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We distinguish between regular orbits, that bifurcate from the main families of periodic orbits (those that exist also in the unperturbed case) and irregular periodic orbits, that are independent of the above. The genuine irregular families cannot be made to join the regular families by changing some parameters. We present evidence that all irregular families appear inside lobes formed by the asymptotic curves of the unstable periodic orbits. We study in particular a dynamical system of two degrees of freedom, that is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, and has also a triple resonance in its unperturbed form. The distribution of the periodic orbits (points on a Poincaré surface of section) shows some conspicuous lines composed of points of different multiplicities. The regular periodic orbits along these lines belong to Farey trees. But there are also lines composed mainly of irregular orbits. These are images of the x-axis in the map defined on the Poincaré surface of section. Higher order iterations of this map , close to the unstable triple periodic orbit, produce lines that are close to the asymptotic curves of this unstable orbit. The homoclinic tangle, formed by these asymptotic curves, contains many regular orbits, that were generated by bifurcation from the central orbit, but were trapped inside the tangle as the perturbation increased. We found some stable periodic orbits inside the homoclinic tangle, both regular and irregular. This proves that the homoclinic tangle is not completely chaotic, but contains gaps (islands of stability) filled with KAM curves.  相似文献   

We investigate the escape regions of a quartic potential and the main types of irregular periodic orbits. Because of the symmetry of the model the zero velocity curve consists of four summetric arcs forming four open channels around the lines y = ± x through which an orbit can escape. Four unstable Lyapunov periodic orbits bridge these openings.We have found an infinite sequence of families of periodic orbits which is the outer boundary of one of the escape regions and several infinite sequences of periodic orbits inside this region that tend to homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits. Some of these sequences of periodic orbits tend to homoclinic orbits starting perpendicularly and ending asymptotically at the x-axis. The other sequences tend to heteroclinic orbits which intersect the x-axis perpendicularly for x > 0 and make infinite oscillations almost parallel to each of the two Lyapunov orbits which correspond to x > 0 or x < 0.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of boundary value formulations coupled to numerical continuation for the computation of stable and unstable manifolds in systems of ordinary differential equations. Specifically, we consider the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP), which models the motion of a satellite in an Earth–Moon-like system. The CR3BP has many well-known families of periodic orbits, such as the planar Lyapunov orbits and the non-planar vertical and halo orbits. We compute the unstable manifolds of selected vertical and halo orbits, which in several cases leads to the detection of heteroclinic connections from such a periodic orbit to invariant tori. Subsequent continuation of these connecting orbits with a suitable end point condition and allowing the energy level to vary leads to the further detection of apparent homoclinic connections from the base periodic orbit to itself, or the detection of heteroclinic connections from the base periodic orbit to other periodic orbits. Some of these connecting orbits are of potential interest in space mission design.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a restricted equilateral four-body problem where a particle of negligible mass is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of three masses (called primaries) which move on circular orbits around their center of masses such that their configuration is always an equilateral triangle (Lagrangian configuration). We consider the case of two bodies of equal masses, which in adimensional units is the parameter of the problem. We study numerically the existence of families of unstable periodic orbits, whose invariant stable and unstable manifolds are responsible for the existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic connections, as well as of transit orbits traveling from and to different regions. We explore, for three different values of the mass parameter, what kind of transits and energy levels exist for which there are orbits with prescribed itineraries visiting the neighborhood of different primaries.  相似文献   

We consider the general spatial three body problem and study the dynamics of planetary systems consisting of a star and two planets which evolve into 2/1 mean motion resonance and into inclined orbits. Our study is focused on the periodic orbits of the system given in a suitable rotating frame. The stability of periodic orbits characterize the evolution of any planetary system with initial conditions in their vicinity. Stable periodic orbits are associated with long term regular evolution, while unstable periodic orbits are surrounded by regions of chaotic motion. We compute many families of symmetric periodic orbits by applying two schemes of analytical continuation. In the first scheme, we start from the 2/1 (or 1/2) resonant periodic orbits of the restricted problem and in the second scheme, we start from vertical critical periodic orbits of the general planar problem. Most of the periodic orbits are unstable, but many stable periodic orbits have been, also, found with mutual inclination up to 50?–60?, which may be related with the existence of real planetary systems.  相似文献   

