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The Katugin deposit of economic Ta, Nb, Zr, U, REE, Y, and cryolite (Na3AlF6) ores is located in the Kalar district of the Chita region and classified as unique in Nb, Ta, and Y reserves hosted in rare-metal alkali granite. The distribution of trace elements (including REE) in zircon was studied for ore-bearing arfvedsonite–aegirine, biotite–riebeckite rocks, and zones of late recrystallization with nodular zircon clusters. The outer rims and marginal zones of zircon grains are depleted in almost all trace elements except for hafnium as compared with cores and central zones. Compositional features of zircon cores indicate their magmatic origin and do not prove metasomatic nature of the deposit. The similar REE patterns of zircon rims and cores, as well as other attributes assume postmagmatic or metamorphic origin of the rims.  相似文献   

Multiphase aluminofluoride segregations were registered in aegirine–amphibole granite from the Vostochnyi massif of the Katugin rare-metal deposit. Among them are fluorides (fluorite), Ca–Na–Mg fluoraluminates (weberite, cryolite, pachnolite–thomsenolite, prosopite, gearksutite, ralstonite, and others), and Ba fluoraluminates, which had not been observed previously in this massif. Four fluoraluminates with high concentrations of Ba were found in aluminofluoride segregations: usovite Ba2CaMgAl2F14, the most abundant phase, and three potentially new minerals (BaAlF4(OH), BaCa2AlF9, and BaCa4AlF13). The chemical composition of Ba phases and the results of their Raman spectroscopic study are reported.  相似文献   

We report new geological, mineralogical, geochemical and geochronological data about the Katugin Ta-Nb-Y-Zr (REE) deposit, which is located in the Kalar Ridge of Eastern Siberia (the southern part of the Siberian Craton). All these data support a magmatic origin of the Katugin rare-metal deposit rather than the previously proposed metasomatic fault-related origin. Our research has proved the genetic relation between ores of the Katugin deposit and granites of the Katugin complex. We have studied granites of the eastern segment of the Eastern Katugin massif, including arfvedsonite, aegirine-arfvedsonite and aegirine granites. These granites belong to the peralkaline type. They are characterized by high alkali content (up to 11.8 wt% Na2O + K2O), extremely high iron content (FeO1/(FeO1 + MgO) = 0.96–1.00), very high content of most incompatible elements – Rb, Y, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Th, U, REEs (except for Eu) and F, and low concentrations of CaO, MgO, P2O5, Ba, and Sr. They demonstrate negative and CHUR-close εNd(t) values of 0.0…−1.9. We suggest that basaltic magmas of OIB type (possibly with some the crustal contamination) represent a dominant part of the granitic source. Moreover, the fluorine-enriched fluid phases could provide an additional source of the fluorine. We conclude that most of the mineralization of the Katugin ore deposit occurred during the magmatic stage of the alkaline granitic source melt. The results of detailed mineralogical studies suggest three major types of ores in the Katugin deposit: Zr mineralization, Ta-Nb-REE mineralization and aluminum fluoride mineralization. Most of the ore minerals crystallized from the silicate melt during the magmatic stage. The accessory cryolites in granites crystallized from the magmatic silicate melt enriched in fluorine. However, cryolites in large veins and lens-like bodies crystallized in the latest stage from the fluorine enriched melt. The zircons from the ores in the aegirine-arfvedsonite granite have been dated at 2055 ± 7 Ma. This age is close to the previously published 2066 ± 6 Ma zircon age of the aegirine-arfvedsonite granites, suggesting that the formation of the Katugin rare-metal deposit is genetically related to the formation of peralkaline granites. We conclude that Katugin rare-metal granites are anorogenic. They can be related to a Paleoproterozoic (∼2.05 Ga) mantle plume. As there is no evidence of the 2.05 Ga mantle plume in other areas of southern Siberia, we suggest that the Katugin mineralization occurred on the distant allochtonous terrane, which has been accreted to Siberian Craton later.  相似文献   


