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DC and AC electrical conductivities were measured on samples of two different crystals of the mineral aegirine (NaFeSi2O6) parallel () and perpendicular () to the [001] direction of the clinopyroxene structure between 200 and 600 K. Impedance spectroscopy was applied (20 Hz–1 MHz) and the bulk DC conductivity DC was determined by extrapolating AC data to zero frequency. In both directions, the log DC – 1/T curves bend slightly. In the high- and low-temperature limits, differential activation energies were derived for measurements [001] of EA 0.45 and 0.35 eV, respectively, and the numbers [001] are very similar. The value of DC [001] with DC(300 K) 2.0 × 10–6 –1cm–1 is by a factor of 2–10 above that measured [001], depending on temperature, which means anisotropic charge transport. Below 350 K, the AC conductivity () (/2=frequency) is enhanced relative to DC for both directions with an increasing difference for rising frequencies on lowering the temperature. An approximate power law for () is noted at higher frequencies and low temperatures with () s, which is frequently observed on amorphous and disordered semiconductors. Scaling of () data is possible with reference to DC, which results in a quasi-universal curve for different temperatures. An attempt was made to discuss DC and AC results in the light of theoretical models of hopping charge transport and of a possible Fe2+ Fe3+ electron hopping mechanism. The thermopower (Seebeck effect) in the temperature range 360 K < T <770 K is negative in both directions. There is a linear – 1/T relationship above 400 K with activation energy E 0.030 eV [001] and 0.070 eV [001]. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy was applied to detect Fe2+ in addition to the dominating concentration of Fe3+.  相似文献   

Tektite glasses are investigated using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. Room temperature spectra analysis is performed using two complementary analytical methods based on two-dimensional distributions of both isomer shift and quadrupole splitting. No a priori correlation between the two hyperfine parameters is considered. The first method, based on a shape independent distribution, provides the justification for the Gaussian distribution shape used in the second method. No ferric iron contribution is evidenced by Mössbauer spectra analysis in these samples, although several criteria are used. Ferrous iron sites are shown to be continuously distributed between four- and five-fold co-ordinated sites.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes along the solid solution series hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)–petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions and different oxygen fugacities at temperatures of 700 to 1200 °C and pressures of 0.2 to 2.5 GPa. Properties were determined by means of X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe analysis and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy at 298 K. Unit-cell parameters display a linear dependency with changing composition. Parameters a0 and b0 exhibit a linear decrease with increasing Zn content while the monoclinic angle increases linearly. Parameter c0 is not affected by composition and remains constant at a value of 5.248 Å. The molar volume can be described according to the equation Vmol (ccm mol–1)=33.963(16)–0.544(31)*Zn pfu. The isomer shifts of ferrous iron on the octahedral M1 site in hedenbergite are not affected by composition along the hedenbergite–petedunnite solid solution series and remain constant at an average value of 1.18 mm s–1. Quadrupole splittings of Fe2+ on the M1 are, however, strongly affected by composition, and they decrease linearly with increasing petedunnite component in hedenbergite, ranging from 2.25 mm s–1 for pure hedenbergite end member to 1.99 mm s–1 for a solid solution containing 84 mole% petedunnite. The half-widths of intermediate solid solutions vary between 0.26 and 0.33 mm s–1, indicating, in accordance with the microprobe analyses and X-ray diffraction, that samples are homogeneous and well-crystallized. The data from this study demonstrate that the crystallinity of hedenbergitic clinopyroxenes can be improved by using oxide mixtures as starting materials. Crystal sizes for intermediate compositions range up to 70 m, suitable for standard single-crystal X-ray analysis.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Georg Amthauer, Salzburg, on occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The O2 3?-Y3+ center in fluorite-type structures (CaF2 and SrF2) has been investigated at the density functional theory (DFT) level using the CRYSTAL06 code. Our calculations were performed by means of the hybrid B3PW method in which the Hartree–Fock exchange is mixed with the DFT exchange functional, using Becke’s three parameter method, combined with the non-local correlation functionals by Perdew and Wang. Our calculations confirm the stability and the molecular character of the O2 3?-Y3+ center. The unpaired electron is shown to be almost exclusively localized on and equally distributed between the two oxygen atoms that are separated by a bond distance of 2.47 Å in CaF2 and 2.57 Å in SrF2. The calculated 17O and 19F hyperfine constants for of the O2 3?-Y3+ center are in good agreement with their corresponding experimental values reported by previous electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance studies, while discrepancies are notable for the 89Y hyperfine constants.  相似文献   

