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The Dezful Embayment is the most important fertile oil province of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. It includes several incompetent strata as basal and intermediate décollement levels that play a significant role on the structural styles and hydrocarbon preservation. Based on the interpretation of seismic profiles, the influence of the Gachsaran Formation and the evaporitic Kalhur Member of the Asmari Formation on the geometry of deformation was investigated in different parts of the Dezful Embayment. Obtained results revealed that the thickness of the incompetent strata plays a crucial role in the formation and geometry of different types of fold structures (e.g. rounded, box, chevron, detachment fold) in the Dezful Embayment. There is a sharp difference between the geometry of surface and deep-seated structures due to the existence of thick intermediate décollements (e.g. Gachsaran and Kalhur) in the Dezful Embayment. Therefore, fault geometry and fold styles in upper and lower parts of these décollements are totally different. In addition, these incompetent strata act as a barrier level against the propagation of deep-seated faults into the overlying layers. Therefore, it seems that most of the faults exposed on the surface have originated from the upper décollement levels in the study area.  相似文献   

Salt rollers are low-amplitude deflections of the upper surface of a salt layer which occur below zones of normal faulting in the overlying sediments. They are widely recognised in association with tilted blocks or listric fault rollover systems. Laboratory experiments on brittle ductile models made of sand and silicone putty are used to study the modes of development, the external shape and the internal structures of these salt rollers. Firstly, flow and strain patterns within décollement zones are described. Finite strain combines layer-perpendicular shortening and layer-parallel shear. Additional flow cells within rollers perturb the laminar flow of the décollement, inducing a passive folding of planar markers. The same type of flow and strain patterns occur in all types of rollers, ranging from those occurring below tilted blocks to those associated with growth faults. Finally, an analysis of roller shapes through the measurement of aspect ratios and asymmetry ratios shows that the shapes of tilted blocks rollers and growth fault rollers—which differ at initiation tend to converge with increasing deformation.  相似文献   

We run a series of analogue models to study the effect of stratigraphic heterogeneities of an evaporite formation on thin-skinned deformation of the Southeastern Pyrenean Basin (SPB; NE Spain). This basin is characterized by the existence of evaporites, deposited during the Early-Middle Eocene with lateral variations in thickness and lithological composition. These evaporites are distributed in three lithostratigraphic units, known as Serrat Evaporites, Vallfogona and Beuda Gypsum formations and acted as décollement levels, during compressional deformation in the Lutetian. In addition to analogue modeling, we have used field data, detailed geological mapping and key cross-sections supported by seismic and well data to build a new structural interpretation for the SPB. In this interpretation, it is recognized that the basal and upper parts of the Serrat Evaporites acted as the main décollement levels of the so-called Cadí thrust sheet and Serrat unit. A balanced restoration of the basin indicates that thrust faults nucleated at the stratigraphic transition of the Serrat Evaporites (zone with lateral variations of thickness and lithological composition), characterized by a wedge of anhydrite and shale. The analogue models were setup based on information extracted from cross-sections, built in two sectors with different lithology and stratigraphy of the evaporites, and the restored section of the SPB. In these models, deformation preferentially concentrated in areas where thickness change, defined by wedges of the ductile materials, was inbuilt. Based on the structural interpretation and model results, a kinematic evolution of the SPB is proposed. The kinematic model is characterized by the generation of out-of-sequence structures developed due to lateral stratigraphic variations of the Serrat Evaporites. The present work shows a good example of the role of stratigraphic heterogeneities of an evaporite formation which acts as décollement level on structural deformation in a fold-thrust belt. The results of this work have implications for hydrocarbon exploration and are relevant for studying structural geometry and mechanics in shortened evaporite basins.  相似文献   

