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村镇建设用地扩展不可避免地挤压生态系统空间,打破系统内部原有的生态环境和生物地球化学过程,在生态文明的时代背景下,如何处理好村镇建设用地扩展与生态环境保护的关系对于实现可持续发展至关重要。论文在厘清村镇建设用地扩展与生态环境效应耦合协调机制的基础上,通过构建评价指标体系分析了2008—2018年重庆市荣昌区村镇建设用地扩展与生态环境效应协调发展的时空演变格局并划分耦合协调发展类型。研究发现:① 村镇建设用地扩展与生态环境效应以人类活动为纽带而构成交互耦合体,解析二者的耦合协调关系为理解村镇建设中“发展”与“保护”这对矛盾体提供了通道。② 2008、2013、2018年荣昌区村镇建设用地扩展与生态环境效应的耦合协调度在时间上呈上升趋势,在空间上呈南北高、中间低的分异格局。③ 运用耦合协调模型并结合同步发展模型将荣昌区村镇划分为保护与发展同步型、生态环境支持型、生态环境损耗型3种耦合协调类型。④ 针对各耦合协调类型提出差异化调控策略:保护与发展同步型村镇应兼顾经济发展与生态保护;生态环境支持型村镇可以适量开发未利用地;生态环境损耗型村镇应改变生态环境效应滞后的现状。  相似文献   

在地理信息技术的支持下,修正单纯的权重叠加法,采用潜力-限制性分析法分析了兰州新区建设用地的生态潜力和生态阻力,对其生态适宜性做出科学评价,得到兰州新区可用作建设用地的理想区域。结果表明:(1)兰州新区建设用地开发的生态潜力总体以一级为主,二级次之,三级和四级区所占比重较小;(2)一级生态阻力主要分布在新区南部山地,主要表现为地形复杂、工程地质条件差、地质灾害发生频繁等;(3)兰州新区建设用地生态适宜性达一级的面积所占比重最大,为39 425.91 hm2,占新区总面积的48.91%。三级适宜区面积最小,仅为6 513.2 hm2,占新区总面积的8.08%。对应于生态适宜性评价结果,兰州新区土地应用可划分为集中建设区、重点开发区、限制建设区和禁止建设区。其中,集中建设区和重点建设区应为兰州新区建设用地开发的理想区域。  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of geosystems in the northwestern part of Western Siberia is considered using the Kazym-Lyamin interfluve, based on the landscape-assessment map for the middle part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. The study used the landscape structural-dynamical approach and the methods of studying the spatio-temporal dynamics of taiga geosystems.  相似文献   

An analysis made of the worldwide existing geoinformation systems (HydroSHEDS, CCM, Ecrins, WBD, etc.) suggests that there are as yet no models of adequate quality for the basin boundaries of small rivers in the European part of Russia. For the territory of the European part of Russia with a total area of more than 4 mln. km2 the GIS technology tools were used to construct the electron vector map of river basins and their interbasin spaces. The map thus obtained displays the basins of first-order rivers for a given level of generalization (sc 1:1 000 000). The GMTED2010 model was used as the digital elevation model. A total of 63 553 basin geosystems were identified on the map, averaging 68 km2 in area. Accuracy verification of identifying the basin boundaries showed a good agreement of areal and geometric characteristics of the method used with expert approach. In test areas, the men difference of the indicators of the area of the basins identified automatically and by use of the expert approach made up 3.6%. For areas with weakly dissected lowland topography this error does not exceed 5% while it is about 2% in areas with relatively dissected elevated topography. The basin geosystems thus identified are operational-territorial units with respect to which the geospatial data base is generated to characterize the natural-resource potential of the European territory of Russia. An example is provided for the generation of the geospatial database containing hydrological information covering 1763 hydrological stations collecting streamflow data.  相似文献   

