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The Triassic–Jurassic systemic boundary was recently reported in the middle part of the Antimonio Formation, northwestern Sonora, where five informal sedimentary packages were delineated and characteristic ammonoid faunas were used to establish age control within the succession. The boundary was suggested to lie within the middle part of the 24 m-thick package 4, in relatively unfossiliferous and organic-rich, laminated clay-silt mudstone. Despite the absence of diagnostic Hettangian fossils above the postulated boundary interval, its existence was predicted on characteristic uppermost Triassic Crickmayi Zone Choristoceras ammonoids occurring below in package 3 and upper Hettangian to lower Sinemurian (Badouxia Zone) ammonoids found above in package 5. Recent field investigations yielded new ammonoids of the uppermost Triassic Crickmayi Zone, which are described herein. They are assigned to Choristoceras cf. C. nobile Mojsisovics and Rhabdoceras cf. R. suessi Hauer. These characteristic ammonoids occur within the middle and top of package 4. Their discovery along with other stratigraphic evidence necessitates a revision of the boundary and recognition of a previously unrealized unconformity at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary in Sonora. A revised sea-level curve is necessary to account for these new stratigraphic and paleontological findings.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):910-927
We present LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) U–Pb detrital and igneous zircon data of poly-deformed metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Ayú area, southern Mexico. These rocks were previously inferred to be part of the Late Paleozoic Acatlán Complex, but new age data indicate that they formed in the Mesozoic and should be placed in the newly designated Ayú Complex. The Ayú Complex comprises polydeformed metasedimentary rocks (Chazumba Lithodeme) of a turbidite-like protolith that are intercalated with boudinaged ortho-amphibolites with transitional arc- to MORB tholeiitic geochemistry. In the south, the metasedimentary sequence is affected by a ca. 171 Ma partial melting which formed the Magdalena Migmatite. Migmatization was accompanied by 171–168 Ma intrusions of granodioritic, dioritic, and granitic dikes and sheets as well as pegmatite bodies, which are characterized by inherited zircon populations of ca. 260–290, 320–360, 420–480, 880–990, and 1080–1250 Ma that are also found in the Chazumba Lithodeme. U–Pb (detrital zircon) dating of seven metasedimentary samples from the migmatized and unmigmatized Chazumba Lithodeme yielded youngest detrital zircons and clusters of 192, 198, 214, 250, 266, and 291 Ma, and are interpreted to reflect the Late Triassic–Middle Jurassic deposition of turbiditic rocks. The transitional arc–tholeiitic geochemistry of the Chazumba amphibolites is consistent with turbidite sedimentation in a back-arc environment along a rifted passive margin, close to a contemporaneous magmatic arc. Inferred flattening of the subduction zone led to subduction erosion during the Early–Middle Jurassic and underthrusting of the Chazumba Lithodeme to depths equivalent to amphibolite facies metamorphism. Steepening of the subducting slab and diachronous rifting within the Gulf of Mexico contributed to extensional tectonics recorded on the Mexican mainland and facilitated the tectonic exhumation of the Chazumba Lithodeme by normal faulting along the reactivated Providencia shear zone during the Middle–Late Jurassic. More generally, the documentation of arc-back arc assemblages in the Ayú Complex requires deposition adjacent to a subducting ocean, and thus supports a Pangea-A reconstruction that was synchronous with the breakup of Pangea.  相似文献   

