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Organic matter in eolian dusts over the Atlantic Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The elemental and mineralogical composition and the microfossil and detritus content of particulate fallout from the lower troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean have been extensively documented in earlier work, and it was possible to ascribe terrigenous source areas to such fallout. A brief review of the organic geochemistry of eolian dust is also presented here. The lipids of eolian dusts sampled from the air mass over the eastern Atlantic from about 35°N to 30°S were analyzed here.These lipids consisted mainly of normal alkanes, carboxylic acids and alcohols. The n-alkanes were found to range from n-C23 to n-C35, with high CPI values and maximizing at n-C27 in the North Atlantic, at n-C29 in the equatorial Atlantic and at n-C31 in the South Atlantic. The n-fatty acids had mostly bimodal distributions, ranging from n-C12 to n-C30 (high CPI), with maxima at n-C16 and in the northern samples at n-C24 and in the southern samples at n-C26. The n-alcohols ranged from n-C12 to n-C32, with high CPI values and maxima mainly at n-C28. The compositions of these lipids indicated that their terrigenous sources were comprised mainly of higher plant vegetation and desiccated lacustrine mud flats on the African continent.  相似文献   

The distribution and optical absorption characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were systematically investigated along three meridional transects in the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea conducted as part of the 2003 US CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography survey. Hydrographic transects covered in aggregate a latitudinal range of 5° to 62° north along longitudes 20°W (line A16N, Leg 1), 52°W (A20), and 66°W (A22). Absorption spectra of filtered seawater samples were collected and analyzed for depths ranging from the surface to ∼6000 m, sampling all the ocean water masses in the western basin of the subtropical North Atlantic and several stations on the North and South American continental slopes. The lowest surface abundances of CDOM (< 0.1 m−1 absorption coefficient at 325 nm) were found in the central subtropical gyres while the highest surface abundances (∼0.7 m−1) were found along the continental shelves and within the subpolar gyre, confirming recent satellite-based assessments of surface CDOM distribution. Within the ocean interior, CDOM abundances were relatively high (0.1–0.2 m−1 absorption coefficient at 325 nm) except in the subtropical mode water, where a local minimum exists due to the subduction of low CDOM surface waters during mode water formation. In the subthermocline water masses of the western basin, changes in CDOM abundance are not correlated with increasing ventilation age as assessed using chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) concentrations and the atmospheric CFC history. But dissolved organic carbon (DOC) mass-specific absorption coefficients of CDOM increase with increasing ventilation age in the deep sea, indicating that CDOM is a refractory component of the DOC pool. The overall CDOM distribution in the North Atlantic reflects the rapid advection and mixing processes of the basin and demonstrates that remineralization in the ocean interior is not a significant sink for CDOM. This supports the potential of CDOM as a tracer of ocean circulation processes for subducted water masses.  相似文献   

Nutrient irrigation of the North Atlantic   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The North Atlantic, as all major oceans, has a remarkable duality in primary production, manifested by the existence of well-defined high and low mean primary production regions. The largest region is the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASTG), an anticyclone characterized by bowl shaped isopycnals and low production. The NASTG is surrounded at its margins by smaller cyclonic high-production regions, where these isopycnals approach the sea surface. The most extensive cyclonic regions are those at the latitudinal extremes, i.e. the subpolar and tropical oceans, though smaller ones do occur at the zonal boundaries. In this article we review historical data and present new analyses of climatological data and a selected number of hydrographic cruises in the western/northwestern and eastern/southeastern boundaries of the NASTG, with the objective of investigating the importance of upward epipycnal advection of nutrient-rich subsurface layers (irrigation) in maintaining high primary production in the euphotic layers. In the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (NASPG) irrigation implies intergyre exchange caused by the outcropping extension of the Gulf Stream (GS), following the formation of the deep winter mixed-layer. In the eastern boundary of the NASTG irrigation is attained through a permanent upwelling cell, which feeds the Canary Upwelling Current (CUC). In the southeastern corner irrigation occurs in fall, when the Guinea Dome (GD) is reinforced, and in winter, when the CUC reaches its southernmost extension. Other characteristics of the north/south extension of the GS/CUC are the seasonal nutrient replenishing of subsurface layers (spring restratification of NASPG and winter relaxation of the GD) and the maintenance of high levels of diapycnal mixing during the last phase of nutrient transfer to the euphotic layers. Off the Mid-Atlantic Bight the GS transports a total of about 700 kmol s−1 of nitrate, with almost 100 kmol s−1 carried in the surface (σθ < 26.8) layers and some 350 kmol s−1 in the intermediate (26.8 < σθ < 27.5) layers. A box model suggests that north of Cape Hatteras most surface and upper-thermocline nitrates are used to sustain the high levels of primary production in the NASPG. Off Cape Blanc there is winter along-shore convergence of order 10 kmol s−1 of nitrate in the near-surface layers (possibly larger in summer), with only a small fraction used to sustain local primary production in the coastal upwelling band and the remainder carried to the interior ocean. Nutrients and biomass exported from these cyclonic regions may account for the concentration levels observed within the NASTG.  相似文献   

