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In 1998, a 59-cm sediment box core (PLB98-2) was taken from the deepest part of Pyramid Lake (water depth =106 m), Nevada. Age control for PLB98-2 was provided using a variety of approaches. Dried sediment samples were leached with 10% ultra-pure nitric acid and analyzed for their elemental concentrations using standard ICP techniques. The variations in elemental concentrations can be divided into two periods: one prior to European settlement and one influenced by anthropogenic activities. The concentrations of K, Al, Na, Zn, and Mn all began to increase after pre-European manipulation of the watershed in ~1860, which indicates the increasing soil erosion in the watershed was due to deforestation and development. The highest concentrations of these elements and lithogenic elements such as P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Ba, and Si occurred during the flood event of the 1990s. The Pb enrichment times are similar to what has been observed in estuaries draining the western Sierra Nevada, but the Pb enrichments in Pyramid Lake are much less. The Ca, TOC, TIC, Sr, and Ba concentrations show a strong association that is closely related to drought-wet variations of climate and the construction of Derby Dam for water diversions in the early 1900s. Se concentrations vary with the '18O of the carbonate in the sediments. Although the '18O "leads" the other species and Truckee River discharge by a few years, it is an excellent indicator of the hydrological change of Pyramid Lake, which is related to climate changes and human activities. From ~1920, Mn and Mo vary inversely in the sediments. In general, the Mo concentrations varies directly with the organic carbon content of the sediments from 1910 to ~1980, suggesting enhanced removal of Mo during times of increased productivity in the lake, and anoxic conditions at the sediment/water interface. This coincides with low lake levels. The elemental composition of the sediments in Pyramid Lake clearly reflect the timing of important anthropogenic activities and climatic variations that have taken place within the watershed over the past 240 years.  相似文献   

Kuwait experienced severe land degradation over the last 30 years due to different factors. This is reflected in soil loss, crusting, salinization, oil contamination, and vegetation cover deterioration. The recent surface deposits are considered as the local source of sand and dust storms, which have acute environmental hazards on the public health, the State’s economy, and the life quality. They are classified into two main categories: desert and coastal deposits. The distribution of the areas affected by deflation processes and those affected by depositional processes revealed that the northern desert of Kuwait is receiving intense sand supply, but on the other hand, the southern desert of Kuwait has a lower frequency of sand deposits. This study is based on visual comparison between the records of the 1980s and recent field surveys during 2001–2011, as they are the available sources of the relevant information to the scope of the study, to investigate the impact of the anthropogenic activities, the significant role of the aeolian processes, soil type, and climatic conditions on the land degradation, and subsequently the severe loss of vegetation and surfacial cover. A detailed sedimentomorphic map, scale 1:100,000, was prepared for the State of Kuwait based on the topographic map of Kuwait (scales 1:50,000, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000) and photomaps (scale 1:29,000), which were created as per the delineated information from the aerial photos (scale 1:29,000, years 1990, 2001) along with spectral and spatial resolution data of the Radarsat, Landsat-7, IRS-1D (Indian Remote Sensing), ERS, TM, SPOT-4, Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection, and IKANOS data in raw format for Kuwait images for the available years (1989, 1994, and 2000–2004), keeping in view of the terrain in Kuwait and the objective of the study.  相似文献   

