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The geochemistry of Sepetiba Bay was studied in four sediment cores using a multi-element approach. Two cores were sampled in the more contaminated eastern part of the bay and two cores were sampled in the western region. The aim was to determine whether less common elements like the rare earths or the actinides are associated with contaminant metals like zinc in the Bay. Samples were analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis that permits the quantification of total concentrations of metals (Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, Rb, Sc, Zn), rare earth elements (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Sm and Yb), actinides (Th, U), non-metals and semi-metals (As, Br). Organic carbon and total sulphur were also analysed. The results show very strong zinc contamination in the top layers (more than 1000 μg g−1) and background concentrations in the bottom (15 μg g−1). Elements like chromium which would be expected to be released by the heavy industries of Sepetiba Bay, did not show a contamination profile, and concentrations remained close to those of natural environments. No evidence of any association between the zinc and other potential contaminant elements could be identified in this work.  相似文献   

Data from 291 small lakes and mires in eastern North America provide information on the natural variability of rates of sediment accumulation in these environments over the last 18,000 yr. Accumulation rates were calculated by linear interpolation between radiocarbon and biostratigraphic dates from sediment cores taken for pollen analysis. Within the data set, the rates were lognormally distributed with a mean accumulation rate of 91 cm/103 yr, and a range from less than 1 to over 3500 cm/103 yr. The accumulation rate data were divided into five subsets that were temporally or spatially distinct and therefore represent different geomorphic and climatic conditions at the time of deposition. Sediments deposited in basins north of 50°N, south of 40°N, and before 10,000 yr B.P. accumulated at much slower rates than sediments accumulating in midlatitude basins (between 40° and 50°N) between 10,000 and 330 yr B.P. Sediment accumulation over the last 330 yr has, on average, been at rates four to five times faster than any time previously. Inorganic sediments that could be radiocarbon-dated have accumulated at significantly lower rates than organic sediments, reflecting differences in depositional processes. For midlatitude basins during the Holocene, the most likely rate of continuous sediment accumulation within our data set is 65 cm/103 yr. Rates below 10 cm/103 yr are likely to be associated with nonconstant processes of sediment accumulation.  相似文献   

C.G.A. Harrison 《Earth》1974,10(1):1-36
The paleomagnetic record of deep-sea sediment cores is compared with that which would be expected from our knowledge of the Earth's magnetic field. It is found that some of the scatter in directions of magnetization obtained from deep-sea cores is removed in cores with very low sedimentation rate, the cause being that the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field is more completely averaged out over the finite size of each sample, when these samples comprise a longer time span of sedimentation. Corrections have been applied to the results from a series of cores in order to obtain the inclination of the average direction of magnetization from the average inclination and the scatter of inclination. These corrected inclination values confirm the hypothesis that the average Earth's field over the past few million years has been similar to an axial dipole displaced towards the North Pole. The amount of displacement obtained was 168 km. The record of short-period polarity intervals within the Brunhes, the Matuyama and the Gauss epochs was studied. It was shown that these intervals are very scattered in position. It is thought that some hitherto undiscovered short-period polarity intervals may be responsible for part of the scatter, but it is also highly likely that many samples give spurious reversals (i.e., ones not caused by the Earth's magnetic field).The possible correlation between climatic changes and the Earth's magnetic field is examined. It is concluded that the cores which show correlations between direction and/or intensity of magnetization and climatic indicators, thus suggesting the possible correlation between climate and the Earth's magnetic field, are not accurately recording the relevant parameters of the Earth's magnetic field. The correlation must be caused by climatic effects which have a direct influence on the magnetization of the sediments.Very little is known about the mechanisms of magnetization in deep-sea sediment cores, and there are several unexplained phenomena, such as the fact that many cores have maximum susceptibilities which are vertical, and the fact that cores differ widely in their ability to record accurately the Earth's magnetic field.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea region holds the archives of a complex relationship between an ever-changing nature and ancient civilisations. Regional pollen diagrams show a Roman-Byzantine period standing out in the recent millennia by its wetter climate that allowed intensive arboriculture. During that period, the Dead Sea formed laminites that display mostly a seasonal character. A multidisciplinary study focused on two earthquakes, 31 BC and AD 363, recorded as seismites in the Ze’elim gully A unit III which has been well dated by radiocarbon in a previous study. The sampling of the sediment was done at an annual resolution starting from a few years before and finishing a decade after each earthquake. A clear drop in agricultural indicators (especially Olea and cereals) is shown. These pollen indicators mostly reflect human activities in the Judean Hills and coastal oases. Agriculture was disturbed in large part of the rift valley where earthquake damage affected irrigation and access to the fields. It took 4 to 5 yr to resume agriculture to previous conditions. Earthquakes must be seen as contributors to factors damaging societies. If combined with other factors such as climatic aridification, disease epidemics and political upheaval, they may lead to civilisation collapse.  相似文献   

