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The salinity of interstitial water (i.e., the salinity of the free soil water) was examined at 11 equidistant stations along a transect on a Mississippi tidal marsh dominated byJuncus roemerianus andSpartina cynosuroides. Changes in the nearby surface water (e.g., bay water) were reflected in the changes in interstitial water salinity. The salinity of interstitial water was usually higher, varying between 2.5 and 15.8‰ from February 1975 through January 1976, than the salinity of the nearby surface water which ranged from 0.0 to 11.5‰. Following a long period of high salinity in the bay and sound (exceeding 14‰), the salinity of the interstitial water increased to a maximum of 16.8‰ in October. The salinity increased as the distance of the sampling station from the source of the flood water increased. Mean interstitial wate salinity across the marsh studied was within 10‰ which did not seem to influence the marsh plant zonation occurring on the marsh.  相似文献   

Effects of soil factors on physiological indicators ofSpartina patens and live standing crop of the macrophyte community were investigated in a brackish marsh. Three distinct physiognomic zones were studied along a transect perpendicular to a tidal creek: the marsh edge, which was directly adjacent to the creek; the levee berm, 6 to 8 m from the creek; and the inland zone, which extended through the marsh interior. Soil physicochemical factors (soil moisture, redox potential, interstitial pH, salinity, and ammonium and sulfide concentrations) were compared to physiological indicators ofSpartina patens (leaf adenine nucleotides, root alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity, and levels of ethanol, lactate, alanine and malate in the roots). In correlation matrices of soil and plant factors, increases in soil moisture and decreases in redox potential were associated with depressed leaf adenylate energy charge ratios (AEC, an integrative measure of plant stress) and elevated ADH activities and metabolite levels in the roots. ADH activity was greatest in roots from the inland zone where soil waterlogging was greatest and exhibited seasonal increases that followed seasonal declines in soil redox potential. Leaf AEC was greatest in the berm and generally lowest in the inland plants. End of season live standing crop was also greatest on the berm, but did not closely follow any edaphic trends across the three zones. This suggests that several factors, (i.e., soil aeration, and sulfide and nitrogen levels) may be of greater importance to standing crop than any single factor, as is thought for salt marshes dominated byS. alterniflora.  相似文献   

Net annual primary production of a sedge Carex lyngbyei dominated tidal marsh in the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, Canada was 634 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) per m2 per yr (687 g dry weight per m2 per yr). Mean maximum shoot elongation during the short (May to August) growing season was 1.88 cm per day from overwintering shoots. The maximum aboveground standing crop of 690 g AFDW per m2 represented only 25% of the total below-ground biomass, which appears to be controlling most of the critical life history processes of the sedge marsh. An estimate of 14 percent of the aboveground standing crop was lost through leaching of dissolved organic carbon from the growting plant. Aboveground tissue losses, which were negligible during the growing season, occurred primarily via translocation in autumn and tidal export during the winter. In situ measurements showed that of the original maximum standing crop, approximately 38%, 37%, and 25% were lost by downward translocation, tidal export, and sediment burial, respectively. Based on changes in above and belowground nutrient pools, rapid spring (May to late June) uptake rates of 109 mg N per m2 per day and 23.0 mg P per m2 per day by shoots were followed by downward translocation rates of 44.8 mg N per m2 per day and 12.2 mg P per m2 per day during late June to the end of August. Aboveground leaching rates were estimated as 23.9 mg N per m2 per day and 7.8 mg P m2 per day and belowground uptake rates as 100 mg N per m2 per day and 26 mg P per m2 per day; root uptake occurred primarily after late June. Nutrient levels in decomposing litter more than doubled over the winter period showing a pattern of nutrient enrichment characteristic of marsh ecosystems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY023 00004  相似文献   