West Qinling is one of the most important parts of the Qinling orogenic belt and includes acidic–intermediate plutons and many types of ore deposits. In this article, we collected geochemical and geochronological data for the Triassic granitoid plutons of West Qinling and found that nearly all plutons share the similar features with the Zhongchuan pluton. We present new laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb ages, major and trace element geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotope systematics for the granites of the Zhongchuan pluton to elucidate the evolution of granitoid plutons in West Qinling during the Triassic. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the Xujiaba and Guandigou units formed at 220.1 ± 1.2 and 215.9 ± 0.85 Ma, respectively, reflecting the time of the Late Triassic. The rocks of the Zhongchuan pluton are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and have a high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonite series with high SiO2 (63.59–76.22%) and low P2O5 (0–0.2%) concentrations, a high K2O/Na2O ratio (1.18–17.92), a high differentiation index (78.45–93.04) and a medium A/CNK ratio (0.98–1.69). The zircon Hf isotope dating indicates that the Xujiaba and Guandigou units have an inhomogeneous εHf(t) (?4.425 to 1.067 for Xujiaba and ?4.920 to 2.042 for Guandigou) and two-stage Hf model ages (1123–1531 Ma for Xujiaba and 1115–2342 Ma for Guandigou). The geochemical and isotopic data imply that the granites of each unit share the same origin. They probably derived from the partial melt of metagreywackes and then mixed with the mantle-derived magma. Based on the regional geological history, petrographic characteristics and new geochemical and isotopic data of the Zhongchuan pluton, we suggest that the Triassic magma was derived from the partial melts of metagreywackes and was influenced by the mantle-derived melt during the collision of the Yangtze and Qinling plates.  相似文献   

Within the Ötztal Complex (ÖC), migmatites are the only geological evidence of the pre-Variscan metamorphic evolution, which led to the occurrence of partial anatexis in different areas of the complex. We investigated migmatites from three localities in the ÖC, the Winnebach migmatite in the central part and the Verpeil- and Nauderer Gaisloch migmatite in the western part. We determined metamorphic stages using textural relations and electron microprobe analyses. Furthermore, chemical microprobe ages of monazites were obtained in order to associate the inferred stages of mineral growth to metamorphic events. All three migmatites show evidence for a polymetamorphic evolution (pre-Variscan, Variscan) and only the Winnebach migmatite shows evidence for a P-accentuated Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint in the central ÖC. The P-T data range from 670–750 °C and < 2.8 kbar for the pre-Variscan event, 550–650 °C and 4–7 kbar for the Variscan event and 430–490 °C and ca. 8.5 kbar for the P-accentuated Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint. U-Th-Pb electron microprobe dating of monazites from the leucosomes from all three migmatites provides an average age of 441 ± 18 Ma, thus indicating a pervasive Ordovician-Silurian metamorphic event in the ÖC.  相似文献   

There has been little research on geochemistry and isotopic compositions in tholeiites of the Northern region from the Paraná Continental Flood Basalts (PCFB), one of the largest continental provinces of the world. In order to examine the mantle sources involved in the high-Ti (Pitanga and Paranapanema) basalt genesis, we studied Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic systematics, and major, minor and incompatible trace element abundances. The REE patterns of the investigated samples (Pitanga and Paranapanema magma type) are similar (parallel to) to those of Island Arc Basalts' REE patterns. The high-Ti basalts investigated in this study have initial (133 Ma) 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70538–0.70642, 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51233–0.51218, 206Pb/204Pb of 17.74–18.25, 207Pb/204Pb of 15.51–15.57, and 208Pb/204Pb of 38.18–38.45. These isotopic compositions do not display any correlation with Nb/Th, Nb/La or P2O5/K2O ratios, which also reflect that these rocks were not significantly affected by low-pressure crustal contamination. The incompatible trace element ratios and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the PCFB tholeiites are different to those found in Tristan da Cunha ocean island rocks, showing that this plume did not play a substantial role in the PCFB genesis. This interpretation is corroborated by previously published osmium isotopic data (initial γOs values range from +1.0 to +2.0 for high-Ti basalts), which also preclude basalt generation by melting of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The geochemical composition of the northern PCFB may be explained through the involvement of fluids and/or small volume melts related to metasomatic processes. In this context, we propose that the source of these magmas is a mixture of sublithospheric peridotite veined and/or interlayered with mafic components (e.g., pyroxenites or eclogites). The sublithospheric mantle (dominating the osmium isotopic compositions) was very probably enriched by fluids and/or magmas related to the Neoproterozoic subduction processes. This sublithospheric mantle region may have been frozen and coupled to the base of the Parana basin lithospheric plate above which the Paleozoic subsidence and subsequent Early Cretaceous magmatism occurred.  相似文献   

