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提出了一种适用于天基空间目标光学观测的初始轨道确定新方法. 通过对比地基和天基观测的几何构型, 分析了利用天基光学观测数据进行初轨确定时计算收敛到观测平台自身轨道的原因. 基于轨道半通径方程和改进Gauss方程, 推导出了斜距条件方程组的解析形式, 将天基光学观测的初轨确定问题转换为求解关于观测时刻斜距变量的非线性条件方程组的问题. 利用轨道能量约束减小了解的搜索区域, 消除了方程组的奇点. 最后利用天基实测数据验证并分析了非线性条件方程组根的性质, 利用低轨光学观测平台对低、中、高轨和大椭圆轨道空间目标的仿真观测数据验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

空间碎片的持续增加已严重威胁人类航天活动的安全。为了规避空间碎片对在轨航天器的威胁,需要通过观测获取空间碎片与航天器的位置等信息进行碰撞预警,为航天器采取规避措施提供参考。地基光电望远镜在高轨空间碎片观测方面有绝对优势,根据探测信噪比公式,计算望远镜最小可探测空间碎片的尺寸,并通过观测实验对尺寸计算公式进行验证,分析设备探测能力的影响因素,对两种观测模式下设备探测地球静止轨道空间碎片的能力进行分析,得到口径和曝光时间对探测能力影响的定量关系,可以为观测空间碎片设备建设等提供参考。  相似文献   

分析了空间碎片地基雷达探测的必要性和现实意义,介绍了国外有代表性的地基雷达工作概况,在此基础上,给出了描述空间碎片的轨道参量和物理参量,并对空间碎片地基雷达探测所需的关键技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在不同的轨道预报场景中, 使用的动力学模型也不同. 例如, 在低轨空间碎片的预报中大气阻力是十分重要的摄动力, 而到了中高轨, 大气阻力就可以忽略不计. 如何为不同轨道类型的空间碎片选择最优(满足精度要求下的最简)动力学模型还没有系统、详尽的研究. 将对不同精度需求、不同轨道类型下的大批量轨道进行预报, 通过比较不同动力学模型下的预报结果, 给出各种预报场景的最优动力学模型建议. 可以为不同轨道类型的空间碎片在轨道预报时选择基准动力学模型提供参考或标准.  相似文献   

针对地基光学监测系统对近地小行星在近太阳方向的监测存在盲区的问题,提出了远距离逆行轨道(Distant Retrograde Orbit,DRO)天基光学平台对近地小行星进行跟踪定轨的方法.通过可视性分析,筛选仿真观测数据,利用美国宇航局喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL)公布的小行星初始轨道信息对不同轨道类型的目标天体进行轨道确定,将计算结果与参考轨道对比分析.仿真结果表明:在测量精度2角秒,定轨弧长3年的情况下,DRO平台对仿真算例中所选择的近地小行星的定轨精度可以达到几十公里量级,其中Atira型轨道精度可达10公里以内.由此可见,DRO天基平台对近地小行星具有较好的监测能力,定轨精度能实现对目标小行星的精确跟踪,并对其进行轨道预报.  相似文献   

针对地基卫星测控系统(Tracking Telemetry and Command, TT&C)系统对地球静止轨道(Geostation-\lk ary Earth Orbit, GEO)卫星在空间和时间覆盖上的局限性, 提出小倾角低地球轨道(Low Earth Orbit, LEO)多星组网天基平台对GEO卫星进行跟踪定轨的方法. 根据空间环境和光学可视条件对仿真数据进行筛选以模拟真实的观测场景, 利用光学测角数据, 使用数值方法对GEO卫星的轨道进行确定. 结果与参考轨道进行重叠对比, 在平台轨道精度5 m、测量精度5rq\rq、 定轨弧长12 h的情况下, 两颗LEO卫星对GEO卫星进行跟踪定轨的精度可达到千米量级, 4颗LEO卫星对GEO目标进行跟踪定轨的精度可达到百米量级. 随着LEO组网卫星数量的增加, 定轨精度得到了较大的提高.  相似文献   

