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作为《陕西省科技志·古代天文》的一部分工作,对陕西古代天文人物进行了调查。本文共列出自远古至南北朝66条,72位人物。对每个人物,简要给出人物全貌,与陕西的关系,天文内容以及史料和研究文献线索。  相似文献   

对我台天体物理研究室 1992 - 2 0 0 1年期间科学论文产出情况进行了定量统计和分析 ,对已发表的论文总数、国内外SCI论文数、学报及台刊 (包括会议集等 )文章、青年作者论文数及论文引用情况的变化 ,分类归纳并进行讨论。结果表明该研究室科学论文产出的数量和质量逐年提高 ,并已形成了一支以青年天文工作者为主的天体物理基础研究队伍  相似文献   

《英汉天文学名词》李竞 许邦信 主编 上海科技教育出版社2 0 0 0年 6月出版  32开精装 394页 定价 2 8元常言道 ,“工欲善其事 ,必先利其器”。对于广大科技人员及天文爱好者来说 ,《英汉天文学名词》是一本很好的工具书。它是经中国天文学会天文学名词审定委员会审定的英汉对照天文学名词汇编。此书分正编和副编两部分 ,共收名词和术语 2 30 0 0条。其中正编2 2 30 0条 ,载有天文基本名词、常用天文复合名词、中国古代天文术语、天文缩写词、著名天文仪器设备和空间飞行器、主要天文机构和天文刊物 ,等等。名词和术语均按词首和词组…  相似文献   

<正>《天文学进展》创刊于1983年,为中国天文学会学术期刊。被收录为中国科学引文数据库来源期刊。《天文学进展》主要刊登内容:反映国内外天文学科最新研究进展的评述性文章、高水平的科研论文、学科前沿介绍、科研简讯、专题讲座、学术活动报道。读者对象:天文学及相关学科的科研人员、高等院校教师、研究生及具有相当天文基础知识的天文爱好者。  相似文献   

《云南天文台台刊》 (PublicationsoftheYunnanObservatory)作为中国科学院云南天文台主办的面向国内外发行的学术性科技出版物 (CN 5 3- 10 5 2 /P ,ISSN 10 0 1- 75 2 6 ) ,自1977年创刊以来 ,至 2 0 0 3年末已出版发行 97期。《云南天文台台刊》所刊登的学术论文涵盖了天文学及相关学科的各个研究领域 ,包括天文和天体物理的观测研究、实测技术和方法、天文新发现和专题述评等方面的内容。至今《云南天文台台刊》作为中国科技核心期刊之一 ,被中国科技核心期刊 (遴选 )数据库、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库和国际天文数据库ADS和CD…  相似文献   

在北京市海淀区,中关村中学是区里开展天文科技活动最早的学校之一了。天文科技活动是该校科技教育的一大特色。为学生发展兴趣和学习,校天象实验室为学生配备了一流的天文设备。天文台中安装了大型天文望远镜及与之配套的数码终端接收设备CCD。为便于学生进行野外观测,配备了小型望远镜。  相似文献   

前言 1990年,我台科技工作者在国内外学术刊物发表的论文和报告共115篇,其中,在国外出版物发表的26篇;国内核心学术刊物发表的25篇,按学科统计,天体物理68篇;天体力学与天体测量21篇;天文仪器技术及计算机技术14篇;古天文及其它12篇,现将各篇论文或报告的作者姓名,论文或报告题目,出版物名称、卷、期、页、年,综列如下,以供有兴趣者查找或引索。  相似文献   

1997年 ,我台科技工作者在国内外学术刊物上发表的论文和报告共 98篇 ,45岁以下青年学者发表 45篇 ,占台发表论文总数的 45 .9% ;97年在国际核心刊物 (SCI)上发表论文 3 1篇 ,国内核心刊物上发表论文 3 0篇 ,青年学者在国际核心刊物上发表论文 1 9篇 ,占台在国际核心刊物上发表论文数的 6 1 .3 % ,青年学者在国内核心刊物上发表论文 1 3篇 ,占台在国内核心刊物上发表论文数的 41 .9% ;按学科统计 ,天体物理方面 70篇 ,天体力学与天体测量方面 1 2篇 ,天文仪器技术与计算机技术 1 2篇 ,古天文及其它 4篇。现将各篇论文或报告的作者姓名 ,论文题目 ,出版物名称 ,卷 ,期 ,年份 ,页 ,综列如下 ,以供有兴趣者查找或索引  相似文献   