We analyzed variations in the Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, REE/Ca (REE: rare earth element), Zn/Ca, and Pb/Ca ratios preserved in an annually layered stalagmite, XL21, from central China. The stalagmite record spans the 95 year period AD 1914–2008. The Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios have a significant positive correlation with the stalagmite's growth rate, suggesting that they were primarily controlled by growth-rate variations. Variations in REE/Ca ratios are consistent with local temperature changes, suggesting temperature influenced REE concentrations in the stalagmite over decadal to annual timescales. Higher temperature in this humid area can increase vegetation cover, microbial activity, and organic decomposition in the soil, resulting in enhanced pCO2, organic matter concentration and reduced pH, and consequently increased REE mobilization from the overlying soil layer and host rock. Higher temperatures may also increase the natural Zn mobilization from the overlying soil mediated by organic matter and consequently may have led to increased Zn retention in XL21. An increasing trend is seen in the Pb/Ca ratios from XL21 since 1985, which is consistent with increased lead production in this area, and indicates an increase in mine-derived lead pollution in the local environment over the past 30 years.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化模型的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
生态模型是湖泊富营养化研究和湖泊生态系统管理的重要手段。20世纪60年代起,湖泊富营养化模型的发展经历了从单层、单室、单成分、零维的简单模型到多层、多室、多成分、三维的复杂模型。根据复杂性特征将湖泊富营养化模型分为:简单的回归模型、简单的营养物平衡模型、复杂的水质、生态、水动力综合模型和生态结构动力学模型,总结了其发展历史和主要特征;在此基础上,讨论了湖泊富营养化模型的存在问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化影响与公众满意度评价方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张宝  刘静玲 《水科学进展》2009,20(5):695-700
构建了基于韦伯-费希纳定律(Weber-Fechner Law,W-F)的湖泊富营养化及公众满意度综合评价方法,选取透明度(SD)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、叶绿素a(Chla)5个评价因子,应用熵权系数法确定各评价因子权重分别为0.124 2、0.176 8、0.214 0、0.203 4和0.281 6,明确了湖泊富营养化综合影响指数Ki值与营养指数之间的函数关系,探讨了将公众对湖泊营养状态的感受与Ki值间建立定量的关系,根据Ki值变化范围、变化率与营养等级的对应关系,将公众对湖泊营养状态的满意度划分为4个等级:优、中、差和很差,以反映公众对湖泊富营养程度变化的响应.并以海河流域典型湖泊白洋淀为例,对方法进行了验证,结果显示:白洋淀Ki值为0.052 3,Ki值变化率为304.67,处于重度富营养化状态.不同空间的8个点位富营养化严重程度排序:南刘庄>圈头>王家寨>光淀张庄>烧车淀>枣林庄>采蒲台>端村.公众对白洋淀8个点位Ki值变化范围确定为0.029 3~0.100 6,营养状况的公众满意程度均为差,富营养状态及对公众的影响存在空间差异.  相似文献   