作为战略性关键金属矿产资源, 钨、锡、铌、钽、锂、铍、铷、铯、锆、铪、稀土等稀有金属, 在国民经济与国家安全方面有着重要的研究意义。稀有金属矿石矿物微区同位素定年与示踪, 是开展稀有金属矿床成矿作用研究的最直接手段, 具有整体分析无可比拟的优点。近年来, 钨锡铌钽锆铪稀土等稀有金属矿物微区U-Pb定年与Sr-Nd-Hf同位素示踪发展迅速, 而锂铍铷铯等稀有金属矿物微区Rb-Sr/Lu-Hf定年正蓬勃发展。本文综述了黑钨矿、白钨矿、锡石、铌钽矿(铌钽氧化物类矿物的简称)、独居石、磷钇矿、氟碳铈矿等稀有金属矿物微区U-Pb定年与Sr-Nd-Hf同位素示踪技术主要进展, 展望了锂云母、铁锂云母、铯沸石、钾长石(天河石)等微区Rb-Sr定年与磷钇矿、磷灰石、褐帘石、独居石、黑钨矿、白钨矿等微区Sm-Nd和Lu-Hf定年的广阔前景, 获得如下认识: (1)低铀矿物U-Pb定年, 除了采用高灵敏度磁式等离子质谱外, 元素成像技术能很好地揭示微量元素之间相关性, 进而快速锁定高U/Pb区域, 提高低铀矿物U-Pb定年成功率; (2)铌钽矿-锡石激光微区Hf同位素能够直接示踪花岗岩-伟晶岩稀有金属成岩成矿物质源区, 但这方面工作仍需进一步加强; (3)碰撞/反应池等离子质谱的出现, 使高Rb/Sr、Sm/Nd或高Lu/Hf比矿物的同位素定年成为现实, 是未来稀有金属激光微区同位素年代学发展的新方向; (4)实验方法研发与标准物质研制相辅相成、相互促进, 仍是当前迫切需要解决的关键技术难题。随着战略性关键金属日渐成为国内外成矿作用研究的热点, 钨锡铌钽锂铍铷铯锆铪稀土等稀有金属矿物微区同位素定年与示踪方法研究, 必将为我国新一轮稀有金属矿床学研究做出应有的学术贡献。


Detailed chemical and structural studies were carried out for Li-Na-Fe-amphibole from cryolite rocks of the Katugin deposit, Transbaikalia. The rocks contain 30-70 vol.% cryolite, mafic minerals as Fe-silicates (Li-Na-Fe-amphibole, Li-containing fluorannite, and bafertisite), oxides (magnetite, ilmenite, pyrochlore, cassiterite, and others), and sulfides (sphalerite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite). Quartz, K-feldspar, polylithionite, REE-fluorides, and albite occur as minor or accessory phases. The chemical composition of amphibole (wt.%) varies as follows: SiO2, 48.5-48.9; TiO2, 0.4-0.8; M2O3, 1.6-2.2; Fe2O3, 15.9-17.1; FeO, 17.6-18.4; MnO, 0.8-0.9; ZnO, 0.3-1.1; MgO, 0.2-0.3; CaO, < 0.1; Na2O, 8.4-8.7; K2O, 1.4-1.5; Li2O, 0.6-0.8; H2O, 0.7-0.8; and F, 2.2-2.5. The amphibole has a specific composition intermediate among the F-Fe members of the Na-amphibole subgroup: 40-45 mol.% ferro-ferri-fluoro-nyb0ite, 40-45 mol.% ferro-ferri-fluoro-leakeite, and 10-20 mol.% fluoro-riebeckite ± fluoro-arfvedsonite. The mineral is monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 9.7978(2), b = 17.9993(3), c = 5.33232(13) A, P = 103.748(2)°, V = 913.43(3) A3, and Z = 2. The structural formula of Li-Na-Fe-amphibole is (Nao.46Ko.24do.3o)Na2.oo(Fea95Mgo.o5)2- (Fe0+ 95Ti0.025Mg0.025)2(Li0.37Fea48Mn0.10Zn0.05)[(Si0.91Al <).09)4Si4O22](F0.58(OH)0.42)2. Raman and Mossbauer spectroscopy data are given for this amphibole.  相似文献   

