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四川石棉熊家沟曾于2013年7月4日爆发泥石流,该次泥石流物源类型多样、形成机理复杂,并发生堵塞主河的次生灾害链,具有代表性。通过研究,本次泥石流是在强降雨条件下,以中上游沟道松散物为启动点、沿程下切拉槽、崩滑不断参与运动的一场由自然因素形成的地质灾害。泥石流形成因素分为强降雨、沟道物源启动、崩滑规模扩大3个方面。参与熊家沟泥石流启动汇集的物质来源为沟道物源和崩滑物源,其中,沟道物源量占总量的81.55%。物源补给以沟道松散物为主,崩滑直接提供物源量小分散。经过“7·04”灾害后,流域沟道淤积抬升,形成新的沟道松散物,为下次泥石流埋下了隐患。熊家沟泥石流的成灾模式类型多样,表现为淤积抬高、撞击冲毁、堵塞主河、淹没上游。通过堵河经验公式判别,“7·04”熊家沟泥石流的形成特征极易发生堵河,当地政府与防灾减灾部门应有的放矢做好地质灾害防治工作。   相似文献   

Low frequency infrasonic waves are emitted during the formation and movement of debris flows, which are detectable in a radius of several kilometers, thereby to serve as the precondition for their remote monitoring.However, false message often arises from the simple mechanics of alarms under the ambient noise interference.To improve the accuracy of infrasound monitoring for early-warning against debris flows, it is necessary to analyze the monitor information to identify in them the infrasonic signals characteristic of debris flows.Therefore, a large amount of debris flow infrasound and ambient noises have been collected from different sources for analysis to sum up their frequency spectra, sound pressures, waveforms, time duration and other correlated characteristics so as to specify the key characteristic parameters for different sound sources in completing the development of the recognition system of debris flow infrasonic signals for identifying their possible existence in the monitor signals.The recognition performance of the system has been verified by simulating tests and long-term in-situ monitoring of debris flows in Jiangjia Gully,Dongchuan, China to be of high accuracy and applicability.The recognition system can provide the local government and residents with accurate precautionary information about debris flows in preparation for disaster mitigation and minimizing the loss of life and property.  相似文献   

四川省小流域泥石流危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流危险性评价是泥石流防灾减灾的重要内容。本文以四川省为研究区,以DEM为数据源,通过提取水流方向,计算汇流累积量,实现四川省小流域划分。基于收集的已查明泥石流流域资料,分析了泥石流孕灾环境与成灾特点,选择流域高差、流域面积为指标,建立基于能量条件的潜势泥石流流域判识模型,对划分的小流域进行判识,识别出7798个小流域具备泥石流发生所需能量条件,面积为31.1×104 km2,占四川省总面积的64.18 %。进而建立了泥石流危险性评价指标体系和可拓物元模型,开展了小流域泥石流危险性评价,划分了危险度等级,得到中度、高度、极高危险区的小流域个数分别为1946、1725和1002个,面积分别为9.1×104、7.7×104和3.4×104 km2,中度以上危险区面积共20.2×104 km2,占四川省总面积的41.67%。最后对评价结果可靠性和各等级泥石流危险区在各地市级行政区、各大流域的分布进行了分析。其结果对促进泥石流判识与危险性评价理论,区域泥石流防灾减灾与山区可持续发展等具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

栖霞市生木树泥石流隐患点为烟台市471处地质灾害隐患点其中1处,曾于1979年7月因暴雨引发泥石流灾害,给当地村民造成严重经济损失。以该泥石流沟流域作为研究区,并以区内泥石流发育的自然环境、基本特征及形成泥石流的地质条件、物源条件和水源条件等勘察成果为基础,综合分析区内泥石流发育特征、类型、形成机理、引发因素,并选取相关参数对泥石流基本特征值进行计算,为同类型泥石流的防治提供科学依据。综合研究确定区内泥石流易发程度为轻度易发,现阶段泥石流沟发展阶段为发展期,泥石流灾害趋于相对稳定,但一旦遭遇暴雨至特大暴雨,可能会再次引发泥石流地质灾害。  相似文献   