The Re — Os isotopic systematics of komatiites and spatially associated basalts from Gorgona Island, Colombia, indicate that they were produced at 155±43 Ma. Subsequent episodes of volcanism produced basalts at 88.1±3.8 Ma and picritic and basaltic lavas at ca. 58 Ma. The age for the ultramafic rocks is important because it coincides with the late-Jurassic, early-Cretaceous disassembly of Pangea, when the North- and South-American plates began to pull apart. Deep-seated mantle upwelling possibly precipitated the break-up of these continental plates and caused a tear in the subducting slab west of Gorgona, providing a rare, late-Phanerozoic conduit for the komatiitic melts.Mantle sources for the komatiites were heterogeneous with respect to Os and Pb isotopic compositions, but had homogeneous Nd isotopic compositions (Nd+9±1). Initial 187Os/186Os normalized to carbonaceous chondrites at 155 Ma (Os) ranged from 0 to +22, and model-initial values ranged from 8.17 to 8.39. The excess radiogenic Os, compared with an assumed bulk-mantle evolution similar to carbonaceous chondrites, was likely produced in portions of the mantle with long-term elevated Re concentrations. The Os, Pb and Nd isotopic compositions, together with major-element constraints, suggest that the sources of the komatiites were enriched more than 1 Ga ago by low (<20%) and variable amounts of a basalt or komatiite component. This component was added as either subducted oceanic crust or melt derived from greater depths in the mantle. These results suggest that the Re — Os isotope system may be a highly sensitive indicator of the presence of ancient subducted oceanic crust in mantle-source regions.  相似文献   

Anhydrous spinel peridotite xenoliths in Quaternary nepheline-basanite and melilite- or sodalite-bearing lavas of the Wau-en-Namus volcano in S Libya range from lherzolites to harzburgites recording melt extraction in a shallow setting (≤ 2 GPa). Primary clinopyroxenes have distinct trace element characteristics documenting LILE (large ion lithophile element) depletion or enrichment events predating the formation of glass pockets and veins in the xenoliths. These glasses are aluminous and alkali-rich, range in composition from ultrabasic to silicic (43–67 wt.% SiO2) and may contain empty vugs and micro-phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene, spinel, plagioclase, sodalite, apatite that are similar in composition to phenocrysts in the host lavas. Reactions of infiltrating melt and xenolith minerals are documented by diffuse Fe–Ca-rich rims of olivine in contact with glass, and by spongy-textured reaction domains caused by incongruent dissolution of primary pyroxenes and spinel. Some glasses have trace element characteristics similar to that of the host Ne-basanite, suggesting they were derived from the same source during entrainment and transport to the surface. Incompatible element enrichment and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the analyzed host lava are similar to HIMU (high μ; μ = 238Pb/204Pb)-type magmas, but the Pb isotopic composition is less radiogenic compared to other intra-plate Neogene magmatic rocks from N Africa.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(6):345-360
In the southeastern Ötztal basement remnants of eo-Alpine high-pressure metamorphism as well as deformation related to the emplacement of these eclogites are preserved. The eo-Alpine age of the two main ductile deformation phases is constrained by Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr mica cooling ages of about 80 Ma, providing a lower, and by deformed Permo-Mesozoic rocks, providing an upper time limit. While high-pressure minerals (M1) are aligned along structures of the first deformation phase (D1), subsequently grown amphibolite facies minerals (M2) are late- to post-kinematic with respect to the third phase (D3). D1 is characterized by non-coaxial deformation producing an E-W oriented stretching lineation, the younger phases D2 and D3 by folding, where the older set of folds strikes N-S, the younger one E-W. These results imply a basic change of tectonic movement direction during the eo-Alpine event. Structural and petrological evidences favour a two-stage exhumation model, where tectonic exhumation (D1, D2 and D3) is correlated with the first stage, statically overprinted under amphibolite facies conditions (M2). As there is no evidence of significant deformation after this stage, erosion and surface uplift most probably represent the relevant processes for the last part of the exhumation path. During this stage the high-pressure rocks were exhumed from amphibolite facies conditions to the surface.  相似文献   

