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We report on time-resolved spectroscopic observations of the SU Ursae Majoris dwarf nova, YZ Cnc for over 11 h on two nights during its 2002 January superoutburst. The spectra on the first day only showed absorption-line profiles, while on the second day the lines showed "W" profiles with blue and red troughs. The radial velocity curve of the absorption troughs and emission peaks of Hβ has an amplitude of 49±10 km s-1 and a phase offset of -0.07±0.04, which are very similar to those measured in quiescence. However, the γ velocity deviates strongly from the systemic velocity measured in quiescence, by some ±60 km s-1. Large shifts of -70 km s-1 in the orbital-averaged velocity and -0.09 in the phase are also found in our observations. All these features can be well explained by a precessing, eccentric disk.  相似文献   

We report on time-resolved photometry carried out during the 1995 short outburst and the 1997 long outburst in the eclipsing dwarf nova DV UMa. The revised orbital period is 0.0858526172 (67) d. We detected gigantic superhumps with an amplitude of ∼0.6 mag in the mid-phase of the 1997 outburst, revealing the SU UMa nature of DV UMa. The superhump period is 0.0887 (4) d. The superhumps became less clear during the late phase of the superoutburst, and we found two possible periods of 0.0885 (15) and 0.0764 (15). During both outbursts, the eclipse was wide and shallow near the maximum, and then became narrower and deeper, which is qualitatively well explained by the current disc instability theory.  相似文献   

The optical light of the symbiotic binary BF Cyg during its last eruption after 2006 shows orbital variations because of an eclipse of the outbursting compact object. The first orbital minimum is deeper than the following ones. Moreover, the Balmer profiles of this system acquired additional satellite components indicating a bipolar collimated outflow at one time between the first and second orbital minima. This behaviour is interpreted in the framework of the model of a collimated stellar wind from the outbursting object. It is supposed that one extended disc‐like envelope covering the accretion disc of the compact object and collimating its stellar wind forms in the period between the first and second minima. The uneclipsed part of this envelope is responsible for the decrease of the depth of the orbital minimum. The calculated UBVRCIC fluxes of this uneclipsed part are in agreement with the observed residual of the depths of the first and second orbital minima. The parameters of the envelope require that it is the main emitting region of the line Hα but the Hα profile is less determined from its rotation and mostly from other mechanisms. It is concluded that the envelope is a transient nebular region and its destruction determines the increase of the depth of the orbital minimum with fading of the optical light. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

I consider X-ray emitting clusters of galaxies in the context of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). Self-gravitating isothermal gas spheres are not good representations of rich clusters; the X-ray luminosity at a given temperature is typically an order of magnitude larger than observed, and the predicted X-ray surface brightness distribution is not well-matched by the standard 'β-model' fits to the observations. Pure gas spheres with a density distribution described by a β-model also fail because, with MOND, these objects are far from isothermal and again overluminous. These problems may be resolved by adding an additional dark mass component in the central regions, here modelled by a constant density sphere contained within two core radii and having a mass typically of one to two times the total cluster mass in the gas. With this additional component, the observed luminosity–temperature relation for clusters of galaxies is reproduced, and the typical mass discrepancy in actual clusters is three to four times smaller than implied by Newtonian dynamics. Thus, while MOND significantly reduces the mass of the dark component in clusters it does not remove it completely. I speculate on the nature of the dark component and argue that neutrinos, with mass near the experimental upper limit are a possible candidate.  相似文献   

Inflow kinematics at the inner Lagrangian point L1, gas compressibility, and physical turbulent viscosity play a fundamental role on accretion disc dynamics and structure in a close binary (CB). Physical viscosity supports the accretion disc development inside the primary gravitational potential well, developing the gas radial transport, converting mechanical energy into heat. The Stellar‐Mass‐Ratio (SMR) between the compact primary and the secondary star (M1/M2) is also effective, not only in the location of the inner Lagrangian point, but also in the angular kinematics of the mass transfer and in the geometry ofthe gravitational potential wells. In this work we pay attention in particular to the role ofthe SMR, evaluating boundaries, separating theoretical domains in compressibility‐viscosity graphs where physical conditions allow a well‐bound disc development, as a function ofmass transfer kinematic conditions. In such domains, the lower is the gas compressibility (the higher the polytropic index γ), the higher is the physical viscosity (α) requested. In this work, we show how the boundaries of such domains vary as a function of M1/M2. Conclusions as far as dwarf novae outbursts are concerned, induced by mass transfer rate variations, are also reported. The smaller M1/M2, the shorter the duration of the active‐to‐quiet and vice‐versa transitional phases. Time‐scales are of the order of outburst duration of SU Uma, OY Car, Z Cha and SS Cyg‐like objects. Moreover, conclusions as far as active‐quiet‐active phenomena in a CB, according to viscous‐thermal instabilities, in accordance to such domains, are also reported (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report a V band photometry of the SU UMa star IR Gem at quiescence in January 2002. The observations were made with two telescopes spaced - 160° apart in longitude. Several photometric modulations have been found. One gives a period of 98.50(13) min, exactly equal to the orbital period determined spectroscopically. Two others occasionally strengthen and seem to be positive and negative superhumps with periods of 103.6(4) and 95.4(4) min, 5.2% longer and 3.1% shorter than the orbital period, respectively. A signal at - 0.6 c/d in the power spectrum is roughly consistent with the expected period of nodal precession of the disk. There is a puzzling peak at 0.21(3) c/d corresponding to the - 4.3 d sine wave seen in the raw light curve. We suspect it to be a beat frequency between the frequencies of apsidal and nodal precessions of the disk. Quasi-periodic cycles with amplitudes 0.15-0.6 mag can be seen in the light curve. The mechanism underlying this modulation is not clear.  相似文献   