We studied the petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic (2.06 Ga) granites of the Katugin massif (Stanovoy suture zone), which hosts the combined rare-metal Katugin deposit. Three groups of granites were distinguished: (1) biotite (Bt) and biotite–riebeckite (Bt–Rbk) granites of the western block of the massif; (2) biotite–arfvedsonite (Bt–Arf) granites of the eastern block; and (3) arfvedsonite (Arf), aegirine–arfvedsonite (Aeg–Arf), and aegirine (Aeg) granites of the eastern block. The Bt and Bt–Rbk granites of the first group are mainly metaluminous and peraluminous rocks with rather high CaO contents and the minimum F contents among the granites described here. It was suggested that the granites of this group could be derived from a source dominated by crustal rocks with a small addition of mantle materials. These granites probably crystallized from a metaluminous–peraluminous melt with elevated CaO and moderate F contents. Melts of such compositions are least favorable for the crystallization of ore minerals. The Bt–Arf granites of the second group are mainly peralkaline and show high contents of CaO and Y and low contents of Na2O and F. A mixed mantle–crust source was proposed for the Bt–Arf granites. The initial melt of the Bt–Arf granites could have a peralkaline composition with elevated CaO content and moderate to high F content. The Arf, Aeg–Arf, and Aeg granites of the third group are enriched in ore mineral and were classified as peralkaline granites with very low CaO contents, elevated Na2O and F contents, and usually very high contents of Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta. Based on the geochemical and isotopic data, it was supposed that the source of the granites of the third group could be derivatives of basaltic magmas produced in an OIB-type source with a minor addition of crustal material to the magma generation zone. It was suggested that the primary melt of this granite group could be a peralkaline CaO-poor and F-rich silicic melt, which is most favorable for the crystallization of ore minerals. Based on the analysis of the geochemical characteristics of the three granite groups and their relationships within the Katugin massif, a qualitative model of its formation was proposed. According to this model, the Bt and Bt–Rbk granites of the western block crystallized first, followed by the Bt–Arf granites of the eastern block and, eventually, the Arf, Aeg–Arf, and Aeg granites enriched in ore minerals.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene transforms to triple chain silicate, double chain silicate (amphibole) and sheet silicate (talc) in the metasomatic process of the Akatani ore deposit. The triple chain silicate is contained in fibrous amphibole-like phase (“amphibole”). It is of electron microscopic size of 1,000 Å at maximum width in b-direction, and is a calciferous analogue of clinojimthompsonite. Various kinds of fine textures formed in metasomatic reaction process were found in clinopyroxenes. A large amount of triple chains and a small amount of double chains were transformed from single chains in the host clinopyroxene, maintaining topotactic relation. The kinetics of the structural change of biopyriboles at the Akatani ore deposit was discussed from the viewpoint of the mode of occurrence of triple and double chain silicates. The nucleation of triple chain structure slab with one triple chain width is apt to occur rather than the nucleation of double chain structure slab with width of two double chains in clinopyroxene host. Various fine textures in clinopyroxenes and amphibole-like phase were interpreted as corresponding to the propagation of metasomatic reactions.  相似文献   

周庵铜镍铂族矿床位于南秦岭构造带北缘,商丹断裂带南侧。岩体隐伏于新生代沉积物和中元古代大雀山组地层之下,主要由二辉橄榄岩组成,见有少量纯橄榄岩、角闪岩、辉长岩,岩体大部分经受了蛇纹石化、次闪石化、绿泥石化等蚀变作用,矿体主要赋存于周庵岩体与大雀山组地层的内接触带。对辉长岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年表明周庵岩体形成于621±1.5Ma,形成时代为新元古代晚期。Sr-Nd同位素测试得到的Sm-Nd等时线年龄为622±59Ma,与锆石U-Pb年龄一致。(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_t=0.705726~0.706655,(~(147)Nd/~(144)Nd)_t=0.511730~0.511863,ε_(Nd)(t)=-2.05~0.55,显示弱富集的特征。超基性岩主量元素含量显示岩体m/f值为4.47~4.99,为铁质超基性岩,Cu、Ni含量与烧失量之间没有相关关系。矿石和不含矿岩体具相同的稀土元素配分模式,显示轻稀土富集,具弱的正Eu异常。微量元素特征显示Rb、Pb强烈富集,Nb、Ta相对亏损,说明岩浆受到了地壳物质的混染。综合分析认为周庵岩体形成与新元古代晚期,岩浆来源于软流圈地幔,代表Rodinia超大陆裂解事件在南秦岭的地质记录。岩浆侵位时受到了地壳物质的强烈混染,利用Nd同位素估算得混染程度为18.57%,这可能是促发岩浆体系达到硫饱和而发生金属硫化物熔离的主要因素。  相似文献   

