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The Skagafjörður fjord in northern Iceland is located between the Tröllaskagi Peninsula in the east and the Skagi Peninsula in the west. The tributary valleys of the fjord originate in the highland area about 15 km north of the Hofsjökull icecap. The results of this work improve the knowledge of the deglaciation pattern in Skagafjörður and explore the adequacy of the 36Cl cosmic ray exposure dating method in an Icelandic environment, where this method has rarely been applied to deglaciated surfaces. The 36Cl dating method was applied to 13 rock samples taken on a transect from the coastal areas towards the highlands. All samples were obtained from rock outcrops with glacier‐polished surfaces from the Last Glaciation and from one of the few well‐preserved erratic boulders. The cosmogenic results, combined with previous radiocarbon results, indicate that the ice margin was situated in the outermost sector of Skagafjörður at approximately 17–15 ka BP. Subsequently, it retreated and occupied the central part of the fjord between 15 and 12 ka BP and then the innermost sector of the fjord about 11 ka BP. The samples collected between this position and the highlands show an average age of approximately 11 ka, indicating rapid deglaciation after the early Preboreal. These results agree with earlier studies of the deglaciation history of northern Iceland, reinforce previous deglaciation models in the area and enable a better understanding of glacial evolution in the North Atlantic from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene transition.  相似文献   

Representative diamond-bearing gneisses and dolomitic marble, eclogite and Ti-clinohumite-bearing garnet peridotite from Unit I at Kumdy Kol and whiteschist from Unit II at Kulet, eastern Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, were studied. Diamond-bearing gneisses contain variable assemblages, including Grt+Bt+Qtz±Pl±Kfs±Zo±Chl±Tur±Cal and minor Ap, Rt and Zrn; abundant inclusions of diamond, graphite+chlorite (or calcite), phengite, clinopyroxene, K-feldspar, biotite, rutile, titanite, calcite and zircon occur in garnet. Diamond-bearing dolomitic marbles consist of Dol+Di±Grt+Phl; inclusions of diamond, dolomite±graphite, biotite, and clinopyroxene were identified in garnet. Whiteschists carry the assemblage Ky+Tlc+Grt+Rt; garnet shows compositional zoning, and contains abundant inclusions of talc, kyanite and rutile with minor phlogopite, chlorite, margarite and zoisite. Inclusions and zoning patterns of garnet delineate the prograde P–T path. Inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite were identified in garnet from both eclogite and gneiss. Other ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) indicators include Na-bearing garnet (up to 0.14 wt% Na2O) with omphacitic Cpx in eclogite, occurrence of high-K diopside (up to 1.56 wt% K2O) and phlogopite in diamond-bearing dolomitic marble, and Cr-bearing kyanite in whiteschist. These UHP rocks exhibit at least three stages of metamorphic recrystallization. The Fe-Mg partitioning between clinopyroxene and garnet yields a peak temperature of 800–1000 °C at P >40 kbar for diamond-bearing rocks, and about 740–780 °C at >28–35 kbar for eclogite, whiteschist and Ti-bearing garnet peridotite. The formation of symplectitic plagioclase+amphibole after clinopyroxene, and replacement of garnet by biotite, amphibole, or plagioclase mark retrograde amphibolite facies recrystallization at 650–680 °C and pressure less than about 10 kbar. The exsolution of calcite from dolomite, and development of matrix chlorite and actinolite imply an even lower grade greenschist facies overprint at c. 420 °C and 2–3 kbar. A clockwise P–T path suggests that supracrustal sediments together with basaltic and ultramafic lenses apparently were subjected to UHP subduction-zone metamorphism within the diamond stability field. Tectonic mixing may have occurred prior to UHP metamorphism at mantle depths. During subsequent exhumation and juxtaposition of many other tectonic units, intense deformation chaotically mixed and mylonitized these lithotectonic assemblages.  相似文献   