泸沽湖景区生态安全评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以生态安全理论为基础,探讨了旅游地生态安全评价的理论和方法。运用压力-状态-响应(P—S—R)指标体系模型对泸沽湖景区1996-2005年生态安全评价表明,景区生态安全度较高。其中1996~2001年泸沽湖区处于比较安全状态,2002-2005年处于安全状态,10年间泸沽湖景区生态安全度呈上升趋势。水环境问题、旅游用地及游客量增长率是泸沽湖景区生态安全度主要的限制因子,并提出了加强水环境治理、提高生态环境质量、发展生态旅游、加大生态环境建设力度和加强生态环境监测的生态安全建设方案。  相似文献   

空间管治视角下京津冀协同发展类型区划   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
京津冀协同发展的核心是基于问题导向和底线思维,打破行政区划,在更大区域尺度上优化资源配置,实现区域整体发展目标。因此,从优化空间规划体系的高度,开展京津冀区域协同发展的类型区划和类型区管理,实现分区施策的精细化管治极为重要。本文首先立足于京津冀区域发展差异,利用空间属性双聚类的方法将京津冀划分为中部核心功能引领区、东部沿海重点发展区、南部门户功能拓展区、西部和北部生态涵养保护区等四大区域;然后以区县为最小分析单元,从现状开发强度、用地增量预测和生态保护责任等三大维度构建类型划分指标体系,并利用三维空间坐标划分方法将京津冀划分为五大类型区,即:城镇优化发展区、城镇重点拓展区、现代农业发展区、适度建设发展区和严格生态保护区;最后,在空间管治视角下提出京津冀区域分区管治与区域协同管理的建议。  相似文献   

Using three key areas as an example we examine the tendencies toward changes of the mountain geosystems in southern Siberia caused by fluctuations of climate. Presented are the quantitative parameters of the dynamics of nival-glacial geosystems (glaciers, perennial snow clusters, icings, and stony glaciers). Portions of large-scale maps for the key areas generated for a subsequent monitoring of the mountain geosystems are presented.  相似文献   

以西双版纳勐景来景区为案例地,通过访谈、观察等方法,在构建村寨型景区开发企业与社区之间资源相互依赖关系分析框架的基础上,探讨村寨型景区开发企业与社区关系动态演变背后的逻辑。研究发现,村寨型景区开发企业与社区关系的动态演变是二者资源相互依赖程度变化作用的结果。在景区发展初期,开发企业对社区的依赖程度小于社区对开发企业的依赖程度,即在两者的利益博弈中,开发企业的权力比社区大,社区得到的利益从零开始不断增大,二者矛盾较少。在景区发展成熟期,开发企业对社区的依赖程度大于社区对开发企业的依赖程度,即在两者的利益博弈中,社区的权力比开发企业大,此时在已有的利益分配机制不变的情况下,会因利益分配导致社区与开发企业冲突。此外,还推论出在政府干预和协调下,村寨型景区开发企业在与社区的利益冲突中会让步于社区这一结论,可为企业投资村寨型景区开发提供现实指导。  相似文献   

郭文  黄震方 《地理研究》2020,39(4):907-921
采用田野调查、参与观察、深度访谈等方法,对旅游背景下竹地摩梭人“家”空间的多维生产与身份认同建构问题进行了研究。结果显示:① 竹地摩梭人的宗教信仰及其在不同时代的流转,规约着摩梭村民日常空间实践中的自然观、世界观和道德观,具有心物自洽和身心统一性;竹地摩梭人“家”空间具有系统性,体现在村外层、村寨层、家址层、祖母房和身体层不同尺度空间圈层中,其空间秩序和意义蕴含着丰富的自然生态意识和人地关系;② 以旅游为媒介的资本、权力和消费等结构性力量相互交织和渗透,对竹地摩梭人“家”空间带来了微观地理空间的社会关系、文化意义和人地关系的重塑,且具有多维空间的交互辩证生产性;③ 随着竹地“家”空间的多维生产和微观地理重塑,出现了以人本主义为特征的前因式认同建构、以结构主义为特征的后果式认同建构,以及以“价值认同,情感不认同”和“价值不认同,情感认同”为特征的“中间型”认同建构。竹地摩梭人对“家”空间旅游化实践的身份认同建构,暗含和折射了村民对“家园”和“家国”的认同状况。④ 竹地“家”空间的旅游化,本质上是传统民族空间资本化的实践过程,归根结底是新时代“地方”对发展路径和方式的选择,但未来需要调适“家”空间资本化和发展异化之间的矛盾。此外,竹地“家”微观地理空间的案例剖析,在理论上补充和延伸了学术界既有“家”的理论研究成果。  相似文献   