Alkali-bearing Ti oxides were identified in mantle xenoliths enclosed in kimberlite-like rocks from Limeira 1 alkaline intrusion from the Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province, southeastern Brazil. The metasomatic mineral assemblages include mathiasite-loveringite and priderite associated with clinopyroxene, phlogopite, ilmenite and rutile. Mathiasite-loveringite (55–60 wt.% TiO2; 5.2–6.7 wt.% ZrO2) occurs in peridotite xenoliths rimming chromite (~50 wt.% Cr2O3) and subordinate ilmenite (12–13.4 wt.% MgO) in double reaction rim coronas. Priderite (Ba/(K+Ba)< 0.05) occurs in phlogopite-rich xenoliths as lamellae within Mg-ilmenite (8.4–9.8 wt.% MgO) or as intergrowths in rutile crystals that may be included in sagenitic phlogopite. Mathiasite-loveringite was formed by reaction of peridotite primary minerals with alkaline melts. The priderite was formed by reaction of peridotite minerals with ultrapotassic melts. Disequilibrium textures and chemical zoning of associated minerals suggest that the metasomatic reactions responsible for the formation of the alkali-bearing Ti oxides took place shortly prior the entrainment of the xenoliths in the host magma, and is not connected to old (Proterozoic) mantle enrichment events.  相似文献   

The Ordovician Kellerjochgneiss (Schwaz Augengneiss) is a polymetamorphic orthogneiss-bearing unit and is part of the Austroalpine basement nappes north of the Tauern Window. Within the Kellerjochgneiss a small, strongly deformed metapegmatite dike occurs. The pegmatite crosscuts the gneiss discordantly and contains the mineral assemblage muscovite 1,2+plagioclase+K-feldspar+chlorite+quartz+garnet 1 (Alm67–76Andr0.9–2Sps17–28Prp0.4–5)+garnet 2 (Grs36–46Alm24–32Andr8–21Sps15–17Prp0–1)±stilpnomelane±biotite±clinozoisite. The magmatic protolith assemblage is comprised of relict K-feldspar, quartz and garnet 1. Textural observations indicate that biotite and muscovite cores (muscovite 1) are either part of the magmatic- or an earlier (Variscan?) metamorphic assemblage. Geothermobarometry of the metapegmatite was done on the latest-stage (Eo-Alpine) mineral assemblage garnet 2+muscovite 2+chlorite+stilpnomelane+plagioclase+quartz. Calculations of H2O-absent intersections in the system [KCNFMAS] with the multi-equilibrium program THERMOCALC v.3.1 yielded PT estimates of 4.4 to 6.7 kbar and 321°C to 376°C. Calculations of the PT conditions by using the assemblage muscovite 2+chlorite+stilpnomelane+quartz yielded slightly higher pressures of 6.4 to 7.2 kbar at temperatures of 310–325°C. Correlating these PT data with geochronological data from the neighbouring lithologies (Kellerjochgneiss, Innsbruck Quartzphyllite, Wildschönau Schists) and with structural investigations from these units indicate that the PT estimates obtained in this investigation represent the Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint. Hence, these unusual rocks provide important information on the Eo-Alpine PT conditions since most samples studied from the investigated Austroalpine basement nappes north of the Tauern Window rarely contain mineral assemblages suitable for geothermobarometry.  相似文献   