Freshwater requirements of a semi-arid supratidal and floodplain salt marsh   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When rivers are impounded, the reduction in downstream flow can produce important and often adverse effects, especially in the estuarine environment. One or more dams have been proposed for the Olifants River system in the Western Cape, South Africa. This estuary has an extensive area of salt marsh that was examined to see whether it required occasional flooding with freshwater to wash out accumulated salts. The dominant salt marsh species,Sarcocornia pillansii, occurred in supratidal and floodplain areas where the water table was shallowest, the soil moisture highest, and the soil electrical conductivity lowest. Aerial photographs and simulated runoff data showed that no flood had covered the floodplain during the previous 80 years. The data indicate that salt marsh plants use saline groundwater during the dry months of the year in order to survive, but use the short season winter rainfall period with low salinity conditions to grow and reproduce. This study demonstrated that live roots ofS. pillansii reached the water table during the dry season. Tissue and soil water potentials, the relationship between vegetation cover, depth to the water table, and electrical conductivity of the groundwater support the conclusion that saline groundwater is the only source of water during the drier months of the year. Freshwater flooding of the river in winter may be important because it covers the supratidal area with less saline water and reduces the depth to the water table on the floodplain. This makes the groundwater more accessible to the halophytes growing on the floodplain.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the standing crop of marsh vegetation was made of the Patuxent River and Parker Creek, two tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. The biomass of marsh vegetation in the tidal freshwater and brackish regions of the Patuxent was relatively uniform with regard to salinity, seasonally high concentrations of dissolved nitrogen, and phosphorus and nutrient gradient. Maximum values of biomass occurred in the tidal freshwater and slightly brackish water region of Parker Creek, a system whose nutrient concentrations approximated 20% of those of Patuxent River. Biomass values for the Patuxent River and Parker Creek averaged about 1417 and 895 g m?2 dry weight, respectively. Estimates of total annual marsh production based on the maximum standing crop was 27×103 and 519 metric tons, respectively, for the Patuxent River and Parker Creek.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus content ofSpartina alterniflora Loisel and soil nitrogen were measured along a transect perpendicular to a stream in a Louisiana salt marsh in order to provide information on differences between the so-called streamside and inland regions. Total plant nitrogen and phosphorus levels in June and September tended to be greater at streamside than inland sites. Total soil nitrogen on a dry soil weight basis increased with distance inland from a natural stream toward an interdistributary basin in the marsh. Soil extractable ammonium-nitrogen levels measured in June were very low in vegetated streamside and inland areas, but they were much higher in inland areas devoid of plants. Nitrogen and phosphorus utilization byS. alterniflora was also investigated at an inland location in the salt marsh. Labelled ammonium-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus were added in May at a rate of 200 kg/ha to the soil of replicated plots. Added nitrogen significantly increased total above-ground plant biomass and plant height by 28 and 25%, respectively, 4 months after application. The ratio of belowground macro-organic matter to total aboveground biomass was decreased from 5.7 to 4.7 by the additional nitrogen. Added phosphorus did not significantly affect plant height and biomass. The use of15N-depleted nitrogen tracers showed that about half of the nitrogen in the aboveground portion ofS. alterniflora from 1 to 4 months after the nitrogen addition was derived from the added ammonium-nitrogen. After 4 months, 28 and 29% of the added labelled nitrogen was recovered in the aboverground and belowground biomass ofS. alterniflora, respectively. Recovery of added nitrogen was overestimated with a non-tracer method based on the difference in total nitrogen uptake between nitrogen-amended plots and untreated plots. Soil organic nitrogen comprised the majority of the nitrogen in the salt marsh. Nitrogen in the standing crop biomass ofS. alterniflora represented only about 2% of the total nitrogen in the plantsoil system of an inland marsh to a 20 cm soil depth.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater marshes exist in a dynamic environment where plant productivity, subsurface biogeochemical processes, and soil elevation respond to hydrological fluctuations over tidal to multi-decadal time scales. The objective of this study was to determine ecosystem responses to elevated salinity and increased water inputs, which are likely as sea level rise accelerates and saltwater intrudes into freshwater habitats. Since June 2008, in situ manipulations in a Zizaniopsis miliacea (giant cutgrass)-dominated tidal freshwater marsh in South Carolina have raised porewater salinities from freshwater to oligohaline levels and/or subtly increased the amount of water flowing through the system. Ecosystem-level fluxes of CO2 and CH4 have been measured to quantify rates of production and respiration. During the first 20 months of the experiment, the major impact of elevated salinity was a depression of plant productivity, whereas increasing freshwater inputs had a greater effect on rates of ecosystem CO2 emissions, primarily due to changes in soil processes. Net ecosystem production, the balance between gross ecosystem production and ecosystem respiration, decreased by 55% due to elevated salinity, increased by 75% when freshwater inputs were increased, and did not change when salinity and hydrology were both manipulated. These changes in net ecosystem production may impact the ability of marshes to keep up with rising sea levels since the accumulation of organic matter is critical in allowing tidal freshwater marshes to build soil volume. Thus, it is necessary to have regional-scale predictions of saltwater intrusion and water level changes relative to the marsh surface in order to accurately forecast the long-term sustainability of tidal freshwater marshes to future environmental change.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns ofScirpus validus were studied in tidal marshes of the lower Savannah River. The hypothesis that changes in spatial pattern forS. validus would accompany differences in environmental parameters was tested by sampling densities and biomass along environmental gradients of salinity and elevation. Coefficients of dispersion were calculated forS. validus and used to compare spatial patterns among freshwater, midly oligohaline, strongly oligohaline, and mesohaline tidal marshes. Results indicated significantly greater clumping ofS. validus in mesohaline marsh than in freshwater marsh. Only the mildly oligohaline site supported a random population ofS. validus, while the strongly oligohaline marsh supported a uniform spatial distribution. Spatial pattern and relative importance ofS. validus, as well as composition of co-occurring species, changed significantly with changing salinity. The relations between changes in relative importance ofS. validus and differences in soil organic matter and elevation were also significant.  相似文献   