Few well‐dated records of the deglacial dynamics of the large palaeo‐ice streams of the major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets are presently available, a prerequisite for an improved understanding of the ice‐sheet response to the climate warming of this period. Here we present a transect of gravity‐core samples through Trænadjupet and Vestfjorden, northern Norway, the location of the Trænadjupet – Vestfjorden palaeo‐ice stream of the NW sector of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Initial ice recession from the shelf break to the coastal area (~400 km) occurred at an average rate of about 195 m a−1, followed by two ice re‐advances, at 16.6–16.4 ka BP (the Røst re‐advance) and at 15.8–15.6 ka BP (the Værøy re‐advance), the former at an estimated ice‐advance rate of 216 m a−1. The Røst re‐advance has been interpreted to be part of a climatically induced regional cold spell while the Værøy re‐advance was restricted to the Vestfjorden area and possibly formed as a consequence of internal ice‐sheet dynamics. Younger increases in IRD content have been correlated to the Skarpnes (Bølling – Older Dryas) and Tromsø – Lyngen (Younger Dryas) Events. Overall, the decaying Vestfjorden palaeo‐ice stream responded to the climatic fluctuations of this period but ice response due to internal reorganization is also suggested. Separating the two is important when evaluating the climatic response of the ice stream. As demonstrated here, the latter may be identified using a regional approach involving the study of several palaeo‐ice streams. The retreat rates reported here are of the same order of magnitude as rates reported for ice streams of the southern part of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, implying no latitudinal differences in ice response and retreat rate for this ~1000 km2 sector of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (~60–68°N) during the climate warming of this period.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies carbonate rocks have been discovered associated with the granulite–eclogite transitional rocks within Bergen Arc system, Caledonian Orogen of western Norway. The local occurrences of marbles and calc‐silicates are found subparallel to the mafic eclogite facies shear zones on Holsnøy Island. Marbles contain the assemblage calcite (Ca0.99Sr0.01CO3), calcian strontianite (Ca0.18?0.44Sr0.53?0.84CO3), clinopyroxene (Jd7?32), epidote/allanite (Ps0?33), titanite, garnet (Alm52?56Grs28?33Pyp11?16), barite (Ba0.90?0.99Sr0.01?0.10SO4), celestine (Sr0.67?0.98Ba0.01?0.23Ca0.01?0.11SO4), and one apparently homogeneous grain of intermediate composition (Ba0.49Ca0.01Sr0.50SO4). Adjacent eclogites have clinopyroxene with similar jadeite contents (Jd14?34) and similar garnet (Alm51?60Grs26?36Pyp8?14) compositions. The marbles have high contents of Sr (9500–11000 p.p.m) and Y (115–130 p.p.m). However, low concentrations of some key trace elements (110–160 p.p.m. Ba and <5 p.p.m. Nb) appear to indicate that the marble is not a metamorphosed carbonatite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7051 to 0.7059. Field and petrological relationships suggest that metasomatic reactions and fluids played a significant role in producing and/or modifying the marbles. The breakdown of scapolite in the granulite into carbonates and sulphates during eclogite facies metamorphism may have contributed to the metasomatic formation of the marbles along shear zones. Fluids involved during subduction are an important catalyst for metamorphism and are recognized to have played a critical role in the localized transformation from granulite to eclogite in the Holsnøy Island area. Thermobarometry indicates 640–690 °C and 18–20 kbar for adjacent eclogites and temperatures of 580–650 °C for the calc‐silicates. The marble assemblages are consistent with fluid that is dominantly comprised of H2O (XCO2 < 0.03) under high‐pressure conditions. Phase equilibria of the marbles constrain the fO2 of the fluids and imply oxidizing conditions of the deep crustal fluids. At present the source of the fluids remains unresolved. The results provide additional insights into the variable and evolving nature of fluids related to subduction and high‐pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

