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通过对桂江流域内植物、土壤碳同位素、河流有机碳含量及同位素进行系统取样测试分析发现,桂江流域C3 植物的
δ13C范围为-37.89‰~ -23.27‰,C4 植物δ13C范围为-14.49‰~-12.00‰。土壤碳库的δ13C 范围为-30.43‰~
-11.56‰,平均值为-24.32‰。土壤碳库主要受C3 途径植物控制,C4 途径植物对土壤碳库的δ13C影响有限,植物残体转化成
有机碳主要来源于土壤的机械侵蚀和土壤有机质的降解,受人类生产生活有机废弃物和河流自生浮游植物的代谢分泌物影响小。   相似文献   

消除贫困是人类社会的共同目标.贫困分布具有明显的空间特征,同时呈现出空间异质性和空间相关性.时空统计学以时空分析为优势,在贫困的时空分布及形成机制研究中发挥了重要作用.本文综述了不同时期我国贫困分布的空间特征、贫困数据的空间类型和特征以及贫困时空分布的影响因素,并总结了时空统计学方法在贫困空间研究中的4类应用,包括:探...  相似文献   

Multiple natural and human factors in estuarine wetlands result in complicated land surface characteristics with distinct spatial and temporal heterogeneities, thereby contributing to the difficulty in identifying spatiotemporal variations and influencing factors of plant diversity. A unique estuarine wetland gradient system(UEWGS) consisting of soil, vegetation, heat, distance, landscape, and anthropogenic gradients was established based on the ecological features of estuarine wetland through remote sensing and field investigation methods. It resolved the complicated land surface characteristics, covered all aspects of factors influencing plant diversity, and possessed distinct spatiotemporal heterogeneities. The Yellow River Delta, the largest estuarine wetland in the northern China, was selected as the study area to demonstrate UEWGS in four seasons in 2017. A total of 123 species were recorded with considerable seasonal difference. Phragmites australis, Suaeda salsa, and Tamarix chinensis were the dominant species, and crop species also played important roles. In single effect, all aspects of gradients exerted significant influences, yet only vegetation gradient possessed significant influences in all seasons. In comprehensive effect, soil, vegetation, heat, and distance gradients showed significant gross influences. Moisture content in soil gradient and net primary productivity in vegetation gradient possessed significant net influences in all seasons and can be considered as the main driving factor and indicator, respectively, of plant diversity. The results validated the significance of UEWGS in revealing the plant diversity spatiotemporal characteristics and influencing factors, and UEWGS possessed universal applicability in the spatiotemporal analysis of plant diversity in estuarine areas.  相似文献   

星载激光雷达ICESat-2和GEDI可以为数字高程模型产品的精度评价与修正提供全球覆盖的、可靠的高精度参考数据源。然而,现有的DEM修正方法主要是针对DEM误差中的植被高信号且多采用线性回归模型。为此,本文分析了ASTER GDEM v3精度与土地覆盖类型、高程、坡度、起伏度及植被覆盖率的关系。在此基础上,提出了一种考虑上述多种精度影响因素并结合XGBoost和空间插值的DEM误差修正方法。结果分析表明:原始ASTER GDEM的误差整体呈正态分布,平均误差为-3.463 m,存在较大负偏差,高程精度随着高程、坡度、起伏度及植被覆盖率VCF的增大呈降低趋势;经过修正后,ASTER GDEM平均误差降低到了-0.233 m,负偏差得到有效改善,整体平均绝对误差降低了26.04%,整体均方差降低了23.56%,耕地、林地、草地、湿地、水域及人造地表的DEM平均绝对误差和均方差都有不同程度的降低;本文提出的方法对多种特征要素与地形误差间的非线性关系进行拟合建模,在研究区取得了较好的修正效果。  相似文献   

