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青土湖地区9500a BP以来的环境变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对青土湖地区ZY剖面的代用指标分析,研究了该区9500aBP以来的气候环境变化.在9500~6700aBP期间,剖面为风成砂沉积,平均粒径、磁化率、碳酸盐含量和C/N代用指标值均出现了的最低值,代表了湖泊干涸状态下强烈的风力搬运堆积,反映为一种暖干的古气候环境;6700~5800aBP期间,为碳酸盐粉砂质粘土沉积,代用指标的值均为高值,指示高水位、暖湿的古气候环境;5800~2700aBP为碳酸盐粉砂沉积,代用指标的值均表现为中等,代表了低水位状态下的碳酸盐沉积,反映夏季风减弱,区域降水量减少;2700~1100aBP期间为沼泽沉积,此时湖泊水量变化是以人为因素为主还是自然因素为主,需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

青海湖近20年水域变化及湖岸演变遥感监测研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由于气候条件的变化,青海湖水位呈下降趋势,水域面积逐年缩小。选用1986年至2005 年的美国Landsat-5卫星图像数据对青海湖地区进行长达20年的跟踪监测研究结果表明,2004年青海湖水域面积比1986年缩小了约80 km2,与1989年相比,水域面积缩小了129 km2;水域面积最大和最小的年份分别是 1989年和2001年,面积相差135 km2。在过去20年间,青海湖水域面积的变化有2个明显的特征,第一,整体上呈现出十分明显的下降趋势;第二,年度变化呈现了在整体下降的同时又有短期小幅回升的现象,回升时间不超过2年。湖岸线年度变化遥感监测资料表明,青海湖湖岸线的年度推进量在40-200 m之间。在与青海省及湖区同期气象资料的分析对比后发现,湖区水域面积与地表蒸发量、气温以及地表温度的年度变化呈负相关, 且变化的趋势有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Dating and geomorphology of shoreline features in the Qinghai Lake basin of northwestern China suggest that, contrary to previous interpretations, the lake likely did not reach levels 66-140 m above modern within the past ∼ 90,000 yr. Maximum highstands of ∼ 20-66 m above modern probably date to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. MIS 3 highstands are undated and uncertain but may have been at or below post-glacial highs. The lake probably reached ∼ 3202-3206 m (+ 8-12 m) during the early Holocene but stayed below ∼ 3202 m after ∼ 8.4 ka. This shoreline history implies significantly different hydrologic balances in the Qinghai Lake basin before ∼ 90 ka and after ∼ 45 ka, possibly the result of a more expansive Asian monsoon in MIS 5.  相似文献   

青海黄河源盆地早更新世以来环境演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河源盆地位于青藏高原东北部,是黄河的源头地区,对环境和气候变化非常敏感。对黄河源盆地中的河湖相沉积物进行了孢粉分析,获得丰富的孢粉数据,结果显示孢粉组合以菊科、蒿科、藜科、禾本科、松、桦等草本和木本植物花粉为主。通过对各类植物的孢粉组合特征分析,揭示了黄河源地区早更新世以来古植被、古气候的演替和变化。其演变经历了4个阶段:第一阶段223.9~90.1万年,为森林草原环境,反映了温暖潮湿的气候;第二阶段90.1~35万年,为灌丛草原环境,反映了总体干冷的气候;第三阶段35~2.8万年,为稀树草甸草原环境,属湿润寒冷的气候;第四阶段2.8~0.8万年,为荒漠草原环境,反应干冷的气候。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠北部边缘是人类活动与环境变化相互作用较为典型的区域,对其形成和演化历史的恢复重建有助于认识和理解区域人地关系。本文基于遥感解译、野外调查和室内分析,对乌兰布和沙漠北缘(磴口以西地区)十多个湖相地层出露点(包括3个典型剖面)进行了较为详细的地貌、沉积和年代学研究,获得了研究区湖泊退却最后阶段的地层记录。测年结果表明研究区大部分在9.315~7.375ka B.P.(10.64~8.06cal.ka B.P.)的时限内退出湖泊环境,局部(可能为河汊或湖湾)湖相沉积可延续至全新世中晚期。沉积研究表明,所观察到的湖相地层大体形成于42cal.ka B.P.以来的河口环境,但河流过程和湖泊过程的相对强弱存在明显的时空分异。剖面下部(约42cal.ka B.P.以来)沉积物相对较粗,推移质占主导,斜层理局部可见,反映波浪作用对沉积物的搬运沉积具有主导作用,湖水相对较深,有利于动力较强的波浪的形成;剖面上部(大约在全新世以来)沉积物普遍变细,以悬移质沉积为主,最后阶段均沉积具水平层理的"红胶泥",软体动物大量繁衍,指示晚期湖泊近岸区域水动力条件弱、湖水浅、坡降小,沉积过程以静水堆积为主导。空间分异特征反映了河口环境河流冲积过程与湖泊滨岸过程在不同位置的作用程度不同,主要与三角洲平原上分流河道的规模和持续时间,以及堆积区水下地形特征及其与河口的相对距离有关。基于地层记录和沉积环境分析,结合前人资料,本文认为研究区湖泊由深变浅直至消亡的过程主要与晋陕峡谷溯源侵蚀引起的河套古湖出口下切有关。  相似文献   

