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Field studies in the Palaeoproterozoïc Daléma basin, Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier, reveal that the main tectonic feature comprises alternating large shear zones relatively well-separated by weakly deformed surrounding rock domains. Analysis of the various structures in relation to this major D2 phase of Eburnean deformation indicates partitioning of sinistral transpressive deformation between domains of dominant transcurrent and dominant compressive deformation. Foliation is mostly oblique to subvertical and trending 0–30° N, but locally is subhorizontal in some thrust-motion shear zones. Foliation planes of shear zones contain a superimposed subhorizontal stretching lineation which in places cross-cuts a steeply plunging stretching lineation which is clearly expressed in the metasedimentary rocks of weakly deformed surrounding domains. In the weakly deformed domains, the subhorizontal lineation is absent, whereas the oblique to subvertical lineation is more fully developed. Finite strain analyses of samples from surrounding both weakly deformed and shearing domains, using finite strain ratio and the Fry method, indicate flattened ellipsoid fabrics. However, the orientation of the long axis (X) of the finite strain ellipsoid is horizontal in the shear zones and oblique within the weakly deformed domains. Exceptionally, samples from some thrust zones indicate a finite strain ellipsoid in triaxial constriction fabrics with a subhorizontal long axis (X). In addition, the analysis of the strain orientation starting from semi-ductile and brittle structures indicates that a WNE–ESE (130° N to 110° N) orientation of strain shortening axis occurred during the Eburnean D2 deformation.  相似文献   

Internal regions of orogenic belts may be characterized by an alignment of fold axes with mineral elongation lineations. This relationship is commonly interpreted as representing progressive tightening and rotation towards the shear direction of early buckle folds, the hinges of which were initiated orthogonal to this direction. Detailed structural analysis of lower amphibolite facies Dalradian metasediments of the Ballybofey (fold) Nappe, north-west Ireland, shows that an intense S3 schistosity is developed axial planar to mesoscopic and minor F3 folds. In areas of low D3 strain, F3 fold axes plunge gently towards the north-east, whereas in regions of greater strain plunges are towards the south-east subparallel to the constant mineral lineation. Minor folds which initiated at angles of 70–80° from the mineral lineation subsequently rotated towards the shear direction in a consistent clockwise sense. Progressive and variable non-coaxial deformation oblique to the original mean F3 orientation has resulted in a unimodal distribution pattern of fold axes. Analysis of the angular rotation of fold axes enables estimates of the bulk shear strain to be evaluated and models of progressive deformation to be assessed.  相似文献   

The structural geometry of a mylonite zone (the Woodroffe thrust) and the country rock in its immediate vicinity is described. Mylonitic schistosity formed axial planar to folds in country rock foliation and contains a mineral elongation lineation which is constant in orientation. However, the fold axes (and associated intersection lineation) spread in orientation within the mylonitic schistosity but with a strong maximum parallel to the mineral elongation lineation. It is demonstrated that the fold axes formed initially at approximately 90° to mineral elongation but rotated with increase in strain towards it. Where this phenomenon was homogeneous on a macroscopic scale, rotation of large blocks of country rock across zones of mylonitization accompanied reorientation of fold axes within the mylonite.The controversy of progressive simple versus progressive pure shear for mylonite zones is discussed in the light of recent fabric and other evidence. It is concluded that the inhomogeneous forms of both progressive pure shear and progressive simple shear played a part and that the former dominated initially but gradually gave way to the latter until brittle rupture with large simple-shear displacements on a zone lubricated by the formation of pseudotachylite, brought granulite over amphibolite facies rocks.  相似文献   

The patterns of deformed early lineations (L1) over later folds (F2) can be classified into several morphological types depending on the nature of variation of L1 F2 over the folds. The field relations indicate that the folds under consideration are neither shear folds nor parallel folds modified by flattening. The lineation patterns are therefore interpreted in terms of an empirical model of simultaneous buckling and flattening in which it is assumed that (i) the central surface of the folded layer remains a sine curve in transverse profile, (ii) the ratio of rates of buckle shortening to homogeneous strain is proportional to sin 2a, with a as the dip angle and (iii) the progressive deformation is coaxial with the Z-axis of bulk strain parallel to the planar segments of the early folds. The model gives an insight into the relative importance of different physical factors which control the development of dissimilar lineation patterns. Not all lineation patterns are explicable by this simplified model. Thus complex patterns with variable L1 F2 along the fold axis may develop by a progressive rotation of the geometrically defined fold hinge through successive material lines. The theoretical results have been applied to interpret the lineation patterns in Central Rajasthan, India. It is concluded that L1 was initially very close to the E-ESE trending subhorizontal Z-axis of bulk deformation during F2-folding and that the X-axis was subhorizontal or gently plunging with a N-NNE trend.  相似文献   

