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Since the late 1950’s, many Chinese scientists have explored the remains of the Quaternary glaciation in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and its surrounding mountains. In the main, 3–4 glaciations have been recognized. The largest one occurred in the Late Middle Pleistocene with piedmont glaciers, ice caps and trellis valley glaciers in many high peak regions. But here is no evidence of a unified ice sheet covering the whole plateau as described by M. Kuhle. Due to the further uplifting of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau the climate became progressively driver, diminishing the extension of glaciers during the Late Pleistocene. The elevation of the snow line during the Last Glaciation was about 4,000 m on the south, east and northeast edges of the plateau and ascended to 5500 m on the hinder northwest of the plateau. The thermal effect of the big plateau massif, the sharp increase of aridity from the southeast rim to the northwest inland area and the abrupt decrease of precipitation during the Ice Age largely account for the distribution of the Quaternary glaciers in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The neglect of Chinese literature may be one of the causes accounting for M. Kuhle’s misinterpretation on the environment of the Quaternary glaciations in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.  相似文献   

Arsenopyrite is one of very important and common auriferous minerals in endogenetic gold deposits. In seven gold deposits, the prospecting typomorphic characteristics of arsenopyrite, such as morphological typomorphism, composition typomorphism, pyroelectricity typomorphism and so on, were established. The crystal form of arsenopyrite is simple, and the form symbols mainly are {101}, {120}, {210}, {140}, {230}, {012}, etc. The smaller groin and poor crystal form arsenopyrite indicates the better auriferous characteristics. The major elements (Fe, As and S) of gold- bearing arsenopyrite usually show Fe/As + S > 0.5, As/S< 1 which deviates from its theoretical value. The most important trace element is Au and next is Ag in arsenopyrite, and they often show the positive correlation. The pyroelectricity of arsenopyrite can reflect the mineralization epoch, and it also is related to the crystal form and granudarity.  相似文献   

1 Introduction: A Dissonant Fragment On entering Chichibu, many visitors feel as if they were passing through a time warp into another country or a bygone era as the train leaves behind Tokyo抯crowded suburbs and winds through steep slopes forested with oaks, beeches and cedars. The Oku Chichibu highlands, however, are a mere 70 kilometers northwest of Tokyo, or about 50 minutes by rail, less than the average two-hour of daily commute of 搒alarymen?within metropolitan area. The sense of s…  相似文献   

Although prebiotic activities of alginate and agar oligosaccharides isolated from seaweeds have been reported, it remains unknown whether seaweed polysaccharides have prebiotic activity. In this study, we isolated polysaccharides from four species of seaweeds, such as Grateloupia fi licina(GFP), Eucheuma spinosum(ESP), Ulva pertusa(UPP), and A scophyllum nodosum(ANP), and characterized their structures and prebiotic ef fects in vitro. The results showed that these polysaccharides were dif ferent in total sugar and sulfate contents as well as monosaccharide composition. GFP and ESP significantly promoted bifi dobacterium proliferation and 0.1% ESP and 0.4% GFP resulted in the highest proliferation rates of beneficial bacteria, whereas UPP and ANP inhibited the growth of beneficial bacteria at all tested concentrations(0.1%–0.5%). The different behaviors of the four seaweed-originated polysaccharides might be refl ected by differences in monosaccharide composition and structure. Therefore, polysaccharides isolated from GFP and ESP could be utilized as prebiotics. However, more studies must be carried out in vivo.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation technologies have been developed to restore ground water quality in aquifers polluted by organic contaminants effectively in recent years. However, in course of the degradation, the formation of biofilms in ground water remediation technology can be detrimental to the effectiveness of a ground water remediation project. Several alternatives are available to a remedial design engineer, such as Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) and in -situ bioremediation, Hydrogen Releasing Compounds (HRCs) barrier, Oxygen Releasing Compounds (ORCs) barrier etc. which are efficient and cost- effective technologies. Excessive biomass formation renders a barrier ineffective in degrading the contaminants, Efforts are made to develop kinetics models which accurately determine bio - fouling and bio - filn formation and to control excessive biomass formation.  相似文献   

