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Sampling in the upper tidal Delaware River between Trenton, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from July 1981 through December 1984 demonstrated the existence of a significant population of shortnose sturgeon. The sturgeon aggregate in the river channel during daylight hours, especially in the area between Trenton and Florence, New Jersey (river km 211.8 to 198.8). Occurrence in the river downstream of Florence appears to be restricted by poor water quality during summer months. Sturgeon were present in the study area throughout the year, but largest numbers were collected from May though November. No spawning was observed during this study, but presence of males with milt suggests that spawning possibly occurs in the Trenton area. Preliminary population estimates (Peterson, Schnabel and Seber-Jolly) indicate an adult population of approximately 6,000–14,000 shortnose sturgeon occupying the upper tidal Delaware River.  相似文献   

Data from sonic tracking during the period 1983–1987 enabled us to define the areas used and the seasonal pattern of movement by adult shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the Delaware River. Tagged adults (n=28) ranged from 544 mm to 871 mm fork length and 1,510 g to 7,125 g. Twenty-six tags were carried for 7–225 d. Most of the tagged sturgeon were relocated in the tidal portion of the river. Sturgeon that overwintered in the upper tidal river near Trenton, New Jersey, began traveling upstream in late March to the nontidal river above Trenton where spawning presumably occurred from late March through April. After spawning, sturgeon traveled rapidly downstream into the tidal portion of the river near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where they remained through the end of May. Before the end of June, most sturgeon returned upstream and re-entered the upper tidal river near Trenton, where most apparently remained for the summer and winter. In general, the same pattern was apparent for both sexes. As a result of the intensive use of the river between Philadelphia to just above Trenton, any alterations or additional insults to the river should consider the impact on this endangered species.  相似文献   

During a reward program for Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), 40 federally endangered shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) were captured and reported by commercial fishers between January 1996 and January 2000 from the Chesapeake Bay. Since this is more than double the number of published records of shortnose sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay between 1876 and 1995, little information has been available on distributions and movement. We used fishery dependent data collected during the reward program to determine the distribution of shortnose sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay. Sonically-tagged shortnose sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River were tracked to determine if individuals swim through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Shortnose sturgeon were primarily distributed within the upper Chesapeake Bay. The movements of one individual, tagged within the Chesapeake Bay and later relocated in the canal and Delaware River, indicated that individuals traverse the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.  相似文献   

All available capture records of the endangered shortnose sturgeon,Acipenser brevirostrum, for the Delaware River Estuary from the early nineteeth century to the present were compiled. During 1817 through 1913 some 1,949 captures were reported, most as a bycatch of the shad gill net fishery. No documented captures during 1913 to 1954 were reported in the literature. Thirty-seven shortnose sturgeon were reported captured from 1954 through 1979, mostly incidental to fishery and ecological studies. Most specimens were taken in the upper tidal freshwater portion of the estuary (rkm 200–214). Seasonal-spatial distribution appeared similar to that observed for northern shortnose sturgeon populations. Taxonomic data obtained from seven specimens generally agreed with those from other drainages.  相似文献   

Water quality in the tidal Delaware River has improved dramatically over the last several decades. Areas near Philadelphia that were once anoxic and formed a pollution block to migratory fish passage now rarely experience dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 3 ppm. To assess whether these improvements in water quality led to increased abundance of juvenile fishes, data from a beach seine survey conducted annually since 1980 were examined. The number of species captured increased throughout the tidal river, but the increase was greatest in the areas downstream of Philadelphia, wheare water quality has improved the most. Abundance of juvenile striped bass and American shad, two important game species in the river whose migratory patterns make them susceptible to water quality problems, both increased more than, 1,000-fold during the last decade. Correlatations between the temporal abundance patterns of these species in the tidal Delaware River and in other East Coast systems were poor, suggesting that increases in their numbers were related more closely to improving conditions within the Delaware than to factors affecting coastal stocks.  相似文献   