手足口病(HFMD)是一种多发于儿童的常见传染病。近年来,中国HFMD发病人数逐年上升,疾病疫情也日益受到社会广泛关注。虽已有不少相关研究,但对于探测其时空异质性及量化潜在影响因子解释力的研究仍然较少。本文采用地理探测器及贝叶斯时空层次模型,对2009-2013年京津唐地区HFMD发病率的时空异质性进行分析,并量化各影响因子及其两两交互作用对HFMD发病率的解释力。结果表明:① HFMD的相对风险存在时间异质性,其发病风险在春夏季(5-7月)达到峰值,而冬季(12-次年2月)发病风险最低;② HFMD的相对风险存在空间异质性,在经济发达的地区HFMD发病率较高;③ 影响HFMD发病率时间异质性的主要气象因子为平均温度、累积降水、相对湿度,解释力分别为0.38,0.27,0.13,且交互作用都大于独自影响的作用,如平均温度和相对湿度、平均温度和降水,平均温度和风速两两交互的解释力分别为0.43, 0.40, 0.42。通过研究京津唐地区HFMD发病率的时空异质性以及影响因子的量化状况,为本地区HFMD的预防和控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

基于2000-2014年MOD16蒸散量和气象站实测数据,借助于空间数据统计法和趋势分析法对中国西北干旱区“天山湿岛”—伊犁河谷地表蒸散量时空变化特征和多年变化趋势进行定量分析。结果表明:① MOD16-ET产品在伊犁河谷地区的精度总体上满足要求,可用于地表ET的时空分布特征研究;② 伊犁河谷地表ET、PET年际波动不大,多年平均ET为392.35 mm,多年平均PET为1331.19 mm,年均ET与PET的比例在0.26-0.33之间波动,说明研究区总体上水分不足。ET、PET年内分布处于先增大后减少的单峰型变化趋势,主要集中在5月到9月。秋季ET与PET的比例为0.29,此时研究区最干旱缺水。气温是研究区蒸散量变化的主要驱动因素之一。③ ET、PET的空间分布状况正好相反,东部喀什河及巩乃斯河上游地区、南部大面积草甸覆盖区域ET值较高,PET值较低,此区域水分比较充足。伊宁市及霍尔果斯河周边地区、察布查尔县、特克斯河下游等区域ET值均较低,PET值较高,此区域干旱缺水;④ 从2000-2014年伊犁河谷地表ET、PET变化趋势来看,ET总体上处于减少趋势,PET处于增加趋势,说明研究区近15年内干旱加重。  相似文献   

Large-scale annual climate indices were used to forecast annual drought conditions in the Maharlu-Bakhtegan watershed,located in Iran,using a neuro-fuzzy model.The Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) was used as a proxy for drought conditions.Among the 45 climate indices considered,eight identified as most relevant were the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation(AMO),Atlantic Meridional Mode(AMM),the Bivariate ENSO Time series(BEST),the East Central Tropical Pacific Surface Temperature(NINO 3.4),the Central Tropical Pacific Surface Temperature(NINO 4),the North Tropical Atlantic Index(NTA),the Southern Oscillation Index(SOI),and the Tropical Northern Atlantic Index(TNA).These indices accounted for 81% of the variance in the Principal Components Analysis(PCA) method.The Atlantic surface temperature(SST:Atlantic) had an inverse relationship with SPI,and the AMM index had the highest correlation.Drought forecasts of neuro-fuzzy model demonstrate better prediction at a two-year lag compared to a stepwise regression model.  相似文献   

福州市农田土壤养分空间变异特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究农田土壤养分空间分布特征及变异规律,分析地形因子对土壤养分空间分布的影响,对土壤养分的有效利用与管理具有重要意义。本文采用GIS和地统计学相结合的方法,揭示东南丘陵区福州市农田土壤养分(有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾)的空间分布特征和变异规律,并进一步探讨土壤养分含量与地形因子(地形起伏度、高程、地形湿度指数、沉积运输指数和坡度)之间的相关性。结果表明:福州市农田有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量范围分别为1.10~89.5 g/kg、 1.00~461 mg/kg、0.300~298 mg/kg、和4.00~399 mg/kg,其变异系数范围为35.3%~99.0%,均属于中等变异水平;区域内耕地土壤养分存在明显的空间丰缺差异,大部分地区有机质和有效磷含量较为丰富,碱解氮含量处于中等偏上水平,速效钾含量相对较低;有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾的块金系数分别为32.0%、37.3%、50.0%和50.0%,均呈中等强度空间自相关,表明同时受到结构和随机因素控制;有机质和碱解氮空间自相关尺度较大,且在步长小于0.3 km时,各方向(0°、45°、90°和135°)变化平稳,为各向同性,而有效磷和速效钾变程较小,且各方向变化较复杂,为各向异性。这些结果表明,政府需加强施肥指导,保持氮肥施用量的同时,合理增加钾肥,适当降低有机肥和磷肥施用。此外,在后续调查采样时,样点布设要考虑密度和方向性,适当加密有效磷和速效钾的采样,而有机质和碱解氮采样可以在此基础上适当减少样点。  相似文献   

