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A. G. PLINT 《Sedimentology》1986,33(3):387-399
Pennsylvanian fluvial channel sandstones in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia contain numerous examples of eroded mudstone surfaces, including in situ mudstone beds, boulders and slumped blocks. The eroded surfaces bear a variety of structures including linear scours, flutes, longitudinal furrows and rill marks. A block of interchannel mudstone up to 40 m in extent, displays a basal slip-plane, slump-related deformation and evidence of intense corrasion on a channel floor. Mudstone clasts from small pebbles to boulders over 4 m long are common immediately above channel-base erosion surfaces and represent a lag. Clasts over 20 cm diameter are commonly fluted, occasionally on all sides, suggesting clast rotation. Rill marks occur on large mudclasts and in situ mudstone surfaces and indicate emergence and erosion by surging water or surface runoff. Preservation of the delicate erosional structures depended on a highly cohesive mud substrate and subsequent rapid burial. A previous interpretation of the mud blocks and their surficial features as the result of mud intrusion is inconsistent with the field evidence.  相似文献   

Many shoreface sandstone reservoirs host significant hydrocarbon volumes within distal intervals of interbedded sandstones and mudstones. Hydrocarbon production from these reservoir intervals depends on the abundance and proportion of sandstone beds that are connected by erosional scours, and on the lateral extent and continuity of interbedded mudstones. Cliff‐face exposures of the Campanian ‘G2’ parasequence, Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation in the Book Cliffs of east‐central Utah, USA , allow detailed characterization of 128 erosional scours within such interbedded sandstones and mudstones in a volume of 148 m length, 94 m width and 15 m height. The erosional scours have depths of up to 1·1 m, apparent widths of up to 15·1 m and steep sides (up to 35°) that strike approximately perpendicular (N099 ± 36°) to the local north–south palaeoshoreline trend. The scours have limited lateral continuity along strike and down dip, and a relatively narrow range of apparent aspect ratio (apparent width/depth), implying that their three‐dimensional geometry is similar to non‐channelized pot casts. There is no systematic variation in scour dimensions, but ‘scour density’ is greater in amalgamated (conjoined) sandstone beds over 0·5 m thick, and increases upward within vertical successions of upward‐thickening conjoined sandstone beds. There is no apparent organization of the overall lateral distribution of scours, although localized clustering implies that some scours were re‐occupied during multiple erosional events. Scour occurrence is also associated with locally increased amplitude and laminaset thickness of hummocky cross‐stratification in sandstone beds. The geometry, distribution and infill character of the scours imply that they were formed by storm‐generated currents coincident with riverine sediment influx (‘storm floods’). The erosional scours increase the vertical and lateral connectivity of conjoined sandstone beds in the upper part of upward‐thickening sandstone bed successions, resulting in increased effective vertical and horizontal permeability of such intervals.  相似文献   

Subglacial erosional forms are commonly found on bedrock substrates inside the Late Weichselian ice margin in County Donegal, northwest Ireland, and can be used to provide detailed information on subglacial processes and environments. The erosional forms occur on spatial scales from whalebacks (tens of metres in scale), to asymmetric and channelized bedrock-cut scours (tens of cm in scale) and striations (mm scale). Processes responsible for development of subglacial erosional forms occur along a continuum, from free meltwater existing as a laterally extensive sheet at the ice-bed interface, to abrasion by basal ice. Channelized bedrock-cut scours are particularly common in County Donegal, and show asymmetric and meandering thalwegs, U-shaped cross-profiles and steep lateral margins. Innermost parts of the scours are highly polished and have striations that follow thalweg direction. In places, bedrock surfaces are overlain by a delicate polish and thin calcite cement, and are buried beneath glacial till. Based on their morphology, the bedrock scours are interpreted as s-forms caused by high-pressure subglacial meltwater erosion. Striations within the scoured channels reflect periods of ice-bed coupling and subglacial abrasion. The range of features observed here was used to consider relationships between subglacial topography, hydraulic processes and ice-bed coupling. Precipitation of calcite cement took place in depressions on the bedrock surface by CO2 degassing. Infilling of depressions by glacial till formed a new type of 'sticky spot' related to spatial variations in subglacial water pressure. The temporal evolution of sticky spots reflects interactions within the subglacial environment between subglacial relief, hydraulic regime and ice-bed coupling.  相似文献   

