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Some problems associated with the big bang cosmological model are briefly discussed. It is shown that the quasi-steady state model (QSSC) is a viable alternative. Moreover, the cosmogony related to this theory is supported by the observations.  相似文献   

A method of analysis of blanketing Es data, based on an empirical formula proposed by Smith (1957), is outlined and it is shown that fbEs data can be fitted well by the empirical formula. The empirical method of analysis can provide information on occurrence frequency of Es- layers with fbEs less than foE.Results obtained from empirical analysis of data from Ibadan and Port Stanley indicate that (i) observed time variation of mean fbEs is influenced considerably by the choice of the lower limiting frequency used for the Es count and (ii) that blanketing Es-layers observable at equatorial latitudes could be of comparable intensity as those observable at midlatitudes, though blanketing Es is more frequent at midlatitudes.  相似文献   

In literature usual point like symmetries of the Lagrangian have been introduced to study the symmetries and the structure of the fields. This kind of Noether symmetry is a subclass of a more general family of symmetries, called Noether gauge symmetries (NGS). Motivated by this mathematical tool, in this paper, we study the generalized Noether symmetry of quintom model of dark energy, which is a two component fluid model with quintessence and phantom scalar fields. Our model is a generalization of the Noether symmetries of a single and multiple components which have been investigated in detail before. We found the general form of the quintom potential in which the whole dynamical system has a point like symmetry. We investigated different possible solutions of the system for diverse family of gauge function. Specially, we discovered two family of potentials, one corresponds to a free quintessence (phantom) and the second is in the form of quadratic interaction between two components. These two families of potential functions are proposed from the symmetry point of view, but in the quintom models they are used as phenomenological models without clear mathematical justification. From integrability point of view, we found two forms of the scale factor: one is power law and second is de-Sitter. Some cosmological implications of the solutions have been investigated.  相似文献   

An exact solution of Einstein's equation is stated in which the density (), pressure (p), scale factorS and metric coefficients are functions of only one dimensionless self-similar variable,ct/R, wheret is cosmic time andR is a co-moving radial coordinate. The solution represents a cosmology that begins as a static sphere having R –2 and evolves into an expanding model which is pressure-free and has a hierarchical type of density law ( R , approximately, with =a number, 02). It is suggested that this model should supersede the previous models of Wesson and other workers, since it appears to be the simplest cosmology for a hierarchy.  相似文献   

The year 1996 marks the Centennial Celebration of the founding of Plasma Astrophysics and Cosmology; its origins may be traced to the seminal research first published by Kristian Birkeland in 1896. This special workshop issue reports on advances in issues of importance to the plasma universe; topics as timely as when first raised a century ago.  相似文献   

The newest developments in the investigation of redshift quantization and variability are summarized and several approaches to cosmological models consistent with aspects of the data are discussed. The periodicities present when redshifts are referred to the Cosmic Background Radiation rest frame appear to be very precisely described by a series of period-doubling sequences based upon the ninth-root of 2 times the speed of light. Several examples of redshift quantization and variability are discussed to illustrate the periods, the CBR association and the dependence upon galaxy properties. Possible cosmological models involving properties of time, including a form of three-dimensional time and possible time networks, are introduced. Such models appear to have the potential to admit quantized and variable redshifts while remaining consistent with local continuous physical theory.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the high-energy universe is undergoing a period of rapid change as new astronomical detectors of high-energy radiation start to operate at their design sensitivities. Now is a boomtime for high-energy astrophysics, with new discoveries from Swift and HESS, results from MAGIC and VERITAS starting to be reported, the upcoming launches of the γ-ray space telescopes GLAST and AGILE, and anticipated data releases from IceCube and Auger. A formalism for calculating statistical properties of cosmological γ-ray sources is presented. Application is made to model calculations of the statistical distributions of γ-ray and neutrino emission from (i) beamed sources, specifically, long-duration GRBs, blazars, and extragalactic microquasars, and (ii) unbeamed sources, including normal galaxies, starburst galaxies and clusters. Expressions for the integrated intensities of faint beamed and unbeamed high-energy radiation sources are also derived. A toy model for the background intensity of radiation from dark-matter annihilation taking place in the early universe is constructed. Estimates for the γ-ray fluxes of local group galaxies, starburst, and infrared luminous galaxies are briefly reviewed. Because the brightest extragalactic γ-ray sources are flaring sources, and these are the best targets for sources of PeV–EeV neutrinos and ultra-high energy cosmic rays, rapidly slewing all-sky telescopes like MAGIC and an all-sky γ-ray observatory beyond Milagro will be crucial for optimal science return in the multi-messenger age.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that any consideration of the variations of fundamental constants should be restricted to their dimensionless combinations, the literature on variations of the gravitational constant G is entirely dimensionfull. To illustrate applications of this to cosmology, we explicitly give a dimensionless version of the parameters of the standard cosmological model, and describe the physics of both Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and recombination in a dimensionless manner. Rigorously determining how to talk about the model in a way which avoids physical dimensions is a requirement for proceeding with a calculation to constrain time-varying fundamental constants. The issue that appears to have been missed in many studies is that in cosmology the strength of gravity is bound up in the cosmological equations, and the epoch at which we live is a crucial part of the model. We argue that it is useful to consider the hypothetical situation of communicating with another civilization (with entirely different units), comparing only dimensionless constants, in order to decide if we live in a Universe governed by precisely the same physical laws. In this thought experiment, we would also have to compare epochs, which can be defined by giving the value of any one of the evolving cosmological parameters. By setting things up carefully in this way one can avoid inconsistent results when considering variable constants, caused by effectively fixing more than one parameter today. We show examples of this effect by considering microwave background anisotropies, being careful to maintain dimensionlessness throughout. We present Fisher matrix calculations to estimate how well the fine structure constants for electromagnetism and gravity can be determined with future microwave background experiments. We highlight how one can be misled by simply adding G to the usual cosmological parameter set.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest by cosmologists in applying Bayesian techniques, such as Bayesian Evidence, for model selection. A typical example is in assessing whether observational data favour a cosmological constant over evolving dark energy. In this paper, the example of dark energy is used to illustrate limitations in the application of Bayesian Evidence associated with subjective judgements concerning the choice of model and priors. An analysis of recent cosmological data shows a statistically insignificant preference for a cosmological constant over simple dynamical models of dark energy. It is argued that for nested problems, as considered here, Bayesian parameter estimation can be more informative than computing Bayesian Evidence for poorly motivated physical models.  相似文献   

