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Heinzel  P.  Anzer  U.  Schmieder  B. 《Solar physics》2003,216(1-2):159-171
We propose a new spectroscopic model for extended dark structures around Hα filaments observed in EUV lines. As in previous papers, we call these structures EUV filaments. Our model uses at least three observed EUV lines (located shortward the hydrogen Lyman-continuum limit) to compute iteratively the altitudes at which the EUV filament extensions are located. A transition-region line (O v in the present case) can be used to derive the opacity of the Lyman continuum and the other two coronal lines (e.g., Mg x and Si xii) then give two heights: the bottom and top of the EUV filament. The method takes into account self-consistently the absorption of EUV-line radiation by the Lyman continuum, as well as the volume-blocking effect potentially important for coronal lines. As an example we compute the heights of the EUV filament at one particular position, using CDS data for the 5 May 2000 filament. At this position, the EUV filament extension lies between altitudes 28 700 and 39 000 km, so that the geometrical thickness of the structure is 10300 km (we discuss also the sensitivity of our models to variations of the line intensities). These heights are consistent with the concept of twisted magnetic flux tubes, but there could be also some influence on our results due to additional low lying cool structures from parasitic polarities.  相似文献   

A large filament was observed during a multi-wavelength coordinated campaign on June 19, 1998 in the Hα line with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope (SVST) at La Palma, in the coronal lines Fe ix/x 171 Å and Fe xi 195 Å with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) and in EUV lines with the SOHO/CDS spectrometer and the hydrogen Lyman series with the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer. Because of its high-latitude location, it is possible to disentangle the physical properties of the Hα filament and the filament channel seen in EUV lines. TRACE images point out a dark region fitting the Hα fine-structure threads and a dark corridor (filament channel), well extended south of the magnetic inversion line. A similar pattern is observed in the CDS EUV-line images. The opacity of the hydrogen and helium resonance continua at 171 Å is almost two orders of magnitude lower than that at the Hi head (912 Å) and thus similar to the opacity of the Hα line. Since we do not see the filament channel in Hα, this would imply that it should also be invisible in TRACE lines. Thus, the diffuse dark corridor is interpreted as due to the coronal ‘volume blocking’ by a cool plasma which extends to large altitudes. Such extensions were also confirmed by computing the heights from the projection geometry and by simulations of the CDS and TRACE line intensities using the spectroscopic model of EUV filaments (Heinzel, Anzer, and Schmieder, 2003). Finally, our NLTE analysis of selected hydrogen Lyman lines observed by SUMER also leads to a conclusion that the dark filament channel is due to a presence of relatively cool plasma having low densities and being distributed at altitudes reaching the Hα filament.  相似文献   

Radio images and spectra of an eruptive prominence were obtained from simultaneous multifrequency observations at 36 GHz, 89 GHz, and 110 GHz on May 28, 1991 with the 45-m radio telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO), the National Astronomical Observatory, Japan (NAOJ). The radio spectra indicated that the optical depth is rather thick at 36 GHz whereas it is thin at 89 and 110 GHz. The H data, taken at Norikura Solar Observatory, NAOJ, suggest that the eruption of an active region filament was triggered by an H flare. The shape and position of the radio prominence generally coincided with those of H images. The radio emission is explained with an isothermal cool thread model. A lower limit for the electron temperature of the cool threads is estimated to be 6100 K. The range of the surface filling factors of the cool threads is 0.3–1.0 after the H flare, and 0.2–0.5 in the descending phase of the eruptive prominence. The column emission measure and the electron number density are estimated to be of the order of 1028 cm–5 and 1010 cm–3, respectively. The physical parameters of a quiescent prominence are also estimated from the observations. The filling factors of the eruptive prominence are smaller than those of the quiescent prominence, whereas the emission measures and the electron densities are similar. These facts imply that each cool thread of the prominence did not expand after the eruption, while the total volume of the prominence increased.  相似文献   

The weakening of EUV line emission due to continuum absorptions of neutral hydrogen and neutral helium is investigated to examine its wavelength-dependence. After convolving the intensities predicted from multilevel calculations over an instrumental profile, we found a systematic, linear weakening for lines shortward of 912 Å, which can be attributed to Lyman continuum absorption in the cool chromospheric cloud. The degree of the weakening at the quiet Sun seems to be constant in the temperature range of 4.3 < log T < 5.4. We also find that the lines shortward of 504 Å are somewhat weakened by He i continuum absorption. From the comparison of both weakenings the temperature of the absorber is estimated to be rather low (T e 7 × 103 K).  相似文献   

