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浅层地下水调查是山东省黄河下游流域生态地球化学调查项目中的一项工作内容。调查是按每16 km2采集1件浅层地下水样品的密度,分析测试As,Ba,Be,Ca,Cd,Co,Cu,Fe,Hg,Pb,Se,Zn,F-,Cl-,Cr6 ,NO2-,COD,pH等33项指标;通过对这些指标在浅层地下水中的背景变化规律研究认为:调查区内浅层地下水中各指标含量起伏变化大,局部富集程度高,特别是As,Fe,K,La,Sb,Sn,Zn,Cl-,NO2-等指标的变异系数均>3.0,说明这些指标在浅层地下水中分布极不均匀,虽然背景含量较低,但在局部地段会形成高含量区,影响浅层地下水质量。选择As,Ba,Be,Cd,Co,Cu,Fe,Hg,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Se,Zn,F-,Cl-,Cr6 ,NO2-,COD,pH等20项指标,按《地下水环境质量标准》中的要求,对浅层地下水环境质量进行的单项组分和综合评价结果显示,达到较好级以上者不足9%,而较差和极差级者达90%以上,表明调查区内浅层地下水环境污染状况较为严重。  相似文献   

To determine the pollution levels and potential toxic risks of arsenic(As) and heavy metals(Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) in water and suspended particulate matter(SPM) in tail reaches(including freshwater reach and low-salinity reach) of the Yellow River as the Flow-Sediment Regulation Project(FSRP) has been carried out for approximately 15 yr, the surface water and SPM were sampled at pre-flood(April) and post-flood seasons(October). Results showed that similar changes of As and metal levels in water and SPM were observed along the tail reaches at pre-flood or post-flood season. Compared to pre-flood season, the levels of As, Cu, Cr and Ni in freshwater reach and the concentrations of Cr and Ni in low-salinity reach rose greatly at post-flood season. The levels of As and metals in SPM of freshwater reach or low-salinity reach at pre-flood season were significantly higher than those at post-flood season(P < 0.01).The pollutions of As and metals in surface water of tail reaches at pre-flood or post-flood season were not serious. The SPM in freshwater reach at pre-flood season were polluted by Cd, As, Cr, Cu and Ni while those in low-salinity reach were polluted by Cd and Cr. The SPM in freshwater reach at post-flood season were polluted by Cd and Pb while those in low-salinity reach were polluted by Cd and Cr.Cd was identified as heavy metal of primary concern at both pre-flood and post-flood seasons. Combined with the existed data reported in present research, this study found that the toxic risk of As and metals in SPM of tail reaches at pre-flood season was higher than that at post-flood season, implying that the implementation of FSRP during flooding season, to a great extent, reduced the toxic risk of these elements. With the long-term implementation of FSRP, the pollution levels of As and metals(particularly for Cd) in SPM of tail reaches might be elevated and the potential toxic risk primarily produced by Cr, Ni and As might be increased if effective measures were not taken in future.  相似文献   

山东黄河下游区域生态地球化学评价方法技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
山东黄河下游区域生态地球化学评价是以多目标区域地球化学调查资料为基础,在5.3万km^2范围内按一定的采样密度采集大气干湿沉降、化肥、大宗农作物(小麦、玉米的籽实、茎叶和根系土)样品,分析As,Cd等重金属元素和N,B等有益营养元素含量,研究元素在农业生态系统中的输入、输出通量,进行农业生态系统评价。采集济南、济宁2城市冶金尘、燃煤尘、建筑尘、汽车尾气尘等不同端元组分样品和大气干湿沉降、城市降尘、城市表层土壤样品,进行As,Cd等重金属元素含量及降尘铅同位素组成、粒径和物相分析,研究2城市各类污染物对城市大气和土壤排放量、排放比例和污染程度,评价其对城市生态环境影响。采集黄河、徒骇河、小清河等人海河流的悬浮物、水体、底泥及河流入海口处2m深柱状样品,分析As,Cd等重金属元素含量,对典型柱状样进行^210Pb和^137Cs定年,研究重金属元素随时间的变化规律,获取底积物年沉积速率,分析陆源物质对浅海沉积环境变迁的影响,对浅海生态环境安全性进行预警。  相似文献   

