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For the bulk rocks of CI chondrites, various values are given for the modal abundance of matrix (95–100 vol%) and the accompanying mineral constituents. Here, we have determined the modal abundance of phases >5 μm in the CI chondrites Orgueil, Ivuna, Alais, and Tonk. Considering this cut-off grain-size to distinguish between matrix and coarse-grained constituents, then, we find the modal abundance of the minor phases magnetite, pyrrhotite, carbonate, olivine, and pyroxene to be 6 vol% in total, and these phases are embedded within the fine-grained, phyllosilicate-rich matrix, making up 94 vol%. The values vary slightly from meteorite to meteorite. Considering all four chondrites, the most abundant phase is - by far - magnetite (4.3 vol%) followed by pyrrhotite (∼1.1 vol%). All four CI chondrites are complex breccias, and their degree of brecciation decreases in the sequence: Orgueil > Ivuna > Alais ∼ Tonk. Because these meteorites contain clasts with highly variable modal abundances, we therefore also studied individual clasts with high abundances of specific coarse-grained phases. In this respect, in Orgueil we found a fragment with a 21.5 vol% of magnetite as well as a clast having 31.8 vol% phosphate. In Ivuna, we detected an individual clast with a 21.5 vol% of carbonates. Thus, since the CI composition is used as a geochemical standard for comparison, one also should keep in mind that sufficiently large sample masses are required to reveal a homogeneous CI composition. Small aliquots with one dominating lithology may significantly deviate from the suggested standard CI composition.  相似文献   

New Sr isotopic analyses and calculated formation ages of carbonates from the Orgueil CI meteorite are reported. Among the samples analyzed in this work, dolomites give the youngest formation ages and may have been deposited intermittently starting near the time of parent body formation and continuing for at least 30 Ma. The Sr isotope data also suggest that breunnerites (Fe-Mn-Mg carbonates) crystallized after dolomite formation. Leaching experiments on bulk meteorite samples provide evidence for a very mobile, water soluble Sr reservoir in Orgueil that is characterized by extremely radiogenic Sr (87 Sr/86 Sr≈ 0.81-0.82). This unsupported Sr reflects recent element redistribution, possibly at the time of parent body breakup recorded by the ∼ 10 Ma exposure age of Orgueil. The carbonate data in particular corroborate earlier indications that hydrothermal processes were among the earliest events to affect the CI parent body.  相似文献   

To better understand the role of aqueous alteration on the CI1 parent body, we have analyzed the texture, composition and mineral associations of iron nickel sulfides in four of the five known CI1 chondrites.The most commonly-occurring sulfide present in the CI1 chondrites is the iron-deficient Fe,Ni sulfide pyrrhotite ([Fe,Ni]1−xS), that has a composition close to that of stoichiometric troilite (FeS). Three of the CI1s (Alais, Ivuna and Tonk) also contain pentlandite ([Fe,Ni]9S8), although pentlandite is a rare phase in Ivuna. Cubanite (CuFe2S3) was found in both Alais and Ivuna in this study, although it has also been reported in Orgueil (MacDougall and Kerridge, 1977). The pyrrhotite grains in all four chondrites form hexagonal, rectangular or irregular shapes, and show no evidence of Ni or Co zoning. The pyrrhotite grains in Orgueil and Ivuna are, in general, smaller, and show more “corrosions,” or “embayments,” than those in Alais or Tonk.We suggest that the precursor sulfide present in the CI1 chondrites was troilite which, during brecciation and oxidation on the parent body at a temperature of 100°C or less, converted the troilite to magnetite and pyrrhotite with pentlandite inclusions. Subsequently, continued alteration on the parent body removed pentlandite—partially from Alais, Tonk and Ivuna, completely from Orgueil—leaving behind pyrrhotite with spaces (“corrosions”) where the pentlandite had been. Ni derived from the pentlandite was incorporated into ferrihydrite, onto the surface of which the Ni,Na sulfate Ni-bloedite formed.Based on the size and abundant “corrosions” within pyrrhotite grains, combined with observations from other authors, we conclude that Orgueil and Ivuna have undergone a greater degree of alteration than Alais and Tonk. Further work is needed to assess the conditions under which pentlandite would be dissolved preferentially to pyrrhotite, as the study of terrestrial literature indicates that the latter mineral is preferentially removed.  相似文献   