We study in great detail the geometry of the homoclinic tangle, with respect to the energy, corresponding to an unstable periodic orbit of type 1:2, on a surface of section representing a 2-D Hamiltonian system. The tangle consists of two resonance areas, in contrast with the tangles of type-l or -{l, m, k, x = 0} considered in previous studies, that consist of only one resonance area. We study the intersections of the inner and outer lobes of the same resonance area and of the two resonance areas. The intersections of the lobes follow certain rules. The detailed study of these rules allows us to derive quantitative relations about the number of intersections and to understand the complex behavior of the higher order lobes by studying the lower order lobes. We find 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. order intersections formed by lobes making 1, 2, 3, etc. turns around an island. After a sufficiently high order of iterations a lobe may intersect its image and thus produce a Poincaré recurrence. Numerical results for a wide interval of energies are presented. The number of intersections changes through tangencies. In any finite interval of the energy between two tangencies of 1st order, an infinite number of higher order tangencies occur and thus, according to the Newhouse theorem, there exist nearby islands of stability.  相似文献   

In the framework of the planar restricted three-body problem we study a considerable number of resonances associated to the basic dynamical features of Kuiper belt and located between 30 and 48 a.u. Our study is based on the computation of resonant periodic orbits and their stability. Stable periodic orbits are surrounded by regular librations in phase space and in such domains the capture of trans-Neptunian object is possible. All the periodic orbits found are symmetric and there is an indication of the existence of asymmetric ones only in a few cases. In the present work first, second and third order resonances are under consideration. In the planar circular case we found that most of the periodic orbits are stable. The families of periodic orbits are temporarily interrupted by collisions but they continue up to relatively large values of the Jacobi constant and highly eccentric regular motion exists for all cases. In the elliptic problem and for a particular eccentricity value of the primary bodies, the periodic orbits are isolated. The corresponding families, where they belong to, bifurcate from specific periodic orbits of the circular problem and seem to continue up to the rectilinear problem. Both stable and unstable orbits are obtained for each case. In the elliptic problem, the unstable orbits found are associated with narrow chaotic domains in phase space. The evolution of the orbits, which are located in such chaotic domains, seems to be practically regular and bounded for long time intervals.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of 3:1 resonant motion for planetary systems with two planets, based on the model of the general planar three body problem. The exact mean motion resonance corresponds to periodic motion (in a rotating frame) and the basic families of symmetric and asymmetric periodic orbits are computed. Four symmetric families bifurcate from the family of circular orbits of the two planets. Asymmetric families bifurcate from the symmetric families, at the critical points, where the stability character changes. There exist also asymmetric families that are independent of the above mentioned families. Bounded librations exist close to the stable periodic orbits. Therefore, such periodic orbits (symmetric or asymmetric) determine the possible stable configurations of a 3:1 resonant planetary system, even if the orbits of the two planets intersect. For the masses of the system 55Cnc most of the periodic orbits are unstable and they are associated with chaotic motion. There exist however stable symmetric and asymmetric orbits, corresponding to regular trajectories along which the critical angles librate. The 55Cnc extra-solar system is located in a stable domain of the phase space, centered at an asymmetric periodic orbit.  相似文献   

The motion of a satellite around a planet can be studied by the Hill model, which is a modification of the restricted three body problem pertaining to motion of a satellite around a planet. Although the dynamics of the circular Hill model has been extensively studied in the literature, only few results about the dynamics of the elliptic model were known up to now, namely the equations of motion and few unstable families of periodic orbits. In the present study we extend these results by computing a large set of families of periodic orbits and their linear stability and classify them according to their resonance condition. Although most of them are unstable, we were able to find a considerable number of stable ones. By computing appropriate maps of dynamical stability, we study the effect of the planetary eccentricity on the stability of satellite orbits. We see that, even for large values of the planetary eccentricity, regular orbits can be found in the vicinity of stable periodic orbits. The majority of irregular orbits are escape orbits.  相似文献   

