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The saturation conditions for bending modes in inhomogeneous thin stellar disks that follow from an analysis of the dispersion relation are compared with those derived from N-body simulations. In the central regions of inhomogeneous disks, the reserve of disk strength against the growth of bending instability is smaller than that for a homogeneous layer. The spheroidal component (a dark halo, a bulge) is shown to have a stabilizing effect. The latter turns out to depend not only on the total mass of the spherical component, but also on the degree of mass concentration toward the center. We conclude that the presence of a compact (not necessarily massive) bulge in spiral galaxies may prove to be enough to suppress the bending perturbations that increase the disk thickness. This conclusion is corroborated by our N-body simulations in which we simulated the evolution of near-equilibrium, but unstable finite-thickness disks in the presence of spheroidal components. The final disk thickness at the same total mass of the spherical component (dark halo + bulge) was found to be much smaller than that in the simulations where a concentrated bulge is present.  相似文献   

Evolutionary synthesis of stellar populations: a modular tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new tool for the evolutionary synthesis of stellar populations is presented, which is based on three independent matrices, giving respectively (1) the fuel consumption during each evolutionary phase as a function of stellar mass, (2) the typical temperatures and gravities during such phases, and (3) the colours and bolometric corrections as functions of gravity and temperature. The modular structure of the code allows one easily to assess the impact on the synthetic spectral energy distribution of the various assumptions and model ingredients, such as, for example, uncertainties in stellar evolutionary models, the mixing length, the temperature distribution of horizontal branch stars, asymptotic giant branch mass loss, and colour–temperature transformations. The so-called 'AGB phase transition' in Magellanic Cloud clusters is used to calibrate the contribution of the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch phase to the synthetic integrated luminosity. As an illustrative example, solar-metallicity ( Y  = 0.27, Z  = 0.02) models, with ages ranging between 30 Myr and 15 Gyr and various choices for the slope of the initial mass function, are presented. Synthetic broad-band colours and the luminosity contributions of the various evolutionary stages are compared with Large Magellanic Cloud and Galactic globular cluster data. In all these cases, a good agreement is found. Finally, the evolution is presented of stellar mass-to-light ratios in the bolometric and U B V R K passbands, in which the contribution of stellar remnants is accounted for.  相似文献   

The study of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) is one of the most exciting topics that can be undertaken by long baseline optical interferometry. The magnitudes of these objects are at the edge of capabilities of current optical interferometers, limiting the studies to a few dozen, but are well within the capability of coming large aperture interferometers like the VLT Interferometer, the Keck Interferometer, the Large Binocular Telescope or 'OHANA. The milli-arcsecond spatial resolution reached by interferometry probes the very close environment of young stars, down to a tenth of an astronomical unit. In this paper, I review the different aspects of star formation that can be tackled by interferometry: circumstellar disks, multiplicity, jets. I present recent observations performed with operational infrared interferometers, IOTA, PTI and ISI, and I show why in the next future one will extend these studies with large aperture interferometers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recent images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) of the interacting disc galaxies NGC 4038/4039 (the Antennae) reveal clusters of many dozens and possibly hundreds of young compact massive star clusters within projected regions spanning about 100 to 500 pc. It is shown here that a large fraction of the individual star clusters merge within a few tens to a hundred Myr. Bound stellar systems with radii of a few hundred parsecs, masses ≲ 109 M⊙ and relaxation times of 1011 − 1012 yr may form from these. These spheroidal dwarf galaxies contain old stars from the pre-merger galaxy and much younger stars formed in the massive star clusters, and possibly from later gas accretion events. The possibility that star formation in the outer regions of gas-rich tidal tails may also lead to superclusters is raised. The mass-to-light ratio of these objects is small, because they contain an insignificant amount of dark matter. After many hundred Myr such systems may resemble dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies with large apparent mass-to-light ratios, if tidal shaping is important.  相似文献   

The thermosolutal-convective instability of a stellar atomsphere is studied in the presence of suspended particles. The criteria for monotonic instability are derived and are found to hold good also in the presence of uniform rotation and uniform magnetic field on the thermosolutal-convective instability. The thermosolutal-convective instability of a stellar atmosphere is also studied in the presence of suspended particles and radiative transfer effects and the criteria for monotonic instability are obtained in terms of source function.  相似文献   