During basin burial, interstitial fluids initially trapped within the sedimentary pile easily move under thermal and pressure gradients. As the main mechanism is linked to fluid overpressure, such fluids play a significant role on frictional mechanics for fault reactivation and sediment deformation.The Lodève Permian Basin (Hérault, France) is an exhumed half-graben with exceptional outcrop conditions providing access to barite-sulfide mineralized systems and hydrocarbon trapped into syn-rift roll-over faults. Architectural studies show a cyclic infilling of fault zone and associated bedding-parallel veins according to three main fluid events during dextral/normal faulting. Contrasting fluid entrapment conditions are deduced from textural analysis, fluid inclusion microthermometry and sulfur isotope geothermometer. We conclude that a polyphase history of trapping occurred during Permian syn-rift formation of the basin.The first stage is characterized by an implosion breccia cemented by silicifications and barite during an abrupt pressure drop within fault zone. This mechanism is linked to the dextral strike-slip motion on faults and leads to a first sealing of the fault zone by basinal fluid mineralization.The second stage consists of a succession of barite ribbons precipitated under overpressure fluctuations, derived from fault-valve action. This corresponds to periodic reactivations of fault planes and bedding-controlled opening localized at sulphide-rich micro-shearing structures showing a normal movement. This process formed the main mineralized ore bodies by the single action of fluid overpressure fluctuations undergoing changes in local stress distribution.The last stage is associated with the formation of dextral strike-slip pull-apart infilled by large barite and contemporaneous hydrocarbons under suprahydrostatic pressure values. This final tectonic activation of fault is linked to late basinal fluids and hydrocarbon migration during which shear stress restoration on the fault plane is faster than fluid pressure build-up.This integrated study shows the interplay action between tectonic stress and fluid overpressure in fault reactivation during basin burial that clearly impact potential economic reservoirs.  相似文献   

Recent numerical modelling studies demonstrated how pre-existing (geologically older) fault geometries within a rock volume, strongly control both the distribution of strain and fluid flow patterns during extensional fault reactivation. Fault length is particularly important with larger faults tending to accommodate more strain than smaller faults in a given population. In this paper, we explore the effects of various pore fluid pressure gradients on strain distribution and fluid flow. Our 3D models consider a simple fault architecture, with four alternative initial pore pressure gradients based on case study data from the Timor Sea. The results indicate that, in addition to geometric factors, pore fluid pressure gradients have important effects on strain localisation and fluid flow behaviour during fault reactivation. Higher pore fluid pressure gradients lead to additional strain being accommodated and increased throws on larger faults. With lower initial pore fluid pressure gradients, less strain occurs on large faults and a greater portion of the bulk strain is partitioned onto smaller faults which develop relatively larger throws. Higher pore fluid pressures can temporarily lead to greater lateral fluid migration within the reservoir and greater upward fluid discharge along large reactivated faults. Local anomalous pore fluid pressures, such as a small lateral pore pressure gradient or local overpressure within a thin layer, do not strongly impact fault reactivation results. Only high overpressures in the whole regional system seem to markedly alter strain distribution during fault reactivation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of mud extrusion on the Mediterranean Ridge Accretionary Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Drilling two mud domes on the Mediterranean Ridge during ODP Leg 160 has demonstrated that the eruption of mud breccia began at least 1.5 Ma ago. An evolution through extrusive building of a cone, followed by successive eruptions of clast-bearing mud debris flows and subsequent subsidence can be deduced for both domes. Results from permeability and shear strength tests, grain size analyses, sedimentary textures, and clast provenance provide clues concerning the mechanism of mud volcanism. The collision of Africa with Eurasia resulted in backthrusting of the evaporite-dominated accretionary wedge against a rigid backstop. This allowed egress of overpressured fluid-rich mud of presumed Messinian age from the décollement, although many of the clasts may have originated from the overlying accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of abnormally high fluid pressures within sedimentary formations is critical for analysing hydrogeological processes and assessing drilling risks. We have constructed a two-dimensional basin model and have performed numerical simulations to increase the understanding of the history of fluid flow and shallow overpressures in the Pleistocene and Holocene formations in the Ursa basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico. We measured physical properties of sediments, such as porosity and permeability, in the laboratory and estimated in situ pore pressures from preconsolidation pressures. We obtained porosity–effective stress relationships from measurements of bulk density, grain density and preconsolidation pressures in the laboratory. Porosity–effective stress relationships were also obtained from downhole density logs and measured pore pressures. The porosity–effective stress and porosity–permeability relationships obtained were applied in two-dimensional basin simulations. Results showed that high pore pressures developed shortly after sediment deposition. Peaks in pore pressure ratios were related to high sedimentation rates of mass transport deposits and the incision of the Ursa channel. Lateral flows from the area where the overburden is thick towards the area where it is thin have occurred at least since 30 ka. Present pore pressure and temperature distributions suggest that lateral flows play a role in re-distributing heat in the basin.  相似文献   