基于MOD16产品的我国2001-2010年蒸散发时空格局变化分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒸散发的时空格局分析对理解气候变化与水资源之间的相互影响具有重要的作用。本文基于MODIS全球蒸散发产品(MOD16),分析了2001-2010年我国陆面蒸散发的时空格局变化,得出以下结论:(1)站点尺度和流域尺度的精度验证结果表明,MOD16产品对于我国森林、农田生态系统类型,以及辽河、海河、黄河和淮河流域的模拟精度较高;(2)2001-2010年,我国年均蒸散发为532±10 mm,年内蒸散值变化最大的是东北区,月均蒸散变异系数为0.87,而西北区变化幅度最小,变异系数为0.19;(3)2001-2010年,我国陆面蒸散发年际变化总的趋势不明显,占陆地面积11.2%区域的蒸散发呈显著减少趋势(p<0.05),主要分布在青藏高原中部,内蒙古中东部地区及新疆北部,只有2.3%的区域的蒸散发增加趋势显著,(p<0.05),主要分布在黄土高原地区、黄淮海平原及东北平原;(4)通过对比干旱指数变化趋势、植被指数变化趋势图可以看出,蒸散发显著减少的区域主要分布于干旱加剧的半干旱地区,而蒸散发显著增加的区域主要位于植被变好的地区。  相似文献   

以ArcGIS Analyst为支撑,80个气象站点观测的1997-2006年的旬平均气温为插值变量,利用高程、坡向等影响气温空间分异的局地因素作为协同变量,采用协同克里格(CoKriging)方法,考虑旬平均气温的自相关性以及旬平均气温与高程、坡向空间上的关联性,通过数据的检查、误差拟合、精度评价和模型比较,对黑龙江省旬平均气温进行空间插值,求得全省1km×1km的各旬平均气温表面数据。36旬气温插值结果的均误差、均方根误差、平均标准差、标准化均误差和均方根标准差的平均数分别为0.0024℃、0.774℃、0.682℃、0.0006和1.124。由旬平均气温插值结果叠加计算出月、年平均气温表面数据。利用插值计算结果和气象站点观测的数据,分析旬、月和年平均气温的时空分异特征,得出空间上东南部地区分异较小,其他地区分异较大时间上11-13、12-14、19-21等旬期平均气温有平稳下降趋势,15-17、26-28和27-29等旬期平均气温有平稳升高趋势。7月气温有稍许下降趋势,9月和11月的平均气温稍有上升趋势,5-9月平均气温升高约1℃。年平均气温以2.9℃为均值在2.5~3.3℃之间波动,略有升高但无明显上升趋势。春季之交一些旬期平均气温变化率降低趋稳,夏秋之交一些旬期平均气温变化率升高,实际物候有向后延迟的迹象。研究结果为气温变化监测、农业区划、土地生产潜力计算和千亿斤粮食背景下作物估产等相关研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

1982-2006年加纳植被覆盖时空变化及其气候影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲陆地生态系统是气候变化的高敏感区,研究该区域植被覆盖变化及其控制因素,对深刻认识气候变化的影响具有重要意义。本文利用1982-2006年植被指数(NDVI)数据,研究位于非洲西部热带地区的加纳共和国植被覆盖的时空变化特征,结合同期的气温和降水量数据,分析其植被活动对气候变化的响应特征。研究结果表明,加纳86.4%的植被覆盖区NDVI在25 a间都呈现不同程度的增加趋势。20世纪80年代初和21世纪初这2个时期,NDVI值大于0.4的面积百分比呈增加趋势;NDVI值大于0.5的面积百分比从26%增加到38.2%;NDVI值在0.4-0.5之间的面积百分比从47.5%增加到51.9%。NDVI受降水量控制的区域占总区域面积的57.2%,而受气温控制的面积占总区域面积的42.8%。总的来看,加纳植被覆盖对降水量变化的敏感程度强于气温变化。  相似文献   