Two dimensional crustal models derived from four different ocean bottom seismographic (OBS) surveys have been compiled into a 1,580 km long transect across the North Atlantic, from the Norwegian Møre coast, across the extinct Aegir Ridge, the continental Jan Mayen Ridge, the presently active Kolbeinsey Ridge north of Iceland, into Scoresby Sund in East Greenland. Backstripping of the transect suggests that the continental break-up at ca. 55 Ma occurred along a west-dipping detachment localized near the western end of a ca. 300 km wide basin thinned to less than 20 km crustal thickness. It is likely that an east-dipping detachment near the present day Liverpool Land Escarpment was active during the late stages of continental rifting. A lower crustal high-velocity layer (7.2–7.4 km/s) interpreted as mafic intrusions/underplating, was present beneath the entire basin. The observations are consistent with the plume hypothesis, involving the Early Tertiary arrival of a mantle plume beneath central Greenland and focused decompression melting beneath the thinnest portions of the lithosphere. The mid-Eocene to Oligocene continental extension in East Greenland is interpreted as fairly symmetric and strongly concentrated in the lower crustal layer. Continental break-up which rifted off the Jan Mayen Ridge, occurred at ca. 25 Ma, when the Aegir Ridge became extinct. The first ca. 2 m.y. of oceanic accretion along the Kolbeinsey Ridge was characterized by thin magmatic crust (ca. 5.5 km), whereas the oceanic crustal formation since ca. 23 Ma documents ca. 8 km thick crust and high magma budget.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of reactive mercury has been measured at two stations in the eastern North Atlantic and one station in the southeast Atlantic in conjunction with the IOC Open Ocean Baseline Survey. The average concentrations of reactive Hg in vertical profiles ranged from 0.70 to 1.07 pM with the highest values found at the northeast Atlantic stations and the lowest at the southeast station. No significant concentration gradients were found below the surface mixed layer at the two stations in the eastern North Atlantic. At station 7, in the southeast Atlantic, an increase in reactive Hg was noted in the water adjacent to the mixed layer (35–200 m) which was coincident with an oxygen depletion, down to 20% saturation at 200 m. The concentration of reactive Hg in the North Atlantic Deep Water (0.48–1.34 pM), the Antarctic Intermediate Water (0.47 pM), the Antarctic Bottom Water (0.67–1.25 pM), and the Mediterranean Outflow Water (0.83–1.06 pM) were noted. The trends in Hg concentration in the water masses between stations showed the concentration decreasing with distance from the water mass source except for Hg in the Antarctic Bottom Water. The increase noted in this water mass was attributed to mixing with North Atlantic Deep Water and or release from bottom sediments.  相似文献   

Apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption spectra, and CDOM fluorescence characteristic of aromatic amino acids (excitation/emission 280 nm/320 nm; F(280/320)) and marine-humic like substances (320 nm/410 nm; F(320/410)) were measured in full depth during a cruise in the temperate Eastern North Atlantic (ENA). An optimum multi-parameter (OMP) inverse method was run to calculate water mass proportion-weighted average (archetypal) concentrations of these chemical parameters for all water masses and samples. Archetypal concentrations retain the variability due to water mass mixing and basin scale mineralization from the water mass formation sites to the study area. Conversely, the difference between measured and archetypal concentrations, retain the variability due to dissimilarities in mineralization processes within the study area. Our analysis indicates that DOC supported 26±3% of the AOU in the dark temperate ENA and that basin scale processes occurring at and from the formation area of the water masses explained 63% of the total DOC variability. Our data also suggests that DOC remineralized at the basin scale was of lower molecular weight, and with a lower proportion of fluorescent aromatic amino acids than found within the study area. The relationship between the absorption coefficient at 254 nm (aCDOM(254)) and AOU indicates that aCDOM(254) was consumed during organic matter remineralization in the dark ocean, with 55% of the variability being explained by basin scale processes. The relationships of F(320/410) with AOU and DOC confirmed that marine humic-like substances are produced by microbial degradation processes, at a rate of 6.1±0.9×10−3 mg equivalents of QS mol AOU−1. Our results also indicate that basin-scale remineralization processes account for 85% of the total variability of F(320/410), emphasizing that large scale processes control the formation of humic-like substance in the dark ENA.  相似文献   

Total (unfiltered) silver concentrations in higher latitudes of the North Atlantic (52–68°N) are reported for the second Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Global Investigation of Pollutants in the Marine Environment (GIPME) baseline survey of 1993. These silver concentrations (0.69–7.2 pM) are oceanographically consistent with those (0.24–9.6 pM) previously reported for lower latitudes in the eastern North and South Atlantic (Flegal et al., 1995). However, surface (⩽200 m) water concentrations of silver (0.69–4.6 pM) in the northern North Atlantic waters are, on average, ten-fold larger than those (0.25 pM) considered natural background concentrations in surface waters of the central Atlantic. In contrast, variations in deep far North Atlantic silver concentrations are associated with discrete water masses. Consequently, the cycling of silver in the far North Atlantic appears to be predominantly controlled by external inputs and the advection of distinct water masses, in contrast to the nutrient-like biogeochemical cycling of silver observed in the central Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  相似文献   

Dissolved and total dissolvable manganese concentrations have been measured at four stations in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Total dissolvable manganese concentrations are high in surface waters, decrease to uniformly low levels throughout the bulk of the water column, and increase in the bottom nepheloid layer. Dissolved Mn (Mnd) concentrations follow the total dissolvable concentrations throughout the surface and deep waters but do not increase in the near-bottom waters.Deep water concentrations of Mnd decrease from 30 ng l?1 in the Newfoundland Basin to 20 ng l?1 in the Sargasso Sea. This change and other features of the deep water distribution of dissolved manganese could be associated with the slow oxidation of Mn2+ to MnO2. There is also evidence at one station of scavenging of manganese from the dissolved phase in the near-bottom layer which may again be related to the kinetics of manganese oxidation.  相似文献   

Western boundary currents are the locus of intense nutrient transport, or nutrient streams. The largest fraction of this transport takes place in the upper-thermocline layers, between the surface layers (where speed reaches a maximum) and the nutrient bearing strata of the subtropical gyres (where nutrient concentration is maximum). The core of the nutrient stream of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre is located slightly offshore the Gulf Stream, its density coordinate centered on the 26.5–27.3band, approximately constant along the axis of the stream. During late spring and summer the nutrient stream reaches the surface seasonal mixed layer at the outcropping of this isopycnal band. We argue that this must be a principal factor sustaining the seasonal high productivity of the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, we investigate the possibility of intermittent shear-induced diapycnal mixing in the upper-thermocline layers of the Gulf Stream, induced by frontogenesis taking place during some phase of the meanders. Here we illustrate that diapycnal mixing has a maximum at the location of the nutrient stream, being associated to observed nutrient anomalies. We suggest that diapycnal mixing associated to the passage of steep meanders brings nutrients from the nutrient stream to the shallow photic layers, and sustains intermittent (day-to-week) patchy (10–100 km) productivity over the stream itself.  相似文献   

