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The Gojusan fan delta is a coarse‐grained delta complex on the western margin of the Miocene Pohang Basin, SE Korea. The deposits consist of five facies associations (FA): alluvial‐fan conglomerates (FA I), shallow‐marine mouth‐bar sandstones (FA II), fluvial and mouth‐bar conglomerates (FA III), Gilbert‐type foreset conglomerates (FA IV) and hemipelagic mudstones (FA V). Different facies associations characterize the northern, central and southern parts of the delta complex. To the north, FA IV is laterally juxtaposed with FA I or the basement, with scarp‐derived breccias along the contact. Centrally, and to the south, FA I is laterally juxtaposed with FA II, with an abrupt facies change and local inliers of basement rocks along the contact. Early alluvial fan and mouth‐bar deposits are overlain by the topset (FA III) and truncated by the foreset (FA IV) of a Gilbert‐type delta in the central part of the fan delta complex, whereas FA II passes transitionally upward into FA III in the south, with the latter extending basinward into a gently inclined shoal water delta front. Gilbert‐type and shoal‐water geometries are therefore developed in the same delta complex. The composite delta geometry is interpreted as reflecting (1) its development near an extensional transfer zone where the hangingwall relief was variable over short distances along strike, and (2) the operation of intrabasinal faults. This interpretation contrasts with previous studies that viewed the delta complex as having formed along a pull‐apart basin margin.  相似文献   

We identified a total of 101 species and two subspecies of radiolarians belonging to 56 genera from 95 samples collected from the Hagjeon and Duho Formations in the Pohang Basin of the southeastern Korean Peninsula. On the basis of the biostratigraphic range of Cyrtocapsella cornuta and Theocorys redondoensis, the depositional period of the upper Hagjeon and lowest Duho Formations was determined to be early to late Middle Miocene. The occurrence of deep-dwelling radiolarians indicates that the paleobathymetry seems to become gradually progressing toward an upper bathyal environment in the middle part of the Hagjeon Formation. However, we prefer to accept another interpretation for the occurrence of deep-sea indicators in the Hagjeon and the lowest part of the Duho Formations, and consider the presence of a region of upwelling cold water that might have simulated a deep-water environment in relatively shallow water. This interpretation is based on the present upwelling of a cold-water mass off the southeast coast of Korea, the occurrence of upwelling microfossils from the Pohang Basin, and the effect of the closing of the Korea Strait approximately 15 Ma. We also considered that the uppermost part of the studied section represents a shallow-water environment.  相似文献   

The Doumsan fan-delta system in the Pohang Basin (Miocene), SE Korea comprises tripartite components of Gilbert-type topset, foreset, and bottomset environments with an extended prodelta in the deeper part (a few hundred metres deep). The present study documents sedimentologic features and origin of a gravel body (here interpreted as a gravel lobe) formed in the prodelta region of the Doumsan fan delta. The gravel lobe lies on sandy mud deposits and is capped by a thick massive sand bed. It extends for more than 1.5 km with a height of up to 30 m and shows a narrow tongue-like geometry. Eight sedimentary facies have been distinguished to describe characteristic features of the gravel lobe and the associated deposits. Of these, three types of gravelly sedimentary facies are important with regard to volumetric contribution and depositional processes: (1) crudely stratified pebble-grade conglomerate; (2) disorganized, clast-rich pebble(-to-cobble)-grade conglomerate; and (3) matrix-rich, bimodal cobble-grade conglomerate. The former two types dominate the central part of the lobe where they are not accompanied by sand beds, whereas the latter, as subordinate units, is prevalent in the fringe which otherwise is dominated by thick sandy mud deposits. The stacked successions of crudely stratified pebble-grade conglomerate are representative of the active aggradational phases of the gravel lobe, whereas the occurrence of channels within the lobe reflects that the gravel lobe prograded under the influence of subaqueous channel systems. The gravel lobe resulted from catastrophic disturbance (slumping) on the foreset region that further caused the development of channel systems, promoting efficient transport of gravelly sediments. This type of deposit may represent an important additional category of low-efficiency subaqueous fans.  相似文献   