Single-crystal X-ray and neutron structure refinements carried out on neptunite (KNa2Li(Fe, Mg, Mn)2Ti2Si8O24) from San Benito, California at various temperatures (neutrons: 15 K and 293 K; X-rays: 110 K, 293 K and 493 K) indicate that this mineral crystallizes in the acentric space group Cc (T=293K: a=16.427 Å, b=12.478 Å, c=9.975 Å, = 115.56°, Z=4, V=1844.53 Å3) due to ordering of octahedrally coordinated metals (Ti, Fe, Mn, Mg). In the neptunite structure, Ti and (Fe, Mn, Mg) octahedra share edges to form chains that run along [110] and [110]. These chains are, in turn, linked through shared corners along [001]. The resulting octahedral framework is interwoven by a similar [Si8O22] tetrahedral framework. Li, Na and K occupy 6-, 8- and 10- coordinated sites within the framework. The metal-containing polyhedra show strong distortions at all temperatures. In particular, Ti exhibits a strong off-center displacement (0.25 Å) within its octahedron, leading to four Ti-O distances of 2.0 Å, one of 2.2 Å and one of 1.7 Å. The displaced Ti position is in good agreement with a position that minimizes differences between ionic bond strengths and is interpreted as an energy minimum in an ionic potential model. Mössbauer spectra collected at 77 K, 293 K and 400 K indicate all Fe to be present as octahedral Fe2+. Although two distinct Fe positions were found in the structure, 77 K and 293 K spectra display only one quadrupole doublet. Two Fe sites can only be resolved in the 400 K spectrum. It is suggested that the temperature dependence of octahedral edge distortions is responsible for the separation of the Mössbauer doublets.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of monocrystalline triphylite, Li(Fe2+,Mn2+)PO4, with the orthorhombic olivine-type structure was measured parallel (∥) to the [010] direction and ∥ [001] (space group Pnma), between ~400 and ~700 K. Electrical measurements on triphylite are of technological interest because LiFePO4 is a promising electrode material for rechargeable Li batteries. Triphylite was examined by electron microprobe, ICP atomic emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and microscopic analysis. The DC conductivity σDC was determined from AC impedance data (20 Hz–1 MHz) extrapolating to zero frequency. Triphylite shows σDC with activated behavior measured ∥ [010] between ~500 and ~700 K during the first heating up, with activation energy of E A = 1.52 eV; on cooling E A = 0.61 eV was found down to ~400 K and extrapolated σDC (295 K) ~10?9 Ω?1cm?1; ∥ [001] E A = 0.65 eV and extrapolated σDC(295 K) ~10?9 to 10?10 Ω?1cm?1, measured during the second heating cycle. The enhanced AC conductivity relative to σDC at lower temperatures indicates a hopping-type charge transport between localized levels. Conduction during the first heating up is ascribed to ionic Li+ hopping. DC polarization experiments showed conduction after the first heating up to be electronic related to lowered activation energy. Electronic conduction appears to be coupled with the presence of Li+ vacancies and Fe3+, formed by triphylite alteration. For comparison, σDC was measured on the synthetic compound LiMgPO4 with olivine-type structure, where also an activated behavior of σDC with E A ~1.45 eV was observed during heating and cooling due to ionic Li+ conduction; here no oxidation can occur associated with formation of trivalent cations.  相似文献   