Tectonic evolution of the Cape and Karoo basins of South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cape and Karoo basins formed within the continental interior of Gondwana. Subsidence resulted from the vertical motion of rigid basement blocks and intervening crustal faults. Each basin episode records a three-stage evolution consisting of crustal uplift, fault-controlled subsidence, and long periods of regional subsidence largely unaccompanied by faulting or erosional truncation. The large-scale episodes of subsidence were probably the result of lithospheric deflection due to subduction-driven mantle flow. The early Paleozoic Cape basin records the combined effects of a north-dipping intra-crustal décollement (a late Neoproterozoic suture) and a right-stepping offset between thick Rio de la Plata craton and Namaqua basement. Following the Saldanian orogeny, a suite of small rift basins and their post-rift drape formed at this releasing stepover. Great thicknesses of quartz sandstone (Ordovician–Silurian) and mudstone (Devonian) accumulation are attributed to subsidence by rheological weakening and mantle flow. In contrast, the Karoo basin is a cratonic cover that mimics the underlying basement blocks. The Permian Ecca and lower Beaufort groups were deposited in a southward-deepening ramp syncline by extensional decoupling on the intra-crustal décollement. Reflection seismic and deep-burial diagenetic studies indicate that the Cape orogeny started in the Early Triassic. Deformation was partitioned into basement-involved strike-slip faults and thin-skinned thrusting. Uplift of the Namaqua basement resulted in erosion of the Beaufort cover. East of the Cape fold belt, contemporaneous subsidence and tilting of the Natal basement created a late Karoo transtensional foreland basin, the Stormberg depocentre. Early Jurassic tectonic resetting and continental flood basalts terminated the Karoo basin.  相似文献   

The South China Sea is the largest marginal basin of SE Asia, yet its mechanism of formation is still debated. A 1000-km long wide-angle refraction seismic profile was recently acquired along the conjugate margins of the SW sub-basin of the South China Sea, over the longest extended continental crust. A joint reflection and refraction seismic travel time inversion is performed to derive a 2-D velocity model of the crustal structure and upper mantle. Based on this new tomographic model, northern and southern margins are genetically linked since they share common structural characteristics. Most of the continental crust deforms in a brittle manner. Two scales of deformation are imaged and correlate well with seismic reflection observations. Small-scale normal faults (grabens, horsts and rotated faults blocks) are often associated with a tilt of the velocity isocontours affecting the upper crust. The mid-crust shows high lateral velocity variation defining low velocity bodies bounded by large-scale normal faults recognized in seismic reflection profiles. Major sedimentary basins are located above low velocity bodies interpreted as hanging-wall blocks. Along the northern margin, spacing between these velocity bodies decreases from 90 to 45 km as the total crust thins toward the Continent–Ocean Transition. The Continent–Ocean Transitions are narrow and slightly asymmetric – 60 km on the northern side and no more than 30 km on the southern side – indicating little space for significant hyper-stretched crust. Although we have no direct indication for mantle exhumation, shallow high velocities are observed at the Continent–Ocean Transition. The Moho interface remains rather flat over the extended domain, and remains undisturbed by the large-scale normal faults. The main décollement is thus within the ductile lower crust.  相似文献   