Liu  Shen  Feng  Caixia  Fan  Yan  Chen  Xiaoqing  Yang  Yuhong  Zhao  Huibo  Coulson  Ian M. 《中国地球化学学报》2020,39(6):862-886
Acta Geochimica - This work reports an important episode of extensional, mafic magmatism that impacted the North China Craton (NCC) during the Permo-Triassic and influenced the evolution of this...  相似文献   

The N–S trending belt with Grenvillian-age rocks developed in central western Argentina represents the basement of an allochthonous terrane derived from Laurentia during the Early Paleozoic. The Las Matras pluton (36°46′S, 67°07′W) is located at the southern extension of this belt in the Las Matras Block. It consists of a low-Al tonalitic to trondhjemitic facies characteristic of an arc magmatism. Isotopic studies yielded Grenvillian Rb–Sr (1212±47 Ma) and Sm–Nd (1188±47 Ma) ages which, due to the undeformed and non-metamorphosed character of the pluton, are interpreted to represent a crystallization age of around 1200 Ma. Although this age is slightly older than available dates from other exposures of the same belt, and the undeformed feature is also distinctive for Las Matras, the depleted Sr and Nd isotopic signatures of the pluton agree with those from other magmatic rocks involved in that belt. The differences found between Las Matras and the northern exposures indicate that this belt with Grenvillian-age rocks comprises regions of non-homogeneous evolution. Although the correlation of the Lower Paleozoic platform carbonates from the sedimentary cover of the Grenvillian-age basement rocks suggests the surroundings of the Southern Grenville Province (Texas and northern Mexico) as the probable detachment site for the Argentine belt, comparison of magmatic and tectonic processes involved in these basement rocks does not indicate similar evolutions. This fact can suggest an independent evolution of the Argentine belt prior to amalgamation to the Laurentian Grenville orogen.  相似文献   

To better understand the origin, migration, and evolution of melts in the lithospheric mantle and their roles on the destruction of the North China Craton (NCC), we conducted a petrological and geochemical study on a quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite xenolith from Hannuoba, the NCC, and its hosted melt and fluid inclusions. Both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the xenolith contain lots of primary and secondary inclusions. High-temperature microthermometry of melt inclusions combined with Raman spectroscopy analyses of coexisting fluid inclusions shows that the entrapment temperature of the densest inclusions was ~1215°C and the pressure ~11.47 kbar, corresponding to a depth of ~38 km, i.e. within the stability of the spinel lherzolite. Intermediate pressure inclusions probably reflect progressive fluid entrapment over a range of depths during ascent, whereas the low-pressure inclusions (P < 2 kbar) may represent decrepitated primary inclusions. In situ laser-ablation ICP-MS analyses of major and trace elements on individual melt inclusions show that the compositions of these silicate melt inclusions in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are rich in SiO2, Al2O3, and alkalis but poor in TiO2 and strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), with negative anomalies of high-field strength elements (HFSEs). These characteristics suggest that the silica-rich melts could be derived from the partial melting of subducted oceanic slab. Therefore, this kind of quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite may be produced by interaction between the slab-derived melts with the mantle peridotite. This study provides direct evidence for the origin, migration, and evolution of melts in the lithospheric mantle, which may play an important role in the destruction of the NCC.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1732-1753
Large-scale volcanism in the late Mesozoic was a prominent geological event in southeast China. The late Mesozoic volcanic sequences, named the Moshishan Group, are exposed in Zhejiang Province and are predominantly felsic in composition with subordinate mafic magma and rare andesites. To understand the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of southeast China, we present zircon U–Pb dating, major and trace element analyses, and Hf isotopic compositions from felsic volcanic rocks of the Moshishan Group. Zircon U–Pb dating shows that the Moshishan Group formed between 145 and 129 Ma. The εHf(t) of the analysed zircons ranges from ?16.58 to +6.89, and the TDM2 age ranges from 753 to 2238 Ma with a major peak at ca. 1870 Ma. Hf isotopic compositions of zircons in Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks are more radiogenic than that of the metamorphic basement rocks, indicating a juvenile component in these magmas. Major element concentrations show that the volcanic rocks mainly belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. Both zircon saturation temperatures and the εHf(t) values of zircons gradually increased with the evolution of the magma. Trace element data indicates that neither magmatic differentiation of mantle-derived magma nor mixing of magmas from different sources were the predominant magmagenetic processes. Earlier studies suggest that contemporaneous underplating contributed to the heat source that induced crustal melting and to the material origin that inconsistently mixed with the local crustal melts. Magmatic underplating is likely to have occurred because of the southwestward subduction of the Pacific plate with episodic slab rollback. The data obtained in this study suggest that the crust–mantle interaction under the influence of slab rollback played a progressive role in the formation of Early Cretaceous felsic volcanic rocks in southeast China.  相似文献   