Single-crystal electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of a gem-quality jeremejevite, Al6B5O15(F, OH)3, from Cape Cross, Namibia, reveal an S = 1/2 hole center characterized by an 27Al hyperfine structure arising from interaction with two equivalent Al nuclei. Spin-Hamiltonian parameters obtained from single-crystal EPR spectra at 295 K are as follows: g 1 = 2.02899(1), g 2 = 2.02011(2), g 3 = 2.00595(1); A 1/g e β e  = −0.881(1) mT, A 2/g e β e  = −0.951(1) mT, and A 3/g e β e  = −0.972(2) mT, with the orientations of the g 3- and A 3-axes almost coaxial and perpendicular to the Al–O–Al plane; and those of the g 1- and A 1-axes approximately along the Al–Al and Al–OH directions, respectively. These results suggest that this aluminum-associated hole center represents hole trapping on a hydroxyl oxygen atom linked to two equivalent octahedral Al3+ ions, after the removal of the proton (i.e., a VIAl–OVIAl center). Periodic ab initio UHF and DFT calculations confirmed the experimental 27Al hyperfine coupling constants and directions, supporting the proposed structural model. The VIAl–OVIAl center in jeremejevite undergoes the onset of thermal decay at 300 °C and is completely bleached at 525 °C. These data obtained from the VIAl–OVIAl center in jeremejevite provide new insights into analogous centers that have been documented in several other minerals.  相似文献   

The phase and spin transitions in single-crystal monoclinic ferrosilite, FeSiO3, were investigated using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy up to lower-mantle pressures and room temperature in a helium pressure medium. Using single-crystal X-ray diffraction, we measured the equation of state of ferrosilite up to about 43 GPa. We observed a P21/c-to-C2/c phase transition between 1.5 and 1.7 GPa and a phase transition from C2/c to a distinct P21/c structure between 30 and 34 GPa. With time-domain Mössbauer spectroscopy, we determined the hyperfine parameters of ferrous iron up to 95 GPa. The phase transitions were correlated with discontinuities in Mössbauer spectral features. We observed the onset of high-spin-to-low-spin transitions in the M1 and M2 sites at ~37 GPa and ~74 GPa, respectively. Understanding the electronic structure of iron in a well-characterized single crystal of ferrosilite may help interpret the behavior of iron in complex dense silicate phases.  相似文献   

We present the results of a comparative study in which we have measured Fe3+/ΣFe ratios in chromites from mantle chromitites in the Oman ophiolite using Mössbauer spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. We have compared these results with ratios calculated from mineral stoichiometry and find that mineral stoichiometry calculations do not accurately reflect the measured Fe3+/ΣFe ratios. We have identified three groups of samples. The majority preserve Fe3+/ΣFe ratios which are thought to be magmatic, whereas a few samples are highly oxidized and have high Fe3+/ΣFe ratios. There is also a group of partially oxidized samples. The oxidized chromites show anomalously low cell edge (a 0) values and their oxygen positional parameters among the lowest ever found for chromites. Site occupancy calculations show that some chromites are non-stoichiometric and contain vacancies in their structure randomly distributed between both the T and M sites. The field relationships suggest that the oxidation of the magmatic chromitites took place in association with a ductile shear zone in mantle harzburgites. Primary magmatic Fe3+/ΣFe ratios measured for the Oman mantle chromitites are between 0.193–0.285 (X-ray data) and 0.164–0.270 (Mössbauer data) and preserve a range of Fe3+/ΣFe ratios which we propose is real and reflects differences in the composition of the magmas parental to the chromitites. The range of values extends from those MORB melts (0.16 ± 0.1) to those for arc basalts (0.22–0.28).  相似文献   

Gadolinite, REE2FeBe2Si2O10, is commonly metamict. 57Fe Mössbauer annealing studies of fully metamict gadolinite from Ytterby, Sweden, have been completed in argon atmosphere from 873 to 1473 K. This technique has rarely been employed in studies of metamict minerals. Changes in the experimental parameters of Mössbauer spectra are sensitive indicators of the thermal recrystallization process of metamict gadolinite and revealed two stages of the structural recovery: a major stage from 873 to 1073 K and a slower recovery stage from 1133 to 1473 K. These observations are confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction. In relation to the first stage, the exponential behaviour of the changes in the Mössbauer parameters can be used for deriving the activation energy E a of the recrystallization process. The calculated value E a =1.97 eV in argon atmosphere explains the common occurrence of gadolinite in the fully or partially metamict state. Results of Mössbauer spectroscopy suggest that the recrystallization of metamict gadolinite is a displacive transition that involves rotation and translation of SiO4 and BeO4 to their normal positions associated with removal of OH groups from the structure.  相似文献   