For a purely gaseous self-gravitating stellar configuration with linear matter density distribution the total power generated by nuclear reactions is considered. The analytic connection between physical parameters of the macroscopic and microscopic levels of the stellar equilibrium configuration is revealed.  相似文献   

Observations of the Galactic Centre show evidence of one or two disc-like structures of very young stars orbiting the central supermassive black hole within a distance of a few 0.1 pc. A number of analyses have been carried out to investigate the dynamical behaviour and consequences of these discs, including disc thickness and eccentricity growth as well as mutual interaction and warping. However, most of these studies have neglected the influence of the stellar cusp surrounding the black hole, which is believed to be one to two orders of magnitude more massive than the disc(s).
By means of N -body integrations using our bhint code, we study the impact of stellar cusps of different compositions. We find that although the presence of a cusp does have an important effect on the evolution of an otherwise isolated flat disc, its influence on the evolution of disc thickness and warping is rather mild in a two-disc configuration. However, we show that the creation of highly eccentric orbits strongly depends on the graininess of the cusp (i.e. the mean and maximum stellar masses). While Chang recently found that full cycles of Kozai resonance are prevented by the presence of an analytic cusp, we show that relaxation processes play an important role in such highly dense regions and support short-term resonances. We thus find that young disc stars on initially circular orbits can achieve high eccentricities by resonant effects also in the presence of a cusp of stellar remnants, yielding a mechanism to create S-stars and hypervelocity stars.
Furthermore, we discuss the underlying initial mass function (IMF) of the young stellar discs and find no definite evidence for a non-canonical IMF.  相似文献   

Based on a self-consistent solution of the equations of gas dynamics, kinetics of hydrogen atomic level populations, and radiative transfer, we analyze the structure of a shock wave that propagates in a partially ionized hydrogen gas. We consider the radiative transfer at the frequencies of spectral lines by taking into account the effects of a moving medium in the observer's frame of reference. The flux in Balmer lines is shown to be formed behind the shock discontinuity at the initial hydrogen recombination stage. The Doppler shift of the emission-line profile is approximately one and a half times smaller than the gas flow velocity in the Balmer emission region, because the radiation field of the shock wave is anisotropic. At Mach numbers M1?10 and unperturbed gas densities σ1=10?10 g cm?3, the Doppler shift is approximately one third of the shock velocity U1. The FWHM of the emission-line profile δ ? is related to the shock velocity by δ ? k ? U1, where k ? = 1, 0.6, and 0.65 for the Hα, Hβ, and Hγ lines, respectively.  相似文献   

It has been recently shown that the dynamical V -band mass-to-light ratios of compact stellar systems with masses from 106 to  108 M  are not consistent with the predictions from simple stellar population models. Top-heavy stellar initial mass functions (IMFs) in these so-called ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) offer an attractive explanation for this finding, the stellar remnants and retained stellar envelopes providing the unseen mass. We therefore construct a model which quantifies by how much the IMFs of UCDs would have to deviate in the intermediate- and high-mass range from the canonical IMF in order to account for the enhanced   M / LV   ratio of the UCDs. The deduced high-mass IMF in the UCDs depends on the age of the UCDs and the number of faint products of stellar evolution retained by them. Assuming that the IMF in the UCDs is a three-part power law equal to the canonical IMF in the low-mass range and taking 20 per cent as a plausible choice for the fraction of the remnants of high-mass stars retained by UCDs, the model suggests the exponent of the high-mass IMF to be ≈1.6 if the UCDs are  13 Gyr  old (i.e. almost as old as the Universe) or ≈1.0 if the UCDs are  7 Gyr  old, in contrast to 2.3 for the Salpeter–Massey IMF. If the IMF was as top heavy as suggested here, the stability of the UCDs might have been threatened by heavy mass loss induced by the radiation and evolution of massive stars. The central densities of UCDs must have been in the range  106 to 107 M pc−3  when they formed with star formation rates of  10 to 100 M yr−1  .  相似文献   