在轨卫星或者空间碎片数量的增多,是对空间目标地基自动观测的一个挑战。尽管北美防空司令部编目管理了绝大多数直径超过10 cm的空间物体,但由于轨道摄动,空间目标的位置信息(基于6个轨道根数)依然非常重要,并需要定期更新。在过去的几十年里,配备电子传感器的现代地基光电望远镜已广泛用于天体测量领域。然而,这种设备的跟踪性能主要取决于空间目标的大小和亮度。这些目标所在的天文图像会有不同的背景;而且,在基于凝视模式的短曝光实时观测过程中,运动目标和背景恒星在不同的信噪比下显示为类似的点扩散函数,难以辨认。本研究是为了实现对非高斯和动态背景的高灵敏度检测和跟踪能力的提高,并具有简单的系统机制和出色的计算效率。为突破该限制,将重点放在利用状态估计技术对微小卫星和暗弱目标进行跟踪上。提出一种基于神经网络的自适应运行高斯平均算法,用以从恒星背景及干扰下提取运动的空间目标。该方法随后被集成到了一个检测前跟踪框架中。该框架利用基于蒙特卡洛的粒子滤波跟踪空间目标。三段来自亚太地基光学空间目标观测系统(APOSOS)图像序列被用来对该跟踪策略进行评估。实验结果表明,该方法能够达到满意的跟踪性能。  相似文献   

在地球同步轨道特征的基础上,介绍了地球同步轨道空间碎片的运动特征。针对地球同步轨道暗弱空间碎片进行观测的搜索方案,考虑目标的预报误差以及视场的大小,用数学方法分别计算了同心圆搜索与爬楼梯搜索的成功概率,并由计算结果分析了两者的特征,认为在一般情况下,同心圆搜索方案具有更高的搜索效率。  相似文献   

地基光学天文望远镜是人类探索与研究宇宙的重要手段, 对已有地基光学台址的光学观测环境进行监测分析, 可以为后期设备针对性改造以及观测者调整观测策略提供参考依据, 对提升地基光学设备的观测效能具有重要的意义. 吉林天文观测基地(简称``基地'')隶属于中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站, 位于吉林省吉林市大绥河镇小绥河村南沟约5 km处(东经126.3\circ, 北纬43.8\circ, 海拔高度313m). 基地大气视宁度均值范围约为1.3$''$--1.4$''$、天顶附近V波段的天光背景亮度为20.64magcdotarcsec-2、年晴夜数最高可达270余天, 具有良好的天文观测条件. 吉林天文观测基地于2016年投入运行, 现有1.2m光电望远镜、迷你光电阵列望远镜、大视场光电望远镜阵列、新型多功能阵列结构光电探测平台等多台(套)光电望远镜设备. 利用上述设备, 主要围绕空间目标探测与识别、精密轨道确定、光电探测新方法以及变源天体的多色测光等开展相关研究工作, 与多家国内高校及科研院所保持着良好的合作关系.  相似文献   