We present high- and medium-resolution spectroscopic observations of the cataclysmic variable BF Eridani (BF Eri) during its low and bright states. The orbital period of this system was found to be 0.270881(3) d. The secondary star is clearly visible in the spectra through the absorption lines of the neutral metals Mg  i , Fe  i and Ca  i . Its spectral type was found to be K3±0.5. A radial velocity study of the secondary yielded a semi-amplitude of   K 2= 182.5 ± 0.9 km s−1  . The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the white dwarf was found to be   K 1= 74 ± 3 km s−1  from the motion of the wings of the Hα and Hβ emission lines. From these parameters, we have obtained that the secondary in BF Eri is an evolved star with a mass of  0.50–0.59 M  , whose size is about 30 per cent larger than a zero-age main-sequence single star of the same mass. We also show that BF Eri contains a massive white dwarf  ( M 1≥ 1.2 M)  , which allows us to consider the system as a Type Ia supernova progenitor. BF Eri also shows a high γ-velocity  (γ=−94 km s−1)  and substantial proper motion. With our estimation of the distance to the system  ( d ≈ 700 ± 200 pc)  , this corresponds to a space velocity of ∼350 km s−1 with respect to the dynamical local standard of rest. The cumulative effect of repeated nova eruptions with asymmetric envelope ejection might explain the high space velocity of the system. We analyse the outburst behaviour of BF Eri and question the current classification of the system as a dwarf nova. We propose that BF Eri might be an old nova exhibiting 'stunted' outbursts.  相似文献   

From archived and recent high-speed photometry of VW Hyi we find dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs) occasionally present throughout outburst, evolving from a 14.06-s period at maximum to >40 s near the end of outburst. A relatively slow increase of period is followed by a rapid increase and a subsequent decrease.
Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are seen at periods of hundreds of seconds. For the first time, the evolution of a QPO period is seen, increasing steadily during the final decline of an outburst. The occasional presence of two DNOs, separated in frequency by the QPO frequency, suggests reprocessing of the rotating DNO beam by a 'wall' rotating progradely in the disc at the QPO period.  相似文献   

We present the results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the central region of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. Time-series photometry was obtained for 30 variable objects. The sample includes 12 new objects, of which six show periodic light curves and two are eclipsing binaries of unknown period. Six variables possess certain and three possess likely X-ray counterparts detected with the Chandra observatory. Among them, four are cataclysmic variables and one is a foreground eclipsing binary. The cataclysmic variable CV2 exhibited a likely dwarf nova type outburst in 2003 May. The cataclysmic variable CV3 was observed at  18.5 < V < 20.0  during five observing runs, but went into a low state in 2003 May when it reached   V > 22  . We have found that the light curve of the optical companion to the millisecond pulsar PSR J1740−5340 exhibits noticeable changes of its amplitude on a time-scale of a few months. A shallow eclipse with  Δ V = 0.03 mag  was detected in one of the cluster turn-off stars suggesting the presence of a large planet or brown dwarf in orbit.  相似文献   

We report on the detection of negative superhumps in KR Aur, a typical VY Scl star. The observations were obtained with a multi-channel photometer over 107 h. The analysis of the data clearly revealed brightness variations with a period of 3.771 (±0.005) h. This is 3.5 per cent shorter than P orb, suggesting that the observed oscillation is a negative superhump. Negative superhumps in VY Scl stars are widespread. The discovery of powerful soft X-rays from V751 Cyg suggests that VY Scl stars may contain white dwarfs, on to which nuclear burning of the accreted material occurs. If this suspicion is correct, it is possible that the powerful radiation emerging from the white dwarf may cause a tilt of the accretion disc to the orbital plane, and its retrograde precession may produce the negative superhumps seen in VY Scl stars.  相似文献   