对大型湖泊盆地沉积物粒度组成进行研究,有助于解读全球致密油气和页岩油气勘探开发与其记录的古气候信息。 文章对青海湖沉积物粒度时空分布进行了详细的研究,通过采集覆盖大部分湖区的27根近现代沉积岩芯,并对湖心的三根 典型沉积岩芯进行了137Cs测定获取沉积岩芯的年龄;基于磁化率地层年龄模式,建立了整个湖区沉积岩芯的年代框架。粒 度分析结果显示,青海湖岩芯沉积物的粒度分布呈多峰,以细颗粒沉积为主,其中粉砂含量60%~70%,粘粒组分为10%~ 35%,砂粒组分低于20%。青海湖沉积物的粒度变化在空间上相对较复杂,中值粒径呈现明显的砂岛附近、西部和西南湖 区高,其他湖区低的特征。在时间上,大体上自1960年到2017年呈现变粗的趋势,砂粒组分增多,粘粒组分减少。这些粒 度的时空变化可能是受风砂活动、流域土壤侵蚀、河流径流变化、湖平面变化和人类活动共同作用而成。  相似文献   

对大型湖泊盆地沉积物粒度组成进行研究,有助于解读全球致密油气和页岩油气勘探开发与其记录的古气候信息。 文章对青海湖沉积物粒度时空分布进行了详细的研究,通过采集覆盖大部分湖区的27根近现代沉积岩芯,并对湖心的三根 典型沉积岩芯进行了137Cs测定获取沉积岩芯的年龄;基于磁化率地层年龄模式,建立了整个湖区沉积岩芯的年代框架。粒 度分析结果显示,青海湖岩芯沉积物的粒度分布呈多峰,以细颗粒沉积为主,其中粉砂含量60%~70%,粘粒组分为10%~ 35%,砂粒组分低于20%。青海湖沉积物的粒度变化在空间上相对较复杂,中值粒径呈现明显的砂岛附近、西部和西南湖 区高,其他湖区低的特征。在时间上,大体上自1960年到2017年呈现变粗的趋势,砂粒组分增多,粘粒组分减少。这些粒 度的时空变化可能是受风砂活动、流域土壤侵蚀、河流径流变化、湖平面变化和人类活动共同作用而成。  相似文献   

宁晋泊地区全新世温暖期以来气候与环境变化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宁晋泊沉积物的环境指标高分辨率分析,揭示了作新世温暖期以来气候变化规律和湖泊演化过程。全新世温暖期早期,气候温暖,降水丰沛,环境稳定,湖泊水草茂美;其中在5500-6000aBP有一个短暂的降温过程;温暖期晚期,气候波动明显。全新世晚期,气候呈规律性波动,与华北地区文史资料一致,具有良好的可比性。  相似文献   