A cosmological model describing the different stages of the universe, i.e.: inflation, radiation dominated period and matter dominated (Friedmann-like) period is shown. The model consists of the usual gravitational lagrangian with a R 2 term, and, for the matter content, the lagrangian of a massive conformally coupled scalar field. The effect of backreaction is evaluated by means of an extremum condition on the entropy at each time. The differential equation, obtained when the lowest quantum order is considered, describes all the periods of evolution of the universe. For a range of values of, inflation is unstable and the universe can reach the following regime.  相似文献   

Starting from the field equationS =(T -A(T)), presented in a former paper, we present a test result, based on numerical simulations, giving a new model applied to the very large structure of the Universe. A theory of inverse gravitational lensing is developed, in which the observed effects could be due mainly to the action of surrounding antipodal matter. This is an alternative to the explanation based on dark matter existence. We then develop a cosmological model. Because of the hypothesis of homogeneity, the metric must be a solution of the equationS = 0, although the total mass of the Universe is non-zero. In order to avoid the trivial solutionR = constant ×t, we consider a model with variable constants. Then we derive the laws linking the different constants of physics:G, c, h, m; in order to keep the basic equations of physics invariant, so that the variation of these constants is not measurable in the laboratory, the only effect of this process being the red shift, due to the secular variation of these constants. All the energies are conserved, but not the masses. We find that all of the characteristic lengths (Schwarzschild, Jeans, Compton, Planck) vary like the characteristic lengthR, from where all the characteristic times vary like the cosmic timet. As the energy of the photonh is conserved over its flight, the decrease of its frequency is due to the growth of the Planck constanth t. In such conditions the field equations have a single solution, corresponding to a negative curvature and to an evolution law:R t 2/3.The model is no longer isentropic ands logt. The cosmologic horizon varies likeR, so that the homogeneity of the Universe is ensured at any time which constitues an alternative to the theory of inflation. We re-find, for moderate distances, Hubble's law. A new law: distance =f(z) is derived, very close to the classical one for moderate red shifts.  相似文献   

On the basis of the theory set out in Papers I and II (Marochniket al., 1975a, b), the kinetic equations for the spectra of classical and quantum short-wave turbulences have been obtained, taking account of the influence of the latter on the process of cosmological expansion of a homogeneous and, on average, isotropic Universe. The equilibrium and stationary spectra of the turbulence do not change the form of the cosmological solution found in II. The latter change if the spectra are non-stationary, or if the dissipation is taken into account. It is possible that a situation exists in which the primordial short-wave turbulence, having had a significant influence on the early metric, would not be observable at the present time. Quantum turbulence has been studied. Its influence on the metric may be significant only near the Planckian timet g.  相似文献   