自1991年,国务院根据当时的土地管理法颁布了《大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿和移民安置条例》(简称“1991移民条例”,下同),十几年来,黄河下游防洪工程建设一直依据此条例开展征地补偿及移民安置工作。随着社会经济的快速发展和人民群众生活水平的提高,特别是1999年新土地管  相似文献   

广西龙江流域水环境状况及地下水资源潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙江流域是西南岩溶区一个典型的水文盆地。由于降水丰沛 ,地下水、地表水资源十分丰富 ,但受工矿企业废水的污染 ,龙江河水在枯水季节已基本失去了作为人畜饮用水水源的功能 ,沿江许多城镇人畜饮用水困难。在水资源十分丰富的西南岩溶区 ,类似的许多沿江城市出现水质性缺水 ,给水文地质工作提出了新的要求。文章认为以一定规模的水文盆地为基本单元 ,以流域地表水地下水资源的可利用性的综合评价为出发点 ,有针对性开展缺水城镇及岩溶干旱片的供水论证及地下水生态环境调查 ,是新一轮水文地质工作的重点 ,也是基础性公益性水工环工作的首要任务。  相似文献   

Based on the isotope analysis result of water samples in the 18 sections of the Yellow River, the variation of δ18Oand δD have been analyzed. From near the source to the entrance to the sea, the Yellow River has a general trend that the ratios of the stable isotope increase progressively; The main factors affecting the isotopes in the river water are mixing of external water bodies, evaporation and others; In the river segment between Lanzhou and Baotou and in lower reaches, the extent of the evaporation effect on the isotope fractionation from the river water surface is limited but the evaporation from the irrigated river water and the return flow is one of the main factors affecting the isotopes in river water.  相似文献   

IntroductionEnvironmentalisotopetracingisoneofthemostlyadoptedadvancedtechniquesinresearchofhydrologicalcycle (ClarkandFritz,1 997;F  相似文献   

南京市九乡河流域土地利用程度空间异质性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
定量分析九乡河流域土地利用程度及其空间异质性,对确定该流域土地资源利用和保护方向、实现土地资源可持续利用具有重要意义.以2003和2009年2期遥感影像为基本信息,利用空间自相关以及半变异函数分析方法,探讨了2003- 2009年九乡河流域土地利用程度的空间异质性特征,结果表明:流域土地利用程度的空间自相关表现出较强的...  相似文献   

山东省黄河下游流域生态地球化学调查主要成果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
农业地质环境调查成果表明,山东省黄河下游流域5.4万km^2的土地质量总体状况良好,绝大多数土地是清洁的。调查区内有99.9%的土壤为绿色土壤,可生产无公害小麦、玉米等农产品;一类土壤占92.7%,适宜于发展绿色食品生产;二类土壤占7.2%;三类土壤占0.1%。本次调查发现的重金属严重污染土地集中分布在城市的周边地区。浅层地下水地球化学调查结果表明,区内浅层地下水环境污染状况严重,水质优良的地段主要分布在济宁市区北、平阴周边、长清南、济南市区南部等靠近山前地段,其他平原地区的水环境质量多为较差或极差级(不能饮用)。  相似文献   

Wetlands play an important ecological role and provide many functions for people,yet wetlands are cur-rently decreasing and deteriorating.The ability to calculate an economic value for the loss of wetlands is becoming in-creasingly important for policy makers.In this study,remote sensing,field investigations,department visits,and other methods were used to survey wetland types,assess wetland area changes,and calculate wetland economic value.Mar-ket value loss and ecological function value loss,caused by reduction of wetland area and environmental pollution were calculated using commonly accepted methods of market valuation,ecological valuation,environmental protection investment cost analysis,and outcome parameters.According to market value loss and ecological function value loss,preliminarily fund allocation for wetland and ecological compensation was calculated.This will provide an important reference for future Yellow River Delta eco-compensation studies.  相似文献   