We used a new sedimentary record to reconstruct the Holocene vegetation and fire history of Gorgo Basso, a coastal lake in south-western Sicily (Italy). Pollen and charcoal data suggest a fire-prone open grassland near the site until ca 10,000 cal yr BP (8050 cal BC), when Pistacia shrubland expanded and fire activity declined, probably in response to increased moisture availability. Evergreen Olea europaea woods expanded ca 8400 to decline abruptly at 8200 cal yr BP, when climatic conditions became drier at other sites in the Mediterranean region. Around 7000 cal yr BP evergreen broadleaved forests (Quercus ilex, Quercus suber and O. europaea) expanded at the cost of open communities. The expansion of evergreen broadleaved forests was associated with a decline of fire and of local Neolithic (Ficus carica–Cerealia based) agriculture that had initiated ca 500 years earlier. Vegetational, fire and land-use changes ca 7000 cal yr BP were probably caused by increased precipitation that resulted from (insolation-forced) weakening of the monsoon and Hadley circulation ca 8000–6000 cal yr BP. Low fire activity and dense coastal evergreen forests persisted until renewed human activity (probably Greek, respectively Roman colonists) disrupted the forest ca 2700 cal yr BP (750 BC) and 2100 cal yr BP (150 BC) to gain open land for agriculture. The intense use of fire for this purpose induced the expansion of open maquis, garrigue, and grassland-prairie environments (with an increasing abundance of the native palm Chamaerops humilis). Prehistoric land-use phases after the Bronze Age seem synchronous with those at other sites in southern and central Europe, possibly as a result of climatic forcing. Considering the response of vegetation to Holocene climatic variability as well as human impact we conclude that under (semi-)natural conditions evergreen broadleaved Q. ilexO. europaea (s.l.) forests would still dominate near Gorgo Basso. However, forecasted climate change and aridification may lead to a situation similar to that before 7000 cal yr BP and thus trigger a rapid collapse of the few relict evergreen broadleaved woodlands in coastal Sicily and elsewhere in the southern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1996,11(4):605-616
Lake Valencia is a tropical lowland lake in north-central Venezuela. Lake bottom sediments were collected from 25 locations in April, 1988. At 2 locations water pH, conductivity, dissolved O2 and temperature were measured at successive depths. After drying, 5 sediment samples were sieved into 5 mechanical fractions. Each was extracted with 1 M HNO3 and analysed for AI, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn. The <63 μm fraction of all samples was similarly analysed. Water temperatures declined with depth (1°C/25 m) from approximately 26°C. Conductivity varied little with depth but dissolved O2 contents indicated anoxic conditions < 25 m. Water pH (8.8–9.4) was consistent with high dissolved carbonates. There was little consistent relationship between grain size and sediment metal contents. Approximate baseline metal contents were calculated from 21 of 25 samples. The average composition of the sediments corresponded to an ideal mixture of shales/carbonate rocks as 0.5–0.7/0.5-0.3. Five samples from alluvial fans near the mouths of rivers traversing urban-industrial zones had compositions different from the other sediments. Generally, Ph, Zn, Ni, Cd and Cu were anthropogenically enriched by factors of 2–16. The major sources of pollutants were identified as domestic and industrial activities affecting the rivers that traverse the lakeside cities of Maracay and Valencia. Sodium, Mg, Ca, Mn and CO3 showed natural enrichment arising from carbonate precipitation following a physical mixing of 2 sedimentary components (biogenic carbonate and terrigenous material). Low geochemical mobility of metallic elements in neutral-basic and reducing waters, a processes of bury and mixture of sediments and precipitation of carbonate result in only 10% of the lake area being affected by contamination. Isoline plots of elements in the bottom sediments supported a hypothesis that material mixing, physical transport and carbonate precipitation are the main controls of spatial distribution patterns.  相似文献   

The effects of eutrophication on short term changes in the microbial community were investigated using high resolution lipid biomarker and trace metal data for sediments from the eutrophic Lake Rotsee (Switzerland). The lake has been strongly influenced by sewage input since the 1850s and is an ideal site for studying an anthropogenically altered ecosystem. Historical remediation measures have had direct implications for productivity and microbial biota, leading to community composition changes and abundance shifts. The higher sewage and nutrient input resulted in a productivity increase, which led predominantly to a radiation in diatoms, primary producers and methanogens between about 1918 and 1921, but also affected all microorganism groups and macrophytes between about 1958 and 1972. Bacterial biomass increased in 1933, which may have been related to the construction of a mechanical sewage treatment plant. Biomarkers also allowed tracing of fossil organic matter/biodegraded oil contamination in the lake. Stephanodiscus parvus, Cyclotella radiosa and Asterionella formosa were the dominant sources of specific diatom biomarkers. Since the 1850s, the cell density of methanogenic Archaea (Methanosaeta spp.) ranged within ca. 0.5–1.8 × 109 cells g−1 dry sediment and the average lipid content of Rotsee Archaea was ca. 2.2 fg iGDGTs cell−1. An altered BIT index (BITCH), indicating changes in terrestrial organic matter supply to the lake, is proposed.  相似文献   