前言 1992年,我台科技工作者在国内外学术刊物上发表的论文和报告共83篇,其中,在国外出版物上发表的15篇,国内核心学术刊物发表的26篇,按学科统计,天体物理50篇;天体力学与天体测量17篇;天文仪器技术与技算机技术6篇;古天文及其它10篇.现将各篇论文或报告的作者姓名。论文题目,期刊名,卷期号(年份),页码,综列如下,以供  相似文献   

介绍在对全文数据库和全文检索有关技术研究分析的基础上,以天文文献作为处理对象,开发Internet网络环境下基于Lucene检索引擎的天文文献全文检索系统,实现了无需后台数据库的天文文献全文检索系统。全文检索系统在网络环境下运行。  相似文献   

The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) provides access to the astronomical literature through the World Wide Web. It is a NASA funded project and access to all the ADS services is free to everybody world-wide. The ADS Abstract Service allows the searching of four databases with abstracts in Astronomy, Instrumentation, Physics/Geophysics, and the LANL Preprints with a total of over 2.2 million references. The system also provides access to reference and citation information, links to on-line data, electronic journal articles, and other on-line information. The ADS Article Service contains the full articles for most of the astronomical literature back to volume 1. It contains the scanned pages of all the major journals (Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and Solar Physics), as well as most smaller journals back to volume 1.The ADS can be accessed through any web browser without signup or login. Alternatively an email interface is available that allows our users to execute queries via email and to retrieve scanned articles via email. This might be interesting for users on slow or unreliable links, since the email system will retry sending information automatically until the transfer is complete. There are now 9 mirror sites of the ADS available in different parts of the world to improve access. The ADS is available at: http://ads.harvard.edu This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We assessed the scientific productivity of XMM‐Newton by examining XMM‐Newton publications and data usage statistics. We analyse 3272 refereed papers, published until the end of 2012, that directly use XMM‐Newton data. The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) was used to provide additional information on each paper including the number of citations. For each paper, the XMM‐Newton observation identifiers and instruments used to provide the scientific results were determined. The identifiers were used to access the XMM‐Newton Science Archive (XSA) to provide detailed information on the observations themselves and on the original proposals. The information obtained from these sources was then combined to allow the scientific productivity of the mission to be assessed. Since around three years after the launch of XMM‐Newton there have been around 300 refereed papers per year that directly use XMM‐Newton data. After more than 13 years in operation, this rate shows no evidence that it is decreasing. Since 2002, around 100 scientists per year become lead authors for the first time on a refereed paper which directly uses XMM‐Newton data. Each refereed XMM‐Newton paper receives around four citations per year in the first few years with a long‐term citation rate of three citations per year, more than five years after publication. About half of the articles citing XMM‐Newton articles are not primarily X‐ray observational papers. The distribution of elapsed time between observations taken under the Guest Observer programme and first article peaks at 2 years with a possible second peak at 3.25 years. Observations taken under the Target of Opportunity programme are published significantly faster, after one year on average. The fraction of science time taken until the end of 2009 that has been used in at least one article is ∼90%. Most observations were used more than once, yielding on average a factor of two in usage on available observing time per year. About 20 % of all slew observations have been used in publications. The scientific productivity of XMM‐Newton measured by the publication rate, number of new authors and citation rate, remains extremely high with no evidence that it is decreasing after more than 13 years of operations.  相似文献   

An analysis was carried out of the secular period variation of four WU Ma type stars (AW UMa, AP Leo, AG Vir and AH Vir) using some newly determined times of minima as well as others reported in the literature. It was found that two stars show period increases, one a period decrease and the remaining shows no variation in period. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Daocheng site is one of the three candidate sites for the Large Optical/infrared Telescope(LOT) of China.It was discovered by Yunnan Observatories during the survey of potential sites for the next-generation large-aperture solar telescopes of China.This paper describes the overview of the site,the observation platform and the monitor instrument.In addition,simple statistical results are presented(from November,2016 up to December,2017).Detailed data results can refer to the overview of LOT site testing and data analysis articles,which were published during the same period.  相似文献   