There is a need for research into bioindicators of stress in threatened plant communities such as coastal wetlands. Land subsidence, diversion of sediment, and salt-water intrusion produce stresses associated with waterlogging, elevated salinity, and nutrient depletion. Temporal and spatial environmental variation (soil redox potential, interstitial water salinity, pH, ammonium and phosphorus, and cation and trace metal concentrations) was analyzed near Lake de Cade, Louisiana, in a brackish marsh which is a mosaic of healthy plant communities interspersed with areas where wetland loss is occurring. Environmental variation was related to indicators of stress inSpartina patens, which included variables derived from the adenine nucleotide levels in plants, leaf spectral reflectance, leaf proline concentrations, and shoot elongation. In a comparison of burned and unburned sites, streamside and inland marsh, and along a salinity gradient, among-site differences were found in spectral reflectance and adenine-nucleotide-related indicators. Although it was difficult to relate a single causal environmental variable to the response of a specific indicator, spectral reflectance in the visible light range responded to salinity or to elements borne in seawater, and adenine-nucleotide indices were sensitive to nutrient availability. The ability of indicators to detect plant responses changed during the growing season, suggesting that they were responding to the changing importance of different environmental factors. In addition, some reflectance indicator responses occurred along salinity gradients when salinity differences were less than those that were found to have ecologically meaningful effects in greenhouse experiments. A multivariate numerical approach was used to relate environmental variation with indicator responses. We concluded that factors which in combination cause the degradation and loss of Louisiana wetlands produce environmental conditions that are only subtly different from those in vigorously growing marsh communities.  相似文献   

冬小麦田咸水灌溉与土壤盐分调控试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用浅层咸水灌溉,可使浅层咸水分布区无效降水转化为有效水资源,缓解北方水资源紧缺的矛盾;通过王瞳试验场进行的咸水灌溉与土壤盐分调控试验表明,利用3g/L左右的微咸水连续灌溉5a,根层土壤溶液浓度未超过小麦的耐盐能力,且作物增产;多年盐分变化趋势为:1994-1997年1m深度内土壤总含盐量在一定范围内波动,总体变化不大,连续干旱的1997-1998年略呈上升趋势;麦秸覆盖和施有机肥能减少根层土壤盐分,对土壤盐分具有有利的调控作用,具有增产效果。  相似文献   