The deep-tow instrument package of Scripps Institution of Oceanography provides a unique opportunity to delineate small-scale features of a size comparable to those features usually described from ancient deep-sea fan deposits. On Navy Fan, the deep-tow side-scanning sonar readily detected steep channel walls and steps and terraces within channels. The most striking features observed in side-scan are large crescentic depressions commonly occurring in groups. These appear to be large scours or flutes carved by turbidity currents. Four distinct acoustic facies were mapped on the basis of qualitative assessment of reflectivity of 4 kHz reflection profiles. There is a distinct increase in depth of acoustic penetration, number of sub-bottom reflectors, and reflector continuity from the upper fan-valley to the lower fan. These changes are accompanied by a decrease in surface relief. Navy Fan is made up of three active sectors. The active upper fan is dominated by a single channel with prominent levees that decrease in height downstream. The active mid-fan region or suprafan is where sand is deposited. Well defined distributary channels with steps, terraces, and other mesotopography terminate in depositional lobes. Interchannel areas are rough, containing giant scours as well as other relief. The active lower fan accumulates mud and silt and is without resolvable surface morphology. The morphological features seen on Navy Fan other than levees, interchannel areas, and lobes are principally erosional. The distributary channels are up to 0.5 km wide and 5–15 m deep. Such features, because of their large size and low relief, are rarely completely exposed or easily detectable in ancient rock sequences. Some flute-shaped scours are larger than channels in cross section but many are 5-30 m across and 1-2 m deep. If observed in ancient rocks transverse to palaeo-current direction, they would perhaps be indistinguishable from channels. Surface sediment distribution combined with fan morphology can be used to relate modern sediments to facies models for ancient fan sediments. Gravel and sand occur in the upper valley, massive sand beds in the mid-fan distributary channels, classical complete Bouma sequences on depositional lobes, incomplete Bouma sequences (lacking division a) on the lower mid-fan, and Bouma sequence with lenticular shape or other limited extent on mid-fan interchannel areas and on levees.  相似文献   

The pattern of dunes within the Gran Desierto of Sonora, Mexico, is both spatially diverse and complex. Identification of the pattern components from remote‐sensing images, combined with statistical analysis of their measured parameters demonstrate that the composite pattern consists of separate populations of simple dune patterns. Age‐bracketing by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) indicates that the simple patterns represent relatively short‐lived aeolian constructional events since ~25 ka. The simple dune patterns consist of: (i) late Pleistocene relict linear dunes; (ii) degraded crescentic dunes formed at ~12 ka; (iii) early Holocene western crescentic dunes; (iv) eastern crescentic dunes emplaced at ~7 ka; and (v) star dunes formed during the last 3 ka. Recognition of the simple patterns and their ages allows for the geomorphic backstripping of the composite pattern. Palaeowind reconstructions, based upon the rule of gross bedform‐normal transport, are largely in agreement with regional proxy data. The sediment state over time for the Gran Desierto is one in which the sediment supply for aeolian constructional events is derived from previously stored sediment (Ancestral Colorado River sediment), and contemporaneous influx from the lower Colorado River valley and coastal influx from the Bahia del Adair inlet. Aeolian constructional events are triggered by climatic shifts to greater aridity, changes in the wind regime, and the development of a sediment supply. The rate of geomorphic change within the Gran Desierto is significantly greater than the rate of subsidence and burial of the accumulation surface upon which it rests.  相似文献   