弓长岭铁矿床是鞍山本溪地区最典型的BIF型铁矿床之一,而且是该地区最大的富铁矿产区。从野外产出关系来看,弓长岭矿区的富铁矿与蚀变岩密切相关,蚀变岩与富铁矿基本上是形影相随。蚀变岩具有分带性,由富铁矿向外依次为镁铁闪石岩石榴石岩绿泥石岩弱蚀变斜长角闪岩斜长角闪岩。弱蚀变岩保留了蚀变原岩的岩貌特征,矿物的蚀变并不完全,可见残余的原生矿物。强蚀变岩的蚀变较彻底,基本无原生矿物残留。将蚀变岩与斜长角闪岩、磁铁石英岩的地球化学特征进行对比可以发现弱蚀变岩、石榴石岩、绿泥石岩与斜长角闪岩的痕量元素特征基本一致,而镁铁闪石岩的痕量元素特征更接近磁铁石英岩。再结合镜下特征、野外接触关系、主量元素特征等证据,认为除了镁铁闪石岩是由磁铁石英岩蚀变形成,其余蚀变岩都是由斜长角闪岩蚀变形成。根据各类蚀变岩中主要矿物的(Fe+Mg)/Si值以及蚀变岩的SiO2和Fe2OT3含量变化规律可以发现,在蚀变岩和富矿形成过程中发生了Mg、Fe以及Si的迁移。对本次取样的样品进行原岩恢复和构造环境判别投图,投图结果表明,绿泥石岩和弱蚀变岩的最初原岩都是形成于弧后盆地的玄武岩。  相似文献   

冀东杏山沉积变质型铁矿床富铁矿成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张龙飞 《地质与勘探》2015,51(3):405-413
本文在野外勘查和岩(矿)相学基础上,对杏山铁矿块状富矿和条带状普通矿石进行主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素等系统研究。杏山铁矿石主要由磁铁矿和石英组成,其中块状富铁矿石相较于条带状普通矿石含有较多的镁铁质矿物,另外块状富矿(XS-60)手标本可见绿泥石化,但镜下蚀变程度较弱,其富矿成因与后期热液蚀变相关度不高;条带状贫矿(XS-10)遭受较强的后期热液蚀变,有一定程度的铁质富集,但仅限于富铁条带,富硅条带未蚀变。矿石中低Al2O3+Na2O含量和Zr、Sc、Th、Hf等含量特征表明杏山铁矿在沉积过程中很少有陆源碎屑加入。微量元素和稀土元素配分模式表明条带状普通矿石和块状富铁矿有共同的成矿物质来源,富铁矿和贫矿都是在缺氧环境下,通过海底热液与海水混合后同沉积形成的,而后期褶皱变形作用使贫矿层加厚的同时,也使富铁层加厚。  相似文献   

