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Hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae Hector) year class strength (YCS) varies substantially from year to year. We examined associations between YCS and climate variables including the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), satellite sea surface temperatures (SSTs), synoptic weather patterns, wind speeds, and the depth of the west coast, South Island, New Zealand, mixed layer. We evaluated the predictions of a model developed 2 years ago to predict YCS of the western and eastern New Zealand hoki stocks from similar climate variables. New predictive models were developed using updated data. Strong year classes of the western hoki stock were associated with cooler SSTs, a negative SOI, and westerly or south‐westerly flow along the west coast of the South Island. We accordingly predict a moderately strong 1997 year class and weak 1998 and 1999 year classes for the western stock of hoki. The current model cannot predict eastern stock year class strengths with confidence.  相似文献   

Settlement of the puerulus stage of Jasus edwardsii (Decapoda: Palinuridae) near the shore takes place over a wide depth range. It occurs intertidally, and, as determined by crevice collectors, also takes place down to depths of at least 50 m. At sites along the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand, depth of greatest settlement found on collectors varied with locality and time, but was within the upper 11.5 m. Surface‐buoyed collectors caught fewer animals than did collectors at greater depths. Settlement levels generally increased with depth to about 10–12 m, then decreased with increasing depth and distance from shore. The ability of/, edwardsii to settle over a wide depth range may improve its chances of recruitment. A device (closing crevice collector) for measuring puerulus settlement of J. edwardsii at depth is described.  相似文献   

This study attempts to explain the variability in recruitment of sardine in the northern Benguela and to develop potential models by including environmental information to predict recruitment. Two different recruitment and spawner number datasets were available: a VPA-developed dataset, for the period 1952-1987, and data from a simple age-structured model for 1992-2007. In all, four environmental indices were used: the degree of the intrusion of the warm Angola Current into northern Namibia, termed the Angola-Benguela front index; the extent of the upwelling area off central Namibia; average sea surface temperature (SST) over the northern and central Namibian shelf; and wind stress anomalies at Luderitz as an indicator of upwelling strength. Contrary to general belief, it was found that extremely high recruitment can happen at low spawner levels. This occurred in years in which a large upwelling area existed in association with the minimum southward intrusion of the Angola Current. These effects override the normal negative linear relationships with SST and the positive linear relationship with wind. However, when the area of upwelling is average or small, the effects of spawner biomass, SST and wind become important factors in the variability of recruitment. To estimate exceptional recruitment, the upwelling and front indices were included in the model. To measure medium and weak recruitment, spawner numbers and the SST and wind anomaly formed part of the model. These models can be used simultaneously to predict recruitment before annual acoustic surveys take place and thus aid management decisions.  相似文献   

The influences of electron screening (ES) and electron energy correction (EEC) are investigated by superstrong magnetic field (SMF). We also discuss in detail the discrepant factor between our results and those of Fushiki, Gudmundsson and Pethick (FGP) in SMF. The results show that SMF has only a slight effect on ES when B < 109 T on the surfaces of most neutron stars. Whereas for some magnetars, SMF influence ES greatly when B > 109 T . For instance, due to SMF the ES potential may be increased about 23.6% and the EEC may be increased about 4 orders of magnitude at ρ/μe = 1.0×106 mol/cm3 and T9 = 1. On the other hand, the discrepant factor shows that our results are in good agreement with FGP's when B < 109 T . But the difference will be increased with increasing SMF.  相似文献   

虾池养殖环境有机污染物降解细菌的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室条件下通过富集培养共分离出 1 2 1株菌进行筛选。利用需氧性、BOD2 / COD0 、胞外酶等指标进行筛选 ,最后筛选到 7株对富营养有机物具有较高降解能力的细菌 ,它们均能产生酪蛋白酶、明胶酶、脂酶 (Tween- 80 )、淀粉酶其中 4株细菌还能产生卵磷脂酶。通过测定 BOD5及 COD来衡量 7株细菌利用对虾饵料的能力 ,5d内对虾饵料培养基的 CODMn去除率达到 59.6%~ 79.2 %。用常规生理生化方法将细菌鉴定到属 ,其中 1株为弧菌属细菌 (Vibrio spp.) ,6株为芽孢杆菌属细菌(Bacillusspp.)。  相似文献   