Wheat being a glycophyte crop, responds differently to saline-sodic soil environmental conditions. The application of calcium is multidimensional with respect to sodium ion and plant part response. This study was conducted to record the response of shoot and root to sodium and calcium interaction under saline environment. Wheat seed of variety Punjab 85 were raised in quartz sand. Later on the seedlings were transplanted to pots containing Hoagland’s nutrient solution along with NaCl at 0 mM. and 50 mM. Calcium was applied as CaSO2 2H2O at 3 mM. and 6 mM. Under saline conditions shoot showed positive response to sodium ion in the presence of higher calcium. Relative water contents were higher in the root system at 6 mM of CaSO4. 2H2O under saline condition. Growth responses to potassium and Magnesium in the presence of sodium induced salinity with calcium ion interaction remained variable.  相似文献   

The amount of large woody debris (LWD) in Pacific Northwest estuaries has declined dramatically since Euro-American settlement in the mid 19th century. Little is known about the ecological significance of estuarine LWD. This ignorance impairs protection and restoration of habitat critical to threatened Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), as well as other fish and wildlife. This study investigates whether LWD affects the distribution of estuarine shrubs, particularly nitrogen-fixingMyrica gale L. (sweetgale), which dominates the tidal shrub community of the Skagit River estuary, Washington, U.S.A. LWD,M. gale, and other shrubs were surveyed along line transects in an oligohaline tidal marsh and in abandoned agricultural land whose dikes failed more than 50 years ago and which has reverted to marsh. The results demonstrate a strong association between LWD andM. gale. M. gale was very rare on LWD<30 cm in diameter, increasingly more common for LWD between 30 and 75 cm, and always present on LWD≥75 cm. The marsh surface was generally 45 cm below mean higher high water (MHHW), suggesting LWD benefitsM. gale by providing a growth platform at an elevation near MHHW and reducing flooding stress. The largest and most abundant tree in the marsh,Picea sitchensis, averaged only 35.8 cm in diameter, which suggests LWD recruitment from upstream sources is necessary to sustainM. gale populations in the geomorphologically dynamic Skagit marsh. By affecting the distribution and abundance ofM. gale in the estuary, LWD may indirectly affect nitrogen dynamics in the marsh and secondary production of detritivores and herbivores.  相似文献   

Controls on organic matter cycling across the tidal wetland-estuary interface have proved elusive, but high-resolution observations coupled with process-based modeling can be a powerful methodology to address shortcomings in either methodology alone. In this study, detailed observations and three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling are used to examine biogeochemical exchanges in the marsh-estuary system of the Rhode River, MD, USA. Analysis of observations near the marsh in 2015 reveals a strong relationship between marsh creek salinity and dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), with wind velocity indirectly driving large amplitude variation of both salinity and fDOM at certain times of the year. Three-dimensional model results from the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model implemented for the wetland system with a new marsh grass drag module are consistent with observations, simulating sub-tidal variability of marsh creek salinity. The model results exhibit an interaction between wind-driven variation in surface elevation and flow velocity at the marsh creek, with northerly winds driving increased freshwater signal and discharge out of the modeled wetland during precipitation events. Wind setup of a water surface elevation gradient axially along the estuary drives the modeled local sub-tidal flow and thus salinity variability. On sub-tidal time scales (>36 h, <1 week), wind is important in mediating dissolved organic matter releases from the Kirkpatrick Marsh into the Rhode River.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), particulate organic carbon (POC), pH, temperature, and salinity associated with the water column of several salt marsh creeks were monitored at 5 stations for 8 months. A gradient in mean salinity of 11.5‰ to 32.7‰ was observed in the creeks. No significant correlations (Pearson’s r) could be found among the variables measured at the station with the highest salinity. ATP and POC were found to be positively correlated at all other stations. Salinity was found to be negatively correlated with both ATP and POC only at a station with the second highest mean salinity (28.8‰) and could account for only 45.7‰ of the variation in ATP. The lack of significant correlations between salinity and ATP as well as the inability of salinity to account for a large portion of the variation in ATP suggested that salinity had little relationship to the level of total microbial mass.  相似文献   