We report the results from investigating the ecological state of the urbanized geosystems in the city of Sayanogorsk. A comparative analysis is made of the structure of zoocenoses against the natural and anthropogenically disturbed soils predominating in the region. We examine the transformation conditions for soil cover and the ecologically important factors influencing the state of soil-biotic communities. The study revealed a negative influence of urban pressure on the population and biomass of invertebrate animals and demonstrated the possibilities of using the structure and quantitative characteristics of zoocenoses in biodiagnostics of changes of steppe geosystems under the influence of anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

随着LUCC到GLP研究的不断深入,我国空心村土地整治实践的相继推进,以及高分辨率遥感数据的陆续产生,深入开展村域尺度的土地利用调查与评价研究具有迫切现实需求,而构建村域尺度土地利用现状分类体系则是支撑村庄土地利用用地调查与评价的重要前提与关键。参考《土地利用现状分类》国家标准(GB/T21010-2007),构建了基于0.25m分辨率中科高清遥感影像的村域尺度土地利用现状分类体系,并在山东省禹城市牌子村进行了实际应用。构建的基于高分辨率遥感影像的土地利用现状分类体系,不仅准确反映了牌子村的土地利用结构及其用地特征,而且还测算出该村所具备的土地资源整治潜力,取得了良好的实际应用效果。基于0.25m高分辨率遥感数据所构建的村域土地利用现状分类体系有据可依,简单易行,成果明确。研究成果可直接为我国村庄特别是空心村土地综合整治潜力的调查与评价提供技术方法的有益参考和有力支持。  相似文献   

程静  王鹏  陈红翔  韩永贵 《干旱区地理》2022,45(5):1637-1648
深入探究半干旱区景观格局变化规律,明确其生态风险时空演变特征与影响因素,对优化半干旱区景观格局、防范和治理生态风险、促进区域可持续高质量发展具有重要意义。以宁夏回族自治区盐池县为例,基于2000—2020年土地利用数据,通过景观格局指数构建生态风险模型,结合地统计分析和地理探测器模型,对其景观格局变化及生态风险时空演变与影响因素进行综合研究。结果表明:(1) 2000—2020年盐池县耕地和未利用地面积下降,其余地类均呈增加趋势,其中建设用地扩张速度最快,年均增长率为6.90%。(2) 2000—2020年盐池县景观斑块数、斑块密度、景观形状指数和香浓多样性指数上升,最大斑块指数和蔓延度指数下降,表明景观格局呈破碎化、复杂化和分散化的发展态势。(3) 2000—2020年盐池县生态风险指数由0.1465下降至0.1312,其中高、较高和中等风险区面积占比分别下降5.25%、24.21%和5.44%,而低和较低风险区面积占比分别增加14.11%和20.79%,空间上呈现出北高南低的分布格局。(4) 随着社会需求的日益增长和人类活动的加剧,自然因素对生态风险空间分异格局的影响逐渐弱化,而社会经济因素作用不断增强。  相似文献   