High-altitude lake sediments are often used as archives for environmental changes and their chemical and isotopic compositions provide significant constraints on natural and anthropogenic long-term changes that have occurred in their catchment area. Here, trace-element concentrations and Pb isotopes are presented for two sedimentary cores from Lake Blanc Huez in the French Alps, to trace the impact of climate changes and human activities over the Holocene. Lead and Ag contents are very high and clearly dominated by input from a Pb–Ag vein located a few meters from the lakeshore, a vein that also buffers the Pb isotopes. Mining of this vein in medieval times is recorded in the corresponding lake sediments with high Ag content coupled with high Pb/U ratio. These chemical characteristics can be used to constrain the major Holocene climate changes. Significant advances of glaciers next to the lake produced sediments with Ag and Pb concentration peaks and high Pb/U ratios due to accelerated erosion of the Pb–Ag vein, similar to the effects of the medieval mining. In contrast, reduced glacier activity led to the formation of organic-rich sediments with high U and As contents and low Pb/U ratios. More generally, the observed combination of chemical changes could be used elsewhere to decipher environmental changes over long periods of time.  相似文献   

The expansion of silver fir (Abies alba) during the 20th century in the European inner Alps calls into question the causes of the observed dynamics. We investigate the past distribution of Abies alba via analysis of wood charcoal buried in natural soils (identification, weighing, dating) and of pollen and macro-remains from peat to help us understand its present-day expansion. Material was sampled in the driest areas of the inner French Alps - some samples from calcareous sites, and most from southern exposures that should exclude Abies alba, which is a drought and carbonate intolerant species. The regional tree limit of the silver fir has not changed significantly since the middle Holocene. Abies alba grew on southern exposures, even on calcareous soils, but its importance was higher on northern slopes. From 4000 to 2000 cal. yr BP, depending on sites, the species has experienced local extinction associated with fire history. Human impact, more than climate, appears to be the main factor for local extinction, indicating that the marked present-day expansion of silver fir may result from land-use abandonment.  相似文献   

Regional pollen assemblage zones for the late-glacial period of the Swiss Plateau are introduced and defined. They include four major zones (Artemisia, Juniperus—Hippophaë, Betula, Pinus PAZ) with several subzones. Pollen and oxygen-isotope analyses on lacustrine sediments from several lakes in the area reveal four distinct phases of climatic oscillation in the time period of 13 000-9500 yr BP. The first oscillation, termed the Aegelsee fluctuation, occurs shortly before 12 000 yr BP and varve counts suggest its duration was ca. 100 yr. It is characterised by a short decrease in the oxygen isotopes as well as a short increase in NAP associated with a depression in birch pollen values. The second oscillation, which occurs in the δ18O record shortly before the deposition of the Laacher See Tephra (ca. 11 000 yr BP), is termed the Gerzensee fluctuation. It occurs during a pine-dominated phase and its vegetational effects cannot be determined palynologically. The most prominent regressive phase is the Younger Dryas biozone (ca. 10 700-10 000 yr BP) characterised by an increase in heliophilous NAP and low δ18O values. The Younger Dryas biozone can often be subdivided palynologically into two parts: a first part rich in grasses and juniper and a second part with higher Filipendula and birch values. During the Preboreal biozone another distinct oscillation is evidenced only in the oxygen isotope ratios. Comparison of the Swiss oxygen isotope profiles with the Greenland Dye 3 record suggests that not only the three major shifts in the δ18O curves but also the minor ones are closely comparable, suggesting some common climatic control.  相似文献   

Kabailiene, Meilute & Raukas, Anto 1987 06 01: Stratigraphy of lake and bog deposits and climatic changes in the late-glacial and Holocene in the Soviet Baltic Republics: a review. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 125–131. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The study of lake and bog deposits in the Soviet Baltic countries has long traditions. These areas are the most intensively studied in the U.S.S.R. The thickness of late-glacial and Holocene sediments reaches up to 38.5 m. The sections are represented most completely in the southern part of the study area, i.e. in Lithuania, whereas in North Estonia the accumulation of lake deposits started in Alleröd and the formation of peat only in pre-Boreal times. Alleröd deposits differ in their amount of organic remains and are everywhere considered as a reference horizon. In general, the accumulation of lake deposits and inferred climatic changes agree with those in adjoining areas. However, in detail they show important differences. Rather prominent differences are observed not only between North, Central and South Baltic, but also between elevated and lowland areas. Their elucidation requires the compilation of numerous local stratigraphic schemes.  相似文献   

