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We examine the currently central issues related to developing the regional component of a spatial data infrastructure. We identify the primary goals and basic principles embedded in the establishment of a spatial data infrastructure; the baseline spatial objects are outlined.  相似文献   

We explore the problems concerning the territorial distribution of the population in avalanche-hazardous zones of Sakhalin oblast. Avalanches present hazard to almost half the settlements of oblast, and to about 400 km of trunk routes. Data are provided for avalanche disasters that occurred in the territory of Sakhalin oblast during 1928 to 2012 as well as on the present state of avalanche prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   

A set of problems related to formation of areas homogeneous in hydrological aspect is considered. A methodology of regionalization is proposed. New analytical methods of the methodology are intended of solving such problems as (i) the problem of regionalization and (ii) the problem of constructing of a classification for river drainage basins. Efficiency of the methods proposed has been tested on the problems, which arise in the process of constructing classifications for river drainage basins, and also on the problem of territorial regionalization of Japan islands. Investigations, which presume obtaining a set of morphometric and hydrographic characteristics of catchment areas, allow one to study conditions of extreme inundations. It has been discovered that boundaries of the areas have striking similarities in the spatial location of geological structures. Furthermore, these are coincide with the boundaries of the main tectonic fields.  相似文献   

The problem of cross-border cooperation as a catalyst of local development is considered. Emphasis is placed on the difference and interrelationship of cross-border and interstate cooperation on the territory of the cross-border regions, because the effectiveness of implementation of state projects depends on the ability of a local socium to integrate them into the local life. A skeptical view of the future prospects of cross-border cooperation in the Khabarovsk segment of the Russian-Chinese border is complemented by a constructive assessment of the limits of utilization effectiveness of this instrument. It is pointed out that a further development of cross-border cooperation necessarily runs into a contradiction between the goals of ensuring the country’s security, which are of particular current importance on the border, and the requirement for economic openness. Any economic project in the cross-border zone involves a geopolitical perception, and the adopted political decisions become effective when they are converted to concrete projects. Attention is focused on the limitedness of the potential of cross-border cooperation, and on the fact that it cannot be used to compensate for the deficit of regional development accumulated for many years. The main effect of cross-border cooperation is associated with a reduction of the shadow component of the cross-border economy, cooperation in the solution of the common problems, historical reconciliation, and with the growth of mutual confidence. The Conclusions section considers the issue related to the readiness of the Khabarovsk inhabitants to be involved in cross-border cooperation corresponding to the regional agenda. It is concluded that by combining the state-level initiatives with the public interests in the implementation of concrete projects, it is possible to transform the partial advantages of the location along the border to a further development of the city. The areas of activity are defined, which hold promise for a successful realization of such a scenario.  相似文献   

We examine the phenomenon of “collapsed” states by using, as an example, Somalia that is being faced with a vast array of problems: collapse of state institutes, civil war, separatism, terrorism, radical Islamism, and piracy. It is found that clannishness and tribalism of Somali society are complicating the process of political settlement and national reconciliation. It is pointed out that some of the tribes and groups, including under the action of external forces, are actually forming the country’s political space. It is shown that the pseudo-state entities in Somalia are unstable, and their boundaries of “flowing” so that they are incapable of exercising a full control over the territory. It is emphasized that the problem of Islamic extremism can be treated as deriving from failure of the state institutes; the peak of activity and territorial expansion of Islamist groups in the country is now in the past, and the area of their activity is bounded by the area inhabited by the Somali ethnos. It is found that the piracy problem is determined by the geographical location of Somalia, and its solution is impossible without the reestablishment of the state institutes and the economic system of the country. Two potential cores of reestablishment of Somali statehood have been revealed: Federal Government in Mogadishu as well as the Autonomous Republic of Puntland. It is forecasted that the international community will be gradually recognizing the Republic of Somaliland. It is concluded that the federalization of the country as declared by authorities is formal in character but yields first results implying that the negotiation process between the groups of clans has been led into a political channel.  相似文献   

We report results from studying the landscapes of the rural surroundings of antique Olbia and substantiate the indicators of long-term agrogenic transformation of the physicochemical properties of drysteppe soils which have experienced long-lasting agricultural pressures.  相似文献   

Presented are the results of a five-year (2001-2005) monitoring of deformations of the Kerzhenets river channel in its lower part. The concave-bank caving observations were made for three free bights compose d of sand and loamy sand: the steep segmental, segmental developed and segmental gently sloping blights.  相似文献   

The problems related to mapping and comprehensive assessment of natural resources in Perm Krai from the perspective of their rational management are considered. A technique of territorial regionalization is described from the viewpoint of the magnitude of resource potential at three scale levels: human settlements, municipal districts, and administrative okrugs. Some optimization techniques for the procedure of recomputing and mapping the results obtained are proposed.  相似文献   

The comprehensive utilization of the technique for substantiating the promotion of hiking tourism, with emphasis on infrastructural development to ease access to recreational sites for different categories of visitors. The goal of using specialized hiking trails is to furnish a means of acquiring a familiarity with the unique landscapes of the Khamar-Daban mountain range. The technique contains four consecutive stages, and their implementation is illustrated in terms of the model territory. An analysis is made of the socioeconomic and geoecological characteristics of the Baikalskii Biosphere Reserve, which, together with landscape assessment, serves as a basis for the generation of the zoning map for possibilities and restrictions as regards the promotion and development of hiking tourism. A zoning is provided, which takes into consideration the possibilities of hiking tourism, based on assessing a territory’s transport accessibility, estimating the cost of preparing a trail of each class, and on the geoecological characteristics of landscape. The map that identifies seven zones of different-intensity transformation of the territory for an integral development of hiking tourism is used in making recommendations for the preparation of hiking trails in the Baikalskii Nature Reserve. The landscapes are combined into zones according to the degree of suitability for the construction of trails of different classes. The algorithm for preparation of trails consisting of 10 consecutive stages (three stages of planning, and seven stages of preparation) is applied for a number of linear features. The most suitable classes of preparation are indicated for these trails, in accordance with the characteristics of landscapes and engineering restrictions within their boundaries.  相似文献   