新疆克拉玛依市生态敏感性研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Karamay City is a typical mining city, relying on oilfield exploration and development. After 60 years of construction and development, Karamay has become the first large oilfield and an important base of the national petroleum and petrochemical industry in China. Based on spatial analysis, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) grid computing and overlay techniques, whilst considering the effect of oilfield development and aimed at the ecological problems of Karamay City in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, we conducted research on the spatial characteristics of the comprehensive ecological sensitivity of Karamay. The ecological problems of natural environment evolution include soil erosion, land deserti-fication, soil salinization, and biodiversity reduction. The most significant disturbance factor from the activities of humans in this area is oilfield exploitation. This study carries out an analysis of single factor ecological problem sensitivity and integrated ecological sensitivity. The results of the research are as follows: (1) Soil erosion is relatively sensitive, especially in Karamay district, Dushanzi district, north of Urho district and west of Baijiantan district, which is mainly a result of the vertical dropping slopes, serious rainfall erosion and the distribution of scattered woodland. (2) The main types of land desertification are represented by high and moderate grade sensitivities, and high and extremely high sensitive areas are distributed in the intersection of Karamay and Baijiantan districts. This is due to evaporation exceeding rainfall in these areas, and the soil mainly consists of sand and is seldom covered by vegetation. (3) The soil salinizatiion sensitivity grades are mainly moderate, high and extremely high. The highly sensitive areas are mainly distributed in southeast of Baijiantan district, north and east of Karamay district and east of Urho district. The primary causes are evaporation exceeding rainfall and extreme human activities. (4) The main types of biodiversity sensitivity are light and moderate grade. Highly sensitive areas are located in the east and south of Karamay district, north of the Baiyang River basin and parts of the wetland areas. (5) Oil fields development areas are highly ecologically sensitive, which are located in the northern oilfields of Urho district, western oilfields of Baijiantan district, northwestern oilfields of Karamay district and central oilfields of Dushanzi district. (6) The main types of integrated ecological sen-sitivity are high and moderate. The high and extremely highly sensitive areas are located in the central and northern parts of Karamay district, and southwest of Baijiantan district. The evaluation results will provide guidance for the future planning and development, the protection of the ecological environment and the realization of harmonious social, economic, and ecological development in Karamay City.  相似文献   

基于生境质量的城市增长边界研究——以长三角地区为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
基于“生态优先”理念,提出一种利用生境质量评估策略的城市增长边界划定方法。结合ArcGIS和InVEST模型,通过综合评估生境自身及其在威胁情境下的质量,模拟各市独立规划、建设用地指标再分配及区域一体化发展的三类建设用地扩张情景,分别划定2024和2034年的长三角地区城市增长边界。结果表明:研究区生境质量总体呈南高北低格局,平均生态系统服务价值密度为10 770.604元/(hm2·a),高质生境位于西南地区;根据指标再分配及一体化发展情景模拟的2024年研究区建设用地总量分别为10 583.273 km2和10 489.090 km2,2034年达到13 603.535 km2和13 252.370 km2;模拟的建设用地集中在东部沿海地区,并向北部及环杭州湾区域拓展;建设用地指标再分配能从整体上减少建设用地对优质生境的占用,区域一体化发展则能进一步降低城市发展造成的生态压力。  相似文献   

湖南省传统农区乡村功能时空演变及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭雪兰  蒋凌霄  安悦  余航菱  周舟  李印齐 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2168-2178
乡村是城市功能扩散与转移的重要承接地,乡村功能的时空演变及影响因素分析对实现城乡统筹发展与可持续发展具有重要意义。综合运用熵值法、冷热点分析和地理探测器等方法,以湖南省102个县市为研究对象,对湖南省乡村功能的时空演变、空间分异及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:① 1997―2017年县域乡村生产和生活功能整体上呈现出上升的发展态势,而乡村生态功能整体上呈减弱的趋势。② 1997―2017年湖南省乡村功能热点区由长株潭地区向外扩张,而冷点区呈先收缩后扩张的发展态势;20 a间,在长株潭地区形成稳定的热点区,在湘西地区形成稳定的冷点区。③ 湖南省乡村功能空间分异是农业现代化、乡村就业主体、县域经济基础、城镇化、工业化等综合作用的结果,其影响力大小与方向存在显著的差异性,其中农业现代化水平、乡村就业主体对湖南省及5个地区乡村功能空间分异有重要的驱动作用。  相似文献   