Abyssal hills were delineated in a 185 × 185-km area by an 18.5 × 18.5-km grid of narrow-beam bathymetric and geophysical profiles in oceanic crust of Cretaceous age near 23°N latitude, 31°W longitude. The abyssal hills are similar to features located along flow lines of sea-floor spreading near the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This similarity indicates a primary origin for these abyssal hills related to axial processes at a mid-oceanic ridge involving construction (igneous) and tectonics (faulting), and secondary modification by volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The paper presents new information on the chemical composition of the insoluble aerosol fraction in the atmospheric surface boundary layer of different climatic zones of the North Atlantic (temperate humid, arid and semiarid, equatorial humid). The material for this study was collected during 12 expeditions. Nylon meshes were used to catch aerosols along the course of vessels. Aerosols above the North Atlantic consist of lithogenic, biogenic, and anthropogenic particles transported from different regions, which governs the differences in their concentrations and mineral and chemical compositions. Significant (by more than an order of magnitude) enrichment of aerosols in Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, Sb, and Se is related to anthropogenic atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

Organic carbon fluxes through the sediment/water interface in the high-latitude North Atlantic were calculated from oxygen microprofiles. A wire-operated in situ oxygen bottom profiler was deployed, and oxygen profiles were also measured onboard (ex situ). Diffusive oxygen fluxes, obtained by fitting exponential functions to the oxygen profiles, were translated into organic carbon fluxes and organic carbon degradation rates. The mean Corg input to the abyssal plain sediments of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas was found to be 1.9 mg C m−2 d−1. Typical values at the seasonally ice-covered East Greenland continental margin are between 1.3 and 10.9 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 3.7 mg C m−2 d−1), whereas fluxes on the East Greenland shelf are considerably higher, 9.1–22.5 mg C m−2 d−1. On the Norwegian continental slope Corg fluxes of 3.3–13.9 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 6.5 mg C m−2 d−1) were found. Fluxes are considerably higher here compared to stations on the East Greenland slope at similar water depths. By repeated occupation of three sites off southern Norway in 1997 the temporal variability of diffusive O2 fluxes was found to be quite low. The seasonal signal of primary and export production from the upper water column appears to be strongly damped at the seafloor. Degradation rates of 0.004–1.1 mg C cm−3 a−1 at the sediment surface were calculated from the oxygen profiles. First-order degradation constants, obtained from Corg degradation rates and sediment organic carbon content, are in the range 0.03–0.6 a−1. Thus, the corresponding mean lifetime of organic carbon lies between 1.7 and 33.2 years, which also suggests that seasonal variations in Corg flux are small. The data presented here characterize the Norwegian and Greenland Seas as oligotrophic and relatively low organic carbon deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

After reviewing the inverse method, we apply it to deducing the general circulation of the North Atlantic ocean. We argue that the method is purely classical in nature, being nothing more than a mathematical statement of the principles upon which nearly all previous circulation schemes have been based. The ‘smoothed’ solution is shown to represent the components of the flow field that are determinable independently of the initial reference level. We then produce two circulation schemes based upon two different initial reference levels — 2000 decibars and the bottom — called North Atlantic-1A and North Atlantic-1B respectively. The models share many features in common and are strikingly similar to several previous schemes, most notably those of Jacobsen and Defant in the region west of Bermuda. No simple level-of-no-motion emerges in the flow fields; rather the velocity sections exhibit a complex cellular structure. Zonally integrated meridional cells of models and of the uniquely determined components are very similar, showing a poleward movement of warm saline water compensated at depth by a return flow of cold, fresher water. The magnitudes of the implied polar sea overflows and the heat fluxes are in good agreement with previous estimates. Finally, it is argued that neither these model circulations nor any other circulation pattern based upon the existing data can be regarded as actually representing the true time average ocean circulation because the data are aliased in time; the frequency/wavenumber spectrum of the ocean is inadequately known to determine the resulting errors.  相似文献   