王兴保 《地质与勘探》2018,54(S1):1402-1408
北山青白口纪晚期含铁层系的沉积海盆长度大于200km,宽大于50km。已经发现多处大型沉积变质磁铁矿床;其中,红山铁矿床,已提交铁矿石储量1.6亿吨;天湖铁矿床,铁矿石储量1.3亿吨;杨岭铁矿床,铁矿石远景资源量1亿吨左右。北山青白口系上部皆有中基性到中性火山岩,并都有与火山活动成因相关的沉积变质铁矿存在,这反映了青白口纪是既有稳定的以碳酸盐沉积为主的滨浅环境又有半活动到活动的碎屑岩夹火山岩的半深海环境。(1)红山铁矿床铁矿石中含有大量灰紫色碧玉团块和硅质条带,通过硅质岩的地球化学特征研究发现,该矿区硅质岩为海底热水沉积物,代表了呈凝胶体沉积在海底上的热液喷发的二氧化硅相和铁。(2)通过研究围岩蚀变类型发现其是在含铁高温热卤水在喷流通道涌出时,把成矿前的矿层底板沉积岩系进行岩水反应。本矿区的围岩蚀变作用是一种海底变质作用。(3)红山铁矿床沉积环境由北东到南西依次为滨浅海沉积环境、浅海深水环境以及半深海海底喷发环境;(4)研究认为红山铁矿为与火山活动有关的沉积变质型铁矿床。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩世界瞩目,具有重要的理论研究和找矿意义,但是其成因争议较大。本文统计了两千余件样品的全岩主微量地球化学、Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素、锆石/独居石/磷钇矿等副矿物原位U-Pb年龄和锆石Hf同位素等,试图全面地总结喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩的研究进展和现状。喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩分为南北两带,北带花岗岩主要出露于特提斯喜马拉雅和片麻岩穹隆中,而南带花岗岩主要发育在高喜马拉雅顶部和东-西构造结中。从北往南,成岩时代逐渐变新;南北两带均以二云母花岗岩和(石榴石-电气石)白云母花岗岩为主,两期(始新世和中新世)中-基性岩脉和埃达克质岩主要在北带中发育。新生代岩浆活动分为5个阶段:49~40 Ma、39~29 Ma、28~15 Ma、14~7 Ma、6~0.7 Ma,分别主要与新特提斯洋壳板片断离、印度陆壳板片的低角度俯冲、断离或回撤、南北向撕裂(裂谷)和东西构造结的快速隆升有关。喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩起源于高喜马拉雅杂岩系的不一致(不平衡)部分熔融,并经历了矿物分离结晶的高分异演化。淡色花岗岩属于强过铝质岩石,具有高Si、K、Na,低Ca、Fe、Mg、Ti、Mn,高的Rb/Sr、Y/Ho值,低的Th/U、Nb/Ta、Zr/Hf、K/Rb值,稀土元素总量较低,负Eu异常明显的地球化学特征。随着成岩时代变新,Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf等同位素都指示岩浆源区中古老地壳物质的占比逐步增加。喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩/伟晶岩中Li、Be、W、Sn、Ta、Cs和Rb等稀有元素的富集系数大于10,伟晶岩属于典型的LCT型伟晶岩。喜马拉雅新生代淡色花岗岩带有望成为一条新的世界级的Li-Be-Sn-W-Ta稀有金属成矿带。  相似文献   

The Sanbaqi uranium deposit in Hunan Province, south China, is the largest of a group of paleokarst-hosted uranium deposits in Lower Carboniferous limestone. Mineralization is localized in cavities and fault-breccias formed by dissolution of carbonates. Four episodes of karst formation are recognized: late Triassic-early Jurassic, late Jurassic-early Cretaceous, Cretaceous-Tertiary and Recent. Field relations indicate that the main uranium mineralization is related to the second karst episode. This is supported by isotopic ages of two pitchblende samples at 129 Ma and 134 Ma, as indicated by their nearly concordant data points on concordia plot. These ages are in the time range of the early Yanshanian tectonic movements that affected southern China, and the faulting related to the movements likely triggered the mineralization process at the Sanbaqi deposit. Associated minerals include pyrite, millerite, ullmannite, niccolite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, calcite and dolomite. Fluid inclusion studies on calcite reveal that temperature of ore deposition was from 181° to 150 °C. The δ18O and δD values of the ore fluids range from 1.5 to 7.9 per mil and from −30.4 and −54.8 per mil, respectively. The mineralogical, fluid inclusion and isotopic data indicate that the minerlization took place in episodic pulses of hydrothermal fluids that were introduced along a set of ring faults. Mobilization and redeposition of earlier formed ore minerals in an open system added to the complexity of the paragenetic sequence. Younger episodes of mineralization occurred during the later karst events as suggested by the geological and additional pitchblende U-Pb isotopic data, during the Cretaceous-Tertiary late Yanshanian tectonic movements and recently. Finally, a comparison of the Sanbaqi uranium deposit with the uranium deposits hosted by solution collapse breccia pipes of the Colorado Plateau, USA, shows that they have many similarities. Received: 9 July 1996 / Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