本文利用辽东湾东岸鲅鱼圈、营口和长兴岛三地实测海冰抗压强度资料,分析了海冰破坏应力与破坏时间的关系,应变率和冰温对海冰抗压强度的影响,以及海冰生成环境对海冰抗压强度的影响。综合分析表明,三地破坏应力随破坏时间变化的整体趋势一致,应变率对三地海冰抗压强度有显著的影响,三地海冰抗压强度随温度降低总体有增大的趋势,冰龄、盐度、含沙量的差异是造成辽东湾东岸海冰抗压强度不同的主要原因。  相似文献   

Tidal flooding and surface drainage patterns have often been used to describe mangrove species zonation. However, in mangrove forests exhibiting little topography, ambiguous species distributions and/or few species, such approaches are ineffective. We identified four physiognomic mangrove forest types (Riverine, Fringing, Overwash and Basin) at Coombabah Lake, a tidal lake in southeast Queensland, Australia and investigated tidal flooding patterns using synoptic surveys of tidal observations at the local Standard Port combined with local water depth observation. Subsequently three sub-types of the basin forest type were identified: (1) Deep Basin Forest with mature trees, ∼50 cm standing water and ∼3 tides per year; (2) Medium Depth Basin Forest with intermediate tree development, ∼15–30 cm standing water and 20–40 tides per year; and (3) Shallow Basin Forest with relatively recent mangrove establishment, 5–15 cm standing water and ∼80 tides per year. These three basin sub-types were found to flood at different tide heights with the Shallow Basin flooding for tides above mean high water springs and the Deep Basin flooding only for tide heights approaching the highest astronomical tide. We propose that these basin types represent a succession in mangrove forest development that corresponds with increasing water depth and tree maturation over time. The succession not only represents increasing age but also change in basin substrate composition. This is manifest as increasing pneumatophore density and an increasing area of basin surface occupied by contiguous pneumatophore cover. As a result, it seems that mangrove development is able to modify tidal flooding into the basin by increasingly impeding water movement.  相似文献   

The influence of the phytoplankton size composition in mediating the trophic interactions between the bacteria, phytoplankton, microheterotrophs (<200 μm) and mesozooplankton (>200 μm) was investigated on three occasions in a warm temperate, temporarily open/closed estuary situated along the southern African coastline. Results of the investigation indicated that the microheterotrophs represented the most important consumers of bacteria and chlorophyll (chl)-a <5.0 μm. The low impact of the mesozooplankton on the bacteria and chl-a <5.0 μm during the study appeared to be related to the inability of the larger zooplankton to feed efficiently on small particles. During those periods when total chl-a concentration was dominated by picophytoplankton (<2.0 μm) and microphytoplankton (>20 μm), mesozooplankton were unable to feed efficiently on the chl-a due to feeding constraints. In response to the unfavorable size structure of the phytoplankton assemblages, mesozooplankton appeared to consume the microheterotrophs. The negative impact of the mesozooplankton on the microheterotrophs resulted in a decrease in the impact of these organisms on the bacteria and the chl-a <5.0 μm. This result is consistent with the predator-prey cascades. On the other hand, when the total chl-a was dominated by nanophytoplankton (2–20 μm), mesozooplankton were able to feed directly on the phytoplankton. Results of the study indicate that size structure of the phytoplankton assemblages within estuaries plays an important role in mediating the trophic interactions between the various components of the plankton food web.  相似文献   

为初步筛选不同基础液、保藏温度(4℃与23℃)、保存时间(0~120 h)、保护剂(5%DMSO、DMA、DMF、EG)对大珠母贝(Pinctada maxima)精子活力的影响,通过采用精子质量分析仪检测精子总运动率、直线运动速率、曲线运动速率、平均路径运动速率、头部位移距离和鞭毛摆动频率。结果表明, A、B、C三组基础液能不同程度上激活精子, D、E两组结果与之相反;精子被激活后, 5组基础液中精子活力存在显著的差异(P<0.05),其中E组基础液的精子总运动率最高,达到80.79%;与室温保藏结果相比,低温(4℃)组精子总运动率显著(P<0.05)高于室温(23℃)组,精子活力的保持时间明显优于室温组;低温(4℃)保存120 h内,精子的运动呈先平稳后下降的趋势,精子的最佳保藏时间为24 h内,精子总运动率、直线运动速率、曲线运动速率、平均路径运动速率分别为82.27%、59.62μm/s、81.95μm/s和70μm/s,头部位移距离为2.56μm,鞭毛运动频率为2.93 Hz;低温(4℃)保存12 h后,对照组精子总运动率显著(P<0.05)高于保护剂组,精...  相似文献   