Gulf sturgeon,Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, forage extensively in the Suwannee River estuary following emigration out of the Suwannee River, Florida. While in the estuary, juvenile Gulf sturgeon primarily feed on benthic infauna. In June–July 2002 and February–April 2003, random sites within the estuary were sampled for benthic macrofauna (2002 n = 156; 2003 n = 103). A mean abundance of 2,562 ind m−2 (SE ± 204) was found in the summer, with significantly reduced macrofaunal abundance in the winter (mean density of 1,044 ind m−2, SE ± 117). Benthic biomass was significantly higher in the summer with an average summer sample dry weight of 5.92 g m−2 (SE ± 0.82) compared to 3.91 g m−2 (SE ± 0.67) in the winter. Amphipods and polychaetes were the dominant taxa collected during both sampling periods. Three different estimates of food availability were examined taking into account principal food item information and biomass estimates. All three estimates provided a slightly different view of potential resources but were consistent in indicating that food resource values for juvenile Gulf sturgeon are spatially heterogeneous within the Suwannee River estuary.  相似文献   

The anadromous acipenserid Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus was listed in 2012 under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as having four endangered and one threatened distinct population segment (DPS) in American waters. Anthropogenic activities outside of natal estuaries, particularly bycatch, may hinder the abilities of some populations to rebuild. Most Atlantic sturgeon are residential for their first 2–6 years within their natal estuaries, whereas older subadults and adults may migrate to non-natal estuaries and coastal locations. Previous studies demonstrated that subadults and adults aggregate during summer at locations in Long Island Sound (LIS) and its tributary, the Connecticut River; however, the population origin of these fish is unknown. Because of its geographic proximity and relatively robust population, we hypothesized that the LIS and Connecticut River aggregations were almost solely derived from the Hudson River. We used microsatellite nuclear DNA analysis at 11 loci and mitochondrial DNA control region sequence analyses to estimate the relative contributions of nine Atlantic sturgeon populations and the five DPS to these aggregations using individual-based assignment tests and mixed-stock analysis. From 64 to 73 % of specimens from LIS were estimated to be of Hudson origin. Similarly, 66–76 % of specimens from the Connecticut River were of Hudson origin. However, moderate numbers of specimens were detected from distant spawning populations in the southeastern DPS and from two populations once thought to be extirpated or nearly so, the James River (6–7.3 %), and the Delaware River (7.6–12 %). Additionally, specimens were detected from all five DPS in both the LIS and Connecticut River collections. These results highlight the difficulty of evaluating the status of individual Atlantic sturgeon populations because of the propensity of subadults and adults to migrate for extended duration to distant sites where they may be vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

A 1978–81 survey of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River showed that there were virtually no plants in the freshwater tidal river between Chain Bridge and Quantico, Virginia, decades after the disappearance of plants in the late 1930’s. Plant populations were monitored in subsequent years (1983–85) using qualitative shoreline surveys and quantitative resampling of the original 1978–81 transects. In 1983, 12 species of submersed aquatic macrophytes were found in the tidal river. Population increases were dramatic; by fall 1985, plants had colonized all shallow areas between Alexandria and Gunston Cove, Virginia.Hydrilla verticillata dominated in Dyke Marsh-Hunting Creek and Swan Creek. Most other areas contained a variable mixture ofHeteranthera dubia, Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Vallisneria americana, Najas guadalupensis andHydrilla verticillata. No plants were found along the main river or in tidal embayments in the reach between Gunston Cove and Quantico, Virginia. Total dry weight collected in the upper tidal river in fall 1985 was 14.5 times that of spring 1985, and four times that of fall 1984.  相似文献   