One of the most critical problems facing many deltaic wetlands is a high rate of relative sea-level rise due to a combination of eustatic sea-level rise and local subsidence. Within the Rhône delta, the main source of mineral input to soil formation is from the river, due to the low tidal range and the presence of a continuous sea wall. We carried out field and modeling studies to assess the present environmental status and future conditions of the more stressed sites, i.e.,Salicornia-type marshes with a shallow, hypersaline groundwater. The impacts of management practices are considered by comparing impounded areas with riverine areas connected to the Rhône River. Analysis of vegetation transects showed differences between mean soil elevation ofArthrocnemum fruticosum (+31.2 cm),Arthrocnemum glaucum (+26.5 cm), bare soil (+16.2 cm), and permanently flooded soil (?12.4 cm). Aboveground and belowground production showed that root:shoot ratio forA. fruticosum andA. glaucum was 2.9 and 1.1, respectively, indicating more stressful environmental conditions forA. glaucum with a higher soil salinity and lack of soil drainage. The annual leaf litter production rate of the two species is 30 times higher than annual stem litter production, but with a higher long-term decomposition rate associated with leaves. We developed a wetland elevation model designed to predict the effect of increasing rates of sea-level rise on wetland elevation andSalicornia production. The model takes into account feedback mechanisms between soil elevation and river mineral input, and primary production. In marshes still connected to the river, mineral input decreased quickly when elevation was over 21 cm. Under current sea-level rise conditions, the annual amount of riverine mineral input needed to maintain the elevation of the study marshes is between 3,000 and 5,000 g m?2 yr?1. Simulations showed that under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change best estimate sea-level rise scenario, a mineral input of 6,040 g m?2 yr?1 is needed to maintain marsh elevation. The medium term response capacity of the Rhône deltaic plain with rising sea level depends mainly on the possibility of supplying sediment from the river to the delta, even though the Rhône Delta front is wave dominated. Within coastal impounded marshes, isolated from the river, the sediment supply is very low (10 to 50 g m?2 yr?1), and an increase of sea-level rise would increase the flooding duration and dramatically reduce vegetation biomass. New wetland management options involving river input are discussed for a long-term sustainability of low coastal Mediterranean wetlands.  相似文献   

Heavy rainfall in 1978 and 1980 caused flooding of southern California salt marshes. Examination of three marshes demonstrated a broad range of freshwater effects which correlated with the degree of change in soil salinity. At Tijuana Estuary (1980), a short-term reduction in the salinity of normally hypersaline soils was followed by a 40% increase in the August biomass of Spartina foliosa. At Los Penasquitos Lagoon (1978), a longer period of brackish water influence was followed by a 160% increase in August biomass of Salicornia virginica. At the San Diego River (1980), flood flows were augmented by major reservoir discharge. Continuous freshwater flow leached most of the marsh soil salts and caused replacement of halophytes by freshwater marsh species. The first two cases probably fell within the normal range of flooding events, even though the hydrology of both watersheds has been modified. The vegetation response was functional; productivity increased but there was no major change in species composition. As expected, vegetation rapidly returned to preflood conditions. However, the long-term freshwater flow in the Dan Diego River was unnatural. Floral composition changed as soils were leached of salts. Recovery following the return of saline soils has been slow because many native halophytes are not good colonizers. The system's resilience is limited, and modification of natural stream discharge can cause permanent changes in coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

Species of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are frequently used in the management of estuarine systems to set restoration goals, nutrient load reduction goals, and water quality targets. As human need for water increases, the amount of freshwater required by estuaries has become an increasingly important issue. While the, science of establishing the freshwater needs of estuaries is not well developed, recent attempts have emphasized the freshwater requirements of fisheries. We evaluate the hypothesis that SAV can be used to establish freshwater inflow needs. Salinity tolerance data from laboratory and field studies of SAV in the Caloosahatchee estuary, Florida, are used to estimate a minimum flow required to maintain the salt-tolerant freshwater species,Vallisneria americana, at the head of the estuary and a maximum flow required to prevent mortality, of the marine speciesHalodule wrightii at its mouth. ForV. americana, laboratory experiments showed that little or no growth occurred between 10‰ and 15‰ In the field, lower shoot densities (<400 shoots m?2) were associated with salinities greater than 10‰. Results forH. wrightii were more variable than forV. americana. Laboratory experiments indicated that mortality could occur at salinities <6‰, with little growth occurring between 6‰ and 12‰. Field data indicated that higher blade densities (>600 blades m?2) tend to occur at salinities greater than 12‰ Relationships between salinity in the estuary and discharge from the Caloosahatchee River indicated that flows>8.5 m3 s?1 would produce tolerable salinity (<10‰) forV. americana and flows<89 m3 s?1 would avoid lethal salinities (<6‰) forH. wrightii.  相似文献   