扇三角洲是一类非常重要的油气聚集场所,准确可靠的扇三角洲沉积模式,对储集层预测具有重要意义。准噶尔盆地玛北地区三叠系百口泉组发育一套扇三角洲沉积体系,虽然前人做了大量的研究,但在沉积模式方面仍存在一些争议。通过现代沉积考察、前人水槽模拟实验、研究区测井、岩心等资料综合分析发现: (1)玛北地区百口泉组扇三角洲平原发育3类微相,即辫状河道微相、砾质漫滩微相、水上朵前泥微相,同时可见泥石流沉积;玛北地区百口泉组扇三角洲前缘发育2种微相,即砾质浅滩微相、砂质浅滩微相,同时可见碎屑流沉积;(2)扇三角洲平原河道与河道间均为砂砾岩,河道砂砾岩的分选性明显好于河道间砂砾岩;(3)扇三角洲前缘不发育水下分流河道,扇三角洲前缘的砂砾岩主体是由扇三角洲平原片流入湖形成的,呈席状。  相似文献   

本文基于对覆盖全区的二维地震资料研究,在珠江口盆地识别出了大型的陆架坡折及多种小型坡折带,包括侵蚀坡折带、沉积坡折带、断裂坡折带和挠曲坡折带。不同的构造背景发育了不同的坡折带类型。自30Ma年以来,坡折带总体呈向北迁移的趋势。古近纪-早中新世中期以各种小型坡折带为主,主要控制三角洲及扇三角洲等浅水沉积的展布;早中新世中期至今,由于陆架-陆坡体系已形成,坡折带以陆架坡折为主,控制了陆架边缘三角洲及海底扇等较深水沉积的发育。  相似文献   

利用盆地北部大量钻井资料、岩心及露头观察结果,结合古地质背景,以及粒度、岩矿等分析资料,对晚石炭—早二叠世广泛分布的含砾砂岩体沉积特征进行了深入的分析。结果表明:它们属于扇三角洲体系,并以河道化冲积的形式前积到陆表海盆地中,平面上分带性和纵向上退积结构较清楚,重力流沉积特征不明显,而水道化的牵引流成因沉积特征明显。以高能辫状水道、水下分流河道砂砾岩为主要骨架,河口坝不发育。而且,这些水道作用居重要地位的扇三角洲高能水道砂体因受物源、古地貌及潮汐等影响,往往被潮汐改造而形成障壁砂坝,也是有利储集体。它们之间因沉积特征不同,储集空间、储集性能和含油性也各具特色,但都以高能化水道形成的厚石英砂带为有利相带。  相似文献   

桦甸盆地始新统桦甸组扇三角洲和水下扇粒度分析与对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桦甸盆地始新统桦甸组扇三角洲主要划分出泥石流、水上分流河道、水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂等沉积微相; 水下扇主要划分出辫状沟道和远源浊积岩等沉积微相。扇三角洲沉积物以颗粒支撑为主,自下而上按席状砂、河口坝、水下分流河道、水上分流河道、泥石流的顺序,沉积物粒度和标准偏差递增; 频率曲线尖度递减; 概率累计曲线由高--较高斜度两段式逐渐过渡为中--低斜度两段式、微向上凸的弧线式。反映出上述各微相向上粒度由细变粗的反粒序沉积特征,分选由好变差,杂基含量和水介质能量均逐渐增加。水下扇沉积普遍为杂基支撑,自下而上从远源浊积岩到辫状沟道沉积,粒径和标准偏差增大; 频率曲线尖度减小; 概率累计曲线主要由斜度较高的一段式过渡为斜度不大的一段式或微向上凸的弧线式,说明从远源浊积岩到辫状沟道微相粒度逐渐变粗,分选逐渐变差,杂基含量和水介质能量也逐渐增强。本区扇三角洲CM 图像呈“S”形,主要表现为牵引流沉积特征; 水下扇CM 图像表现为与C = M 线平行的长条带状重力流沉积特征。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘八道湾组四棵树剖面发育扇三角洲沉积,可划分为2个长期基准面旋回,并细分为3个中期旋回。基于露头精细解剖,将扇三角洲成因砂体分为叠加型、过渡型及孤立型砂体3种类型,分别对应于辫状水道、辫状水道向分流水道过渡及分流水道成因,其宽度、厚度及宽厚比由叠加型向孤立型逐渐减小。3类砂体的特征、形成与变化与基准面旋回变化及所处的位置有关。A/S比值由低到高依次发育叠加型、过渡型、孤立型砂体。水道砂体的规模与A/S比值呈负相关关系,即随A/S比值的增大而减小。随着基准面的上升,八道湾组水道砂体出现的频率减小,叠加厚度减薄,砂体之间的连通性变差,水道砂体的粒度变细,发育于陆地的古土壤减少,且宽厚比也逐渐减小。  相似文献   

