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In addition to Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs), as detected by microlensing, cold molecular clouds (mainly ofH 2) may well contribute substantially to the galactic halo dark matter. Here, we argue that the existence of such halo clouds can be inferred from the observation of absorption lines (due to heavy molecules located in the clouds themselves) towards stars of the Large Magellanic Cloud, which lie very close, within 1, to a previously microlensed one.The possibility of clusters of MACHOs has been investigated by several authors (see e.g. Carr and Lacey, 1987; Ashman, 1990; Eichler and Silk, 1992 and Wasserman and Salpeter, 1994).  相似文献   

Detailed studies of the internal motions of dark clouds using spectral lines of many molecules require a laboratory frequency accuracy of the order of a few m s?1. Based on our laboratory studies of the HNCO rotational spectrum in the ground vibrational state, we have increased significantly the accuracy of frequency calculation in a wide range of quantum numbers. We have achieved an (1σ) uncertainty for rotational transitions in the K a = 0, 1 states recalculated to the Doppler velocity scale ≤2 m s?1 for all frequencies <1.1 THz. This value allows radio-astronomical measurements with an accuracy comparable to that of the highest-precision observations based on spectral lines of other molecules.  相似文献   

Observations of fluctuations in the redshifted 21-cm radiation from neutral hydrogen (H  i ) are perceived to be an important future probe of the universe at high redshifts. Under the assumption that at redshifts   z ≤ 6  (post-reionization era) the H  i traces the underlying dark matter with a possible bias, we investigate the possibility of using observations of redshifted 21-cm radiation to detect the bispectrum arising from non-linear gravitational clustering and from non-linear bias. We find that the expected signal is ∼ 0.1  mJy at  325  MHz ( z = 3.4)  for the small baselines at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, the strength being a few times larger at higher frequencies  (610 MHz, z = 1.3)  . Further, the magnitude of the signal from the bispectrum is predicted to be comparable to that from the power spectrum, allowing a detection of both in roughly the same integration time. The H  i signal is found to be uncorrelated beyond frequency separations of ∼1.3 MHz whereas the continuum sources of contamination are expected to be correlated across much larger frequencies. This signature can in principle be used to distinguish the H  i signal from the contamination. We also consider the possibility of using observations of the bispectrum to determine the linear and quadratic bias parameters of the H  i at high redshifts, this having possible implications for theories of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We report the first detection of interstellar nitrogen sulfide (NS) in cold dark clouds. Several components of the 2 pi 1/2, J = 3/2 --> 1/2 and J = 5/2 --> 3/2 transitions were observed in TMC-1 and L134N. The inferred column density for TMC-1 is NNS approximately 8 x 10(12)cm-2 toward the NH3 peak in that cloud, and in L134N is NNS approximately 3 x 10(12)cm-2 toward the position of peak NH3 emission. These values correspond to fractional abundances relative to molecular hydrogen of fNS approximately 8 x 10(-10) for TMC-1, and fNS approximately 6 x 10(-10) for L134N. The NS emission is extended along the TMC-1 ridge and is also extended in L134N. The measured abundances are significantly higher than those predicted by some recent gas phase ion-molecule models.  相似文献   

How dark is it inside a dark cloud? If—as is currently believed-interstellar extinction at UV wavelengths is mainly due to scattering with a strongly forward throwing phase-function, the interior of a dark cloud may be much better illuminated at UV wavelengths than its measured extinction would suggest. We consider the penetration of radiation into a dark cloud against scattering and absorption by grains; and we define a new group property for interstellar grains, the exclusion optical depth τd. τd is a measure of the ability of the grains to exclude radiation from the interior of an externally illuminated cloud. Radiation—as measured by the radiation energy density-penetrates the cloud approximately as if against pure absorption only, with effective optical depth τd. Thus τd is a conceptually and numerically useful quantity when estimating the role of UV radiation in the thermal and chemical balance within a dark cloud. Computations are made of the radiation fields in (1200, 4500) Å, at the centres of dark clouds with measured visual extinctions. It is found that even in very dark clouds, the radiation energy density in (1200, 1800) Å may be significant, due to the high grain albedo at these short wavelengths.  相似文献   

Gravitational settling of dust grains in dark clouds has been considered. It has been shown that such a process gives rise to a modification of the grain size distribution. Starting with a simple model of uniform spherical cloud and normal interstellar grain size distribution for the dust we derive expressions for the modified grain size distribution function, average grain size and extinction as functions of distance from the cloud's center and the age of the cloud. The mean grain size increases towards the center of the cloud as does the extinction. Results of the numerical evaluation of these quantities have been discussed with their implications for the observations of anomalous reddening and polarization within dark clouds and Bok globules.  相似文献   