Channel confluences are key nodes within large river networks, and yet surprisingly little is known about their spatial and temporal evolution. Moreover, because confluences are associated with vertical scour that typically extends to several times the mean channel depth, the deposits associated with such scours should have a high preservation potential within the rock record. Paradoxically, such scours are rarely observed, and their preservation and sedimentological interpretation are poorly understood. The present study details results from a physically‐based morphodynamic model that is applied to simulate the evolution and alluvial architecture of large river junctions. Boundary conditions within the model were defined to approximate the junction of the Ganges and Jamuna rivers, Bangladesh, with the model output being supplemented by geophysical datasets collected at this junction. The numerical simulations reveal several distinct styles of sedimentary fill that are related to the morphodynamic behaviour of bars, confluence scour downstream of braid bars, bend scour and major junction scour. Comparison with existing, largely qualitative, conceptual models reveals that none of these can be applied simply, although elements of each are evident in the deposits generated by the numerical simulation and observed in the geophysical data. The characteristics of the simulated scour deposits are found to vary according to the degree of reworking caused by channel migration, a factor not considered adequately in current conceptual models of confluence sedimentology. The alluvial architecture of major junction scours is thus characterized by the prevalence of erosion surfaces in conjunction with the thickest depositional sets. Confluence scour downstream of braid bar and bend scour sites may preserve some large individual sets, but these locations are typically characterized by lower average set thickness compared to major junction scour and by a lack of large‐scale erosional surfaces. Areas of deposition not related to any of the specific scour types highlighted above record the thinnest depositional sets. This variety in the alluvial architecture of scours may go some way towards explaining the paradox of ancient junction scours, that while abundant large scours are likely in the rock record, they have been reported rarely. The present results outline the likely range of confluence sedimentology and will serve as a new tool for recognizing and interpreting these deposits in the ancient fluvial record.  相似文献   

颤痕是冰川作用地区由冰川携带岩屑做周期性或间歇性运动在冰床基岩和冰碛石表面形成的新月形或弧形破裂形态,特征尺度一般不大于1 m。其主要形成机制类似Riedel构造模式中的(R)剪切破裂和(T)拉张破裂,且遵循脆性破裂原理。根据国内外文献报道和野外考察,从术语学角度将冰川颤痕分为狭义和广义两种。广义冰川颤痕,包括曲锥形擦口(狭义颤痕)、半月形裂口、新月形凿口、新月形裂纹和新月形断口5种。测量统计结果显示,23组新月形断口的排列间距,KS和JB检验均符合正态和伽玛分布(置信度95%),与岩石节理(破裂)的间距特征一致;25组新月形凿口和35组新月形裂纹的排列间距,KS检验符合正态分布和伽玛分布,JB检验不符合正态分布(置信度95%)。证明颤痕在空间分布上大体保持相等的破裂间距,基本符合饱和模式理论。颤痕的定向性、成组特征具有明确的环境意义,与擦痕、擦面的地貌组合是重要的冰川遗迹判别标志。缺少冰蚀地貌组合的孤立“颤痕”,不具有指示冰川作用的价值。近年报道的山东鲁山没有“颤痕”等冰川遗迹。  相似文献   

The braided outwash of Wartanian age near Bełchatów, central Poland, was formed synchronously by two river systems: glacier streams flowing from the northwest and west and periglacial rivers flowing from the south and southwest. An extensive alluvial fan was formed which later developed into a highly aggrading fan due to a rising water level in the proglacial lake to the north. Braided streams were represented by relatively low-energy systems with shallow-channel and/or transverse bar deposition. Sporadically, rapid inflows of meltwater caused more energetic conditions and formation of large scours. The latter were found only in the glacier streams and this was confirmed by palaeocurrent measurements and analyses of quartz roundness.  相似文献   