Abstract: A total of 16 specimens of fossil-winged fruits were found from the Middle Miocene marine deposits, Duho Formation, Pohang Basin, Korea. They were identified into two structurally different groups: 15 specimens into a winged fruit of Fraxinus, and one specimen of Liriodendron. The most samaras (13 specimens) were identified as Fraxinus oishii, which is characterized by narrowly ovate or ovate–elliptic shapes that are 2.7–3.6 cm in length and 0.7–1 cm in width (l/w ratio=3.4–4). The apexes of the Fraxinus oishii samara are round or slightly emarginated, and a seed of the samara is always located at the base, of which the general shape is narrow rhombic-ellipsoidal. The seed is 1.2–2 cm long and 0.5–0.7 cm wide. Two specimens are different from the samara of Fraxinus oishii. They have a 6.6 length/width ratio (3.3 cm long and 0.5 cm wide), and thus, are temporarily classified into the Fraxinus sp. One specimen was recognized as a winged seed of Liriodendron meisenense. The wing is broadly lanceolate to elliptic in shape, has a smooth, acute apex, and is approximately 3 cm long and 0.7 cm wide. Samaras of Fraxinus oishii and Liriodendron meisenense were early reported from the Middle Miocene deposits from North Korea, but these specimens are the first discovery in South Korea. Further study of the Duho Formation may connect flora relationships between North and South Korea.  相似文献   

以野外露头、岩心观察为基础,结合录井、测井及粒度分析,认为叶城凹陷下白垩统克孜勒苏群发育进积型扇三角洲,划分出扇三角洲平原与扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道、分流间湾与河口坝。扇三角洲平原受重力流作用明显;扇三角洲前缘主要受牵引流作用,在盆地的短轴方向延伸范围较小,而在长轴方向延伸范围较大,与相邻扇三角洲前缘朵叶叠置连片。扇三角洲由山前向断陷湖盆进积,在盆地的短轴方向构成一侧为陡坡、另一侧为宽缓斜坡的单断式断陷盆地充填模式。这种沉积模式不仅控制了扇三角洲各亚相单元的发育特征,而且对微相类型与砂体分布有控制作用。  相似文献   

Organization is recognized in the forereef–deep water slope–submarine fan system of the Burdigalian-Langhian Kaplankaya Formation. A basinwards transition from a prograding shelfal reef complex, through forereef talus, deep-water slope and laterally encroaching bypass deep-water clastic system is described, although the deep-water slope makes up the bulk of the succession. Considerable thickness variations occur between the reef and deep-water clastic complexes; these are controlled by sea-floor topography, carbonate foreslope gradient and degree of mass wasting off the platform and foreslope. The vertical and lateral heterogeneity of the Kaplankaya deep-water slope system is described from a number of localities along a 40-km-long and up to 3-km-wide exposed section of the northern margin of the Miocene Adana Basin, a foreland basin setting resulting from thrust sheet loading from the north during the Tauride Orogeny. Detailed field mapping is supplemented with vertical sedimentary logs, photomosaics, palaeontological and petrological data to investigate stratal variation, diagnostic architectural elements, controls on slope progradation, differential timing of basinward encroachment of the reefal complex and lateral onlap of the deep-water clastic system onto the slope. Three-dimensional models are presented showing the vertical and lateral facies associations in different parts of the deep-water slope system, and provide a basis for architectural prediction of geometry and relative position in such environments.  相似文献   