Demina  L. L.  Novichkova  Ye. A.  Kozina  N. V. 《Oceanology》2019,59(3):425-431
Oceanology - Multielement chemical analysis and oxygen isotopic data has been employed for the first time to study the distribution of certain geochemical indicators in a sediment core recovered on...  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen (DO) in the ocean is a tracer for most ocean biogeochemical processes including net community production and remineralization of organic matter which in turn constrains the biological carbon pump. Knowledge of oxygen dynamics in the North Atlantic Ocean is mainly derived from observations at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site located in the western subtropical gyre which may skew our view of the biogeochemistry of the subtropical North Atlantic. This study presents and compares a 15 yr record of DO observations from ESTOC (European Station for Time-Series in the Ocean, Canary Islands) in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic with the 20 yr record at BATS. Our estimate for net community production of oxygen was 2.3±0.4 mol O2 m−2 yr−1 and of oxygen consumption was −2.3±0.5 mol O2 m−2 yr−1 at ESTOC, and 4 mol O2 m−2 yr−1 and −4.4±1 mol m−2 yr−1 at BATS, respectively. These values were determined by analyzing the time-series using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) method. These flux values agree with similar estimates from in-situ observational studies but are higher than those from modeling studies. The difference in net oxygen production rates supports previous observations of a lower carbon export in the eastern compared to the western subtropical Atlantic. The inter-annual analysis showed clear annual cycles at BATS whereas longer cycles of nearly 4 years were apparent at ESTOC. The DWT analysis showed trends in DO anomalies dominated by long-term perturbations at a basin scale for the consumption zones at both sites, whereas yearly cycles dominated the production zone at BATS. The long-term perturbations found are likely associated with ventilation of the main thermocline, affecting the consumption and production zones at ESTOC.  相似文献   

The level of reactive mercury in pelagic waters near the Mid Atlantic Ridge, south of the Azores, and in the Sargasso Sea, north of Bermuda, was studied. The reactive Hg concentration in both locations was shown to be fairly uniform with depth at a level of 2.5 ± 0.5 pmol l−1. The profiles show no indication of a simple Hg-nutrient relationship. The deep water from the Famous area was also sampled and showed no elevated Hg levels.  相似文献   

Geotechnical properties from a series of deep-sea sites in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans are examined to evaluate overall trends and to compare with similar fine-grained soils found on land. The study areas encompass a range of sedimentary environments dominated by combinations of turbidite and pelagic deposits. Carbonate content in excess of 20% is seen to result in a decrease in liquid limit and compressibility. Vertical profiles of geotechnical properties in the North Pacific show broader changes in down-core geotechnical properties compared to the North Atlantic and reflect the effects of long-term climatic changes and seafloor spreading. Sediments in the North Atlantic indicate significant differences depending on location, which is attributed to variability in turbidite deposition, water depth, distance from sediment sources, and the effects of bottom currents. Compared to equivalent fine-grained soils on land, deep-sea sediments are generally softer, more compressible and have higher friction angles at comparable Atterberg limits. Deeper and older sediments in the North Pacific are characterized by unusually large plastic limits, which are attributed to the presence of volcanic fractions. Empirical relationships for compression index and friction angle are discussed for sediments from both oceans.  相似文献   

In the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean iron (Fe) speciation was investigated in three size fractions: the dissolvable from unfiltered samples, the dissolved fraction (<0.2 μm) and the fraction smaller than 1000 kDa (<1000 kDa). Fe concentrations were measured by flow injection analysis and the organic Fe complexation by voltammetry. In the research area the water column consisted of North Atlantic Central Water (NACW), below which Mediterranean Overflow Water (MOW) was found with the core between 800 and 1000 m depth. Below 2000 m depth the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) proper was recognised. Dissolved Fe and Fe in the <1000 kDa fraction showed a nutrient like profile, depleted at the surface, increasing until 500–1000 m depth below which the concentration remained constant. Fe in unfiltered samples clearly showed the MOW with high concentrations (4 nM) compared to the overlying NACW and the underlying NADW, with 0.9 nM and 2 nM Fe, respectively. By using excess ligand (Excess L) concentrations as parameter we show a potential to bind Fe. The surface mixed layer had the highest excess ligand concentrations in all size fractions due to phytoplankton uptake and possible ligand production. The ratio of Excess L over Fe proved to be a complementary tool in revealing the relative saturation state of the ligands with Fe. In the whole water column, the organic ligands in the larger colloidal fraction (between 0.2 μm and 1000 kDa) were saturated with Fe, whereas those in the smallest fraction (<1000 kDa) were not saturated with Fe, confirming that this fraction was the most reactive one and regulates dissolution and colloid aggregation and scavenging processes. This regulation was remarkably stable with depth since the alpha factor (product of Excess L and K′), expressing the reactivity of the ligands, did not vary and was 1013. Whereas, in the NACW and the MOW, the ligands in the particulate (>0.2 μm) fraction were unsaturated with Fe with respect to the dissolved fraction, thus these waters had a scavenging potential.  相似文献   

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