在城乡统筹发展战略的指引下,探讨武汉市城市边缘区实现生态框架构建、区域经济发展诉求、城市整体空间优化与农用地资源保护协调共赢的土地利用机制。分析武汉市城市边缘区的土地利用特点、产业发展规划及其导向作用对村镇建设模式与土地利用政策的要求,将该区涉及的12个区、37个乡(镇、街、场)分为生态控制型乡镇、引导发展型乡镇和城镇发展型乡镇3类。以区域产业布局为支撑,构建"镇区+社区+园区"的区域村镇发展体系;将区域内650个原有村庄分为搬迁型、控制性和发展型进行社区化建设,以期为促进城市边缘区村镇发展提供模式借鉴;并从城乡建设用地增减挂钩、集体建设用地流转、农用地制度改革及区域土地综合整治等方面,探索相关土地利用政策的应对机制。  相似文献   

明确乡村聚落重构模式与方向是统筹城乡协调发展、促进区域乡村振兴的重要环节。本文基于福州山区2015年遥感影像解译数据,划分“三生空间”用地类型,提取乡村聚落斑块,运用核密度估计、生态系统服务价值评价等方法分析其乡村聚落空间分布特征,构建基于集聚与生态价值组合特征的乡村聚落重构方向识别方法和差异化重构思路。结果表明:(1)福州山区乡村聚落空间分布以高生态中密度组合特征区为主,面积216.39 km2,占研究区总面积的29.53%,多集中于乡镇中心、道路和河流沿线,整体集聚与生态价值适中,但西南部乡村聚落生态建设有待加强;(2)运用成本加权距离测算中心区乡村聚落可达性等级,以此作为边界参考,结合集聚与生态价值组合特征,将研究区划分为A^J共10个不同特征的重构范围区;(3)依据各重构范围区表征出不同的集聚与生态价值组合特征,提出了城镇集聚型、中心村建设型、内部协调型和生态保护型等4种乡村聚落重构模式与空间重构方向,并探讨了差异化重构思路。研究结果为福州山区乡村聚落转型发展及城乡融合提供了科学依据和理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper further develops the ideas of V. B. Sochava’s Siberian school of thematic mapping concerning an integral approach in generating synthesis and assessment maps of the habitat on objective grounds confirmed by quantitative calculations. Maps of the natural environment display the invariant structure of the sites of a territory and their variable states. Integral indicators of the state of environment combine differentquality spatial information on the geographical location of the sites having regard to the scientific principles of qualimetry. An unbiased calculation of integral indicators is ensured through the use of the method of principal component analysis. The first principal component characterizes a maximum of variation in information on the geosystem, and the second component refers to a stable environment background. Their difference for each location corresponds to the potential of geosystem variability. The resulting integral indicators are displayed on assessment cartograms. The entire array of independent principal components is used for a classification of geosystems using the method of k-means clustering to create the typological map of the territory. Calculations are based on data for forest management of the Slyudyanka Leskhoz within the boundaries of the Slyudyanka municipal district of Irkutsk oblast. The territorial norm of the geographical environment corresponds to geosystems of the mountain-taiga belt of the Siberian stone pine and larch taiga on different-aspect slopes. Negative deviations from the norm are induced by high-mountain goletz and subgoletz geosystems on steep slopes, and positive deviations correspond to flat interfluves and gentle slopes.  相似文献   

The middle reaches of the Yellow River represent an important area for the protection and development of the Yellow River Basin. Most of the area of the river basin is within the Loess Plateau, which establishes it as a fragile ecological environment. Firstly, using high-resolution data of land use in the watershed from the past 30 years, landscape ecological risk(LER) sample units are defined and an ecological risk index(ERI) model is constructed. Kriging interpolation is used to display the LE...  相似文献   

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