Natural wetlands are known to store huge amounts of organic carbon in their soils. Despite the importance of this storage,uncertainties remain about the molecular characteristics of soil organic matter(SOM), a key factor governing the stability of soil organic carbon(SOC). In this study, the molecular fingerprints of SOM in a typical freshwater wetland in Northeast China were investigated using pyrolysis gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry technology(Py-GC/MS). Results indicated that the SOC, total nitrogen(TN),and total sulfur contents of the cores varied between 16.88% and 45.83%, 0.93% and 2.82%, and 1.09% and 3.79%, respectively. The bulk δ^13C and δ^15N varied over a range of 9.85‰, between –26.85‰ and –17.00‰, and between –0.126‰ and 1.002‰, respectively. A total of 134 different pyrolytic products were identified, and they were grouped into alkyl(including n-alkanes(C:0) and n-alkenes(C:1),aliphatics(Al), aromatics(Ar), lignin(Lg), nitrogen-containing compounds(Nc), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), phenols(Phs), polysaccharides(Ps), and sulfur-containing compounds(Sc). On average, Phs moieties accounted for roughly 24.11% peak areas of the total pyrolysis products, followed by Lg(19.27%), alkyl(18.96%), other aliphatics(12.39%), Nc compounds(8.08%), Ps(6.49%), aromatics(6.32%), Sc(3.26%), and PAHs(1.12%). Soil organic matter from wetlands had more Phs and Lg and less Nc moieties in pyrolytic products than soil organic matters from forests, lake sediments, pastures, and farmland.δ^13 C distribution patterns implied more C3 plant-derived soil organic matter, but the vegetation was in succession to C4 plant from C3 plant. Significant negative correlations between Lg or Ps proportions and C3 plant proportions were observed. Multiple linear analyses implied that the Ar and Al components had negative effects on SOC. Alkyl and Ar could facilitate ratios between SOC and total nitrogen(C/N), while Al plays the opposite role. Al was positively related to the ratio of dissolved organic carbon(DOC) to SOC. In summary, SOM of wetlands might characterize by more Phs and lignin and less Nc moieties in pyrolytic products. The use of Pyrolysis gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry(Py-GC/MS) technology provided detailed information on the molecular characteristics of SOM from a typical freshwater wetland.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal evolution of urban land uses in modern urbanization of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking social statistic data as basic data,this paper extended the meaning of urban land uses,highlighted the meaning of urban land uses in modern urbanization,which includes direct,indirect and induced land uses,quantitatively simulated the indirect and induced land uses by the substitution method of agricultural consumption and urban carbon emission and then,analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of urban land uses in China during 1952–2005 by spatial analysis tool of Geographic Information System. The results indicate that the area of urban land use in China had been increasing since 1952,showing an inversed pyramid structure,i.e.,the directthe indirectthe induced. Specifically,Chinese urban land use has changed from concentrated distribution in Northwest China to balanced spatial distribution,and the eastern coastal area is under great pressure. Moreover,the northeastern region has moved into the induced dominant stage,while the western region remains at the indirect dominant stage. Finally,it is proposed that in order to guarantee the future demand of urban land use in China,ensuring the induced land use in the eastern region should be taken as a priority goal of Chinese developing policy.  相似文献   

Nitrogen retention within a watershed reduces the amount of N exported to the ocean; however, it worsens environmental problems, including surface water eutrophication, aquifer pollution, acid rain, and soil acidification. Here, we adopted the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model to describe the riverine N output and retention effects in the Shanmei Reservoir Basin, a subtropical mountainous basin located in Quanzhou City, Southeast China. The results revealed that farmlands and orchards in the upstream and central parts of the basin were the dominant land use types, which contributed large N yields. Fertilizer application was the key source of riverine N output and N retention within the basin. On average, approximately 64% of anthropogenic N inputs were retained within the basin, whereas 36% of total N was exported to the downstream and coastal areas. The average N retention efficiency was 80% in a dry year, and within the year, N retention occurred in spring and summer and N release occurred in autumn and winter. The annual variation in N retention within the basin was largely dominated by changes in rainfall and runoff, whereas the seasonal characteristics of N retention were mainly affected by fertilization. Even with a large decrease in fertilizer application, owing to the contributions of the residual N pool and river background, the riverine N output still maintained a certain base value. The effects of precipitation, land use types, and agricultural fertilizer on N retention should be comprehensively considered to implement reasonable N management measures.  相似文献   