北羌塘坳陷冬曲地区上三叠统巴贡组为一套碎屑岩沉积,在垂向上具有两个向上变粗的充填序列。根据沉积体产出形态和叠置序列、岩石组合与结构、沉积构造及流体性质等沉积特征,确定该套沉积体为扇三角洲相沉积,进而可划分出扇头、扇中、扇尾3个亚相。发育底冲刷构造、粒序层理、平行层理、交错层理等,表明其流体性质既有重力流又有牵引流特征。通过该套扇三角洲沉积体的认识,对研究该区古构造背景、沉积环境及油气地质条件等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西缘上三叠统延长组沉积相特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西缘北部汝箕沟剖面、南部阎家庄剖面和中部环78、环52、演40井岩芯的详细观察,并结合前人的研究资料及岩性和岩相组合、沉积相分析,探讨了研究区延长组沉积相特征与演化过程。研究结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地西缘延长组发育12种岩相类型,7种岩相组合。延长组时期为扇三角洲—湖泊、辫状河三角洲、冲积扇沉积体系,其中也充分发育筛状沉积、水上分流河道、分流河道间、水下分流河道、河口坝、远砂坝、等沉积微相和亚相类型。北部汝箕沟地区在延长组沉积早期主要为扇三角洲相,进入中期由湖泊相过渡为扇三角洲相,晚期则发育深湖相;中部环县—演武地区在延长组早期为辫状河三角洲相,中期发育辫状河三角洲相和湖泊相,晚期过渡为三角洲相并受到抬升剥蚀作用;南部阎家庄在延长组则发育冲积扇相,随后便受到抬升剥蚀作用。  相似文献   

The early Cretaceous fill of the forearc/intra-arc Byers Basin includes a 600- to 900-m-thick interval of marine slope apron deposits, the President Beaches Formation. This is a predominantly argillaceous succession within which coarser-grained deposits are largely confined to lenticular packages of low width–thickness ratios. The entire formation was deposited in mid- to late-Berriasian times, coincident with a pulse of regional arc expansion, at minimum mean accumulation rates of 120–225 mm 1000 years–1. The mudstones are finely laminated, with a restricted benthic macrofauna and minimal bioturbation, indicating relatively inhospitable sea-floor environments. Sand-rich packages occur as 7- to 30-m-thick channel-fill units composed chiefly of classical medium-grained turbidites, in some cases associated with complex high-concentration turbidity current deposits and minor mud-rich debrites. These sand-bodies are apparently elongate along (normal to) the NW-facing palaeoslope implied by slump-fold axes (and the strike of the volcanic arc). Similarly, palaeocurrent indices show a consistent arc-parallel, NE-directed trend, suggesting that transport processes were strongly influenced by the structural 'grain' of the irregular slope morphology. Slope instability is recorded by widespread slump and soft-sediment collapse features promoted by a combination of steep sea-floor gradients and relatively high rates of sedimentation. A lack of systematic vertical facies trends indicates that this was not a progradational or well-organized system, despite high rates of sediment supply. However, the strong systematic relationship between palaeocurrents and palaeoslope suggests a promising basis for evaluating organization in otherwise poorly ordered slope apron depositional systems.  相似文献   