Stellmacher  G.  Wiehr  E.  Dammasch  I.E. 《Solar physics》2003,217(1):133-155
We present a comprehensive set of spectral data from two quiescent solar prominences observed in parallel from space and ground: with the VTT, simultaneous two-dimensional imaging of H4862 Å and Caii 8542 Å yields a constant ratio, indicating small spatial pressure variations over the prominence. With the Gregory, simultaneous spectra of Caii 8542 Å and Hei 10830 Å were taken, their widths yielding 8000 K <T kin<9000 K and 3<v nth<8 km s–1. The integrated line intensities show a distinct relation E(Hei) versus E(Caii) for each prominence (`branching'). The intensity ratio of the helium triplet components is used for a simple estimate of the optical thickness, which is <1.0 for the fainter prominence but reaches up to =2.0 for the brighter one. The 0 values allow us to deduce the source function from the central line intensities and thus a mean excitation temperature Tex mean=3750 K, which determines the relative populations of the helium 3 S and 3 P levels. With SUMER, we sequentially observed six spectral windows containing higher Lyman lines, `cool' emission lines from neutrals and singly charged atoms, as well as `hot' emission lines from ions like Oiv, Sv, Nv, Ov, and Svi. The spatial variation of the EUV lines along the SUMER slit shows a pronounced maximum at the main prominence body and `side-regions' where the `hot' lines are significantly enhanced with respect to the `cool' lines from neutral and singly-ionized atoms. These selected locations were averaged over 7 and the resulting mean EUV lines were fitted by Gaussians yielding realistic widths and integrated line intensities. The intensities of `hot' lines blue-wards of the Lyman series limit appear reduced in the main prominence body but enhanced in the `side-regions'. This absorption is also visible in TRACE images of Feix/x171 Å as fine dark structure which covers only parts of the main (`cool') prominence body. The Lyman lines show a smooth decrease of both line widths and integrated emission, with increasing upper level k=5 to k=19; the widths are smaller for the prominence that yields lower T kin from the ground-based spectra. The level populations along the line of sight follow for 5 lek le a smooth Boltzmann distribution with T ex>6×104 K, the levels k>8 appearing more and more overpopulated. The larger widths of the Lyman lines require high non-thermal broadening close to that of `hot' EUV lines. In contrast, the Heii emission is more related to the `cool' lines.  相似文献   

A?filament and its channel close to the solar disk were observed in the complete hydrogen Lyman spectrum, and in several EUV lines by the SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurement of Emitted Radiation) and CDS (Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer) spectrographs on the SoHO satellite, and in H?? by ground-based telescopes during a multi-instrument campaign in May 2005. It was a good opportunity to get an overview of the volume and the density of the cold plasma in the filament channel; these are essential parameters for coronal mass ejections. We found that the width of the filament depends on the wavelength in which the filament is observed (around 15?arcsec in H??, 30?arcsec in L??, and 60?arcsec in EUV). In L?? the filament is wider than in H?? because cool plasma, not visible in H??, is optically thick at the L?? line center, and its presence blocks the coronal emission. We have derived physical plasma properties of this filament fitting the Lyman spectra and H?? profiles by using a 1D isobaric NLTE model. The vertical temperature profile of the filament slab is flat (T??7000?K) with an increase to ???20?000?K at the top and the bottom of the slab. From an analysis of the L?? and H?? source functions we have concluded that these lines are formed over the whole filament slab. We have estimated the geometrical filling factor in the filament channel. Its low value indicates the presence of multi-threads.  相似文献   

Observations and analysis of magnetic activity phenomena in the atmospheres of cool stars—e.g., active regions, flares, stellar cycles—give insight into the fundamental processes in the heating of chromospheres, transition regions (TRs), and coronae. Diagnostics of magnetic activity can be found throughout the whole electromagnetic spectrum; from radio wavelengths, where gyrosynchrotron radiation arises from the quiescent and flaring corona, to optical, where important signatures are the Balmer lines and the Ca ii IRT and H&K lines, eventually to UV and X-rays, the latter mainly due to coronal thermal plasma. The UV and EUV ranges contains a plethora of emission lines that are powerful diagnostics for the warm (10?000 K) chromospheres, hot (100?000–800?000 K) TRs and very hot (1–10 MK) coronae. Also very weak coronal winds from cool stars have been identified and characterized thanks to high resolution UV spectra. Here I review the main results from UV observations of cool stars atmospheres and outline what can be expected from future UV imaging and spectroscopy measurements.  相似文献   