Aluminous reaction textures in orthoamphibole-bearing rocks from the Froland area, Bamble, south Norway, record the prograde pressure–temperature path of the high-grade Kongsbergian Orogeny (c. 1600–1500 Ma) and the low–mid amphibolite facies overprint during the Sveconorwegian Orogeny (c. 1100–1000 Ma). The rocks contain anthophyllite/gedrite, garnet, cordierite, biotite, quartz, andalusite, kyanite, Cr-rich staurolite, tourmaline, ilmenite, rutile and corundum in a variety of parageneses. The P–T path is deduced from petrographic observations, mineral chemistry and zoning, geothermometry and (N)FMASH equilibria. The results indicate the sequence of metamorphic stages outlined below. (a) An M1 phase characterized by the presence of strongly deformed andalusite, gedrite and tourmaline. (b) An M2 phase with the development of kyanite after andalusite and the growth of staurolite associated with strong Na–Al–Mg zoning in orthoamphibole, indicating an increase in pressure (4 8 kbar) and temperature (500° 650°C). (c) Pressure decrease at high P (6–7 kbar) and high T (600–700 °C) during M3a with the production of cordierite ° Corundum between kyanite, staurolite and orthoamphibole and cordierite growth between corundum and orthoamphibole. (d) Temperature increase to 740 ± 60 °C and 7 kbar; static growth of garnet (M3b) at the metamorphic climax (peak T). The heat supply necessary to explain the temperature increase between the M3a and M3b phases is correlated with synkinematic enderbitic–charnockitic and basic intrusions in the Arendal granulite facies terrain. (e) M3b metamorphic conditions were followed by an initial isobaric cooling path (early M4) and late-stage pressure decrease (late M4). Early M4 conditions of 6–7 kbar and 550–600 °C, assuming PH2O < Ptotal are indicated by a retrograde talc–kyanite–quartz assemblage in late quartz–cordierite veins. Late M4 conditions of 3–4 kbar and 420–530 °C are inferred from a kyanite–andalusite–chlorite–quartz assemblage in vein-cordierite. The M1–M3 stages are interpreted as being the result of the same metamorphic P–T path, which was caused by both tectonic and magmatic thickening. A prolonged crustal residence time is proposed for the Bamble sector before uplift during the later stages of M4 occurred.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地南部双湖地区曲色组地层发育大量碳酸盐岩结核,这些结核多呈丘状、椭球状、透镜状、似层状、脉状、树枝状产出。其物质组分主要为泥微晶碳酸盐矿物,少量粘土矿物、石英及草莓状、半自形黄铁矿等。草莓状黄铁矿平均粒径在5.0μm左右,内部可见葵花状构造。发育凝块状、气孔状和渗漏孔等特殊构造。产双壳类、菊石类、蠕虫状或树枝状生物及超微生物化石,生物密度极高。碳同位素明显负偏,硫同位素则明显正偏,其特征与现代海底天然气水合物的渗漏、释放所形成的冷泉碳酸盐岩机理一致,因而推测为古代海底天然气渗漏喷发形成。大量海底天然气泉口的存在,可能表明羌塘盆地双湖地区早侏罗世大洋缺氧事件与海底天然气水合物喷发存在极大关联。  相似文献   

Han  Sijie  Sang  Shuxun  Wang  Wenfeng  Zhang  Jinchao  Zhang  Guanlong 《中国地球化学学报》2021,40(4):602-622
Acta Geochimica - The Northern Junggar Basin experienced extensive subduction and a complex tectono-magmatic evolution during the Late Paleozoic, resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of...  相似文献   

本文对羌塘盆地二叠系展金组烃源岩的岩心样品进行了烃源岩基本特征及生物标志化合物特征研究,重点探讨了烃源岩生烃母质来源、沉积环境特征及成熟度特征。研究显示,展金组烃源岩富含正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烷烃、萜类化合物和甾类化合物。其中,正构烷烃多为前高后低的单峰型,具有低碳数优势,nC15、nC16或nC17为主峰碳;规则甾烷中C27-C28-C29呈"V"字型分布,C27占优势;萜烷具有三环萜烷>五环三萜烷>四环萜烷的相对丰度,三环萜烷/五环三萜烷值在1.1~1.96之间;生烃母质主要来源于海相低等水生生物。Pr/Ph分布范围在0.53~1.16,平均值为0.85,植烷优势较明显;五环三萜烷的Ts/(Tm+Ts)值表明烃源岩形成于还原环境。而伽马蜡烷的含量以及伽马蜡烷/αβ-C30藿烷比值,证明烃源岩沉积时水体盐度为正常盐度。甾烷的C29 ααα20S/(20S+20R)和C29 αββ/(αββ+ααα)、萜烷的C31αβ22S/(22S+22R)、Ts/(Tm+Ts)值等反映烃源岩成熟度的参数显示,烃源岩处于成熟阶段。  相似文献   