空间目标包括在轨卫星、空间碎片等,对其测定轨是空间攻防和空间利用的重要前提。由于地面测站资源有限,单站测量是目前对空间目标尤其是空间碎片测定轨较常用的方式。卫星激光测距(satellite laser ranging,SLR)技术测量精度很高,可达米级(非合作目标),甚至厘米级(合作目标),但不能单独用于单站短弧定轨;电荷耦合器件(charge coupled device,CCD)天文定位技术可观测距离较远的目标,但测量精度为角秒级,换算至空间距离不如SLR技术高。两者的联合为空间目标的高精度定位和跟踪提供了可能,并成为未来空间目标地基测量的发展方向。作为空间碎片单站监测的前期工作,对合作目标的单站定轨精度进行了评估。处理了1500 km高AJISAI低轨卫星的实测数据,分析了单站CCD测角和激光测距数据对低轨空间目标的联合定轨能力,并充分考虑两类不同类型观测数据的精度,数据综合时对其进行合理加权。利用全球激光站资料进行精密定轨,并以此作为参考轨道,采用上海佘山站AJISAI卫星2010年、2011年4天6圈的实测激光测距数据,以及CCD测角数据,开展了单站单圈和单站多圈定轨和预报试验。试验结果表明,测距数据的加入对定轨精度和24小时预报精度的改善非常明显,可提高至少一个数量级;单站单圈联合定轨和24小时预报的精度分别为20 m以内及数百米,单站多圈联合定轨和24小时预报的精度分别在米级及数十米。期望实验结果为中国未来的空间碎片望远镜建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Although tracking with a passive optical telescope is a powerful technique for space debris observation, it is limited by its sensitivity to dynamic background noise. Traditionally, in the field of astronomy, static background subtraction based on a median image technique has been used to extract moving space objects prior to the tracking operation, as this is computationally efficient. The main disadvantage of this technique is that it is not robust to variable illumination conditions. In this article,we propose an approach for tracking small and dim space debris in the context of a dynamic background via one of the optical telescopes that is part of the space surveillance network project, named the AsiaPacific ground-based Optical Space Observation System or APOSOS. The approach combines a fuzzy running Gaussian average for robust moving-object extraction with dim-target tracking using a particlefilter-based track-before-detect method. The performance of the proposed algorithm is experimentally evaluated, and the results show that the scheme achieves a satisfactory level of accuracy for space debris tracking.  相似文献   

The occurrence and visibility of meteoroid impacts on the moon as seen from the earth were little more than speculation prior to November 1999. The best evidence of present-day impact activity came from the seismic experiments left on the Moon during the Apollo era. Past systematic attempts at earth-based observations to document lunar impacts revealed nothing conclusive. However, during the Leonid storms of 1999 and 2001, lunar impact events were for the first time confirmed by multiple independent observers. A total of 15 meteoritic impact flash events have been verified during these storms, with an additional 12 unconfirmed but likely events awaiting confirmation. Estimates of the mass of these meteoroids range from less than one gram for the faintest flashes to more than 10 kg for the brightest observed flash. The fraction of visible light to total energy produced by these events, a quantity known as luminous efficiency, averages about 0.001 for the established events. The confirmation of lunar meteoritic events on the Moon opens a new avenue in lunar and planetary research, one which could help bridge the gap between atmospheric sampling of the smallest components of meteoroid streams and interplanetary debris to the larger scale objects accessible to ground-based telescopes.  相似文献   

37 years of space activities have led to a large number of anthropogenic objects orbiting the Earth. Ground-based observations with radar and optical facilities reveal the existence of about 7500 objects in space, which do not represent an immediate excessive danger. However, adequate actions are required to keep the long-term debris hazard for manned and unmanned missions within acceptable tolerances. In this paper the space debris environment of the Earth and its future evolution are described. New developments which could have a major impact on the space environment, are the the planned multi-satellite constellations for communications purposes or solar power stations in Earth orbit. Finally, methods for debris reduction are outlined. Space debris is a global problem which can only be effectively solved by international cooperation.  相似文献   

The observations on ground-based facilities miss multitudes of small fragments of space debris. However, the intrusion of fine particles into the atmosphere and their subsequent burning can be observed along with the usual meteor phenomena. Since the solar system meteoric body velocities at the entry into the atmosphere are over 11.2 km/s, and the velocity of the space debris objects does not exceed 11.2 km/s, the selection of meteors by velocity is a reliable criterion for separating these bodies. The paper describes a method of selecting the space debris fragments using a technique of television meteor monitoring. The technique was adapted on the material of real television observations on the FAVOR wide-field monitoring camera with high temporal resolution, conducted in 2006 in the Arkhyz station of the Institute for Precision Instrumentation (North Caucasus).  相似文献   

The space debris detectin will become greater and greater in the near future with the space debris enhancing. We introduce a theoretical approach of this problem assuming the using of a new generation large coronograph. We get some interesting — and alarming — results about the great probability to be able to observe space debris with this new ground-based large coronograph.  相似文献   

