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The volcanics exposed in the northeast Niğde area are characterized by pumiceous pyroclastic rocks present as ash flows and fall deposits and by compositions ranging from dacite to rhyolite. Xenoliths found in the volcanics are basaltic andesite, andesite and dacite in composition. These rocks exhibit linear chemical variations between end‐member compositions and a continuity of trace element behaviour exists through the basaltic andesite–andesite–dacite–rhyolite compositional range. This is consistent with the fractionation of ferromagnesian minerals and plagioclase from a basaltic andesite or andesite parent. These rocks are peraluminous and show typical high‐K calc‐alkaline differentiation trends with total iron content decreasing progressively with increasing silica content. Bulk rock and mineral compositional trends and petrographic data suggest that crustal material was added to the magmas by subducted oceanic crust and is a likely contaminant of the source zone of the Niğde magmas. The chemical variations in these volcanics indicate that crystal liquid fractionation has been a dominant process in controlling the chemistry of the northeast Niğde volcanics. It is also clear, from the petrographic and chemical features, that magma mixing with disequilibrium played a significant role in the evolution of the Niğde volcanic rocks. This is shown by normal and reverse zoning in plagioclase and resorption of most of the observed minerals. The xenoliths found in the Niğde volcanics represent the deeper part of the magma reservoir which equilibrated at the higher pressures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Miocene Karamağara volcanics (KMV) crop out in the Saraykent region (Yozgat) of Central Anatolia. The KMV include four principal magmatic components based on their petrography and compositional features: basaltic andesites (KMB); enclaves (KME); andesites (KMA); and dacites (KMD). Rounded and ellipsoidal enclaves occur in the andesites, ranging in diameter from a few millimetres to ten centimetres. A non‐cognate origin for the enclaves is suggested due to their mineralogical dissimilarity to the enclosing andesites. The enclaves range in composition from basaltic andesite to andesite. Major and trace element data and primitive mantle‐normalized rare‐earth element (REE) patterns of the KMV exhibit the effects of fractional crystallization on the evolution of the KME which are the product of mantle‐derived magma. The KMA contain a wide variety of phenocrysts, including plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, hornblende and opaque minerals. Comparison of textures indicates that many of the hornblende phenocrysts within the KMA were derived from basaltic andesites (KMB) and are not primary crystallization products of the KMA. Evidence of disequilibrium in the hybrid andesite includes the presence of reacted hornblendes, clinopyroxene mantled by orthopyroxene and vice versa, and sieve‐texture and inclusion zones within plagioclase. The KMV exhibit a complex history, including fractional crystallization, magma mixing and mingling processes between mantle and crust‐derived melts. Textural and geochemical characteristics of the enclaves and their hosts require that mantle‐derived basic magma intruded the deep continental crust followed by fractional crystallization and generation of silicic melts from the continental material. Hybridization between basic and silicic melts subsequently occurred in a shallow magma chamber. Modelling of major element geochemistry suggests that the hybrid andesite represents a 62:38 mix of dacite and basaltic andesite. The implication of this process is that calc‐alkaline intermediate volcanic rocks in the Saraykent region represent hybrids resulting from mixing between basic magma derived from the mantle and silicic magma derived from the continental crust. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Neogene–Quaternary volcanic products, related to Arabian and Anatolian Plate collision along the Bitlis Suture Zone, cover wide areas on both plates. One of these volcanic exposures on the Arabian Plate is the Kepez volcanic complex (KVC). This study aims explain to petrogenesis of KVC. Although some examples display alkaline affinities, the majority of the volcanic rock is calc-alkaline and can be defined in three main groups. 40Ar/39Ar data obtained from dacite, basalt and andesite rock groups within the KVC yield ages of between 13.5 and 15.5 Ma. Geochemical and petrographical data show that the andesitic rocks are products of homogeneous mixing between basic end-member magmas and dacitic magmas which are the products of partial melting of lower crustal compositions. Basaltic products of KVC are asthenospheric mantle derived, while dacitic and andesitic volcanic rocks are crustal origin. High Sr and Nd isotope ratios may indicate that andesitic and dacitic rocks originated from continental crust. The lithospheric mantle, which is subducting underneath the Anatolian plate, must have experienced slab break-off processes 13–15 million years ago and sunk into the asthenosphere. KVC were produced with the collision between Arabian and Anatolian Plates and related uplift of the East Anatolia region.  相似文献   