扇三角洲沉积体具有良好的储集性能,是重要的油气储层。为了阐明扇三角洲储层的岩相与构型特征,定量表征构型单元的几何属性,明确构型分布规律,应用探地雷达技术和野外剖面观察技术,采用露头实测、精细构型解释等方法,对青海省乌兰县希里沟湖现代点物源扇三角洲进行了系统研究,共识别出16种岩相类型、8种垂向序列和8种构型单元。点物源扇三角洲主要发育主水道(MCH)、分支辫状水道(DCH)、片状洪流沉积(SF)、辫流坝(CB)、洪漫沉积(OF)、水下分流河道(UCH)、河口坝(RMB)以及间湾/席状砂(SS)共计8种典型构型单元,以分支辫状水道和辫流坝构型单元为主。分支辫状水道构型单元厚度1.5~2.0 m,宽厚比30~70。辫流坝厚度2.0~3.0 m,宽厚比50~70。同一沉积时期,点物源扇三角洲发育5种基本构型单元组合,分别为SF-MCH-SF、OF-DCH-CB-DCH-OF、SS-UCH-RMB-UCH-SS、SS-RMB-SS和SS-UCH-SS。不同沉积时期的构型单元分布表现为4种基本组合类型在横向上的重复和垂向上的叠加。


通过野外露头古流向实测,结合砂岩骨架矿物、重矿物组合特征,利用碎屑岩地球化学方法,分析了鄂尔多斯盆地庆阳地区晚三叠世延长期长8沉积期的物源。结果显示,研究区长8沉积期古水流主要为SW→NE方向,次为NW→SE、SE→NW方向;重矿物特征具有明显的分区性。长8油层组的REE配分型式为“右倾型”,δEu值平均0.67;其微量元素协变图特征与盆地西南缘陇西古陆中的陇山群基本一致。推测庆阳地区长8油层组母岩主要来自盆地西南缘陇西古陆中上元古—古生界、祁连造山带花岗岩类和秦岭造山带奥陶系—二叠系,源区母岩主要为变质岩和火成岩。通过野外露头资料,结合最新钻探成果,认为长8沉积期研究区主要为扇三角洲沉积体系,发育扇三角洲前缘亚相和(半)深湖亚相浊积扇,而扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道的砂体带,构成了研究区油气聚集的有利相带。  相似文献   

扇三角洲作为重要的油气储集场所,其成因单元类型及分布特征控制着油气的差异分布及采出效率。关于扇三角洲分流河道沉积特征已有共识,但河口坝沉积特征尤其是韵律特征尚存在争议。以滦平盆地桑园剖面下白垩统西瓜园组湖盆扇三角洲沉积体为例,通过人工实测及无人机观测相结合的方法,对河口坝沉积特征、尤其是韵律特征进行研究,利用水槽模拟实验阐明河口坝韵律特征的形成机理。结果表明,河口坝在整个剖面中占砂(砾)岩体的45.27%,分流河道和席状砂分别占53.42%和1.31%。河口坝在剖面上呈底平顶凸状,通常由多期增生体组成。当增生体主要由砂岩组成时,呈粒度反韵律特征; 而当增生体主要由砾岩组成时,呈粒度正韵律特征。河口坝整体韵律受控于增生体的垂向叠置样式,既可呈反韵律特征又可呈正韵律特征。当流量、沉积底形坡度等地质条件一定时,河口坝内部增生体韵律性主要受沉积物粒度控制。当沉积物粒度较细时,河口水流扩散模式为底床摩擦力主控,增生体呈现反韵律特征; 而当沉积物粒度较粗时,河口水流扩散模式为惯性力主控,河口坝增生体则呈现正韵律特征。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The middle Miocene sedimentary fill of the Calatayud Basin in north‐eastern Spain consists of proximal to distal alluvial fan‐floodplain and shallow lacustrine deposits. Four main facies groups characteristic of different sedimentary environments are recognized: (1) proximal and medial alluvial fan facies that comprise clast‐supported gravel and subordinate sandstone and mudstone, the latter exhibiting incipient pedogenic features; (2) distal alluvial fan facies, formed mainly of massive mudstone, carbonate‐rich palaeosols and local carbonate pond deposits; (3) lake margin facies, which show two distinct lithofacies associations depending on their distribution relative to the alluvial fan system, i.e. front (lithofacies A), comprising massive siliciclastic mudstone and tabular carbonates, or lateral (lithofacies B) showing laminated and/or massive siliciclastic mudstone alternating with tabular and/or laminated carbonate beds; and (4) mudflat–shallow lake facies showing a remarkable cyclical alternation of green‐grey and/or red siliciclastic mudstone units and white dolomitic carbonate beds. The cyclic mudflat–shallow lake succession, as exposed in the Orera composite section (OCS), is dominantly composed of small‐scale mudstone–carbonate/dolomite cycles. The mudstone intervals of the sedimentary cycles are interpreted as a result of sedimentation from suspension by distal sheet floods, the deposits evolving either under subaerial exposure or water‐saturated conditions, depending on their location on the lacustrine mudflat and on climate. The dolomite intervals accumulated during lake‐level highstands with Mg‐rich waters becoming increasingly concentrated. Lowstand to highstand lake‐level changes indicated by the mudstone/dolomite units of the small‐scale cycles reflect a climate control (from dry to wet conditions) on the sedimentation in the area. The spatial distribution of the different lithofacies implies that deposition of the small‐scale cycles took place in a low‐gradient, shallow lake basin located in an interfan zone. The development of the basin was constrained by gradual alluvial fan aggradation. Additional support for the palaeoenvironmental interpretation is derived from the isotopic compositions of carbonates from the various lithofacies that show a wide range of δ18O and δ13C values varying from ?7·9 to 3·0‰ PDB and from ?9·2 to ?1·7‰ PDB respectively. More negative δ18O and δ13C values are from carbonate‐rich palaeosols and lake‐margin carbonates, which extended in front of the alluvial fan systems, whereas more positive values correspond to dolomite beds deposited in the shallow lacustrine environment. The results show a clear trend of δ18O enrichment in the carbonates from lake margin to the centre of the shallow lake basin, thereby also demonstrating that the lake evolved under hydrologically closed conditions.  相似文献   