Changes in groundwater tables brought about by sea level increases in the Delaware River Basin (near Philadelphia) about 2,500 years B.P., initiated wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson Branch of the Woodbury Creek marshes. Continual increases in sea level pushed groundwater tables further upward, and by approximately 800 years B.P., groundwater tables had risen to the upper limits for woody vegetation at the site. By the time European settlers arrived in the late 1600s nontidal sedge marshes dominated the site. Upon arriving colonists began manipulating the hydrology of the Delaware River Basin by constructing dams and dikes for flood control. Soon many areas were cut off from direct contact with the river. During the next one and one-half centuries sea level continued to rise, and because of channelization of the Delaware River the tidal range doubled. During the early 1900s flood control structures began to fail allowing tidal waters to periodically inundate these protected sites. At that time the site was dominated by a Quercus-Castanea swamp forest with hummocks of Cyperaceae interspersed throughout. In 1940 the dike surrounding the Princeton-Jefferson marsh collapsed and the site was immediately inundated with tidal waters on a regular basis. Within a short period of time tidal freshwater marsh developed and has continued to the present day. It is clear from this investigation that changes in hydrology brought about by cultural modifications have been directly responsible for the ontogeny of this tidal marsh. The influence cultural impacts have had on wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson marsh suggest that it may be necessary to reevaluate the extent humans have modified the development and structure of the present day upper Delaware River estuary. Although the ability to discern historic vegetation zonation patterns is limited, these marshes can record individual events that have shaped these wetlands through time. Due to differences in the structure of the plant community, rates of decomposition, and processes of accretion, Redfield’s model (1972) of tidal salt marsh development does not apply to the Princeton-Jefferson marsh. Along a submerging coast, the development of tidal freshwater marsh in many estuaries may be necessary for the establishment of brackish and salt marshes by creating and maintaining a suitable habitat for the eventual colonization of more salt-tolerant plant species. The roles these wetlands have played in the development of the estuaries has been underestimated in the past.  相似文献   

Large, recreationally or commercially important populations of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), American shad (Alosa sapidissima), and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) occur in the Hudson River. Members of the Hudson River populations of these fishes also occur over a broad range along the Atlantic coast where they mix with conspecifics from other anadromous populations. For management purposes, it is imperative to be able to discriminate among individual stocks so that weak stocks may be protected and harvest may be allocated equitably. Because of their sensitivity and resistance to environmentally-induced temporal variation, molecular approaches have been increasingly employed in stock identification studies. However, post-Pleistocene recolonization of the Hudson River must have occurred less than 10,000 years ago—a relatively brief period for genetic divergence among populations. We tested whether various measures of DNA variation between Hudson River populations and adjacent populations of Atlantic sturgeon, American shad, and striped bass were sufficient to discriminate among their conspecific populations. American shad populations surveyed for mtDNA variation were highly diverse genotypically, but genotypic frequencies among the populations of the Connecticut, Hudson, and Delaware rivers were statistically homogenous (p>0.05). In contrast, Atlantic sturgeon (surveyed for mtDNA variation) and striped bass (surveyed for mtDNA and nuclear DNA variation) populations of the Hudson River were not genotypically diverse, but they were differentiated from northern and southern populations. Our results suggest higher gene flow (and lesser homing fidelity) among American shad populations in comparison with the two other species.  相似文献   

Riverine populations of shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) once occurred in rivers and estuaries along the east coast of North America from the St. John River, New Brunswick, to the St. Johns River, Florida. Within this range, 19 population segments were identified by the U.S. Federal Shortnose Sturgeon Recovery Team; empirical data supporting this structure is limited. We obtained samples from 11 (12 including a small sample from the Cape Fear River, North Carolina) of these population segments and used PCR and direct sequence analysis of 440 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region to define the coast-wide genetic population structure of shortnose sturgeon. Collections from most population segments exhibited significant differences in haplotype frequencies with their nearest neighbors, including from the Ogeechee and Savannah Rivers, Georgia (despite the known movement of hatchery-reared offspring from the Savannah into the Ogeechee River). Collections from the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River exhibited similar haplotype frequencies, suggesting that specimens collected in the Chesapeake Bay had dispersed from the Delaware River. Collections from the Kennebec River and Androscoggin River within a hypothesized single population segment did not exhibit significant differentiation of mtDNA haplotype frequencies. Haplotype frequencies were almost identical between collections from above and below the Holyoke Dam on the Connecticut River, indicating that these aggregations should be managed as a single unit. Our results support the population segment status afforded to shortnose sturgeon in at least the following 9 systems; St. John River, Kennebec-Androscoggin Rivers, upper-lower Connecticut River, Hudson River, Delaware River-Chesapeake Bay, Pee Dee River, Cooper River, Savannah River, and Ogeechee-Altamaha Rivers.  相似文献   

