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中国有色金属工业总公司矿产地质研究院   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷良奇 《矿床地质》1986,5(3):87-96
The Changpo tin-polymetallic deposit occurs in the Upper Devonian marine carbonate rocks and silicious rocks and is controlled jointly by three factors, i.e., strata (D3), structures and magmatic rocks, bearing dual characteristics of the syndepositional deposit and hydrothermal one. According to modes of occurrence and mineral assemblages, it can be divided into two types of mineralizations: stratiform stanniferous sulfides and veinlike cassiterite-sulfides. The former has such characteristics of sedimentary deposits as being controlled by the strata, and possessing typical syndepositional structure, e. g., striped and laminated structure, as well as less developed wall rock alterations. In contrast, veinlike mineralizations are characterized by features of hydrothermal deposits, such as being governed by fracture systems and affected by tectonic activities, showing polystage pulsation and having typical hydrothermal wall rock alterations including sericitization, tourmalinization and fluoritization. The two types display distinct differences not only in geological characteristics, but also in mineral assemblages, metallogenic physical-chemical conditions and temperatures as well as ore-forming time. Nevertheless, there exist close relations between the two mineralizations: (1) they occur in the same spatial position; (2) they have similar vertical mineral zoning: pyrite in the upper part of the orebody and pyrrhatite in the lower; (3) δ34S values of pyrite and sphalerite are similar in the two types, being -4.5‰ - +1.3‰ in the pyrite and -7.1‰ - +0.2‰ in the sphalerite respectively. All this implies that these two mineralizations have intimate relationships and also obvious differences. On the one hand, they were formed in different ore-forming stages and diverse geological conditions; on the other hand, the stratiform mineralization was- superimposed and remolded by the late ore-forming hydrothermal fluids, i. e., veinlike mineralization, whose material sources in turn had something to do with the stratiform mineralization. Studies show that the stratiform mineralization is of sea-floor syndepositional type formed in Late Devonian whose formation was probably related to the eruptive sedimentation of the volcanic hot spring ascending along the deep-seated fractures. The metallogenic elements such as S, Sn, Pb and Zn were derived from the depth of the crust, and the veinlike mineralization resulted from the hydrothermal liquid of Yanshanian granitic magma. Under the action of the magmatic solution and the heat of the magma, the metallogen materials in the stratiform mineralization were activated and transported, and thus provided some ore-forming materials for veinlike mineralization, such as S, Sn, Pb and Zn. It is therefore concluded that the Changpo ore deposit is a composite-origin type formed both by syndeposition, i.e., eruptive deposition from volcanic hot spring at seafloor, and by superimposition-reformation of the magmatic hydrothermal fluids, and that this deposit must have evolved from the stratiform stanniferous sulfide mineralization.  相似文献   

桂林矿产地质研究院2003年度有六项科研成果获中国有色金属工业科学技术奖。 《我国特殊景观区油气综合化探技术研究与应用效果》主要以有机和无机地球化学为理论基础,重点研究我国各种特殊地球化学景观区寻找油气田行之有效的油气综合化探技术方法和应用效果。该成果首先在国内建立了一套适用于不同地球化学景观区,并  相似文献   

一、本学报征求以下稿件1.本院科研项目中,有创见性的研究论文.2.本院新产品试制成功的研究总结.3.本院研究室、职能科室、专题组和个人撰写的其他学术论文。|  相似文献   

1998年,化学矿产地质研究院有4项成果获得奖励。由李扬鉴、张星亮、陈延成撰写的《大陆层控构造导论》及由陈延成、王鉴津、魏东岩、刘振敏、杨清堂、钱作华、关绍曾等完成的“从盐湖沉积资料看晚第四纪全球气候变化”科研项目同时获化工部科技进步二等奖。由夏学惠...  相似文献   

我所是企业部门的研究所,文章介绍了我所恢复重建15年来的发展概况和改革开放十年的历程,并阐明企业部门的大部份要实行企业化管理,从事业型转向经营型,面临求生存求发展,必须抓住机遇,确定目标、优化结构、深化改革。  相似文献   

八十年代已过去了一半。在八十年代前五年中,地球科学有没有一些引人注目的动向和发展呢?我想还是不少的。现就我所接触到的一些情况,向同志们作一些介绍。  相似文献   

中铁十六局承建的青岛胶州湾海底隧道工程主隧道总长2845m,标准断面宽16m,高13m;其海域段长2160m,水深40m,岩石覆盖层厚30m,7处断层破碎带,位置具有不确切性;其陆域段匝道与左线隧道结合处长212m,宽16.72~27.82m,高12.60~18.05m,断面逐渐增大,呈喇叭口状。覆盖层厚12m,3处断层破碎带,地质为杂填土、砂砾石、断层破碎岩组成,结构上部有各种地下管线及5~7层楼房共13栋。服务隧道长2750m,宽5.5m,高5.74m.  相似文献   

它们是陕西185煤田地质队的《陕北榆、神、府区找煤、成煤规律研究与勘探》;福建省煤田地质公司的  相似文献   

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