We studied organic matter cycling in two Gulf Coast tidal, nonsaline marsh sites where subsidence causes marine intrusion and rapid submergence, which mimics increased sea-level rise. The sites experienced equally rapid submergence but different degrees of marine intrusion. Vegetation was hummocked and much of the marsh lacked rooted vegetation. Aboveground standing crop and production, as measured by sequential harvesting, were low relative to other Gulf CoastSpartina patens marshes. Soil bulk density was lower than reported for healthyS. alterniflora growth but that may be unimportant at the current, moderate sulfate levels. Belowground production, as measured by sequential harvesting, was extremely fast within hummocks, but much of the marsh received little or no belowground inputs. Aboveground production was slower at the more saline site (681 g m?2 yr?1) than at the less saline site (1,252 g m?2 yr?1). Belowground production over the entire marsh surface averaged 1,401 g m?2 yr?1 at the less saline site and 585 g m?2 yr?1 at the more saline site. Respiration, as measured by CO2 emissions in the field and corrected for CH4 emissions, was slower at the less saline site (956 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (1,438 g m?2 yr?1), reflecting greater contributions byS. alterniflora at the more saline site which is known to decompose more rapidly thanS. patens. Burial of organic matter was faster at the less saline site (796 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (434 g m?2, yr?1), likely in response to faster production and slower decomposition at the less saline site. Thus vertical accretion was faster at the less saline site (1.3 cm yr?1) than at the more saline site (0.85 cm yr?1); slower vertical accretion increased flooding at the more saline site. More organic matter was available for export at the less saline site (1,377 g m?2 yr?1) than at the more saline site (98 g m?2 yr?1). These data indicated that organic matter production decreased and burial increased in response to greenhouse-like conditions brought on by subsidence. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY069 00016  相似文献   

The dominant plant in Humboldt Bay salt marshes in Spartina densiflora, a species of cordgrass apparently introduced from South America. At several salt marshes and restoration sites around Humboldt Bay, distribution of this plant has increased significantly. We investigated the relative contributions of vegetative tiller production and seed germination to the establishment and expansion of S. densiflora. Lateral spread of plants surrounded by competitors were compared to areas without competing plant species. Plants growing in areas without competitors had significantly higher rates of vegetative expansion (p<0.0001). Viable seed production, germination rates, seedling survivorship, and growth of adult plants were measured in six salinity treatments. Approximately 1,977±80 viable seeds are produced per plant (0.25–0.5 m2). The number of germinating seeds was inversely related to increases in salinity. Salinity treatments between 19‰ and 35‰ produced significantly lower germination rates than salinities of 0–18‰ (p<0.0001). Seedling survivorship was 50% at ≤4‰ and 8–14% at ≥11‰. Lateral expansion of adult, greenhouse-grown plants occurred in all salinity treatments, with modest decreases in the highest salinity treatments (p<0.05). Our findings indicate that S. densiflora expands primarily by vegetative expansion, and lateral tillers are produced by throughout the year. Spartina densiflora produces prolific amounts of seed, but recruitment in mature salt marshes may be limited by competitors and higher salinities. At restoration sites, planting of native species such as Salicornia virginica, Distichlis spicata, or Jaumea carnosa may prevent monospecific stands of S. densiflora from developing.  相似文献   

A field control experiment was carried out to determine the influence of water table changes on soil CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions in Calamagrostis angustifolia freshwater marsh in Northeast of China. The results showed that the water depth of 5 cm below the ground surface increased soil CO2 emission, but there was no significant influence of deeper water table on gas emission. CH4 emission was accelerated by deep standing water and approached the peak in the plant booming time. This suggests that root activity has influence on CH4 production. The result also demonstrated that both low water table level and inundated environment would inhibit N2O emission. Comparing the total global warming potential of three gases under different conditions, it can be concluded that maintaining a comparatively steady water table near the soil surface can benefit soil carbon sequestration in the C. angustifolia marsh, and decrease of the greenhouse gases emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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