I. Rod Smith 《Sedimentology》2000,47(6):1157-1179
Sediment cores from six small lake basins in the Canadian high Arctic reveal a gravel‐rich (≤30% by weight) to gravel‐poor (≥2%) diamict facies underlying massive, post‐glacial, clayey silt. Ten other lakes contain a second diamict facies within what are interpreted to be glaciolacustrine sedimentary assemblages. The sedimentology, clast fabrics and fossil remains (diatoms, ostracodes and chironomid head capsules) within both diamict facies suggest that these deposits are not tills. Clast fabrics yielded low S1 (0·41–0·57) and high S3 (0·09–0·22) eigenvalues, placing them within the range of ice‐rafted diamictons and glacigenic sediment flows. The high percentage of clast dip angles >45° (15–61%), random clast azimuth and lower diamict contacts conformable to underlying current‐bedded sediment favours an origin as a rain‐out or settling deposit. Samples of the matrix and scrapings of clasts from the diamicts revealed a diatom assemblage dominated by littoral and planktonic forms, such as are found in the littoral regions of the lakes today. This contrasts sharply with the assemblages within the overlying clayey silt, in which benthic forms predominate. Clasts are thus interpreted to have been rafted from the littoral areas of the lake. The process proposed to explain this is rafting by the lake ice cover in a glacial‐marginal environment. Early season meltwater, impounded along the lateral margin of retreating cold‐based glaciers, would buoyantly lift the lake ice cover and any adfrozen lake sediment. Higher lake levels and increased areal extent of seasonal freeze‐on between the lake ice cover and the lake bed would allow the redeposition of littoral sediments to the benthic regions through greater lateral shifting of the ice cover as it broke up. Incision by meltwater streams into the lateral glacial margins would later isolate the lake, allowing seasonal warming of lake water, enough to support the growth and maturation of the ostracode and chironomid species found as fossils within the diamicts.  相似文献   

The extractable organic matter of sediment samples from six sampling sites in Lake Perdana, Kuala Lumpur, was analyzed to characterize the source inputs. The analysis of aliphatic homologous series indicated that terrestrial higher plant waxes can be assigned as the major sources of the identified aliphatic components in the lake sediments. The presence of an unresolved complex mixture of branched and cyclic compounds and a series of hopanes ranging from C27 to C35 reflected the contamination by petroleum residues from urban vehicular emissions brought in by runoff and fallout. The steroids present included stenols and stanols and showed an input of organic matter from higher plants. The detected pentacyclic triterpenoids comprised oleanane, ursane, lupane and friedelane skeletons including unsaturated oxygenated, mono-, di- and triaromatic counterparts. They are recognized as biomarkers for angiosperms. The presence of des-A-triterpenoids and their aromatized derivatives as the major diagenetic products of triterpenoids reflected the degradation of natural organic matter in the sediments occurring under mainly anoxic conditions. In addition, the presence of tetrahymanol and ββ-bishomohopan-32-ol indicated a minor algal/plankton and bacterial input to the sediments.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of two sediment cores from the west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Copper, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Mn, AI, Ca, magnetic susceptibility and loss on ignition of sediments from two cores near Mangalore along the western continental shelf of India have been studied. The sediments have high Al and organic matter contents due to the high sedimentation rate and their proximity to river mouths. Down-core variations of elements indicate a decrease of lithogenous component during probably the past few centuries. While abundance of calcareous shells in some zones has lead to the dilution of most of the metals, it appears that Pb and Mn are associated with this phase. Copper, Zn and Fe are associated with organic matter and detrital particles, whereas Ni and Co are predominantly associated with the insoluble fraction. Oxides/hydroxides of Fe and Mn are absent because of the reducing conditions and the high terrigenous influx. Geochemically, Mn and Fe are present in different phases of sediments (in the insoluble fraction and organic matter respectively). The Fe content of one of the cores is positively correlated with magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