王安平  董曼 《世界地质》2010,29(4):543-547
以广西桂林、安徽合肥及辽宁沈阳等三地的银杏材料为基础,通过对叶片及叶柄微观形态特征的对比研究,探讨银杏对不同气候带气候条件的响应。结果显示部分微观特征随气候带的变化而发生较为明显的变化。其中,气孔器长度和保卫细胞长宽比随纬度增加而减小,垂周壁宽度、普通表皮细胞长宽比及保卫细胞宽度随纬度增加有不同程度的增大。这些特征与其所生长环境中的湿度和降水因素可能有较大关系,并为地史时期银杏化石的相关古气候研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

Effects of human activities on the ecological changes of lakes in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Z. S. Zhang  Z. P. Mei 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):17-24
Lake ecosystems are greatly affected by anthropogenic activities due to population growth and the accompanying development of industry and agriculture. These anthropogenic activities include intensified exploitation of fisheries resources, reclamation of land from marshes of lakes, wastewater discharge, construction of water conservancy, and tourism etc. The negative ecological consequences in lakes caused by these factors are discussed in detail and are reflected in the following consequences: 1. depletion of fisheries resources and decrease in fisheries production; 2. changes in fish community structure (increased proportion of young and small individuals); 3. disappearance of some endemic species; and 4. eutrophication of lakes with blue-green algal blooms, elevation in chlorophyll pigment concentration, simplification of species composition, changes in zooplankton and benthos species and substitution of aquatic macrophytes originally dominant in lakes by planktonic algae.  相似文献   

Ecological and paleoecological studies from the Patuxent River mouth reveal dynamic variations in benthic ostracode assemblages over the past 600 years due to climatic and anthropogenic factors. Prior to the late 20th century, centennial-scale changes in species dominance were influenced by climatic and hydrological factors that primarily affected salinity and at times led to oxygen depletion. Decadal-scale droughts also occurred resulting in higher salinities and migration of ostracode species from the deep chanel (Loxoconcha sp.,Cytheromorpha newportensis) into shallower water along the flanks of the bay. During the 19th century the abundance ofLeptocythere nikraveshae andPerissocytheridea brachyforma suggest increased turbidity and decreased salinity. Unprecedented changes in benthic ostracodes at the Patuxent mouth and in the deep channel of the bay occurred after the 1960s whenCythermorpha curta became the dominant species, reflecting seasonal anoxia. The change in benthic assemblages coicided with the appearance of deformities in foraminifers. A combination of increased nitrate loading due to greater fertilize use and increased fresh-water flow explains this shift. A review of the geochemical and paleoecological evidence for dissolved oxygen indicates that seasonal oxygen depletion in the main channel of Chesapeake Bay varies over centennial and decadal timescales. Prior to 1700 AD, a relatively wet climate and high freshwater runoff led to oxygen depletion but rarely anoxia. Between 1700 and 1700, progressive eutrophication occurred related to land clearance and increased sedimentation, but this was superimposed on the oscillatory pattern of oxygen depleton most likely driven by climatological and hydrological factors. It also seems probable that the four-to five-fold increase in sedimentation due to agricultural and timber activity could have contributed to an increased natural nutrient load, likely fueling the early periods (1700–1900) of hypoxia prior to widespread fertilizer use. Twentieth-century anoxia worsened in the late 1930s–1940s and again around 1970, reaching unprecedented levels in the past few decades. Decadal and interannual variability in oxygen depletion even in the 20th century is still strongly influenced by climatic processes influencing precipitation and freshwater runoff.  相似文献   