Erosional features on the floor of Eastern Valley of the Laurentian Fan, in 2800 m water depth, have been mapped with SeaMARC I side-scan sonar images and Seabeam multi-beam echo-soundings, and were directly observed during a dive with the deep submersible Alvin. The most spectacular feature is a 100-m-deep flute-shaped scour, more than 1 km long. The surrounding valley is floored by an unconsolidated coarse conglomerate, which was moulded into transverse bedforms by the turbidity current that was triggered by the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake. Direct observations and seismic-reflection profiles show that the flute-shaped scour cuts through this conglomerate and into Plio-Pleistocene valley-floor sediments, thereby exposing a section through the 1929 deposit. Application of the Allen defect theory suggests that the flute is unusually deep because general channel-floor erosion was inhibited by the conglomerate veneer. Valley-floor channels typically 1 km wide and 10m deep contain series of closed depressions that occasionally deepen to 30 m. These are also interpreted as erosional scours, analogous to pools cut on the beds of bedrock rivers. The large flute was probably formed by detached flow enlarging an initial scour depression. Such scours probably play an important role in channel-floor erosion, increasing the volume of sediment transported by large turbidity currents.  相似文献   

The most extensive Jurassic marine transgression in North America reached its maximum limits during the Oxfordian Age. At this time, siliciclastic sediments were being brought into the North American seaway from an uplifted zone to the west. Within this setting, complexes of sand ridges and coquinoid sands layers were deposited. Coquinoid sandstones appear to fill erosional scours and were interpreted as channel fills. Re-evaluation of these features in the light of recently discovered attributes of modern shelf sediments and processes has produced a revised model of coquinoid sand deposition in this setting. Coquinoid sandstones which fill ‘channel-like’ scours in the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) rocks of central Wyoming and south-central Montana, appear to have formed through the migration of sand waves across the crests of inner shelf sand ridges during periods of storm and tidal flow. Erosion in the zone of flow reattachment in the troughs between sand waves resulted in the development of shell lags. Migration of these scour zones as the sand waves advanced resulted in the deposition of sheet-like coquinoid sandstone bodies. Sand waves crossing the ridge crest tended to migrate more slowly and to be overstepped by later sand waves. Sand wave troughs thus buried have channel-like geometries with apparent epsilon bedding.  相似文献   

Outcrop analogues of the Late Jurassic lower Arab‐D reservoir zone in Saudi Arabia expose a succession of fining‐upward cycles deposited on a distal middle‐ramp to outer‐ramp setting. These cycles are interrupted by erosional scours that incise up to 1·8 m into underlying deposits and are infilled with intraclasts up to boulder size (1 m diameter). Scours of similar size and infill are not commonly observed on low‐angle carbonate ramps. Outcrops have been used to characterize and quantify facies‐body geometries and spatial relationships. The coarse grain size of scour‐fills indicates scouring and boulder transport by debris or hyperconcentrated density flows strengthened by offshore‐directed currents. Longitudinal and lateral flow transformation is invoked to produce the ‘pit and wing’ geometry of the scours. Scour pits and wings erode up to 1·8 m and 0·7 m deep, respectively, and are on average 50 m wide between wing tips. The flat bases of the scours and their lack of consistent aspect ratio indicate that erosion depth was limited by the presence of cemented firmgrounds in underlying cycles. Scours define slightly sinuous channels that are consistently oriented north–south, sub‐parallel to the inferred regional depositional strike of the ramp, suggesting that local palaeobathymetry was more complex than commonly assumed. Weak lateral clustering of some scours indicates that they were underfilled and reoccupied by later scour incision and infill. Rudstone scour‐fills required reworking of material from inner ramp by high‐energy, offshore‐directed flows, associated with storm action and the hydraulic gradient produced by coastal storm setup, to generate erosion and sustain transport of clasts that are generally associated with steeper slopes. Quantitative analysis indicates that these coarse‐grained units have limited potential for correlation between wells as laterally continuous, highly permeable reservoir flow units, but their erosional and locally clustered character may increase effective vertical permeability of the Arab‐D reservoir zone as a whole.  相似文献   