Polygonal fault systems occur in numerous sedimentary basins worldwide, are generally located on passive margins in onlap fill units and tend to comprise the finest grained sediments in this geological setting. These fault systems have been most thoroughly described in the central North Sea basin and the detailed structure shows a significant correlation with lithological variations, both vertically and laterally. Extension measured in stacked decoupled tiers of polygonal faults correlates positively with both clay fraction and smectite content. Lateral facies variations are also observed and indicate that time-equivalent sequences upslope from the smectite-rich polygonally faulted sediments are coarse-grained, clay-poor and undeformed. This leads us to believe that the structure and geometry of the fault system are controlled by the colloidal nature of the sediments, and that the volumetric contraction measured on seismic sections can be accounted for by syneresis of colloidal smectitic gels during early compaction. Syneresis results from the spontaneous contraction of a sedimentary gel without evaporation of the constituent pore fluid. This process occurs due to the domination of interparticle attractive forces in marine clays, dependent on environment, and is governed by the change of gel permeability and viscosity with progressive compaction. The process of syneresis can account for a number of structural features observed within the fault systems, such as tiers of faults, the location of maximum fault throw and growth components at upper fault tips. As such, this paper represents the first attempt to correlate microscale properties of clay-rich sediments to their macroscale seismic character.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous carbonates cropping out in the Murge Plateau are good analogues of the fractured and faulted carbonate oil reservoirs of southern Italy. For this reason, a detailed field analysis focused on structural architecture of fault and fracture networks has been carried out in the Murge Plateau. The well-bedded carbonates exposed there are crosscut by a set of bed-parallel stylolites and two sets of bed-perpendicular cross-orthogonal joints/veins. These structural elements were likely formed under vertical loading during burial diagenesis and flexure of the Apulian foreland of the Southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt. Bed-parallel stylolites and bed-perpendicular cross-orthogonal joints/veins represent the background deformation that was overprinted by the fault-related localized deformation. The fault sets documented in the study area are arranged in two kinematically-compatible fault networks. The first one is made up of WNW-ESE and NNW-SSE oriented strike-slip faults, right- and left-lateral, respectively, and NW–SE oriented normal faults. The second fault network consists of WNW-ESE oriented left-lateral strike-slip faults, and NE–SW oriented normal faults.First, both architecture and dimensional parameters of the fault and fracture networks have been characterized and computed by means of statistical analysis. Then, the permeability structures associated to the aforementioned networks have been assessed in order to determine the role exerted by fault architecture and dissolution/cementation processes on the fluid storage and migration pathways within the studied platform carbonates. Network 1 faults show a quite variable fluid behavior, in which the fluid flow is strongly affected by inherited structural elements and karst dissolution, whereas network 2 faults show a more uniform, fluid conduit behavior.  相似文献   

The Baiyun Sag, situated at the north continental slope of the South China Sea, is a main sub-unit in the Southern Depression Belt of the Pearl River Mouth Basin. In this Sag, the middle Eocene Wenchang and upper Eocene–lower Oligocene Enping Formations had developed in the evolution stage of continental faulted basin. Seismic stratigraphic sequences and fault structures revealed that the Baiyun Sag was short of long-reaching boundary faults, and that it was a rifted basin greatly influenced by basement faults rather than a typical half-graben. Different from the sags in Northern Depression Belt of the Pearl River Mouth Basin which controlled by large-scale NEE-strike faults, the Baiyun Sag had been controlled by two groups of NWW-strike en echelon fault belts with approximate opposite dips, which developed in the southwest and northeast of this Sag respectively and had played the roles of boundary faults. These en echelon faults, together with narrow synclines, partial flower structures and fluid diapirs, indicated the left-lateral transtensional activities, which had resulted in subsidence center departing to main faults and stretching S-shaped. Moreover, the en echelon faults had constructed many composite transfer zones of relay ramps, and controlled the distribution of sandbodies. The en echelon fault belts are located in accordance with Nw-striking Mesozoic basement faults. Hence the left-lateral transtensional activities were responsible for the Western Pacific Plate subducting and strike slip reactivation of the basement faults. Significantly, NW-striking basement faults had forcefully determined the development of not only the Baiyun Sag but also the Xingning Sag.  相似文献   