We examined relative abundance of juvenile weakfish,Cynoscion regalis, collected during 1986 and 1987 and tested for spatial differences in growth and survival within Delaware Bay. Juvenile weakfish recruit to all areas of Delaware Bay, and two cohorts were present during each year of the study. Although catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied among areas within the bay, there was a general trend of higher CPUE at lower salinities; abundance quickly declined near the end of September in all areas of the bay. Estimated growth rates from otolith increment analysis of juvenile weakfish ranged from 0.69 mm d−1 to 0.97 mm d−1. Spatial and temporal patterns in recent growth rate followed a general pattern: highest in the middle bay, lowest in the upper bay, and intermediate in the lower bay. Mortality rates were usually lowest in the low salinity region of the middle and upper bay during both years. There was no difference in mortality between cohorts in the middle bay, while in the upper bay the later-spawned fish had lower mortality and in the lower bay the early-spawned fish had lower mortality. Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns in growth and mortality suggests that there is a seasonal trade-off between habitat usage and resource availability for juvenile weakfish. The function of oligohaline and mesohaline waters as optimal nursery areas (in terms of growth and survival) changes due to the seasonally dynamic physicochemical characteristics in Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, represents the second most important fishery for coastal Georgia; yet, little is known about environmental forces that affect planktonic postlarval settlement in the region. Here, we describe a study to examine the physical mechanisms responsible for blue crab settlement in the extensive salt marsh system of coastal Georgia. Bottom and surface samplers were placed at three sites along a salinity gradient from a low-salinity site in the Altamaha River to a high-salinity area of the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, GA, USA during 2005. Megalopae and juvenile monitoring occurred from July through December. The majority of both megalopae (86.8%) and juvenile (89.3%) blue crabs were recovered in bottom samplers at the low-salinity Altamaha River site during August and early September. Few megalopae were collected at the surface of the Altamaha River or at the two higher-salinity sites in the Duplin and North Rivers. Downwelling winds were unable to explain all settlement events; however, winds with an onshore component regularly preceded settlement events. The use of a multiple-regression model revealed a lagged relationship (r = 0.5461, $ lag = 0–2 days $ lag = 0–2 days ) between wind events, temperature, salinity, maximum tidal height, and settlement.  相似文献   

This is the first report of juvenile (age 0+) Atlantic menhadens, Brevoortia tyrannus, in the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were incidentally collected during a 3-yr study of the effects of the STRAFLO hydro-power turbine at Annapolis Royal on alosine fishes. Length distribution and time of capture of collected fish suggest that Atlantic menhaden may spawn in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae have been collected for resource monitoring purposes in the Sheepscot River in mid-coastal Maine during October–February, for the past 20 years. During this period, the larval population in the river has typically peaked in October-early November and has been composed of larvae derived from August–September spawning in eastern Maine and New Brunswick waters and from September-early October spawning along the central Maine coast. Larvae from eastern coastal spawning areas are transported to the river by the prevailing westerly coastal current. The appearance of small (≤15 mm SL) larvae in the river during December and January 1985–1989 suggested an additional time and area of origin. Aging procedures based on enumeration of daily otolith increments showed the majority of these small larvae were spawned from mid October to mid November when spawning usually occurs in western Maine coastal waters and in the vicinity of Jeffreys Ledge. Comparison of back-calculated hatching dates for small larvae collected in the river with wind direction and velocity data from mid October through November suggested that larvae were transported eastward against a weakened Gulf of Maine coastal current to the Sheepscot River by complex wind-driven surface currents that occur off the western Maine coast in the fall. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY059 00003  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater marshes exist at the interface between watersheds and estuaries, and thus may serve as critical buffers protecting estuaries from anthropogenic metal pollution. Bi-weekly samples of newly deposited marsh sediments were collected and analyzed for Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations over 21 months from July 1995 to March 1997 in five distinct habitats at the head of Bush River, Maryland. Bi-weekly anthropogenic metal enrichments ranged from 0.9–4.7. Anthropogenic excess metal loadings averaged over 1996 ranged from 6–306 and 25–1302 μg cm−2 year−1 between sites for Cu and Zn, respectively. Based on Fe-normalized trace metal signatures, Susquehanna River sediment does not significantly contribute to upper Bush River. Organic matter was found to dilute total metal concentrations, whereas past studies suggested organics enhance labile metal content. Analysis of metal input pathways shows that marsh metals are primarily imported from nearby subtidal accumulations of historic watershed material by tidal flushing. Received: 29 April 1999 / Accepted: 7 December 1999  相似文献   