This work studies a special type of cislunar periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem called resonance transition periodic orbits, which switch between different resonances and revolve about the secondary with multiple loops during one period. In the practical computation, families of multiple periodic orbits are identified first, and then the invariant manifolds emanating from the unstable multiple periodic orbits are taken to generate resonant homoclinic connections, which are used to determine the initial guesses for computing the desired periodic orbits by means of multiple-shooting scheme. The obtained periodic orbits have potential applications for the missions requiring long-term continuous observation of the secondary and tour missions in a multi-body environment.  相似文献   

It is known that the asymptotic invariant manifolds around an unstable periodic orbit in conservative systems can be represented by convergent series (Cherry, Proc Lond Math Soc ser 2, 27:151–170, 1926; Moser, Commun Pure Appl Math 9:673, 1956 and 11:257, 1958; Moser, Giorgilli, Discret Contin Dyn Syst 7:855, 2001). The unstable and stable manifolds intersect at an infinity of homoclinic points, generating a complicated homoclinic tangle. In the case of simple mappings it was found (Da Silva Ritter et al., Phys D 29:181, 1987) that the domain of convergence of the formal series extends to infinity along the invariant manifolds. This allows in practice the study of the homoclinic tangle using only series. However in the case of Hamiltonian systems, or mappings with a finite analyticity domain, the convergence of the series along the asymptotic manifolds is also finite. Here, we provide numerical indications that the convergence does not reach any homoclinic points. We discuss in detail the convergence problem in various cases and we find the degree of approximation of the analytical invariant manifolds to the real (numerical) manifolds as (i) the order of truncation of the series increases, and (ii) we use higher numerical precision in computing the coefficients of the series. Then we introduce a new method of series composition, by using action-angle variables, that allows the calculation of the asymptotic manifolds up to an a arbitrarily large extent. This is the first case of an analytic development that allows the computation of the invariant manifolds and their intersections in a Hamiltonian system for an extent long enough to allow the study of homoclinic chaos by analytical means.  相似文献   

A systematic numerical exploration of the families of asymmetric periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem when a) the primary bodies are equal and b) for the Earth-Moon mass ratio, is presented. Decades families of asymmetric periodic solutions were found and three of the simplest ones, in the first case, and ten of the second one are illustrated. All of these families consist of periodic orbits which are asymmetric with respect to x-axis while are simple symmetric periodic orbits with respect to y-axis (i.e. the orbit has only one perpendicular intersection at half period with y-axis). Many asymmetric periodic orbits, members of these families, are calculated and plotted. We studied the stability of all the asymmetric periodic orbits we found. These families consist, mainly, of unstable periodic solutions but there exist very small, with respect to x, intervals where these families have stable periodic orbits. We also found, using appropriate Poincaré surface of sections, that a relatively large region of phase space extended around all these stable asymmetric periodic orbits shows chaotic motion.  相似文献   

The rectilinear elliptic restricted three-body problem (TBP) is the limiting case of the elliptic restricted TBP when the motion of the primaries is described by a Keplerian ellipse with eccentricity \(e'=1\), but the collision of the primaries is assumed to be a non-singular point. The rectilinear model has been proposed as a starting model for studying the dynamics of motion around highly eccentric binary systems. Broucke (AIAA J 7:1003–1009, 1969) explored the rectilinear problem and obtained isolated periodic orbits for mass parameter \(\mu =0.5\) (equal masses of the primaries). We found that all orbits obtained by Broucke are linearly unstable. We extend Broucke’s computations by using a finer search for symmetric periodic orbits and computing their linear stability. We found a large number of periodic orbits, but only eight of them were found to be linearly stable and are associated with particular mean motion resonances. These stable orbits are used as generating orbits for continuation with respect to \(\mu \) and \(e'<1\). Also, continuation of periodic solutions with respect to the mass of the small body can be applied by using the general TBP. FLI maps of dynamical stability show that stable periodic orbits are surrounded in phase space with regions of regular orbits indicating that systems of very highly eccentric orbits can be found in stable resonant configurations. As an application we present a stability study for the planetary system HD7449.  相似文献   