本研究以三峡库区小江流域为研究对象,在综合考虑陆域、水体、社会经济对流域水环境影响的基础上,建立了水环境综合区划的指标体系,同时根据DEM划分了流域综合区划的基本单元.在主导因素法和空间叠置法的基础上,通过CIS分析工具,对小江流域的水环境进行了综合区划,分为3个一级区域,分别为北部水源涵养和保育区,南部污染控制区,以...  相似文献   

黄河三角洲具有极高的生态价值,研究其景观格局及生态风险对促进黄河三角洲高质量发展具有重要意义。本文以黄河三角洲1980年、2000年和2020年土地利用数据为基础,分析土地转移及景观格局特征,同时构建生态风险评价模型揭示生态风险时空演变及空间相关性。结果表明:(1)耕地是黄河三角洲最主要的地类,占比在60%以上,1980—2020年土地转移主要发生在耕地、建设用地、水域和未利用地之间。(2)1980—2020年黄河三角洲景观斑块数、景观斑块密度、景观最大斑块指数、景观形状指数和香农多样性指数均呈下降趋势,区域整体趋向简单化和聚集化。(3)黄河三角洲高风险区和较高风险区主要环渤海分布,1980—2020年各级风险区转出最大面积均为更低级风险区,生态风险有所降低。  相似文献   

黄河一级支流水土保持“3S”分析应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改善黄河流域生态环境是推动西部大开发的有力保证。本文以黄河一级支流为单元,以秃尾河、皇甫川和窟野河为重点研究对象,介绍了如何利用GPS、RS和GIS相结合的技术,动态监测黄河流域水土流失情况,为黄河流域环境治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对黄河下游第四系覆盖区的综合地质调查是山东省国土资源大调查的重点.根据该地区的地质情况,其调查内容主要包括土地资源调查、基础地质调查、农业地质调查、农业地质区划、农用矿产调查、水工环地质调查、旅游地质及城市地质调查.在调查过程中要力争解决国土资源调查评价与利用新技术和新方法过程中面临的新问题,建立国土资源调查与评价的综合体系,为黄河下游第四系覆盖区工农业生产提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Sediment carbon sequestration plays an essential role in mitigating atmospheric CO2 increases and the subsequently global greenhouse effect. To clarify the late Quaternary strata and carbon burial records in Yellow River delta(YRD), detailed analysis of benthic foraminifera, total carbon(TC), organic carbon(Corg), sedimentary characteristics and moisture contents of sediments, was performed on core ZK3, 30.3 m in length and obtained from YRD in 2007. Eight depositional units(designated U1-U8 in ascending order) were identified. A comprehensive analysis method of historical geography and sedimentary geology was used to determine the precise depositional ages of the modern Yellow River delta(MYRD), from which pre-MYRD ages were deduced. The results indicates that the maximum burial rates of TC, inorganic carbon(IC) and Corg occurred in the delta front(U5), and the minimum in the shallow sea(U3). Remarkable high sedimentation rates in the MYRD are responsible for burial efficiency of carbon, with an average rate of Corg burial reaching 2087±251 g(m2 yr)-1, and that of IC reaching 13741±808 g(m2 yr)-1, which are much higher than those of other regions with high contents of Corg. Therefore, YRD has a significant burial efficiency for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲是陆海交界地带,陆地海洋相互作用显著,泥沙所引起的岸滩演变、港口航道的淤积、水动力环境的改变等问题比较复杂。该文采用三维HEM-3D数值模型对黄河三角洲海域流场变化、盐度、悬浮泥沙浓度及海岸冲淤分布进行了潮流周期内的数值模拟分析。结果表明,黄河三角洲海域的悬浮泥沙浓度分布与潮流场变化和河口泥沙输入有密切的关系,在三角洲北部受五号桩外强潮流区的影响,近岸海底的泥沙发生明显的再悬浮,并在涨潮流向南输送,含沙量达1.5 g/L左右。在三角洲南部(现行河口区域和莱州湾区域),受现行河口入海泥沙扩散的影响显著。海域年冲淤分布,在北部废弃三角洲区域,由于海洋动力作用强烈,浅水冲刷,海底侵蚀显著,形成了明显呈沿岸展布的侵蚀中心,在侵蚀中心以外,侵蚀快速减弱。在现行河口区域,以淤积为主,在羽状流扩散的控制下,泥沙入海后向南输运,至莱州湾区域逐渐减弱。数值模拟的结果与卫星遥感解译的岸线变化基本一致,效果良好。  相似文献   