An emission measure analysis is performed for the Prominence-Corona Transition Region (PCTR) under the assumption that the cool matter of quiescent filaments is contained in long, thin magnetic flux loops imbedded in hot coronal cavity gas. Consequently, there is a transition region around each thread.Comparison of the model and observations implies that the temperature gradient is perpendicular to the magnetic lines of force in the lower part of the PCTR (T < 105 K). It is shown that in this layer the heating given by the divergence of the transverse conduction fails to account for the observed UV and EUV emission by several orders of magnitude. It is, therefore, suggested that the heating of these layers could be due to dissipation of Alfvén waves.In the high-temperature layers (T 105 K), where the plasma 1, the temperature gradient is governed by radiative cooling balancing conductive heating from the surrounding hot coronal gas. Also in these outer layers the presence of magnetic fields reduces notably the thermal conduction relative to the ideal field-free case. Numerical modelling gives good agreement with observed DEM; the inferred value of the flux carried by Alfvén waves, as well as that of the damping length, greatly support the suggested form of heating. The model assumes that about 1/3 of the volume is occupied by threads and the rest by hot coronal cavity matter.The brightness of the EUV emission will depend on the angle between the thread structure and the line of sight, which may lead to a difference in brightness from observations at the limb and on the disk.  相似文献   

An analysis of the spectral distribution of intensity of the Hei recombination continuum is probably the only direct method for determination of the electron temperature of helium emission regions on the Sun. On the basis of data on the Hei Lyman continuum, obtained by Dupree and Reeves from OSO-4, the electron temperature of undisturbed helium regions is determined: T e = = 12500 K. Such a low T e value is a serious argument in favour of the predominant role of UV coronal radiation in the helium ionization on the Sun. Comparison of the Hei Lyman continuum data with results of observations of the 10830 line showed that the visible helium lines and Hei Lyman continuum are produced within the same regions of the undisturbed solar atmosphere at T e = 12500 K.  相似文献   

White-light flares are defined as those flares that produce significant enhancement of emission in the visible light continuum. The source of energy for this emission has not yet been identified with several possibilities being suggested: heating of the lower chromosphere by some mechanical or magnetic means, or by soft X-ray or extreme ultraviolet radiation from coronal loops being absorbed in the lower chromosphere and re-emitted in the visible.Using non-LTE radiative transfer calculations for hydrogen and helium in a simple model atmosphere we show that EUV ( < 912 Å) radiation cannot be the main energy source for white-light flares. Estimates of the observed energy emitted in the visible and the EUV indicate that there may be enough energy in the EUV to account for the white light flare with this mechanism. Using enhancements in the wavelength region below 912 Å of up to 7 × 109 ergs cm–2 s–1 ster–1 (5 × 105 times the estimated q radiation field) to represent flare EUV emission from above we investigated the non-LTE level populations for hydrogen and helium and the lower atmospheric heating resulting from this radiation. The basic result is that the opacities in the Lyman continuum and the helium I and II continua are so much larger than even the enhanced opacity in the visible hydrogen continuum that the EUV radiation is absorbed before it can have a significant effect in the visible light continuum. However, the EUV radiation can cause a significant enhancement of H emission.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Skylab EUV observations of an active region near the solar limb were analyzed. Both cool (T < 106 K) and hot (T > 106 K) loops were observed in this region. For the hot loops the observed intensity variations were small, typically a few percent over a period of 30 min. The cool loops exhibited stronger variations, sometimes appearing and disappearing in 5 to 10 min. Most of the cool material observed in the loops appeared to be caused by the downward flow of coronal rain and by the upward ejection of chromospheric material in surges. The frequent EUV brightenings observed near the loop footpoints appear to have been produced by both in situ transient energy releases (e.g. subflares) and the infall/impact of coronal rain. The physical conditions in the loops (temperatures, densities, radiative and conducting cooling rates, cooling times) were determined. The mean energy required to balance the radiative and conductive cooling of the hot loops is approximately 3 × 10–3 erg cm–3 s–1. One coronal heating mechanism that can account for the observed behavior of the EUV emission from McMath region 12634 is heating by the dissipation of fast mode MHD waves.  相似文献   