Seafloor images of coarse‐grained submarine channel–levée systems commonly reveal complex braid‐plain patterns of low‐amplitude bedforms and zones of apparent bypass; however, mechanisms of channel evolution and the resultant channel‐fill architecture are poorly understood. At Playa Esqueleto the lateral relationships between various elements of a deep‐marine slope channel system are well‐exposed. Specifically, the transition from gravel‐dominated axial thalwegs to laterally persistent marginal sandstones and isolated gravel‐filled scours is revealed. Marginal sandstones pass into a monotonous thin‐bedded succession which built to form relatively low‐relief levées bounding the channel belt; in turn, the levées onlap the canyon walls. Three orders of confinement were important during the evolution of the channel system: (i) first‐order confinement was provided by the erosional canyon which confined the entire system; (ii) confined levées built of turbidite sandstones and mudstones formed the second‐order confinement, and it is demonstrated that these built from overspill at thalweg margins; and (iii) third‐order confinement describes the erosional confinement of coarse‐grained thalwegs and scours. Finer‐grained sediment was transported in suspension and largely was unaffected by topography at the scale of individual thalwegs. Facies and clast analyses of conglomerate overlying channel‐marginal scours reveal that they were deposited by composite gravity flows, which were non‐cohesive, grain‐dominant debris flows with more fluidal cores. These flows were capable of basal erosion but were strongly depositional; frictional freezing at flow margins built gravel levées, while the core maintained a more fluidal transport regime. The resultant architecture consists of matrix‐rich, poorly sorted levées bounding better‐sorted, traction‐dominated cores. The planform geometry is interpreted to have consisted of a low‐sinuosity gravel braid‐plain built by accretion around mid‐channel and bank‐attached bars. This part of the system may be analogous to fluvial systems; however, the finer‐grained sediment load formed thick suspension clouds, probably several orders of magnitude thicker than the relief of braid‐plain topography and therefore controlled by the levées and canyon wall confinement.  相似文献   

Obstacle marks, formed around non-permanent tools, commonly occur on the beach faces of Lower Long Sand Island and Sagar Island, two tidal islands in the Ganga River estuary, India. The marine globose algae, Valonia sp., which bloom profusely in the waters of the Bay of Bengal during winter, are deposited on beach faces after being carried by wave swash, and then act as impermeable obstacles in the path of wave backwash. This creates around the globose algal bodies U-shaped or crescentic marks 2–3 cm in width with arms 1–3 cm in length. The globose vesicles are soon broken up by external forces or by forces of surface tension, leaving crescentic marks around a circular filamentous impression. The crescents always open toward the direction of wave backwash. These structures may prove useful not only for interpreting the palaeoslope and palaeocurrent directions but also for recognizing the palaeoecology.  相似文献   

Patches of sedimentary furrows are developed at several locations in the cohesive estuarine sediments of Southampton Water (water depth 1–12 m). These furrows apparently result from short periods of erosion followed by long periods of deposition. Although all the furrows are similar, regularly spaced, parallel troughs, 0.5–15 m wide aligned with the dominant current, furrows in different patches have different characteristics. In some areas furrow width is 1/5–1/15 of furrow spacing (termed ‘narrow’), whereas in other areas furrow width is about 1/2 of the spacing (termed ‘wide’). Narrow furrows have developed where sediment accumulation rates are greater than 3–6 cm yr?1; wide furrows where accumulation rates are lower. Cockle shells, and other coarse sediments, concentrated on the furrow floors and on floors of smaller (2–10 cm wide) minifurrows, play an important role in furrow formation and evolution as they act to widen the furrows when mobilized during current episodes. Uniform sedimentation across the profile during slack periods tends to narrow the furrow. Some of the larger furrows have remained in the same position for 12 years, while mini-furrows have duration scales of a few months or less. Well-developed furrows are also found in a recently dredged channel. Bedforms similar to those described here may be preserved in the sedimentary record. While no analogues to the larger furrows are presently known, minifurrows may be morphologically similar to the ‘gutter casts’ described from ancient rocks.  相似文献   