薛红盼  曾方明 《沉积学报》2021,39(5):1198-1207
青海湖地区因独特的地理位置,其古气候演化一直为学者们所关注.由于各类环境替代指标的多解性,以往研究中对青海湖地区末次冰消期以来特别是早全新世的气候特征存在不一致的认识.对青海湖东岸种羊场风成沉积物的元素地球化学特征及其古气候意义进行分析,结合磁化率、粒度和色度指标重建了过去约11 ka青海湖地区古气候演变过程.结果表明...  相似文献   

内蒙古克什克腾旗浩来呼热古湖泊全新世以来的环境演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
关友义  王永  姚培毅 《地质通报》2010,29(6):891-900
利用位于中国北方季风尾闾区的浩来呼热古湖泊沉积物中的硅藻化石重建了全新世以来的环境演变历史。根据硅藻组合的变化,可将浩来呼热古湖泊全新世以来的环境演变过程划分为6个阶段:阶段Ⅰ(12.1~11.5cal ka BP),气候以寒冷为主;阶段Ⅱ(11.5~8.6cal ka BP),温度有所回升,但存在一定的冷暖波动;阶段Ⅲ(8.6~6.7cal ka BP),气候仍相对偏凉,且比较干燥;阶段Ⅳ(6.7~5.8cal ka BP),气候开始转温;阶段Ⅴ(5.8~2.9cal ka BP),气候温暖偏湿,为全新世气候最适宜期;阶段Ⅵ(2.9~0.2cal ka BP),气候趋于凉干,湖水也越来越浅,最终在0.2cal ka BP前后干涸消失。  相似文献   


应用单道浅层地震、等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)和X射线衍射(XRD)等测试技术对地层结构及主微量元素地球化学、黏土矿物组成和结晶学特征等气候代用指标进行分析,高精度刻画了北部湾东南部末次间冰期以来的气候演化及驱动机制。指标变化显示南海西北部75千年(75 ka)以来物源供给受气候及海平面变化的协同控制。晚更新世受海因里希(Heinrich)全球气候变冷事件及青藏高原巨大高度和纬度效应的调控导致56 ka、41 ka和28 ka东亚季风的冬季风较夏季风阶段性增强,步入全新世以来,北部湾东南部历经多次干湿交替性升温过程,逐步演化到现今气候阶段。


通过对柴达木盆地东部尕海湖沉积物碳酸盐含量、自生碳酸盐碳氧同位素等指标的综合分析,建立了尕海湖地区自冰消期晚期以来的气候环境演变特征。结果表明,冰消期(12710~11360aB.P.)气候环境变化较大;进入全新世(自11360aB.P.开始)后,早全新世(11360~8370aB.P.)气候波动明显,整体较为干旱,温度有所回升;中全新世(8370~3200aB.P.),早期为湿润气候环境,是全新世气候环境最稳定的阶段,晚期气候环境仍较湿润,但环境条件变差;在晚全新世(3200aB.P.以来),早期湖泊水体仍然较淡,但气候环境明显趋向干旱,后期气候变得干旱,气候环境存在波动变化。约1500aB.P.存在一次湿润事件。  相似文献   

The comparison between the first results of comprehensive micropaleontological analysis (pollen, spores, foraminifera, and ostracods) and those of radiocarbon dating (AMS14C) for the sediments of the eastern inner shelf of the Laptev Sea (the core collected from depth of 37 m) indicates that considerable changes in natural conditions in the sea and on land coincide in time and refer to the time period of 1500–1700 years B.P. This period is characterized by changes in microfossils: appearance of thermophilic pollen and planktonic foraminifera and increase in total number of benthic foraminifera and ostracods. Intense warming and humidification of the climate reconstructed for this 200-year period promoted the expansion of large-shrub tundra. Summer air temperatures were lower than that in the peak mid-Holocene climatic optimum by 2°–3°C, but 1°C higher than the present-day temperature. An estuary freshwater basin developed: it was strongly affected by river discharge, but North Atlantic waters also intensely penetrated here in short-term intervals. In general, the studied microfossil complex reflects the relatively stable environmental conditions and decrease in seawater salinity in the eastern part of the Laptev Sea shelf during the last 2300 years.  相似文献   