石流的分布特征、性质特点与公路的交汇关系,采取因地制宜的防治方案。   相似文献   

Due to the special condition of provenance and disaster environment after 5·12 Earthquake, the probability and conditions of the occurrence of gully debris flow change greatly after the event, which make it difficult to prevent disaster effectively. In this study the hydrological model of ground water table in loose sediment is established. According to infinite slope theory, the safety factor of deposits is defined as the ratio of resistance force to driving force. The starting condition of post-earthquake...  相似文献   

灾害危险性评估方面具有很好的应用前景。   相似文献   

Debris flow simulations are useful for predicting the sediment supplied to watersheds from upstream areas. However, the topographic conditions upstream are more complicated than those downstream and the relationship between the topographic conditions and debris flow initiation is not well understood. This study compared the use of several entrainment rate equations in numerical simulations of debris flows to examine the effect of topographic conditions on the flow. One-dimensional numerical simulations were performed based on the shallow water equations and three entrainment rate equations were tested. These entrainment rate equations were based on the same idea that erosion and the deposition of debris flows occur via the difference between the equilibrium and current conditions of debris flows, while they differed in the expression of the concentration, channel angle, and sediment amount. The comparison was performed using a straight channel with various channel angles and a channel with a periodically undulating surface. The three entrainment rate equations gave different amounts of channel bed degradation and hydrographs for a straight channel with a channel angle greater than 21° when water was supplied from upstream at a steady rate. The difference was caused by the expression of the entrainment rate equations. For channels with little undulation, the numerical simulations gave results almost identical to those for straight channels with the same channel angle. However, for channels with large undulations, the hydrographs differed from those for straight channels with the same channel angle when the channel angle was less than 21°. Rapid erosion occurred and the hydrograph showed a significant peak, especially in cases using the entrainment equation expressed by channel angle. This was caused by the effects of the steep undulating sections, since the effect increased with the magnitude of the undulation, suggesting that a debris flow in an upstream area develops differently according to the topographic conditions. These results also inferred that numerical simulations of debris flow can differ depending on the spatial resolution of the simulation domain, as the resolution determines the reproducibility of the undulations.  相似文献   

贵州省喀斯特地区泥石流灾害易发性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州省独特的喀斯特山地环境对地质灾害的孕育有其特有的作用机理。本文初选了10个相关因子进行GIS的方差分析及相关性分析,以筛选喀斯特山区泥石流灾害的主要影响因子及灾害易发性评价。结果表明,研究区内土壤侵蚀因子对泥石流灾害的贡献作用最为显著,断层的影响作用不明显。土壤侵蚀、坡度、坡向、岩石性质、土地利用方式、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、到沟谷的距离及>25 mm日数8个影响因子,具有良好的独立性和代表性,是研究区内泥石流易发性评价的最佳指标;泥石流主要分布在贵州西部云贵高原边境、北部大娄山、东北雾灵山及苗岭等地带,占全省面积的29.51%,贵州中部及东南部泥石流易发程度较低;极高易发区泥石流的分布密度是极低易发区的19倍,其主要的环境特征表现为坡度大、植被覆盖率较低,旱地与工矿用地分布多,土壤侵蚀严重;加强旱地、工矿用地及低植被覆盖区的合理利用及管理,是减少泥石流灾害发生的有效途径。  相似文献   

Soil samples with clay content ranging from 15% to 31%, were taken from three debris flow gullies in Southwest China. Three debris flow slurry samples were prepared and tested with four measuring systems of an Anton Paar Physica MCR301 rheometer, including the concentric cylinder system,the parallel-plate system, the vane geometry, and the ball measuring system. All systems were smoothwalled. Flow curves were plotted and yield stress was determined using the Herschel-Bulkley model,showing differences among the different systems.Flow curves from the concentric cylinder and parallelplate systems involved two distinct regions, the low shear and the high shear regions. Yield stresses determined by data fitting in the low shear region were significantly lower than the values from the inclined channel test which is a practical method for determining yield stress. Flow curves in the high shear region are close to those from the vane geometry and the ball measuring system. The fitted values of yield stress are comparable to the values from the inclined channel test. The differences are caused by wall-slip effects in the low shear region.Vane geometry can capture the stress overshoot phenomenon caused by the destruction of slurry structure, whereas end effects should be considered in the determination of yield stress. The ball measuring system can give reasonable results, and it is applicable for rheological testing of debris flow slurries.  相似文献   