Fragments in the size range from 40 μm to several hundred μm in the CI chondrites Orgueil, Ivuna, Alais, and Tonk show a wide range of chemical compositions with variations in major elements such as iron (10.4-42.4 wt% FeO), silicon (12.7-42.2 wt% SiO2), and sulfur (1.01-15.8 wt% SO3), but also important minor elements such as phosphorous (up to 5.2 wt% P2O5) or calcium (up to 6.6 wt% CaO). These variations are the result of the varying mineralogical compositions of these fragments. The distribution of phyllosilicates, magnetites, and possibly ferrihydrite, in particular, control the abundances of these elements. High REE contents—up to 150 times the solar abundances—were observed in phosphates, while matrix and sulfates are REE-depleted. The studied 113 fragments were subdivided into eight lithologies with similar mineralogical and thus chemical properties. The most common is the CGA lithology, consisting of a groundmass of Mg-rich, coarse-grained phyllosilicates and varying abundances of inclusions such as magnetite. The second most abundant lithology is the FGA lithology, consisting of a groundmass of fine-grained Fe-rich phyllosilicates. A rare, but important lithology consists of fragments with high contents of phosphates and other minerals. The proposed model for the evolution of these lithologies is based on a closed system alteration, where mineralogical differences in the lithologies reflect heterogeneities in the starting material. Comparison of our results with literature data indicates a general similarity of the four CI chondrites analyzed. Further comparison of bulk analyses suggests that the mass ‘threshold’ for chemical heterogeneities in CI chondrite samples is smaller than ∼1-2 g.  相似文献   

The Bells meteorite is a CM2 chondrite that has long been considered anomalous for having mineralogical and isotopic differences with CMs together with an overall affinity to CIs in its matrix. We extracted a fragment of the only Bells stone collected unweathered with water and solvents and studied the meteorite’s soluble organic composition. We found Bells to contain abundant organic compounds, which are predominantly O-containing such as hydroxy- and di-carboxylic acids, and a scarcity of amino acids and other N-containing compounds. Amines were not detected and ammonia is less abundant than in both the Murchison and Ivuna meteorites. Overall, Bells’ soluble organic composition is more similar to that of Ivuna than of Murchison. The observation that Bells’ amino acid suite shares a distinct distribution of characteristic molecular species with other stones that are thought to have experienced extensive parent body aqueous alteration, such as the Orgueil, Ivuna and recently analyzed GRO 95577 CR1 meteorites, seems to allow the suggestion that such a composition is secondary to prolonged aqueous alteration processes that superseded some of the initial compositional distinctions determined by the asteroidal environments.  相似文献   

Water-soluble sulfate salts extracted from six CM chondrites have oxygen isotope compositions that are consistent with an extraterrestrial origin. The Δ17O of sulfate are correlated with previously reported whole rock δ18O and with an index of meteorite alteration, and may display a correlation with the date of the fall. The enrichments and depletions for Δ17O of water-soluble sulfate from the CM chondrites relative to the terrestrial mass dependent fractionation line are consistent with sulfate formation in a rock dominated asteroidal environment, and from aqueous fluids that had undergone relatively low amounts of oxygen isotope exchange and little reaction with anhydrous components of the meteorites. It is unresolved how the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate can be reconciled with the inferred low oxidation state during the extraterrestrial alteration process. Oxygen isotope data for two CI chondrites, Orgueil and Ivuna, as well as the ungrouped C2 chondrite Essebi are indistinguishable from sulfate of terrestrial origin and may be terrestrial weathering products, consistent with previous assertions. Our oxygen isotope data, however, can not rule out a preterrestrial origin either.  相似文献   