青海湖地区冰消期以来气候变化的黄土记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青海湖周围堆积着很多黄土和风沙沉积,这些风成沉积序列是过去气候变化的良好记录.相对于湖泊沉积,这些沉积物受到的研究较为薄弱.对青海湖南岸的黄土堆积进行了光释光年代学、磁化率、Fe/Mg值、粒度和有机质含量等气候替代性指标测量.在具有绝对年代标尺控制的基础上,结合气候替代性指标变化特征的分析,表明冰消期以来青海湖地区的古气候经历了多次的冷暖和干湿变化过程:14~9 ka间气候前期相对冷干,后期转为凉干,其中可能在11 ka左右存在一次暖湿事件;9~2.5 ka间气候呈暖湿状态;2.5 ka以后的地层扰动较大.黄土和湖泊沉积记录的环境变化过程具有可比性.  相似文献   

Benthonic foraminiferal faunal and isotopic data from Champlain Sea sediments (approximately 12,500 to 10,000 yr B.P. in age) in two piston cores from Lake Champlain provide a detailed, apparently continuous record of the evolution of the Champlain Sea. Cassidulina reniforme and Islandiella helenae are the dominant benthonic foraminifera during the initial phase of the Champlain Sea, and are replaced by Elphidium excavatum forma clavatum and Protelphidium orbiculare as the dominant species during the remainder of the sea's history. The oxygen-isotopic data show a gradual decrease in δ18O between approximately 12,500 and 10,900 yr B.P., followed by a more rapid decrease during the interval 10,900 to 10,000 yr B.P. The δ13C data have a similar trend as δ18O, with generally decreasing values up the section. The isotopic and faunal data suggest that nearly marine conditions were present in the initial plase of the Champlain Sea, followed by gradually decreasing salinities and increasing temperatures as the sea evolved. The beginning of the rapid isotopic decrease at approximately 10,900 yr B.P. marks the onset of the largest environmental change in the history of the Champlain Sea, probably reflecting a major pulse of meltwater from the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Western Tibet, between the Karakorum fault and the Gozha–Longmu Co fault system, is mostly internally drained and has a 1.5–2 km amplitude relief with km-large valleys. We investigate the origin of this peculiar morphology by combining a topography analysis and a study of the Cenozoic sedimentation in this area. Cenozoic continental strata correspond to a proximal, detrital fan deposition, and uncomformably rest on a palaeorelief similar to the modern one. Zircon U–Pb dating from trachytic flows interbedded within the Cenozoic continental sediments indicates that detrital sedimentation occurred at least between ca 24 and 20 Ma in the Shiquanhe basin, while K/Ar ages suggest it may have started since ~ 37 Ma in the Zapug basin. The distribution of continental deposits shows that present-day morphology features, including km-large, 1500 m-deep valleys, were already formed by Early Miocene times. We suggest that today's internally drained western Tibet was externally drained, at least during late Miocene, contemporaneously with early motion along the Karakorum Fault. Detailed study of the present day river network is compatible with a dextral offset on the Karakorum Fault of 250 km at a rate of ~ 10 ± 1 mm/yr. Displacement along the Karakorum fault possibly induced the shift from external to an internal drainage system, by damming of the Bangong Co ~ 4 Ma ago, leading to the isolation and preservation of the western Tibet relief.  相似文献   

青海湖流域水文特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘小园 《水文》2004,24(2):60-61
介绍了青海湖流域的自然地理概况,分析了青海湖流域降水、径流、蒸发、泥沙、水质、水位的变化特征,计算了青海湖的入湖补给量和耗水量。  相似文献   