The report presents an analysis of a unique data set demonstrating the influence of geocryological processes on the 75-km Chara-China Railway track (northern Transbaikal region). The originality of these investigations lies in the study of the influence of natural processes on the road in the absence of any repair works or protective and compensating measures for a long period of time (1998~2014). These conditions allowed assessment of the actual damage to the railroad.  相似文献   

Changes in the land use pattern and in the land cover structure for the time interval 1995–2012 in Thailand are considered by using, as an example, Nan Province located in the northern mountainous part of the country. Interpretation of satellite images and vector data that were provided by the Land Development Department (Thailand) revealed the main directions of change in the region’s land use: deforestation, expansion of areas under crops, transition from slash and burn cultivation to permanent cultivation, and intensive utilization of agrochemicals. In spite of a decrease in the deforestation rate across Thailand in general, it is shown that for the period under review the proportion of natural forests in Nan Province decreased by nearly one half. On the other hand, the agricultural lands increased for the same period by more than 50%. The highest deforestation rates were recorded during 2009–2012. It was found that the changes in the land use pattern disturbed the existing centuries-old balance of man–natural environment interaction within the framework of the traditional system of slash and burn agriculture which is well adapted to local conditions. The study revealed the chief causes for such changes: an ineffective monitoring of forests; an unclear character of the boundaries separating lands of rural communities and protected territories, and possibilities for sales of commercial products (maize, cassava, etc.) cultivated in illegal fields. It is shown that rapid changes in land cover due to deforestation and plowing of mountainous areas for cultivation of commercial crops led to an intensification of slope processes (landslides and solifluction), an increase in overland runoff, and to an enhanced hazard of heavy floods during the monsoon season. To keep track of deforestation and deal with nature management conflicts requires a continuous monitoring of the land cover dynamics.  相似文献   

We examine the issues concerning the rational use of the potential of agrolandscapes in Zaporizhia oblast. Among the new promising techniques of improving effectiveness of their utilization, it is necessary to highlight an increase in the percentage of forest land on the territory concurrently with the introduction of soil-protection systems of crop farming. There is a need to pay more attention to melliferous plants in crop rotations and in the composition of field-protective afforestation in order to drive up earnings from apiculture as well as to promote rural (green) tourism in agrolandscapes which is becoming an increasingly popular kind of recreation. Furthermore, an enhancement in efficiency of agricultural nature management is aided by clearly defined and legislatively established responsibility of land users for non-purpose-oriented use of lands.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the elementary pedogenic processes occurring in soils and technogenic surface formations on coal mining dumps and on tailing dumps of iron ore dressing plants in the forest-steppe and mountain-taiga zones of Kemerovo oblast. The intensity of the ongoing processes is assessed by using the numerical scale.  相似文献   

A procedural approach is presented to generating a sequence of small-scale maps of the inventory and assessment type, portraying the modern sectoral structure of the integrated logging-lumbering enterprise, and the natural preconditions of its development. Experience in mapping is shown using the Irkutsk region as an example, which boasts a significant forest-resource potential and an advanced integrated logging-lumbering enterprise.  相似文献   

We have formulated the main principles of constructing the model for a seasonal cycle of the runoff with a temporal resolution of one month. We worked out the elements of technology for the first stages of model making. Based on analyzing the local data on monthly characteristics of the runoff, precipitation and temperature, we formulated and verified a number of hypotheses about the physicalgeographical patterns of formation of seasonal and interannual variability in water flow rates for three river discharge sections within the Kuda river basin. The most important factors have been determined, which govern the observed values of monthly mean flow rates.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of geosystems in the northwestern part of Western Siberia is considered using the Kazym-Lyamin interfluve, based on the landscape-assessment map for the middle part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. The study used the landscape structural-dynamical approach and the methods of studying the spatio-temporal dynamics of taiga geosystems.  相似文献   

The present status of the socio-economic situation of Tofalaria, the native territory of the small Siberian people of Tofs, is examined. Recommendations are made for its further development, and the methods of reorganizing the managerial practices and policies are suggested, based on perfecting the organizational-legal forms of traditional nature management.  相似文献   

Field observations were used in compiling the map for contemporary vegetation of the Acinour-Ceyrançöl foothill areas having regard to the altered floristic composition of steppe and semidesert plant communities. The study revealed a decrease in the area occupied by juniper sparse forests and riparian forests. It is found that a severe anthropogenic influence in this area leads to desertification and degradation of landscapes.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the problems, approaches and methods in the study of the economic-geographical location. The term “postalgeographical location” is suggested. The concept of the location of a settlement in the postal network is formulated. The algorithm has been developed for measuring the postal-geographical location. Results from assessing the location of settlements in Siberia's postal network are presented for the year 1910.  相似文献   

Based on analyzing and forecasting the reconstructed changes of total ozone content (TOC) in the atmosphere over the Tomsk region, two zones of its changes are identified. It is shown how the capacity for survival of conifer transplant stock can be enhanced on the basis of territorial zoning from TOC changes by varying the time and place of planting.  相似文献   

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