川东三叠系飞仙关组碳酸盐岩的阴极发光特征与成岩作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
四川盆地东部三叠系飞仙关组是近年来我国发现的重要天然气储层, 高孔隙度、高渗透率的碳酸盐储层都分布于白云岩地层中, 因而碳酸盐的成岩作用, 尤其是白云岩化作用和白云岩的成因为石油地质学家和沉积学家高度关注.对四川盆地东部罗家寨构造三叠系飞仙关组42个碳酸盐岩样品进行了阴极发光分析, 结合与之有关的Mn、Fe、Mg元素分析和岩石学研究, 讨论了包括白云岩化作用在内的碳酸盐岩成岩过程中可能的成岩流体性质及来源.四川盆地东部三叠系飞仙关组碳酸盐岩普遍具有很弱的阴极发光性, 这与其很低的Mn、Fe含量有关, 说明沉积期后非海相流体对飞仙关组碳酸盐岩的影响非常有限, 海源流体在成岩过程中发挥了主导作用; 不同石灰岩类型和不同白云岩类型仍然具有不同的阴极发光性, 成岩组分含量越高的碳酸盐岩, 或者说与沉积期后流体(主要是孔隙流体) 关系越密切的碳酸盐岩的阴极发光强度越低, 说明随着埋藏成岩作用的进行, 四川盆地东部三叠系碳酸盐岩孔隙流体受海源流体的影响是逐渐增强的; 阴极发光分析结果表明, 作为四川盆地东部主要储集岩的结晶白云岩形成机制与埋藏过程中的深循环流体有关, 这种深循环流体没有或很少穿越铝硅酸盐地层, 但穿越了三叠系内部的某些海相地层, 这些海相地层可能是广泛存在于四川盆地三叠系的蒸发盐地层, 由蒸发盐成岩过程提供的海源流体参与了结晶白云岩的白云岩化作用.   相似文献   

The mass spectrometric isotope dilution technique was used to measure the elemental abundances of Pd, Ag, Cd and Te in Orgueil (C1), Ivuna (C1), Murray (C2) and Allende (C3) chondrites. The Pd abundance of 554 ppb for the C1 chondrites is almost identical to the recommended value of Anders and Ebihara (1982); that for Cd (712 ppb) is approximately 5% higher, whereas that for Ag (198 ppb) is approximately 10% lower than the recommended values. A smooth distribution for the abundances of the odd-A nuclides between65 ≦ A ≦ 209 have been observed except for small irregularities in the Pd-Ag-Cd and the Sm-Eu mass regions (ANDERS and Ebihara, 1982). The results from the present work have the effect of smoothing out the dip in the Pd-Ag-Cd region and indicate that there is no systematic fractionation of cosmochemical element groups in this mass region.A Te abundance of 2.25 ppm has been determined for the C1 chondrites Orgueil and Ivuna in agreement 2+with the value of Smith et al. (1977). This value is some 30% lower than the value of Krähenbühl et al. (1973) but is in good agreement with the more recent measurements from Chicago. The Krähenbühl et al. value causes 128Te and 130Te to lie approximately 30% above the r-process peak at A = 130 (Käppeler el al., 1982), whereas the new value fits smoothly into the general trend.  相似文献   