In this review, we look back upon the literature, which had the GREGOR solar telescope project as its subject including science cases, telescope subsystems, and post‐focus instruments. The articles date back to the year 2000, when the initial concepts for a new solar telescope on Tenerife were first presented at scientific meetings. This comprehensive bibliography contains literature until the year 2012, i.e., the final stages of commissioning and science verification. Taking stock of the various publications in peer‐reviewed journals and conference proceedings also provides the “historical” context for the reference articles in this special issue of Astronomische Nachrichten/Astronomical Notes (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Citation Impact of Digital Preprint Archives for Solar Physics Papers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Papers that are posted to a digital preprint archive are typically cited twice as often as papers that are not posted. This has been demonstrated for papers published in a wide variety of journals, and in many different subfields of astronomy. Most astronomers now use the arXiv.org server (astro-ph) to distribute preprints, but the solar physics community has an independent archive hosted at Montana State University. For several samples of solar physics papers published in 2003, I quantify the boost in citation rates for preprints posted to each of these servers. I show that papers on the MSU archive typically have citation rates 1.7 times higher than the average of similar papers that are not posted as preprints, while those posted to astro-ph get 2.6 times the average. A comparable boost is found for papers published in conference proceedings, suggesting that the higher citation rates are not the result of self-selection of above-average papers. Editors’ Note: This paper lies outside the normal purview of Solar Physics papers, however the editors feel that the content is of sufficient importance for all Solar Physics authors and readers to merit its publication.  相似文献   

We present facsimiles of some of the scientifically and historically most relevant papers published in Astronomische Nachrichten/Astronomical Notes (AN) between 1821 and 1938. Almost all of these papers were written and printed in German and it is sometimes not completely straightforward to find these original works and then to cite the historically correct version, e.g. in case of a series of articles or editorial letters. It was common during the early years that many contributions were made in form of letters to the editor. We present a summary for these original works with an English translation of their titles. Among the highlights are the originals of the discovery of stellar parallaxes by FriedrichWilhelm Bessel, the discovery of the solar cycle by Heinrich Schwabe, the discovery of the planet Neptune by Johann Gottfried Galle, the first ever measured stellar radial velocity by Hermann Vogel, the discovery of radio emission from the Sun by Wilsing and Scheiner, the first ever conducted photoelectric photometry of stars by Paul Guthnick and up to the pioneering work by Karl Schwarzschild, Ejnar Hertzsprung, Erwin Finlay Freundlich and others. As a particular gimmick we present the still world record holding shortest paper ever published; by Johannes Hartmann in AN 226, 63 (1926) on Nova Pictoris. Our focus is on contributions in the early years and published until 1938 near the verge of the second world war (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

简要地介绍了GPS/LEO卫星无线电掩星技术的基本原理、意义以及国际上的最近动态 ,列举了几个主要的LEO卫星计划 ;重点分析了GPS掩星探测地球大气技术中需要注意的若干问题 ,并推出可能采取的改进方案和相应的技术路线。上海天文台在GPS/LEO空基气象学中已经成功地提出 :通过通约LEO/GPS轨道方法 ,实现掩星地面观测点控制的新思路。作为一个应用实例 ,针对东中国海洋上空大气状况对中国东部经济发达的地区特别是上海地区的天气有着重要影响的背景 ,提出利用通约LEO/GPS卫星可对该地区大气实施监控。为了充分利用GPS/LEO掩星观测资源 ,上海天文台开展了振幅反演的计算方法研究 ;提出了在振幅反演中存在着无线电信号几何衰减和物理衰减两种不同的衰减机制 ,并考虑了它们的数学模型以及对反演结果的影响。简要地叙述了掩星质量因子的定义和计算方法。作为国内天文地球动力学研究中心 ,上海天文台将与国内外一些合作单位考虑建立GPS/LEO掩星技术观测处理的软件系统。作为空基GPS气象学的推广 ,还考虑进行山基和飞机载掩星观测实验 ,论证用这些方法监测局部大气剖面的可行性以及它们在国民经济和科学研究上的作用  相似文献   

An appreciable number of galaxies have been discovered in recent years which are assigned high redshifts. High redshift galaxies (HRGs) are used as cosmological tools for probing early universe and knowledge of star formation. However, literature search revealed some inconsistencies in identification of emission lines used for redshift determination in some of the HRGs. We re-examined the spectra of 15 HRGs, as examples, that are available in the published literature and show that the high values of redshift may have been assigned to these objects due to the misidentification of the observed lines. We demonstrate that the observed emission lines can be identified with alternative search lines at higher wavelengths which are blueshifted instead of the lines used for redshift measurements. Observed blueshifts can be interpreted in a model of multiple expanding universes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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