Permian volcanic sediments at Bluff have been strained and thermally metamorphosed by Permian intrusives to metasediments of hornblende—hornfels facies. Quartz, which crystallised as a secondary mineral during metamorphism, has an unusual preferred orientation with c-axes either forming paired maxima in the plane containing the lineation (=maximum principal strain axis = direction of extension) and the perpendicular to schistosity (=minimum principal strain axis = shortening direction) or a broad maximum parallel to the lineation; the paired maxima are approximately 30° either side of the lineation. Some quartz grains are markedly elongate parallel to the lineation, and according to hypotheses of preferred orientation involving crystal plasticity, there should be some correlation between the shape of such grains and their c-axis orientations. Grain-size and shape analysis of Bluff quartz demonstrate that no such correlation exists; the analyses show that the preferred orientation results from oriented nucleation in the residual stress field immediately following the bulk straining of the rocks, with the distribution of c-axes as predicted by Kamb's hypothesis (1959). The time relationships of rock deformation, thermal metamorphism, and nucleation and growth of quartz are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of strain in Jurassic argillites forming part of the folded and thrusted sedimentary succession of the Lagonegro basin (southern Italian Apennines) has been carried out using ellipsoid-shaped reduction spots as strain markers. Most of the determined finite strain ellipsoids are of oblate type and show a peculiar distribution of the maximum extension direction (X), with maxima either subparallel or subperpendicular to the local fold axes. Using the strain matrix method, two different deformation histories have been considered to assist the interpretation of the observed finite strain pattern. A first deformation history involved vertical compaction followed by horizontal shortening (occurring by a combination of true tectonic strain and volume loss), whereby all strain is coaxial and there is no change in the intermediate axis of the strain ellipsoid. By this type of deformation sequence, which produces a deformation path where total strain moves from the oblate to the prolate strain field and back to the oblate field, prolate strain ellipsoids can be generated and may be recorded where tectonic deformation has not been large enough to reverse pretectonic compaction. This type of deformation history may be of local importance within the study area (i.e. it may characterize some fold hinge regions) and, more generally, is probably of limited occurrence in deformed pelitic rocks. A second deformation sequence considered the superposition of pre-tectonic compaction and tectonic strain consisting of initial layer-parallel shortening followed by layer-parallel shear (related to flexural folding). Also in this instance, volume change during tectonic deformation and tectonic plane strain have been assumed. For geologically reasonable amounts of volume loss due to compaction and of initial layer-parallel shortening, this type of deformation history is capable of producing a deformation path entirely lying within the oblate strain field, but still characterized by a changeover, during deformation, of the maximum extension axis (X) from a position parallel to the fold axis to one perpendicular to it. This type of deformation sequence may explain the main strain features observed in the study area, where most of the measured finite strain ellipsoids, determined from the limb regions of flexural folds, display an oblate shape, irrespective of the orientation of their maximum extension direction (X) with respect to the local structural trends. More generally, this type of deformation history provides a mechanism to account for the predominance of oblate strains in deformed pelitic rocks.  相似文献   

Granulite facies tonalitic gneiss, mafic granulite and late metadolerite dykes from Bremer Bay in the Mesoproterozoic Albany Mobile Belt yield palaeomagnetic remanence that were acquired between ca 1.2 Ga and 1.1 Ga. A well‐constrained pole (66.6°N, 303.7°E) fits the ca 1.2 Ga part of the Precambrian Australian apparent polar wander path. This pole is in agreement with the high‐latitude position of Australia at ca 1.2–1.1 Ga shown on some Rodinia reconstructions. More data are required before any significance can be attributed to a second, poorly defined pole (41.8°S, 243.7°E) that falls at some distance from the ca 0.8 Ga part of the Australian apparent polar wander path. Magnetic anisotropy measurements from all samples except late granite dykes indicate northeast‐southwest elongation (i.e. parallel to the local trend of the orogenic belt) and northwest‐southeast contraction. This is in agreement with the orientation of principal strain axes deduced from structures formed during late stages of ductile deformation. The mean magnetic fabric lineation (long axis of the strain ellipsoid) is subparallel to a mineral elongation lineation and the axes of late upright to inclined folds. Short axes of the strain ellipsoid determined from magnetic fabric measurements are in a similar orientation to poles to the axial surfaces of these folds and to the associated cleavage. This mean shortening axis bisects late conjugate ductile shear zones that overprint the folds. This study has shown that structurally complex high‐grade gneisses and intrusive rocks with variable timing relationships may yield meaningful palaeomagnetic results for late stages of metamorphism. Magnetic anisotropy analysis is also seen to be a valuable tool in providing principal strain directions for late ductile deformation.  相似文献   