Zinkgruvan, a major stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag deposit in the Paleoproterozoic Bergslagen region, south-central Sweden, was overprinted by polyphase ductile deformation and high-grade metamorphism (including partial melting of the host succession) during the 1.9–1.8 Ga Svecokarelian orogeny. This complex history of post-ore modification has made classification of the deposit difficult. General consensus exists on a syngenetic-exhalative origin, yet the deposit has been variably classified as a volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit, a sediment-hosted Zn (SEDEX) deposit, and a Broken Hill-type (BHT) deposit. Since 2010, stratabound, cobaltiferous and nickeliferous Cu ore, comprising schlieren and impregnations of Cu, Co and Ni sulfide minerals in dolomitic marble, is mined from the stratigraphic footwall to the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag ore. This ore type has not been fully integrated into any of the existing genetic models. Based on a combination of 1) widespread hematite-staining and oxidizing conditions (Fe2O3 > FeO) in the stratigraphic footwall, 2) presence of graphite and reducing conditions (Fe2O3 < FeO) in the ore horizon and hangingwall and 3) intense K-feldspar alteration and lack of feldspar-destructive alteration in the stratigraphic footwall, we suggest that both the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag and the dolomite-hosted Cu ore can be attributed to the ascent and discharge of an oxidized, saline brine at near neutral pH. Interaction of this brine with organic matter below the seafloor, especially within limestone, formed stratabound, disseminated Cu ore, and exhalation of the brine into a reduced environment on the sea floor produced a brine pool from which the regionally extensive (>5 km) Zn-Pb-Ag ore was precipitated.Both ore types are characterized by significant spread in δ34S, with the sulfur in the Cu ore and associate marble-hosted Zn mineralization on average being somewhat heavier (δ34S = −4.7 to +10.5‰, average 3.9‰) than that in the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag ore (δ34S = −6 to +17‰, average 2.0‰). The ranges in δ34S are significantly larger than those observed in syn-volcanic massive sulfide deposits in Bergslagen, for which simple magmatic/volcanic sulfur sources have been invoked. Mixing of magmatic-volcanic sulfur leached from underlying volcanic rocks and sulfur sourced from abiotic or bacterial sulfate reduction in a mixing zone at the seafloor could explain the range observed at Zinkgruvan.A distinct discontinuity in the stratigraphy, at which key stratigraphic units stop abruptly, is interpreted as a syn-sedimentary fault. Metal zonation in the stratiform ore (decreasing Zn/Pb from distal to proximal) and the spatial distribution of Cu mineralization in underlying dolomitic marble suggest that this fault was a major feeder to the mineralization. Our interpretation of ore-forming fluid composition and a dominant redox trap rather than a pH and/or temperature trap differs from most VMS models, with Selwyn-type SEDEX models, and most BHT models. Zinkgruvan has similarities to both McArthur-type SEDEX deposits and sediment-hosted Cu deposits in terms of the inferred ore fluid chemistry, yet the basinal setting has more similarities to BHT and felsic-bimodal VMS districts. We speculate that besides an oxidized footwall stratigraphy, regionally extensive banded iron formations and limestone horizons in the Bergslagen stratigraphy may have aided in buffering ore-forming brines to oxidized, near-neutral conditions. In terms of fluid chemistry, Zinkgruvan could comprise one of the oldest known manifestations of Zn and Cu ore-forming systems involving oxidized near-neutral brines following oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

南非LOMOTENG铁锰矿矿床成因及矿石加工技术性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LOMOTENG铁锰矿床位于南非波斯特马斯堡—卡拉哈里南北向铁锰成矿带西矿带中段,矿层呈层状或透镜状产于阿斯别斯伯尔格组(Vg)中下部,有时与下伏那姆阿克拉斯组(Vgl)的不整合面直接接触,产状受地层控制,矿区可分为六个矿层,矿床类型为沉积变质型,矿石类型为铁矿石、富锰矿石和铁锰矿石,矿石工业类型属于高铁、低磷冶金用锰矿石,通过采用干、湿试永磁强选机进行一粗一扫进行分选试验,混合锰品位可提高5%~11%,矿山易采易选。本文着重分析该矿产的矿床成因,并对矿石的加工技术性能进行评价。  相似文献   