A thick, areally extensive subsurface sequence of Upper Devonian carbonates occurs on the Barbwire Terrace in the Canning Basin of Western Australia. It is a platform sequence in which most of the shallow water lithologies have been thoroughly dolomitized. Slightly deeper water marls have remained as limestones. The major, regional dolomite type in the sequence is not restricted to peritidal lithologies and forms large thicknesses of dolomite (up to 600 m) with no primary calcite. A small volume of evaporitic, supratidal dolomite is present at one location. This dolomite is derived from highly saline fluids developed in an arid supratidal environment. Replacement dolomite of the regional dolomite type has a xenotopic form, with undulose extinction, and irregular crystal boundaries. In addition, saddle dolomite cements appear to have precipitated contemporaneously with the major phase of replacement dolomite. This suggests the regional dolomite type was precipitated at slightly elevated temperatures. Dolomitized stylolites and cements appear to indicate that dolomitization occurred after cementation and pressure solution. Geochemically, the synsedimentary supratidal and regional dolomite types are quite distinctive. Supratidal dolomites have δ18O values which are significantly higher (δ18O=?2 to +1‰ (PDB)) than the regional dolomite type (δ18O=?9 to ?2‰ (PDB)). Assuming the lowest δ18O values for the sabkha dolomite represent replacement in marine waters, the oxygen isotopic composition for Upper Devonian Canning Basin marine dolomite would be around δ18O=?2‰ (PDB). The petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the regional dolomite type support a burial diagenetic origin. However, sources of magnesium in current burial dolomitization models appear insufficient to account for the large volume of dolomite on the Barbwire Terrace. Therefore, it is suggested that dolomitization may have taken place in a near-surface environment with a major recrystallization event superimposed during burial diagenesis.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope measurements carried out on 67 dolomite samples from the Middle Precambrian Lomagundi Group (Rhodesia) have yielded a δ13C mean of +8.2 ± 2.6%. vs PDB. With the outcrop of these dolomites extending over a distance of almost 300 km, the Lomagundi dolomite faces is likely to represent the largest isotopically anomalous sedimentary carbonate province ever recorded. It is concluded that the anomalous carbonates formed in a closed basin whose δ13C level had been substantially increased as a result of a preferential removal (within sedimentary organics) of the light carbon isotope.  相似文献   

CM chondrites are aqueously altered rocks that contain ∼9 wt% H2O+ (i.e., indigenous water) bound in phyllosilicates; also present are clumps of serpentine-tochilinite intergrowths (previously called “poorly characterized phases” or PCP), pentlandite and Ni-bearing pyrrhotite. We studied 11 CM chondrites that span the known range from least altered to most altered. We used various petrologic properties (many previously identified) that provide information regarding the degree of aqueous alteration. There are no known unaltered or slightly altered CM chondrites (e.g., rocks containing numerous chondrules with primary igneous glass). Some CM properties result from processes associated with early and intermediate stages of the alteration sequence (i.e., hydration of matrix, alteration of chondrule glass, and production of large PCP clumps). Other petrologic properties reflect processes active throughout the alteration sequence; these include oxidation of metallic Fe-Ni, alteration of chondrule phenocrysts, changes in PCP composition (reflecting an increase in the phyllosilicate/sulfide ratio), and changes in carbonate mineralogy (reflecting the development of dolomite and complex carbonates at the expense of Ca carbonate).On the basis of these parameters, we propose a numerical alteration sequence for CM chondrites. Because there are no known CM samples that display only incipient alteration, the least altered sample was arbitrarily assigned to subtype 2.6. The most altered CM chondrites, currently classified CM1, are assigned to subtype 2.0. These highly altered rocks have essentially no mafic silicates; they contain chondrule pseudomorphs composed mainly of phyllosilicate. However, their bulk compositions are CM-like, and they are closer in texture to other C2 chondrites than to CI1 chondrites (which lack chondrule pseudomorphs). Using several diagnostic criteria, we assigned petrologic subtypes (±0.1) to every CM chondrite in our study: QUE 97990, CM2.6; Murchison, CM2.5; Kivesvaara, CM2.5; Murray, CM2.4/2.5; Y 791198, CM2.4; QUE 99355, CM2.3; Nogoya, CM2.2; Cold Bokkeveld, CM2.2; QUE 93005, CM2.1; LAP 02277, CM2.0; MET 01070, CM2.0.The proposed CM numerical alteration sequence improves upon the existing scheme of Browning et al. (1996) in that it does not require a complicated algorithm applied to electron-microprobe data to determine the average matrix phyllosilicate composition. The new sequence is more comprehensive and employs petrologic subtypes that are easier to use and remember than mineralogic alteration index values.New neutron-activation analyses of QUE 97990, QUE 93005, MET 01070, Murchison and Crescent, together with literature data, confirm the compositional uniformity of the CM group; different degrees of alteration among CM chondrites do not lead to resolvable bulk compositional differences. This suggests that the textural differences among individual CM chondrites reflect progressive alteration of similar hypothetical CM3.0 starting materials in different regions of the same parent body, with minimal aqueous transport of materials over appreciable (e.g., meters) distances.  相似文献   