Compression and extension axes are deduced from quartz deformation lamellae in a quartzite and a graywacke folded into an asymetrical syncline. Deformation lamellae fabrics in the two sandstones are distinctly different. In the graywacke, regardless of bedding orientation or position on the fold, compression axes are normal or nearly normal to the axial planar rough cleavage. Extension axes generally lie in the cleavage plane, parallel to dip. In most quartzite samples, compression axes are parallel or subparallel to bedding, at high angles to the fold axis and extension axes are normal to bedding. Two samples from the very base of the formation indicate compression parallel to the fold axis with extension parallel to bedding, at high angles to the fold axis. One of these two shows both patterns. The lamellae fabric geometry in these two samples suggests the presence of a neutral surface in the quartzite. The lamellae-derived compression and extension axes are in good agreement with the buckling behavior of a viscous layer (quartzite) embedded in a less viscous medium (graywacke and shale below and shale and carbonate above).  相似文献   

The 3D shape, size and orientation data for white mica grains sampled along two transects of increasing metamorphic grade in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, reveal that metamorphic foliation, as defined by mica shape‐preferred orientation (SPO), developed rapidly at sub‐greenschist facies conditions early in the deformation history. The onset of penetrative strain metamorphism is marked by the rapid elimination of poorly oriented large clastic mica in favour of numerous new smaller grains of contrasting composition, higher aspect ratios and a strong preferred orientation. The metamorphic mica is blade shaped with long axes defining the linear aspect of the foliation and intermediate axes a partial girdle about the lineation. Once initiated, foliation progressively intensified by an increase in the aspect ratio, size and alignment of grains, although highest grade samples within the chlorite zone record a decrease in aspect ratio and reduction in SPO strength despite continued increase in grain size. These trends are interpreted in terms of progressive competitive anisotropic growth of blade‐shaped grains so that the fastest growth directions and blade lengths tend to parallel the extension direction during deformation. The competitive nature of mica growth is indicated by the progressive increase in size and resultant decrease in number of metamorphic mica with increasing grade, from c. 1000 relatively small mica grains per square millimetre of thin section at lower grades, to c. 100 relatively large grains per square millimetre in higher grade samples. Reversal of SPO intensity and grain aspect ratio trends in higher grade samples may reflect a reduction in the strain rate or reduction in the deviatoric component of the stress field.  相似文献   

In the history of superposed deformations of the iron formations at the western border of the Kolar Gold Field in S India, an important event was the successive growth of broadly coaxial plane noncylindrical folds in course of a progressive deformation concomitant with development of ductile mesoscopic shear zones. The noncylindrical folds were initiated as active folds by the creation of a buckling instability at successive stages on newly developed foliation surfaces. The nucleation of noncylindrical folds and the subsequent axial-plane folding of the tightened mature folds are explained by the mechanical inhomogeneity of the rocks and the heterogeneous character of strain. The correlation between increasing tightness and increasing noncylindricity of the folds indicates that the initial curvatures of hinge lines were accentuated by an extension parallel to the subhorizontal stretching lineation. From the patterns of deformed lineations over folds of varying tightnesses, it is concluded that the passive accentuation of hinge-line curvatures was mostly achieved when the folds had already become isoclinal or very tight.  相似文献   

Spatial variations in shear strain rate are expected in ductile shear zones. Where the variation is a change in shear strain perpendicular to the displacement direction, the effect is to rotate the shear slip planes. This is a mechanism for giving a rotation of fold axes into parallelism with the slip and extension direction in a rock. If such a variation in shear strain affects rocks with a strong planar anisotropy it is possible to produce a fabric with an apparent stretching lineation parallel to fold axes, but both significantly oblique to the slip direction. A possible example of this is seen in strongly deformed quartz-mica schists from Syros, Greece, where a stretching lineation is seen parallel to fold hinges over a range of fold axes orientations of at least 40°.  相似文献   