Strömgren uvbyβ photometry observations obtained for 205 stars in the general direction of a void in the IRAS 100-μm emission from the Lupus dark cloud complex are presented and analysed. The colour excess versus distance diagram confirms the existence of a region depleted from interstellar material, which is also seen in the ROSAT soft X-ray background emission map. The distance to the surrounding material is estimated as being within the interval from 60 to 100 pc. This result is in disagreement with previous distance estimates to the supposed supernova that has been suggested as responsible for clearing the region from dust. As an alternative, the data presented support the suggestion that the void may have been produced by the detachment of material from the interface between Loop I and the Local Bubble as a consequence of hydromagnetic instabilities. Moreover, the distribution of colour excess as a function of distance supports a value of ∼150 pc as the most probable distance to the dark cloud known as Lupus 1.  相似文献   

The interstellar reddening law in the Taurus dark clouds is investigated from visual, infrared, and ground based ultraviolet photometric observations of heavily reddened stars HD 29647, HDE 283701, and HDE 283812. The star HD 29647 located in the center of a very dense dark cloud Khavtassi 278 shows a reddening law which is anomalous in the wavelengths shorter than 400 nm. When combined with observations by Snow and Seab from the IUE it can be represented by a single straight line from 1 m to 250 nm. Other two stars situated in less dense parts of the Taurus dark clouds show normal reddening law.  相似文献   

SIXE (Spanish Italian X-ray Experiment) is an X-ray detector withgeometric area of 2300 cm2, formed by four identical gas-filledMulticell Proportional Counters, and devoted to study the long termspectroscopy of selected X-ray sources in the energy range 3–50 keV. Themain characteristics of SIXE are: time accuracy of 1 microsecond,spectral resolution of 5% for E > 35 keV and 46/E% for E <35 keV, continuum sensitivity (3 in 105 s) of 2 ×10-6 ph cm-2 s-1 keV-1, and line sensitivity (3in 105 s) of 8 × 10-6 ph cm-2 s-1. The size of theinstruments and the requirements of the payload (weight 103 kg, fulldimensions 660 × 660 × 450 mm3, power budget < 60 W,on-board memory 2 Gbits, telemetry rate < 100 kbps) make this experimentfully compatible with the MINISAT platform.The main scientific goal of SIXE is the study of short and long termvariability of some of the most important X-ray sources. To do that a fewselected extragalactic and galactic X-ray sources will be selected toperform a dedicated and extensive monitoring program. The mission willprovide in this way the unique opportunity for the study of X-ray sourceswith a temporal accuracy of 1 microsecond all through the time range10-5 :107 s.  相似文献   

We present results from powerful new method to study the structure of dense molecular clouds on an unprecedent column density range of 0.5 < AV < 50 magnitudes (1021 < N < 1023 cm-2). The application of the method to Barnard 68 leads to the discovery of the best example in nature of a Bonnor-Ebert sphere.  相似文献   

Irvine WM  Ohishi M  Kaifu N 《Icarus》1991,91(1):2-6
The Sun may well have formed in the type of interstellar cloud currently referred to as a cold, dark cloud. We present current tabulations of the totality of known interstellar molecules and of the subset which have been identified in cold clouds. Molecular abundances are given for two such clouds which show interesting chemical differences in spite of strong physical similarities, Taurus Molecular Cloud 1 (TMC-1) and Lynd's 134N (L134N, also referred to as L183). These regions may be at different evolutionary stages.  相似文献   

A magnetohydrodynamic model of a steady, transverse C-type shock in a dense molecular cloud is presented. A complete gas–grain chemical network is taken into account: the gas-phase chemistry, the adsorption of gas species on dust grains, various desorption mechanisms, the grain surface chemistry, the ion neutralization on dust grains, the sputtering of grain mantles. The population densities of energy levels of ions CI, CII and OI and molecules H2, CO, H2O are computed in parallel with the dynamical and chemical rate equations. The large velocity gradient approximation is used in the line radiative transfer calculations. The simulations consist of two steps: (i) modelling of the chemical and thermal evolution of a static molecular cloud and (ii) shock simulations. A comparison is made with the results of publicly available models of similar physical systems.The focus of the paper is on the chemical processing of gas material and ice mantles of dust grains by the shock. Sputtering of ice mantles takes place in the shock region close to the temperature peak of the neutral gas. At high shock speeds, molecules ejected from ice mantles are effectively destroyed in hot gas, and their survival time is low—of the order of dozens of years. After a passage of high-speed C-type shock, a zone of high abundance of atomic hydrogen appears in the cooling postshock gas that triggers formation of complex organic species such as methanol. It is shown that abundances of some complex organic molecules (COMs) in the postshock region can be much higher than in the preshock gas. These results are important for interpretation of observations of COMs in protostellar outflows.  相似文献   