Geological significance of Coorong dolomites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microcrystalline dolomite and related carbonate minerals have been forming throughout the Quaternary in shallow ephemeral alkaline lakes on the coastal plain of the Coorong area in southern Australia. These Coorong dolomites differ significantly from sabkha-type dolomites. They form in areas where evaporation rates during summer months exceed groundwater inflow rates to a series of alkaline lakes. This results in the lakes becoming desiccated during summer months. Brines resulting from this drying phase are then refluxed out of the system into seaward-flowing groundwaters of an unconfined coastal aquifer. Dolomites and other fine-grained carbonates remain behind, whilst saline and sulphate evaporite minerals are flushed out of the system. Progressive restriction by sedimentation in and around the Holocene coastal dolomite lakes results in an upward-shoaling sedimentary cycle. Basal sediments which formed in a restricted marine environment pass upwards to lacustrine dolomites or magnesites exhibiting desiccation and groundwater resurgence structures such as mudcracks and teepees. The upper Proterozoic Skillogallee Dolomite Formation, an early rift basin unit of the Adelaide Supergroup, contains dolomites which show many of the features characteristic of the peculiar groundwater hydrology which plays an important role in Coorong dolomite genesis. These features include aphanitic dolomites which lack relict saline or sulphate evaporite minerals. The Skillogallee Dolomite Formation in some areas overlies an earlier dolomitic unit, informally named the Callanna Beds, typified by abundant pseudomorphs after sulphate minerals. Sabkha style dolomites characterizing the Callanna Beds are replaced up-section by the Coorong-type dolomite of the Skillogallee Dolomite Formation. This implies the development of an increasingly more active groundwater regime. The ultimate source and mode of concentration of the necessary Mg required to form both the modern and ancient dolomites remain imperfectly understood.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic-early Senonian Cehennemdere Formation extending in an E-W direction in a wide area at the south of the Bolkar Mountains (Central Taurides, Turkey) is composed of platform carbonates. The formation was deposited in an environment that was being transformed from a shallow carbonate platform to an open shelf and a continental slope, and was buried until late Paleocene uplift. The formation, with a thickness of about 360 m, was chiefly developed as textures consisting of mudstone and wackestone and has been commonly dolomitized. Based on petrographic and geochemical properties, four types of replacement dolomites and two types of dolomite cements were distinguished. Replacement dolomite (RD), which is cut by low-amplitude stylolites developed as (1) fine crystalline planar-s dolomite (RD1); (2) medium crystalline planar-s dolomite (RD2); (3) medium-coarse crystalline planar-e dolomite (RD3) and; (4) coarse crystalline planar-s (e) dolomite (RD4). Two types of dolomite cements (CD) observed in low abundance and overlie low-amplitude stylolites: (1) coarse crystalline dolomite cement (CD1) filling dissolution voids and fractures in RD1 dolomites, and; (2) rim dolomite cement (CD2) that commonly develops on the space-facing surfaces of RD4 dolomite. Replacement dolomites are non-stoichiometric (Ca54–59Mg41–46), have similar geochemical properties, and are generally dull red/non luminescent in appearance. Replacement dolomite is represented by δ18O values from −4.5 to −0.5‰ VPDB, δ13C values of −0.7 to 2.7‰ VPDB, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.707178 to 0.707692. Petrographic and geochemical data indicate that replacement dolomite (particularly RD2, RD3, and RD4 dolomite) was formed at shallow-intermediate burial depths during the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, from seawater and/or from slightly modified seawater. The replacement dolomite (RD) was then recrystallized at increased burial depths and temperatures. Dolomite cements are similar to replacement dolomites in that they are non-stoichiometric (Ca55Mg45) and have similar trace element compositions. CD1 dolomite, which cuts low-amplitude stylolites, was formed during intermediate to deep burial following stylolite development. CD2 dolomite was precipitated in intercrystal pores in association with RD4 dolomite. Remaining pore space was filled with bitumen.  相似文献   