The important Iranian Karun River has never been investigated for the presence of potentially endocrine-disrupting chemicals, nonylphenol (NP). In this study, concentrations of NP were measured in water from Karun River and five wastewater discharge points into this river, collected during April to July 2010. The analytes were extracted by solid-phase extraction, and quantitative analyses were performed by HPLC–FLD. NP was detected in water and wastewater samples with 0.17–1.83 and 15.27–21.79 μg/L, respectively. The results showed that the NP content of aqueous phase of all wastewater samples higher than particulate phase, which were detected in the aqueous and particulate phases with mean concentrations of 12.8 ± 2.4 and 5.2 ± 1.2 μg/L, respectively. These data suggest that the NP levels in Karun river water are likely attributable to untreated municipal wastewaters discharged directly into the river. To our knowledge; this is the first study to evaluate NP concentrations in water and wastewater in Iran.  相似文献   

The effect of tidal flooding on survival of juvenile muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) was investigated in a brackish marsh in Louisiana by examining 50 muskrat lodges each month from July 1984 to June 1985 and tidal data over a 19-yr period. Tide levels increased at a rate of 1.58 cm yr?1 during the 19-yr period prior to the study, and during the study nest chambers in muskrat lodges were flooded on 43 d. Seventy-seven captured litters averaged 2.2±0.3 young per litter. older litters were less common than younger litters, but the number of young per litter did not differ among 5-d age classes, suggesting that mortality factors usually affected entire litters. The frequency of tidal flooding prior to opening of lodges each month was associated negatively with the number of litters and number of young per litter. If marsh subsidence and sea level rise continue, tidal flooding will become more prevalent and litter mortality will likely increase.  相似文献   

Two to three thousand years ago, the fringing tidal salt marsh wetlands (including brackish and freshwater marsh) of the Delaware coastal zone were three to four times wider than at present. Observed variations in rates of marsh surface aggradation suggest that some areas are undergoing inundation whereas many other areas are undergoing aggradation at rates greater than sea-level rise as measured by a local tidal gauge (average 33 cm/ century based on a 70-year record) and may be undergoing floral succession. Accompanying these sedimentary processes are coastal erosion rates up to 6.9 m/yr along the Delaware estuary, up to 2.8 m/yr along the Delaware Atlantic coast, and ranging from 0.1 m/yr to 0.6 m/yr along the Delaware Atlantic coastal lagoons. Human development has destroyed nearly 9% of Delaware's fringing salt marshes between 1938 and 1975. The rapidly growing trend toward hardening the edge of the adjacent landward uplands leads us to the conclusion that much of the fringing salt marsh of Delaware will disappear over the next two to three centuries with only small remnants declining to extinction ca. 1500–1700 years into the future. Impacts on the State of Delaware, comprised of 13% fringing salt marshes 1/4 century ago, will be profound in terms of destruction of a large segment of the Atlantic coastal or eastern North American migratory bird flyway, and an eventual forced accommodation of the inhabitants of Delaware to these naturally ongoing geological processes.  相似文献   

Measurements of dissolved As, Cr, Cu, and Se using species-selective techniques were made in the tidal freshwater Delaware River at four sites in July 1991, January 1992, and March 1992. Concentrations of dissolved As, Cr, and Se were generally higher in July than in March or January. Copper concentrations were relatively constant. Both As and Cu increased in concentration in the region of Philadelphia. Measurements of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Se, and Zn in seston were made during the July 1991 and March 1992 sampling using both a total digest and a series of sequential leaches. A large fraction of most of the elements, in the order Cd>Zn>Pb≥Cu>Ni≥As>Cr>Se, was solubilized by weak acid. The remainding fraction, for elements where the acid leach was not complete, was released by a rigorous digestion with concentrated acids. Based on estimates of similar rivers, Pb and Zn appear to be substantially enriched in Delaware River seston compared to other rivers draining the same geological provinces. Arsenic, Se, and Cd in seston may be moderately enriched.  相似文献   

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