在羌塘盆地中央隆起带附近角木茶卡南发现一套下二叠统展金组含凝灰质烃源岩。依据露头样品和测试数据,从有机质丰度、有机质类型及成熟度方面对这套烃源岩特征进行了研究。研究结果表明,展金组烃源岩有机碳含量在0.35%~0.98%之间,达到了烃源岩标准,且大部分接近中等烃源岩标准;通过干酪根镜鉴、干酪根元素分析、干酪根碳同位素等结果分析,其有机质类型主要为Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型;有机质镜质组反射率Ro为1.54%~1.59%,岩石热解峰温Tmax介于467~530℃之间,干酪根腐泥组颜色为棕黄色,显示有机质热演化处在高成熟阶段。研究结果显示该套烃源岩具有较好生烃潜力,在以后的勘探中要予以重视。  相似文献   

Analysis of shapes of folds, together with other structures such as axial plane foliation boudinage, mullions and cross joints, show that the F1 folds in the ‘main Raialo syncline’ were formed by buckling, and were subsequently modified by flattening normal to the axial planes and lengthening along the axis. The apparent buckle shortening of the F1 folds generally ranges between 70 and 80%. The folds were formed by simple shear (giving place to pure shear at certain stages) in an almost north-south direction on subhorizontal beds. Progressive deformation in the later stage of F1 folding resulted in gentle upright folding of F1 axial planes on F1′ axes slightly oblique to F1. The F2 folds, whose average shortening ranges from 20 to 30%, were also formed by buckling caused by horizontal compression in a nearly northwest-southeast direction. This folding was preceded and followed in some instances by homogeneous strain, as deduced fro mthe shapes of the F2 folds and the nature of variation of the F1 lineations. The F3 conjugate structures developed when the maximum compressive strain was vertical and the intermediate compressive strain northwest-southeast, almost normal to the subvertical F2 axial planes. The increase in the amplitude of the F2 folds in the last phase of F2 folding in certain zones resulted in an excess of vertical load, which dissipated with the formation of the F3 structures. In the last stage of movement (F4) the maximum compressive strain became horizontal along the strike of F2 axial planes, whereas the minimum compressive strain was normal to them. The F4 structures, therefore, point to a longitudinal shortening with reference to large scale F2 folding.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1987,37(1):71-87
Northern Cameroon has been classically divided into an old ‘basement complex’, a Middle Proterozoic cover (‘séries intermédiaires’) and granites emplaced during the Pan-African orogeny. New U/Pb geochronological data on different rock units from this region are presented. A rhyolite from the Poli schists (‘séries intermédiaires’) gives an age close to 800 Ma. Migmatitic gneisses of the ‘basement complex’ seem to derive from different detrital or magmatic sources. The metadiorites and foliated granites of the ‘basement complex’ give ages around 630 Ma. The 800 Ma age is interpreted as dating volcanic activity, probably related to the initial stage of the Pan-African evolution. Ages around 630 Ma date a syn-tectonic plutonism dominated by a regional-scale basic to intermediate plutonic suite (BIP). Zircons of the BIP suite are almost concordant and show no evidence of inheritance; the suite shows calc-alkaline affinity and relatively low 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios; thus the BIP suite represents material newly added to the crust during the PanAfrican orogeny. These data are at variance with previous interpretations of this part of the mobile belt as old Precambrian crust reactivated during the Pan-African orogeny. The previous distinction between the ‘séries intermédiaires’ and a regional ‘basement complex’ must be reappraised, similar ages being found in both units. A chronological succession of the Pan-African evolution is established and tentatively compared with that of the Trans-Saharan belt in Nigeria and Hoggar.  相似文献   

