magnetic white dwarf. Similar flaring activity has been recorded in other SW Sex stars, namely, the old nova BT Mon, LS Peg and DW UMa, supporting the idea of these systems being magnetic accretors. Stationary emission features are also observed in the Balmer lines, which we attribute to the ejected nova shell.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of an accreting binary, RAT J1953+1859, made during the RApid Temporal Survey (RATS) on the Isaac Newton Telescope. It showed high amplitude (0.3 mag) quasi-periodic oscillations on a time-scale of ∼20 min. Further observations made using the Nordic Optical Telescope showed it to be ∼4 mag brighter than in the discovery images. These photometric observations, together with radial velocity data taken using the William Herschel Telescope, point to an orbital period of ∼90 min. These data suggest that RAT J1953+1859 is a dwarf novae of the SU UMa type. What makes RAT J1953+1859 unusual is that it is the first such system to be discovered as a result of high amplitude QPOs during quiescence. This suggests that high-cadence wide-field surveys could be another means to discover cataclysmic variables as a result of their short period variability.  相似文献   

We have discovered that the spectrum of the well-known dwarf nova EM Cyg is contaminated by light from a K25V star (in addition to the K-type mass donor star). The K25V star contributes approximately 16 per cent of the light from the system and if not taken into account has a considerable effect upon radial velocity measurements of the mass donor star. We obtain a new radial velocity amplitude for the mass donor star of K 2=202±3 km s1, compared with the value of K 2=135±3 km s1 obtained in Stover, Robinson & Nather's classic study of EM Cyg. The revised value of the amplitude, combined with a measurement of rotational broadening of the mass donor, v  sin  i =140±6 km s1, leads to a new mass ratio of q M 2 M 1=0.88±0.05. This solves a long-standing problem with EM Cyg, because Stover et al.'s measurements indicated a mass ratio q >1, a value that should have led to dynamically unstable mass transfer for the secondary mass deduced by Stover et al. The revised value of the mass ratio, combined with the orbital inclination i =67±2°, leads to masses of 0.99±0.12 M and 1.12±0.08 M for the mass donor and white dwarf respectively. The mass donor is evolved, because it has a later spectral type (K3) than its mass would imply.
We discuss whether the K star could be physically associated with EM Cyg or not, and present the results of the spectroscopic study.  相似文献   

We have detected coherent oscillations ('dwarf nova oscillations') in Hubble Space Telescope spectra of the dwarf nova OY Car. The oscillations were seen towards the end of a superoutburst of OY Car. The oscillations are extraordinary compared with the many other examples in the literature for two reasons. First, their amplitude is large, with a peak-to-peak variation of 8 to 20 per cent of the total flux over the range 1100 to 2500 Å. However, most remarkably we find that there are two components present simultaneously. Both have periods close to 18 s (equivalent to 4800 cycle d−1) but they are separated by 57.7 ± 0.5 cycle d−1. The lower frequency component of the pair has a strong second harmonic while its companion, which has about twice its amplitude, does not. The oscillation spectra appear hotter than the mean spectrum and approximately follow the continuum distribution of a blackbody with a temperature in the range 30 000 to 50 000 K. We tentatively suggest that the weaker non-sinusoidal component could represent the rotation of the white dwarf, although we have been unable to recover any such signal in quiescent data.  相似文献   

We present K -band spectra of the short-period dwarf novae YZ Cnc, LY Hya, BK Lyn, T Leo, SW UMa and WZ Sge, the nova-like variables DW UMa, V1315 Aql, RW Tri, VY Scl, UU Aqr and GP Com, and a series of field dwarf stars with spectral types ranging from K2 to M6.
The spectra of the dwarf novae are dominated by emission lines of H  i and He  i . The large velocity and equivalent widths of these lines, in conjunction with the fact that the lines are double-peaked in the highest inclination systems, indicate an accretion disc origin. In the case of YZ Cnc and T Leo, for which we obtained time-resolved data covering a complete orbital cycle, the emission lines show modulations in their equivalent widths that are most probably associated with the bright spot (the region where the gas stream collides with the accretion disc). There are no clear detections of the secondary star in any of the dwarf novae below the period gap, yielding upper limits of 10–30 per cent for the contribution of the secondary star to the observed K -band flux. In conjunction with the K -band magnitudes of the dwarf novae, we use the derived secondary star contributions to calculate lower limits to the distances to these systems.
The spectra of the nova-like variables are dominated by broad, single-peaked emission lines of H  i and He  i – even the eclipsing systems we observed do not show the double-peaked profiles predicted by standard accretion disc theory. With the exception of RW Tri, which exhibits Na  i , Ca  i and 12CO absorption features consistent with a M0V secondary contributing 65 per cent of the observed K -band flux, we find no evidence for the secondary star in any of the nova-like variables. The implications of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

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