The very low frequency(VLF) regime below 30 MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum has presently been drawing global attention in radio astronomical research due to its potentially significant science outcomes exploring many unknown extragalactic sources,transients,and so on.However,the nontransparency of the Earth's ionosphere,ionospheric distortion and artificial radio frequency interference(RFI) have made it difficult to detect the VLF celestial radio emission with ground-based instruments.A straightforward solution to overcome these problems is a space-based VLF radio telescope,just like the VLF radio instruments onboard the Chang'E-4 spacecraft.But building such a space telescope would be inevitably costly and technically challenging.The alternative approach would be then a ground-based VLF radio telescope.Particularly,in the period of post 2020 when the solar and terrestrial ionospheric activities are expected to be in a 'calm' state,it will provide us a good chance to perform VLF ground-based radio observations.Anticipating such an opportunity,we built an agile VLF radio spectrum explorer co-located with the currently operational Mingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph(MUSER).The instrument includes four antennas operating in the VLF frequency range 1-70 MHz.Along with them,we employ an eight-channel analog and digital receivers to amplify,digitize and process the radio signals received by the antennas.We present in the paper this VLF radio spectrum explorer and the instrument will be useful for celestial studies of VLF radio emissions.  相似文献   

An optical survey is the main technique for detecting space debris. Due to the specific characteristics of observation, the pointing errors and tracking errors of the telescope as well as image degradation may be significant, which make it difficult for astrometric calibration. Here we present an improved method that corrects the pointing and tracking errors, and measures the image position precisely. The pipeline is tested on a number of CCD images obtained from a 1-m telescope administered by Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory while observing a GPS satellite. The results show that the position measurement error of the background stars is around 0.1 pixel, while the time cost for a single frame is about 7.5 s; hence the reliability and accuracy of our method are demonstrated. In addition, our method shows a versatile and feasible way to perform space debris observation utilizing non-dedicated telescopes, which means more sensors could be involved and the ability to perform surveys could be improved.  相似文献   

We evaluate the exposure during nadir observations with JEM-EUSO, the Extreme Universe Space Observatory, on-board the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station. Designed as a mission to explore the extreme energy Universe from space, JEM-EUSO will monitor the Earth’s nighttime atmosphere to record the ultraviolet light from tracks generated by extensive air showers initiated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In the present work, we discuss the particularities of space-based observation and we compute the annual exposure in nadir observation. The results are based on studies of the expected trigger aperture and observational duty cycle, as well as, on the investigations of the effects of clouds and different types of background light. We show that the annual exposure is about one order of magnitude higher than those of the presently operating ground-based observatories.  相似文献   

In order to implement an observing strategy,image degradation that occurs during optical observation of space debris is ineluctable and has distinct characteristics. Image restoration is presented as a way to remove the influence of degradation in CCD images of space debris,based on assumed PSF models with the same FWHM as images of the object. In the process of image restoration,the maximum entropy method is adopted. The results of reduction using observed raw CCD images indicate that the precision in estimating positions of objects is improved and the effects of degradation are reduced. Improving the astrometry of space debris using image restoration is effective and feasible.  相似文献   

Space debris—man-made non-functional objects of all sizes in near-Earth space—has been recognized as an increasing threat for current and future space operations. The debris population in near-Earth space has therefore been extensively studied during the last decade. Information on objects at altitudes higher than about 2,000 km is, however, still comparatively sparse. Debris in this region is best detected by surveys utilizing optical telescopes. Moreover, the instruments and the applied observation techniques, as well as the processing methods, have many similarities with those used in optical surveys for ‘astronomical’ objects like near-Earth objects (NEOs). The present article gives a general introduction to the problem of space debris, presents the used observation and processing techniques emphasizing the similarities and differences compared to optical surveys for NEOs, and reviews the results from optical surveys for space debris in high-altitude Earth orbits. Predictions on the influence of space debris on the future of space research and space astronomy in particular are reported as well.  相似文献   

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