随着贝类底播增养殖产业的迅猛发展,为保证底播贝苗的成活率,养殖企业对天然苗种更加重视。天然苗种采用中间育成方法,需要对苗种进行筛选作业,但目前筛选作业仍以人工作业为主,存在作业效率低、劳动强度大等问题。作者通过对大连地区虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)天然苗种筛选作业调研的基础上,设计了满足生产实际需求的扇贝苗种筛选装置,可实现3种规格贝苗的筛选作业。试验分2阶段进行,第1阶段对影响筛选准确性的因素进行正交分析于验证,确定了最佳工艺参数;第2阶段在大连旅顺进行的生产性对比试验得出,机械筛选的平均准确率为91.33%,误差率低于10%,且5组筛选结果无显著性差异(P0.05);同时机械筛选的平均作业效率为80g/(人/min),约为人工筛选作业效率的8倍。由此说明扇贝苗种筛选装置具有较高的准确性、稳定性和高效性,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal distributions are described for megalopae of 11 brachyuran taxa common to the lower Chesapeake Bay and adjacent shelf. Three distribution patterns are apparent from horizontal distribution.
1. (1) More than 75% of the megalopae of estuarine adults, such as Hexapanopeus angustifrons, Neopanope sayi, Panopeus herbstii, Rhithropanopeus harrisii and Pinnotheres ostreum, are retained in estuarine waters.
2. (2) The megalopae of three estuarine taxa, Callinectes sapidus, Uca spp. and Pinnixa sp., are most abundant on the shelf.
3. (3) More than 90% of the megalopae of the shelf species, Portunus sp., Cancer irroratus and Libinia spp. remained in shelf waters.
Vertical distributions indicate the megalopae of a majority of estuarine crabs are epibenthic when waters are stratified. Exceptions include the megalopae of both Rhithropanopeus which are found slightly shallower in well mixed waters and Callinectes sapidus which are generally most abundant in the neuston. The megalopae of two shelf species, Portunus sp. and Cancer irroratus, reach highest densities in surface waters, while those of Libinia spp. are common in the epibenthos.Megalopal distributions analyzed with respect to water column stratification show megalopae never reached highest densities within the layer of the pycnocline. The megalopae of five species show significant shifts in vertical distributions between stratified and homogeneous water columns.  相似文献   

The slipper limpet Bostrycapulus odites has recently been reported as an introduced species on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Another species in the family Calyptraeidae, Crepidula fornicata, is a problematic invasive species in the Northeast Atlantic, which makes the closely related Bostrycapulus introduction a matter of concern. Information on the biology of B. odites in its natural environment can facilitate predictions on where the species could find favourable conditions for settlement and expansion. Size and sex were recorded for individuals in four populations over 2600 km of the Southwestern Atlantic shoreline, in Argentina and Brazil, covering the whole native latitudinal range of this widely distributed species. Animals were collected by hand in the intertidal or by SCUBA in subtidal locations; specimens were examined to determine shell length, sex, and the presence and number of brooded egg capsules in females. Mean shell length for the whole population did not differ significantly among populations. However, this species experiences sequential hermaphroditism (protandrism), and the size at sexual maturity (minimum male size) increased significantly with latitude. The fecundity of females at all sites increased with size, and the number of brooded egg capsules as well as the average size of capsules was larger in bigger individual females; however, mean fecundity varied among sites independent of mean female body size. This limpet species modifies its reproductive traits with local conditions, and sexual characters develop earlier in more temperate localities.  相似文献   

Recruitment of early life stages into estuaries is an integral part of the life cycle of many marine fish species. Although estuaries are naturally environmentally dynamic, they also are subject to anthropogenic disturbances, including land use and climate change, which may affect recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is an endemic marine-spawning species predominantly associated with freshwater-rich estuaries which serve as nursery areas for postflexion larvae and juveniles. This study assessed the effect of environmental variables on the dynamics of recruitment of R. holubi larvae and juveniles into the Swartkops and Sundays estuaries, South Africa. Over a period of two years, fyke nets were set at each estuary mouth to monitor movement into the estuaries at each tidal phase over a 24 h cycle during two sampling sessions per season. Rhabdosargus holubi larvae recruited into estuaries primarily in summer and autumn and during the ebb tide at night, while juvenile movements showed no pattern. Salinity, turbidity and temperature were significantly important factors affecting R. holubi recruitment, with pH having no significant effect. Turbidity and salinity are affected by rainfall and freshwater abstraction which may thus influence recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is dependent on estuaries, so a combination of future changes in turbidity, salinity and temperature due to predicted climate change may place populations at risk.  相似文献   

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