Debris flows are among the most common geological disasters in China,and have been particularly frequent in Sichuan Province since the Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008.The construction of debris flow drainage channels is a countermeasure used to distribute debris flow fans,and these channels play a critical role in the mitigation and prevention of damage resulting from debris flows.Under field conditions,the useful life of drainage channels can be greatly shortened as a result of strong abrasions to the drainage structure caused by the debris flow.Field investigations have shown that the types of damage to drainage channels include(a) erosion caused by hyper-concentrated silt flow,(b) impact fractures and foundation scour at the groundsills of the drainage channel,(c) destruction of the drainage channel outlet,and(d) destruction of the drainage channel caused by debris flow abrasion.In addition,based on the destruction of the drainage channel during the debris flow drainage process,a new type of drainage channel with energy dissipation components was proposed and applied in a steep,narrow gully for debris flow mitigation.Moreover,design and engineering repair recommendations for drainage channels are provided as a reference for repairing the damage to the channel.The results can provide an important reference for the effective repair and optimal design of drainage channels.  相似文献   

A debris flow forecast model based on a water-soil coupling mechanism that takes the debrisflow watershed as a basic forecast unit was established here for the prediction of disasters at the watershed scale.This was achieved through advances in our understanding of the formation mechanism of debris flow.To expand the applicable spatial scale of this forecasting model,a method of identifying potential debris flow watersheds was used to locate areas vulnerable to debris flow within a forecast region.Using these watersheds as forecasting units and a prediction method based on the water-soil coupling mechanism,a new forecasting method of debris flow at the regional scale was established.In order to test the prediction ability of this new forecasting method,the Sichuan province,China was selected as a study zone and the large-scale debris flow disasters attributable to heavy rainfall in this region on July 9,2013 were taken as the study case.According to debris flow disaster data on July 9,2013 which were provided by the geo-environmental monitoring station of Sichuan province,there were 252 watersheds in which debris flow events actually occurred.The current model predicted that 265 watersheds were likely to experience a debris flow event.Among these,43 towns including 204 debrisflow watersheds were successfully forecasted and 24 towns including 48 watersheds failed.The false prediction rate and failure prediction rate of thisforecast model were 23% and 19%,respectively.The results show that this method is more accurate and more applicable than traditional methods.  相似文献   

We investigate experimentally the depositions of two contiguous debris flows flowing into a main river reach.The aim of the present experimental research is to analyze the geometry and the mutual interactions of debris flow deposits conveyed by these tributaries in the main channel.A set of 19 experiments has been conducted considering three values of the confluence angle,two slopes of the tributary,and three different triggering conditions(debris flows occurring simultaneously in the tributaries,or occurring first either in the upstream or in the downstream tributary).The flow rate along the main channel was always kept constant.During each experiment the two tributaries had the same slope and confluence angle.The analysis of the data collected during the experimental tests indicates that the volume of the debris fan is mainly controlled by the slope angle,as expected,while the shape of the debris deposit is strongly influenced by the confluence angle.Moreover,in the case of multiple debris flows,the deposit shape is sensitive to the triggering conditions.Critical index for damming formation available in literature has been considered and applied to the present case,and,on the basis of the collected data,considerations about possible extension of such indexes to the case of multiple confluences are finally proposed.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake generated strong surface disturbances and triggered a large number of loose deposits, resulting in the disasterprone environment with special watershed hydrological characteristics. This paper was to propose a debris flow formation process and explore the permeability characteristics and critical hydrodynamic conditions of the loose deposits triggered by the earthquake. The Guo Juanyan gully(31°05′27″ N to 31°05′46″ N, 103°36′58″ E to 103°37′09″ E) in Du Jiangyan City, located in the meizoseismal areas of the Wenchuan earthquake, was chosen as the study area and the disaster-prone environment was analyzed. The formation process of the debris flow was first proposed using a stability analysis, and then, the permeability characteristics of loose deposits were determined via in situ permeability experiments. Finally, the critical 1 h rainfall was simulated through a distributed hydrological model and verified by field observations. The formation process of debris flow could be divided into three stages based on the relationship between the hydrodynamic force and loose deposit resistance. The critical 1 h rainfall amounts under three antecedent moisture conditions(I-dry, II-normal and III-wet) were 52 mm/h, 43 mm/h and 34 mm/h, respectively. This study proposed a debris flow formation process in the meizoseismal areas of the Wenchuan earthquake based on the stability analysis and defined the rainfall threshold for debris flow early warning at the local level, which is significant for debris flow mitigation and risk management.  相似文献   