Based on study on the relation with volcanic rock and oil & gas in Songliao Basin and Liaohe Basin in northeast China, author proposes that material from deep by volcanism enrichs the resources in basins, that heat by volcanism promotes organic matter transforming to oil and gas, that volcanic reservoir is fracture, vesicular, solution pore, intercrystal pore.Lava facies and pyroclastic facies are favourable reservoir. Mesozoic volcanic reservoir is majority of intermediate, acid rock,but Cenozoic volcanic reservoir is majority of basalt. Types of oil and gas pool relating to volcanic rock include volcanic fracture pool, volcanic unconformity pool, volcanic rock - screened pool, volcanic darpe structural pool.  相似文献   

当代城市电影反映了现代文明和传统文化观念之间深刻的矛盾冲突,促使我们反思现代文明的两面性,既在现代意识层次上对传统文明加以重新审视,又站在传统文明中符合理性或人性的一面,对现代文明进行批判,尤其是集中考察现代文明异化作用下城市人的心灵困境,由此引发对当代城市电影中现代文明的深入思考。  相似文献   

通过对《国际汉语能力标准》的考察,同时与《欧洲语言共同参考框架:学习、教学、评估》比较,发现《国际汉语能力标准》存在三个方面的问题:结构不合理、内容有缺失以及评级等级标准不科学,以此研究结果为《国际汉语能力标准》的修订提供参考。  相似文献   

Exploring the history of the silk-reeling industry in Chichibu, Japan, this paper challenges the prevalent representation of mountain communities as marginal economic peripheries of the metropolitan center or as reservoirs of poverty and backwardness. Mountain districts were the cradle of an Asian “industrious” revolution that led to Japan‘s modernization. The highland-based silk-reeling producers pioneered an autonomous Asian model of industrial development, which competed successfully against the capital-intensive system introduced from the West into coastal cities. The export strength of silk-producing households in upland villages overturns the claim that Japan‘s economic miracle was based on the introduction of Western technology and administrative systems. To the contrary, the Asian-style management practices and labor standards developed by the silk producers were transferred to a succession of other industries. These indigenous practices account for the rise of Japanese industry in world markets. The clash between the two opposing models of modernization resulted in modern Japan‘s first major civil conflict, the Chichibu Rebellion of 1884, a legacy that has major implications for today‘s recession-mired Japan as well as for developing countries striving for an alternative path to economic development.  相似文献   

联系方式:单位:武汉大学信息学部图书馆信息咨询部(原武汉测绘科技大学图书馆科技情报部)联系人:高建新地址:武汉市武昌珞喻路129号邮政编码:430079电话:027-68779089(办公)E-mail:jxgao@lib.whu.edu.cn时间会议名称地点联系方式5月29-6月1日2007ISPRS地理空间信息高分辨率地球  相似文献   

在嵌入式产品开发中,除操作系统之外,开发人员关注最多的一个系统软件组件就是图形支持系统.只要是面向人机交互的嵌入式产品,就涉及到文字或者图形的输出.通过比较各种嵌入式Linux平台上的GUI系统的结构和特点,最终选定了MiniGUI作为研究对象.重点研究并实现了MiniGUI在嵌入式Linux上的移植以及Thttpd的GUI控制界面的实现方法及过程,最终在MagicARM2410开发板上成功实现了Thttpd的GUI控制界面.通过GUI界面能够实现对Thttpd的启动、停止、重新启动的功能,实现了GUI控制界面的用户登录限制而且允许用户在登录后更改用户密码.  相似文献   