Lack of reliable estimates of distances to most of the local dark clouds has, so far, prevented a quantitative study of their kinematics. Using a statistical approach, we have been able to extract the average spatial distribution as well as the kinematical behaviour of the local dark clouds from their measured radial velocities. For this purpose, we have obtained radial velocities for 115 southern clouds and used the data from the literature for the northern ones. In this paper we present this new data, analyse the combined data and compare our results with those arrived at by earlier studies. The local clouds are found to be expanding at a speed of ∼ 4 kms-1 which is in general agreement with the estimates from optical and HI studies. However, it is found that the kinematics of the local clouds is not described by the model proposed for the local HI gas where a ring of gas expanding from a point gets sheared by the galactic rotation. Rather, the observed distribution of their radial velocities is best understood in terms of a model in which the local clouds are participating in circular rotation appropriate to their present positions with a small expansion also superimposed. This possibly implies that cloud-cloud collisions are important. The spatial distribution of clouds derived using such a model is in good agreement with the local dust distribution obtained from measurements of reddening and extinction towards nearby stars. In particular, a region of size ∼ 350 pc in diameter enclosing the Sun is found to be devoid of clouds. Intriguingly, most clouds in the longitude range 100‡ to 145‡ appear to have negative radial velocities implying that they are approaching us. Carried out under the auspices of the Joint Astronomy Program, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

We are using the newIRAS Sky Survey Atlas to construct a catalog of Galactic dark clouds and their associated Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). FromIRAS 100 and 60µm data we calculate images of the 100µm optical depth distribution in the clouds. Using theIRAS Faint Source Catalog we identify sources which have colors indicative of YSOs and have positions that lie inside cloud boundaries in the optical depth images. Here we present some preliminary results of applying this analysis to the Chamaeleon dark cloud complex.  相似文献   

We present the first results of a submillimetre continuum survey of Lynds dark clouds. Submillimetre surveys of star-forming regions are an important tool with which to obtain representative samples of the very first phases of star formation. Maps of 24 small clouds were obtained with SCUBA, the bolometer array receiver at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and 19 clouds were detected. The total dark cloud area surveyed was ∼130 arcmin2, and a total gas mass of 90 M was detected. The dust emission is in general in good agreement with the extinction of optical starlight. The observed clouds contain a newly discovered protostar in L944, and a previously known protostar IRAS 23228+4320 in L1246. Another eight starless cores, either gravitationally unbound or pre-stellar in nature, were also detected. All starless cores and protostars were detected in only seven clouds, and the remaining 17 clouds seem quiescent and do not show any signs of recent star formation activity. The 850-μm images of all detected clouds are presented, as well as 450-μm images of L328, L944, L1014 and L1262. The outflows of the protostars in L944 and L1246 were also discovered and were mapped in 12CO J =2→1. The detection of the young protostar in L944, which is not present in the IRAS Point Source Catalog, shows the capacity of submillimetre surveys to detect unknown protostars.  相似文献   

H2(13)CO has been detected for the first time toward cold dark molecular clouds using the NRAO 12 m telescope. The H2(13)CO ortho/para abundance ratio R for B335, which we report as R approximately 1.7, suggests equilibrium at the local kinetic temperature and appears to be distinctly different from that for both TMC-1 and L134N, where R is close to or higher than the statistical value 3. Since only B335 among the observed positions includes an imbedded IR source, this difference may result from heating of the grain surfaces, providing the energy necessary for desorption of formaldehyde formed on the grains.  相似文献   

S.V.M. Clube  W.M. Napier 《Icarus》1985,62(3):384-388
The observed properties of the long-period comet system, and its periodic disturbance by galactic forces manifesting as terrestrial impact episodes, may be indicative of a comet capture/escape cycle as the Solar System orbits the Galaxy. A mean number density of comets in molecular clouds of ~10?1±1 AU?3 is implied. This is sufficient to deplete metals from the gaseous component of the interstellar medium, as observed, but leads to the problem of how stars are formed nevertheless with solar metal abundances. Formation of comets prior to stars in dense systems of near-zero energy may be indicated, and isotope signatures in cometary particles may be diagnostic of conditions in young spiral arm material.  相似文献   

We have studied the behavior of the inner motions of OH, H2CO, and CO molecular clouds. This study shows the existence of two main components of these clouds: the narrow one, associated to dense small clouds and a wide one representing the large diffuse clouds seen in neutral hydrogen, the large clouds are the vortex and intermediate state between turbulent and hydrodynamic motions in the Galaxy.For the dense clouds with sizesd<10 pc we have found a relationship d 0.38 consistent with the Kolmogorov law of turbulence; the densities and sizes of these clouds behave asnd –1. This last relation for these molecular clouds is compared with theHII one. Also, we discuss the effects of the inner magnetic field in these clouds.  相似文献   

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