The Wunugetushan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit is located in northeastern China. The deposit lies within the Mongolia–Erguna metallogenic belt, which is associated with the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. The multiple episodes of magmatism in the ore district, occurred from 206 to 173 Ma, can be divided into pre-mineralization stage (biotite granite), mineralization stage (monzogranitic porphyry and rhyolitic porphyry), and post-mineralization stage (andesitic porphyry). The biotite granite has (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0.704105–0.704706, εNd(t) values of ?0.67 to ?0.07, and εHf(t) values of ?0.4 to 2.8, yielding Hf two-stage model ages (TDM2) 1250–1067 Ma, and Nd model ages of 1.04–0.96 Ga, indicating that the pre-mineralization magmas were generated by the remelting of Neoproterozoic juvenile crustal material. The monzogranitic porphyry has (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0.704707–0.706134, εNd(t) values of 0.29–1.33, and εHf(t) values of 1.0–2.9, yielding TDM2 model ages of 1173–1047 Ma. The rhyolitic porphyry has (87Sr/86Sr)i ratio of 0.702129, εNd(t) value of ?0.21, and εHf(t) values of ?0.5 to 7.1, TDM2 model ages from 1269 to 782 Ma. These results show that the magmas of mineralization stage were generated by the partial melting of juvenile crust mixed with mantle-derived components. The andesitic porphyry has (87Sr/86Sr)i ratio of 0.705284, εNd(t) value of 0.82, and εHf(t) values from 4.1 to 7.4, indicating that the post-mineralization magma source contained more mantle-derived material. The Mesozoic Cu–Mo deposits which genetically related to Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean were temporally distributed in Middle to Late Triassic (240–230 Ma), Early Jurassic (200–180 Ma), and Later Jurassic (160–150 Ma) period. The Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic Cu–Mo mineralization was dominated by Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate southeast-directed subducted beneath the Erguna massif. The Later Jurassic Cu–Mo mineralization was controlled by the continent–continent collision between Siberia plate and Erguna massif.  相似文献   

Uranium–Pb (zircon) ages are linked with geochemical data for porphyry intrusions associated with giant porphyry Cu–Au systems at Oyu Tolgoi to place those rocks within the petrochemical framework of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of southern Mongolia. In this part of the Gurvansayhan terrane within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, the transition from Devonian tholeiitic marine rocks to unconformably overlying Carboniferous calc-alkaline subaerial to shallow marine volcanic rocks reflects volcanic arc thickening and maturation. Radiogenic Nd and Pb isotopic compositions (εNd(t) range from + 3.1 to + 7.5 and 206Pb/204Pb values for feldspars range from 17.97 to 18.72), as well as low high-field strength element (HFSE) contents of most rocks (mafic rocks typically have < 1.5% TiO2) are consistent with magma derivation from depleted mantle in an intra-oceanic volcanic arc. The Late Devonian and Carboniferous felsic rocks are dominantly medium- to high-K calc-alkaline and characterized by a decrease in Sr/Y ratios through time, with the Carboniferous rocks being more felsic than those of Devonian age. Porphyry Cu–Au related intrusions were emplaced in the Late Devonian during the transition from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline arc magmatism. Uranium–Pb (zircon) geochronology indicates that the Late Devonian pre- to syn-mineral quartz monzodiorite intrusions associated with the porphyry Cu–Au deposits are ~ 372 Ma, whereas granodiorite intrusions that post-date major shortening and are associated with less well-developed porphyry Cu–Au mineralization are ~ 366 Ma. Trace element geochemistry of zircons in the Late Devonian intrusions associated with the porphyry Cu–Au systems contain distinct Th/U and Yb/Gd ratios, as well as Hf and Y concentrations that reflect mixing of magma of distinct compositions. These characteristics are missing in the unmineralized Carboniferous intrusions. High Sr/Y and evidence for magma mixing in syn- to late-mineral intrusions distinguish the Late Devonian rocks associated with giant Cu–Au deposits from younger magmatic suites in the district.  相似文献   