Ombrotrophic mires can provide records of palaeoclimate over the mid- to late- Holocene in several areas of the world. Their potential is currently partly limited by difficulties with scaling indices based on plant macrofossils and humification, and the need to account for the internal variability of the mire system. This paper explores the use of testate amoebae analysis as a third technique and assesses the minimum within-site variability by comparing results from two closely spaced cores. Reconstruction of surface wetness changes was carried out on cores from the centre of an intermediate raised-blanket mire, Coom Rigg Moss, Northumberland, by analysis of testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and humification. Surface wetness changes were expressed as mean annual water table changes inferred from testate amoebae assemblages, two separate indices based on plant macrofossils and percentage transmission of humification extracts. Comparisons between the proxies suggest good agreement of general trends in Sphagnum peats but some differences in monocot and ericaceous peats. The magnitude of surface wetness changes also differs within Sphagnum peats. The records from the separate cores converge over time and replicability between cores is best in the last 1000 yr. Changes over this period are similar to those shown by estimates based on documentary sources. Good agreement is obtained between a normalised plant macrofossil index and normalised reconstructed water-table values and it is suggested that this approach could form the basis for improved composite, multiproxy records from peatlands. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

应用MODIS影像估测太湖水体悬浮物浓度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以太湖为研究区域,同步获取悬浮物浓度实测数据、水体反射光谱数据和MODIS卫星影像数据,构建基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的悬浮物遥感估测模型.为了削弱大气效应,对MODIS影像了进行了粗略大气纠正.通过悬浮物特征光谱分析,将MODIS各敏感波段及波段组合与悬浮物浓度实测值进行相关分析,并应用实测光谱数据进行验证.在此基础上,运用回归分析建立半经验反演模型,并对模型进行了评价和应用.研究结果表明,MODIS影像可以很好地对大型内陆湖泊的悬浮物浓度进行遥感估测.250 m波段2 500 m波段4与1 000 m波段14是探测悬浮物的敏感波段.波段组合上,500 m组合因子r4/r3、r4-r3估测悬浮物含量的精度很高,适于构建反演模型;1 000 m波段8、11、131、4的多元组合也是构建模型的较好选择(R2均不低于0.85).  相似文献   

Results from detailed pollen and 18O/16O studies on two sediment profiles from small Swiss lakes are reported. 18O/16O records in lacustrine carbonate contain paleoclimatic information because they reflect mainly the isotope ratio in rain and snow which is correlated to temperature. Several transitions between different climatic periods determined palyno-logically are also indicated by marked changes in the isotope ratios in both profiles, namely the transitions Oldest Dryas - Bøiling and Allerød - Younger Dryas - Preboreal. 18o/16O was 2 to 3 %0 lower during Younger Dryas than during the adjacent periods, corresponding to a temperature drop of a few degrees Centigrade according to a tentative estimate.  相似文献   

Lake sediment cores from the Coast Mountains of British Columbia were analyzed using chemical sequential extractions to partition the dominant geochemical fractions of phosphorus (P). The P fractions include mineral P (the original source of bioavailable P), occluded P (bound to soil oxides), and organic P (remains of organic matter). By comparing P fractions of soil and recent lake sediment samples, these fractions are shown to be a valid proxy for landscape-scale nutrient status. Changes in soil development for an alpine watershed (Lower Joffre Lake) are inferred from the P fractions in the basin's outlet lake sediments. Glacially sourced mineral P dominates at the base of the core, but several rapid shifts in P geochemistry are evident in the first ∼3000 yr of the record. The latter indicates an interval of early and rapid soil nutrient maturation from ∼9600 to 8500 cal yr BP and a significant influx of slope-derived material into Lower Joffre Lake. A substantial increase in mineral P occurs at ca. 8200 cal yr BP, consistent with the cold event in the vicinity of the North Atlantic at that time. The more recent record reveals a continual increase in the proportion of mineral P from glacial sources to the lake, indicating a trend toward cooler conditions in the Coast Mountains.  相似文献   

Characteristic variations in glacial and interglacial periods are shown by the CaCO3 contents, amounts and grain size of terrigenous material (>40 μm), quartz/mica ratios, and desert quartz numbers in East Atlantic sediment cores, collected during Meteor cruise 25 off Sahara and Senegal, 15–27°N. The following results were obtained. During Holocene an arid climate with eolian supply from the continent prevailed throughout the region (fine grained, slight terrigenous input; high CaCO3 values; high desert quartz numbers) except in the Senegal area. Here terrigenous muds indicate river supply and hence humid climate. During upper and lower Würn the climate was humid in the present day Sahara north of 20°N (low desert quartz numbers: input of large quantities of coarse terrigenous material; low CaCO3 values). South of 20°N the climate was arid, the Senegal river input disappeared during upper Würm, desert quartz numbers are as high as in Sahara dune samples, and wind strength was stronger than in the Holocene. Climate during middle Würm resembled Holocene climatic conditions. Climatic conditions during Eem (Riss) were probably similar to those during Holocene (Würm).  相似文献   