The Early to Middle Cambrian Red Heart Dolomite and lower Arthur Creek Formation of the southern portion of the Georgina Basin, Australia, is an entirely dolomitized succession of shallow-water evaporitic mudflat and deeper-water subtidal lithologies. Three types of dolomite have been identified and are interpreted as: (1) syndepositional dolomite; (2) regional replacement dolomite; and (3) void-filling dolomite (cement). Syndepositional dolomite, derived from saline pore fluids developed in a sabkha environment, is a minor dolomite type with very fine crystal mosaics and has a mottled, non-zoned cathodoluminescence. The widespread regional replacement dolomite ranges from fine- to medium-crystalline forming mainly planar-s and non-planar-a crystal mosaics, and displays blotchy, mottled, non-zoned cathodoluminescence. Void-filling dolomite commonly forms planar-s to planar-e, medium to very coarse crystal mosaics. Rare non-planar-c, very coarsely crystalline saddle dolomite also exists. Void-filling dolomite has a successively zoned cathodoluminescence pattern from non-, to brightly, to dully luminescent. Geochemically, the syndepositional dolomite has δ18O (PDB) values ranging between ? 5.3 and ? 8.6%o. Regional replacement dolomites exhibit a wide range of δ18O values from ? 3.3 to ? 10.9%o whereas void-filling dolomite has δ18O values ranging from ? 10.8 to ? 14.3%o. All three dolomite types have similar δ13C (PDB) values, in the range between +1.7 and ?1.7%o. Three initial dolomitization episodes are interpreted: (1) a sabkha stage, forming the syndepositional dolomite and dolomitizing the evaporitic mudflat lithologies; (2) a brine-reflux stage, replacing the subtidal lithologies; and (3) a burial stage, forming the void-filling dolomite type. Final dolomite stabilization occurred during burial, at elevated temperatures, in the presence of basinal fluids, resulting in progressive recrystallization and stabilization of the earlier-formed syndepositional and replacement dolomites. Both textural and geochemical evolution should be taken into account when studying the origin of dolomites, based on their present geochemical composition. Sulphates are represented by very fine-crystalline syndepositional anhydrite in association with the syndepositional dolomite, and coarse to very coarse anhydrite cement. Evaportic mudflat (sabkha) and burial environments are inferred for the origin of the former and the latter anhydrite types, respectively. Evaporite dissolution breccias, indicative of the former presence of evaporites, are common throughout the succession.  相似文献   

早期形成的碳酸盐结核在埋藏期间会经历多种碳酸盐矿物相沉淀的复杂胶结作用,岩石学研究是探究结核成因的关键。通过野外剖面观察、岩石学观察和阴极发光技术,分析了鄂尔多斯盆地渭北地区上三叠统延长组长7油层组泥页岩中各种形状的方解石和白云石结核中自生碳酸盐矿物的特征。这些结核为成岩早期的产物,构成结核的自生碳酸盐矿物特征显著:(1)球粒方解石结核中,方解石呈纤维状或刃片状,球粒间充填晶粒方解石或因压实呈贴面结合,纤维状方解石发桔红色和暗红色2种光,刃片状方解石发暗红色光;(2)粉晶方解石结核中,方解石呈他形粒状,含有机质包裹体或纤维状晶形残余,晶间含沥青和纤维状方解石残余,主要发暗红色光;(3)白云石结核有泥晶和粉晶2种晶体类型,粉晶白云石结核含较多泥质,泥质条带或有机质条带处常见纤柱状白云石;(4)沿裂缝充填的方解石和白云石常呈纤维状或纤柱状结构,发暗红色光或不发光。研究区长7油层组碳酸盐结核中的方解石和白云石具有不同的成因类型和复杂的胶结作用:球粒方解石和泥晶白云石代表了结核开始形成时的胶结作用,可以准确地反映结核的成因;粉晶方解石、粉晶白云石反映了交代成因;裂缝中纤维状、纤柱状方解石和白云石集合体则为结核经历了较强压实作用之后充填裂缝而成。  相似文献   