To provide a better understanding of sedimentary basin geological history, it is important to describe correctly the evolution of the various physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of clayey rocks as a function of burial depth. As a contribution to this field, a programme of experimental studies on reworked clay samples compacted under various load pressures in oedometric conditions has been set up. The evolution of samples under compaction was followed with microscopic and macroscopic measurements. In a specially designed oedometric cell, samples are compacted under different total stresses from 0.1 to 50 MPa. In this cell, cylindrical cores are submitted to progressive loading from both ends under controlled pore pressure conditions. The symmetrical loading allows more even deformation about the midplane of the sample. This device allows the evolution of hydraulic pressure, radial stress, displacement and expelled pore fluid to be followed as a function of time. In a first step, kaolinite was chosen because it retains a high permeability (compared with other clays such as illite or smectite), which allows compaction tests to be performed within a few days. A complete set of measurements was performed after the tests. These measurements are: (1) micro-structures investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), mercury porosimetry, water removal under low water vapour pressure, granulometry and specific area measured by ethylene glycol adsorption; and (2) various physical parameters measured including hydraulic conductivity and thermal conductivity. TEM gives an understanding of the arrangement of particles. It was found that each particle is composed of several crystal units, each unit formed by ≈25 individual kaolinite layers. During compaction, these particles remain undeformed, but are rotated. The angular distribution of grain orientation is a function of the applied effective stress. This reorientation is in agreement with the observed decrease in porosity and pore size. It also explains the occurrence of a strong anisotropy in the thermal conductivity and hydraulic permeability. The combination of these experimental results allows a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the behaviour of kaolinite with respect to parameters such as permeability, porosity, mechanical and thermal properties, the knowledge of which are necessary for basin modelling.  相似文献   

宁镇山脉的褶皱带被一系列横断层分割为褶断段。横断层相邻的断块,无论是褶皱的形态、纵断层的数目、规模和断距等特征沿纵向跨越横断层均存在不连续性的跃变,表明这些横断层是早于褶皱或与之伴生的纵断层而存在,并对各断块内发育的地质构造起到限制作用。因横断层作为较早的边界,后期的挤压在被分割的各块段内可以是有差异的,导致宁镇褶皱带在总体上的一致性,分段上的有特殊性。  相似文献   

To predict reservoir pore pressure, we present a one-dimensional flow model that captures complicated two- and three-dimensional flow present in a dipping permeable reservoir encased in overpressured mudrock. The model incorporates the variation of mudrock permeability with effective stress and includes the effect of reservoir geometry. We find that reservoir pressure is lower when stress-dependent mudrock permeability is assumed relative to the case of constant mudrock permeability. Increased structural relief further reduces the reservoir pressure relative to the far-field pressure and increased effective stress (pore pressure is lower relative to the overburden) results in increased reservoir pressure relative to the far-field pressure. If a large fraction of the reservoir area is in deeper areas where the mudrocks are more overpressured, then the relative pressure is higher than cases where the reservoir area remains constant with depth. The model results compare favorably both to pressures predicted by a more complex numerical model that simulates basin evolution and to field observations in the Bullwinkle Basin (Green Canyon 65, Gulf of Mexico). Our model provides a quick workflow to predict excess pressures in dipping reservoirs encased in mudrock within mechanically-compacted basins. It can be used to analyze trap integrity, understand hydrocarbon migration, and improve drilling safety.  相似文献   