Following final closure of the Neotethyan Ocean during the late Miocene, deformation in central Turkey has led to crustal thickening and uplift to produce the Anatolian Plateau followed by westward extrusion of terranes by strike–slip. Widespread volcanism has accompanied this latter (neotectonic) phase, and palaeomagnetic study of the volcanism shows a coherent record of differential block rotations, indicating that the Anatolian region is not a plate (or ‘platelet’) sensu stricto but is undergoing distributed internal deformation. To evaluate the scale of neotectonic rotations in the transition zone near the western limit of tectonic escape and the border of the extensional domain in central-west Turkey, we have studied the palaeomagnetism at 82 sites in volcanic suites distributed along a 140-km lineament with north–south trend and ranging in age from 18 to 8 Ma. Comparable deflection of magnetic remanence from the present field direction is identified along the full length of the lineament. A mean clockwise rotation of 12.3±4.2° is determined for this western sector of the Anatolian strike–slip province. Since similar rotations are observed in the youngest and oldest units, this cumulative rotation occurred after the late Miocene. When interpreted together with results elsewhere in Anatolia, it is inferred that the rotation is later than crustal thickening and uplift of the Anatolian Plateau and entirely a facet of the tectonic escape. Inclinations are mostly 10° shallower than the predicted Miocene field and are considered to reflect the presence of a persistent inclination anomaly in the Mediterranean region. Larger rotations departing from the regional trend are also observed within the study region, but are confined to the vicinity of major faults, notably those bounding the Afyon-Ak ehir Graben.The pattern of neotectonic declinations across Anatolia identifies strong anticlockwise rotation in the east near the Arabian pincer with progressive reduction in the amount of rotation towards the west; it becomes zero or slightly clockwise at the western extremity of the accreted terrane collage. Rotations also appear to become generally younger towards the south. Crustal deformation has therefore been distributed, and the net effect of terrane extrusion to the west and south has been to expand the curvature of the Tauride Arc. The westward radial expansion of the extruded terranes is inferred to combine with backroll on the Hellenic Arc to produce the contemporary extensional province in western Turkey.  相似文献   

Petrographic, major-oxide, and trace-element data are presented for the Yozgat volcanics. These rocks range in composition from basalts through basaltic andesites and andesites to dacites. Major-oxide variations are largely explicable in terms of fractional crystallization, involving removal of observed phenocrysts and microphenocrysts. However, complex zoning patterns and resorbtion phenomena shown by phenocrysts in these lavas, and observed epitaxitic pyroxene growth around quartz xenocrysts imply that they are hybrids formed by a mixing process. In addition, observed enrichments in crustal elements such as K, Rb, Ba, Sr, and P provide clear evidence for the crustal assimilation of granitoid and metasedimentary xenoliths. The following model is suggested for the evolution of the Yozgat volcanics. The primitive magma underwent fractionation in an intracrustal magma chamber to yield more evolved liquids. Influx of hot, primitive magma into the magma chamber promoted vigorous convection-crustal assimilation and eruption of the volcanic rocks in the study area.  相似文献   