We discuss isotropic and homogeneous D-brane-world cosmology with non-Abelian Born-Infeld (NBI) matter on the brane. In the usual Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) model the scale non-invariant NBI matter gives rise to an equation of state which asymptotes to the string gas equation p=-ε/3 and ensures a start-up of the cosmological expansion with zero acceleration. We show that the same state equation in the brane-world setup leads to the Tolman type evolution as if the conformal symmetry was effectively restored. This is not precisely so in the NBI model with symmetrized trace, but the leading term in the expansion law is still the same. A cosmological sphaleron solution on the D-brane is presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss some aspects of superstring cosmology. Especially, the influence of winding strings on the compactification scenario is emphazised. It is shown that torus compactified superstrings could improve the compactification behaviour.  相似文献   

Principles of the theory of turbulence in relativistic cosmology are developed. By averaging Einstein's equations over stochastic fields a self-consistent system of equations is obtained which describes statistically: (1) the influence of the turbulence on the ‘basic state of the Universe (the background) on which the turbulence develops; (2) the behaviour of the turbulence on the background ‘distorted’ by it. By means of a qualitative study of exact equations in the region of a strong turbulence at an early stage of cosmological expansion conditions of the absence of singularity are found and the possibility of stationary solutions in the homogeneous, isotropic, on the average, Universe (the cosmological constantA=0) is shown. The rate of cosmological expansion increases if the energy density of the turbulence is positive, and decreases if it is negative. The latter alternative takes place if the absolute value of the energy density of excitations, which will change into potential motions in the future, exceeds the energy density of the remaining part of the turbulence.  相似文献   

While Euclidean models with uniform matter density have a number of radio sources of flux density greater thanF at frequencyv that varies asN(>F, v)1 F –3/2, hierarchical models with = 0 r –2 haveN(>F,)F –1/2 (Section 1). Since the observed dependency isN(>F,)F –1.8, severe density and/or luminosity evolution must be present in a workable hierarchical cosmology (Section 2). The same argument applies (Section 3) to the number of sources of apparent luminosity greater thanl,N(>l) and (Section 4) to the number of sources within redshift distancez from the local origin. To give agreement with empirical data demandsq o=+1 and large first and second derivatives with respect to time of the number source density (Section 5). The adoption ofq o=+1 allows one to show (Section 6) that a Lemaitre-type hierarchical Universe with a long coasting or waiting time can give agreement with observations of the numbers of QSO's etc. if the age of the Universe is more than 1013 yr. The dependence of the effective Hubble parameter onk(t), (t) andR (Section 7) leads one to suggest that ak=0, =0 hierarchy with 0 might be the simplest acceptable form of model Universe. Section 8 (Conclusion) points out that further data on source count anisotropies should allow the component levels of the hierarchy to be delineated.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of a power law (k·R n=C,C=const.) between the gravitational constantk and the radius of curvatureR of the Universe and forP=1/3 the exact solution is sought for the cosmological equations of Brans and Dicke. The solution turns out to be valid for closed space and the parameter of the scalar-tensor theory is necessarily negative. The radius of curvature increases linearly with respect to the age of the Universe while the gravitational constant grows with the square of the radius of curvature. It has been shown (Lessner, 1974) that in this case (KR 2) the spatial component of the field equations is independent of the remaining equations. However, our solution satisfies this independent equation. This solution for the radiation-dominated era corresponds to the solution for the matter-dominated era found by Dehnen and one of the authors (Dehnen and Obregón, 1971). Our solution, as is the solution previously obtained for the matter-dominated era, is in contradiction to Dirac's hypothesis in which the gravitational constant should decrease with time in an expanding Universe.  相似文献   

The influence of short-wave turbulence on the expansion of a homogeneous and, on average, isotropic Universe was studied in Papers I–III. In the present paper we study the influence on the manner of expansion, for a complete spectrum of wavelengths, of scalar, tensor and vector perturbations. Ast»0, all waves become long (greater than the horizon); therefore, a knowledge of their influence on the averaged metric is required. It is shown that the long-wave modes of scalar and tensor perturbations which remain finite ast»0 deflect the metric for a homogeneous and, on average, isotropic Universe from the Friedmannian, giving it a form coinciding with the average quasi-isotropic solution of Lifshitz and Khalatnikov (1963). Ast»0 their contribution to the solution tends to zero. What remains to be determined is the contribution of those modes of scalar, tensor and vector perturbations which diverge ast»0. Att=0 the proposed solution for such modes becomes inapplicable. The behaviour of the metric of a homogeneous and, on average, isotropic Universe under the influence of all waves and all modes of perturbation is shown in Figure 1–3.  相似文献   

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