The Vestmannaeyjar archipelago is composed of alkalic lavas erupted at the southern end of the active, southward propagating, Eastern Volcanic Zone. Recent eruptions include the most primitive (Surtsey) and most evolved (Eldfell) compositions found in this area. We studied time-stratigraphic sample suites from both eruptions to characterize the magmatic environment of Vestmannacyjar. All samples are nearly homogeneous in radiogenic isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr 0.70304 to 0.70327;143Nd/144Nd 0.51301 to 0.50307;206Pb/204Pb 18.96 to 19.18;207Pb/204Pb 15.50 to 15.53;208Pb/204Pb 38.47 to 38.76; KH Park and A Zindler, in preparation). Compositional trends of lavas from the two eruptions are not consistent with fractionation in a near-surface environment, but indicate rather moderate pressure evolution of small magma batches. At Eldfell, mugearite lavas can be modeled by 30% closed-system fractional crystallization of olivine+plagioclase+clinopyroxene+Fe–Ti oxides from parental hawaiite. The phase proportions are consistent with an experimentally determined moderate pressure (8 kbar) cotectic in mildly alkaline systems (Mahood and Baker 1986). Compositional variations of Surtsey lavas can be modeled by crystallization of clinopyroxene+olivine+plagioclase+minor Fe–Ti oxides. The presence of sodic plagioclase megacrysts and clinopyroxene with 8 wt% Al2O3 in xenoliths from Surtsey lavas are consistent with a moderate pressure fractionation event. Based on major-element and REE data the most primitive Surtsey lavas formed by small degrees of melting of a lherzolite source. The alkaline nature of Vestmannaeyjar lavas is not the result of assimilation of lower crustal melts (cf. Oskarsson et al. 1985; Steinthorsson et al. 1985).  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1786-1800
Geochronology, geochemistry, and whole-rock Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes were studied on a suite of Mesozoic adamellites from eastern China to characterize their ages and petrogenesis. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon analyses were done, yielding consistent ages of 123.2 ± 1.8 to 122.1 ± 2.1 Ma for the samples. These rocks belong to the alkaline magma series in terms of K2O + Na2O contents (8.45–9.58 wt.%) and to the shoshonitic series based on their high K2O contents (5.23–5.79 wt.%). The adamellites are further characterized by high light rare earth element contents [(La/Yb)N = 14.96–45.99]; negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.46–0.75); positive anomalies in Rb, Th, Pb, and U; and negative anomalies in Sr, Ba, and high field-strength elements (i.e. Nb, Ta, P, and Ti). In addition, all of the adamellites in this study display relatively low radiogenic Sr [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7081–0.7089] and negative ?Nd(t) values from –16.70 to –17.80. These results suggest that the adamellites were derived from low-degree partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle below the North China Craton (NCC). The parent magmas likely experienced fractional crystallization of potassium feldspar, plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxides (e.g. rutile, ilmenite, and titanite), apatite, and zircon during the ascent of alkaline rocks without crustal contamination.  相似文献   

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