扇三角洲作为重要的油气储集场所,其成因单元类型及分布特征控制着油气的差异分布及采出效率。关于扇三角洲分流河道沉积特征已有共识,但河口坝沉积特征尤其是韵律特征尚存在争议。以滦平盆地桑园剖面下白垩统西瓜园组湖盆扇三角洲沉积体为例,通过人工实测及无人机观测相结合的方法,对河口坝沉积特征、尤其是韵律特征进行研究,利用水槽模拟实验阐明河口坝韵律特征的形成机理。结果表明,河口坝在整个剖面中占砂(砾)岩体的45.27%,分流河道和席状砂分别占53.42%和1.31%。河口坝在剖面上呈底平顶凸状,通常由多期增生体组成。当增生体主要由砂岩组成时,呈粒度反韵律特征; 而当增生体主要由砾岩组成时,呈粒度正韵律特征。河口坝整体韵律受控于增生体的垂向叠置样式,既可呈反韵律特征又可呈正韵律特征。当流量、沉积底形坡度等地质条件一定时,河口坝内部增生体韵律性主要受沉积物粒度控制。当沉积物粒度较细时,河口水流扩散模式为底床摩擦力主控,增生体呈现反韵律特征; 而当沉积物粒度较粗时,河口水流扩散模式为惯性力主控,河口坝增生体则呈现正韵律特征。  相似文献   

南海莺歌海盆地东方X气田中新统黄流组一段发育浅海海底扇沉积,沉积类型特殊,砂体连通性复杂,对储层构型的研究较为薄弱,影响了该地区的油气勘探和开发。以层序地层学、沉积学、测井地质学、地震沉积学等理论为指导,结合岩心、钻井、测井、三维地震和地震波阻抗反演成果等资料,对东方X气田中新统黄流组一段Ⅱb气组海底扇构型单元及砂体分布规律进行研究。结果表明: 研究区海底扇主要发育中扇亚相的水道沉积、堤岸沉积、席状砂和扇缘砂; Ⅱb气组以水道沉积及席状砂为主,2期水道沉积以充填沉积作用为主,整体呈NW-SE向展布;储集层内部砂体有层状充填、垂向切叠及侧向切叠3种叠置样式; 储层构型主控因素包括物源供给、地形坡度及重力流能量。  相似文献   

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