An eruptive prominence and coronal transient of 19 December, 1973 comprised one of the best-observed coronal mass ejection events during the skylab period (May, 1973–January, 1974). EUV observations show that the pre-eruptive quiescent prominence was (at 8000 K) not appreciably hotter than other quiescent prominences, but EUV radiation from it and its prominence-corona interface was unusually faint. The prominence material was distributed in helical threads which decreased in pitch angle during the early phases of eruption. No region of the prominence was markedly different from any other just prior to and during the eruption. For the first time, the temperature and density of rising prominence material were determined at great heights in the corona. At 3R , the prominence material was still confined in threads whose temperature and total hydrogen density were 2 × 104 K and 1.5 × 109 cm–3, respectively. Shortly after this observation ( 7hr after the start of the eruption), the prominence material expanded dramatically. A small portion (1%) of the prominence material was observed draining downward near the solar surface late in the event, and we infer that only a small fraction (10%) of the pre-eruptive prominence mass was expelled from the Sun. The remainder of the prominence apparently lay outside the instruments' fields of view. The bulk of the material expelled did not originate in the prominence. Both coronal and prominence material accelerated outward during the period of observations. A pre-existing streamer was disrupted by the outflowing material.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Observations of prominence regions in hot coronal lines (106 K) at wavelengths below the hydrogen Lyman absorption limit show what appear to be absorption features. Other authors have suggested that these observed features may be due to H and He continuum absorption. But there has, as yet, been no conclusive evidence that this is indeed the case. In this paper we present new Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) observations that allow us to address this problem in a quantitative manner. We find that continuum absorption is the best explanation for the absorption observed in imaging data from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on board SOHO. Furthermore, we discuss a new technique to measure the column depth of neutral hydrogen in a prominence, and use it to obtain estimates of the prominence filling factors as well. We calculate the column depth of neutral hydrogen, H1018 cm–2, and the filling factor, f0.3.  相似文献   

The coronal hole observed on May 31, 1973 is studied using extreme ultraviolet and radio observations. The EUV line is the Fe xv at = 284 Å and the radio frequencies are 169 and 408 MHz. An unsuccessful attempt to deduce an homogeneous model of the hole from these observations, shows that EUV and radio observations are inconsistent if interpreted in such a frame and if the EUV line intensity measurements in the hole are reliable.Inhomogeneities are therefore required to account for both observations. An inhomogeneous model consisting of hot (T2×106K) elements covering 10% of the hole surface surrounded by regions of colder gas (T8×105K) is able to explain both observations.  相似文献   

Mitsuo Kanno 《Solar physics》1983,89(2):253-259
The weakening of the EUV line emission near the Sun's limb is studied to acquire information about the absorbers causing the weakening. The equivalent optical thickness of the absorbers for the Lyman continuum is determined as a function of the distance from the center of the solar disk by use of Skylab spectroheliograms in Oiv λ554 and Ovi λ1032. It is found that (1) the weakening cannot be explained by shielding of EUV emitting sources in terms of completely opaque spicules and (2) the distribution of the equivalent optical thickness on the solar disk is extremely flat with a maximum at a position of ~ 5″ above the white-light limb. The results imply that the absorbers are a number of mass blobs consisting of cool chromospheric material which overlies the EUV emitting sources. It is suggested that both the EUV emitting sources and the absorbers are the remnants of Hα-emitting spicules which are diffused into the corona.  相似文献   

We investigate the morphology and temporal variability of a quiet-Sun network region in different solar layers. The emission in several extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral lines through both raster and slot time-series, recorded by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on board the Hinode spacecraft is studied along with \(\mbox{H}\upalpha\) observations and high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations of the photospheric magnetic field. The photospheric magnetic field is extrapolated up to the corona, showing a multitude of large- and small-scale structures. We show for the first time that the smallest magnetic structures at both the network and internetwork contribute significantly to the emission in EUV lines, with temperatures ranging from \(8\times 10^{4}~\mbox{K}\) to \(6\times 10^{5}~\mbox{K}\). Two components of transition region emission are present, one associated with small-scale loops that do not reach coronal temperatures, and another component that acts as an interface between coronal and chromospheric plasma. Both components are associated with persistent chromospheric structures. The temporal variability of the EUV intensity at the network region is also associated with chromospheric motions, pointing to a connection between transition region and chromospheric features. Intensity enhancements in the EUV transition region lines are preferentially produced by \(\mbox{H}\upalpha\) upflows. Examination of two individual chromospheric jets shows that their evolution is associated with intensity variations in transition region and coronal temperatures.  相似文献   