The distributions of hydrocarbons in sediment cores dated by 210Pb (1845–1977) from San Pedro and San Nicolas Basins in the Southern California Bight have been determined by gas Chromatographic and combined gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis. The chromatograms of the hydrocarbons contain peaks of resolved alkanes and cycloalkanes, as well as an unresolved complex mixture which decrease in content with increasing depth in both of the cores. The concentrations of o,p' andp,p'-DDE are highest in the top 50 mm of the San Pedro core section. The 45–50 mm segment of this core was deposited in the 1945–1950 period when DDT (the precursor of DDE compounds) came into common use. The relatively high content of hydrocarbons and DDE in this core is attributable to the proximity of the site to the San Pedro Harbor which receives petroleum residues from shipping, sewage outfalls and industrial effluents. The presence of only traces of DDE throughout the San Nicolas core, and the low hydrocarbon content are explainable by the greater distance of this basin from anthropogenic inputs and probably a greater rate of degradation of deposited organic matter during bioturbation. δ13C, δ15N and electron-spin resonance analyses of kerogens and humic substances in these cores, indicate that most of this organic matter in these sediments is of a marine origin.  相似文献   

This article reports on the concentration of selected trace elements (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ba, As, B, V, and Hg) and major elements (Fe and Al) from the intertidal sediment cores from Sundarban wetland, India. This is a typical meso-macrotidal estuarine area affected by domestic and industrial activities located upstream. The overall concentrations range is low to moderate, indicating the environmental conditions in the outfall zone (grain size, hydrodynamic regime, and confinement), which favors the in situ accumulation of pollutants. The extent of contamination from trace elements in Sundarban core sediments is evaluated through a two-pronged approach: (i) by determining the metal enrichment in the sediments through the calculation of Pollution Load Index (PLI), Enrichment Factor (EF) and Index of Geoaccumulation (I geo), and (ii) by defining a potential level of biological risk by the use of quality criteria such as Threshold Effect Level (TEL) and Effects Range-Low (ERL) benchmarks. On the basis of the calculated indices, sediments are particularly enriched with Cr, Cu, B, V, and As. Those enrichments seem to be due to the fine granulometry of the regions with Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides being the main metal carriers. Trace Elements input to the Sundarban wetland need to be kept under strict control in future specially with reference to As since, according to TEL and ERL benchmarks, it already appears to be associated with a potential biological risk.  相似文献   

In geochemical surveys, including those of lake sediments, it is convenient to classify logarithmic cumulative frequency distributions of elements as anomalous, background, or intermediate. The third, and commonest, group presents the dilemma - Is a given distribution in that group tending towards an anomalous or a background distribution? Data from a series of surveys suggest that the relationship of loss on ignition to metal tenor can be used as an indicator of an element's “potential” or “availability” in the region of the survey. In turn, increased availability implies an anomalous source, such as an ore deposit. Areas with the best potential are considered to be those where logarithmic cumulative distributions of particular elements have the same or greater positive slopes than the associated loss on ignition distribution. The method does not define areas within the survey that can be considered more anomalous, only whether or not the given survey area exhibits a greater than expected concentration of a given element.  相似文献   

Bálint Zólyomi 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):237-241
Relying on several decades of research experience, ever more new methods and methodological approaches, the opportunities of the application of palynological analysis for shallow lake sediments are summarised. New findings — not yet appeared in international publications — are also mentioned and illustrated. Further tasks of research are outlined.  相似文献   

Modern Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) is a region of high diatom productivity where exceptional preservation factors maintain biannually alternating sediment deposition as annual varves. New sediment cores from Guaymas Basin (MD02‐2512 and MD02‐2515) present the opportunity to construct climate records from below the last glacial period. A low‐resolution age model has been constructed from oxygen isotope analysis, correlation with other dated short piston cores from Guaymas Basin and an estimate of sedimentation rate. MD02‐2512 from eastern Guaymas Basin has an age range from the Holocene to late marine isotope stage 6 (MIS 6); MD02‐2515 from western Guaymas Basin has an age range from ~8000 to 40 000 yr. Shipboard analyses of colour reflectance, magnetic susceptibility and sediment density are combined with continuous X‐ray fluorescence scans to reconstruct a picture of glacial climate in the Gulf of California. Eastern Guaymas Basin is affected by glacial sea level fall, which results in a drastic change in productivity rates and sediment type. The laminated record of MIS 5 allows comparison with the Holocene, showing a similarity of sedimentation patterns during deglaciation and a series of very rapid variations just prior to the last glaciation. In western Guaymas Basin there are a series of Younger Dryas‐like events during the glacial, typified by low productivity and high terrigenous input. Long‐term climate and productivity changes appear to be caused by the southward displacement of the Subtropical High pressure zone. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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