In this work a magnetic characterization was made of natural goethite from Burkina Faso, Africa, by using low temperature magnetization curves, hysteresis loops, Mössbauer spectroscopy at room temperature and 4.2 K, and AC susceptibility from 10 to 400 K. The samples are from two distinct geological sites that underwent different weathering processes. All measurements point to the occurrence of typical high coercivity goethite. Through Mössbauer spectroscopy sample BL44, from Gangaol, northeast Burkina Faso showed relaxation effects due to a wide distribution of grain size, including superparamagnetism threshold. AC susceptibility also supports this interpretation. The sample BL50 from Bonga in Burkina Faso is associated with lateritic Ni and in addition to goethite this sample also contained magnetite, as determined by Verwey transition in low temperature measurements as well as a small content of hematite identified by Mössbauer spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Three chalcolithic pottery sherds, paint removed from the surface of each sherd, and an unheated red pigment (Tell-Halaf culture, Turkey) were analysed within the frame of archaeometric studies using mineralogical methods, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetization and rotational hysteresis data. From mineralogical results, the individual minerals forming the cores of the sherds were determined. It was found that the sherds are lime-rich. High temperature X-ray analysis on comparable Ca-rich material showed that the established composition is consistent with a firing temperature of 750-950°C. Apart from the pigment, each Mössbauer spectrum of Fe-bearing components consists of dominating paramagnetic doublets, arising mostly from silicate phases, and of a six-line pattern with reduced intensity, due to ferri- and/or antiferromagnetic Fe-oxide phases. For three samples, an Fe3+ silicate component of the spectra is clearly dominating, which points to oxidizing conditions during firing. For the others Fe2+ and Fe3+ components occur in about equal intensities. For the pigment, the magnetic sextet is of similar intensity to the Fe3+ silicate component. From magnetic analysis of ferrimagnetic phases it follows that a low percentage of particles of solid solutions -Fe2O3 – Fe3O4 exist, probably in part 0.1 m in diameter. The ferrimagnetic particles of at least one paint are probably covered by a thin layer of hematite as found from rotational hysteresis data. An attempt is made to draw conclusions from the experimental results, regarding the firing conditions of the sherds and paints.  相似文献   

Mössbauer measurements on synthetic iron orthosilicate Fe2SiO4 (fayalite) were carried out in the antiferromagnetic spin state below T N 65 K. The Mössbauer parameters isomer shift , inner magnetic field H(0), angle between H(0) and the z-component of the electric field gradient (efg), quadrupole splitting QS and asymmetry parameter were determined as a function of temperature. These parameters could be attributed to the two crystallographic sites M1 and M2.The smaller isomer shift on M1 with respect to M2 displays the more covalent character of the Fe-O bond on M1, which is supported by previous neutron diffraction experiments. H(0) shows a Brillouin-type behaviour with different fields on the two crystallographic sites (stronger on M1) and a small discontinuity at T = 23 K which corresponds with previous magnetic measurements. The quadrupole splitting is equal on both sites within error bars, in agreement with previous theoretical results and in contradiction to previous Mössbauer refinements published elsewhere.  相似文献   

Deep-seated landslides are complex systems. In many cases, multidisciplinary studies are necessary to unravel the key hydrological features that can influence their evolution in space and time. The deep-seated Berceto landslide, in the northern Apennines of Italy, has been investigated in order to define the origin and geochemical evolution of groundwater (GW), to identify the slope system hydrological boundary, and to highlight the GW flow paths, transit time and transfer modalities inside the landslide body. This research is based on a multidisciplinary approach that involves monitoring GW levels, obtaining analyses of water chemistry and stable and unstable isotopes (δ18O-δ2H, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr), performing soil leaching tests, geochemical modelling (PHREEQC), and principal component analysis (PCA). The results of δ18O-δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr analyses show that the source of GW recharge in the Berceto landslide is local rainwater, and external contributions from a local stream can be excluded. In the landslide body, two GW hydrotypes (Ca-HCO3 and Na-HCO3) are identified, and the results of PHREEQC and PCA confirm that the chemical features of the GW depend on water–rock interaction processes occurring inside the landslide. The 3H content suggests a recent origin for GW and appears to highlight mixing between shallow and deep GW aliquots. The 3H content and GW levels data confirm that shallow GW is mainly controlled by a mass transfer mechanism. The 3H analyses with GW levels also indicate that only deep GW is controlled by a pressure transfer mechanism, and this mechanism is likely the main influence on the landslide kinematics.  相似文献   