Samples of monomineralic quartz veins from the Simplon Fault Zone in southwest Switzerland and north Italy generally have asymmetric, single girdle c-axis patterns similar to textures measured from many other regions. Several samples have characteristically different textures, however, with a strong single c-axis maximum near the intermediate specimen axis Y (the direction within the foliation perpendicular to the lineation X) and a tendency for the other crystal directions to be weakly constrained in their orientation about this dominant c-axis maximum. This results in ‘streaked’ pole figure patterns, with an axis of rotation parallel to the c-axis maximum. These atypical samples also have a distinctive optical microstructure, with advanced recrystallization and grain growth resulting in a strong shape fabric (SB) oblique to the dominant regional foliation (SA), whereas typical samples have a strong SA fabric outlined by very elongate, only partially recrystallized, ribbon grains. The recrystallized grains of the atypical samples are themselves deformed and show strong undulose extinction and a core-mantle recrystallization structure. The streaked texture is likely to be a direct consequence of lattice bending and kinking during heterogeneous slip on the favoured first-order prism (10 0) (a) system, the heterogeneity itself being due to problems in maintaining coherence across grain boundaries when insufficient independent easy-slip systems are available for homogeneous strain by dislocation glide. Such bending would be particularly prevalent in very elongate, thin ribbon grains, resulting in high internal strain energy and promoting recrystallization. Thus both the texture and the microstructure could be significantly modified by later strain increments affecting quartz grains with an already developed, nearly single-crystal texture.  相似文献   

Buckle folds in internal multilayer systems will initiate and grow in a bulk plane strain condition, in which the principal axis of no change, Y (X >Y >Z), is perpendicular to the layering and to the fold axial direction, providing that the multilayer is confined both above and below. The bulk extension direction, X, is then parallel to the fold axial direction.  相似文献   

Deformation features on pebbles of the Alpine Molasse Basin are most clearly developed in carbonate components. Ductile distortion is small; most of the pebbles moved against each other to produce solution pits and slip-lineations on the pebble surfaces. The complete lineation field has a triaxial geometry. From a compressional axis of divergence with maximum solution, fields of diverging lineations extend to meet at a plane of convergence. Their ends bend away from an intermediate axis towards an (extensional) axis of convergence. The strain-symmetry is pure shear for orthogonal lineation-field axes, uniaxial compression and extension representing special cases. The angle α between the divergent and the convergent axes decreases from 90 to 0° with the transition from pure to simple shear. For Molasse pebbles α angles between 90 and 60° were usually observed. Regional compression developed perpendicular to the Alpine structures and parallel to bedding, with increasing deviations near the Alpine border. Zones are recorded of vertical and horizontal extension and of compression perpendicular to bedding and horizontal extension perpendicular to the Rhinegraben existing at the northern border of the Molasse Basin.  相似文献   

Three major episodes of folding are evident in the Eastern Ghats terrain. The first and second generation folds are the reclined type; coaxial refolding has produced hook-shaped folds, except in massif-type charnockites in which non-coaxial refolding has produced arrow head folds. The third generation folds are upright with a stretching lineation parallel to subhorizontal fold axes. The sequence of fold stylesreclinedF 1and coaxialF 2, clearly points to an early compressional regime and attendant progressive simple shear. Significant subhorizontal extension duringF 3folding is indicated by stretching lineation parallel to subhorizontal fold axes. In the massif-type charnockites low plunges ofF 2folds indicate a flattening type of deformation partitioning in the weakly foliated rocks (magmatic ?). The juxtaposition of EGMB against the Iron Ore Craton of Singhbhum by oblique collision is indicative of a transpressional regime.  相似文献   