The 1200 km-long North Anatolian Transform Fault connects the East Anatolian post-collisional compressional regime in the east with the Aegean back-arc extensional regime to the west. This active dextral fault system lies within a shear zone reaching up to 100 km in width, and consists of southward splining branches. These branches, which have less frequent and smaller magnitude earthquake activity compare to the major transform, cut and divide the shear zone into fault delimited blocks. Comparison of palaeomagnetic data from 46 sites in the Eocene volcanics from different blocks indicate that each fault-bounded block has been affected by vertical block rotations. Although clockwise rotations are dominant as expected from dextral fault-bounded blocks, anticlockwise rotations have also been documented. These anticlockwise rotations are interpreted as due to anticlockwise rotation of the Anatolian Block, as indicated by GPS measurements, and the effects of unmapped faults or pre-North Anatolian Fault tectonic events.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply in the Yeniceoba Plain in Central Anatolia,Turkey.An understanding of the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for the sustainable development of water resources in this region.A hydrogeochemical investigation was conducted in the Plio-Quaternary aquifer system using stable isotopes(δ~(18)O andδD),tritium(~3H),major and minor elements(Ca,Na,K,Mg,Cl,SO_4,NO_3,HCO_3 and Br)in order to identify groundwater chemistry patterns and the processes affecting groundwater mineralization in this system.The chemical data reveal that the chemical composition of groundwater in this aquifer system is mainly controlled by rock/water interactions including dissolution of evaporitic minerals,weathering of silicates,precipitation/dissolution of carbonates,ion exchange,and evaporation.Based on the values of Cl/Br ratio(300 mg/l)in the Plio-Quaternary groundwater,dissolution of evaporitic minerals in aquifer contributes significantly to the high mineralization.The stable isotope analyses indicate that the groundwater in the system was influenced by evaporation of rainfall during infiltration.Low tritium values(generally1 tritium units)of groundwater reflect a minor contribution of recent recharge and groundwater residence times of more than three or four decades.  相似文献   

The b-value of the Gutenberg–Richter’s frequency–magnitude relation and the p-value of the modified Omori law, which describes the decay rate of aftershock activity, were investigated for more than 500 aftershocks in the Aksehir-Afyon graben (AAG) following the 15 December 2000 Sultandagi–Aksehir and the 3 February 2002 Çay–Eber and Çobanlar earthquakes. We used the Kandilli Observatory’s catalog, which contains records of aftershocks with magnitudes ≥2.5. For the Çobanlar earthquake, the estimated b-values for three aftershock sequences are in the range 0.34 ≤  b ≤ 2.85, with the exception of the one that occurred during the first hour (4.77), while the obtained p-values are in the range 0.44 ≤ p ≤ 1.77. The aftershocks of the Sultandagi earthquake have a high p-value, indicating fast decay of the aftershock activity. A regular increase of b can be observed, with b < 1.0 after 0.208 days for the Çay–Eber earthquake. A systematic and similar increase and decrease pattern exists for the b- and p-values of the Çobanlar earthquakes during the first 5 days.  相似文献   

Small‐mammalian faunas enable the discrimination and correlation of uppermost Lower Miocene lacustrine sedimentary units in central western Anatolia. On the basis of sequential stratigraphic relationships, early Early Miocene and latest Early Miocene relative ages are suggested for the older lacustrine mass‐flow deposits and younger paper shale units, respectively, which are devoid of age‐diagnostic fossils. In central western Anatolia, the sequential differences between the uppermost Lower Miocene successions delineate a deformation zone of NE–SW‐trending fault blocks separated by vertical faults. This deformation zone, inherited from Late Oligocene tectonics, underwent an early Early Miocene sinistral transtension leading to pull‐aparts that were emplaced by granitoids. Limited extension caused the late Early Miocene repetitive up‐ and down‐wards motions of the fault blocks, with variable magnitudes. This led to contrasting subsidence histories in the relevant basinal system. During the latest Early Miocene, fault blocks coalesced into a regional body characterized by uniform slow subsidence and non‐extensional deformation facies. The general trend of the above tectonic events can be explained by lateral slab segmentation and progressive asthenospheric wedging, in response to NE‐directed and decelerated palaeosubduction in the Aegean. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A thick sedimentary sequence comprising fluvial, lacustrine and volcano-sedimentary rocks is present in the Neogene Beypazari Basin, central Anatolia. These units display considerable lateral facies variation and interfinger with alkaline volcanic rocks along the north-eastern margin of the basin. The uppermost Miocene Kirmir Formation contains numerous evaporite horizons. The evaporite sequence is up to 250 m thick and may be divided into four lithofacies. In ascending stratigraphical order these are: (1) gypsiferous claystone facies, (2) thenardite-glauberite facies, (3) laminar gypsum facies and (4) crystalline gypsum facies. These facies interfinger with one another laterally along a section from the margins to central parts of the basin. The lithological and sedimentological features of the Kirmir Formation indicate fluvial, saline playa mudflat, hypersaline ephemeral playa lake and very shallow subaqueous playa lake depositional environments, which probably were influenced by alternating semi-arid and evaporative conditions.  相似文献   