Upper Pliocene dolomites (‘white earth’) from La Roda, Spain, offer a good opportunity to evaluate the process of dolomite formation in lakes. The relatively young nature of the deposits could allow a link between dolomites precipitated in modern lake systems and those present in older lacustrine formations. The La Roda Mg‐carbonates (dolomite unit) occur as a 3·5‐ to 4‐m‐thick package of poorly indurated, white, massive dolomite beds with interbedded thin deposits of porous carbonate displaying root and desiccation traces as well as local lenticular gypsum moulds. The massive dolomite beds consist mainly of loosely packed 1‐ to 2‐μm‐sized aggregates of dolomite crystals exhibiting poorly developed faces, which usually results in a subrounded morphology of the crystals. Minute rhombs of dolomite are sparse within the aggregates. Both knobbly textures and clumps of spherical bodies covering the crystal surfaces indicate that bacteria were involved in the formation of the dolomites. In addition, aggregates of euhedral dolomite crystals are usually present in some more clayey (sepiolite) interbeds. The thin porous carbonate (mostly dolomite) beds exhibit both euhedral and subrounded, bacterially induced dolomite crystals. The carbonate is mainly Ca‐dolomite (51–54 mol% CaCO3), showing a low degree of ordering (degree of ordering ranges from 0·27 to 0·48). Calcite is present as a subordinate mineral in some samples. Sr, Mn and Fe contents show very low correlation coefficients with Mg/Ca ratios, whereas SiO2 and K contents are highly correlated. δ18O‐ and δ13C‐values in dolomites range from ?3·07‰ to 5·40‰ PDB (mean=0·06, σ=1·75) and from ?6·34‰ to ?0·39‰ PDB (mean=?3·55, σ=1·33) respectively. Samples containing significant amounts of both dolomite and calcite do not in general show significant enrichment or depletion in 18O and 13C between the two minerals. The correlation coefficient between δ18O and δ13C for dolomite is extremely low and negative (r=?0·05), whereas it is higher and positive (r=0·47) for calcite. The lacustrine dolomite deposit from La Roda is interpreted mainly as a result of primary precipitation of dolomite in a shallow, hydrologically closed perennial lake. The lake was supplied by highly saturated HCO3?/CO32? groundwater that leached dolomitic Mesozoic formations. Precipitation of dolomite from alkaline lake waters took place under a semi‐arid to arid climate. However, according to our isotopic data, strong evaporative conditions were not required for the formation of the La Roda dolomite. A significant contribution by bacteria to the formation of the dolomites is assumed in view of both petrographic and geochemical evidence.  相似文献   

The upper Palaeocene–lower Eocene Umm er Radhuma Formation in the subsurface of Qatar is dominated by subtidal carbonate depositional packages overlain by bedded evaporites. In Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, peritidal carbonate depositional sequences with intercalated evaporites and carbonates in Umm er Radhuma have been previously interpreted to have been dolomitized via downward reflux of hypersaline brines. Here, textural, mineralogical and geochemical data from three research cores in Qatar are presented which, in contrast, are more consistent with dolomitization by near-normal marine fluids. Petrographic relationships support a paragenetic sequence whereby dolomitization occurred prior to the formation of all other diagenetic mineral phases, including chert, pyrite, palygorskite, gypsum, calcite and chalcedony, which suggests that dolomitization occurred very early. The dolomites occur as finely crystalline mimetic dolomites, relatively coarse planar-e dolomites, and coarser nonplanar dolomites, all of which are near-stoichiometric (50.3 mol% MgCO3) and well-ordered (0.73). The dolomite stable isotope values (range −2.5‰ to +1‰; mean δ18O = −0.52‰) and trace element concentrations (Sr = 40 to 150 ppm and Na = 100 to 600 ppm) are compatible with dolomitization by near-normal seawater or mesohaline fluids. Comparisons between δ18O values from Umm er Radhuma dolomite and the overlying Rus Formation gypsum further suggest that dolomitization did not occur in fluids related to Rus evaporites. This study provides an example of early dolomitization of evaporite-related carbonates by near-normal seawater rather than by refluxing hypersaline brines from overlying bedded evaporites. Further, it adds to recent work suggesting that dolomitization by near-normal marine fluids in evaporite-associated settings may be more widespread than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Present study reviews the tectono-stratigraphic status of Babarmal pink marble from the Aravalli Supergroup through mapping and petrographic study of marble as well as associated lithologies. The pink marble is predominantly calcitic and characteristically different from dolomitic carbonate rocks of the Jhamarkotra Formation, the Lower Aravalli Group. The marble is devoid of organic matter and phosphate content unlike the Jhamarkotra dolomite. The pink marble is underlain by quartz-pebble rich conglomerate. This assemblage represents a rare lithological association which has not been reported so far from the Aravalli Supergroup.  相似文献   