Several families of planar planetary-type periodic orbits in the general three-body problem, in a rotating frame of reference, for the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn mass-ratio are found and their stability is studied. It is found that the configuration in which the orbit of the smaller planet is inside the orbit of the larger planet is, in general, more stable.We also develop a method to study the stability of a planar periodic motion with respect to vertical perturbations. Planetary periodic orbits with the orbits of the two planets not close to each other are found to be vertically stable. There are several periodic orbits that are stable in the plane but vertically unstable and vice versa. It is also shown that a vertical critical orbit in the plane can generate a monoparametric family of three-dimensional periodic orbits.  相似文献   

We present families of periodic orbits and their stability for the exterior mean motion resonances 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 with Neptune in the framework of the planar circular restricted three-body problem. We found that in each resonance there exist two branches of symmetric elliptic periodic orbits with stable and unstable segments. Asymmetric periodic orbits bifurcate from the corresponding symmetric ones. Asymmetric periodic orbits are stable and the motion in their neighbourhood is a libration with respect to the resonant angle variable. In all the families of asymmetric periodic orbits the eccentricity extends to high values. Poincaré sections reveal the changes of the topology in phase space.  相似文献   

We examine the conjecture made by Brown (1911) that in the restricted three body problem, the long period family of periodic orbits aroundL 4, ends on a homoclinic orbit toL 3. By numerical integration we establish that for the mass ratio Sun-Jupiter such a homoclinic orbit toL 3 does not exist but that there exists a family of homoclinic orbits to periodic orbits aroundL 3.  相似文献   

Analysis and design of low-energy transfers to the Moon has been a subject of great interest for many decades. This paper is concerned with a topological study of such transfers, with emphasis to trajectories that allow performing lunar capture and those that exhibit homoclinic connections, in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. A fundamental theorem stated by Conley locates capture trajectories in the phase space and can be condensed in a sentence: “if a crossing asymptotic orbit exists then near any such there is a capture orbit”. In this work this fundamental theoretical assertion is used together with an original cylindrical isomorphic mapping of the phase space associated with the third body dynamics. For a given energy level, the stable and unstable invariant manifolds of the periodic Lyapunov orbit around the collinear interior Lagrange point are computed and represented in cylindrical coordinates as tubes that emanate from the transformed periodic orbit. These tubes exhibit complex geometrical features. Their intersections correspond to homoclinic orbits and determine the topological separation of long-term lunar capture orbits from short-duration capture trajectories. The isomorphic mapping is proven to allow a deep insight on the chaotic motion that characterizes the dynamics of the circular restricted three-body, and suggests an interesting interpretation, and together corroboration, of Conley’s assertion on the topological location of lunar capture orbits. Moreover, an alternative three-dimensional representation of the phase space is profitably employed to identify convenient lunar periodic orbits that can be entered with modest propellant consumption, starting from the Lyapunov orbit.  相似文献   

We generate families of planar periodic orbits emanating from the geostationary points, both stable and unstable. We show that, even for the unstable points, it is possible to have stable periodic orbits.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have calculated several families of classical periodic orbits in simple Hamiltonian systems of two degrees of freedom and the corresponding quantum mechanical eigenvalues and eigenfuctions. We have found that in most cases the eigenfunctions have their maxima and minima on some simple periodic orbits. These periodic orbits are of several resonant types and can be either stable or unstable. In the latter case the quantum Poincaré surfaces of section are very different from the classical Poincaré surfaces of section.  相似文献   

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