The Lower Eocene Celtek Formation is located in the Sorgun district of thecity of Yozgat in Turkey.In the study area,Paleozoic,Campanian-Maastrichtian,Eocene,Miocene and Quaternary units are exposed.The Celtek Formation is noteworthy with its coal and oil shale deposits.Samples were collected from one exposure(YCOSK)and two boreholes(SJ and C boreholes)at the facility operated by the Yeni Celtek Coal Management.Concentrations of REE in oil shales from these localities were determined using the ICP-MS technique.REE and total organic carbon(TOC)values of a total of 32 samples were compared with normalized REE contents of various environments.TOC contents of the samples ranged from 1.37wt%to 11.8wt%(mean 4.96wt%).The averages of all samples for the all normalized values show similar patterns.Normalized REE patterns are represented by the enrichment in the order of LREE>MREE>HREE and display negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies.ΣREE vs.TOC were compared.ΣREE vs.TOC showed a weak positive correlation,whereasΣLREE vs.(M+HREE)andΣLREE vs.ΣREE were positively correlated.Regarding tectonic provenance characteristics,the Celtek Formation oil shales were formed in microenvironments with physicochemical conditions changing in character from oxic to euxinic,representing a transitional terrestrial–marine environment.  相似文献   

The Balkuyumcu region, located in the southwestern part of Ankara in the Izmir-Ankara suture zone (central Anatolia, Turkey), consists of basic andesitic, andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic rocks extruded during the Early Miocene (20–22 Ma) as a result of post-collisional volcanism. Balkuyumcu volcanic rocks can be divided into two groups on the basis of their mineralogy and composition: The basic andesitic (BA) and andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic (ADR) groups. The ADR and BA group of rocks have adakite-like and calc-alkaline characteristics, respectively. The ADR group has higher SiO2 content, Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and low MgO, Mg#, Y and Yb contents than the BA group. Both groups have nearly the same Sr, Nd isotopic compositions and display similar normalized multi-element patterns with enrichments in LILE and LREE, depletions in Nb, Ti, Zr, P and a lack of Eu anomalies. Major, trace element and Sr, Nd isotopic data indicate that both groups of rocks were derived from the same source but affected by different magmatic processes during ascent. The adakite-like rocks may have been produced by partial melting of thickened lower continental crust. Fractional crystallization also played a major role in their formation. However, the BA group rocks were derived from partial melting of lower continental crust that was probably delaminated. These rocks appear to have had limited interaction with mantle peridodite during ascent to the surface.  相似文献   

江西南部白面石-东坑盆地A型火山岩的确定及地质意义   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
江西南部沿三南(全南县,龙南县,定南县)-寻邬(县)断裂带从东向西分布有东坑临江盆地和白面石盆地,其中中生代菖蒲组的流纹岩 Rb- Sr全岩等时线年龄为 165 Ma;主元素 SiO2偏高,平均为 71.35%;偏碱, Na2O+ K2O较高 (6.19%~ 8.36% ),且 K2O > Na2O;准铝到弱过铝质, ACNK平均为 0.99,稀土总量较高( 251.37× 10- 6~ 345.92× 10- 6)。微量元素具明显的 Sr、 Ba、 Ti亏损,而 Zr、 Hf富集。表现出与 A型花岗岩相似的特征。因此,这是一套 A型火山岩。其ε Sr较高( 68.98~ 99.98),而ε Nd(- 11.73~- 11.92)非常低,表明其岩浆成因可能是地壳物质的部分熔融。  相似文献   

Mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in host granitoids can provide important constraints on the deep magmatic processes. The Oligocene-Miocene granitoid plutons of the NW Anatolia contain abundant MMEs. This paper presents new hornblende Ar-Ar ages and whole-rock chemical and Sr-Nd isotope data of the MMEs from these granitic rocks. Petrographically, the MMEs are finer-grained than their host granites and contain the same minerals as their host rocks (amphibole + plagioclase + biotite + quartz + K-feldspar), but in different proportions. The Ar-Ar ages of the MMEs range from 27.9 ± 0.09 Ma to 19.3 ± 0.01 Ma and are within error of their respective host granitoids. The MMEs are metaluminous and calc-alkaline, similar to I-type granites. The Sr-Nd isotopes of MMEs are 0.7057 to 0.7101 for 87Sr/86Sr and 0.5123 to 0.5125 for 143Nd/144Nd, and are similar to their respective host granitoids. These lithological, petrochemical and isotopic characteristics suggest that the MMEs in this present study represent chilled early formed cogenetic hydrous magmas produced during a period of post-collisional lithospheric extension in NW Anatolia. The parental magma for MMEs and host granitoids might be derived from partial melting of underplated mafic materials in a normally thickened lower crust in a post-collisional extensional environment beneath the NW Anatolia. Delamination or convective removal of lithospheric mantle generated asthenospheric upwelling, providing heat and magma to induce hydrous re-melting of underplated mafic materials in the lower crust.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the relationship between the coal deposition and explosive volcanism of the Miocene basin, NW central Anatolia, Turkey. The coal-bearing Hirka Formation was deposited over the Galatian Andesitic Complex and/or massive lagoonal environments during the Miocene. The investigated lignite is a high ash (from 32 to 58%) and sulphur (from 1.43 to 3.03%) lignite which is petrographically characterised by a high humunite content. The mineral matter of the studied lignite samples is made up of mainly clay minerals (illite-smectite and kaolinite), plagioclase and quartz in Bolu coal field, clay minerals (illite-smectite, smectite and illite), quartz, calcite, plagioclase and gypsum in Seben coal field, quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase and clay minerals (kaolinite and illite) in K?br?sc?k, and dolomite, quartz, clinoptilolite, opal CT and gypsum in Çaml?dere coal field. The differences in these four types of lignite with specific mineralogical patterns may be due to the explosive volcanic events and depositional conditions which changed from one coal field to the others. There is a zonation from SW to SE in the studied area for zeolites such as Opal CT+smectite-clinoptilolite-analcime-K-feldspar. Carbonate minerals are commonly calcite in Seben and K?br?sc?k coal fields. In Bolu, coal samples are devoid of calcite and dolomite. These analyses show that there is an increase in the amount of Mg and a decrease in the amount of Na from the northwestern part to the southern part in the study area.  相似文献   

内蒙古满洲里地区位于大兴安岭中生代火山岩带的中北段,晚侏罗世—早白垩世火山岩浆活动强烈,由于NE向切壳断裂长期活动,导致中基性火山岩沿断裂呈线状分布。就上侏罗统塔木兰沟组、上库力组中段及下白垩统伊列克得组中基性火山岩浆岩的组合、旋回和岩石地球化学等方面的特征,论证了该地区中生代中基性火山岩浆岩形成的构造地质背景和成因。因此,认为晚侏罗世中基性火山岩形成于板内拉张的构造环境,岩浆来源于上地幔,且有地壳物质混熔。  相似文献   