Data are presented from stepwise heating experiments on five carbonaceous chondrites: Alais, Ivuna, Orgueil, Cold Bokkeveld and Nogoya. The data indicate the presence of two isotopically distinct major trapped components, components A and B. Two additional components, ‘C’ and ‘E,’ were isolated on the basis of neon isotopic structure. Components B and C, found in. gas-rich meteorites, are attributed to ion implantation by the present day solar wind and solar flares respectively. Component A is interpreted as a mixture of component E and component D (Paper I), where component D is identified with the primitive solar wind and component E is assigned an extra solar system origin.  相似文献   

Pervasive dolomites occur preferentially in the stromatoporoid biostromal (or reefal) facies in the basal Devonian (Givetian) carbonate rocks in the Guilin area, South China. The amount of dolomites, however, decreases sharply in the overlying Frasnian carbonate rocks. Dolostones are dominated by replacement dolomites with minor dolomite cements. Replacement dolomites include: (1) fine to medium, planar‐e floating dolomite rhombs (Rd1); (2) medium to coarse, planar‐s patchy/mosaic dolomites (Rd2); and (3) medium to very coarse non‐planar anhedral mosaic dolomites (Rd3). They post‐date early submarine cements and overlap with stylolites. Two types of dolomite cements were identified: planar coarse euhedral dolomite cements (Cd1) and non‐planar (saddle) dolomite cements (Cd2); they post‐date replacement dolomites and predate late‐stage calcite cements that line mouldic vugs and fractures. The replacement dolomites have δ18O values from ?13·7 to ?9·7‰ VPDB, δ13C values from ?2·7 to + 1·5‰ VPDB and 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0·7082 to 0·7114. Fluid inclusion data of Rd3 dolomites yield homogenization temperatures (Th) of 136–149 °C and salinities of 7·2–11·2 wt% NaCl equivalent. These data suggest that the replacive dolomitization could have occurred from slightly modified sea water and/or saline basinal fluids at relatively high temperatures, probably related to hydrothermal activities during the latest Givetian–middle Fammenian and Early Carboniferous times. Compared with replacement dolomites, Cd2 cements yield lower δ18O values (?14·2 to ?9·3‰ VPDB), lower δ13C values (?3·0 to ?0·7‰ VPDB), higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (≈ 0·7100) and higher Th values (171–209 °C), which correspond to trapping temperatures (Tr) between 260 and 300 °C after pressure corrections. These data suggest that the dolomite cements precipitated from higher temperature hydrothermal fluids, derived from underlying siliciclastic deposits, and were associated with more intense hydrothermal events during Permian–Early Triassic time, when the host dolostones were deeply buried. The petrographic similarities between some replacement dolomites and Cd2 dolomite cements and the partial overlap in 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O values suggest neomorphism of early formed replacement dolomites that were exposed to later dolomitizing fluids. However, the dolomitization was finally stopped through invasion of meteoric water as a result of basin uplift induced by the Indosinian Orogeny from the early Middle Triassic, as indicated by the decrease in salinities in the dolomite cements in veins (5·1–0·4 wt% NaCl equivalent). Calcite cements generally yield the lowest δ18O values (?18·5 to ?14·3‰ VPDB), variable δ13C values (?11·3 to ?1·2‰ VPDB) and high Th values (145–170 °C) and low salinities (0–0·2 wt% NaCl equivalent), indicating an origin of high‐temperature, dilute fluids recharged by meteoric water in the course of basin uplift during the Indosinian Orogeny. Faults were probably important conduits that channelled dolomitizing fluids from the deeply buried siliciclastic sediments into the basal carbonates, leading to intense dolomitization (i.e. Rd3, Cd1 and Cd2).  相似文献   

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