The mass ejection event on 17 January 1974 was a classsic spray associated with a flare from an over the limb region. The structure of the accompanying coronal transient was typical of well-observed mass ejections, with coronal loops and a forerunner racing ahead of the rising prominence. Observations in H, soft X-ray, white light and radio wavelengths allowed us to track both cool (T e104 K) and hot (T e>106 K) material from limb de-occultation to 6R . We determined the kinematics and thermodynamics of the internal material, and the overall mass and energy budget of the event. The majority of the mass and energy was linked with coronal material, but at least 20% of the ejected mass originated as near-surface prominence material. We conclude that the upper part of the prominence was being continuously heated to coronal temperatures as it rose through the corona. Above 2R nearly all of the material was completely ionized. The primary acceleration of the prominence occurred below 3.5 × 104 km with all of the material exhibiting constant velocity above 1.5R . We found evidence that a moving type IV burst, indicative of strong magnetic fields, was associated with the upper part of the prominence. Our observations suggest that both the cool and hot material were acted upon by a similar, continuous force(s) to great heights and over a long time interval. We find that the observations are most consistent with magnetic propulsion models of coronal transients.  相似文献   

Emission-line coronagraph images of a high-latitude, nominally quiescent prominence, recorded at wavelengths of H, 6374 Å (Fex) and 5303 Å (Fe xiv), are analyzed. Over a two-day period, the coronal images, which are found to arise predominantly from coronal emission, evolve such that the emission becomes concentrated at locations corresponding to the outer regions of the prominence. This edge enhancement has similar characteristics to results inferred from EUV prominence observations. It is postulated that this coronal emission associated with the prominence results from MHD wave dissipation. Dissipation lengths for slow-mode, fast-mode and Alfvén waves are estimated for different prominence conditions. Of these, fast-mode waves appear to be the most physically realistic heating source if the prominence magnetic field is along the length of the prominence.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We compare observations of an eruptive and a quiescent prominence in order to better understand the energetic processes in an eruptive prominence. Observations of an eruptive prominence were obtained in H, several UV emission lines (1215–1640 Å), and coronal white light at approximately 19:00 UT on September 20, 1980. The data we present shows the development of the eruption in the H and UV emission lines and is compared with the intensities from similar observations of a quiescent prominence. While the event is coincident with some coronal changes, above 1.2 and up to 1.5 solar radii, it does not result in a true coronal mass ejection event.The comparison between the eruptive and quiescent prominences reveals several differences which suggest that the activation consists not only of a mechanical movement of material, but also changes in the temperature of the prominence plasma. Some prominence material that does not seem to participate in the large scale prominence motion is heated during the eruptive event. Most of this material is heated to transition zone temperatures with almost no cool core (i.e., no or very little H emission). The behavior indicates that there are structures that are first cool and then heat up to transition zone temperatures (apparently remaining stable for some time at these temperatures). Since this is an unstable temperature region for prominence type structures the energy transport that allows this is not understood and presents an interesting theoretical problem.Member of the Carrera del Investigador, CONICET, Argentina, presently at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.  相似文献   

We have studied the behavior of the emission in the highly ionized EUV lines Feix/x, 171 Å, Fexii, 195 Å, and Fexv, 284 Å observed in quiescent prominences. Kucera, Andretta, and Poland (1998) have explained the absorption of other highly ionized metallic EUV lines as due to absorption in the hydrogen continuum. However, since the authors noticed deviations from the expected 3 dependence of the absorption strengths, we have explored the possibility that emission in EUV iron lines can influence the observations. We propose the existence of a hot, i.e., million-degree plasma component of the prominence–corona transition region (PCTR), where the EUV iron lines originate. We find that (i) neither of the two scenarios alone reproduces observations; (ii) both emission and absorption increase prior to eruption; (iii) the measurements of Kucera, Andretta, and Poland's 14 May event are strongly affected by hot PCTR emission.  相似文献   

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