The blueschist and greenschist units on the island of Sifnos, Cyclades were affected by Eocene high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism. Using conventional geothermobarometry, the HP peak metamorphic stage was determined at 550–600 °C and 20 kbar, close to the blueschist and the eclogite facies transition. The retrograde P–T paths are inferred with phase diagrams. Pseudosections based on a quantitative petrogenetic grid in the model system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O reveal coeval decompression and cooling for both the blueschist and the greenschist unit. The conditions of the metamorphic peak and those of the retrograde stages conform to a similar metamorphic gradient of 10–12 °C km?1 for both units. The retrograde overprint can be assigned to low‐pressure blueschist to HP greenschist facies conditions. This result cannot be reconciled with the (prograde) Barrovian‐type event, which affected parts of the Cyclades during the Oligocene to Miocene. Instead, the retrograde overprint is interpreted in terms of exhumation, directly after the HP stage, without a separate metamorphic event. Constraints on the exhumation mechanism are given by decompression‐cooling paths, which can be explained by exhumation in a fore‐arc setting during on‐going subduction and associated crustal shortening. Back‐arc extension is only responsible for the final stage of exhumation of the HP units.  相似文献   

We have undertaken Pb and Os isotopic analyses of igneous rocks from the southern Adelaide fold belt to further understanding of the Neoproterozoic – early Palaeozoic evolution of the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana. The new Pb isotope data and a reappraisal of existing geochronological data suggest that layered mafic intrusions at Black Hill and Cambrai may have intruded much earlier than previously thought. Intrusion may even have occurred prior to deposition of the Normanville and Kanmantoo Group sediments and the onset of what is traditionally regarded as the Delamerian Orogeny. We tentatively term this earlier event the Hallett Cove orogeny. However, equivalent ages are common in the formerly adjacent Ross Orogen. When the Pb isotope signatures of the suites of gabbros, and I-, S-, and A-type granites are compared at 487 Ma they all span a very large range (206Pb/204Pbi = 15.4–18.7, 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.4–15.7, 208Pb/204Pbi = 33.0–38.8) compared with other formerly adjacent terranes or the subsequent Lachlan fold belt. Similarly, 187Os/188Osi ratios span 0.122–1.17 but include one gabbro and one rhyolite that have subchondritic 187Os/188Osi ratios. When taken together, the combined data do not support models in which the observed range in initial isotope ratios reflects major and variable mid to upper crustal assimilation of magmas derived from the contemporary asthenospheric mantle. Rather, it appears that magmas parental to the gabbros and A-type rocks were derived from subduction-modified lithospheric mantle that has a median metasomatic age of 1.4 Ga. Large-scale Pb isotopic homogenization, as proposed for the Lachlan fold belt did not occur in the Adelaide fold belt.  相似文献   

北山地区处于华北板块、塔里木板块和哈萨克斯坦板块的交会带,其晚古生代洋陆转化备受关注,但久有争议。该区晚古生代地层学研究不足,制约了对构造演化的深入讨论。通过LA—ICP—MS锆石U—Pb测年获得北山北部黑鹰山地区原定为下石炭统白山组火山岩的年龄分别为308.6Ma±1.0Ma和299.1Ma±2.4Ma,时代为晚石炭世。研究区内白山组时代的修订可以为该区构造演化提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

大兴安岭北段奇力滨地区玛尼吐组火山岩主要为粗面安山岩和粗面岩.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为142.2~141 Ma,表明火山岩形成于早白垩世.岩石地球化学结果表明,奇力滨地区玛尼吐组火山岩SiO2含量介于54.09%~64.89%之间,具有高铝 Al2O3(14.67%~17.27%)、高全碱 K2O+Na2O(6.33%~8.74%),较低的MgO(0.81%~2.71%)和Mg#(24.84~46.15),为高钾钙碱性火山岩;稀土总量(∑REE)介于146.51×10-6~193.29×10-6之间,轻重稀土分馏明显(La/Yb)N=8.5~15.52,弱的负铀异常(δEu=0.64~0.96);微量元素以富集Rb、Ba、K等大离子亲石元素(LILE)和轻稀土元素(LREE),亏损Ta、Nb、Ti、Zr、P等高场强元素(HFSE)为特征,同时具有Hf正异常和高Th/Ta、Th/Nb比值,较低的Lu/Yb(0.14~0.16)和Rb/Sr(0.02~0.17)比值.结合前人研究成果,本研究认为奇力滨地区玛尼吐组火山岩岩浆源区为俯冲消减板片流体交代的地幔楔部分熔融,在岩浆上升过程中经历了分离结晶作用和浅部地壳物质的同化混染.该区火山岩形成与蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合造山后的岩石圈伸展和软流圈上隆作用有关.  相似文献   