对内蒙古中部温都尔庙地区白音诺尔变质基性火山岩进行了锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年代学和地球化学研究。结果表明,变质基性火山岩原岩形成于(254.8±6.2)Ma,时代为晚二叠世。地球化学特征研究显示研究区变质基性火山岩属于亚碱性拉斑系列,大离子亲石元素(LILE)Ba、Rb、Sr强烈亏损,高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Zr富集,元素Eu为正异常,具有E-MORB地球化学特征,岩浆来源于富集的岩石圈地幔,结合地质特征应属于蛇绿岩组成部分,反映该地区在晚二叠世古亚洲洋尚未闭合,其闭合时间可能在早三叠世之后。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地腹地陆梁起基底火山岩岩性为富钠玄武岩及流纹岩,总体显示出板内双峰火山岩特点。玄武岩的特征是:岩石的五晶和基质中普遍出现橄榄石;辉石为普通辉石;斑晶和基质中的长石为偏酸性的斜长石(平均牌号为30-50);全岩化学成分CIPW计算结果表明,绝大部分含有Ne(2.8%-4.6%),均含有O1(19.3%-10.1%)和Di(0.2%-24.6%),标准矿物分子组合为Ne+O1+Di+An;在全碱-SiO2图上玄武岩投影于碱性区;Mg^#<65;REE总量为110.29-158.06μg/g。(La/Y)N变化范围为3.10-4.51。δEu变化于0.93-1.04;弱武岩的微量元素标准化图解为LILE相对于LREE适度富集,Nb,Ta相对于LREE和LILE亏损。Ni,Cr含量略低于原始岩浆的参考值;以上特征表明,弱武岩总体上属于碱性橄榄玄武岩;玄武岩具有较同正的εNd(t)和低的^87Sr/^86Sr,而流纹岩则具有较低的εNd(t)和较高的^87Sr/^86Sr,反映它们的同源性和遭受陆壳物质同化混染程度的不同。同位素Rb-Sr等时线年龄和单颗粒锆石蒸发年龄集中在323-395Ma。以上特点表明,陆梁玄武岩来自于亏损的地幔源区,并经历了一定程度的分异作用和陆壳物质的混染作用,其形成于板内环境,与泥盆纪-石灰纪区域伸展作用有关,因此,陆梁隆起带基底很可能是一个大陆裂谷带。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):345-361
The Lower Cambrian Kocayayla Group forms the stratigraphically lowermost part of the relative autochthonous Geyikdagi unit of the Taurus Range in the Sandikli (Afyon) region. It is represented by the Celiloglu Formation, Gögebakan Formation, Kestel Çayi volcanics and the Tasoluk Formation in the ascending order. The Celiloglu Formation consists of quartzites with intercalations of metapelites. The Gögebakan Formation overlies the Celiloglu Formation along a gradational boundary, and is composed of metapelites with mafic volcanic intercalations. The Gögebakan Formation grades laterally and vertically into the Kestel Çayi volcanics (Sandikli porphyroids) consisting of rhyolites with volcanosedimentary intercalations. The Tasoluk Formation is composed of yellow quartzites and it is the uppermost unit of the Kocayayla Group gradationally overlaying Kestel Çayi volcanics. The Kocayayla Group is overlain by the Sandikli unit and there is a pronounced unconformity between them. The Sandikli unit consists of white quartzites, brown dolomites, trilobite-bearing limestones and mudstones of the Middle-Upper Cambrian age. The Lower Jurassic Ilyasli Formation unconformably covers both the Kocayayla Group and Sandikli unit. The flat-laying Neogene volcanosedimentary rocks are the youngest succesion unconformably covering the all older rock units. The Kocayayla Group was deformed and underwent a low-grade metamorphism marked by sericite-chlorite-biotite/stilpnomelane-quartz paragenesis in the metapelites of the Gögebakan and Tasoluk formations and chlorite-epidote-albite-quartz and opaque assemblage in the mafic volcanic intercalations in the Gögebakan Formation, before the deposition of the trilobite-bearing Middle-Upper Cambrian succession. The Gögebakan and Tasoluk formations and the Kestel Çayi volcanics show a single penetrative foliation which mostly obliterated the primary structures whereas beds, trace fossils and cross-stratifications are partly preserved in the quarzite beds of the Celiloglu Formation. The Gögebakan Formation has rough foliation while the Kestel Çayi volcanics displays anastomizing and continuous foliation with a prominent stretching lineation. The attitude of the stretching lineation concentrates at 25/45 and 280/43 in the Kocayayla area, and s-clasts, s/c fabrics and quartz sigmoids indicate top-NNE and ESE shear sense. This difference in shear direction is related to the post-Liassic rotation in the core of southwest-verging asymmetric anticline. After removing this younger folding it is determined that, the linear fabrics has a concentration of 280/43 with top-ESE shear sense. In the Tasoluk area, the linear fabrics clusters at 320/43 with top-NW shear sense. The difference in orientation of foliation, linear fabric and shear sense in the Lower Cambrian Kocayayla Group indicate regional scale Alpine fold event(s) that rotated the earlier deformation fabrics in the Geyikdagi unit.  相似文献   

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