Discovered by Rudolph L. Mössbauer in 1957, the Mössbauer effect (i.e. gamma-resonance spectroscopy) is the phenomenon of the emission or absorption of a gamma ray without loss of energy due to recoil of the nucleus and without thermal broadening. This technique has been applied to many science fields (e.g., physics, chemistry, geology, biology), since it provides information about the nuclear and electronic properties of materials. In this paper, a review of works focusing on the application of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study of the meteoritic Fe-Ni system will be reported.  相似文献   

Chemistry of major and minor elements, 87Sr/86Sr, δD, δ18O and δ34S of brines were measured from Tertiary strata and Quaternary salt lakes in the western Qaidam Basin. The water chemistry data show that all oilfield brines are CaCl2 type. They were enriched in Ca2+, B3+, Li+, Sr2+, Br, and were depleted in Mg2+, SO4 2−, which indicated that these brines had the characteristics of deeply circulated water. The relationship between δD and δ18O shows that all data of these brines decline towards the Global Meteoric Water Line (GWL) and Qaidam Meteoric Water Line (QWL), and that the intersection between oilfield brines and Meteoric Water Lines was close to the local spring and fresh water in the piedmont in the western Qaidam Basin. The results suggest that oilfield brines has initially originated from meteoric water, and then might be affected by water-rock metamorphose, because most oilfield brines distribute in the range of metamorphosing water. The 87Sr/86Sr values of most oilfield brines range from 0.71121 to 0.71194, and was less than that in salt lake water (>0.712), but close to that of halite in the study area. These imply that salt dissolution occurred in the process of migration. In addition, all oilfield brines have obviously much positive δ34S values (ranging from 26.46‰ to 54.57‰) than that of salt lake brines, which was caused by bacterial sulfate reduction resulting in positive shift of δ34S value and depleteed SO4 2− in oilfield brines. Combined with water chemical data and δD, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr, δ34S values, we concluded that oilfield brines mainly originate from the deeply circulated meteoric waters, and then are affected by salt dissolution, water-rock metamorphose, sulfate reduction and dolomitization during the process of migration. These processes alter the chemical compositions of oilfield brines and accumulate rich elements (such as B, Li, Sr, Br, K and so on) for sustainable utilization of salt lake resources in the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   

High-resolution shipboard geophysical investigations along the Indian Ocean ridge system are sparse especially over the Carlsberg and Central Indian ridges. In the present study, the shipboard gravity and multibeam bathymetry data acquired over a 750 km long section of the Central Indian Ridge between 3 °S and 11 °S have been analysed to understand the crustal structure and the ridge segmentation pattern. The mantle Bouguer anomalies (MBA) and the residual mantle Bouguer anomalies (RMBA) computed in the study area have shown significant variations along the ridge segments that are separated by transform and non-transform discontinuities. The MBA lows observed over the linear ridge segments bounded by well-defined transform faults are attributed to the thickening of the crust at the middle portions of the ridge segments. The estimates of crustal thickness from the RMBA shows an average of 5.2 km thick crust in the axial part of the ridge segments. The MBA and relative RMBA highs along the two non-transform discontinuities suggests a thinner crust of up to 4.0 km. The most significant MBA and RMBA highs were observed over the Vema transform fault suggesting thin crust of 4 km in the deepest part of the transform fault where bathymetry is more than 6000 m. The identified megamullion structures have relative MBA highs suggesting thinner crust. Besides MBA lows along the ridge axis, significant off-axis MBA lows have been noticed, suggesting off-axis mantle upwelling zones indicative of thickening of the crust. The rift valley morphology varies from the typical V-shaped valley to the shallow valley floor with undulations on the inner valley floor. Segments with shallow rift valley floor have depicted well-defined circular MBA lows with persistent RMBA low, suggesting modulation of the valley floor morphology due to the variations in crustal thickness and the mantle temperature. These are supported by thicker crust and weaker lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

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