We briefly summarise the observational properties of ultra‐compact binaries called AM CVn stars. We analyse their outbursts originating from the thermal‐viscous instability in helium accretion disc. We present our preliminary results in applying the model of Dwarf Novae outbursts to helium discs. We can calculate models of outbursts of reasonable amplitude of 2 mag with a constant α parameter throughout the calculation. Setting the mass transfer rate close to its upper critical value produces model lightcurves that resemble short superoutbursts (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present observations of dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs), longer-period dwarf nova oscillations (lpDNOs), and quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in 13 cataclysmic variable stars. In the six systems, WW Cet, BP CrA, BR Lup, HP Nor, AG Hya and V1193 Ori, rapid, quasi-coherent oscillations are detected for the first time. For the remainder of the systems discussed, we have observed more classes of oscillations, in addition to the rapid oscillations they were already known to display, or previously unknown aspects of the behaviour of the oscillations. The period of a QPO in RU Peg is seen to change by 84 per cent over the 10 nights of the decline from outburst – the largest evolution of a QPO period observed to date. A period–luminosity relation similar to the relation that has long been known to apply to DNOs is found for lpDNOs in X Leo; this is the first clear case of the lpDNO frequency scaling with accretion luminosity. WX Hyi and V893 Sco are added to the small list of dwarf novae that have shown oscillations in quiescence.  相似文献   

In this short paper, we suggest that the missing boundary layer luminosity of dwarf novae in quiescence is released mainly in the ultraviolet (UV) as the second component commonly identified in the far-UV as the 'accretion belt'. We present the well-studied SU UMa-type system VW Hyi in detail as a prototype for such a scenario. We consider detailed multiwavelength observations and in particular the recent Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) observations of VW Hyi in quiescence, which confirm the presence of a second component (the 'accretion belt') in the far-UV spectrum. The temperature  (≈ 50 000 K)  and rotational velocity  (≈ 3000 km s −1)  of this second component are entirely consistent with the optically thick region  (τ≈ 1)  located just at the outer edge of optically thin boundary layer in the simulations of Popham. This second component contributes about 20 per cent of the far-UV flux. Using geometrical assumptions and taking into account the X-ray luminosity, we find that the total boundary layer luminosity sums up to   L BL= (0.53 ± 0.25) L disc  , while the theory (Kluźniak) predicts, for the rotation rate of VW Hyi's white dwarf,   L BL≈ (0.76 ± 0.03) L disc  . About one-fifth of the boundary layer energy is emitted in the X-ray and the remaining is emitted in the UV. This scenario is consistent with the recent simultaneous X-ray and UV observations of VW Hyi by Pandel, Córdova & Howell, from which we deduce here that the viscosity in the boundary layer region must be of the order of  ν≈ 1013–1014 cm2 s −1  , depending on the white dwarf mass and the size of the boundary layer.  相似文献   

We present the results of 10 years of photometric CCD observations of the intermediate polar V709 Cas obtained by using different instruments during 2003–2013. We detected a new variability with a period of Pnew = 0.d016449979(5) which seems to be real. The spin variability is not clearly seen in all our data, so we are unable to study any evolution of the white dwarf rotation. From the best night (in 2010) we obtained a spin period of Pspin = 311.s8(5). We analyzed the orbital variability using (OC) analysis. We found no variations of the orbital period on a timescale of 10 years, but the linear fit to the (OC) diagram shows that the value of the orbital period is Porb = 0.d2222123(6), which is close to the earlier published values. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Intermediate-resolution (0.5–1 Å) optical spectroscopy of the cataclysmic variable (CV) SY Cnc reveals the spectrum of the donor star. Our data enable us to resolve the orbital motion of the donor and provide a new orbital solution, binary mass ratio and spectral classification. We find that the donor star has spectral-type G8 ± 2 V and orbits the white dwarf with   P = 0.382 3753 ± 0.000 0003  d,   K 2= 88.0 ± 2.9  km s−1 and   V sin  i = 75.5 ± 6.5  km s−1. Our values are significantly different from previous works and lead to   q = M 2/ M 1= 1.18 ± 0.14  . This is one of the highest mass ratios known in a CV and is very robust, because it is based on resolving the rotational broadening over a large number of metallic absorption lines. The donor could be a slightly evolved main sequence or descendant from a massive star which underwent an episode of thermal time-scale mass transfer.  相似文献   

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