哇了格铅银矿床位于西藏昌都市卡若区北东(5°)约150km处,矿区出露地层主要为上三叠统,含矿层位为甲丕拉组灰岩段第2亚段(T3j2-2)。矿区无岩浆岩出露,构造以断裂为主,构造行迹主要为北西向。共圈定7个工业矿体,Pb资源量(50.4×107 kg)以及伴生Ag资源量(580×103 kg)均达到大型矿床规模。本文在详细的矿床地质研究基础上,通过流体包裹体和C-O-S-Pb同位素地球化学研究,探讨该矿床的成矿流体性质和成矿物质来源,以期为理解该矿床成因提供更加丰富的地球化学信息。研究结果表明:1)该矿床明显受地层和构造控制;2)成矿温度主要集中在130~180℃,盐度集中于6%~17%,具低温、中低盐度特征;3)赋矿沉积岩和热液碳酸盐矿物的C-O同位素组成(分别为-2.7‰~4.3‰和2.6‰~4.0‰)与正常海相碳酸盐岩相当,暗示其来源于赋矿围岩,方铅矿的S同位素组成介于-3.8‰~1.6‰,与幔源硫(-3‰~3‰)颇为相似,但考虑到矿区无岩浆活动,而沉积地层的δ34S值为...  相似文献   

The author attempts to break the traditional opinion about the origin of Chiatura deposit and suggests that this deposit was formed by hot springs during early Oligocene time following the decline of upper Eocene volcanic activity. He concludes that the manganese deposit of Chiatura is of exhalative-sedimentary type. — E. A. Alexandrov.  相似文献   

金青顶矿床是胶东东部牟平-乳山成矿带最大的金矿床(>35 t, 平均品位10 g/t), 矿化类型主要为硫化物石英脉型。在野外地质调查的基础上, 利用微量元素组成对金青顶矿床的成矿流体地球化学性质和成矿物质来源进行了研究, 并将金青顶矿床成因确定为受断裂控制的热液脉型金矿床。矿石稀土元素总量变化范围较大, 呈现出明显的轻稀土元素富集和重稀土元素亏损的特征(LREE/HREE=16.75~50.60), 负Eu异常显著, Ce异常不明显。Hf/Sm、Th/La、Nb/La等特征元素比值均小于1, 暗示成矿流体为富Cl体系。结合前人稳定同位素的研究, Ⅰ~Ⅱ阶段矿石δEu值逐渐减小, 可能有大气降水的加入, 说明金青顶矿床成矿流体为岩浆水和大气降水混合来源热液。硫化物矿石、蚀变和新鲜围岩Y/Ho值显示, 蚀变的围岩可为金成矿作用提供必要的成矿物质。  相似文献   

康家湾铅锌矿床位于湖南省水口山矿田,矿体主要产于二叠系当冲组下段泥灰岩、硅质岩与栖霞组灰岩的层间硅化破碎带中。根据矿物组合和穿插关系,可将该矿床的成矿作用过程划分为3个阶段:黄铁矿-石英阶段、闪锌矿-方铅矿(黄铁矿)-石英阶段和方解石-闪锌矿-方铅矿阶段。流体包裹体研究表明,康家湾铅锌矿床黄铁矿-石英阶段的流体主要为中-高温(243~343℃)、中-高盐度(18.4%~33.8% NaCleqv)的流体;闪锌矿-方铅矿(黄铁矿)-石英阶段的流体为中-高温(278~352℃)、中-低盐度(1.1%~20.7% NaCleqv)流体;晚期方解石-闪锌矿-方铅矿阶段的流体为低温(125~191℃)、低盐度(0.2%~6.7%NaCleqv)的流体。其中,闪锌矿-方铅矿(黄铁矿)-石英阶段的流体发生了沸腾作用。激光拉曼分析结果显示,该矿床成矿期的石英和闪锌矿中的液体包裹体气相成分主要为H_2O。H-O、S同位素研究显示,康家湾铅锌矿床的成矿流体可能主要来源于岩浆水,并在运移过程中混合了大气水。结合矿床地质、流体包裹体和氢氧、硫同位素特征,流体混合导致温度、盐度降低和沸腾作用可能是导致康家湾铅锌矿床成矿物质发生大规模沉淀的重要因素。  相似文献   

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