The effects of the passage of a spiral arm through the disc of the giant Virgo Sc galaxy NGC 4321 are investigated with Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 images in two colours. Concentrating on a portion of the southern spiral arm of NGC 4321, we have applied a new program to solve for the star formation histories in the arm and interarm regions separately. The observational uncertainties and the variable crowding across the spiral arm are taken into account using the results of artificial star tests. In the interarm regions the data are consistent with a constant star formation rate for the last 50 Myr while the stars in the arm region show a star formation rate four times larger than in the interarm regions in the last 5 Myr.  相似文献   

In this paper we show the positional oscillation of a massive object in a dense stellar system by numerical N -body simulations. We found that the central massive object, which at first is placed at rest at the centre of the surrounding spherical stellar system, promptly departs from the centre and rotates in accordance with the rotation of the stellar system, if the stellar system has an appreciable rotation. This oscillatory motion continues for a long time because of the absence of dynamical friction. Such a long-lasting oscillation may explain the asymmetric structure observed in the centres of M31 and NGC 4486B, may cause the secular flow of gaseous elements distributed in the central regions of galaxies on to the massive object, and may ignite activity in the centres of galaxies.  相似文献   

We created a self-consistent triaxial stellar system through the cold disipationless collapse of 100,000 particles whose evolution was followed with a multipolar code. The resulting system rotates slowly even though its total angular momentum is zero, i.e., it offers an example of figure rotation. The potential of the system was subsequently approximated with interpolating formulae yielding a smooth potential stationary in the rotating frame. The Lyapunov exponents could then be computed for a randomly selected sample of 3,472 of the bodies that make up the system, allowing the recognition of regular and partially and fully chaotic orbits. The regular orbits were Fourier analyzed and classified using their locations on the frequency map. A comparison with a similar non-rotating model showed that the fraction of chaotic orbits is slightly but significantly enhanced in the rotating model; alternatively, there are no significant differences between the corresponding fractions neither of partially and fully chaotic orbits nor of long axis tubes, short axis tubes, boxes and boxlets among the regular orbits. This is a reasonable result because the rotation causes a breaking of the symmetry that may increase chaotic effects, but the rotation velocity is probably too small to produce any other significant differences. The increase in the fraction of chaotic orbits in the rotating system seems to be due mainly to the effect of the Coriolis force, rather than the centrifugal force, in good agreement with the results of other investigations.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of the ability of current stellar population models to reproduce the optical ( ugriz ) and near-infrared ( JHK ) colours of a small sample of well-studied nearby elliptical and S0 galaxies. We find broad agreement between the ages and metallicities derived using different population models, although different models show different systematic deviations from the measured broad-band fluxes. Although it is possible to constrain simple stellar population models to a well-defined area in age–metallicity space, there is a clear degeneracy between these parameters even with such a full range of precise colours. The precision to which age and metallicity can be determined independently, using only broad-band photometry with realistic errors, is  Δ[Fe/H]≃ 0.18  and  Δlog Age ≃ 0.25  . To constrain the populations and therefore the star formation history further, it will be necessary to combine broad-band optical–IR photometry with either spectral line indices, or else photometry at wavelengths outside this range.  相似文献   

We have numerically investigated the stability of retrograde orbits/trajectories around Jupiter and the smaller of the primaries in binary systems RW-Monocerotis (RW-Mon) and Krüger-60 in the presence of radiation. A trajectory is considered as stable if it remains around the smaller mass for at least few hundred binary periods. In case of circular binary orbit, we find that the third order resonance provides the basis for reduction of stability region of retrograde motion of particle in RW-Mon and Sun-Jupiter system both in the presence and absence of radiation. Considering finite ellipticity in Sun-Jupiter system we find that for distant retrograde orbits, radiation from the Sun increases the width of the stable region and covers a significant portion of the region obtained in the absence of solar radiation. Further, due to solar radiation pressure, the stable region in the neighborhood of Jupiter has been found to shift much below the characteristic asymptotic line for the periodic retrograde orbits. In case of Krüger-60 we observe the distant retrograde orbits around the smaller of the primaries get affected considerably with increase in radiation parameter β1. Further the range of velocities for which stable motion may persist narrows down for distant retrograde orbits in this system.  相似文献   

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