Scour holes often form in shallow flows over sand on the beach and in morphodynamic scale experiments of river reaches, deltas and estuarine landscapes. The scour holes are on average 2 cm deep and 5 cm long, regardless of the flow depth and appear to occur under similar conditions as current ripples: at low boundary Reynolds numbers, in fine sand and under relatively low sediment mobility. In landscape experiments, where the flow is only about 1 cm deep, such scours may be unrealistically large and have unnatural effects on channel formation, bar pattern and stratigraphy. This study tests the hypotheses that both scours and ripples occur in the same conditions and that the roughness added by sediment saltation explains the difference between the ripple–dune transition and the clear‐water hydraulic smooth to rough transition. About 500 experiments are presented with a range of sediment types, sediment mobility and obstructions to provoke scour holes, or removal thereof to assess scour hole persistence. Most experiments confirm that ripples and scour holes both form in the ripple stability field in two different bedform stability diagrams. The experiments also show that scours can be provoked by perturbations even below generalized sediment motion. Moreover, the hydraulic smooth to rough transition modified with saltation roughness depending on sediment mobility was similar in magnitude and in slope to ripple–dune transitions. Given uncertainties in saltation relations, the smooth to rough transitions modified for movable beds are empirically equivalent to the ripple–dune transitions. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that scours form by turbulence caused by localized flow separation under low boundary Reynolds numbers, and do not form under generalized flow separation over coarser particles and intense sediment saltation. Furthermore, this suggests that ripples are a superposition of two independent forms: periodic bedforms occurring in smooth and rough conditions plus aperiodic scours occurring only in hydraulic smooth conditions.  相似文献   

We present a case study on how riverbed morphology of the engineered and meandering Tisza River of the Pannonian Basin (Hungary) has changed during post-engineering times. The objectives were (1) mapping the location and morphology of scours and point bars, (2) reconstructing their changes in a 150 year time-scale in response to engineering work, (3) describing the differences of quasi-natural and engineered channels and (4) distinguishing of local and general causes, both natural and anthropogenic.Recent erosion and deposition have been traced on continuous ultrahigh resolution (UHR) seismic profiles. These results were matched up to channel cross-sections and to time-series planimetric and bathymetric maps. The topography of the riverbed is determined primarily by two factors: the plan view geometry of the channel and the lithology of the substratum. As well as naturally developing scours in the river bends, shallower and elongated, slightly refilled ones appear on straight reaches or in engineered channels. Elongated bed scours and extraordinary forms are related to local human effects. However, erosion is observed everywhere in the investigated 102 km long Middle-Tisza region. As a result of cut-offs the gradient increased and, as a consequence, the riverbed became incised.Sedimentation is reflected in accelerated point bar development, which resulted in intensive lateral migration and increasing sinuosity, which is enhanced in the vicinity of human interventions. Changes do not propagate far away. Channel adjustments happened in two phases: rapid incision was followed by a slower sinuosity increase in order to obtain a new dynamic equilibrium.  相似文献   

At Godøya near Ålesund sequences of unconsolidated fine sand and silt below two till beds are interpreted as remains of a sandur. Two facies sequences dominate: One comprises erosional scours followed by horizontally and current-ripple laminated fine sand, massive silt and erosional scours. The other sequence differs by planar wedge-shaped cross-beds replacing the horizontal lamination. The planar cross-beds are assumed to represent migrating linguoid or transverse bars, with an orientation partly at a high angle to current ripples in the same beds. The frequent silt beds are interpreted as a result of rapid vertical accretion due to isostatic subsidence during deposition. A Middle Weichselian age is assumed from thermoluminescence, radiocarbon and amino acid dates.  相似文献   