Zhang  Kun  Zou  Li  Dai  Qunying  Wang  Jian  Jiang  Xueyan  Liang  Shengkang 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2020,19(2):369-376
In order to examine the impacts of water-sediment regulation on regional carbon cycling,we collected water,particulate and sediment samples from the middle-lower Yellow River in late June and early July,2015 and analyzed their specific amino acids(AA),DOC,POC,and bacteria abundance.Summarized by 14 specific AA,the total hydrolysable AA(THAA),particulate AA(PAA),and sediment AA(SAA)varied in ranges of 2.29-9.05μmol L^-1,5.22-22.96μmol L^-1,and 81.7-137.19μg g^-1 dry weight.After the regulation,dissolved free AA(DFAA)decreased by 29%while DCAA increased by 72%.These variations suggested that DFAA were further degraded,while DCAA molecules were further activated.Meanwhile,PAA increased almost 4 times as many as those before regulation,and SAA increased as well.After regulation,the amounts of bioactive amino acids(Asp,Glu and Gly)increased in THAA but decreased in PAA,with little changes in SAA.The ratios of Asp/Gly in different phases increased after regulation,indicating the AA contributions were promoted by calcareous organisms rather than by siliceous organisms.Multiple correlation analysis showed that PAA was primary representatives of AA and organic carbon,followed by DCAA and POC.Moreover,bacterial reproduction played a key role in shaping the AA compositions and properties,followed by the redox condition and acid-base balance.The results of this study provided a clear evidence for the effects of water-sediment regulation on regional biogeochemistry of organic carbon in the middle-lower Yellow River.  相似文献   

For mankind’s survival and development, water, energy, and food(WEF) are essential material guarantees. In China,however, the spatial distribution of WEF is seriously unbalanced and mismatched. Here, a collaborative governance mechanism that aims at nexus security needs to be urgently established. In this paper, the Yellow River Basin in China with a representative WEF system, was selected as a case. Firstly, a comprehensive framework for WEF coupling coordination was constructed, and the relati...  相似文献   

As a major sediment area in the upper Yangtze River, Jialing River basin experienced substantial land-use changes, many water conservancy projects were constructed from the 1980 s onward to promote water and soil conservation. The water and sediment yield at the watershed outlet was strongly affected by these water conservation works, including ponds and reservoirs, which should be considered in the modelling. In this study, based on the observed data of the Weicheng River catchment, the relationships between precipitation, runoff, vegetation, topography and sediment yield were analyzed, a distributed runoff and sediment yield model(WSTD-SED) was developed, and the hydrological processes of different land-use scenarios were simulated by using the model. The main results are summarized as follows: 1) there is an alternating characteristic in river channels and reservoirs in the Jialing River hilly area, with scour occurring in wet years and deposit occurring in dry years. 2) Most of the sediment deposited in river channels and reservoirs is carried off by the largest flood in the year. 3) The model yielded plausible results for runoff and sediment yield dynamics without the need of calibration, and the WSTD-SED model could be usedto obtain qualitative estimates on the effects of land use change scenarios. 4) The modelling results suggest that a 10% increase in cropland(dry land) reforestation results in a 0.7% decrease in runoff and 1.5% decrease in sediment yield.  相似文献   

蒸发是湿地水循环的重要组成部分和水分损失的重要途径,风力发电对水体蒸发的影响干扰湿地生态系统的水热平衡。利用SEBAL模型,采用风力发电机建设前2004年、2005年、2009年的Landsat 5数据,风力发电机建成后2013年、2015年的Landsat 8数据,以及MODIS数据和气象数据,通过对比风力发电机建设前后以风机点为中心200m缓冲区范围内水体蒸发的变化,研究风力发电机对黄河三角洲湿地水体蒸发的影响。结果表明:①与建成前相比,风力发电机建成后风机周围各风向水体的蒸发在空间特征上趋于均匀;②与其他风向相比,风力发电机对下风向的影响更大,使下风向水体的蒸发值的均匀程度远大于上风向和旁风向。  相似文献   

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