From outcrops located in Provence (South-East France), we describe the distribution, the microstructures, and the petrophysical properties of deformation band networks related to both contractional and extensional tectonic events. In contraction, pervasively distributed networks of reverse-sense compactional shear bands are observed in all folded sand units of the foreland, whereas localized networks of clustered reverse-sense shear bands are only observed close to a large-scale thrust. In extensional setting, networks of clustered normal-sense shear bands are generally observed adjacent to map-scale faults (100 m–10 km scale), although some randomly distributed bands are also observed between these faults. Normal-sense cataclastic faults, i.e. zone of deformation bands containing a localized slip-surface, are also observed to be restricted to sand units, suggesting that faults initiated in the sands during extension, but not during contraction. Shear bands and faults show cataclastic microstructures with high-permeability reduction whereas compactional shear bands show crush microbreccia or protocataclastic microstructures with moderate permeability reduction. This basin-scale analysis underlines the major role of tectonic settings (thrust-fault versus normal-fault andersonian-stress regime) and the influence of inherited large-scale faults on the formation/localization of low-permeability shear bands. We also provide a geometrical analysis of the band network properties (spacing, thickness, shear/compaction ratio, degree of cataclasis, petrophysical properties) with respect to the median grain size, porosity and grain sorting of host sand. This analysis suggests that grain size, although less important than stress-state conditions and the presence of large-scale faults, has a non-negligible effect on band network geometry. No correlations are observed between the grain sorting, porosity and band network geometry.  相似文献   

The stress system induced the weight of a sediment and the pore fluid it contains, termed the passive stress system, is capable of deforming the sediment. This volumetric deformation is examined with respect to the evolution of porosity and permeability during burial. The effect of this self deformation on the shape of growth faults and normal faults in extensional terrains is considered.  相似文献   

通过对平北地区三维地震构造解释,阐述了平北地区主要地质界面的地震反射层特征;通过对地震剖面的系统研究,分析了平北地区在三大鼻状构造背景上,受断裂影响和控制形成的团结亭断背斜、宝云亭断垒带、武云亭、孔雀亭、来鹤亭等断块群的构造特征;刻画了平北地区断层的性质和平面分布特征;并对该地区构造演化作了分析。  相似文献   

1 Introduction D iapiric structures are an im portant andw idespread structural style in m any tectonic settings(Ism ail-Zadeh etal.,2001),including m agm a diapirs,salt diapirs, m ud diapirs, and serpentinite diapirs.C om pared w ith the form ertw o,m ud diapirism in sedi-m ents is rarely reported and studied although it hasbeen know n for a long tim e both on land and underthe sea.H ow ever,w ith the geologicalinvestigations ofO D P and related on-land studies of accretionaryprism s, m ud…  相似文献   

During compressive events, deformation in sedimentary basins is mainly accommodated by thrust faulting and related fold growth. Thrust faults are generally rooted in the basement and may act as conduits or barriers for crustal fluid flow. Most of recent studies suggest that fluid flow through such discontinuities is not apparent and depends on the structural levels of the thrust within the fold-and-thrust belt.In order to constrain the paleofluid flow through the Jaca thrust-sheet-top basin (Paleogene southwest-Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt) this study compares on different thrust faults located at different structural levels. The microstructures in the different fault zones studied are similar and consist of pervasive cleavage, calcite shear veins (SV1), extension veins (EV1) and late dilatation veins (EV3). In order to constrain the nature and the source of fluids involved in fluid-rock interactions within fault zones, a geochemical approach, based on oxygen and carbon stable isotope and trace element compositions of calcite from different vein generations and host rocks was adopted. The results suggest a high complexity in the paleohydrological behaviors of thrust faults providing evidence for a fluid-flow compartmentalization within the basin. Previous studies in the southern part of the Axial Zone (North of the Jaca basin) indicates a circulation of deep metamorphic water, probably derived from the Paleozoic basement, along fault zones related to the major basement Gavarnie thrust. In contrast, in northern part of the Jaca basin, the Monte Perdido thrust fault is affected by a closed hydrological fluid system involving formation water during its activity. The Jaca and Cotiella thrust faults, in turn, both located more to the south in the basin, are characterized by a composite fluid flow system. Indeed, stable isotope and trace element compositions of the first generations of calcite veins suggest a relatively closed paleohydrological system, whereas the late calcite vein generations, which are probably associated with the late tectonic activity of the basin, support a contribution of both meteoric and marine waters. Based on these results, a schematic fluid-flow model is presented. This model allows visualization of three main fluid flow compartments along a N–S transect.  相似文献   

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