Well-exposed, vertically dipping, glacially polished outcrops of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup in the southern Canadian Cordillera include basin-floor deposits of the Upper Kaza Group overlain by slope channel complexes of the Isaac Formation. Within the 2·5 km thick Kaza and Isaac succession is an up to 360 m thick interval composed of diverse deep-water stratal elements including scour and interscour deposits, distributary channels, fine-grained turbidites, terminal splays, mass-transport deposits, erosional and levéed channels and avulsion splays, which collectively were formed during the development of an ancient passive-margin channel-lobe system. The proportion and vertical and lateral arrangement of stratal elements reveal three distinct complexes. The lower complex, consisting mostly of distributary channels and small and large scours, is interpreted to represent the detachment of lobes from an upflow levéed channel, wherein a well-developed channel-lobe transition zone was formed by efficient, siliciclastic flows during a period of sustained transport bypass and limited deposition coincident with the onset of falling relative sea level. The middle, comparatively thicker and more sandstone-rich complex, comprises distributary channel fills, fine-grained turbidites and lesser terminal splays that are interspersed with small scours, capped by a slope levéed channel filled with coarser-grained siliciclastic sediment. The abundance of basin-floor elements suggests negligible separation between the levéed channel and lobe, and therefore a poorly-developed channel-lobe transition zone, resulting from inefficient, siliciclastic-rich depositional flows that became dominant during lowstand and/or ensuing transgression. The stratal makeup of the upper complex resembles the lower detached complex, suggesting a return to efficient flows, and an abrupt change to mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sediments associated with highstand conditions. Accordingly, the stratigraphic architecture and stacking pattern of the Kaza–Isaac interval, which relate to the formation of multiple channel-lobe transition zones, were controlled by temporal changes in sediment supply and flow characteristics during the long-term progradation of the Laurentian continental margin.  相似文献   

The origin of the Luoquan Formation which occurs along the southern margin of the North China Blockhas long been argued. Based on recent work. the Formation is considered as a glacial sedimentary sequencepartially reworked by sediment gravity flow. The major evidence for the glacigene of Luoquan Formationdiamictites is as follows: 1, a striated and polished pavement with various features resulting from glacialabrasion and plucking, such as crescentic gouge, crescentic fracture, streamlined form and glaciated step; 2.unsorted diamictites with striated clast. faceted clast and iron-shaped stone formed by glaciation; 3. rhythmitewith dropstones; 4. a glacial sedimentary sequence bearing advance-retreat cycles; and 5. wide distribution ofthe diamictites. Glacial deposits can be distinguished from sediment gravity flow deposits by the features men-tioned above. Some characteristics of sediment gravity flow existing in the Luoquan Formation diamictites in-dicate that glacial deposits might have been partially reworked by sediment gravity flow. Therefore, this papersuggests that the Luoquan Formation diamictite is a result of a glacial event rather than a mud flow deposit.The primary tillites are the principal contribution of the Luoquan Formation, while sediment gravity flow de-posits are the redeposited diamictites and should be termed as glacigenic sediment gravity flow deposits.  相似文献   

High‐resolution swath bathymetry data collected in fjord‐lakes Pentecôte, Walker and Pasteur (eastern Québec, Canada) allowed imaging in great detail the deltas of four rivers in order to understand the factors controlling the formation and downslope evolution of bedforms present on their slopes. The morphometry and morphology of 199 bedforms reflect the behaviour of sediment density flows. The shape of the bedforms, mostly crescentic, and the relationships between their morphological properties indicate that they were formed by supercritical density flows and that they are cyclic steps. The crescentic shape suggests an upslope migration while the aspect ratios and increasing wavelengths with distance from the shore (and decreasing slopes) are compatible with a cyclic step origin. At the rollover point, the acceleration of the density flows on steep slopes produces tightly spaced hydraulic jumps and favours short wavelength and symmetrical bedforms. Further downslope, decreasing slopes and increasing specific discharge increase the wavelength and asymmetry of the bedforms. The wavelength and asymmetry are increased because density flows require longer distances to become supercritical again on lower slopes after each successive hydraulic jump. Bedform morphometry and morphology are used to reconstruct density flow behaviour downslope. Froude numbers are high near the rollover point and gradually decrease downslope as the slope becomes gentler. Conversely, the specific discharge and flow depth are low near the rollover point and gradually increase downslope as the flow either erodes sediments or becomes more dilute due to sediment deposition and water entrainment. The supercritical density flows are believed to be triggered mainly by hyperpycnal flows but some evidence of delta‐front slope failures is also observed. The differences in delta morphology and bedform development between the four deltas are linked to basin morphology and watershed hydrology, but also mainly to the fjord heritage of the lakes that allowed the focusing of sediment at the delta front.  相似文献   

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