Garnet growth in high‐pressure, mafic garnet granulites formed by dehydration melting of hornblende‐gabbronorite protoliths in the Jijal complex (Kohistan palaeo‐island arc complex, north Pakistan) was investigated through a microstructural EBSD‐SEM and HRTEM study. Composite samples preserve a sharp transition in which the low‐pressure precursor is replaced by garnet through a millimetre‐sized reaction front. A magmatic foliation in the gabbronorite is defined by mafic‐rich layering, with an associated magmatic lineation defined by the shape‐preferred orientation (SPO) of mafic clusters composed of orthopyroxene (Opx), clinopyroxene (Cpx), amphibole (Amp) and oxides. The shape of the reaction front is convoluted and oblique to the magmatic layering. Opx, Amp and, to a lesser extent, Cpx show a strong lattice‐preferred orientation (LPO) characterized by an alignment of [001] axes parallel to the magmatic lineation in the precursor hornblende‐gabbronorite. Product garnet (Grt) also displays a strong LPO. Two of the four 〈111〉 axes are within the magmatic foliation plane and the density maximum is subparallel to the precursor magmatic lineation. The crystallographic relationship 〈111〉Grt // [001]Opx,Cpx,Amp deduced from the LPO was confirmed by TEM observations. The sharp and discontinuous modal and compositional variations observed at the reaction front attest to the kinetic inhibition of prograde solid‐state reactions predicted by equilibrium‐phase diagrams. The PT field for the equilibration of Jijal garnet granulites shows that the reaction affinities are 5–10 kJ mol.?1 for the Grt‐in reaction and 0–5 kJ mol.?1 for the Opx‐out reaction. Petrographic and textural observations indicate that garnet first nucleated on amphibole at the rims of mafic clusters; this topotactic replacement resulted in a strong LPO of garnet. Once the amphibole was consumed in the reaction, the parallelism of [001] axes of the mafic‐phase reactants favoured the growth of garnet crystals with similar orientations over a pyroxene substrate. These aggregates eventually sintered into single‐crystal garnet. In the absence of deformation, the orientation of mafic precursor phases conditioned the nucleation site and the crystallographic orientation of garnet because of topotaxial transformation reactions and homoepitaxial growth of garnet during the formation of high‐pressure, mafic garnet‐granulite after low‐pressure mafic protoliths.  相似文献   


The schists and gneisses of the Kanmantoo Group in the eastern Mt. Lofty Ranges show a well marked foliation and lineation. The foliation seen in the field is usually parallel to the bedding. The micas have a preferred orientation parallel to the lineation, resulting in girdles or partial girdles in the fabric diagrams. Quartz does not appear to have any preferred orientation. The lineations plunge to the S.S.E. or N.N.W., the mean plunge being about 20° to the S.S.E. This agrees with the plunge of the fold axes measured in the field and with the plunge of major structures deduced from field mapping. The area is thus one in which all the lineations are “b” lineations.  相似文献   

The Pikikiruna Schist of Nelson, New Zealand, displays a fabric in which the patterns of quartz c-axes, the poles to planes of inequidimensional quartz grains, and the statistical maxima of poles to sheet-silicate cleavages are oblique to each other. The quartz c-axes patterns consist of type-1 and type-2 crossed-girdles. The triclinic fabric can be explained in terms of one complex rotational deformation of an essentially plane strain nature. Rotation of approximately 90° about the intermediate strain-axis was combined at a late stage with subsidiary rotations about the extension axis. The quartz c-axes patterns can be related to the kinematic framework rather than the finite strain-axes. On the other hand, the dimensional quartz preferred orientation may be closely related to the finite strain-axes, though the quantity of strain can not be measured because of recrystallisation.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional boudinage in a flattening type of bulk deformation, with equal layer-parallel extensions in all directions, leads to the development of roundish or polygonal outlines of boudins in plan-view. As combined experimental and theoretical studies show, chocolate tablet boudinage with two sets of mutually perpendicular boudin axes may form in different ways. (1) Unequal layer-parallel extension in the matrix results in one set of extension fractures forming perpendicular to the greatest principal stress in the matrix. Once these long narrow boudins are formed, the greatest principal stress in the brittle layer becomes approximately parallel to the long axis of the boudin. As a result a second set of fractures forms normal to the first set. (2) In lineated rocks the anisotropy of tensile strength leads to the sequential formation of two sets of extension fractures, parallel and perpendicular to the lineation. Depending on the orientation of the lineation the boudin axes may or may not be parallel to the principal stresses in the matrix. (3) Boudins with rectangular plan-view may also form when two successive events of unidirectional boudinage are superposed on one another. Irrespective of the direction of principal extensional strain rate in the matrix, the second generation extension fractures are likely to form approximately perpendicular to the first generation boudin axes.  相似文献   

A relatively undeformed quartzite sample from the Weverton formation was experimentally deformed in plane strain at a temperature of 700° C, a confining pressure of 15 kb and a constant strain rate of 10−6/sec, in a modified Griggs apparatus. A comparison of the known experimental strain for the sample with that measured from deformed rutile needles within the quartz grains shows fairly close agreement between the two values. This confirms the validity of using the needles as intracrystalline strain markers. A comparison has been made of the microstructures and preferred orientations in the experimentally deformed sample and a naturally deformed sample of the same quartzite which has undergone the same strain. The experimentally deformed sample exhibits more inhomogeneous intragranular deformation and a “double funnel” pattern of c axes, while the naturally deformed sample exhibits more homogeneous intragranular deformation and a broad great circle girdle of c axes normal to the foliation and lineation.  相似文献   

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