通过对拉竹龙-西金乌兰湖-金沙江结合带西段若拉岗日一带的地层重新解体厘定,填绘出一套以白云母石英片岩、石英岩、变质石英砂岩为主的绿片岩相浅变质地层。该浅变质地层可与羌塘地块之上的浅变质岩系玛依岗日组对比。对浅变质地层的碎屑锆石进行U-PbSHRIMP年龄测定,认为所获得的最小年龄值524Ma代表了该套地层沉积时代的下限,再结合该地区出露未变质的泥盆纪地层这一事实,将这套浅变质岩系的形成时代置于早古生代。  相似文献   

俄久卖高级变质岩位于藏北羌塘盆地中央隆起带北缘的玛依岗日地区,是目前羌塘盆地基底高级变质岩石的唯一代表。该高级变质岩由正片麻岩和副片麻岩组成,本文以正片麻岩为研究重点。正片麻岩锆石CL图像显示出明显的核一幔一边结构。根据LA—ICP—MS锆石u—Pb测年结果,锆石核部年龄范围为242~2490Ma,记录了岩浆岩源岩的年代信息:锆石幔部具有典型的岩浆振荡环带结构,年龄为207Ma±2Ma,相应的Th/u值介于0.02-0.30之间,代表正片麻岩原岩的岩浆结晶时代.该年龄与羌塘中部地区晚三叠世高压变质作用和岛弧岩浆作用在时空上相对应。锆石增生边的年龄为161~197Ma.对应的Th/u值介于0.02-0.15之间,代表片麻岩发生主变质作用的时代,可能是班公湖一怒江洋盆向北的俯冲消减作用在羌塘中部地区的响应。地球化学资料显示,正片麻岩具有类似岛弧型火山岩的地球化学特征。综合区域地质资料,俄久卖高级变质岩原岩的形成与区域上广泛存在的晚三叠世构造、岩浆及角度不整合事件相对应,可能指示羌塘盆地统一基底的形成时代为晚三叠世。这对深入认识羌塘盆地基底的时代、性质及含油气盆地资源远景评价等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We examine the development of the Yanjinggou anticline, a fault-propagation-fold in the southern Longmen Shan, through an integrated study of structural geometry, strain, and paleomagnetism. The 3-D structural and strain restoration models generated in our analysis reveal that the NE-trending Yanjinggou fold has a curved map trace that is convex to the southeast. The fold has three distinct regions characterized by different strain patterns: contraction in the core of the fold, extension in the outer arc, and a forelimb with distributed shear. To further understand the kinematics of the Yanjinggou anticline, we performed paleomagnetic analysis on 184 oriented samples collected across the structure. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements and stepwise thermal demagnetization were conducted. A strike test was applied to the high temperature component (HTC) in order to identify rotation around the arc. The result indicates that the Yanjinggou anticline is a progressive arc, with a minor initial curvature and a dominant secondary curvature related to vertical-axis rotation synchronous with thrusting. The primary curvature and initial development of the structure correlates with the growth of the southern Longmen Shan in Late Miocene. The secondary curvature correlates with displacement extending since Late Pleistocene toward the southeast into the central basin along the detachments that underlie the structure. Lateral gradients in displacement along this underlying detachment provide a mechanism for producing the vertical rotation of the anticline. AMS results and historical earthquake analysis imply that the fault-propagation fold, along with other NE trending structures in the southern Sichuan basin, are tectonically active and accommodate east-west crustal shortening in the basin. By integrating 3-D structural and strain restoration modeling with systematic AMS and paleomagnetic methods using statistical analysis, we closely constrain how the Yanjinggou anticline developed, and provide insights into the formation of fault-related folds with curved shapes in map view, which are common in other fold-and-thrust belts around the world.  相似文献   

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