煤矿塌陷导致的环境问题日益显现,尤其是塌陷水域的水环境问题直接影响到矿区水资源利用。通过对朱仙庄塌陷塘常规离子(K~+,Na~+,Ca~(2+),Mg~(2+),Cl~-,SO_4~(2-),HCO_3~-)及重金属离子(Cd~(2+),Cr~(3+),Mn~(2+),Pb~(2+))的测定来分析塌陷塘水文化学特征,并利用单因子评价法、内梅罗指数法对水域重金属离子做出污染评价。结果表明,塌陷塘水化学类型为:I,II,III塘均为HCO_3-Na型;IV塘HCO_3-Ca型。重金属含量均符合《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)II类水质标准。单因子评价法与内梅罗指数法评价结果显示,塌陷塘水质良好,基本无污染。  相似文献   

测绘监理是依据测绘行政法规和技术标准 ,综合运用法律、经济、行政、技术标准和有关政策 ,为确保测绘行为的合法性和科学性对测绘项目所进行的全过程有效监控。建立一套符合中国国情的测绘工程监理制度 ,对我国的测绘行政管理具有十分重要的意义  相似文献   

地震勘探作技术为一种重要的勘探方法,可以经济、有效的发现资源和解决资源开采过程中遇到的构造、地层、岩性等问题。煤炭地震勘探发展过程中地震野外数据采集、地震数据处理和地震解释都取得了重大成就,目前煤炭地震勘探正进一步向高信噪比、高分辨率、高保真度、高清晰度、高精度、定量分析的方向发展,未来也必将在煤炭资源发现和矿井隐蔽致灾因素的探测中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

荣城  贾艳红 《地理信息世界》2019,26(2):100-103,109
区域经济差异一直是国内外研究的热点,本文以贵州省9个市州为研究单位,选取10个经济发展指标,运用全局主成分分析,结合GIS技术,测度了贵州省9个市州域2006~2016年10年来经济差异的时空演变。结果表明:贵州省各市州区域经济内部差异明显,经济增长存在较强空间关联性,上升区与下降区均集中分布;各项指标数值相对比较大的地区,最终得分不一定高。  相似文献   

羊庄盆地地下水资源丰富,是枣庄市和滕州市的主要供水水源之一。该文采用中子法和烘干法相结合的监测方法,对羊庄盆地不同位置、不同深度和不同时间段的土壤水分进行了监测,分析了土壤水分在空间和时间上的变化规律;土壤水分监测为求取有关水文地质参数和地下水资源评价提供了基础性数据。  相似文献   

Princinple of colloidal dispersion gels technologyColloidal dispersion gels are made of low concentrations of POlymer and crosslinker. Polymer concentrations normally range from 100 to 1200 ppm.In this concentration range, there is not enoughpolymer to fo…  相似文献   

杭州雷峰塔遗址地下遥感考古研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷峰塔位于杭州西子国宾馆内 ,始建于公元 972年 ,于 192 4年倒塌 ,曾是著名的西湖十景之一--雷峰夕照。为了重现昔日的景观 ,浙江省政府、杭州市政府决定重建雷锋塔 ,为此需要对雷锋塔进行考古清理 ,包括地下部分的清理。为了确定塔基是否存在地宫 ,我们利用雷达设备对该塔基进行了探测 ,明确了地宫的存在。而且 ,地质雷达探测成果资料非常准确 :水平位置 1.0~ 2 .8m,纵向深度 1.3~ 2 .6 m处的雷达波异常反射 ,是由夯土层引起的。水平位置 1.5~ 2 .4 m,纵向深度 2 .6 m处的双曲线型拱起反射波同相轴是地宫顶板 (石板 )引起的。据此亦明确了地宫的大致位置。现场开挖发现地宫大小 (包括地宫周边砖墙 )为 0 .9× 0 .9m,高 0 .5 m,这与雷达图像资料吻合。  相似文献   

主要论述了在数字城市建设中三维模型数据的生产流程,质量元素,质量控制的内容、方法及评价体系.在三维建模质量控制方面制定了一套行之有效的质量控制体系,为数字城市建设中大规模三维建模工作的开展提供了一个参考.  相似文献   

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