Changes in organic materials preserved within sediments of Saginaw Bay deposited over the past two centuries record corresponding periods in the environmental history of this part of Lake Huron and its watershed. Sediments deposited since 1940 show an increasingly greater input of aquatic organic matter in response to accelerating cultural eutrophication of Saginaw Bay. Concentrations of fatty acids, sterols, fatty alcohols, and aliphatic hydrocarbons are higher in these modern sediments than in deeper ones. Molecular distributions of these geolipids reflect less aquatic material deeper in the sediments. Prior to 1875, sediment organic matter appears to be diluted by mineral matter from enhanced erosion caused by clearing of the watershed for farming and settlement. During this period there is better preservation of carbonate minerals due to quicker burial. Since 1875, petroleum components comprise over 90% of the total aliphatic hydrocarbon content of these sediments, reflecting the advent and continued existence of chronic, low-level petroleum contamination of this part of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

李金锁  刘喜方  牛新生  商斌  李国臣 《地质学报》2020,94(10):3130-3143
通过对西藏藏北高原多格错仁盐湖湖岸3101cm高度剖面进行地形地貌、地层沉积特征、矿物学特征及粒度、频率磁化率等气候环境变化指标的分析研究发现,整个剖面反映出大致6个较大的气候变化过程:233. 3kaBP~223. 5kaBP气候波动较大,总体趋势气候趋于干冷,期间出现过两次较温暖气候,之后气候逐渐变冷;在223. 5kaBP~213. 6kaBP总体变化为气温大幅度上升,但在期间有一次较大的相对冷干过程;213. 6kaBP~170kaBP之间总体变化气候趋于变冷,中间有2次明显的气候变暖湿过程及两次冷干过程;170kaBP~117. 1kaBP气候转为明显湿热;117. 1kaBP~75. 6kaBP气候变化趋势明显降低;75. 6kaBP~56. 7kaBP气候又明显上升达到湿热状态。以上气候波动规律与极地冰芯记录及深海氧同位素记录的古气候波动规律有很好的一致性,同时本盐湖区与柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖区的CH0310钻孔及青海湖南岸二郎剑阶地的 QH 86钻孔所揭示的中更新世晚期以来的气候变化的分析对比,发现西藏羌北的多格错仁盐湖区与青海的察尔汗盐湖区及青海湖湖区在更新世中晚期以来的气候环境变迁存在极好的可比性,说明青藏高原的气候演化在中晚更新世以来基本具有一致性,在时间上的微小超前与滞后具有区域上的细微变化,说明气候变迁在不同的区域又具有各自的独特性。  相似文献   

A 475-cm long sediment core (QH-2005) from Lake Qinghai was used to carry out multi-proxy analysis of δ18O and body length of ostracod valves and redness and grain size of sediments, in order to reconstruct environ-mental changes during the past 13500 cal. a BP. The age model was based on 6 14C dates for bulk orgnic carbon (BOC) and 2 14C dates for lignin. The lignin 14C dates are apparently younger than the corresponding layers’ BOC 14C dates, indicating that the reservoir age varied from 728 to 1222 a since the Late Glacial and from 2390 to 2490 a immediately before the pre-bomb era. Hence, the 14C age model for Core QH-2005 was corrected by the changing reservoir age. Ostracod δ18O values were primarily related to dilution and evaporative enrichment of the lake water. The reconstructed salinity based on ostracod body length coincides well with ostracod δ18O values. High redness and mean grain size (MZ) values indicate increased riverine supply to Lake Qinghai associated with increasing monsoon rainfall. Multi-proxy results show that climate during 13500-10900 cal. a BP was relatively cold and dry with fre-quent short-term fluctuations; a warm and wet climate began at about 10900 cal. a BP and culminated around 6500 cal. a BP as a result of monsoon strengthening; the climate became cold and dry afterwards and has remained rela-tively stable since 3400 cal. a BP. Our data also reveal short-term (millennial/centennial timescales) climatic fluctua-tions including: Younger Dryas events, ice-rafting events 8 and 1 (by ~11000 cal. a BP and ~1600 cal. a BP respec-tively), 8200 cal. a BP cold event, Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period.  相似文献   

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