 The accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements has been investigated in a well laminated sequence of Holocene and late Pleistocene lake sediments composed of diatomaceous gyttja, tuff and silt and clay sediments. Varve chronology of the annually deposited gyttja yielded a continuous high-resolution time sequence and allowed the absolute age dating of the sediment. Fluxes of elements remained largely uniform from the late Pleistocene into the Holocene (12 867–2 364 VT years ago; VT: varve time, years before 1950). Higher trace element and heavy metal fluxes occur from 2 322 to 862 VT years ago and reached their maxima in the uppermost sediments (<845 VT years ago). These increasing element fluxes correlate with increasing inputs of clastic material. The changing accumulation rates are the result of elevated soil erosion in the lake catchment caused by human settlement, deforestation and agricultural activities. Thus disturbances of the natural geochemical cycles of the Holzmaar region have occurred since the beginning of the Iron Age and especially since the beginning of the Middle Ages. Received: 29 May 1996 · Accepted: 19 August 1996  相似文献   

借助于全球气候模式(德国MPI ECHAM5.0)输出信息和流域最近40年的气象观测资料,建立青海湖流域统计降尺度模式(QH-SDM),从而得到流域尺度未来30年(2010-2030年)气候变化情景,并由此驱动水文模型SWAT及湖泊水量平衡模型模拟了青海湖近几十年水位变化过程,预估了未来30年青海湖湖泊水文变化情景。结果表明,青海湖水位的未来变化将经历缓慢下降、逐渐回升、稳步升高3个阶段,到2030年,湖泊水位将达到3195.4 m左右,高出目前水位约2.2 m,面积接近4500 km2,蓄水量达到813亿m3,湖泊恢复到了20世纪70年代初的水平,预计这一结果将会缓解目前青海湖流域水资源紧缺的格局,并有利于植被恢复,减少土地沙化面积,对流域生态环境的改善和国民经济的发展将十分有益。  相似文献   

Increasing eutrophication and seasonal anoxia in bottom water in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent waters has progressed in recent decades, caused by elevated anthropogenic N and P input. Sedimentary biogenic elements were investigated to determine whether the biogenic proxies could be used in paleoenvironmental studies in an energetic estuary, as well as to reconstruct the histories of environmental changes in the East China Sea (ECS). Two 210Pb-dated cores from the coastal and offshore waters were analyzed for organic C (TOC) and its stable isotope (δ13C), total N (TN), biogenic Si (BSi), total P (TP) and P species. In coastal sediment, the variations of P species, especially Fe-P, Al-P and detrital apatite P (Det-P), reflected the dry–wet oscillations in the Changjiang River for the past century, which has influenced the sediment grain size and terrestrial material input. Much lower BSi content (0.756%) at 16–22 cm likely recorded the pronounced decrease in silicate flux in the Changjiang River and its lower flow in the late 1980s. In offshore sediment, higher concentrations of TOC, TN, BSi, Ex-P, Fe-P and Lea-OP indicated higher primary productivity in response to the strong winter monsoons during the 1960s–1980s, and their 20-a fluctuations were in agreement with the decadal variations of the winter monsoon. Low contents and little variations of Al-P and Det-P indicated the slight influence of the terrestrial sediment input in offshore waters. The influence of human activities on the environment in recent decades has also been recorded in coastal sediment. Grain-size normalized concentrations of TOC, TN, TP, Ex-P, Fe-P and Lea-OP increased by 24%, 23%, 15%, 13% and 51% in the upper 16 cm of coastal sediment, indicating elevated P and N load and primary productivity since the 1990s. Elevated TN/TP ratios and decreased BSi/TOC recorded the changed nutrient structure and the decrease in the proportion of the diatom to phytoplankton community. However, the sediment record indicated that the eutrophication might actually have started from the end of the 20th century rather than the reported middle of 20th century. In contrast, biogenic elements in offshore sediment did not reflect disturbance by human activities. This study revealed that multi-nutrient proxies in sediment in the ECS could indicate natural environmental changes including runoff and the winter monsoon over the past century, as well as the influence of human activities in recent decades. Phosphorus species with distinct origins and biogeochemical behaviors could effectively reflect different aspects of past environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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