描述了智利外海南极褶柔鱼Todarodes filippovae的形态特征,并参考前人研究资料,确定了其分类地位,同时对其作了初步分析。鉴定认为:该种系柔鱼科、褶柔鱼亚科、褶柔鱼属的南极褶柔鱼;其最北分布可到27°57′S,比原先文献报道的35°S偏北;渔获物的调查期间的胴长为157~366mm,体重为65~960g,性腺成熟度以Ⅰ、Ⅱ期为主,占总样本的71%。同时,还建立了胴长与体重、胴长与角质额喙长的关系式。  相似文献   

栖霞市是地质灾害多发区,主要地质灾害有泥石流、崩塌和滑坡,尤其是泥石流灾害频发,其形成主要受自然地理环境、地质条件和人类经济活动影响。因而在地质灾害调查成果基础上危险性趋势进行了分区评价,确定了泥石流灾,将泥石流的发育频度、面积密度和规模进行了分级,采用袭扰系数法对区内泥石流灾害的害的高危区、中危区和低危区,为泥石流灾害防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

平邑盆地位于鲁西断块隆起区东南蒙山断裂以南,蒙山断裂位于平邑盆地的北部边缘,盆地的形成、形态分布和演化严格受其控制。平邑盆地石膏矿床赋存于古近系官庄群。中生代的燕山运动,伴随火山活动,沿蒙山断裂南侧不断下沉,为平邑盆地的形成奠定了基础,新生代以来蒙山断裂南东盘仍以断陷为主,为下古近系官庄群地层的沉积提供了空间,平邑盆地便成为石膏矿床形成的有利场所。从矿(岩)石化学成分对比,物质来源分析,平邑盆地石膏矿床为多物源,多成矿期的陆相咸化湖盆蒸发岩矿床。  相似文献   

针对传统方法难以定量描述大尺度泥石流形成机理的问题,提出一种联合SAR卫星影像相位信息和后向散射信息全面识别泥石流发育机制的方法,并使用该方法探究云南省德钦县一中河泥石流物源汇集及失稳模式.通过后向散射系数反演研究区土壤含水量的时空变化趋势,利用升降轨Sentinel-1 A数据获取坡表二维形变.结果表明,研究区土壤含...  相似文献   

2013年7月10日,四川省汶川县映秀镇境内的麻柳沟流域暴发了大规模的泥石流灾害,给当地人民的生命财产安全造成了巨大的影响。在对麻柳沟流域野外实地调查的基础上,研究了麻柳沟流域泥石流的形成条件与动力学特征,评价了其泥石流的危险性,探讨了它们的发展趋势与防治对策。结果表明:在未来相当长的一段时期内,麻柳沟流域都将处于泥石流活跃期,在雨季强降雨的条件下,发生具有较大破坏力与危害性的中等及较大规模泥石流灾害的可能性仍然较大。因此,提出了生物与工程相结合的防治措施、选取合理的设计参数及提高泥石流的设防标准、加强监测与预警与普及泥石流基础知识等防治对策来减轻该流域的泥石流灾害。   相似文献   

对矩形虾池在水车式增氧机作用下产生的环流特点进行理论分析,结果表明,在转角处会形成涡旋,边壁附近在一定条件下会产生回流;利用ANSYS软件的FLOTRANCFD进行数值计算,获得与理论分析一致的结果,与现场实际情况吻合。并进一步对虾池阻力进行分析,提出了一些减阻措施。  相似文献   

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