【目的】研究海南岛近岸海域表层海水化学需氧量(COD)的时空分布特征,评价COD污染水平,研究区域COD浓度与多种环境因子之间的关系。【方法】根据2016年枯水季、丰水季和平水季海南岛近岸海域表层海水现场调查资料,进行单因子指数法和综合指数法分析。【结果】海南省近岸海域表层海水COD的平均质量浓度为(0.75±0.43) mg/L,浓度范围为0.14~2.74 mg/L;COD浓度高值区主要分布在龙尾河口临近小海海域,枯水季研究海域表层海水COD污染水平高于丰水季节;COD对富营养化的贡献范围为38.2%~69.7%,平均贡献率为(51.0±5.1)%,贡献率随着富营养化指数的增加而减小;3个季节COD与盐度均存在显著负相关(P<0.01)。【结论】COD时空分布主要受陆源输入和水动力过程的影响。COD是影响海南岛近岸海域富营养化的重要因子但非决定性因子。随着富营养化程度增加,来自营养盐对富营养化贡献更为显著。  相似文献   

In this research, an Underwater Biofouling Panel(UWBFP) system was erected for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of macro fouling organisms in the Gulf of Mannar. Forty-four biofoulers were identified from four types of selected test panels.Among these biofoulers, Amphibalanus amphitrite(Darwin, 1854) was the dominant one. The concrete panel encouraged the highest barnacle density compared to the other panels. Three series of test panels were used to assess the seasonal density of biof...  相似文献   

本文选择济南市历城区典型土壤中N、P、K 3种养分元素进行化学测试分析,对该地区的浅层土壤元素有效态地球化学背景值及在不同类型土壤中的分布特征进行研究。研究结果表明:该地区土壤质量较好,元素有效量与全量总体排序一致,不同元素的有效度相差十分悬殊。5种土壤类型的元素有效度具有一定差异性,潮褐土、潮土中N、P、K元素的有效量和有效度都明显高于其他土壤类型,褐土性土中N全量最高,但有效度反而最低;棕壤性土中K全量、有效量、有效度均最低。通过对全量、pH及有机质含量的影响分析,发现有机质含量、全量是不同土壤类型中元素有效度差异性的重要原因,而pH的影响较小。  相似文献   

华南地区种植园地广泛分布,类型混杂多样,导致园地分布信息难以正确获取,为农业管理造成了较大困难。本研究基于Landsat8 OLI数据,通过数据融合、特征优化,应用随机森林算法构建面向对象的种植园地分类规则集,对华南地区典型经济作物香蕉、柑橘、葡萄、蒲葵、海枣、番木瓜和火龙果等进行类别识别,同时对比贝叶斯分类法、K最邻近分类法、支持向量机法、决策树分类法的分类效果。结果表明:数据融合会在一定程度上影响分类结果精度;植株形态、光谱特征接近,种植期交错是影响华南地区典型园地分类精度的重要原因;以中分辨率影像为数据源,面向对象的随机森林算法应用于种植园地分类研究总体精度可达88.05%,Kappa系数0.87,可以有效区分华南地区典型种植园地类别;相比于其他算法,随机森林算法在分类精度、可靠性和稳定性上具有一定优势,可为园地作物生长监测和种植管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

正Springer has recently published the book entitledStudies of the Biogeochemistry of Typical Estuaries and Bays in China.Professor Shen Zhiliang from the Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,China,authored and complied this book.The new book collects,compiles,and summarizes the studies on the biogeochemical cycling of the biogenic elements in mainly two typical regions in China,i.e.,the Changjiang  相似文献   

In this study, we developed an evaluation index system for green total-factor water-use efficiency(GTFWUE) which reflected both economic and green efficiencies of water resource utilization. Then we measured the GTFWUE of 30 provinces/municipalities/autonomous regions(hereafter provinces) in China(not including Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan as no data) from 2000 to 2018 using a minimum distance to the strong frontier model that contained an undesirable output. We further analyzed the regional ...  相似文献   

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